Ultimate Prescription

Breathing Lessons

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles Mills & James Marcum


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00003B

00:01 We're talking about air and water today
00:02 and how important it is God created
00:05 these two elements in our lives early in creation.
00:09 It set the foundation for everything to come,
00:11 air and water. And, Dr. Marcum,
00:15 we have a question here
00:16 from Heartwise Ministries website,
00:17 I think that lends itself to these questions.
00:20 Here we go. I have been diagnosed
00:22 with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
00:25 I have been on supplemental oxygen for six years.
00:27 I still get very short of breath
00:29 and my heart skips.
00:30 And I had two infections, one requiring hospitalization.
00:33 This is Mel in New York.
00:35 What do you think we should do
00:37 for Mel in the light of what we just learned?
00:40 Right. And you know,
00:42 the basics of medicines are so essential.
00:45 And I see patients and people
00:47 everywhere getting away from the basics.
00:50 So for Mel, Mel, couple things
00:52 I want you to sort of think about today is think about,
00:55 you know, back at creation
00:57 when everything was made perfect.
00:59 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for people
01:01 that don't know what that is.
01:03 That's sort of a blanket term to say
01:05 that something has damaged the lungs.
01:08 And, unfortunately, today,
01:09 I see cigarettes as a number one
01:11 cause of damage to the lungs.
01:13 And cigarettes, of course, damage our breathing
01:16 because that damages the oxygen that we get in us.
01:19 So something as simple as making sure
01:21 Mel doesn't smoke cigarettes and encouraging him.
01:24 And no matter when we make a health recommendation,
01:26 Charles, we want to wrap truth in love.
01:29 So we want to wrap this truth about oxygen
01:32 that God gave us back at creation
01:34 as well as water in love.
01:35 So we wanted to have Mel work on,
01:38 trying to quit smoking and breathe better.
01:40 Now what's another example
01:41 of how a person can breathe better?
01:42 Well, exercise helps the body breathe better.
01:45 Automatically. So if you can get on
01:46 any type of exercise program
01:48 that will help your oxygen.
01:50 And it's important 'cause oxygen
01:51 just like water, is crucial.
01:53 You know, you can live for a while without water,
01:55 but you hold your breath,
01:56 you're gonna pass out pretty soon, Charles.
01:58 Absolutely. Now I want to give Mel
02:00 and everyone out there in the audience,
02:02 something they can do to improve their breathing,
02:04 and everyone can do this at home,
02:05 you know, and this improves--no bills,
02:07 no money involved here. Can I do it too?
02:11 Yes, you can do it. Okay, I'm ready.
02:12 This will help you feel better and do well.
02:14 And we should do this at least three times a day.
02:17 All right. Okay.
02:18 In addition to exercise if you can.
02:20 I want everyone to take in a deep breath
02:23 through their nose. All you can.
02:26 Okay, now let's hold it for a few seconds,
02:28 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, and blow out slowly.
02:36 Okay. Now that's number one.
02:39 I want-- no, we're not gonna do it,
02:40 but I want our audience to do that 10 times,
02:44 three times a day. Now what that does
02:47 when you get adequate oxygen through your body,
02:49 the tissues love it.
02:50 It's like I'm giving you oxygen
02:52 that tissues need to help heal and regenerate.
02:54 It's giving your brain a boost.
02:57 Another thing it does is it turns down
02:59 the stress chemicals in the body.
03:00 And when we are doing that, the opposite happens.
03:02 Exactly. Our brain is not boosted.
03:04 Our cells are not getting the oxygen they need.
03:07 We are actually starving our bodies of that essential.
03:11 Exactly, and that turns on this stress cascade,
03:13 which causes us to need modern medicine.
03:16 So by breathing deeply,
03:18 okay, we get oxygen throughout our body
03:20 just like we had the water.
03:21 We get oxygen to every cell.
03:23 The cell starts getting happy.
03:24 We give our body a better chance of fixing itself.
03:27 I want happy cells.
03:28 Yeah, and we want the body to fix itself.
03:31 But, you know, in the world we live in,
03:33 guess what the evil one's done?
03:34 He's brought cigarettes in.
03:36 You know, we were never designed to breathe car fumes.
03:38 He's brought pollution in.
03:40 Yes. And the houses that we live in,
03:41 sometimes we don't get ventilated.
03:43 Now, Charles, you now a lot about ventilation.
03:45 Yes. You know, you taught me about
03:47 what you do at your house to help more air come in.
03:49 Why don't you share that with Mel?
03:50 Well, absolutely. My wife and I both
03:52 wanted to make sure
03:53 that the air we breathe-- we're fortunate,
03:54 we live in the country and that's kinda nice.
03:57 Well, that was one thing
03:58 where we chose to live had to do with
04:01 what we needed for our bodies
04:02 and we chose to live in the country
04:03 where the air is relatively cleaner.
04:05 Also, we have done many things to the house itself.
04:09 We have changed to
04:10 what's called a low VOC paint in the house,
04:12 which does not off gas, poisons.
04:15 All of the detergents,
04:18 that soaps that we use are scent free and chemical free
04:23 that also helps the air that we breathe
04:25 and when we wear our clothes,
04:26 you know, the fumes and what not.
04:28 We put in bamboo floors as opposed to carpeting
04:34 that can be a lot of--
04:35 And the windows. And the windows,
04:36 absolutely, keep open them at night.
04:37 Yeah. Lot of people never--
04:39 If it's 10 degrees outside, our windows are open at night.
04:41 A lot of people don't crack open their windows.
04:44 No. Fresh air, oh, my goodness.
04:46 And occasionally, you hear about people
04:48 that die from carbon monoxide poisoning.
04:50 People don't get good ventilation.
04:52 They get these moles and mites
04:54 that are in their house.
04:56 Not getting enough oxygen causes major problems.
04:59 So getting back to Mel, getting back to Mel.
05:01 Yeah. The deep breathing exercises,
05:03 exercise or try these.
05:05 And I want everyone to do those.
05:06 Another thing that will help
05:08 is that will lower your heart rate
05:09 and lower your adrenaline levels.
05:11 So a treatment for this chronic stress
05:13 we've been taking about in the world.
05:14 Have you ever got mad at someone, Charles?
05:16 Never. Well, I'm not gonna make you mad at me.
05:18 But, you know, there's this saying
05:20 that whenever you get mad at someone,
05:22 what should you do?
05:23 You should take some deep breaths.
05:24 A deep breath. Yes.
05:25 Well, what that does chemically is it turns on
05:28 the part of your nervous system called the parasympathetic,
05:31 which turns off all the stress chemicals.
05:33 So taking deep breaths helps turn down this chronic stress
05:38 that we're getting. That's one of the reasons,
05:39 exercise, deep breathing helps everyone.
05:42 So when Mel just does those things,
05:43 he's turned down these chronic stressors.
05:46 He's helped his oxygen
05:47 that he's already taking get around better.
05:48 He's lowered the chance of getting infections
05:50 that bad lungs get.
05:52 And he's making his medicines
05:53 that he's already taking work more effectively,
05:55 all by breathing.
05:56 And how many of us think about breathing
05:59 taking deep breaths as vital?
06:01 Or in our home having good oxygen.
06:03 And yet, the two elements we can't do without,
06:05 you know, we can miss a pill for a day.
06:07 You know, we can miss a bath for a day.
06:09 But when we miss water and oxygen,
06:11 bad things start to happen.
06:12 So oxygen is another thing that God gave us,
06:16 biblical technology that God gave us
06:18 back at creation and we want to breathe well.
06:21 How many people spend time everyday thinking about
06:23 how they can breathe well?
06:25 They spend time thinking about,
06:26 you know, how they can take a pill?
06:27 Yeah. But how many people think,
06:29 I need to breathe well. I need to drink enough water.
06:32 My! Okay, let's talk about water.
06:34 Let's go back to water here.
06:36 Uh, when you say enough water,
06:38 and I understand that the answer to your question is,
06:41 you know, whether we should drink bottled water
06:43 or spring water or alkalized water?
06:45 The answer is yes.
06:47 Yeah, I could talk-- Just drink water.
06:48 I can talk all day about that, Charles.
06:50 You know, what type of water,
06:51 but some people get so stressed out
06:53 but the water available in Africa.
06:56 Do you know what the word for water is?
06:57 Now you know this, don't you?
06:58 I know this. Well, tell us. Share that with us.
07:00 The name for water in Africa is life, L-I-F-E,
07:04 and it makes the difference between
07:07 being alive and being dead.
07:09 Just the water that's what it's necessary,
07:12 that's how necessary it is.
07:13 And we think, well, we're not in Africa,
07:15 but it still applies. Yes, it does.
07:17 And I want everyone to drink enough water.
07:20 Well, we talked about everyone's urine.
07:22 But, a simple thing
07:23 that I want to demonstrate right now is,
07:25 you know, how we can judge about
07:26 how much water we need.
07:27 Let's do it. Let's do it.
07:29 Well, if you will take your weight,
07:31 okay, and divide it in two, okay?
07:33 That's about how many ounces you need a day.
07:36 For instance, if you weigh 160 pounds,
07:39 you need about 80 ounces of water a day.
07:42 Now this when it's full, this has about 20 ounces.
07:46 So if I pour this into this glass,
07:48 and we're gonna find out that mom was right
07:50 when she says how much water we should drink everyday.
07:53 That pretty much fills up that glass, doesn't it?
07:55 It does, yes, it does.
07:56 So that is about 20 ounces of water in one glass.
08:00 Well, let's say you weigh 160 pounds,
08:02 so how much--let's do your math, 160 pounds--
08:05 Divided by 2. Divided by 2.
08:06 Eighty. Eighty ounces.
08:07 Eighty ounces. So in a person
08:09 that doesn't have a lot of medical problems,
08:11 you need about-- Four of these. Four 20s.
08:15 That's eighty. At least that. Okay, all right.
08:18 Now you do get some water in the vegetables
08:21 that you eat, you do get water there.
08:23 But the more active you are? Guess what?
08:26 Your metabolism speeds up,
08:28 so this is just the basal amount you need, yeah.
08:30 In the hospital, when I'm setting someone's IV,
08:32 I say, well, the--if they're not drinking anything,
08:35 you know, if they're sick in surgery,
08:36 I set it about 125 ccs an hour.
08:39 That's about 3 liters a day.
08:41 Because that's about how much water they need.
08:43 Now if they have an infection
08:45 or they're sick or their metabolisms ramped up,
08:47 they need more water.
08:48 Have you ever heard that when you get sick,
08:50 what's one of the treatments mom always tells you to do?
08:53 Stay hydrated, drink enough water.
08:55 'Cause the tendency is when you're sick,
08:57 you don't drink water.
08:58 And also sicknesses can use up the water
09:00 that's in your body, yeah.
09:01 The temperature, the inflammation,
09:03 and what not are using up these resources
09:05 that you already have.
09:06 Yeah, well, from a practical standpoint
09:08 what I try to do with water is for me personally.
09:11 I get up. When I brush my teeth,
09:12 I try to at least put down one or two glasses a day.
09:15 And throughout the day, I'm constantly drinking water.
09:17 Now I choose not to drink water at night, okay.
09:20 'Cause when I drink water at night,
09:22 it messes up what we talked about before.
09:24 restlessness, 'cause I've to get up
09:25 and go to bathroom that messes up rest, yes.
09:28 So some people might want to cut their hydration off
09:30 at a certain time of the day.
09:32 But remember these are vital things that we do,
09:35 drinking water, air.
09:37 These are the same as taking prescriptions.
09:39 These are the template
09:40 that God gave us to keep care of this body
09:43 and guess what's happening now.
09:44 The evil one and society has destroyed
09:47 the way we look at water, the way we drink water.
09:49 Water is boring.
09:51 Water, it doesn't have any taste.
09:52 No. Who wants water?
09:53 And I'll tell you, also the air we breathe, yeah.
09:56 You know, it's not as good as it should be.
09:57 And yet, in Africa, they call water of life.
10:01 How many of you think that water is life?
10:03 And lack of water is lack of life.
10:05 Lack of oxygen is lack of life.
10:08 So we run to the doctor, okay?
10:10 And we don't get at the cause all the time.
10:12 But the causes of many diseases
10:14 might be we're just not drinking enough water.
10:17 We're not breathing well.
10:18 This turns on this chronic chemical stress cascade,
10:21 which year in, year out can sometimes cause disease.
10:24 And it could be traced back
10:25 to at least part of it due to not drinking water
10:28 and not giving enough oxygen.
10:30 All right, let's get practical here
10:31 in the last few moments of this part of our program.
10:35 Air is available to us.
10:36 We can just go outside and breathe
10:37 when we take our break
10:39 and during our work our lunch hour.
10:41 Just go outside if it's relatively clean
10:43 and maybe it will be cleaner inside I'm not sure.
10:45 But go outside and just breathe, breathe,
10:47 and take that exercise.
10:48 Breathe it in and hold it for 10 seconds,
10:50 let it out, and do that over and over again.
10:53 That is an exercise we can do, that sure is.
10:54 Also, instead of having that coffee cup or that tea cup,
10:58 instead of having that soda there,
11:01 let's chose some low calorie,
11:05 no calorie, no calorie wonder here.
11:08 Water is not boring.
11:09 I understand that sitting
11:10 in the hospital for days and days,
11:11 and having surgery, that's pretty boring.
11:13 I understand that being sick
11:14 and going to the emergency room can be boring.
11:17 We can bypass all of that by simply abiding
11:21 by these rules that God put in place in creation,
11:24 the very, the very early in creation,
11:26 the second day of creation of the air and the water
11:29 to bring that kind of healing to our body,
11:30 so very important.
11:32 Well, these are extremely important words of information
11:36 that you've given us, Dr. Marcum.
11:37 We really appreciate that.
11:39 We'll take a short break now and when we come back,
11:41 Dr. Marcum, is gonna do something
11:43 that's just as vital as air and water.
11:46 He's gonna take us
11:48 into a conversation with God in prayer.
11:51 So we invite you to stay tuned for that.
11:59 I hope you've learned something very valuable today
12:02 that God's plan given at creation
12:04 has some great ways to change our chemistry.
12:07 Maybe obviating the need to go to a doctor,
12:10 one of those is water. So if nothing else today,
12:12 I want you to remember to drink enough water.
12:14 It could save your life.
12:16 It could help your body do so much better.
12:18 And work on taking enough air in everyday,
12:22 those deep breaths that we talked about.
12:25 You know, at this time in our program,
12:27 I want to give everyone a chance to turn
12:30 to the ultimate physician,
12:31 the great healer as the source of all power.
12:35 And I want you to right now wherever you might be,
12:37 if you don't have a relationship
12:39 with our Heavenly Father.
12:40 Let's invite Him into your lives
12:42 so you can learn more of these truths
12:43 and He give your power to make
12:45 these changes in your life.
12:47 Let's just all bow our heads together.
12:50 Father, God, we want you to be
12:51 our living water in our lives
12:54 but we also want to remember
12:55 these principles that you gave us.
12:57 If there might be someone out there
12:59 who hasn't given their life to You,
13:00 Father, that hasn't entered into that relationship,
13:02 Father, through the Holy Spirit impress them
13:05 to start this relationship at this very moment in time.
13:08 Thank You for giving us these truths that change our bodies.
13:12 Thank You for giving us biblical technology
13:14 is our humble prayer. Amen.
13:18 Well, as we move forward here,
13:19 I want you to have a new concept.
13:22 We've talked about this living water,
13:24 this relationship with our Heavenly Father.
13:26 This just is even more important
13:29 than that physical water that we bring in.
13:31 And remember, there's a place
13:33 for modern medicine
13:34 and we need modern technology
13:36 especially for acute situations.
13:38 We also need the change of lifestyle.
13:41 But to make it all possible is this relationship
13:44 with our Heavenly Father this brings us altogether.
13:47 This is truly the Ultimate Prescription.
13:50 Thank you for joining us today and God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17