Ultimate Prescription

Victim Of Deception

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles Mills & James Marcum


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00002B

00:01 Welcome back to Ultimate Prescription.
00:03 We'd like to take some time right now,
00:04 to answer questions that are coming
00:06 to the Heartwiseministries.org website.
00:08 Dr. Marcum, why do you collect questions?
00:11 You--you have hundreds of them coming in on the website?
00:15 Why is it important for you to collect questions
00:17 and to address them?
00:19 Yeah, many people have questions out there.
00:22 They're never being addressed.
00:23 They just accept things that are happening to them.
00:25 And if you do that long enough,
00:27 sooner or later someone else dictates
00:29 what's going on with you. Yeah.
00:31 So by having your questions answered,
00:34 people get the answers for this word, why.
00:37 David wanted to know why did he have a heart attack.
00:39 Why am I sick?
00:40 Why do I have to take a prescription medication?
00:43 So we developed at our website Heartwiseministries.org
00:48 a place where you, the viewer, can come to the site
00:51 and get your questions answered.
00:52 Now we can't all be specific
00:54 because everyone has different medical conditions,
00:57 but we can at least point people in a right direction.
01:00 So if you have a question that you'd like
01:02 to have that answered, go to our website
01:04 Heartwiseministries.org and we've had some questions
01:08 here today that we'd like to answer here on air.
01:11 All right, we have some questions.
01:12 Here's one that came in just recently.
01:14 The writer says, I am 60 and live in Virginia.
01:17 My heart attack was two years ago and it scared me.
01:19 Well, I guess so. Yeah.
01:21 And has motivated some major changes in my life.
01:23 Sometimes this happens and sometimes it doesn't.
01:25 Some people are not motivated by heart attack.
01:27 Right. I can't understand them. Okay,
01:29 the question is why did my heart attack occur?
01:32 I had been in perfectly healthy state my entire life.
01:36 My father did have a heart attack in his 70s.
01:38 So here's someone who is afraid of what's happening
01:41 in his or her life and they want to know why.
01:44 What's your answer?
01:45 And I would answer this person
01:47 that I would go back and say this is a perfect example
01:50 of what happened to David, Charles.
01:52 There is a place for modern medicine,
01:54 especially in dealing with the heart attack
01:56 the thing that needs to be done right away.
01:58 But then, I would take him back and explore
02:00 what are the stresses in his life.
02:02 And I would do just like David.
02:04 I'd go back and say well, listen,
02:05 how are we following the owner's manual?
02:08 You know, what are the stresses both hidden
02:10 and unseen stresses that we're placing on our bodies.
02:13 You know, is he drinking enough water?
02:15 Is his blood pressure good? Does he have diabetes?
02:17 Is he carrying extra weight
02:19 and looking at all these things.
02:20 Now, one of the things
02:21 that I would add to this gentleman's care
02:24 is as I would look at him and say listen
02:25 is there love in his life.
02:28 But, why is this so important?
02:29 Well, one of the prescriptions that we were given
02:31 way back at creation was a loving relationship.
02:35 Yeah. This love is a universal healer.
02:38 Yes. And when you look it at this way
02:40 without love in our life guess what happens.
02:42 The chemistry goes a ride.
02:43 But more than that, when people make changes,
02:46 it's through that love relationship with God
02:49 that gives him the power to make changes one at a time.
02:51 Now wait a minute. I can understand
02:53 how you can write a prescription for a statin.
02:55 I can see how you'd write
02:57 a prescription for aspirin a day.
02:59 How do you write a prescription for love?
03:01 Well, that's not so easy and if you go back
03:04 to again how are we designed to live?
03:07 We're designed to live surrounded by love.
03:09 Exactly. Absolutely loving environment.
03:10 And just think, this is not happening
03:12 in the world we live in, Charles.
03:13 Without love, guess what happens?
03:15 The stress chemistry is turned on all the time.
03:18 So really, once we--we want to get back
03:21 to this word called love.
03:23 Yeah. And as we get back to this word called love,
03:26 all of a sudden, we start doing things making changes
03:29 for the right reasons, because we do it because we love.
03:32 Not because we want to get better
03:33 or we want to live longer, but we have love in our lives.
03:36 So I would point this gentleman to this prescription
03:40 called love in addition to everything else
03:42 in dealing with the stress.
03:43 And then I would try to meet him one step at a time.
03:46 Everything doesn't have to be done at once. Yeah.
03:48 For instance, David we took him one step at a time.
03:51 First I said well get used to the modern medicines
03:53 you have to take. Then next thing I said,
03:55 well, let's learn about exercise.
03:57 That's a biblical technology. It was given as creation.
04:00 We were designed to be outdoors doing things.
04:03 I taught him how to rest,
04:05 how to drink water, how to have love.
04:07 All these things one step at a time.
04:09 But unless you have love guiding it,
04:12 then you do things unhappily.
04:14 Now let me give you example.
04:15 Yeah, okay, all right. I'm good with this, okay.
04:17 Okay, okay. You're saying that if we do something
04:20 with love in our heart,
04:22 we're gonna have a different reponse
04:24 in our body than if we did the very same thing without love.
04:28 Exactly. Wow.
04:29 I have a lot of people that come
04:30 after they had a bypass surgery, Charles,
04:32 and they go I can't change my diet.
04:34 I don't want to change the things.
04:36 I am so depressed about that, you know.
04:38 And the chemistry that comes from being depressed
04:41 and angry about it all is probably more damaging
04:44 than the bad food they eat. It's true.
04:46 So I say, no--but still, yeah,
04:48 the principle of eating healthy
04:49 is still very important. Yes.
04:51 But we have to--in healthcare, in treating people,
04:54 in healing people,
04:57 there's more to healing than the bypass.
04:58 Did you know, Charles,
04:59 that you're a healer when you make me laugh.
05:02 You're a healer 'cause you make my endorphins go up.
05:04 You should be very healthy. Yes.
05:06 You're always laughing.
05:07 You know, and when we shake
05:09 someone's hand, we treat then nice.
05:10 We help their chemistry. Wow.
05:12 Well, we improve their chem,
05:13 so we're all healers in our own right.
05:15 But getting back to this gentleman that was unhappy
05:18 with changing his diet, well, how did we meet him?
05:21 Well, first of all, you have to answer the question why,
05:24 why he got sick? Well, part of the reason
05:26 why is 'cause we were never designed
05:27 to eat some of the foods. Okay.
05:29 Once he understands that you meet him where he is in life.
05:31 And what I tried to do first is I said
05:33 tell me about the food you eat.
05:35 And then I said, well, let's pick one thing.
05:37 Let's pick one thing and stick with it.
05:39 And for this gentleman,
05:40 it happened to be drink more water
05:41 He loved soda pop. He loved iced tea.
05:43 I said drink more water for one month
05:46 and more than that, let's work in a loved relationship.
05:49 Well, loved relationship with who?
05:51 With the loved relationship
05:52 with our Creator, the owner's manual.
05:54 The guy that made it all possible.
05:56 Let's work on that relationship
05:58 to give you the power to drink water and to understand truth.
06:01 And as he did this one month,
06:03 he came back the next month and says, you know what?
06:05 I feel better. You know,
06:06 I was helped by this relationship with the Father.
06:10 Yeah. He helped me drink more water.
06:11 And I said are you willing to do something else?
06:13 Well, let's start with principle number two.
06:15 And then let's add this on.
06:17 And let's do principle number three.
06:18 But he felt this love the Heavenly Father
06:21 was giving him that He cared about him,
06:22 that He even knows the number of hairs on his head.
06:25 You know, I am beginning to understand
06:27 this because if we have a-- loving relationship with God,
06:31 our Creator,
06:33 if we move into a friendship,
06:38 we begin to trust this Creator.
06:41 And when we're trusting the Creator,
06:43 suddenly we begin to see these words very different
06:48 and we start to apply them to our lives.
06:50 So love is actually being a motivation
06:53 for us to follow what God said to begin with.
06:56 Right. And it's all for our own good
06:58 because our Father wants us to be healthy.
07:00 But you know what?
07:01 This is an important ingredient in the healing--
07:04 in a healing triangle.
07:06 And I tell people, there is a place for modern medicine.
07:09 And David needed, this gentleman needed it.
07:11 There's a place for changing
07:12 the lifestyle dealing with all the stresses.
07:15 But how do you deal
07:16 with the stresses without the power to do that?
07:18 Yeah. And that's what that relationship gives us.
07:21 The power to make changes that goes against who we are,
07:24 that goes against our fabric, that goes against society,
07:26 that goes against what we are hearing on the television,
07:28 and the radio, and the media.
07:31 And when we have that power,
07:32 then we start moving one at a time.
07:34 So this healing pyramid is more than medicine.
07:37 It's more than lifestyle.
07:39 It's about this relationship with the Father.
07:41 And when we move people towards this relationship--
07:43 I'm not hearing this from anybody.
07:44 No, I know we're not. We're not hearing this.
07:45 But when we move people towards this relationship
07:48 as part of healing, we all become healers.
07:51 We're all doctors. Yes.
07:52 We all, expect those type of doctors
07:54 that move that actually fix the problem.
07:57 They just don't treat a symptom.
07:58 Wow. Okay, all right. They get at the core of the problem.
08:01 They help take us to this next level.
08:03 This is what God want us.
08:05 He wants His people to be healthy.
08:06 He wants His people to have that loved
08:08 relationship with Him.
08:09 It was given to us back at creation.
08:11 Remember, God came in and He wanted
08:12 to spend time with His people.
08:14 As we are separated from Him that puts stress on our body
08:17 and it also skews our ability to know what is the truth.
08:22 And this is happening in the world we live in.
08:24 You see it all around us.
08:25 Yes. We're not discussing the cause.
08:26 But that's what on the Ultimate Prescription
08:29 we're gonna do every week. We're gonna answer questions.
08:31 And we're gonna gift people a balance.
08:33 Letting them know that they have power
08:35 and that healing relationship
08:36 to actually have ultimate healing.
08:38 That brings a very important point
08:40 because that answers the question
08:42 for a lot of people will say, well, I do everything right.
08:45 I eat the right foods.
08:46 I drink water. I exercise.
08:49 Yet they're missing that vital connection
08:51 with the source of all healing,
08:54 with the source of all relationships
08:58 that can build relationships with you and your family
09:01 and with your children and with your coworkers and your boss.
09:05 When we suddenly bring in the loving relationship
09:09 the God talked about here in this Bible.
09:11 And you combine that with the laws of health
09:16 that He combines only then can we have the ultimate health
09:22 that we're talking about.
09:23 Only then, can we actually
09:24 have that ultimate health that we all desire so much.
09:27 If we are missing that element, we can't have it.
09:29 As simple as that.
09:30 It's not so much, you know, what we are doing.
09:33 iIt's why we're doing it. It's why we are doing it.
09:36 And that's what I wanted this gentleman to understand.
09:39 It's why you do the things you do.
09:41 And I would meet him in a loved
09:43 relationship with his physician.
09:44 But let him know, it's not all about
09:45 the right medicines or exercise.
09:47 But there's another thing to it.
09:49 And that's that relationship with the Heavenly Father
09:51 that we were designed to have.
09:52 When we don't have that,
09:53 it puts some stress on our bodies.
09:55 And these two things are connected.
09:58 If you have a loving relationship with God
10:01 and you don't live a healthy life,
10:03 you're not gonna have optimum health.
10:05 If you live a healthy life,
10:07 but you don't have a good relationship with God,
10:10 you're not gonna enjoy ultimate health.
10:12 Those two things have to come together
10:14 in a very, very important way.
10:18 You are telling us that the Ultimate Prescription
10:22 is not only what happens to us physically,
10:26 it's also what happens to us spiritually and mentally.
10:30 Am I on the right track? You're exactly.
10:32 And you know, and this has to be--it has to be emphasized
10:37 that if you're not doing that, healing will occur.
10:39 It's just when. Yeah.
10:41 You know, and we want people to be healed
10:43 through modern medicine and lifestyle changes.
10:45 But some people, Charles, no matter what they do,
10:48 they never can be healed perfectly.
10:50 But we know in that relationship, we're promised,
10:53 we are promised to have ultimate healing.
10:56 So that relationship is the Ultimate Prescription
10:58 that has to be a part of every healing plan
11:01 that's out there today.
11:03 In addition to the stent, the bypass,
11:05 the exercise, eating the right food,
11:07 we want to have this relationship 'cause
11:09 this gives us the power through the Holy Spirit
11:12 to make it all possible.
11:14 And we don't--we want to have people--
11:16 we want to love people and not judge them, Charles.
11:19 It's very important we meet them where they are at
11:22 and we start with that.
11:24 Well, you know, one of the more important points
11:27 that we should make here is that if you want healing,
11:30 if you want ultimate healing,
11:32 it requires that relationship with God.
11:35 And there are two ways of having a relationship with God,
11:39 of course, now one is to just pick up
11:40 the ultimate user's manual here,
11:43 as Dr. Marcum calls it.
11:44 And try to find God here.
11:47 But also to spend sometime with God in prayer.
11:50 And that's exactly what we're gonna do right now.
11:52 So I invite you to close your eyes, fold your hands,
11:54 Dr. Marcum has a word with God for you, listen.
12:02 Let's start your personal healing right now.
12:05 There're many of you out there
12:07 that are in the medical establishment
12:09 right now that might be having heart problems
12:11 or other personal illnesses.
12:14 Well, you know, we've talked today about
12:15 the place and limitations for modern medicine.
12:18 We've also talked a little bit about lifestyle.
12:21 But I think we've learned today
12:23 that it's in that relationship with the ultimate physician,
12:26 the Ultimate Prescription that brings that love
12:29 into our life that allows us to ask the questions why,
12:33 as well as giving us the power to make these changes
12:37 that are much not the way we would like to live.
12:40 So wherever you are at, I want to invite you
12:42 to bow your heads right now as we pray together.
12:47 Father, God, someone out there might be needing
12:51 to enter in this relationship with You right now.
12:54 This relationship that will lead
12:56 to the ultimate healing, Father.
12:58 The place to understand the role for modern medicine
13:01 and when to ask these questions why.
13:03 This relationship that will give us the power
13:06 to make changes that are very, very difficult.
13:09 Father, we thank You for opening our eyes to truth
13:13 and we pray that we enter this relationship.
13:15 Teach us how, is our humble prayer. Amen.
13:20 We've talked about some very radical things in medicine.
13:23 Did you know that you're a healer based
13:26 on the way you treat your fellow man.
13:28 I'm a doctor that treats symptoms.
13:30 But I want to introduce this new concept today,
13:33 this Ultimate Prescription.
13:35 And that Ultimate Prescription is that relationship
13:38 with the Heavenly Father.
13:40 It's more important than the modern medicine
13:42 though that has its role.
13:43 It's more important than the lifestyle changes
13:46 though it has its role.
13:48 And if you have a question,
13:49 I want to invite you to come to our
13:51 website Heartwiseministries.org.
13:54 We want to serve you and we invite you to serve us
13:57 with your prayers as we take these new concepts
14:02 to the entire world so that they might know
14:05 in this relationship with the Heavenly Father,
14:07 this is truly the Ultimate Prescription.


Revised 2014-12-17