Participants: Charles Mills & James Marcum
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00001B
00:01 Welcome back to the program.
00:02 Remember I told you about the flashlight 00:03 and how we sometimes need to use it 00:05 to find the problems in our lives 00:08 and I suggest looking under the bed. 00:10 What that means is we need to start 00:12 looking in the dark places of our lives. 00:15 We need to start looking in the corners 00:17 and the closets where our habits are hidden, 00:21 where our ideals are set. 00:24 We need to start looking wherever we have to look 00:27 to find truth because we have been sold 00:31 a real bill of goods here Dr. Marcum. 00:33 We've been sold error 00:36 and that's what the devil does so well. 00:37 He serves up just pills and pills of error for us 00:42 when you start looking for truth and that means 00:44 we look in the dark places of our lives. 00:46 Now, Dr. Marcum before we start looking 00:50 in these dark places in our lives, 00:52 is there something we should know 00:54 that will help us in our journey, in our search? 00:56 Yeah, I want to show you this reflex hammer, Charles. 01:00 Okay. Doctors have used this for years 01:02 to check a person's neurologic system. Yes. 01:05 And that neurologic system 01:06 is an indirect way of thinking. Okay. 01:09 Let me just try this with you, Charles. 01:11 All right, okay. What we normally do, 01:13 and I can't see it well 'cause you're wearing a suite, 01:15 but we would hit right here 01:16 and we watch the muscle above it contract. 01:19 This is a reflex hammer. 01:20 And there's a bunch of tests we can do to find truth. 01:23 Sometimes we hit hard like that. It's hard-- 01:26 That hurt. And I could do like that. 01:28 Yeah. Pop you in the head too, 01:29 but these tests are neurologic system-- 01:31 Sometimes truth hurts, right? Okay. 01:33 Yeah, this checks our neurologic system. 01:35 But how do we check our truth system? Oh. 01:39 You know, this checks our reflexes, 01:41 but how do we know 01:42 whether we're being taught truth? Yes. 01:44 How do we know that we're not buying 01:45 a bunch of lies and that we're not lost? 01:47 And if we took that test, the truth test, 01:49 we would fail dramatically. Yes. 01:51 How do we know that? 01:52 And that's what we wanna talk about today 01:54 to get our viewers to understand 01:57 that there is a truth out there 01:59 that not only applies to their lives, 02:01 but also applies to medicine and healing 02:03 and this has to be a part 02:04 of every healing program out there. 02:06 And we're gonna find out how people can know 02:09 whether they'll have the truth in their life or not. 02:11 All right, all right. 02:12 Well, let's look at a question there 02:13 we have from 02:17 By the way, listener and viewer, 02:19 if you'd like to be part of this program, 02:21 be happy to answer your questions there, 02:23 just go to 02:25 and click on the ask a question 02:27 and we just may bring it right here 02:29 and talk about it on this program. 02:30 We would appreciate it if you'd do that. 02:32 Okay, here's a question from a viewer, 02:35 "Every night I take a handful of pills, oh, my goodness, 02:38 "I've been doing this for years. 02:40 Is there any way I can get off some?" 02:42 Now this is a lady in Nebraska asked this question. 02:44 It sounds like 02:46 that may be she needs to start looking 02:47 at some of the dark places of her life, right? 02:50 Yeah, it does and, you know, 02:52 pills sometimes help acute situations greatly, 02:56 but I see patients 02:57 that can be on as 10 or as 15 many pills. 03:00 They all have side effects 03:02 and every medicine has a potential 03:04 to do harm as well as good. Yes. 03:06 So before I write a prescription for anything, 03:09 I look at whether the benefit is worth the risk? 03:12 Every pill has a risk. 03:13 Can she get off these pills? Yes. 03:16 These prescription pills were made 03:18 to change a body's chemistry. 03:21 Now some of these pills that we have found out 03:23 have been pulled off the market 03:24 because they were dangerous. 03:25 Tell us about this, 03:26 the change of body's chemistry, 03:28 in another words, we have a certain standard. 03:31 We have a certain normalcy about us 03:36 that says this is what our body is. 03:37 This is what our chemistry is? 03:38 Yes, I want to talk to this lady, 03:42 her name is Melinda Lillibet. 03:44 Melinda, I have a few patients 03:46 that become very, very sick for whatever reason 03:49 they got on a handful of pills, 03:51 the next thing they know, 03:52 they're stressed out from their illness. 03:54 They don't sleep well at night. 03:56 Because they don't sleep well at night, 03:57 they take a sleeping pill and that keeps-- 04:00 that knocks them out but they don't necessarily rest. 04:02 When they get up in the morning, 04:04 they don't eat breakfast. 04:05 They feel lousy. So what do they do? 04:07 They take some more pills to get them going. 04:08 And this is making their life darker and darker. 04:11 That's right. They're moving further 04:12 into the void here we're talking about. 04:14 Yes, they don't necessary feel better 04:16 so all the sudden they miss breakfast 04:18 and they eat more than they should at lunch. 04:21 And sooner or later they gain weight 04:22 and they take a pill for diabetes 04:24 and sooner or later because of the extra weight, 04:26 their blood pressure goes up. 04:28 At night, they develop 04:29 a condition called sleep apnea, 04:30 so they have to wear a mask. 04:32 They eat a big meal at night 04:33 because they just want some comfort. 04:35 All the stuff starts refluxing up in them 04:38 so they take a pill to block acid. 04:40 Well, sooner or later all this happens, 04:42 they fall down and break a bone, end up in a cast. 04:44 Well, sooner or later, all the stress gets to them 04:47 and before they know that they're on 04:48 five or six pills with all these side effects. 04:51 But the answer is it's possible 04:52 to be off these medicines 04:54 if we can change our chemistry some other way. 04:57 And what I encourage people 04:58 to do is work with your physicians, 05:00 say listen, what are medicines that I might be off of. 05:03 And if a medicine is treating the symptom of diabetes, 05:06 let's say, you know, lots of people 05:07 have what we call type II diabetes, 05:09 that's adult onset diabetes. 05:11 If we can get on a good exercise program, 05:14 a good nutrition program, 05:16 it might be we can take off this medicine. If we can-- 05:19 Let there be light. Yes. Let there be light. 05:20 If we can learn why we don't sleep well at night, 05:23 you know, maybe it's 05:24 because we watch too much T.V. 05:26 or eat a big meal at night. Let there be light. 05:28 Right, exactly and maybe we can get off that medicine. 05:31 Maybe if we don't eat our biggest meal at night 05:33 and lay down flat and have all those acids, 05:35 maybe that's another pill we can get off of. 05:37 So if you meet them 05:38 where they are based on truth, 05:40 and I tell them, you know, 05:41 there's truth in the Bible 05:43 that can lower your blood pressure, 05:44 that can lower your cholesterol, 05:46 that gets you feeling better. 05:48 But if we can do this one at a time, 05:49 maybe you won't be a victim of side effects. 05:52 And I'm discovering right now, 05:53 I'm working on a new book right now 05:55 about how medicines can hurt people. 05:57 And a lot of people don't realize 05:59 that medicines can actually kill people. Yeah. 06:01 It's the third or fourth 06:02 leading cause of death in America. 06:04 A lot of people never intend to have these overdoses. 06:08 A lot of people don't know 06:09 that medicines can cause side effects 06:10 when it goes through organ systems. 06:12 So I applaud Melinda, 06:14 for wanting to be off of medication, 06:16 but there's ways but you have to work 06:17 with your health care provider 06:19 and I would encourage you to find someone 06:21 that's willing to work with you. 06:23 And I applaud her for-- lot of people 06:24 don't even know that they can even try this. Yes. 06:27 You know, if a doctor put me on it, 06:28 I've to stay on it for the rest of life, 06:30 I've no solutions. Yeah. 06:32 But that's not true either. 06:33 There are ways and the way 06:35 is first to ask some questions and understand 06:38 that if you can change your chemistry other ways 06:40 maybe even better than a pill with less side effects. 06:43 Did you know, Charles, 06:44 that rest is one of the best treatments there is. 06:47 If you broke your arm, okay, 06:49 you wouldn't keep throwing fastballs. No. 06:51 Well, people are violating this natural law 06:53 of rest everyday and when they do that 06:56 our chemistry goes crazy. 06:57 So one of the ways I encourage people 06:59 to get off medications is just start resting better. 07:02 You know, that again was a truth 07:05 that we found way back at creation. 07:08 It is so simple, these things are not difficult. 07:11 As a matter of fact, 07:12 they've been around as long as we have. 07:14 As a matter of fact they were around before we were 07:18 and that's significant I think, Dr. Marcum, 07:20 that Dr. God-- Yes. 07:22 The master physician, Dr. God 07:24 put this environment together, 07:27 put these laws in place for us 07:30 before we came along, 07:32 He knew we needed them. 07:33 He knew they would be important to us. 07:35 So all of the laws we will be talking about 07:38 the next few programs including this look for truth, 07:41 allow truth to come in was there 07:44 before we were and we miss it. 07:47 We miss it so often. 07:49 Well, Dr. Marcum, here's another question 07:51 that has come into the Heart Wise Ministries website, 07:53 let me grab it right here. 07:54 "I am 72 years old and have been diagnosed 07:57 with prostate cancer, I've seen three specialists 08:01 who have advised three different treatments," 08:02 oh, dear, "I am not medically oriented 08:05 and worked as an accountant before retirement, 08:07 not too long ago. If you were in my shoes," 08:10 this person's asking, "what would you do?" 08:13 Yeah, and I love to answer people's questions, Charles, 08:16 because when people ask questions, you know, 08:19 I know that they are looking, 08:21 they are searching for truth. 08:22 Searching for truth, they want life. 08:23 The first place in looking for truth 08:25 is to ask a question and that's what I started, 08:28 and we talked earlier in the program about, 08:30 you know, I asked, you know, 08:31 God to show me how I can help minister 08:33 to my patients but I was looking for something 08:35 'cause I knew something was missing 08:37 and I really think that God looks for people 08:40 and shows them where they need to look for truth. 08:42 So this guy is asking a question 08:44 about going to three different doctors 08:46 for three different conditions 08:48 and one of the doctors might say for prostate cancer 08:51 to have nothing done at all. 08:53 That's not an uncommon treatment 08:54 'cause prostate cancer moves very, 08:56 very slowly we know this. 08:58 Other doctors might say, well, its spread, 09:00 we need to, you know, remove the prostate, 09:03 which is called the prostatectomy. 09:05 We might even have to start with some chemotherapy. 09:07 We might have a lot more to be done. 09:10 But the problem is when we go out in the medical world, 09:12 you're gonna get many different 09:14 opinions about everything. 09:16 What does a person do 09:17 when they are looking for truth? 09:19 You know, when there's three different people 09:21 that are very credible that say 09:23 they have the answers. 09:24 This is a dilemma I had in medicine. 09:26 I knew I wasn't practicing cardiology 09:27 the way I wanted to do 09:29 but where do you go to find truth 09:30 when there's three different doctors 09:31 saying three different things, 09:32 who do you believe? 09:33 Well, the first thing I want to talk to this gentleman 09:35 about is thank you for asking a question. 09:39 And the second thing is go to the Bible. 09:41 Ask God to lead you to truth in this issue. 09:45 He cares about every aspect of your life. 09:47 He's gonna find someone 09:49 that will help you find truth. 09:50 He wants to bring light. Yes. 09:52 So include him in the treatment plan. 09:56 Say, God, I don't know who to believe. 09:58 There's so much out there, 09:59 show me what truth is for my life. 10:01 And then talk to some people that you trust dearly 10:04 and try to keep the balance of it altogether. 10:07 You know, what's the balance treatment? 10:09 What's being too aggressive? What's not being aggressive? 10:12 Read the literature. Yeah. 10:13 What's gonna make my life live longer? 10:15 Is this treatment proven beyond a shred of doubt 10:18 to make me live longer 10:19 and you have a better quality of life? 10:20 Or via a double placebo trial or is it not considered? 10:24 Now, when you talk about treatments, 10:26 when you talk about medicines and pills, 10:29 do you as a cardiologist 10:32 actually take into consideration 10:34 these rules and regulations 10:36 as it applies to that treatment? 10:38 That's where I start. 10:39 And that's what I learned, Charles, as I want to start 10:42 with the Bible source of truth 10:44 as the ultimate medical textbook. 10:47 I want to have the great physician guiding me. 10:51 I want to have the great physician 10:53 guiding everybody into healing and help 10:55 bring him to the type of healers it might use. 10:57 You know, there's all sorts of healers. 10:59 We talked about that. There are some people 11:01 that are medical doctors that are healers. 11:03 We have chiropractors. We have many different 11:04 subsets of doctors that are doing healing. 11:07 You know, we have people that do natural things, 11:09 that help with diet and exercise, 11:11 that bring people along and all these aspects. 11:14 But unless they have the great physician 11:16 guiding this umbrella, 11:17 we can't really find the true source of truth. 11:20 So that's what I would tell him first, 11:21 is go to your Bible, start praying to God, 11:24 ask God to introduce truth in your life, 11:26 ask these questions and continue to search 11:29 and God will help you find what's best for you 11:32 in regards to the treatment for prostate cancer. 11:34 This brings us to that very important point 11:36 that you make time and time again, 11:38 Dr. Marcum that is that when we treat disease, 11:42 when we deal with disease and illness, 11:45 the place to start is here 11:48 and modern medicine is used to make it possible 11:52 for us to get back here. Yes. 11:54 We may have to have that stent put in. 11:57 We may have to have that bypass. 12:00 But the idea is that it gives us a little bit 12:02 more time for light to come into our lives. 12:07 God wants to put the light of truth into our lives 12:10 and sometimes we may have to use 12:11 modern medicine to buy us time to do that. 12:17 Shinning light into the dark areas of our lives, 12:21 the only truth is you'll need to go find truth, 12:25 truth as seen in the Bible. Let me pray with you 12:29 that you might find truth in your life. 12:31 Father God, there might be someone out there 12:33 that wants to find truth and wants to enter 12:35 into a healing relationship with you Father, 12:38 please help this to happen Father as we trust in you 12:41 every single day of our life, 12:43 is our most humble prayer. Amen. 12:47 Remember as you're on your healing journey 12:49 that there's a place for modern medicine 12:51 but that can't fix everything. 12:53 There's a place for lifestyle, 12:55 exercise, and eating right 12:56 but that doesn't fix everything. 12:58 It's only in that relationship 13:00 with the heavenly father 13:01 that we can find ultimate healing, 13:03 that relationship is the ultimate prescription. 13:07 We would like to serve you by answering your questions. 13:10 Come to our website 13:14 and leave your question. 13:15 And we would also like you to serve us. 13:18 How can you do this? 13:19 With your prayers, with your continued gifts 13:23 and we want you to always remember that, 13:26 that heavenly Father loves you so much, 13:29 wants to hold you in the palm of His hands, 13:31 wants to enter a saving 13:33 healing relationship with you. 13:35 Go with peace to stay 13:37 and just like back at creation, 13:38 remember, there's truth to be found in this Bible 13:42 that we use as our ultimate healing manual. |
Revised 2014-12-17