Ultimate Prescription

From The Darkness

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles Mills & James Marcum


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00001A

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:02 designed to promote good health
00:04 and is not intended to take the place
00:05 of personalized professional care.
00:07 The opinions and ideas expressed
00:09 are those of the speaker.
00:10 Viewers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions
00:13 about the information presented.
00:18 You want to be healthy?
00:19 The first step you may need to take
00:21 is to grab a flashlight
00:23 and look under your bed. Stay tuned.
00:28 I am Dr. James Marcum. Are you interested
00:32 in discovering the reason why you want solutions
00:35 to your healthcare problems?
00:37 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:39 Well, you're about to be given
00:41 the ultimate prescription.
00:45 There are a lot of health plans in this world
00:48 and most offer a degree of security,
00:50 but usually at a pretty hefty price.
00:52 And most health plans concentrate
00:54 on making sick people well.
00:57 But God adds something else in his approach.
01:00 He wants well people to stay that way forever.
01:04 How does he do that?
01:06 The answer is found in a rather unusual place.
01:10 Dr. Marcum, a lot of physicians
01:12 may not exactly jump on the idea that this book,
01:16 God's Word is part of a healing process.
01:20 Where did you find it?
01:22 Well, Charles, it's been a real journey for me.
01:25 And I can remember several years ago,
01:27 when I was a resident in internal medicine,
01:29 I was working on the hematology oncology service.
01:33 And there they took care of many people with cancer.
01:36 And I was taking care of this 30
01:38 something year old gentleman that had multiple myeloma.
01:41 And the treatment from that was to bombard him
01:44 with heavy chemotherapy,
01:45 which really knocked out his blood cells.
01:48 And then we give him antibiotics
01:49 to help him prevent infections.
01:51 And then we give him blood transfusions
01:53 and he got so that he couldn't eat.
01:54 So we fed him with hyperalimentation.
01:57 Then we gave him a bone marrow transplant
02:01 and he was in the unit month after month
02:03 and I can remember seeing his family, come in.
02:06 They were so hopeful.
02:07 They just wanted to see him, daddy get better.
02:11 And everyday he kept getting weaker and weaker,
02:14 Charles, and eventually this gentleman
02:17 despite all that modern medicine could do,
02:19 eventually he died.
02:21 And I can remember that empty feeling I had,
02:24 you know, you always have an empty feeling
02:26 when you lose a patient.
02:28 With this empty feeling as such,
02:30 I was just starting out my medical career.
02:32 I wanted to do something for him.
02:34 I wanted to help him and nothing,
02:36 nothing I did seemed to help.
02:38 And I didn't say the magical word
02:40 so I went down and talked to God
02:42 and said God, you know,
02:43 if this is what medicine is gonna be like
02:45 the rest of my life, I just don't want it.
02:47 I can't handle this empty feeling when someone dies.
02:51 And, you know, people die all the time,
02:54 but I thought like I should have done something more.
02:58 And during that time in my life I realized
03:00 that I hadn't been given
03:02 all the answers in medical school.
03:04 Sure I knew all the technical things to do.
03:07 I knew all the, you know, dancy treatments,
03:10 but I didn't really necessarily understand
03:12 the true depth of healing.
03:14 In that time period, I started going to the Bible
03:17 and finding answers for my own life.
03:20 And in those answers I found out
03:22 lo and behold that the Bible
03:23 had the answers for medical questions.
03:26 The Bible was really my textbook.
03:29 This was the place I should be looking first
03:30 and not medical, you know,
03:32 medical textbooks for the real answers
03:34 to these big complex problems.
03:36 You know, you were looking at the science
03:37 and a very common misconception
03:41 is that there is God
03:43 and then there is science.
03:44 And sometimes God and science are at odds with each other
03:48 when the truth of the matter is God created science. Yes.
03:52 We're missing that point.
03:54 And then through the years,
03:55 and this didn't happen right away,
03:56 through the years, I began going to discover
03:59 that the truths in the Bible
04:01 were backed up by science. Yes
04:03 And article after article started proving
04:06 these concepts that taking
04:09 a day off a week helped your chemistry,
04:11 help lower your adrenaline and cortisol,
04:13 lowered your cholesterol.
04:14 That when you drank more water,
04:16 ate the right way or having love in your life.
04:18 All these things were literally prescriptions
04:21 and treatments to change our chemistry
04:23 and then I realized that this prescription
04:25 called love how we were supposed
04:27 to be in a love relationship with our Creator
04:29 and have a great time with Him,
04:32 that was the part of the healing pyramid too.
04:35 And I realized that when we
04:36 didn't have that nothing else really mattered, Charles.
04:40 And I wished that I could go back now
04:43 and go to that gentleman's room
04:44 and say listen, you know,
04:46 I know that modern medicine isn't gonna fix everything,
04:49 but, you know, if you can just say a prayer
04:50 and start a relationship with the heavenly Father,
04:53 you know, he might not choose
04:55 to heal you now with modern medicine,
04:57 but He has a future for you, a healed future. Yes.
05:00 Where you don't have to have the illness anymore.
05:02 He loves you and he's gonna make things well with you
05:05 if you have this relationship.
05:06 So this has been a slow journey
05:08 that I don't see a lot of people saying that,
05:10 you know, the real prescriptions
05:12 come from the Bible.
05:13 This is the real-- we have this concept
05:15 that doctors can fix everything, you know,
05:18 but doctors are merely people that treat a lot of symptoms
05:22 that went to school for a long time.
05:24 Healing is much more involved.
05:25 Doctors can't be healers.
05:27 But we can be all be healers when we point people
05:30 and help nurture people into this great relationship
05:33 and help them understand, what our God is really like.
05:36 So the true medical textbook was the Bible.
05:39 That was the real source of truth
05:41 that I wanted to let people know about
05:43 and as I learn this, I learn more things everyday
05:46 about how the Bible helps change peoples chemistry
05:49 and it has to be involved in every treatment plan
05:52 to have this ultimate healing.
05:53 So who cares if I help
05:55 a heart attack he feels better
05:56 and lives 40 years
05:58 if he doesn't have ultimate healing.
06:00 Does it really matter?
06:02 Or what if a patient is lost, Charles,
06:04 but I know that he's gonna have a terminal healing
06:06 because he was plugged into that relationship.
06:08 That loved relationship that makes everything right.
06:11 So in my search for truth,
06:13 truth took me into different direction.
06:16 It wasn't in these journals.
06:17 It wasn't purely the journals.
06:19 It wasn't all this medical textbook.
06:21 It wasn't all the stuff I was reading on the internet.
06:24 The real source of truth in medicine
06:26 brought me back to the Bible.
06:29 Right. You know,
06:30 let's start looking for truth here, okay?
06:33 Dr. Marcum, you and I have talked about this
06:35 and we have discovered and you have discovered
06:38 that you go back to the very beginning of this book.
06:43 Back to the Book of Genesis and there you begin to find
06:48 a picture of what God had in line for our health.
06:52 He created a world.
06:53 He created an environment
06:56 and he created tools in that environment
06:58 and into this environment he placed Adam and Eve.
07:02 So let's find out what God did.
07:04 Let's take some shows here or some programs and find out
07:06 what God did that we today can take advantage of.
07:12 Now the very first thing God did and lot of people
07:16 can't quite get their mind around that
07:18 this is a healing teaching.
07:22 But the very first thing that God did when he began
07:25 the creation of this world,
07:27 He came down here and He found a void.
07:31 He came down here and he found darkness.
07:34 A swirling mass of water
07:38 and nothing a whole lot more.
07:40 The Bible describes it as a void.
07:44 Ever felt like you're in a void?
07:47 Ever felt your life is a void?
07:50 There's nothing going on that makes sense.
07:52 There's nothing of beauty here.
07:57 The very first thing God did,
07:58 He said, let there be light.
08:02 Now we know that the sun came a few days later.
08:05 Dr. Marcum, when he said let there be a light,
08:09 what do you think he was talking about?
08:11 What was He bringing to this void
08:13 that is represented by light?
08:15 Well, you know, you're probably gonna hear
08:17 many theologians say many different things on this.
08:21 You know, at the opening, you had your light. Yes.
08:24 You know, what were you doing with your light?
08:25 You know, but I would like to think that light is truth.
08:31 You know, God wants to bring truth into this world.
08:34 Let there be truth. Let there be truth--Wow.
08:37 That the universal principles that govern
08:40 not only the earth we live in
08:42 but govern the entire universe.
08:44 For instance, Sir Isaac Newton on earth
08:47 discovered the principle of gravity
08:50 and he says if you jump off a building, Charles,
08:52 you're gonna break. Yes.
08:54 Even if you don't believe that truth, it's still true.
08:57 Well, these universal truths
08:59 that we're gonna discover as we go on,
09:02 these medical truths exist
09:04 whether we believe them or not. Yes.
09:06 So at the very outset I think that God says,
09:09 you know, this is truth.
09:10 You know, this is truth I wanna give you.
09:13 You know, this is what I want to show you,
09:14 how my universe was designed.
09:17 How I was designed to love you.
09:18 This truth that's out there
09:20 and I want to teach you this
09:21 as we move forward in this relationship.
09:24 I'm gonna teach you my ways.
09:25 I wanna teach you the best ways
09:27 because I love you so much.
09:28 Let's talk about science just for a little bit.
09:30 I've often wrestled with the idea
09:32 of what this void was and how light
09:38 could not even exist in this void.
09:41 I asked a scientist that very question
09:42 and he told me about something
09:43 in space called black holes.
09:46 Have you heard of those black holes?
09:47 I have heard of those. A black hole is an area
09:49 of space that is so dense
09:52 and so confused and so powerful
09:58 that not even light can exist in it.
10:01 And again I have to draw
10:02 a parallel here to a lot of people.
10:05 My life is so dense. My life is so confused.
10:08 My life is so painful.
10:10 My world is so full of anger, and guilt,
10:15 and frustration that light can't exist here.
10:20 And the first thing God does,
10:21 in here it says, let there be light.
10:23 And I think that's what He did with this world.
10:25 He took that black hole, which was this world,
10:30 and He introduced something there
10:31 that was never there before
10:32 and it made all the difference.
10:33 He introduced light into this.
10:37 Dr. Marcum, when a patient or a client comes
10:40 and sits in the chair in your office,
10:43 what are some of the dark holes
10:47 that you're finding in peoples lives?
10:49 What are some of those barriers
10:52 to the truth getting through
10:54 that they have or society has or the media
10:57 has brought up that is keeping them
11:00 from understanding the light of truth.
11:02 Well, you know, if I was an evil one
11:04 wanting to destroy the world,
11:06 wanting to destroy health, I would do justice.
11:09 I would get people believing a bunch of lies
11:11 and deceptions that had no truth behind it.
11:14 And I see this going on when I talk to my patients
11:17 they come in and they sit on the chair
11:19 and we examine them and talk to them.
11:21 And you know what, they'll tell me,
11:23 well, I read this on the internet
11:25 or I saw this on television.
11:26 This seems to be the best thing that there is.
11:29 And that's not what the truth is.
11:32 And they say, well, my aunt so and so told me this.
11:37 Or you know, I read about this
11:39 but the real barrier is the source of truth.
11:42 Where do we go to find the source of truth
11:45 and I try to say, listen, this is great
11:47 but let's really think about the source of truth.
11:49 Let's think about how we were designed
11:51 in the very beginning.
11:53 The source, the book as the Bible teaches us
11:55 as we should live, as our temples should live.
11:58 And I also say as we violate these truths,
12:01 universal truths, stress is put on our body.
12:04 Our chemistry is changed.
12:06 This chemistry done day in day out,
12:08 year in year out sooner or later
12:10 causes these inflammatory proteins,
12:12 this adrenaline, this cortisol.
12:14 We cross that limit of being able to cope. Yes.
12:17 And sooner or later we can't sleep well,
12:19 we can't think well. Our blood pressure goes up.
12:21 We have heart attacks. We have infections.
12:23 We have all these chronic illnesses.
12:25 We have genetic stress that's been passed on
12:27 from generations to generations
12:29 and yet we think we're programmed
12:33 that we have to live this way.
12:35 But it's not true.
12:37 God does not want us to live this way.
12:39 He wants us to live way back
12:40 like it was in Genesis. Yes.
12:42 So I first let people know that there's truth
12:44 and there's a way to find it.
12:46 You know, you can't depend on others to have the truth.
12:48 This truth starts in that relationship,
12:51 which you have with the heavenly Father.
12:53 And in my life, you know, I found that truth
12:56 when I asked the Holy Spirit to come in.
12:57 You know, I can't do anything right, Charles,
13:00 but when I ask God to come in
13:01 and make some changes and give me some power,
13:04 all the sudden, he teaches me truth
13:06 and let's me know what's true no matter what.
13:08 Well, that is amazing because we are now opening a door
13:12 that a lot of people have never considered before
13:14 and that door is a door to truth.
13:17 And it's really simple. God created us.
13:21 God put together a world and an environment for us.
13:25 God put together a relationship
13:27 for us to enjoy.
13:29 And God says these are the laws
13:33 that you live by.
13:34 These are the laws that bring healing.
13:37 This is what you need to know to be healthy.
13:41 We're gonna examine those laws week after week.
13:43 And as soon as we comeback, we're gonna talk
13:45 about some questions that have been sent into
13:46 the heartwiseministries.org website
13:49 that these laws can apply to, so stay tuned.


Revised 2014-12-17