Up Close

Obesity And Diet

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dan Mackintosh (Host)<\br> 01. Dr. Gerard McLain<\br> 02. Naomi Coleman


Series Code: UC

Program Code: UC000409

00:26 Hello! You are welcome to another edition of Up close!
00:29 We are coming to you from the beautiful
00:30 "Three Angels Seventh Day Adventist Church" in Wichita,
00:33 Kansas. And we are pleased to have you with us
00:38 Today we're going to be talking about a subject that has become
00:40 increasingly serious in this country.
00:43 In fact, it is the second leading cause
00:46 of preventable death in America.
00:48 We are talking, of course, about the problem of obesity,
00:51 and even though we are some of the most weight conscious people
00:55 in the world, the problem is getting worse and worse.
00:57 In fact, this last year, in America, I am told that we spent
01:02 over 90 billion dollars because of this problem.
01:06 Those that are age 5 and under, 18 million of them,
01:09 are now considered overweight.
01:11 We are going to be exploring how we got this weight,
01:14 what some of the contributing factors are, and especially,
01:17 what we can do about it in today's program.
01:21 Our first guest is Naomi Coleman from Harper, Kansas.
01:24 She has worked for years as a secretary bookkeeper
01:27 and today she enjoys collecting and selling antiques,
01:30 and in her leisure time, she enjoys being
01:33 with those grandkids.
01:35 As a child, Naomi had no weight problems and was very active,
01:38 though she did not eat everything that was
01:41 completely right.
01:42 However, in her 20s, Naomi found that
01:45 the pounds started piling up.
01:47 Listen to what she told us a little bit earlier.
01:49 - In my 20s, when the kids were a little bit older,
01:53 I noticed I was starting to get weight.
01:56 I was eating now more often and I was fixing
02:00 a lot of processed foods, it was easier to fix
02:04 macaroni and cheese and things out of a box than it was to try
02:08 to figure out how to cook something correct.
02:11 We didn't eat regular meals a lot, at that time when my kids
02:19 were growing up I was divorced and so, a lot of times
02:23 we didn't just sit down and eat a three course meal.
02:27 So, we ate more junk food and the pounds started piling up.
02:32 In my early 30s was when I noticed that I was little
02:37 too heavy and a couple of times I'd thought about
02:41 trying to loose weight but I never really knew what to do.
02:45 I would decide that I was going to loose weight but deciding
02:50 isn't enough, you still have to be able to know
02:52 what to do and how to do it.
02:53 And our lifestyle hadn't changed.
02:56 I was still eating out and when I'd go out to eat,
02:59 I would have... you know, if you went out to eat, you felt like
03:02 you needed to have something really special,
03:04 like a steak and potatoes, French fries and all the greasy
03:08 and the things that really aren't good for you.
03:11 So, this time went on, I just kept piling on the pounds,
03:17 and I was about maybe 30 pounds overweight at that time,
03:22 as I started gaining more weight, I was starting to be
03:28 a little more embarrassed about being heavy,
03:30 I was single at that time, and you don't really want to be
03:35 a fat single person, you want to feel good about yourself
03:39 you want to feel sexy, you want to feel attractive, and
03:43 I wasn't feeling those things because I was getting heavier.
03:48 A lot of times, I think, we mask how we feel with humor,
03:54 and that is one of my biggest areas that I would do...
03:59 you know, a fat person is a happy person,
04:04 everybody likes a happy person.
04:06 And even though I didn't feel good about gaining weight,
04:11 I still didn't feel bad enough to do anything serious about it.
04:15 - Well, that's true, isn't it true that things begin
04:18 to creep upon us just like Naomi said.
04:20 And that's also true when it comes to weight.
04:23 We are glad that Naomi Coleman is with us this evening
04:26 and we'd like to welcome her to the program at this time.
04:36 Welcome Naomi! We are glad that you could come
04:38 and, you know, to talk about this type of subject is not
04:41 always the easiest thing to do, so we are thankful that you
04:44 could come and talk with us.
04:45 You know, I noticed in that clip that things just started to
04:49 creep up on you, is that right?
04:51 - That's right, they did.
04:52 - And wasn't something that was really a big deal at first
04:56 but then it started to get a little bit more something
05:00 that came to your attention.
05:01 - A little more noticeable!
05:02 - Now, you know, as we were talking, you told me that
05:05 one day you were talking to a close friend and
05:07 I said something that was kind of shock to you.
05:09 - Yes, she told me I was getting fat.
05:11 - Did she say it just like that? - Yes, she did!
05:14 - She didn't meander around at all?
05:15 - No! - Well, how exactly did she say?
05:18 - 'You are getting fat, Naomi!' - And how did you take that?
05:22 - No, I just kind of... I made a joke out of it.
05:24 I knew I was getting fat, I really didn't need her
05:27 to tell me.
05:28 - Well, did you tell her that you didn't need her to tell you?
05:31 - No!
05:32 - But when she left, how did you really feel about that?
05:35 - Well, I knew she was right, I was a little embarrassed
05:38 about it, but I still didn't know what to do about that.
05:43 - And so, you were kind of saying: 'What should I do next?'
05:48 - Yes!
05:49 - And there is no real help that you knew of, but now you
05:53 know that others knew that you needed some help.
05:55 - Yes! She offered to tell me I was fat, she didn't
05:58 offer to help me to get skinny.
05:59 - O, that's the kind of people that are... what did we say?
06:02 What kind of people? The kind we don't need, right?
06:05 - Yes!
06:06 - We asked Naomi about what really made her decide
06:08 to do something about her weight and health in general,
06:11 and here is what she shared with us:
06:14 As I got a little older and I'd got and remarried, at first
06:20 I had lost a little bit of weight because of such a
06:23 dramatic change in my life, but then, as time went on,
06:27 you come more contended and it seems like everybody
06:31 has needs for firs, and so I still wasn't paying attention
06:35 to what I needed to do for myself.
06:37 And it wasn't until just the last few years that I have
06:40 noticed that my health was really being affected
06:43 by my weight.
06:44 I did try weight watchers at one time, I did loose some weight,
06:49 and that was probably the first time I ever really learned
06:52 how to cook right, how to eat right.
06:54 I still didn't know how to cook right.
06:56 I knew that, you know, I should have fruits and vegetables
06:59 and even though I've always sort of known that,
07:03 nobody was ever really taught me that,
07:05 and how important that was to our health.
07:08 About three years ago we had a very exiting surprise
07:12 from my daughter, she told me that she was pregnant,
07:16 and this was going to be my first grandchild.
07:19 And about that time I realized how important it was that
07:22 I started taking care of myself if I wanted to be around
07:25 and watch these grandchildren grow up.
07:28 During this time also my health seemed to had been going
07:32 stately down hill,
07:34 and again, I just wasn't sure what to do about it.
07:38 I was having a lot of chest pains, I was having a lot of
07:42 acid reflux, I just caught every single cold that went around,
07:48 somebody could sneeze and I would have a full blown cold,
07:52 it seemed like every flu that went around, I was catching,
07:55 so I knew that there just wasn't anything healthy about
07:59 my body at that point and I really, really needed to do
08:02 something and I needed to do it quickly.
08:04 - So you knew that you had a problem, your friend did share
08:08 that with you, but now you were sensing that,
08:10 but you had another element here, you had another reason:
08:14 the grandkids.
08:16 How many grandchildren do you have?
08:17 - I have three, now.
08:18 - And you had how many then? That was the first one?
08:20 - That was the first one.
08:21 - And then, these other two were giving you more reasons?
08:23 - Definitely!
08:24 - O, that's great! So, what did you finally do?
08:27 - We heard about CHIP class here at "Three Angels Church",
08:33 and so I joined it and came.
08:35 - It sounds like an interesting class.
08:36 What these 'chips' stand for? Is that like chocolate chips,
08:39 is that the Doritos chip, is that potato chip, what is that?
08:42 - That's what I had before.
08:44 - Ok, so what is that, what is the CHIP program about?
08:49 - For Cardiac Health Improvement Project.
08:51 - Ok.
08:52 - And it teaches you how to eat right and why you need
08:55 to learn to eat right, what it does to you body.
09:00 - So, you went to that program, and they actually
09:04 showed you what to do.
09:06 - Yes, yes, they did. - Did the food taste good?
09:12 - It was a little interesting at first, but it became very good.
09:16 - Ok, now I understand. Did they have you cook the food,
09:19 or the other people cooked before you there?
09:21 - Well, they had samples every night and that helped us,
09:25 and then, every week-end, every Sunday we had classes
09:28 where we were able to bring food, also.
09:31 - Ok, great. And what happened to you physically, what kind
09:34 of physical changes came as a result of that time
09:37 in the CHIP program?
09:39 Well, I started CHIP in February and I've now lost 30 pounds.
09:44 - February of what, of this year?
09:46 - Of this year! - And you've lost 30 pounds?
09:48 - Right!
09:49 - So, how many months ago was that?
09:51 - It's 9 months ago. - 9 months ago, ok.
09:53 - And I kept if off, I mean I took it off within the
09:56 first 4 months but I've been able to keep it off
09:59 the whole time.
10:00 - What about your numbers, other numbers?
10:02 - My cholesterol has gone from 2.25 down to 1.89.
10:06 - Wow, that's a sizeable drop! - Yes!
10:08 And I was taking High Blood Pressure medicine
10:11 and now I am not. - Wonderful, you feel better!
10:14 - I feel a lot better. - And those grandkids have a
10:17 more energetic grandmother. - They do, I can now get up
10:20 of the floor once I've gotten down there with them.
10:23 - Great, that's great! Well, coming up next, we are
10:26 going to be talking with a doctor who deals with obesity
10:28 every day, and we'll find out what is causing our weight
10:32 problems in America, why we eat so much, and so, stay with us,
10:36 we will be right back.
10:45 Next week on Up Close.
10:47 We are going to be talking about how to tame your TV.
10:51 - I know what the kids I really don't want them to watch
10:54 like violence or scary movies and stuff like that.
10:57 - No, I usually... I watch everything!
11:00 - Our lives are stressful, we come home tired, we are looking
11:03 forward to doing something different.
11:04 And television gives us the chance to tune out.
11:06 - How would a child be different who watched a lot of television
11:11 - The brain is always plastic, so is plastic and
11:15 it can be modified.
11:17 - Next week on UP CLOSE: "Taming your TV"
11:21 Don't miss it!
11:34 - Welcome back to UP CLOSE! Today we are talking about
11:36 the problem of obesity and our special guest
11:39 is Dr. Gerard McLain, from Reading, Pennsylvania.
11:43 Dr. McLain earns his doctorate in public health from
11:46 Loma Linda University, he and his wife Catherine have
11:49 coauthored a cook book, tastefully vegan.
11:51 I must say I've had some of the cooking from that book,
11:55 it's an excellent book.
11:56 Please, welcome with me Dr. McLain!
12:04 Well, these are some testimony; isn't an interesting testimony
12:06 we've heard from Naomi?
12:08 - Is awesome what she's done, And she's doing the right things
12:11 In America today, over 2/3 of us, adults, are overweight
12:16 and 1/3 of us are actually obese.
12:19 Now, why is that important? Well, it's important because
12:22 the more weight we carry, in fact we are twice as likely
12:25 to die prematurely if we are obese.
12:27 - Twice as likely! So it's something that's really
12:30 sky rocketing, I mean I gave that statistic about 5 yr olds
12:35 that are even now overweight.
12:37 - We were finding that almost 25% of the Caucasian children
12:41 and 33% of the Hispanics and African Americans children
12:46 overweight in school today. When you think back when we were
12:49 in school, how many of our classmates were overweight?
12:52 There might had beet one or two; and today 1/3 of our children
12:57 are overweight and why?
12:58 - Why is that? Yes, why they do it?
13:00 - Primary reasons, same reason, adults are overweight.
13:03 We drive our kids to school every day, and I recommend that,
13:06 but they don't get enough exercise, and sometimes
13:09 physical education classes are no longer a part of
13:14 a required curriculum; and there are such an affinity
13:17 and a predisposition to eat too much of the fast foods
13:21 and the foods that are available today.
13:23 - What about the school cafeteria and pop machines?
13:27 - Well, those can be a real problem, too. In fact many
13:30 schools have taken out the soda pop machines,
13:33 and they replaced them with juice machines,
13:35 and that's healthy!
13:37 - So, that's better. You know, we had a dubious distinction
13:41 here in Kansas, and actually is in Garden City Kansas
13:44 were the first pop machines were allowed in schools.
13:48 They began to mark that up. And what about supermarkets,
13:52 you know, I noticed that they all the very high fat foods
13:55 right at the bottom were the kids can grab them.
13:57 - Well, the supermarkets are interested in selling the
13:59 products and I don't blame them at all.
14:01 And they will sell whatever we will purchase.
14:03 When we've gone and done cooking schools in very cities
14:07 where we've lived, in fact, my wife and I, we will visit the
14:11 store and there was a small section for tofu.
14:13 Three or four years later, they marveled and that
14:16 section is full and five times larger.
14:18 And they don't realize that we're there and were educating
14:23 the population to buy more tofu, to buy more healthy food.
14:26 You could buy all the healthy food you want in these regular
14:29 grocery stores we have today, you just have to re-educate
14:32 your taste buds to know what to choose.
14:34 - Let me ask you a more philosophical question.
14:38 What do you think it is that we're getting larger,
14:42 there are more bounce to the ounce, so to speak.
14:46 - Let me think back 50-60 years ago, our ancestors, even 100
14:51 years ago, when they went around through daily life,
14:57 they had to exercise.
14:58 Today, our daily lives involve walk into the car or the bus.
15:02 And then we sit to go where we've got to go, and then,
15:04 when we get there where we go, then we sit some more.
15:07 How many of us, when we go shopping, we cruise that
15:10 that grocery store and look for that parking spot,
15:14 right in front of the store.
15:16 You know, it's got your name on it.
15:17 And well, I tell you about that; park away over there,
15:21 so that you get some exercise going back and forth,
15:24 to and from the store.
15:26 And you won't be parking next to those unkind persons
15:31 who open their car door and smash it in your door,
15:35 and dent up your car.
15:37 So these are two benefits for parking away.
15:39 - Well, that's kind to lead into a question I wanted to ask.
15:43 When we are having this problem with too much fat and obesity,
15:46 what can we do to get off the fat?
15:48 - Well, one of the primary things we have to do is look
15:51 at our diet, and diet is very important.
15:53 It's really a good idea to attend cooking schools,
15:55 to attend weight lose classes, attend some seminars to learn
15:59 about the food that's good for you, you know, we need to be
16:03 eating fruits and vegetables, nuts and grains and
16:07 in moderate amounts; in fact, if we eat enough of those,
16:11 I don't object to some people eating some of the
16:14 other less healthy foods.
16:15 If they want to have some of the snack foods, ok, as long as
16:18 they've had 5 servings of fruits per day,
16:22 or 2-4 servings of fruits per day, 3-5 servings of vegetables
16:27 per day, 6-11 servings of whole grain products per day,
16:31 1 serving of protein foods, whether be soy or nuts,
16:35 and then, if you are still hungry, you can have some of
16:38 those less healthy foods but more desirable foods,
16:42 because of fat contents that are there and some of the
16:47 other things are there.
16:48 - You know, in some of the health programs that we've run
16:52 here at "Three Angels", Naomi was talking about coming to
16:56 a program here, we've found that when people come to us,
16:59 they really don't know how to find those foods in the store.
17:03 Isn't that true, Naomi? Did we help you to know how
17:06 to find things in the store? - Right, you told us where we
17:10 could find them and if there is some available
17:13 in the store that the church has.
17:15 - Now, in your class, did we have the shopping tour
17:17 during that time or did we not have at that time?
17:19 Many times we have like a shopping tour when
17:22 we take them in and we show them right where the foods are.
17:24 I don't know about you, but whenever I do the shopping for
17:26 a family which is not very often anymore, after I brought home
17:30 some of the things that my wife didn't think for essential...
17:35 You know, once you go to a store, you try to know exactly
17:39 where you want to go. You know what's on aisle
17:41 number 3, and aisle number 4 and you kind of
17:44 just go on an automatic pilot, right?
17:46 - And than they renovate the store and all panic breaks out.
17:50 It's something with a really good idea because you can
17:53 go to any the supermarkets and you can find the
17:55 healthy food when you know where to look.
17:57 - Let me ask you one of the questions and that is this:
18:00 Is fat addictive?
18:02 - I think we have to look at it from the point of view
18:05 of what makes food taste good.
18:06 Food taste good. What makes food taste good.
18:10 There are three primary ingredients. Number 1 = fat,
18:14 2 = sugar, and 3 = spices and salt is one we
18:22 are particularly concerned about because those individuals
18:25 with high blood pressure can have problems with salt.
18:28 So, is fat addictive? I think anything that makes us
18:31 feel good is addictive and if that fat makes you feel good
18:35 then yes, it can be addictive.
18:37 - Coming up next we'll introduce you to a man who lost
18:40 50 pounds through lifestyle changes.
18:43 Please, stay with us for his encouraging story.
18:53 Have you found those pounds piling up?
18:56 Are you struggling to loose unwanted weight but
18:58 haven't succeeded?
18:59 If so, we have just a book for you. Find help as you read
19:03 'Dieting. Victory from the gears of defeat'
19:06 For your free gift, just write to us today at UP CLOSE,
19:09 PO Box 220, West Frankfort, IL, 62896.
19:14 Or call during regular business hours at the shown phone numbers
19:21 Ask for UP CLOSE offering number 9.
19:35 Welcome back to UP CLOSE. Today we are talking about
19:38 how a good diet can help us overcome the weight problem.
19:41 Our next guest is Tim Healey from Battle Creek, Michigan.
19:44 His wife, Linda, had been concerned about his weight
19:47 for some time, but one day she run an announcement
19:50 in the newspaper that made all the difference.
19:52 Let's take a look!
19:55 In 1975 I was a young mother with two children.
19:59 I had married my high school sweet heart and I had watch his
20:02 muscular body frame becoming a little flabbier.
20:06 And he comes from a family that has a high incidence,
20:10 very high incidence of obesity and diabetes.
20:14 And I did not want to see what was happening to his family,
20:18 happening to him.
20:20 I wanted to keep him around for very long time.
20:23 I saw an advertisement in a newspaper that entailed
20:26 a day of activities for my children, one activity was for
20:30 myself and exercise class and another class of art or health.
20:35 It was advertised as a cooking school for vegetarians,
20:40 and I was very interested in that class.
20:44 And I signed for it and I was not disappointed.
20:47 The classes were for 5 weeks and then entailed
20:51 5 health principles or nutritional nuggets.
20:55 And the first class was on eating the healthy breakfast.
21:00 Around the table, designed for eating and to replace
21:04 the refined carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates.
21:08 And they gave us recipes and how to implement that.
21:12 I took that little nugget home and I asked my husband
21:17 enticed, literally enticed him, to say:
21:20 'Hun, we are going to get up early in the morning and
21:24 we are going to sit around the table, I am going to
21:26 make you a really good food, I am going to make you a
21:28 whole grain pancakes, I am going to make you good muffins,
21:31 and instead of eggs we're going to have scramble tofu,
21:36 and whole grain breads.
21:38 And he liked that idea. And as we incorporate that,
21:44 just that one principle, my husband started loosing weight.
21:49 - That's great, you know, is really important when
21:51 you're changing, to have what you are changing to taste good.
21:55 Well, the effect of this new way of cooking had immediate
21:59 results on Tim and his family, but at least initially
22:03 he had some reservations. Let's take a look.
22:06 - Linda came home from the cooking class; she was
22:10 interested in my health, of course, and she decided
22:14 to make some changes and she just wanted throw out everything
22:17 that we had and I just thought we could just eat it and then
22:21 not buy that refined things anymore, but she decided
22:24 that it was better that if it wasn't good for us,
22:26 it wasn't good for anybody, so she threw it out.
22:29 She began to replace our diet with truly something better,
22:33 she began to make whole grain pancakes and muffins,
22:36 as she said, and it was delicious, and I decided that if
22:42 she was going to keep feeding me well, then
22:44 I would go along with the dietary changes.
22:47 After a week or so, I realized that my suit was getting
22:53 a little looser and I was loosing some weight.
22:57 After a month I realized that I'd lost 25 pounds and I had
23:01 to get my suit altered, and so they took the pants in.
23:05 And I continued to loose weight. The second time I took my suit
23:11 in to get altered, the man said that I would have to get a
23:13 new suit because if I alter the pants anymore, I would only
23:16 have one pocked across the back, instead of two.
23:19 And so I bought a new suit and over about a 6 month period
23:23 of time I lost about 50 pounds.
23:25 Working as an accountant, I realized that I was able to
23:28 think a little bit clearer, do my work a little bit better,
23:32 and also we started walking more with our children
23:36 and I really began enjoying life a little bit more.
23:40 Shortly after the classes, my wife invited the instructors
23:45 over to our house and they gave me a personal cooking class
23:50 right in my living-room.
23:51 We began to visit these folks in their home, we started
23:55 Bible studies with them and really enjoy the changes in
23:59 lifestyle that the Adventist Church holds.
24:02 We began going out into the country, talking about gardening
24:06 talking about natural remedies, this type of thing which
24:10 appeal the both, my wife and I.
24:12 During this process, I realized there was more than
24:16 just the food involved, that it was an entire lifestyle change.
24:20 - Wow, that's great! You know, we're happy to have Tim
24:23 with us today and we'd like to ask him to come up.
24:26 So, let's welcome Tim together!
24:33 Good to have you here Tim, and let's see,
24:35 do you have one pocket or two? - No, I have two now!
24:38 - Now, you know, this is great, your wife carried you along.
24:44 She did. It was her insistence, because she was the cook and
24:49 I was the eater at that time. I figured that she was going to
24:53 cook things that I would continue to eat them
24:55 as long as they tasted good.
24:56 - So now she sees you with the muscular frame that she
24:58 talked about like when you are in high school again.
25:01 - Yes! Well, it took a little bit to get back to that.
25:03 It's a work of a lifetime, it's a transition that takes a while.
25:07 - How long did it take you to get used to eating
25:11 things that were good for you? - Most things took me not very
25:15 long at all because like I said, she was a good cook.
25:18 My wife and two children became instant vegetarians,
25:22 I still went out for lunch every day, I was required to
25:25 by work; and it took me probably about 6 right months to eat
25:29 a 100% whole wheat bread, because it was pretty tough.
25:32 - Do you mean, it was hard or tough?
25:34 - It was hard! - Ok! And was this bread...
25:37 This because of the taste. - Because of the taste,
25:40 and because she was learning how to bake.
25:45 That's a learning experience, also.
25:47 - Yes, sometimes those burnt sacrifices at the beginning
25:51 are not so easy to take care of. And how old were the kids when
25:56 these changes were made? - My children were two and
25:58 four at that time and it was an easy transition for them.
26:02 - Right. And now you said you eat out a lot, or you did
26:05 at that time. What did you when you went out to eat, how
26:09 did you find healthy foods then, or did you cheat a little bit?
26:13 - Well, I wasn't as convinced as she was it was the way to go
26:17 at the beginning, I was an accountant, the job I was on
26:22 at that time, was an audit of a large grocery store chain,
26:27 that had a salad bar. So I did begin eating a lot more
26:32 vegetables than I normally would have.
26:34 - So, the big change was breakfast and then just trying
26:40 to just move toward foods, foods as grown.
26:43 - At the beginning I cut out everything I considered
26:46 junk food, like my wife said, we began eating a big breakfast,
26:50 and I stopped eating in between meals.
26:54 We also began eating very little for dinner.
26:56 So we had a transition into almost a two meal a day plan.
27:00 - Interesting! And that simple change a lot.
27:02 How much was that you lost?
27:03 - It was about 50 pounds over 8-9 months.
27:05 - That's great. And you kept it off.
27:07 - I've kept a large portion of it off, but like the sedentary
27:10 job that I have, it's hard when I don't exercise.
27:14 - These people coming into your home and having
27:17 that personal cooking school, that was probably
27:19 quite amazing to you.
27:21 - That made all the difference in the world,
27:23 that made a deep impression on me because nobody
27:26 had ever taken that much of a personal interest in us before.
27:29 - And how long did the cooking school go on in your home
27:32 before you started talking more about some of the
27:35 philosophical things and the Christian background to health.
27:39 - Well, after the first class my wife went up to - this was
27:43 the class that she took - went up to the instructors
27:46 and said - she knew there was more going on then just health,
27:48 and she wanted to know what that was; so they gave her
27:51 a couple of books, one of which she stayed up
27:54 all night and read, and almost immediately after
27:56 that series of 5 classes, she invited them over to our
27:59 house and we had another 5 class series in our living-room.
28:04 - That's right! Now, how long after that is it
28:08 that you joined the Adventist Church, that faith community?
28:12 - Is about 6 months. - 6 months!
28:14 - The cooking schools led into Bible studies, because you have
28:18 to show somebody where all the health principles are
28:20 in the Bible and we did that and those health principles led
28:23 into other principles that we began studying as well.
28:26 - Now, you know. Do you help other people like
28:29 you were helped at this point? - We do!
28:30 I have a natural food store for business, so we deliver
28:33 good food to people all over the place...
28:35 - Whole wheat bread? - We deliver whole wheat grains,
28:38 and other whole grains, we also do nutrition classes
28:41 with our church and help as many people we can.
28:44 - Do you need tailoring on people's suits to
28:47 make them smaller?
28:48 - No, that's not an area of expertise I hold!
28:51 - Well, we were so happy that you were with us and we
28:53 are going to hear a little bit more from you a little bit
28:54 later in the program. When we come back,
28:56 we are going to be talking with Dr. McLain about
28:59 what we can do to take those pounds off and keep them off.
29:02 And a little later we'll be taking questions from
29:05 our live audience. So, don't go away!
29:14 We are going to be talking about how to tame you TV.
29:18 - I know what the kids I really don't want them to watch
29:21 like violence or scary movies and stuff like that.
29:24 - No, I usually... I watch everything!
29:27 - Our lives are stressful, we come home tired, we are looking
29:30 forward to doing something different.
29:31 And television gives us the chance to tune out.
29:33 How would a child be different, who watched a lot of television
29:37 - The brain is always plastic, so is plastic,
29:42 and it can be modified.
29:44 Next week on UP CLOSE!
29:48 Don't miss it!
30:02 Welcome back to UP CLOSE! We are talking about
30:05 the problem of obesity with Dr. Gerard McLain.
30:08 This was great, this testimony that we heard.
30:11 - It was awesome! One thing that Tim began
30:15 to mention was the support group that he had with people
30:18 coming back to his house, and maybe we should just
30:20 talk about that for a moment. You know, is no difficult to
30:25 loose weight, the difficult part is to keep loosing weight,
30:30 if you want to, and to keep off what you have lost.
30:32 And I'd like to ask Tim or Naomi, if they want to respond
30:37 to this, has there been the support group of individuals,
30:41 involved to help you be successful in your weight lost?
30:45 - Which one do you want to say first?
30:51 - Ladies first! There's been a terrific support
30:55 for me, we've been going to the chapel for classes once a month,
31:00 and you eat each other's food and you learn how to cook more,
31:04 and there is a good support group and I have a personal
31:07 friend that is doing it with me, also, and
31:09 that's been a tremendous help.
31:11 - And this support group, isn't something that should only last
31:14 for a few months. It may last for the rest of your life.
31:19 - And I think it's available! - Sure! Tim?
31:22 - We found the support group within the church and then,
31:25 by actively helping other people by doing nutrition classes
31:29 ourselves, we found that real support to ourselves as well.
31:32 - You know, a lady back in our church in Redding, Kim,
31:36 she lost about 80 pounds successfully in a program that
31:42 began in the church. They did on a regular basis, they involved
31:47 Bible study, exercise, food and bringing in recipes to share
31:53 with each other, and they continued to learn the
31:55 key principles to be successful with their weight loss.
31:58 - I think this is so important that they support structure...
32:01 Once you say probably around the world, if people are watching
32:04 that their local Seventh Day Adventist Church,
32:08 that's one of the things they bring to the occasion
32:10 in the Christian community, I mean, if you want to go
32:13 some places where they know at least something about health
32:15 and they are going to support it it may not be as much at
32:18 one place as another, but they are going to understand it,
32:21 they usually have a health food co-up, or they have this or that
32:23 and so, that's a good place for support.
32:27 - There's lots of programs available, in fact, you and I
32:31 both have been to Florida in February when they have
32:35 a health summer, and there are, at any one time 18 or 19
32:38 different programs where people can come and learn how
32:41 to be instructors when they go back to their church,
32:44 on various kinds of programs as cooking schools,
32:47 8 weeks to long us, weight management, depression,
32:50 many different programs that you can learn,
32:52 and our church is unknown for cooking schools.
32:56 - Yes, you know, even faith communities that are other than
33:00 Seventh day Adventist. I saw some people there at
33:02 that summer and you don't have to even be in the church
33:05 to know how to help people but certainly, that support
33:07 structure is there. Let me ask you a question.
33:09 We've talked about diet. Is there anything else we need
33:12 to do when we talk about weight loss?
33:14 - Yes, sure. Diet, being a key factor of course,
33:17 the second most important factor is making sure
33:21 you are involved in expending enough calories.
33:24 Is no trouble for us to eat lots of calories - in fact
33:28 that's what gets us in trouble - but when we don't
33:30 involve ourselves in enough physical activity, we don't
33:34 expend enough calories and we need to be expending
33:38 calories, at least 500-700 calories a day of exercise.
33:43 Now what does that mean? - Yes, how you figure that out?
33:48 - You figure that out, it takes about 100 calories a mile.
33:52 - Of whatever you're doing? - Of whatever you're doing!
33:56 - Driving the car? - No!
33:59 - Ok, you mean in terms of exercise!
34:02 - Walking or running or riding a bicycle. If you are swimming,
34:05 it might burn more, if you're riding a bicycle fast
34:08 you'd burn more, but the bicycle is actually eliminating
34:12 some of the gravity, so is not quite as much exercise,
34:14 unless you are really pedaling fast. But frankly,
34:18 it doesn't matter what kind of exercise you use, as long
34:20 as it increases your calorie output.
34:23 Now, no one should leave here and begin an exercise program
34:26 tomorrow because you might end up doing too much, too soon.
34:30 We need to begin gradually, you might want to talk with
34:33 your physician or physical therapist or some professional
34:36 medical person in your church, in your community, to learn
34:39 how to get started, but the important thing is
34:42 to get started. The key principle is you can do
34:44 anything as long as you can still carry on a conversation,
34:48 you are probably not exercising too much.
34:51 If you can't carry on a conversation because you
34:55 are huffing and puffing, you are exercising too much.
34:57 Is exercising too much harmful for you?
35:00 For most people no, some people it could increase your
35:03 risk of heart attack or raise your blood pressure to high,
35:07 but most people it just makes us two-three days later
35:10 were to stiff and sore, we realize that, aha, exercise
35:14 really isn't good for me because I feel bad now.
35:16 But if you start out gradually, it's really a good idea
35:20 for those that never exercised before, to join a
35:23 fitness center for three months and learn the principles.
35:26 They will teach you how to do it, slowly and safely.
35:29 Now, if you have the evidence of significant disease,
35:32 you need to probably see a physician and get a medical
35:35 clearance, but most physicians are going to recommend you
35:38 exercise anyways.
35:40 - Now you said that whatever you do, in terms of exercise,
35:45 if you go about a mile, it expends 100 calories.
35:48 A lot of people that have grown up within school systems
35:52 at one, everything they did that was exercise related,
35:55 was related to sports, it was related to basketball,
35:59 it was related to football, it was related these different
36:02 things and then, when they get out the school, they don't
36:04 have those teams, they don't have that support,
36:06 they don't want to join a team at the "Y" or different
36:09 things, and I think people really get in... it almost
36:12 cripples them in terms of their own personal exercise.
36:15 What would you say to them?
36:16 - Well, as we entered the work force, we leave college
36:18 or school where we entered the work force, we tend
36:21 to become sedentary. While is ok to continue involved
36:23 in some of these team sports, if you are up to it,
36:27 sometimes we get involved in weekends sports and
36:30 is too much for our 40, 50, 60 years old bodies and
36:34 we get injuries, but the important thing is to be active,
36:37 it's ok to do team sports but you don't have to.
36:41 One activity I really like is table tennis, because it's
36:45 inexpensive, anybody can play table tennis, you don't have
36:48 to be good to enjoy it, and when you chase that ball
36:51 around the floor, you're banding, twisting, you're
36:53 getting good exercise, and if you are good and your partner
36:57 is not, you should use your non-dominant hand,
37:01 while they use their dominant hand, it equals things out.
37:04 It's good exercise, so if you want to do things which your
37:07 children or your grandkids, this is one; you can go for a walk
37:11 you take your dog for a walk, you probably don't want
37:13 to take your cat because you are not much good for that.
37:17 I got cat at home, I got two dogs at home, but is good to
37:20 take your animals for a walk, your spouse for a walk,
37:24 and there are some social time that you can have in that.
37:28 - Right! Of course, if it's a huge, great Dane,
37:31 make sure you have a short leash; if it can get ahead
37:34 of you, it will be a problem. But what about you folks?
37:37 Naomi and Tim, what kind of exercise do you do? Or do you?
37:42 - Yes, I do, my wife and I walk a lot and I also play
37:46 basketball once or twice a week. - Ok!
37:49 And I walk a lot also, I try to do between 3 and 5 miles a day.
37:53 - 3-5 miles a day? Did you walk here?
37:57 - Oh, it's 60 miles here! - Oh, 60 miles!
38:00 Just if you started a few days ago. Oh, great!
38:03 - It will be best if we exercised every day.
38:06 - Every day! - Now, that's not always really
38:09 stick and so, generally recommend 5 days a week.
38:12 Now, three days a week is enough exercise to maintain your
38:16 physical fitness, or your fitness level.
38:19 If your fitness level is very poor, three times a week
38:23 is to maintain a low fitness level.
38:25 So we want to get to 5,I like to play and for exercising
38:28 every day, so if you miss one or two days because of weather
38:31 or committee meetings or other appointments,
38:33 you're still getting 5. Now, often times, people ask
38:37 the question: what about exercising all at once
38:39 and you can break it up in the different sessions,
38:42 and it all is a cumulative, and all works out.
38:45 It's ok to exercise 45 minutes or 60 minutes one time,
38:49 but you could do 20 minutes at a time or 15 minutes at a time.
38:52 If the weather gets bad... Does it ever get cold in Kansas?
38:57 - For Kansas it does, but people are grown up in other places,
39:01 they don't know what happens.
39:02 - Yes, it gets too cold outside, if it's too rainy,
39:05 you can go at the mall; the mall owners love you to go
39:09 to the mall, just leave your credit card at home, maybe.
39:12 - Now we want to shift a little bit, because we talked
39:15 a little bit about diet, we talked a little bit about
39:18 exercise, but what about this epidemic that's coming with
39:22 childhood obesity. If you get overweight below the
39:26 age of 5 or 10 or 15,
39:28 what kind of effect is it going to have later in life?
39:32 - Well, it's going to have a compounding
39:33 effect later in life because these young children had been
39:35 overweight longer. In fact, we're finding that
39:38 adult diseases are showing up in children and the one I am
39:43 particularly thinking about is type II diabetes
39:45 or adult onset diabetes. We typically use to see that
39:49 show up in the mid 40s, early 50s and now we're seeing it
39:53 in the early teens and the primary reasons are young people
39:58 are overweight, some of them are obese, and are not
40:01 exercising, they are not eating the right kinds of foods,
40:04 and they are coming down with these metabolic diseases
40:08 they used to show up in adulthood, in our 40s and 50s.
40:11 And when we have exposure to those diseases young,
40:15 we are going to get more complications early in life.
40:18 - More complications early in life! So it's really important
40:22 what society is trying to do to really bring this
40:26 fight against obesity to the floor.
40:28 - It's paramount, where we've got increased diabetes,
40:31 increased heart disease, increased cholesterols,
40:34 increased blood pressure, increased strokes and increase
40:38 of many cancers, all because of being overweight and obese.
40:42 - So let's say there is a family that's watching and
40:44 mum and dad are overweight, all the kids are overweight
40:47 and they say: 'Yes, this is right! We need to do this.'
40:49 What are the steps they need to take? Give me like
40:51 the top 5 steps they need to take!
40:54 - I think the first thing will be to find some people
40:56 who are teaching some healthy eating classes.
40:59 The Adventist church is teaching some in many communities.
41:04 There's lots of exercise opportunities in the YMCA's in
41:09 some of the fitness centers. And there's lots of
41:11 support groups that can be available, Curves is
41:14 an excellent program that's out there, I wish I'd thought of it,
41:17 but women get together in a little shopping center and they
41:22 exercise at certain times of the day. Particularly it doesn't
41:27 involve food, but they recommend good, healthy food.
41:30 - So cooking class... - Cooking class and exercise
41:33 class, and then some support group, whether they stay
41:36 involved in those cooking and exercise classes or join
41:39 some support groups, or create your own support group.
41:43 - What are some specific things about the diet?
41:47 - We need to be aware of the fat we eat, we should be eating
41:50 good fat and stay away from the bad fat.
41:53 And what is the bad fat? Saturated fat of animal origin
41:57 is harmful, it is more harmful to us when we eat too much,
42:00 or any for some foods, trans fatty acids are harmful too,
42:04 and these are vegetable fats that had been partly
42:06 hydrogenated. So, when you read the package
42:09 and we should all be taught how to read food labels,
42:12 we should eat nothing or very little foods that say
42:15 'Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils'
42:18 These are trans fatty acids and they act like saturated fats.
42:21 - So, avoid the saturated fats and the trans fats?
42:25 - Eat some of the good fats like nuts and seeds.
42:27 Nuts are high in fat but they are not fattening unless we eat
42:31 too many calories, you see? Is the calories that's your
42:35 problem, not the fat. We also need to be eating
42:39 the right kinds of carbohydrate. we have this phenomenon sweeping
42:43 the country, called low-carb diets and there's some good
42:48 and bad in those. The low-carb diets recommend
42:52 less carbs and they recommend more protein and fat.
42:55 Well, we need to be careful at eating too much protein and fat,
42:58 particularly animal origin, because they tend to increase
43:01 the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes.
43:05 The good carbs, a lot of people become confuse because they
43:11 see low-carb foods and they think they can eat lots of them.
43:15 They may be high in carbohydrates.
43:17 You can eat 500 calories worth of low-carb foods,
43:21 and it won't fill you up, you can eat 300 calories of
43:26 fruits and vegetables and lentils and you're full.
43:30 - Because of fiber? - Because of the fiber, because
43:32 of the quantity and the fiber. - Ok, so we have:
43:37 go to cooking school, get on an exercise program,
43:42 at the cooking school make sure they are teaching you about
43:45 the carbs, what's good fat, what's bad fat,
43:49 go to cooking school, have a support group... anything else.
43:51 Understand the importance of fiber, understand the importance
43:55 of drinking water, understand the importance of balanced
44:00 nutrition, understand the importance of portion control.
44:04 - Great! I'll go to Tim because he works with this all the time
44:10 you have people come in and probably asking you these kind
44:13 of questions. What do you say?
44:14 - The same things, drink water, exercise, whole grains,
44:19 nothing in between meals... - You just show them what to do.
44:24 Do you have people to come to your store because of
44:26 your knowledge and how you are helping them?
44:29 - Somewhat, yes.
44:30 - Do you and your wife do cooking schools and what not?
44:33 - Yes! - What about hunger pain?
44:35 - Hunger pains, ok, what about it?
44:39 - Does anybody have hunger pains? Is hunger ok?
44:41 You know, I tell people that when you are hungry, praise God,
44:46 because it probably means you don't have cancer.
44:50 Hunger is a good, natural, physiological response.
44:54 And when I get hungry, I look at my watch.
44:57 If is time to eat, I eat, if is not time to eat, I don't!
45:02 You respond to hunger pains differently once we teach
45:05 ourselves to respond to hunger differently.
45:08 We don't have to feed ourselves. Some of us had been raised with
45:12 parents who went through the depression years and when they
45:14 had real hunger for days. I guarantee you, hunger is not
45:21 going to hurt you. Now let's speak a little bit
45:24 careful. If you are diabetic, that's a little bit different.
45:27 Sometimes we can have severe low blood sugar reactions
45:31 that is mandatory, it's an emergency situation, we need
45:36 to eat something that gives us calories and quickly absorbed
45:40 calories, but that's a treatment situation, that's not something
45:44 we want to do all the time, so when we eat good
45:48 balanced carbohydrates with the adequate amount of
45:51 protein and fats, we are going to have a good breakfast,
45:55 like Tim mentioned, a good breakfast.
45:58 And 4 to 5 hours later, we are going to be hungry again
46:01 for a good lunch, and 4-5 hours later we are going to
46:05 be hungry again for a mild and modest evening meal.
46:08 - What about water? - Most people don't drink enough
46:13 water and is good not to drink with the meal but it's ok if
46:17 you do. I look at those as one of the minor things.
46:19 Is best not to drink with the meal but if you have to, is ok,
46:22 but if you are drinking enough water between meals,
46:24 you usually don't need to drink with the meal.
46:26 And you're drinking enough water if you have clear, or
46:31 almost clear urine at mid day, you're drinking enough water
46:36 if you have to use the restroom every 1,5 to 2 hours,
46:39 if you have difficulty sitting through a full church service,
46:44 you know you are drinking enough water.
46:45 Is good to be expelling that, because we know we're
46:50 drinking enough water. - Right, yes.
46:54 So, depends on how long the preacher goes to with that
46:56 church service. - True!
46:58 - It's exactly right! Well, when we come back, we're
47:02 going to be taking some questions from our live audience
47:05 so I hope that you could stay with us and maybe
47:07 we will ask you some questions that you are thinking right now.
47:17 Have you found those pounds piling up? Are you
47:20 struggling to loose unwanted weight but haven't succeeded?
47:23 If so, we have just a book for you!
47:26 Find help as you read:
47:27 'Dieting. Victory from the jares of defeat'!
47:30 For your free gift. Just write to us today
47:32 at UP Close, PO Box 220, West Frankfort, IL, 62896.
47:37 Or call during regular business hours
47:39 1-800-752-3226 or 618-627-4651.
47:44 Ask for Up-Close offer Number 9.
47:51 Up Close
48:01 Welcome back to Up Close.
48:03 We're talking today about how to lose weight.
48:05 And we're going to take some questions from our audience.
48:09 You know, before we take the first question;
48:11 someone was talking to me during the break and said,
48:13 if we lose something psychiologically,
48:16 that's a kind of a bad connotation,
48:18 wouldn't it be better to say, we're releasing weight,
48:22 instead of losing that?
48:23 what do you say about that?
48:25 I think that's a good principle.
48:26 When you lose something, you tend to want to find it again,
48:29 in fact, when our fat cells become, when they shrink,
48:32 when we don't follow the right principles,
48:35 it's very easy for them to fill up again,
48:37 when you lose that fat, it's very easy to find
48:40 and fill them up again, so it's a good principle to release it,
48:43 but, when you release something,
48:45 you need to fill it with something else.
48:48 I like how Tim said, that when his wife took away all his food,
48:53 please, let us finish it first!
48:54 You were so right, Tim.
48:56 And then she replaced it with wonderful food.
49:01 Ok, our first question, what's your name?
49:04 And what's your question?
49:05 Amy Gerard, and not Gerard, but Gerard.
49:10 And I have discussed problems with many people,
49:15 they often tell me, when I ask them,
49:19 how many diets have you been on,
49:22 and they can't even count them, there have been so many.
49:24 This type of yo-yo-ing up and down, and up and down,
49:29 what are the long range effects of this,
49:32 and is it possible to change a person's so called set point,
49:37 so that they actually in the end require much fewer calories
49:41 to keep going?
49:42 And what's the long range?
49:45 You know, you talk about this yo-yo effect,
49:49 where it's very easy to lose weight,
49:51 at least those first 25-30 pounds.
49:53 What's difficult is, is keeping that weight off,
49:57 and continuing to lose.
49:59 Now, we will lose, then we'll go on a plateau for a while,
50:01 then we'll lose, and go on a plateau.
50:03 This is where exercise becomes a key.
50:06 Exercise helps raise that metabolism,
50:10 assuming you have a normal thyroid to begin with.
50:13 Exercise will help raise that metabolism,
50:16 so you can continue to lose weight.
50:18 This set point you mentioned, is very key with exercise.
50:23 Now, in some of the studies, that were done 30-40-50years ago
50:28 when you look at the activity level of those 4 or 5 decades
50:34 ago, we find that they are much more active
50:36 than those of us today, in our decade.
50:39 And activity is very key.
50:42 Now, what is more important, diet, or exercise?
50:46 I don't like to answer that question,
50:47 because I think they are both important,
50:49 you cannot do one without the other.
50:51 The proper food in balance,
50:53 and the proper exercise in balance.
50:56 Now, most of us just don't get enough physical activity.
51:00 I don't like to use the word exercise,
51:01 because that brings up connotations of pain,
51:05 there is no pain-no gain kind of thing back in P.E. classes.
51:10 What I'd like to get us thinking about
51:12 is being more physically active.
51:14 I've conducted classes for individuals in wheelchairs,
51:18 to help them being more physically active.
51:20 Exercise for them is just as important as it is for you and I
51:24 And that set point is probably most critically
51:27 related to physical activity.
51:30 Thank you.
51:33 What's your name? What's your question, please?
51:35 Name is Kevin, and the question is related to breakfast.
51:40 Many people, frequently in trying to lose weight,
51:45 will leave breakfast off, as a way of losing weight,
51:49 thinking that if they eat breakfast,
51:51 it is going to increase their hunger later in the day.
51:55 maybe in the morning, or in the afternoon.
51:57 Is there a different thing that one can eat at breakfast,
52:03 that's going to not end up with hunger in the mid-morning?
52:08 I like to tell folks to eat as much breakfast as they want.
52:13 I make no limitations on the quantity of breakfast,
52:16 as long as it's healthy, you know,
52:19 the whole grains, the fruits.
52:20 Some people even eat vegetables for breakfast,
52:23 I can't do that.
52:24 But some people can, it's ok.
52:27 But what's important is, is the oatmeal,
52:29 the old-fashioned oatmeal,
52:31 the whole grain cereals, that we have,
52:33 the whole grain breads, and fruits,
52:35 I give absolutely no limitations on quantity for breakfast,
52:38 what I do like to limit, is food eaten after 6 o'clock,
52:45 should be none, in the evening, or just fruits, or salads.
52:51 That way it can be low in calories,
52:54 in fact, many people have said,
52:56 we should eat breakfast like a king,
52:58 and our mid-day meal like a prince or a princess,
53:03 smaller amounts, and then eat the evening meal
53:07 like someone, who doesn't have much food in the house.
53:10 That's very hard to do.
53:12 We typically don't eat much for breakfast,
53:15 we will eat maybe a little or lot for lunch,
53:18 and we eat a lot for the evening meal,
53:20 because it tends to be the only time
53:22 the family gets together for a meal.
53:25 But we need to reverse it.
53:27 We have our next question, please.
53:31 What's your name? What's your question?
53:34 I'm Linda. Being an ordinary nurse.
53:37 If a person has tried to lose weight,
53:39 and tried every way possible,
53:41 and still has not been able to lose weight,
53:44 is having a gastric bypass an acceptible measure to take?
53:48 Well, I think, you clinically have to make those decisions
53:51 with your own physician.
53:52 I think, it is an opportunity that some can have,
53:56 I would like to recommend we do the other first,
53:59 but if you can't do those, there are surgical opportunities that
54:03 can benefit some people,
54:04 but I've seen too many people have complications afterwards.
54:10 Well, yes, these complications come.
54:13 Are there, I guess, we would have to be specifically
54:18 for that individual, whether or not they have,
54:20 I guess, what do they do?
54:22 They staple the stomach, and different things like that.
54:24 Those individuals, who are morbidly obese,
54:26 can greatly benefit from those sorts of surgical interventions.
54:30 I would recommend those to your personal physician
54:33 and your personal medical condition.
54:34 Another question, please.
54:35 My name is David Green, I was wondering, if
54:41 is regularity important in weight management?
54:44 That's a good question.
54:46 I do recommend regular meals
54:48 We are creatures of habit,
54:51 and we contend to benefit from regularity times
54:54 for breakfast, lunch, and our evening meal.
54:56 Some can benefit from two meals a day,
54:59 most can benefit from three meals a day.
55:02 There are some individuals, think they need
55:08 5 or 6 meals a day,
55:09 but in clinics that I've been associated with
55:12 we put those on 3 meals a day, and they do just fine.
55:16 Next question, please.
55:17 What's your name and your question?
55:18 My name is Cindy Seward and I was just curious
55:21 about transfats, what exactly are their examples?
55:25 And, does it stay in your system?
55:27 And how long?
55:28 And is there a cleansing vegiment
55:30 that you need to get rid of the transfats?
55:31 That's a good question.
55:32 Transfatty acids are also called
55:34 these partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.
55:37 What the scientists have done, is
55:39 they created the vegetable oil for us to eat.
55:41 The first ones that came out years ago, was corn oil.
55:43 It's liquid at room temperature,
55:47 but when you add it into the baking and package food products
55:52 it doesn't have the longevity or shelf-life that we need,
55:55 and so they add some hydrogen ions
55:57 with nickel and cadmium catalists and they hydrogenate,
56:01 they add hydrogen ions to it,
56:03 they make it, they give it less double bonds.
56:09 All the double bonds are allowed to be kinked
56:11 and these kinked fatty acid should change into kinked,
56:14 they cannot alined themselves up tightly.
56:16 The saturated fats have no double bonds,
56:20 they can be allied very quickly,
56:21 and these vegetable transfatty acids can be allied very quickly
56:25 and they can create hardship in our arteries
56:28 when we eat too much of these fats.
56:29 So, transfatty acids act like animal saturated fats.
56:35 We thank you so much for the questions that you brought to us
56:38 and you know, this is, of course a huge subject
56:42 and we haven't been able to talk about everything,
56:44 that's been involved in the subject,
56:46 but I think we've got a good handle.
56:47 Not only diet, but exercise, and then support groups,
56:51 we've seen some excellent testimonies in different things,
56:54 that have helped us see
56:55 how people have moved from problems to solutions.
56:58 What would be your closing remarks
57:02 to just kind of cap this off?
57:04 Well, I think, we all ought to remember that God loves us,
57:09 whether we are overweight, whether we are obese,
57:11 whether we are thin, He makes no distinctions.
57:14 In fact, in 3 John 2, God tells us that
57:18 He wishes that we prosper and be in health,
57:21 and He wants us to be healthy.
57:24 But He also has to follow the laws of science.
57:27 That if we choose to eat too much of the saturated fats,
57:31 and choose no to exercise, or be physically active,
57:34 there are consequences to that.
57:36 Yet, He wants us to be happy.
57:37 He wants us to be healthy.
57:38 He wants us to be holy.
57:40 How can we do that?
57:41 Sometimes it's tough.
57:42 We have some emotional issues, or sometimes we want to eat food
57:47 to help us with some stressful times.
57:48 That's ok.
57:49 But if it gives us other medical problems,then maybe it's not ok.
57:53 It's important to get help.
57:55 Whenever you need help, get help.
57:57 We want to thank our guests today,
58:00 Naomi Coleman, Tim Heally and doctor Gerard McLane
58:04 for being with us.
58:05 You know, this subject of what we eat, when we eat it,
58:09 how we eat it, is much deeper for some of us,
58:14 or actually all of us, when we begin to ponder
58:16 the opening stories in Scripture,
58:20 where many things had to do with the fall of man
58:23 as it related to appetite.
58:25 Then we look at Christ's life we also recognize
58:28 that He was successful in this same struggle.
58:31 And I like a text in the book of Philippians,
58:35 that talks to us about how through God's power
58:40 He can work in us both to will and to do His good pleasure.
58:45 And as we look to Him, He can give us
58:49 both the desire, and the ability.
58:52 So I want nto direct your minds and thoughts to Him,
58:55 as the Master Physician.
58:57 Thank you so much for joining us in this UP Close.


Revised 2014-12-17