Up Close

The Process Of Change

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh (Host)<\br> 01. Kelly Dulac<\br> 02. Dr. Neil Nedley<\br> 03. Zulan Collis


Series Code: UC

Program Code: UC000406

00:24 Welcome to this exciting rendition of Up Close
00:27 Today we are in Wichita Kansas,
00:29 coming to you from the Three Angels 7th Day Adventist church.
00:32 And we so happy to have you with us, as well as our live audience
00:36 joining us today.
00:38 Today we'll be talking about one of the most
00:40 feared and misunderstood words in the English language:
00:44 Change!
00:45 Change of bad habits, laziness, procrastination,
00:49 poor communication and emotional entanglements.
00:53 Many people sense their need to change
00:54 certain aspects of their life, such as overcoming and addiction
00:58 making a positive dietary change beginning a physical exercise
01:02 program that will make them fit and robust,
01:05 getting more sleep, taking more time to study the Bible or
01:08 making more quality time
01:11 available for important family relationships.
01:13 Today we have the privilege of learning from two experts
01:17 on the process of successful change.
01:20 Kelly Dulac and Dr. Neal Nedley.
01:24 We will also be talking with someone who has
01:26 undergone dramatic beneficial changes in her life,
01:30 changes the she would
01:31 have thought impossible just a few months ago.
01:34 Do you know someone in your life that needs to change?
01:37 Could that someone be you? Or someone you love?
01:42 If so, this program is especially for you.
01:44 Maybe you know someone who doesn't even realize
01:47 their need of change.
01:48 How can they undergo
01:50 the first step of sensing their need of change?
01:53 Or maybe they realize their need to change and have tried hard
01:56 but, have not met with lasting success
01:58 and have succumbed to the previous habits.
02:01 This program is filled with great news, and great stories.
02:05 The process of successful and lasting change!
02:08 Our first guest, Zulan Collis
02:11 is a prosecuting attorney from Brooklyn, New York.
02:15 On the surface Zulan was the picture of success,
02:18 having a coveted professional job
02:20 in the largest city in the United States.
02:23 However, beneath it all, Zulan Collis suffered from depression,
02:27 had a history of failed personal relationships,
02:30 and was addicted to harmful substances.
02:33 After years of depressions things were getting to,
02:37 to be to much for her
02:39 and lets listen to what she told us a little bit earlier.
02:42 Within the past 2 years, it has gotten worst,
02:47 got to be terrible bad and got to be at some points
02:51 where I wouldn't even get out of bed, sometimes, for work.
02:54 I don't remember lot of it,
02:56 you know one of the symptoms of depression
02:58 is memory loss, but I used to keep a journal.
03:01 I kept a journal.
03:02 I remember reading back,
03:04 being surprised at myself going weeks at a time,
03:06 2 weeks period missing 4 or 5 days of work,
03:12 not being able to get out of bed,
03:13 not doing anything just kind of sleeping the day away.
03:16 My work suffered, because of it.
03:20 My personal life, I didn't have much of
03:25 I had a social life.
03:27 One of the things that I did to kind of
03:30 substitute the feelings of emptiness and loneliness,
03:33 or sadness or whatever you want to call it,
03:37 just filling my life with things like alcohol,
03:42 going out to bars, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
03:49 taking drugs, using drugs, smoking cigarettes,
03:53 many other things that attempt to fill that emptiness
04:02 When that stopped,
04:04 when I stopped socializing 4 or 5 times a week
04:08 I just found that there was no where to go, it was kind of:
04:12 What next?
04:19 Then it got to be terribly, most recently, just terribly bad
04:22 I mean I can't explain, it is difficult for me to articulate
04:26 I can say bad, but it is a tough think to explain.
04:33 Just a feeling of a...
04:41 I want to say there're feelings but so many non feelings too,
04:46 but I got to the point where I was really desperate one day and
04:51 I called my mother.
04:54 I didn't want to talk to anyone
04:56 I just felt like, life was too much for me to live
05:00 and I didn't want to live it anymore.
05:05 I am not a person to communicate my feelings,
05:07 I don't share things with anyone
05:08 my family will tell you, my friends
05:11 I wear this mask
05:13 when I go home is something completely different.
05:16 For some reason I picked up the phone that day
05:18 and called my mother, she was at work,
05:20 and I just started sobbing
05:22 uncontrollably, I couldn't stop myself
05:30 I didn't want to live anymore, and I shared that with her and
05:34 she knew that something had to be done, and she called me back
05:37 she tried to get me through, she prayed for me at the phone,
05:40 she got me to pray with her,
05:41 I kept saying to her, and she said:
05:43 "Zulan you have to have faith, you have to have faith"
05:45 and I said:" I don't have faith, I don't have any
05:48 faith in anything."
05:49 Have you ever been there?
05:51 Can you identify with any of what Zulan was sharing?
05:56 Really, a touching picture of someone that is
05:59 really in trouble.
06:01 Well we are glad that Zulan Collis made it through
06:05 that particular situation
06:07 she is here with us, actually at this program,
06:10 so we want to welcome Zulan Collis at the program.
06:13 Welcome!
06:21 We are really glad that you made it through that evening
06:24 Thank you!
06:25 And it is good to have mothers to call, isn't it?
06:27 It is!
06:28 And your mother sounds like she is a person of faith.
06:32 She is!
06:33 She is actually brought me through a lot,
06:35 and I have learned from her a great deal
06:37 And she is that final call,
06:40 or was she the first call that you make?
06:43 I guess it is one and the same, I don't know,
06:50 but for that particular moment it was the only call.
06:54 Well you know I am glad she was there,
06:56 and for so many people that is true, the mother is there.
06:59 What did she said to you when you called?
07:01 I mean you were telling, your pouring your heart out,
07:04 and you were sobbing but then what did she say?
07:06 She tried to get me to, I guess,
07:10 articulate or tell her about what it was that I was feeling
07:14 and I couldn't do that, I was too busy sobbing
07:19 and she said: "It is going to be ok",
07:22 and she prayed for me on the phone
07:25 and when I told her that I didn't have faith,
07:28 she tried to explain to me, what faith was
07:33 and took me through that,
07:35 and you know just told me the hold on, that it will be ok.
07:40 Did she recommended anything else?
07:43 She had me repeat certain prayers with her,
07:49 I don't remember them now, it's a complete blank to me, but
07:53 I did repeat those prayers with her over the phone,
07:57 and at some points, for a moment
08:02 I could tell that it was just a little better but not really.
08:06 So it was kind of like she was saying this
08:09 and seemed to be something important to her
08:10 but it wasn't working for you?
08:11 It was not.
08:13 You ended up at the Lifestyle Center.
08:15 How did you even hear about the place?
08:17 I didn't, again, that was my mother,
08:19 and I just recently found out how she actually
08:21 found the place.
08:22 She is a member of
08:24 the Chip program at her Seventh Day Adventist Church
08:26 and she'd gone to a convention
08:28 in Vancouver last November, she just told me this recently
08:31 she'd seen some books,
08:33 and two of the books that she'd seen, she written down
08:36 and two of the books were: "Proof positive" and
08:39 "Depression the way out", by doctor Neal Nedley.
08:44 She put that aside.
08:45 All her materials from the convention she put aside
08:47 this is a women who moved, since moved all this things
08:50 but she had this package in her drawer, in the new house.
08:54 She said, she went home immediately that day,
08:59 and something just told her
09:01 she wasn't even thinking about those materials in particular,
09:03 she said to me, but she went to that drawer
09:06 she opened the folder and in all this materials that she saw,
09:10 the name, and the books, Dr Nedley's name stood out.
09:14 She went on to the internet and did a Google search of Dr Nedley
09:18 - Good old Google!
09:19 And found the Lifestyle Center of America, and discovered,
09:21 they were running a program on depression,
09:23 just three weeks from the time that we'd spoken.
09:25 What were some of the things that began to make a
09:29 change in your life?
09:33 I guess that is kind of ahead at where we want to be
09:35 Did you wanted to go to the Lifestyle Center,
09:38 when you got there to do,
09:39 feel like aha, this is the right one baby, aha.
09:42 No, no, not at all.
09:45 Actually it was up until the day I was leaving,
09:48 was schedule to leave, I didn't want to go
09:51 I just felt like I was a robot at that point,
09:54 I was doing, I was doing, I was doing,
09:56 but I did not want to go and tackle and deal with
09:59 you know... this thing, this depression,
10:01 this things that had been weighing me down.
10:04 The things that needed to be changed.
10:06 They were related to that.
10:08 We want to listen to what happened,
10:11 some of the things that begin to happen in Zulans life,
10:13 that led to some changes.
10:16 I mean both Kelly and Dr Nedley kind of showed me that,
10:21 not only could I change the way I felt, and was feeling
10:31 but showed me how to change that and that was important
10:35 and so I learned that because I suffered from depression
10:41 I engaged in these kinds of thoughts,
10:43 this distorted thoughts
10:44 you know my brain wasn't functioning optimally,
10:47 because I wasn't treating my body, in the right way
10:51 and when I realized that my brain wasn't functioning
10:53 correctly and as a result,
10:57 I engaged in certain kinds of thought processes
11:00 or certain kinds of thoughts.
11:04 And then I was told that,
11:05 I can change this thoughts, and that was obviously
11:08 Once I began to change my thoughts,
11:09 and the emotions that I suffered as a result, were changed.
11:14 Kelly actually had this no nonsense approach
11:17 Therapist and therapy,
11:21 I can remember sitting across from someone
11:25 I liked my therapist, she was a wonderful person
11:27 she helped me understand why I behaved
11:31 the way I behaved because of certain events in my life
11:33 and that was helpful.
11:35 But at a point it stops being helpful,
11:37 you hit this block, you can't get past
11:40 and with Kelly, helped me to see was that, you know what,
11:45 yes you did suffer this things,
11:47 these things happened in your life, and they're terrible
11:50 and you feel pain because of it, but no more.
11:53 You can not,
11:57 allow yourself to engage in the same patterns of behavior
12:01 because of those painful things
12:03 or painful events in your life
12:04 Stop it, say no to it
12:12 You can control the way you behave certainly,
12:16 and you can not engage in these patterns.
12:24 Once that you recognize, that your brain doesn't function
12:28 the way is supposed to,
12:29 and once you recognize that your thoughts,
12:31 are not true thoughts, but are distorted thoughts
12:35 then you begin to question.
12:37 Ok well, if I am thinking or feeling this way
12:40 why am I feeling it?
12:41 If I am feeling guilty, if I am feeling shame,
12:43 if am feeling bitter or angry why am I feeling this anger?
12:47 Whatever that perception is,
12:49 whatever has caused you to feel that anger
12:51 than you begin to question
12:52 so you begin to challenge your own thoughts
12:55 and this is what you have to do.
12:56 You are not a slave to your thoughts, I mean I can't be,
12:59 I can't afford to be a slave to my thoughts
13:01 because my thoughts only lead me to a place that causes me
13:05 to feel, suffer depression.
13:08 I have to always question
13:09 what I am thinking, and why I am thinking it,
13:12 and hopefully you begin to feel better feelings.
13:19 You replace your unhealthy thoughts with good thoughts,
13:22 and eventually, you no longer acting automatically,
13:26 based on that unhealthy thoughts
13:28 but those unhealthy emotions will be replaced by healthy
13:30 emotions and that was where Kelly was helpful.
13:39 I wish I could articulated better than that,
13:41 she helped me, she empowered me,
13:44 that what was really most satisfying about the program
13:48 and Dr. Nedley and Kelly, and the entire thing was that
13:51 I feel empowered to make a change in my life.
13:57 You were saying there,
13:58 that really emotions and feelings follow thoughts
14:02 and you are able to choose those thoughts.
14:05 Absolutely!
14:07 The choice is with us, and within us, and once
14:09 we have the power to make that decision, to make that choice.
14:13 And this was something new to you after you met Kelly?
14:16 Yes. Absolutely
14:18 I mean you can hear the words all the time choose, choice,
14:21 but you don't understand what it means
14:23 and what it can mean in your life and to you personally.
14:26 Kelly told me before, she said that, when you,
14:29 first met one another she didn't really know how to relate.
14:32 I guess she came with some room service one day.
14:35 It was more then a room services.
14:41 I guess it was the second night,
14:44 that I was at the Lifestyle Center,
14:45 as I told you, I didn't want to be there
14:48 didn't want to engage in this process.
14:52 And I was supposed to be in the lecture and people were speaking
14:56 and I was so angry, I sat there, and people were saying things
14:59 and I was like, Ah I can't take this!
15:01 I don't want to be here, so I left the lecture
15:03 I went up to my room, the room was dark, I don't remember
15:11 Kelly came and there was a knock at the door
15:14 it was Kelly and Dr. Nedley.
15:18 Most unexpected guests,
15:20 I mean I didn't called them up, I hadn't ordered anything,
15:25 and they sat across of me
15:27 and I guess Dr Nedley had spoken at the lecture which I missed,
15:31 so he summarized some of what he talked about and Kelly asked...
15:33 No, when they where ready to leave
15:38 Dr. Nedley left and Kelly asked to stay a little bit,
15:40 and she actually... Kelly actually stayed with me.
15:47 I guess that was the moment where I really, I just,
15:50 I knew then I was there for a reason,
15:55 what she said to me, was:
15:59 "I can tell that you are in a lot of pain", and she said this
16:02 I mean she was very sincere and I looked into her eyes
16:05 and just looked at her and I wanted to be...
16:07 - Dismissive! - I really did
16:09 I was still hanging to that little bit of anger,
16:11 and I just really: "No lady you don't!"
16:15 But somehow something inside me
16:17 I guess that was the first moment that I realized
16:20 that I was supposed to be where I was at Lifestyle,
16:22 for a particular purpose.
16:23 Now we've talked about thoughts and emotions,
16:27 but did you make any physical changes?
16:30 Oh absolutely, physically
16:34 Like lifestyle changes.
16:35 Absolutely the way I ate, I mean the life styles that
16:38 are there the entire thing I never eaten like that before.
16:46 That was tremendous. I mean, no meat?
16:49 Just plant based diet, it was essential.
16:53 And they explained why that was and everything
16:56 Yes, Dr Nedley did, and once you understood why that was,
16:59 it was easier to engage in it, It was easier to do it.
17:02 Understanding is really important to making the change
17:06 In the rest of our program we'll try to understand more about
17:09 the process of change,
17:10 and how you can make things happen in your life.
17:13 With us we have two experts on this subject,
17:16 Kelly Dulac and Dr. Neal Nedley,
17:19 so stay with us we'll be right back.
17:28 We're going to be discussing, a struggle
17:30 that many of you, are probably going through right now.
17:34 Our topic is: Facing the Tough Times
17:37 Dr. Wilkens remembers the day his son left,
17:40 and here is what's happened next...
17:44 At that moment,
17:45 is sort of like being stunned with the electric prod.
17:48 It's incomprehensible moment.
17:50 I'm telling you that if we look,
17:52 we will find the divine providences, of God working.
17:56 Next week at Up Close
17:58 Facing the Tough Times, Don't miss it!
18:14 Welcome back to Up Close
18:16 I am excited to introduce our expert guests for today,
18:18 Kelly Dulac and Dr. Neal Nedley.
18:20 Kelly Dulac is a clinical psychologist who practices
18:23 at The Lifestyle Center at Monotmorelios University
18:26 in Mexico.
18:27 She has helped many clients overcome powerful addictions,
18:31 and incorporate new healthy, lifestyle habits.
18:33 As for Dr. Nedley,
18:35 he is an internal medicine physician in Ardmore, Oklahoma.
18:39 He has helped many of his patients incorporate
18:41 new healthy habits, as well as eliminating bad ones.
18:45 He is the author of two books:
18:47 "Proof positive" and "Depression: The Way Out"
18:50 And has been at numerous programs at 3ABN.
18:54 So please welcome Kelly Dulac and Dr. Nedley, with me.
19:07 You know we've just been watching, some clips from Zulan,
19:11 and I know that both of you met her
19:14 and got to know her there, at the Lifestyle Center.
19:17 Tell me a little bit about, what you were doing there,
19:21 and about your interaction with Zulan.
19:29 Well it was interesting?
19:30 She said about the first meeting that we had that night,
19:33 the next morning she was having breakfast with us and
19:37 I went to her with breakfast and I said:" Room service"
19:42 and she opened the door, and she said:" I am not hungry"
19:46 "I am on the phone"
19:48 She really didn't want to talk to me, but I said
19:53 I will wait.
19:57 She said, when she was at the door:
19:58 "I don't want to talk to you, I am on the phone."
20:00 Right, and I said: "I will wait!"
20:03 and she led me in and I knew she was suffering
20:07 and I knew that she really was in a spot that she needed help
20:11 and we started to talk, and she started to cry and said:
20:15 "I can not do this, I don't think I can do this."
20:18 And I knew it at that time that definitely she can do it!
20:23 I know that everybody can do it!
20:25 Yeah, well I noticed as we were listening to her on the clips,
20:29 and I also talked with her she said,
20:31 You know Kelly really helped me, with some thoughts
20:33 and this and that and she said: "I can't really describe it!"
20:36 So now you are here, you describe,
20:38 what did you do to help her?
20:41 Do you want me to start all the concept and everything that I...
20:46 Yeah! Start somewhere.
20:49 Yes.
20:51 Oh well, what I do, is the basics and 4 concepts,
20:56 very important concepts, in this process of change
21:00 The first concept is everything that we have,
21:03 that we are, that we think, that we feel, it's in our brain.
21:09 The brain is the most complex and marvelous system
21:14 in the planet Earth,
21:16 and I will let you to explain a little bit about the brain.
21:20 Well it is the most complex structure
21:22 ever investigated by science,
21:23 it's more complicated then the space shuttle,
21:26 100 trillion synapses in the brain,
21:31 those are connections between neurons
21:33 that makes the national debts in minuscule, in comparison.
21:37 But it's just 2.5 pound organ, and it has emotions
21:43 where we can feel, we can generate thoughts,
21:47 there is memory involved,
21:49 and then what sets us apart, from the rest of the
21:51 animal kingdom is the frontal lobe size that we have.
21:55 33% up to 38% of the human brain is in the frontal lobe,
22:00 and this is what gives us the power to choose.
22:04 This is why we have the freedom of choice,
22:07 and there is not really anyone that can take that away from us.
22:11 Because the Lord created us, with that freedom to choose
22:15 that will always be there,
22:17 so that is an important concept to understand
22:21 when we are talking about change
22:23 because we have within us, we have been created by God
22:27 to have the power to change, and be empowered to do that.
22:30 When you say, this concept, emotions are in the brain
22:33 What does that mean, is that some kind of genetic thing?
22:36 Is that something that we are exposed to,
22:39 Is that behavior, what is that what is that mean?
22:42 Everything that we feel has to do with chemicals in the brain
22:46 With the presence or absence of chemicals in the brain
22:50 Years a ago psychology, was studied just by observation,
22:55 now we can study all these feelings in laboratories and
23:01 the amazing thing is that we can do a lot to these chemicals.
23:07 We can do things that we can create those
23:11 or we can help these good chemicals,
23:14 or we can do things that help the bad chemicals
23:18 or the chemicals that are making us feel bad.
23:22 - And to have distorted thoughts.
23:25 Yes, exactly.
23:27 It is very interesting,
23:29 we are walking with this marvelous thing, you know here
23:34 we don't understand that everything that we think,
23:38 and feel and desire and all our motives energy comes from there.
23:44 And for me is the most amazing thing,
23:46 that we want to be happy, we want to have energy,
23:49 we want to be motivated, we want to love, we want to be loved,
23:52 and we don't understand where all that comes from.
23:56 Where is that at?
23:58 Like we have a pain in the knee, it is from there,
24:04 or from the elbow we can't even point it, right here
24:08 but when we don't feel good, when it has to do with feelings
24:12 Where do we touch?
24:14 Where is it?
24:16 And because we can not find, where it is,
24:20 or we can not see it, we think that we are that,
24:25 that we don't have the power to change,
24:27 that's what I said to Zulan
24:30 usually we say: "I am depressed"
24:32 I said what do you mean, "I am depressed"?
24:33 You have depression!
24:34 When we have cancer we don't say "I am cancer"!
24:40 We have cancer, and we have addictions,
24:44 so we have all these problems of behavior
24:47 it's we have the problem,
24:49 but because is connected with behavior and feelings
24:52 we think that we are that.
24:55 So that concept is good to understand,
24:57 once we understand that there is maybe some hope
24:59 like Zulan said as well,
25:00 emotions are not just something that we have to live with,
25:04 they are controllable.
25:06 Absolutely!
25:07 And that was a huge paradigm for her,
25:08 one of the things you told me before we came on, was that
25:10 we have a God given freedom of choice, talk about that.
25:17 This is my second concept.
25:18 God gave us something that nobody can take away from us,
25:21 Nobody!
25:23 Not even HIM, not because He can not do it,
25:26 is because He chose not to do it and is the freedom to choose.
25:30 Now start putting together
25:32 my feelings, or who I am, it's in my brain,
25:37 it's in my brain, is not in my husbands brain,
25:40 my neighbors brain, and my feelings are not
25:43 in some other place, it's in my brain,
25:45 and God gave me the freedom to choose, and then goes on.
25:52 The third one is, should I say it?
25:56 The third one is:
25:57 the circumstances can not determine who I am,
26:01 and this is very important.
26:04 Since I was a child, I really wanted to understand the
26:09 behavior why we do this and why we do that,
26:11 and when I studied psychology they gave me all explanations,
26:16 this person behaves like this because of this and this and
26:18 this and this person does certain whatever
26:23 because of this and this and this, and this.
26:24 So they label you when they also give you
26:27 all the reasons why you are doing this.
26:29 But then I came in contact with people, and I don't have time
26:35 to explain certain examples that I always give.
26:40 They were this, then they have nothing to do with the recent.
26:48 I'll give you a really fast example:
26:50 A man that was completely burned, I saw him,
26:53 and he was a wonderful person,
26:57 you know a really happy, secure, outstanding man
27:02 For me he was supposed to be...
27:05 Depressed, angry because he is burned and all that.
27:07 Absolutely!
27:08 We can give all excuses to this man,
27:10 You know, he could have been
27:12 in alcohol, drugs and depression and all that,
27:16 and this man said:
27:18 That my circumstances is not going to determine, who I am.
27:23 That was shocking, it was my first, encounter with reality,
27:28 that we have the freedom to choose, regardless.
27:31 So when Zulan was saying in her, the clip here, she was saying,
27:34 you know it is only helpful to a point to figure out
27:37 why things are happening or supposing what is causing that.
27:41 You can hear a little bit of that
27:42 but then it is not helpful anymore.
27:44 Is that what you are saying?
27:45 Absolutely!
27:46 She had to come to a point, of a decision and said
27:51 I don't want to be that anymore!
27:53 Doesn't mean that the things that happened in our life
27:57 or the circumstances, doesn't give us the tendency.
28:00 Yes, it gives us the tendency.
28:02 But the tendency doesn't mean I am going to go toward that.
28:07 It is a big difference.
28:09 So emotions are in the brain, God has given us a freedom
28:12 of choice now talk about that one more time,
28:14 because we did also
28:16 "circumstances are not to determine who we are".
28:18 But go back to that freedom again.
28:20 What is that freedom, it's freedom for what?
28:26 That is a very good question.
28:28 We can choose what ever, but really people, all of us,
28:34 we want to be happy, we want to be a blessing,
28:38 especially Christian people, we want to be a blessing,
28:42 that means we have the freedom, to choose what is right
28:46 We want to put that away!
28:48 We don't have a choice, we have a choice, but we have a choice,
28:51 to choose what is right, regardless what is in our lives,
28:57 what the circumstances, what is our bringing.
29:02 We have the choice to choose what God wants us to be.
29:06 Do you think it's true, Dr. Nedley?
29:08 I know that you'll not disagree with her here
29:10 but what can you say to flesh that out a bit?
29:13 Absolutely!
29:14 And you know this program really is, about hope for everyone.
29:19 There are people that think that
29:21 they are victims of circumstances and thus
29:26 they can never change
29:28 or they are victims of their genetics, and can never change
29:32 and in reality although, genetics produces tendencies,
29:36 and circumstances produce tendencies,
29:39 there is something far more powerful than genetics,
29:43 and far more powerful than circumstances
29:46 and that is our own ability to choose.
29:48 The freedom of choice that God has given us.
29:51 So would you say that before someone has the freedom
29:53 of choice that God gave they are bound to make
29:58 In other words,
29:59 they only have the freedom to be enslaved to bad things,
30:02 but once God comes into their life they have the freedom
30:05 to choose the good.
30:06 Absolutely!
30:07 The spiritual component is very important in
30:09 the process of change, it can't be left out.
30:12 Used to be left out, in alcohol programs,
30:16 and none of those alcohol programs were successful.
30:19 It wasn't until Alcoholic Anonymous incorporated the
30:21 spiritual aspect then all of the sudden we started to see
30:24 results and it amazes me,
30:29 that many people actually go through the steps of change
30:33 you can learn then in psychology classes,
30:36 and the spiritual part is totally left out,
30:39 because whether people realize it or not
30:41 the only way a person quit smoking is by the influence of
30:44 the Holy Spirit on their life.
30:46 And of course that means on the frontal lobe, this is how God
30:49 communicates with us, is through the brain,
30:52 and so the spiritual part is all encompassing in regards
30:57 to our need to change, as well as the power to change.
31:01 So we have: "Emotions are in the brain",
31:03 " God has given us the ability of freedom to choose",
31:07 "Circumstances don't determine".
31:09 Is there anything else?
31:10 Yes!
31:12 We should be responsible of who we are,
31:16 from who we are, it has a lot of implications
31:20 I am not saying that for who I am, people depend on me.
31:25 I am not saying that because whoever is around me,
31:29 they have to be responsible for their lives.
31:31 But who I am is going to determine the kind of mother
31:33 that my kids have.
31:34 Who I am is going to determine what kind of wife my husband has
31:38 Who I am is going to determine what kind church member,
31:42 my church has.
31:44 Who I am is going to determine what kind neighbor,
31:47 my neighbor has.
31:48 That means I can not say:
31:49 I am who I want to be, and do whatever, and be whatever.
31:54 We need to be responsible.
31:56 You know society needs really people
31:59 that are responsible and understand this concept.
32:01 So Zulan the attorney, Zulan Collis, did she understand
32:06 was she taking responsibility for her actions?
32:11 Well let's ask her!
32:14 Zulan what that concept did to your life?
32:20 I think it helped me to understand that I owed it to
32:23 myself to be a better person, you know that
32:27 I had to take the power and use the opportunity that I had,
32:33 to make a change in my life,
32:34 because I owed to myself to be a better person
32:36 so that my family could have a better person
32:39 so that when I decided I would find that special someone,
32:43 that special someone, would have a better person.
32:49 It was my responsibility to do that.
32:53 Let's come back after a little break and let's continue this
32:55 discussion then with Zulan and your selves
32:58 and then apply some of these principles to other things like:
33:01 bad habits, thinks that maybe people are struggling with here,
33:04 other people that are watching,
33:05 and let's see if we can apply that.
33:07 Join us when we come back.
33:21 Do your dread changes, and yet know you need to make some?
33:24 Do you long for help in making those needed improvements?
33:28 If so we have just the book for you.
33:30 Find strength and help as you read: "Secrets of Peace"
33:34 For your free gift, just write to us today at:
33:41 or call us during regular business hours:
34:10 Welcome back to Up close.
34:12 We are taking some live questions now,
34:15 as we've been talking about the process of change.
34:18 Could you give us your name and your question please?
34:20 My name is Tina Gilchrest, and I know that bad habits,
34:25 once formed continue so easily without our even making a
34:30 conscious effort, and so will it not be the same in reverse?
34:34 Yeah, absolutely!
34:35 There is a change that takes place in reverse,
34:39 and once the good habits are formed
34:42 we can have those to be as habitual as the bad habits were,
34:46 but it also depends a little bit on the habit as well.
34:51 For instance there are studies dealing with cocaine,
34:54 that show if you use cocaine once, you are addicted!
34:58 It's almost that powerful!
35:01 There are unfortunately in today's society
35:04 addictions that are very powerful,
35:06 some would put pornography in that same categories,
35:10 of being just one time,
35:14 and the addiction characteristics are set up
35:17 and so, for good habits, it is not quite that way,
35:22 once you drank water instead of Coke
35:24 it doesn't make you want water every time,
35:27 so there is a little bit of labor and persistence
35:30 and that is way there is effort,
35:32 in replacing the bad habits with good habits,
35:36 and that is also why we need the power of God,
35:38 because as human beings we can not do those things.
35:42 What I want to say is that, like I said the first concept is
35:46 what we are, in our feelings, in our behavior it's in our brain
35:50 and when we put the good habits, we put the message of health
35:56 that is going to give us this strength to deal
36:00 with bad habits.
36:02 If we are eating well, we are resting well,
36:05 we are breathing good air and we exercising,
36:10 all that is going to make our physical part of our body
36:15 really have the energy and it is going to help us to really deal
36:20 with any kind of problem that we have.
36:22 It is amazing that we don't think that this is a machine
36:26 and this machine in order to function has to work well.
36:30 We think about all kinds of machines, all the machines
36:33 they need to work well in order to you know...
36:36 We need to take care of them, but when it deals with our body
36:39 we don't do that.
36:40 We want to do all kinds of good things
36:42 but we don't take care of the body.
36:44 We don't take care of the brain, where that is going to
36:46 come from, then.
36:47 Judy, I know your name already, what is your question?
36:50 My question is:
36:52 What do you say to somebody when you tell them about these things
36:56 and they say: "Well that is fine for somebody else
36:58 but there is no hope for me, there is no help for me.
37:00 I am different".
37:02 Consciously incompetent.
37:04 Unconsciously incompetent.
37:07 Really is nothing that you can do.
37:10 When the person doesn't want to hear about it,
37:13 when he doesn't want to do anything about it,
37:16 but your example, your life, your energy, your good mood,
37:21 your love, your caring, it can inspire that person,
37:26 it can make it different, that person to see God through you,
37:29 and pray for that person, but really for a change
37:33 the person has to want, has to see the need for that.
37:38 We do have to have the person understand that there is hope,
37:43 often their choice of saying that there is no hope,
37:46 is one that if you have them analyze that statement
37:52 is actually a cognitive distortion.
37:55 We go through the ten cognitive distortions
37:58 but I met many depressed people that say that
38:01 there is no program or no medication or nothing
38:04 that is going to help me, because I am beyond hope
38:08 and that is a mental filter, is overgeneralization,
38:13 it is all or nothing thinking
38:15 and if we give them examples of those types of thought processes
38:19 they will be able to understand that is a cognitive distortion,
38:23 it is not true and they need to rephrase it
38:25 to something that is true
38:26 and once they recognize that there is hope
38:28 then it comes back on the responsibility part
38:30 on what to do about it.
38:32 One other thing that you didn't mention
38:33 but I know you believe is Prayer!
38:35 If someone says no,
38:36 than you can keep praying and I like to say that
38:40 prayer is sort like e-mail you keep sending it, and sending it
38:44 and in some day, when it is opened
38:46 they saw all the messages that where there all along the way,
38:48 and they see that God was there!
38:50 Your name and your question?
38:52 My name is Zenoc Mucace,
38:54 and my question is very similar to the previous question
38:58 Changing work shifts affects, one's eating, and sleeping habit
39:05 now how does one get over this distortions
39:09 to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
39:11 Changing what?
39:13 Changing work shifts
39:16 Well Zulan, tell us, about how you did that.
39:18 I mean I was fortunate enough to being in the position where
39:23 I could change my work shifts.
39:24 That will be the best thing if you could change your work shift
39:29 and that would be the best think to do.
39:33 I strongly recommended it by the way,
39:34 but if you are not in that position I really don't know
39:41 that is something that I will leave to you to kind of answer.
39:45 If you are forced to be in a position where you have to work
39:48 a particular work shift or you are rotating work shifts,
39:49 and that was also very difficult cause we did that
39:52 for a time, I don't know.
39:55 If option number one doesn't work, option number 2 at regular
39:58 schedule is very important and if you are on the night shift
40:02 for instance and you are working there and so you are not
40:05 getting the benefit of the light and those type of things
40:08 you need to incorporate some of your day to actually get
40:14 the light, and get the exercise, it is actually better for you
40:15 to stay on that sleep-wake cycle all through the week
40:20 even when you are not working that is where many night shift
40:22 people break down is when they are not working they shift
40:25 over in the day and so there's Circadian rhythms, they're
40:28 always in flux and that produces a hit.
40:33 Not enough to cause depression but if they have some other
40:35 hits on board it certainly can contribute to it.
40:38 So when they sleep we recommend sleeping in a dark environment
40:41 to get melatonin, that means a either wearing the shades
40:44 or a dark room and when they are awake
40:47 exposed to at least an hour of bright light per day.
40:51 In order to get the serotonin so that would be option too.
40:57 Ok our next question. Your name and your question.
40:59 I am Cecilia and my question is:
41:02 The program that Zulan went to is it offered ongoing and how
41:06 long does that last, and is there an age limit?
41:09 Ok the program is at the Lifestyle Center of America
41:12 and they have programs there all the time, for diabetes,
41:15 heart disease, stress, those types of situations.
41:19 She went to a specialized program, called:
41:22 " The Depression Recovery Program "
41:24 and that is offered once a year,
41:26 and everyone in that program was suffering from severe
41:30 depression that came there
41:32 and the I think the next program will be in August 2005.
41:36 Age limit?
41:37 There is no age limit, we had 16 years old there and we had
41:43 I'm not sure many, of course this is a younger group than the
41:47 diabetes group, overall.
41:49 No there is no age limit.
41:51 Ok well that is a wonderful program to have that wide scope
41:57 of people there.
41:58 How did you do that with the 16 year old that he was able
42:01 to track, or she was able to track everything?
42:03 Did you spent a lot of time with the 16 year old?
42:06 Yeah, she is doing well, actually I talked to her and
42:10 she is doing really really good.
42:13 It's a lot of things that she can not understand but if
42:16 she puts into her daily routine the healthy lifestyle
42:24 it will help her, and it is doing that.
42:27 She had nutritional hits and frontal lobe hits, and her
42:32 frontal lobe hit was 25 hours of television per week.
42:35 Entertainment TV per week.
42:37 She's had to undergo significant changes and she is benefiting
42:41 from them, it's like a full time job.
42:44 What is your name and what is your question please
42:46 My name is Dennis Stefonic
42:49 I set the stage with 2 health deficiencies in mind,
42:52 depression that you are talking about tonight and also with
42:56 relation to diabetes.
42:57 Might there be suggestions for the individual who lives in a
43:03 house hold with multiple individuals, and is the only
43:09 one who realizes a lifestyle change with diet in that mix?
43:15 So what do you do when you are part of a house hold
43:17 where you are the only one who is conscious essentially in
43:23 the group Kelly?
43:27 Well I can not say that is easy it must be tough
43:31 but circumstances can not determine who you are.
43:35 That means you have to decide and make adjustments, somehow
43:39 and not expect people to feel and to think the same way
43:42 that you do.
43:44 You have to be responsible and not try to implement,
43:49 what you believe and to put into other people's lives but you
43:54 have to make the decision and do all you can to follow that
43:58 and to be inspiration for those people you know they have to
44:03 see a change in you, they have to see a good attitude
44:07 when they see that you might change their mind
44:11 but if you are preaching to them and tell them that they're doing
44:13 wrong and they have to change
44:16 then it is going to be even tougher for them to change.
44:20 But you don't have excuse.
44:24 You are not excused, you have choices too
44:28 Do you think there is something wrong with preaching?
44:33 I guess from the pulpit you can.
44:36 I am just checking.
44:37 What is your name, and what is your question?
44:39 My name is Dave, and the question is directed to the
44:45 The 4 principles and the 4 stages that you were talking
44:49 about I am curious how that would be received in the
44:52 psychological community as a whole and what implications
44:57 would that have to anyone who is seeking professional help?
45:01 That's a tough question.
45:03 I don't know if I want to answer that.
45:11 I really didn't want to get into this but there's a lot of
45:14 mistakes I think and I believe the psychologist and
45:18 psychiatrist way of seeing things...
45:24 I'll interrupt for a minute I can quote Scientific American
45:25 Medicine and the modern text book today
45:28 and that is the only text book that stays up to date, and
45:31 it says " Traditional forms of psychotherapy have never been
45:34 proven to help depression anymore then a placebo does. "
45:39 Those are traditional forms of psychotherapy and that's what's
45:42 being utilized largely to a great degree
45:45 so that means all these theories that sound good,
45:48 that you might have learned in psychology class
45:50 when put into practice, actually don't work!
45:53 At least in many settings now placebos can work some and so
45:57 that little bit of success has led them to think that this is
46:01 actually helpful but when they have tested against the
46:03 scientific method, it has not been helpful.
46:05 That is the reason that I got Kelly involved because Kelly
46:08 involves, because Kelly involves a type of therapy
46:11 that actually is been shown scientifically to be helpful.
46:15 It is actually where we talk about the frontal lobe,
46:18 we talk about cognitive behavioral therapy by the way,
46:21 frontal lobe is kind of left out of the picture in most
46:23 psychology classes it's left alone because
46:25 it is the spiritual part of things and moral things
46:28 and psychologists aren't supposed to talk about morals
46:31 or believes and so, they leave it out.
46:34 But Kelly actually takes a vehement position against much
46:39 of the past standards psychology world,
46:42 fortunately a much of it have started to catch up with Kelly
46:44 now and I think it will eventually, but I don't think
46:49 we need to be ashamed to say that our program does not
46:53 utilize much of what is there in standard psychology.
46:58 What it led me to work the way that I do it's seeing people,
47:04 seeing people and the power of the brain and what God gave us
47:09 really what we have in our hands, it is so powerful
47:12 there is nothing that should withstand from our success or
47:17 to be what God wants us to be.
47:20 What I found out it's people we use as an excuse to
47:25 manipulate or to do whatever we want circumstances,
47:29 or our pains and wounds, we use it as an excuse and I take
47:34 those excuses out and I leave everything up to the person
47:39 and the results are amazing!
47:41 I am amazed, with the results, I am still being amazed,
47:46 there are no excuses.
47:49 Animals can be trained, can you imagine, animals can be trained,
47:52 wild animals can be trained, there's impossible that
48:02 a human brain can not change and be healed and be marvelous
48:03 people in this earth and to be a blessing, regardless what we
48:08 went through, regardless!
48:10 Really every day I'm more certain of this truth, really.
48:18 Your name and your question.
48:20 My name is Douglas, and this is quite a long question.
48:25 How does one stop realizing that they need to change and
48:29 just do so when they keep falling back into the same pit
48:31 that after being delivered by the Saviour continuously
48:34 and how does one truly take responsibility, and come out of
48:37 that stage and stay out?
48:42 How they can come out of a stage...
48:43 - They keep following back in.
48:48 Ok, that is a very good question
48:52 Sometimes we're trying to change just that thing it's like,
48:56 if you can give me an example, or any of you can
48:59 give me an example.
49:01 Well a good example is,
49:09 I have a tendency of assuming and jumping to conclusions
49:14 continuously or hearing things that aren't said and the enemy
49:20 takes and twists something that was said and gets me to
49:23 believe something that wasn't said and then I get upset
49:27 and get mad and say that the person is trying to make me out
49:31 to be a liar.
49:32 Ok, that is a fantastic question!
49:35 We are going to understand now.
49:37 If you think that, is because the information that you have
49:42 already in your brain, things that had been while you were,
49:43 you know growing up and make you believe,
49:47 because of the information that he has already his brain
49:50 then you see the world that way.
49:53 Now if you try to change that part of your life,
49:57 it is going to be so though.
49:58 You are going to be dealing all the time but what you have to do
50:02 is to pour new information in your brain,
50:05 change all your lifestyle, and read good stuff, see good stuff,
50:11 your process of thinking has to be not only in those things
50:15 but you have to feed your brain with the best that you can feed
50:20 your brain.
50:21 Sometimes we want to change in one area, but the rest of
50:24 our areas are feeding the brain with what is bad
50:29 and that is almost as trying to go against the current
50:33 and the more things you bring into your brain that is bad,
50:41 the current it's stronger but if you put into your brain,
50:44 you make the decisions and you say:
50:45 " Ok, this problem that I have, it is in my brain,
50:49 I will help my brain " and then you start putting
50:51 new information into your brain and being consistent in that
50:57 and then go jogging, and eat well and rest well, and be aware
51:03 of your thinking, because of what you think is the problem,
51:06 and go to God and read the Bible.
51:12 You are just putting new information, your reaction is
51:15 because of the bad information that is in your brain.
51:19 Ok. That is fascinating, what you are saying then is
51:22 that sometimes people would just fixate on one thing
51:25 and you really that is not so helpful you need to have a
51:29 broader approach to all kinds of things, addressing the
51:33 same thing, have you found the same Dr. Nedley?
51:36 Yes, absolutely.
51:37 It takes a comprehensive approach,
51:40 that's why the Lifestyle Center Program works so well,
51:42 cause we can change everything at one time.
51:46 When I do the community programs in Ardmore and other places,
51:50 we work on a hit category every week and so that means there's
51:55 8 hit categories we can work on
51:58 and so it takes 8 weeks to go through it.
52:00 It is a longer process, but for those who go through it can be
52:04 just as successful but when we can change everything
52:07 up front, together, we are given a head start
52:11 that produces a powerful before and after experience,
52:14 as we've seen demonstrated here with Zulan.
52:18 Your name and your question please?
52:20 My name is Joel and my question is: If you are trying to stop an
52:23 addiction should you completely abstain from it or stop it
52:26 slowly by slowly.
52:29 That is a good question, and actually if you are trying to
52:34 overcome an addiction the cold turkey method
52:35 is the method that works, and it sounds cruel,
52:39 total abstinence for life and some people say,
52:44 well you know what about just once a month?
52:47 I was asked that about smoking recently one time a month.
52:51 That is not going to harm me is it, if I smoke just one
52:55 And of course that is a lot better than everyday,
52:58 it is a lot better than multiple packs a day but when we
53:02 reward ourselves periodically, with a habit like that,
53:07 we undermine our ability to ever over come it and it is only by
53:10 being free of that addiction, that we will actually learn
53:13 enjoyment of life, that is separated from that,
53:16 and then we know that our joys in life
53:19 are not connected with it at all, and soon the addiction
53:23 And if the addiction is not missed that's when we are
53:26 unconsciously competent and we have reached an important
53:30 stage for, that is why the taper back method is met
53:35 with failure often.
53:38 I want to ask Kelly to just share with us her final thoughts
53:41 we have a couple of minutes to share those final thoughts
53:43 with us today, give us that pearl of great price.
53:52 There are so many thoughts that I have, really
53:57 I work with addictions a lot and we're trying to,
54:03 like the doctor said, we're trying to deal just not
54:09 you seen whatever addiction it is though, but again
54:16 my final thought is God has given us 2 messages,
54:20 power messages, the power of the Message of Health.
54:26 When I started to work in Lifestyle Center over there
54:28 in Montemorelos I thought that I knew this I was an Adventist
54:33 since I was a kid, I was a runner and I didn't eat meat
54:38 all my life that is sad you know, I was good for the job
54:44 and the message of health is so profound and it is so simple,
54:50 and it gives us the power the energy, the aiming
54:53 and the message of health is not to have health,
54:56 can you imagine that?
54:57 When I heard that from my husband I said: " Wait a minute,
55:00 what are you saying? "
55:01 The message of heath is not to be healthy?
55:03 The primary reason is not to be healthy it's to be clean
55:10 in our mind in our body to be able to be connected to God,
55:15 and to understand His message.
55:18 When we are healthy, when this machine this brain is working
55:23 well I can understand the message of the Gospel,
55:26 and it is so powerful, and you want to overcome
55:32 addiction you want to overcome all kinds of bad behaviors
55:36 Get into the message of health!
55:38 Go jogging, breathe in the morning, rest well, eat well,
55:41 have a good attitude, trust in God, you'll see how that is
55:46 going to shake your life, really is going to
55:48 shake your life.
55:50 Christians we are in the mode that we shouldn't be, really
55:55 it's like God has given...
55:57 Dr. Nedley do you think that she is almost too excited
56:00 about this, or you can't be get to excited?
56:02 No you can't be too excited about this subject.
56:05 It is almost like God has given us a banquet, and He says:
56:08 " Eat from here " and we say:" No, I prefer to eat dirt"
56:16 It is something so beautiful for our lives and we just
56:20 put that in our lives you are going to see it
56:22 and you're going to be so excited!
56:24 Our churches should change with these 2 messages:
56:27 The Message of the Health and the sweet message of the Gospel
56:31 with the huge waffle, Dr. Nedley cherry right on top,
56:35 Just your closing thoughts
56:38 My closing thoughts are:
56:39 No matter who you are and no matter what your circumstances
56:43 are and no matter what your genetics are, YOU CAN CHANGE!
56:49 I would implore you now, to prepare for great changes
56:56 in your life, put this principles to heart If you
56:59 haven't heard them all order the DVD or the Video from 3ABN.
57:05 Put these changes to heart and God will do wonderful things,
57:10 beyond what your expectations are!
57:14 We want to thank our guests today: Zulan Collis,
57:17 Kelly Dulac, and Dr. Neil Nedley for being
57:20 with us and you know it's really a blessing that Change
57:24 is in fact Possible!
57:27 We have had a message of hope today a message of healing
57:30 and we're thankful that all of you, are now in one of those
57:34 stages, maybe consciously competent at this point
57:39 and we welcome you to the world of change,
57:41 it is not that scary after all!
57:43 it can be accomplished with God's help!
57:46 Thank you for joining us!


Revised 2014-12-17