Up Close

Is Suicide A Way Out?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn, 01. Kay Rizzo, 02. Alexandra Vance


Series Code: UC

Program Code: UC000405

00:27 Hello everyone, and welcome to another 3ABN Up Close.
00:30 This is a program where we examine the problems that
00:34 plague today's society and we seek to offer
00:38 practical solutions.
00:40 We're coming to you from the beautiful Fort Worth First
00:44 Seventh Day Adventist Church in Fort Worth, Texas.
00:47 We'd like to thank our live audience for joining us
00:51 in this program.
00:52 Our topic is how to find a way out
00:56 of depression that leads to suicide.
00:59 You know, at one time or another, we all face
01:02 dark moments that blindside us and unfortunately
01:07 hopelessness fools many into believing
01:10 that suicide is the only solution.
01:13 It has become the eighth leading cause of death
01:17 for all Americans and it ranks third
01:20 for the cause of death in young people.
01:23 Every seventeen minutes someone in U.S. commits suicide, that's
01:29 more than 29,000 a year.
01:32 And sadly that indicates at least three people
01:36 will end their lives during the span of this program today.
01:41 Is someone close to you overwhelmed
01:44 by the circumstances of their life?
01:46 Don't ignore the silent signals and the muffled cries for help.
01:52 You need to recognize the symptoms that
01:55 lead to suicide.
01:57 It's not a sign of weakness, and it's not
01:59 gender specific.
02:01 While females are more likely to attempt suicide, males are
02:08 four times more likely to die from suicide.
02:11 But the good news is there is a way out of this darkness.
02:17 Suicide is preventable when an alternative solution can be
02:22 provided to overcome the problems
02:24 that seem so overwhelming.
02:27 Our first guest tonight is Alexandra Vance.
02:31 Alexandra is a licensed marriage and family counselor
02:35 from Greenville Tennessee,
02:36 she has over 29 years of experience of clinical work with
02:42 marriage and family challenges, sexual addictions,
02:45 abuse, trauma histories and those who are suffering
02:50 from depression and grief.
02:52 But still Alexandra has not had an easy life herself.
02:57 And today she's here to share her personal story.
03:01 When her husband was cheating on her in adulterous affairs,
03:07 the weight of her emotional pain was so unbearable that
03:12 she could not see a way out from under it.
03:16 Depressed and desperate she finally reached
03:20 for a gun. Here is what she shared with us.
03:24 I was married when I was 23,
03:26 really had come out from a rather conservative,
03:32 sheltered background, but also a background
03:35 with a lot of dysfunction, in my family.
03:38 So I grew up not knowing what normal was, and I didn't know
03:45 how to communicate needs and wants in a marriage.
03:51 We married and he was seven years older than I,
03:56 and what I discovered was that over the time,
04:01 we were married 23 years, there were periods when he would
04:06 have affairs and I didn't know how to handle that, I would
04:10 confront it but at the same time was told that I was imagining
04:14 things or crazy.
04:15 One time it became more difficult
04:17 I confronted him and he didn't deny that, but my level of
04:22 feeling poorly about myself was so severe
04:27 and the despair of that time, I had two children at the time,
04:32 that in that moment I became very suicidal.
04:34 That was my first intense period of suicide feeling
04:42 I ever had, was one night we had an argument
04:45 and it was over him going out, I didn't want him
04:52 to leave the house, and he was going to leave and in that point
04:57 I felt absolutely desperate.
05:01 It was very scary and in that desperation I threatened
05:08 suicide.
05:10 We had a gun in the house and I threatened to go and get
05:12 that gun and to end my life.
05:16 I regret that, because my children were there,
05:20 and my daughter remembers that to this day.
05:22 My son was three but she was around ten or eleven,
05:27 it was a lonely time and he did something that was actually
05:34 a gift to me, later on I realized it was a gift,
05:37 he said: never hurt yourself over me,
05:40 he said that he wasn't worth it.
05:43 At that moment I couldn't imagine
05:46 him making that statement
05:47 and didn't know what he meant but he was owning his own
05:50 responsibility in the problem.
05:52 What I did after that was, I calmed down,
05:56 I was able to pull back together
06:01 again, and he left after that
06:06 believe it or not and I was able to come back together,
06:10 I sat down, and in that moment I was able to pray.
06:14 I was left with a question, why was I willing to kill myself
06:18 for a man, and that question turned my life around,
06:22 and it was a gift from him, believe it or not.
06:25 At that point then I realized that if I was willing to
06:31 hurt myself for a man, I couldn't imagine that
06:35 God would want me in a situation that over and over again,
06:37 I was so disappointed in a relationship that I would
06:40 hurt myself, that I started getting help, and that's when I
06:43 sought help, help for myself psychologically, help for
06:47 myself spiritually.
06:49 In that dark moment, all I can tell you is that it was so dark
06:55 I couldn't see children, family, all I could see was
06:59 I was a failure.
07:03 I couldn't hold that marriage together, and there was nothing
07:07 that I could find in me to make that different.
07:10 I think that the fear of
07:14 abandonment, the fear of being a failure, it was overwhelming
07:18 and I was in overwhelm.
07:21 Well Alexandra Vance is here tonight and I would like
07:25 to invite her to come up on stage
07:27 and speak to us, Alexandra...
07:41 - Is it painful to watch that now?
07:43 - It was very painful to talk about it and I hadn't realized
07:48 how much pain I carried all these
07:49 years because I really never
07:51 talked about that particular event in my life, to anyone.
07:56 - I think that there's so many
07:57 people who can understand when we
08:01 get to that really dark moment, but what a lot of people don't
08:05 know, is you said that you got help how did you come out
08:08 of that, once you had that realization,
08:10 I don't want to end my life
08:13 over a man. What kind of help did you get?
08:17 - I had the good fortune of having had a mother who went to
08:22 Alanon, so I knew something about 12 step programs.
08:27 I went to therapist and I started into 12 step programs.
08:31 I was an adult child of an alcoholic, so I started there,
08:35 I didn't know where to go other than that. I went to the church.
08:40 - You were a Christian?
08:42 - I was a Christian and I went to
08:43 the minister, our minister just
08:49 didn't know how to handle it, he did the best he could,
08:52 he gave me some scriptures to search out and I did that but
08:59 beyond of that the things I learned like:
09:03 why would I allow myself to be treated in that manner,
09:07 what did I think about myself
09:09 that I would accept that behavior?
09:15 So I learned about boundaries, I remember the therapist
09:20 saying to me one time: what are your boundaries?
09:22 I said boundaries, what's that?
09:24 And that was early on, I just
09:30 couldn't believe that with all the
09:31 background I had I didn't know that word.
09:34 After that I learned so many more things, and I learned shame
09:38 and shame spirals and I learned that when that
09:42 pain hit, it was the pain of shame,
09:48 I was a bad girl.
09:51 - Let me ask you something, you felt shame because of the choice
09:56 that you were thinking of making?
09:58 - I felt ashamed.
10:00 - Or did you feel shame because
10:01 your husband was running around on you?
10:05 - That's why I felt the shame.
10:07 - Isn't that amazing that someone
10:08 else could actually put that feeling
10:12 on us, when they are the one who is doing the wrong act yet
10:18 you assumed the shame.
10:19 - That's right, I was what in the business it's called being a
10:26 shame sponge, I would take on other people's feelings I was a
10:30 co-dependent person, and I thought
10:33 that my Christian duty was to feel those feelings, and I
10:38 realize now that that's not what God's calling us to.
10:41 God's calling to keep our serenity at all times.
10:46 And that what's I learned and that's what I have today
10:48 that I love life so much now, is serenity.
10:53 My life is peaceful and joyful and I'm around people who
10:58 are happy, I'm around so many fun Christian people and
11:02 back then I was so alone, I had never been so alone in my life,
11:06 because I couldn't talk about it, I couldn't go to anybody and
11:10 talk about the problems, all though most people knew but they
11:13 didn't talked to me and I didn't talked to them about it.
11:15 Now- This marriage ended in a divorce?
11:19 - Yes, this marriage ended in a divorce.
11:20 - Have you remarried?
11:22 - I remarried in September.
11:24 - What you learned from your first marriage, how is that
11:28 affecting you today?
11:29 - O, it's so different, I mean it's
11:32 amazingly different, in this marriage,
11:34 of course I had my own business,
11:36 I had to take care of myself, I gave up dependences, that was
11:42 part of my problem, but now I have all these years of
11:45 being on my own, and having a life and setting boundaries,
11:50 dealing with life day by day,
11:52 I like what Danny said, living day by day.
11:55 Something came up very early on in our marriage and I said,
12:00 Norm, we just gonna have to sit and talk about this.
12:05 I'm still not confrontive, I just said this is my experience
12:09 and this is how I feel when you say that,
12:12 can we talk about it?
12:14 And he said ok, and I said this is how I would like you
12:18 to treat me, or this is the way I would like you to talk to me
12:20 in this situation.
12:22 And he got it.
12:23 - Praise the Lord!
12:24 - That is a praise thing, he got it. And I thought, this is
12:30 gonna make it, and that was in the first month of our marriage
12:34 and it's like... wow... this man wouldn't have an affair on me,
12:39 and I'm not willing to do that either so we have that
12:43 bottom line commitment,
12:45 we have a connection and a bond in that and beyond that
12:48 we're willing to sit down and talk about things.
12:52 He said that you are willing to say what you need and what
12:57 you mean, and I said, yes I am.
12:59 I did my post-graduate education
13:01 after that experience of pain.
13:05 - So God did work all things together for your good and you
13:09 are putting that to use. Praise the Lord!
13:13 - God has, yeah.
13:14 - Coming up next, we'll talk to Kay Rizzo and how to overcome
13:18 thoughts of suicide by finding meaning and joy in life.
13:23 We will also look at some of the more common causes for
13:26 suicide so please stay tuned with us, we'll be right back.
13:38 Next week on Up Close...
13:40 Will be talking about one of the most feared and misunderstood
13:43 word in English language: CHANGE.
13:46 In two week period missing 4-5 days of work, not being
13:50 able to get out of bed, not doing anything.
13:52 I was sleeping the day away, taking drugs, using drugs,
13:55 smoking cigarettes, etc.
13:58 - She had to come to a point of a decision:
14:01 I don't want to be that anymore.
14:04 - Medication wasn't doing it.
14:05 Medication is a passive thing.
14:07 - Next week on Up Close, "The Process of Change",
14:11 don't miss it.
14:25 - Welcome back to Up Close.
14:27 Today we're talking about suicide
14:29 and how we can find a better
14:32 way out of the hopelessness and depression
14:34 that life's problems can bring.
14:37 We'll be discussing how we can recognize this problem
14:41 in others and offer the help that they need.
14:44 This is far more common than
14:47 most of us realize.
14:48 As alarming as the suicide rate in America
14:51 is that there are 8 to 20 attempts for each
14:55 death by suicide.
14:57 It doesn't have to be that way.
15:00 There are many warning signs that offer us a chance
15:04 to intervene before it's to late.
15:06 Our expert guest today is Kay Rizzo and she's not
15:11 just an expert in theory, Kay went through a life experience
15:16 that devastated her emotionally and she almost became
15:20 a statistic of death by suicide
15:23 when she considered taking her own life.
15:26 Kay comes to us from Viselia,California
15:30 she's the author of 44 books
15:32 and she's a columnist for a life style magazine called
15:36 "The Winner". As an inspirational speaker she
15:39 has traveled through North America and spoken for
15:42 numerous groups on the subject of moving
15:46 from suicide to praise.
15:48 We are excited to have Kay Rizzo, with us here today
15:52 so please make her feel welcomed.
16:03 - You know Kay as a watched Alexandra's story I asked myself
16:08 what would I do if something like that happened to me.
16:12 - As I watched Alexandra's story, it brought back
16:16 to many memories of the times
16:18 and how I felt.
16:19 The interesting thing about this problem of suicide is wherever
16:26 I go to talk about it,
16:27 and it took me years to where I could talk about it in public,
16:31 every time someone comes up to me after the program and said
16:37 I was considering it last Wednesday,
16:40 I was considering it a week ago,
16:42 I was considering it a month ago, it is too common.
16:46 - Yes it is and I think that almost every one that's here
16:51 tonight or if you're watching on television or listening by
16:54 radio, you probably know someone that's going through that.
16:59 What are some of the groups that are at risk for suicide?
17:06 - People who have panic attacks quite often,
17:11 people who have any kind of drug dependency, because that
17:16 drags you down emotionally,
17:17 schizophrenia, if they've been diagnosed with schizophrenia,
17:21 this could be a problem, but probably the
17:23 most common is depression.
17:25 Proverbs 17-22 says that a broken spirit dries the bones.
17:31 - Amen.
17:32 - And you have dry bones but the great thing is that in
17:37 Ezekiel he says, those dry bones will live again.
17:40 - Halleluiah, but what are "the seeds"
17:43 what "seeds" depression in our life?
17:46 - I think the first is, and we don't like to hear it,
17:50 those of us who thinking of suicide, but it's
17:53 intemperance, over tired, working too hard...
17:59 - First explain what you mean by intemperance.
18:00 - Ok, intemperance means overdoing,
18:03 you're working too hard, not getting enough sleep, or you are
18:08 sleeping at the wrong times, you can't get into a decent
18:10 sleep cycle, lack of exercise, poor diet,
18:14 all of these things is what I consider,
18:17 you're not living a temperate
18:19 wise life, and so you're getting
18:21 down and that causes the problem.
18:24 - Our life style choices actually affect our mind?
18:28 - Absolutely and if you're discontent with your life,
18:31 whatever is happening on the outside, you're discontent,
18:34 when Paul wrote to Timothy and said: be content,
18:39 it was reason for that, for our mental health.
18:42 If you are discouraged, your life seems to be in the pits,
18:46 and you can't handle it any more, this is definitely a sign
18:50 that you are possibly, can work to the point
18:54 of wanting to commit suicide.
18:56 If you have no hope for the future, you can't see past
19:01 what's happening, it's an awful thing to even consider
19:06 you'd want to see.
19:07 This can be one of the seeds of depression.
19:10 One of the biggest things I found with my depression
19:13 was unresolved anger.
19:14 I was angry at myself for failing, you noticed
19:18 Alexandra mentioned, she felt such a failure, and you beat
19:22 yourself up, with these feelings
19:24 and I was angry at the world around me
19:28 I was angry at the people who were causing the problems,
19:31 I was angry at my church because they didn't seem to be
19:37 responding to me, how could they, they didn't know...
19:41 I was mad with the president of the United States,
19:44 I was mad at everybody.
19:45 - That is interesting, there two things that you said,
19:49 when we are going through a dark time emotionally,
19:55 a lot of us hide that, I haven't told you this, we didn't have
20:00 time before the program.
20:01 But my mother tried to commit suicide on several occasions,
20:06 and I never could understand, as a young child, why she did
20:10 those things, and when I had a year's illness, that was very
20:15 devastating to me, at the end of that year,
20:18 I had hidden all my emotions, but, by the end of the year
20:24 I was so depressed and felt so hopeless after going to
20:28 doctor after doctor, and this was the type of illness that
20:31 really got you down, that one night I laid in bed, Kay
20:35 and I had the thought, now I understood
20:39 why you did it mamma.
20:42 I wasn't thinking about committing suicide,
20:44 but I had the emotional
20:46 identification with it and it scared me to death.
20:50 - So what are some of the common threats?
20:53 - One thing I noticed and really surprised me happened when
20:56 I was going through the
20:58 depression and it has been something that people have
21:01 shared with me since, is that our thinking is twisted,
21:05 at that time, it's upside down, we look at someone who is
21:09 considering suicide,
21:11 and we say, oh, they are being so selfish!
21:14 In reality, in their thinking, Satan has so twisted
21:17 their brains to where they
21:19 believe they are making the ultimate sacrifice for
21:24 those they love that they just get out of their way, they could
21:27 get on with life and things will be good, but they were the
21:29 problem and they needed to get out of the way,
21:32 and so it's actually an act of love for many people.
21:35 - So they felt like they were being a burden, and so they
21:37 were trying to ease the burden for their family?
21:40 When I was 11 years old, was the first time my mother tried
21:45 to commit suicide and I remember to this day I was the one who
21:51 found her, I remember that day as clearly as if it
21:56 were yesterday.
21:57 I wanted to ask Alexandra, I noticed on the
22:01 tape that you mentioned your children were aware,
22:06 especially your daughter, because she was 11 I think,
22:08 as well, wasn't she.
22:09 How has that affected her life?
22:12 - Well my children have both been
22:16 in therapy, and my daughter
22:20 had to learn a lot about boundaries and she had to learn
22:26 a lot of things cause being in our home she didn't learn what
22:30 normal was either, I almost learned with her and that's how
22:33 we changed things together.
22:35 She's happy today but she's worked hard to get there.
22:40 She had a repetitive depression every January,
22:45 but she doesn't get that anymore.
22:47 - January was the time of month when you tried to...?
22:51 - No I don't think so, but her dad also had a repetitive
22:55 depression every January, and she identified with his feelings
22:59 but she doesn't have that depression any more.
23:03 - Because of the therapy she's coming out of that cycle,
23:08 that downward spiral that she was in afterwards.
23:11 - That's correct.
23:12 - Kay is this fairly normal, a lot of people think
23:19 they are doing their family a favor,
23:21 but suicide or even an attempted suicide,
23:25 really affects so many people in a broad way.
23:29 - In reality, a family never gets over a suicide.
23:33 This becomes a generational problem
23:36 if you consider suicide and you
23:38 go through with it there is a good chance your grandbabies
23:42 are gonna face that same problem.
23:44 I don't know why this happens, but I know that it does,
23:48 I've seen it even in my own family.
23:50 My grandfather committed suicide.
23:51 And for every generation since, we have had a constant battle
23:55 of fighting against the thoughts of suicide.
23:58 It never stop's.
24:00 One of the interesting facts
24:04 that have come out from this, is that for every
24:07 accomplished suicide, there are six victims left to pick up
24:13 the pieces, and the survivors for mental health needing
24:18 mental health afterwards, are
24:20 4.7 million in United States alone every single year.
24:23 That are the left overs if you want to call them that,
24:26 that just don't know how to pull their lives back together again.
24:29 So it's definitely fiction to believe that you can get
24:34 out of the picture and help things.
24:36 - Would you say that for most people,... there are people who
24:40 suffer from chronic depression and then there
24:42 are those who have some experience in their life that
24:46 brings on an acute bout of depression.
24:49 That's the starting point usually isn't it?
24:53 Something that's happened that's causing our mental faculties
24:57 to be depressed, the way we look at things to be depressed?
25:01 How can we recognize depression, what are some of the causes?
25:06 - It's interesting that you mentioned that, because there is
25:12 no trigger that matches for every person, for some people
25:17 can be a slow decline, they
25:19 don't even realize it's happening
25:20 they're running so fast to do all the things they need to do
25:23 that all the sudden it's like their body completely shuts down
25:27 their mind and spirit their soul and body just collapses.
25:30 - Burnout.
25:31 - Absolutely! That's what I experienced.
25:33 Other people will come up to a major crises
25:38 and go into depression,
25:40 for some people it's a chemical change
25:42 in their bodies and it needs to be recognized
25:45 that it's a chemical thing.
25:47 We need to get beyond the blaming game to where we see
25:52 that there are lots of reasons
25:54 why this type of thing happens.
25:56 - What do we need to know about people who are considering
26:02 suicide that we can help understand this.
26:05 - First of all we need to know that you're not crazy,
26:09 you are not bad, you are not evil,
26:12 because you've had these thoughts.
26:14 - You're not weak.
26:16 - Definitely not, and it's ok to tell other people
26:21 because that it's part of your healing.
26:23 But there are three problems that people are facing
26:27 that make this seem attractive.
26:30 First of all, an extreme pain, a painful situation
26:36 put together with not enough coping resources,
26:40 people to turn to, advice from various people, easing the
26:46 situation, being able to get
26:49 away from the situation you can't cope.
26:52 The third one is that you can't see
26:55 beyond today's problems.
26:57 - So that's an overwhelming sense of
26:59 hopelessness?
27:00 - That's right.
27:01 - You have referred several times
27:03 to that the time that in your life that
27:09 you were emotional devastated
27:10 and came close to doing this yourself.
27:13 Can you share your experience with us?
27:15 - That's the hard part.
27:17 I didn't for a very long time, it was a Christian editor
27:24 who said, Kay, somebody needs to hear your story.
27:27 And so I wrote it into a book and God has blessed that book.
27:32 For me it was job burnout,
27:35 I was a Christian teacher teaching in a Christian school,
27:40 I was doing everything I could and anyone who has ever worked
27:44 in a Christian school knows that you have 27 jobs beyond
27:47 that that you've been hired to do,
27:49 which is fun when you feel good, but when you begin to get
27:53 burned-out you go down, down,
27:56 and you can't seem to stop it.
27:59 For me the final straw came when
28:04 politics blew the place apart and I became
28:08 one of the casualties,
28:10 and I had lost my job and this is a little girl
28:13 at 6 years old who says
28:15 when I grow up I'm going to be a Christian teacher.
28:17 It was like God had put me out to pasture,
28:19 and so He had betrayed me just as much as the job.
28:25 So I went into total collapse, it was almost like
28:29 into a black hole and I didn't know how to get out.
28:33 - It hurts my heart to hear you because I know that for myself
28:39 that feeling of hopelessness I recognize,
28:42 that's why my mother tried to commit suicide.
28:46 Can you give us, our audience and the people who are
28:50 listening, give us some kind of idea, what are the warning
28:54 signals?
28:55 How do we recognize when someone has reached that point?
28:59 - First of all when they begin to talk about suicide
29:04 and about dying.
29:05 Or they say they have no reason to live.
29:08 Take them seriously don't ever just pass it off and say
29:12 they're in a bad mood, that's not true.
29:14 If they become preoccupied with death and dying, they begin
29:17 to withdraw from friends, give away their treasures,
29:21 be concerned with their last will in testament, they lose
29:25 interest in hobbies and in their work.
29:28 They don't want to leave the house,
29:29 they become house bound,
29:31 they have attempted suicide before perhaps,
29:38 or perhaps they begin taking unnecessary risks doing
29:41 stupid things, and you can't figure out why.
29:44 - Like a death wish.
29:45 - That's right. Increasing use of alcohol
29:48 and drugs because this is a way to ease the pain.
29:52 If there is a history of violence or hostility
29:54 in them, that anger hidden down deep inside,
29:58 if they are unwilling to connect with other people,
30:01 these are all good indicators that might be some concern.
30:07 - When you said to take it seriously I remember early on in
30:12 ministry before I knew everything that I know now,
30:15 I was speaking to a group and a woman came up and they
30:19 asked me to pray for her and we went into the other room
30:22 after a 2 hour meeting
30:24 we went into that other room and pray for over a hour
30:27 and then she confessed that she had been thinking about
30:29 committing suicide but she
30:32 told me, hearing everything that you've said tonight
30:36 has changed my mind and I'm gonna go home and
30:39 throw those pills away. And I believed her.
30:42 For a moment I said let me go home with you
30:47 and let's do that together, and she said no, she said God
30:51 has done such a wonderful work in me tonight,
30:54 I promise you I'm going home.
30:55 Two days later I found out that she had taken those pills
31:01 but thankfully she called someone to just say
31:04 goodbye, and they recognized it and
31:07 they sent the paramedics to her.
31:09 I learned such a valuable lesson.
31:11 Take them seriously, don't let them try to work it out on their
31:16 own, it's something that is very frightening.
31:19 What can I as a friend, when I see someone
31:28 in my family or a friend of mine or maybe just somebody
31:31 at church that I recognize something is different and
31:36 that they are having some of these symptoms, what do I do?
31:41 - Number one, get involved! Don't wait to be invited.
31:44 You push yourself in, be pushy, do whatever you have to do,
31:48 and then sit down and listen
31:49 and just let them talk, don't act shocked or try to convince
31:56 them their are thinking foolishly because that will
31:59 just polarize them so that they will back away from you
32:02 and you won't be able to reach them.
32:05 Don't be judgmental, don't be so sympathetic that they begin
32:14 to think maybe this is ok, she understands, so I have someone
32:18 who is going to understand when it happens.
32:20 Don't act shocked but don't be sworn the secrecy
32:23 for any reason.
32:24 - That's good.
32:25 - When I was a girls dean in a Christian boarding school,
32:29 I would have girls come in to talk and that was the one thing
32:33 they understood that if it was going to be any
32:35 danger to anyone I was not going to keep it quiet because
32:38 I loved them to much.
32:40 God would not want me to do that.
32:42 You can't be sworn to secrecy,
32:45 that is not a promise you can make.
32:49 Don't give them pat little answers and say that
32:51 everything is going to be fine, I'm going to be praying
32:52 for you, that is not going to work, they've heard the
32:56 pat little answers, they've told themselves the pat little
32:58 answers and they're just not working.
33:01 Don't say you understand when you don't.
33:04 When I went through some of my worst times,
33:08 people would come up and say, honey I understand so much
33:11 what you're going through and I knew full well they didn't.
33:14 It made me mad.
33:15 - Cause you felt that they are condescending to you?
33:17 - Yes it made me mad, don't tell me that,
33:21 you have no idea.
33:23 Always take action, you alluded to this lady,
33:28 remove whatever it is that might be
33:31 the opportunity.
33:34 Remove them from that situation always encourage them to
33:39 get professional help because you are
33:41 too close to the problem,
33:42 you are a bridge not the final answer.
33:47 A professional can give them keys and help in making
33:53 the right choices and establishing right thinking.
33:56 You are there to be the bridge to that.
33:58 And Definitely pull them out of
34:00 themselves make them get busy with others.
34:02 When you get busy with others it takes your mind of yourself
34:06 and you will be able to begin to heal.
34:09 - You know, from what she said, I think we have a lot to learn
34:15 about how to reach out and help someone.
34:18 Particularly I want to talk to parents because
34:21 a lot of times people think, oh, they are teenagers and just
34:25 going through a stage, we don't need to worry about it,
34:29 and then you hear the tragedy
34:33 of all that has happened afterwards in the aftermath.
34:38 I want to ask Alexandra again,
34:39 when you went to get the gun, what happened,
34:45 how did your husband intervene specifically that stop you?
34:52 - My husband physically stopped me but he also said to me that
34:59 it wasn't worth dying, over him.
35:03 That brought me to a rational thought
35:10 that took me out of that overwhelm and that
35:14 spiral of shame.
35:15 I couldn't see pass that black pain and shame
35:19 but that thought gave me some hope, that maybe I don't have
35:25 to die and maybe in fact, I'm not the only problem here.
35:29 That's why I said he did take responsibility at that moment.
35:34 - Praise the Lord! In just a moment we are going to be back
35:39 to ask our audience what they think about this topic
35:43 and we'll be taking their live questions,
35:46 So please stay tuned with us, we'll be right back.
35:56 Are you struggling with thoughts of suicide?
35:58 You feel you're at the end of your rope?
36:00 Don't lose hope, we have a free gift just for you.
36:04 Find hope and courage as you read God's Promises
36:07 for your every need.
36:08 For your free gift just write to us at Up Close
36:38 Welcome back to Up Close our topic today is
36:40 From suicide to praise, we've been talking to Kay Rizzo and
36:46 Alexandra Vance about how they found themselves struggling
36:51 with suicide thoughts and how they found a way out.
36:55 We've also discussed some of warning signs along with
37:00 practical steps in order to overcome such thoughts.
37:03 Right now we'd like to open our program to
37:08 questions from our audience.
37:10 We'd like to welcome our first question.
37:12 - Hi could you please tell us your name?
37:15 - Nate.
37:16 - Nate, what is your question?
37:18 - What would I do if I'm not able to actually be there in
37:21 person, for the person I'm trying to help?
37:24 - A good question.
37:25 - I'd start with prayer, prayer does change things,
37:29 God has a thousand ways to take care of the problem,
37:34 you are one of them, second I would find someone
37:38 who is nearby and say
37:41 go help them now, and with all the
37:45 communication we have:
37:46 e- mail, telephone, get on your Hallmark. com, send messages
37:53 so that they will know that you're thinking of them,
37:56 don't let them slip through the cracks,
37:58 even though you're at a distance.
38:00 - Excellent. Thank you.
38:02 - Hello what's your name?
38:03 - My name is Louise Dourent is a persons choice to commit
38:11 suicide something unique to the culture of the United States?
38:15 I come from Egypt and I grew up there and I go periodically
38:21 there and I never heard of anyone wanting to
38:25 resolve their problems by committing suicide, so I'm just
38:29 wondering how different is it in different parts of the country?
38:35 - I don't know about Egypt but I know that Russia has a terrible
38:41 problem, Sweden, so I'm not sure if it's
38:49 geographical or cultural.
38:51 - Thank you very much for your questions.
38:56 - That's an interesting thing to think about, what's the
39:00 difference in cultures.
39:01 - Hi!
39:02 - Hi, my name is Diane and I'm a hair dresser and I have a dear
39:05 couple that is 70-71 and he has tried recently to commit suicide
39:11 for the fifth time.
39:13 We pray together a lot they're fine people, but
39:19 he's not physical hurting he is emotionally hurting inside,
39:25 we've talked about it yesterday again and he goes to a
39:29 psychiatrist regularly, and he takes 2 antidepressant pills
39:35 and he has seizures on top of this.
39:39 I'm at my wits end so all I can do now
39:42 is pray, pray, pray.
39:44 Is there something else that I'm not doing that I need to do?
39:49 - Well, this is the reason for this whole program
39:55 which I was going to talk about later.
39:56 Praise, that is not a pat little answer but praising God is
40:01 actually God's antidote for depression.
40:06 It is a matter of turning your eyes off of yourself and your
40:10 problems and putting them on the problem solver.
40:15 It's a choice you make, in Hebrews 13-15 says that we bring
40:20 the sacrifice of praise, that means when it doesn't feel good.
40:25 Teach them that blessing and it
40:28 can definitely make a difference.
40:30 - Wouldn't you agree that when somebody is depressed
40:33 that's something you're going to have to sit down and
40:36 work with them on a daily basis.
40:39 - Yes, you don't just say... well... honey praise!
40:42 - You've got to show them how and lead them through.
40:45 - That's right, even through example.
40:47 - I think another excellent thing is to help him to get
40:53 involved when you were talking about getting your eyes back on
40:59 the Lord, there's nothing better than to have a purpose to go
41:02 out and help somebody else.
41:05 When you're giving of yourself, when you're giving the love
41:08 of God, to someone else, it
41:10 lifts your spirit doesn't it Kay?
41:12 - Absolutely, I actually had one thing that helped
41:14 me through was a tiny little puppy
41:17 that was just big enough to sit on my shoulder,
41:20 that I had to take care of during the day,
41:23 and it made the difference.
41:24 - My name is Deborah and I'm going to tell you a story
41:30 before I ask the question, my daughter called me
41:32 a couple days ago and I was at work and she said,
41:35 mother, does my insurance cover
41:39 mental health?
41:40 And I said, yes I think it does, why?
41:42 And she said, well it's for Shane, which is her husband,
41:46 I knew he'd had some problems before and I thought they were
41:52 resolved but she says she found him about 3 o'clock in the
41:56 morning, with his gun loaded sitting there contemplating
41:59 shooting himself, she took the gun away and hid it and
42:06 that morning he went ahead and dressed and went to work, and
42:10 she took the gun and put it in her automobile and went to
42:12 work with it cause she didn't want to leave it at home.
42:15 She called me at noon and was crying so I told her, go home,
42:24 you can't function at work, you need to go home cause I had the
42:27 feeling that he was probably there and didn't go to work.
42:30 As soon as I hung up I called my best friend,
42:33 my prayer warrior,
42:34 we got on our knees and prayed and prayed
42:37 and rebuked that spirit that was about him and I called another
42:42 friend of mine who wanted to go in the ministry and we prayed...
42:46 I called an hour and a half later, she called me and I asked
42:53 her how were things, she said, I got home and he was there,
42:56 they had a nice long talk he said he was tired of his family
43:02 badgering him cause his parents had divorced when he
43:05 was young and his siblings went to live with the father
43:08 and he decided to stay with the mom.
43:10 They had been badgering him saying, you're the cause of mom
43:14 and dad splitting, you should come with us,
43:16 you're not any good, you've got to support Karen,
43:18 you don't have a good job... it's just pounding
43:21 after pounding and he finally stood up and said I'm not gonna
43:25 take this any more, I'm just going to
43:27 put that part of my life behind me.
43:29 She said that everything seemed to be ok, they went out later
43:33 and have a nice time and did some activities
43:35 but I'm still worried that that's still there,
43:40 and I want to know what advice I need to give him,
43:43 what to read, what to do?
43:50 - What kind of advice, Revelation 3 gives a text
43:57 that said let no man steal your crown.
44:01 God used my anger, and obviously this gentleman has a lot
44:06 of unresolved anger, God used my anger as the healing point
44:11 for me, of all things, so that I became so angry
44:16 at what people had done to me, and tried to destroy me
44:20 that I resolved, it put steel in my back bone,
44:26 if you want to call it that, I resolved I was not going to
44:29 let them destroy me, but this was not going to happen,
44:33 and I began to read, of all things, the cursing psalms
44:35 I don't know if you are familiar with the cursing
44:37 psalms, but there is a whole slew of psalms that talk about
44:41 banging your enemies head on the ground
44:44 and mashing his teeth with your feet,
44:46 it is very violent and it felt so good
44:49 when I was mad.
44:51 But then I discovered God lead me to discover that every
44:56 cursing psalm were beautiful psalms of praise and
44:58 that's how it slowly evolved into a totally different
45:02 direction which relived the anger and I think
45:06 that anger must be relieved for the healing to take place.
45:11 God has methods of doing that
45:14 which I could talk to you a little later about.
45:17 - Won't you agree that since he has stated this,
45:20 and consider this, we should take it seriously,
45:22 and need to get some kind of further involvement
45:26 don't just think because he said I'm not going to do it,
45:29 that he won't do it.
45:30 - Remember, suicide is based on feelings, and basically
45:35 they want to escape the feeling but reminding yourself
45:39 that there is no feeling once you commit suicide,
45:42 so there is no satisfaction.
45:44 The feeling is a temporary thing, that's why you must
45:49 make a choice not to give in to this feeling,
45:54 it's the only way you can heal.
45:57 - Hi what's your name?
45:58 - Linda.
45:59 - Linda what's your question?
46:00 - Is therapy always necessary?
46:03 - Excellent question.
46:05 - Good question, as I said, God has a thousand ways,
46:11 I have full confidence in a Christian counselor.
46:16 Now I emphasize the word Christian.
46:18 There are many counselors who are not Christian who are
46:21 coming to the problem from a totally different direction.
46:24 And they can do more damage than good.
46:27 Especially if you have been raised in a conservative
46:32 Christian background they'll blame that and actually
46:36 take you further from the Lord.
46:37 You have to be very careful that is a Christian counselor
46:42 and you need to approach going to a counselor
46:45 with a lot of prayer.
46:47 Yes, I think a counselor makes it simpler to get through,
46:51 it doesn't take so long because they have all these techniques
46:54 worked out, try this, this, this, and this,
46:56 that you never even thought of, never crossed your mind,
47:00 and that's the way they can expedite your healing process.
47:06 - Hi welcome to our program, can you tell us
47:09 your name and your question please?
47:11 - Hi my name is Catherine, and because of my profession I'm
47:14 often times confronted with people who I have to counsel,
47:18 in this avenue a lot of times, and because I'm a Christian
47:23 I can always help people if they are believers.
47:27 But my question for you is, if they are not a believer, I'm at
47:30 a loss, there is always the hot line that you can refer them to
47:35 but the hot line is only a Band-Aid,
47:37 it's just a very temporary help.
47:39 What else do you think is a good avenue to send those
47:44 nonbelievers to who have issues with suicide?
47:49 - With a lot of prayer, on your own, ask the Lord to
47:54 anoint your lips and anoint your mind so that what you say
47:59 will be what he wants straight from his throne.
48:02 Then, I believe you have to go through the process of leading
48:05 them to Jesus Christ, even to the point of the
48:10 sinners prayer.
48:12 They have to know God loves them and He has a plan
48:15 for their lives, that they are important to Him,
48:19 otherwise they're nothing more than a piece of cosmic dust.
48:23 Spiraling out of control.
48:25 - Let me ask, does your job allow you to do this?
48:30 - I'm a police officer, so we get those calls,
48:37 and a lot of times we're their life line.
48:44 We're the immediate person to be able to give something to them
48:49 and often times I have lead people to the Lord,
48:53 and prayed with them, sometimes they have
48:56 given their hearts to the Lord, the Lord used me in
49:00 a lot of ways but there has been a couple of times where I've had
49:04 someone who said that they didn't believed in God.
49:10 So far The Holy Spirit has given me the words but I always
49:15 thought what if I had that someone that is so close minded
49:19 that would not hear anything of the Lord?
49:22 Because I know without Christ I have no answers.
49:26 There is no hope without Christ.
49:27 - Maybe Alexandra has a... she's a practicing physiologist.
49:32 - Yes, I always ask people to try to remember a time
49:39 when they didn't feel this way.
49:41 So that at least they can be pulled back to a point where
49:47 they can remember not the blackness of the depression,
49:53 but more light in their lives.
49:55 If I can pull them there, then we can start building on that.
50:00 What did it take for you to create that kind of experience
50:04 in your life at that point so what would you have to do now,
50:07 what issues have to be resolved so you don't feel this way?
50:11 - Alexandra isn't it true, I've heard that many people who
50:15 attempt suicide, if you can intervene on that day,
50:19 if people would want to jump off a bridge, or something,
50:22 they say that often if there is intervention within 24 hours,
50:27 it's passed, they've gotten past that suicidal thought and
50:32 they just need some help.
50:33 One thing that I was thinking as you were talking, if you're
50:38 on a phone line with someone maybe if you
50:42 just get them to give you the name of a close friend,
50:47 if you can't be physically with them...
50:50 - I'm there with them...
50:51 - If you can get the name of a close friend,
50:54 somebody that they...
50:55 instead of leaving them alone, if you can get them to call
51:00 a close friend and get that friend there with them so that
51:04 when you leave you know that there's somebody that cares for
51:07 them, or if they don't have a friend maybe to have a
51:10 professional there that's what I'd do.
51:14 - Thank you.
51:15 - Thank you. Well Kay, where can people
51:21 go to get help?
51:24 - As we mentioned, the hot lines, go to your local pastor,
51:31 to a rabbi, to a priest to whomever you have established
51:38 bonds, if you haven't established bonds,
51:41 this is a good time to start but find someone who is willing
51:45 to listen and not judge you because the feelings you have
51:51 are very, very real.
51:54 But I can tell you that there are luxuries that you
51:57 can't afford.
51:58 I'm a diabetic so I must control all the food I eat,
52:02 my carbohydrates and my sugars, I'm not allowed to have much
52:07 of these, if you have tendencies to think negatively, than you
52:14 have a situation where you need to control,
52:19 it's a luxury you can't afford to whine.
52:23 It's a luxury you can't afford to allow yourself to sit around
52:27 and be depressed.
52:28 You can't allow yourself that luxury because you have a
52:33 condition, that does not make it healthy for you to do it.
52:37 You can't allow yourself to have pity parties,
52:40 You can't allow yourself to hate.
52:42 you cannot allow yourself even to
52:45 hate yourself.
52:46 I have a husband that is so loving that it's incredible,
52:50 one day I baked a cake and I'm the type of person that
52:55 I got to see how it's doing all the time, so I open the thing
52:58 and it totally fell, and I took it out and I was so disgusted
53:01 and I'm oh, you're so stupid, how can you be
53:03 so stupid, but my husband came in the kitchen
53:06 and he turned me around really fast
53:07 and this is not like my husband, he is gentle,
53:09 he turned me around really fast and he says: don't let me ever
53:12 hear you talk about my best friend that way.
53:15 We all need a best friend that way, and you might have to be
53:20 firm with someone who is being negative.
53:23 Don't you talk about my best friend that way!
53:25 Don't allow yourself the luxury of negative thinking, and that's
53:32 where the praise comes in.
53:34 - Tell us, we just have a few minutes left, you have a book
53:40 out called "On Wings of Praise",
53:42 and this is the book you wrote about
53:45 your life experience, how the Lord brought you from
53:48 depression to praise.
53:50 Could you just give us a couple minutes of thought?
53:53 - Ok, to summarize this evening
53:55 I thought it would be interesting
53:57 to go back over the three causes or triggers, one is the pain
54:05 you find a way to ease the pain, get out and jog,
54:08 run up down the street if you have to, to get away from the
54:12 painful situation you are in, another one is increase
54:15 your coping resources by reaching out to other
54:19 people don't be embarrassed, that you are some kind of lesser
54:24 person, because we all go through difficult times,
54:28 and the third one is to exercise the power of praise.
54:33 This rebuilds the faith in God, that's what the praise does,
54:38 it changes you from the person you have become and that
54:42 you hate so much, and you slowly become the person
54:46 God intended you to be.
54:47 The joy of the Lord is my strength, Nehemiah 8:10
54:51 "my strength," why is it that the joy is the first thing
54:55 that goes, when trouble comes?
54:56 Because it is what ruins us and destroys us.
55:00 Now you've rebuild your strength you have decided suicide
55:05 is not for you, you are going to praise God no matter what,
55:09 you are going to turn your negative thoughts to the
55:14 power source of strength, now what happens? Rejoice!
55:18 Because now is the time where you can actually
55:22 use this for helping other people.
55:26 You never go through any experience in life that God
55:31 can't use to enrich someone else's life and to help them.
55:36 That's why Christians go through difficulties,
55:39 sometimes you hear people say, why do Christians have troubles
55:41 if they're God's children?
55:42 Because they need to be able to empathize with those
55:45 who are having problems and when you reach out to another person
55:50 and you began helping that person, you are not only helping
55:54 them and praising God, and He is thrilled with what you're doing
55:58 but you are also strengthening that resolve,
56:01 I am a worthwhile person,
56:04 I am God's child, He loves me and He loves you too so you
56:09 take on an entirely new ministry of sharing where God has taken
56:17 you from and where you are. I can honestly say today that
56:21 knowing where the joy is at this end of the problem, I would
56:26 go through it all again because it's so fantastic.
56:30 - Praise the Lord, I just wanna thank our guests so much,
56:34 Alexandra Vance, thank you Alexandra for sharing with us.
56:39 Kay thank you so much for all you are doing in the body of
56:42 Christ and sharing your testimony to give people hope.
56:45 I just want to share with you, the bible says that God has
56:51 loved us with an ever lasting love, you may not know Him
56:56 as your personal savior yet, but I want to assure you
56:59 of one thing, you are worth nothing less than the price
57:05 Jesus Christ paid for you with his own life blood,
57:08 Psalm 3:3 says that God is
57:14 the lifter of our heads, if you're feeling depressed,
57:19 I just want you to pray to God, ask Him:
57:23 Lord cup your hand under my chin, help me Father
57:28 to get my eyes on you, I want to know who you are,
57:32 and I want to be your child.
57:34 I want to live for eternity with you,
57:38 and you know something?
57:39 If you will do that, God will bring you
57:43 from suicide to praise.
57:45 Thank you so much for joining us, thank you to our
57:49 live audience for being here tonight.


Revised 2014-12-17