Up Close

Teen Pregnancy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kay Kuzma (Host)<\br> 01. Donna Teat<\br> 02. Cassandra Thomson


Series Code: UC

Program Code: UC000404

00:24 - Hello everyone, I'm Kay Kuzma. Welcome to another 3ABN Up Close
00:29 We're coming to you today from Patmos Chapel Seventh Day
00:34 Adventist Church in Winter Park, Florida.
00:36 And we would like to thank our live audience who has joined us
00:39 today for this very, very special program.
00:43 It's always special when we have a live audience.
00:47 And today we're going to be talking about teenage pregnancy
00:51 which effects 900,000 teens each year in the United States alone.
00:55 In fact, the United States has one of the highest rates
00:59 of teen pregnancy of all the industrialized nations.
01:03 Studies show that teen pregnancy has a significant effect
01:08 on the teenager whose pregnant, the father of the baby
01:12 and the parental support system and perhaps most important
01:16 on that baby that is to be born.
01:18 Today, we're going to be exploring how we can
01:21 not only help those who are teenage parents,
01:24 but also how we can help other teens to avoid the problem
01:28 of teen pregnancy.
01:31 Our first guest is Cassandra Thomson,
01:34 from Fort Lauderdale Florida.
01:36 And although she could not be with us today we did tape
01:40 an interview with her. Cassandra was 17 years old
01:45 and had been dating someone from her church for a year.
01:49 Getting pregnant was not something that she
01:52 had planned on, but it happened and it changed
01:55 the entire course of her life.
01:58 And here's what she has to say:
02:00 - When I was 17 years old I had a boyfriend.
02:04 We were together for almost a year and we were in love
02:09 we did things together, we went out,
02:14 we were on the top of the world.
02:18 We were also having protected
02:21 sex, but I found myself pregnant.
02:26 I didn't know what to think, I didn't know what to do.
02:31 I'm sure my parents were gonna be upset.
02:35 They had always told me not to have a boyfriend
02:40 and just wait till later on in life when I have my education
02:45 and I build a life for myself.
02:50 I didn't listen.
02:52 I didn't know how to tell them so I told my closest friend
02:57 which was his sister. She told her parents
03:03 and they told my parents.
03:06 I wish I had told my parents myself because I think
03:10 it hurt them more that they had to hear it from
03:14 someone else and not me.
03:16 But I didn't think that I could go to them and speak to them.
03:21 It stressed me a lot, I used to cry everyday,
03:26 not knowing how I would provide for this baby.
03:29 Little did I know the next day after my mom found out
03:34 that I was pregnant she went out and started buying baby clothes
03:39 and bottles and food and diapers and she was just storing
03:44 them away for me.
03:46 When my dad found me one day crying in my room
03:50 he snuck me into the closet into their closet and
03:55 he showed me this big bassinet with all this stuff in it
03:59 and he told me not to worry that my mom did love me
04:04 and she was just disappointed and that everything
04:09 would be taken care of.
04:18 It takes courage you know to speak about your experience
04:22 and I think is interesting that Cassandra said that
04:25 she had a boyfriend dating for a year,
04:27 they had fun together, went places together
04:31 and they were sure they were in love.
04:34 But what happened when she got pregnant?
04:38 The boyfriend continued to be a vital part in her life?
04:43 Did their love relationship grow?
04:45 Pregnancy is a challenging stage of life,
04:49 regardless of how old you are or how many babies you've had.
04:53 But being young and not married can add
04:56 lot of extra challenges to a pregnancy.
04:59 Here's what Cassandra experienced during that time:
05:04 During my pregnancy I felt very alone,
05:09 I went to all my prenatal visits alone.
05:13 I went to a lot of... my pregnancy alone and
05:18 my parents, they were there for me and my family
05:23 and close friends, but the father of the baby
05:27 and his family, they were still in denial and
05:31 they hadn't come around until my daughter was born.
05:36 Previously we hadn't had any real good communication
05:42 until then and when she was born I guess they started to accept
05:49 the fact that the baby was his and is just a new innocent life
05:56 in the world that they need to learn to accept and
05:59 love this baby because she was their grandchild.
06:03 After I realized that I had done something wrong
06:06 and I needed to ask for forgiveness.
06:09 I did, and...
06:12 It was really hard, I turned to God for a lot of things,
06:17 for help on what I was going to do
06:20 as far as taking care of this baby.
06:24 I wanted to know how He was gonna help me,
06:28 'cause I didn't see any physical signs until
06:32 I spoke with my father.
06:36 So this was a big step on, how He was gonna pull me
06:42 through this one.
06:44 And He did, He gave me two wonderful parents
06:48 that helped me through this whole situation.
06:54 And I thanked Him for that.
06:58 - It's not easy to talk about these things and I think
07:02 the thing that hit me the most is... as I listened to this
07:05 is when Cassandra said: "- I felt so alone.
07:09 I was going through this without ... how I perhaps imagined it
07:13 when I was young girl, growing up before 17."
07:17 And now she's alone.
07:19 But what did she do? She turned to her Father
07:23 in Heaven, the best support system
07:25 and did you catch that suddenly she kind of felt
07:30 that support that she needed.
07:33 And then she went to her father, the father of course showed her
07:37 the things that mom was getting and although Cassandra felt
07:42 she didn't want to disappoint her parents.
07:46 Once pregnancy happened they just turned around
07:51 even though perhaps disappointed they turned around and
07:56 accepted her and gave her the love and support she needed.
08:05 Well, coming up next:
08:07 We're gonna be talking to Donna Teat who worked
08:11 for many years as a medical social worker
08:14 dealing with these problems.
08:16 So, stay with us and we'll be right back.
08:28 - Next week on Up Close
08:30 - Our topic is how to find a way out of depression
08:34 that leads to suicide.
08:36 - The despair of the time, I had two children at the time
08:38 and in that moment I became very suicidal.
08:42 - One of the most common is depression
08:45 You know, Proverb: 17:22 says that:
08:48 "A broken Spirit dries the bones".
08:51 - He said: "Never hurt yourselves over me"
08:54 He said that "It wasn't worth it. "
08:56 - Your are going to praise God no matter what,
08:59 you are going to turn your negative thoughts
09:01 to the power source of strength.
09:05 Now what happens: rejoice.
09:08 - Next Week on Up Close: Is suicide a way out?
09:12 Don't miss it.
09:21 - Welcome back to Up Close
09:23 Today we're talking about the problem of teen pregnancy,
09:26 and our special guest is Donna Teat
09:29 from South Ban, Indiana.
09:32 Dona worked for many years as a medical social worker
09:35 and she is lectured extensively on this topic.
09:39 And currently she is a high school teacher where
09:42 she deals with many problems including teen pregnancy
09:46 and we've had the chance to talk a little bit together
09:50 and those teenagers in your high school classes,
09:53 Dona I think are very lucky.
09:56 We wanna welcome Donna. This is really great.
09:59 - Thank you.
10:07 - Well, our problem is a big one.
10:09 We can't solve everything, but I'd really like to ask you
10:12 just to get things started, why do you think
10:16 so many teenagers today are sexually active?
10:22 - Looking for love in all the wrong places.
10:26 They don't get the love or the attention at home
10:28 and they feel, hey, I can get it from
10:31 my friends or from pears, or a boyfriend,
10:33 or a boy will give me what I need.
10:35 And so we have a lot of ... to that teenagers,
10:38 I'm sorry... I see a lot of teens who
10:39 were looking for love, looking for any kind of attention
10:42 from anybody who will give it to them
10:45 and unfortunately who they look for is the wrong person.
10:50 - And what kind of behaviors do you see in these kids
10:53 when they are kind of at risk for teenage pregnancy,
10:56 when they are looking for love in all the wrong places?
11:00 - In my classroom especially, as well as at the public
11:04 high school the behaviors that we see are not only...
11:07 there's a lack of supervision in the home, but we see
11:10 their behavior acting out in the way they dress,
11:13 the way they talk, in the way they...
11:15 - Ok, give me an example: the way they dress.
11:17 Some of us haven't been in the classroom recently.
11:21 - Well, you'll be surprised, the way they dress
11:24 isn't appropriate. I'm considered the most
11:26 old fashion teacher at my school.
11:29 Often times, even if I were to dress down and a wear suit
11:35 my teenagers treat me differently.
11:38 What we do, we see a lot of the young men wearing sagging pants,
11:43 showing, exposing their boxer shorts,
11:45 we see the girls exposing the navels...
11:48 - So they don't put a belt on. - Don't put a belt on...
11:49 And we see the young ladies exposing their navels,
11:52 everything is getting lower and lower,
11:56 skirts are getting shorter and shorter.
11:59 We can see a lot of young people that don't know how to sit.
12:01 - So what other behaviors do you see?
12:04 The clothing you mentioned, the way they sit, you mentioned.
12:10 - There's a pre-occupation with trying to please,
12:15 or trying to... please someone else
12:20 and get that level of acceptance from someone else.
12:24 The young girls feel that: I'm a woman
12:28 if I have a boyfriend.
12:30 I'm ok if I have a boyfriend, if I don't have a boyfriend
12:34 something's wrong with me. Or the other kids
12:36 may think that I'm a lesbian.
12:38 We are not going out like that Ms Teat,
12:40 I have a man, you know.
12:41 They look to get their self esteem and who
12:44 and what they are in a man.
12:46 And the guys also feel the same way:
12:49 "I have to have this girl, this girl, this girl, this girl,
12:51 this girl... I want to make sure
12:54 that I'm stuff and I'm all of that with my friends
12:56 and that kind of thing.
12:57 - But it's not just having a boyfriend
13:00 it's the sexual activity.
13:02 - Having multiple partners, anywhere, any time.
13:06 - That's kind of become an accepted thing
13:08 in the culture.
13:09 - And it's peer pressure. If you're...
13:12 None of my students would openly in the middle of class
13:16 say: "Hello Ms Teat, I'm a virgin".
13:18 No, you don't wanna go out like that.
13:22 You don't wanna go out with like that.
13:23 And the students one and one will come up to you and say:
13:26 "Ms Teat you know I haven't done anything like that"
13:29 But receiving acceptance from their peers is so important,
13:34 wanting to fit in is so important that giving up
13:38 for the sake of who and what I am and what I stand for
13:42 it's ok as long as I fit in.
13:45 - And you wonder where they have gotten this, because
13:48 a generation or two ago we didn't see this
13:52 at least so openly.
13:53 What do you think about television and the media?
13:56 Are we feeding our kids this trash?
13:58 - We're feeding our kids a lot of stuff,
14:01 but I wanna save them before we go there.
14:03 There's no supervision in the home.
14:05 Often times for the students that I see I'm the first adult
14:08 that has the nerve to say anything to them during
14:11 that 24 hour period.
14:13 So a lot of times at 7:45 in the morning when we start class
14:16 the bells rings at 7:30, 7:35, we have morning bells
14:20 I'm the first adult for many of my students
14:22 to tell them what they gonna do and what they not gonna do,
14:25 because mom or dad, depending on what
14:28 the home situation is, they are not there.
14:31 Often times a lot of my students are the parents within
14:35 their home. You know, they're taking
14:37 care of younger brothers and sisters, they're going up
14:39 and making sure that their younger brother and sister
14:42 are getting up in the morning, they're going
14:44 getting them dressed, to get them on the school bus
14:47 then they themselves are coming to school.
14:49 - In think a lot of parents, are sometimes afraid
14:52 to put those boundaries like pull up you pants
14:55 and get a decent blouse on. Because they want to be
14:59 liked, loved by their kids and they're afraid
15:02 if they put those boundaries on their kids,
15:05 they will loose a relationship with their kids.
15:07 Or, even a lot of it, and I want to get to the media point
15:10 that you brought out, it's we don't have time.
15:12 The devil would have us to believe that we have to have
15:16 a two parent, two working, we have to keep up
15:18 with the Jones', we have to have the latest car
15:20 we have to have the latest clothes.
15:22 You know my two year old kid can't walk around unless
15:25 he has Tommy Hilfiger and what ever.
15:26 I remember at 2, at 6, at 7, at 8 I didn't care about clothes
15:31 I didn't know nothing about was it Guess, was it Louis Vuitton
15:36 was it this or that. I just wore clothes 'cause
15:39 that's what my mama told me and if I didn't do what my mama
15:41 told me then you just didn't go there.
15:45 I didn't worry about clothes, I didn't worry
15:47 about electric bill, I didn't worry about...
15:49 I don't ever remember a time where the phone was disconnected
15:51 or there was no heat, or there was no food or...
15:54 We knew this is what you are going to do.
15:58 Times have changed, we live in a fast pace society
16:01 we want it quick, we want it now.
16:03 That parents are so cut up and trying to make a living
16:07 that we somehow lost... We've lost track of what God's
16:11 ideal is for us. We don't depend on Him enough.
16:14 - Yeah. - We don't...
16:17 We don't give Him our family, our children, our finances
16:21 Lord listen: I don't know how I'm gonna...
16:24 There's more month, than money.
16:26 And I don't know how I'm gonna do this, but I need
16:30 to be home with my children.
16:31 Between the time they get home from school and 7 o'clock
16:34 at night, I need... there needs to be somebody in the home.
16:37 If I can't do it I need church help, I need friends,
16:40 I need somebody.
16:41 But we don't trust Him enough and what we're finding is that
16:44 most inappropriate activity among teenagers
16:46 is happening during those hours and during those times.
16:50 Now you mentioned the media. - Yeah.
16:52 You know, I could name off stores right now
16:56 and one of the things that I talk to the students about
16:59 is... you know, I bring them pictures,
17:01 in fact when I do these talks, I bring in copies of magazines,
17:04 I make the kids go through magazines.
17:05 I want you to pick out all the advertisements that depict
17:10 sexual anything; and there's a commercial
17:12 "Got milk"
17:14 We know he has milk, 'cause he's got milk
17:17 on his moustache, but why he has no clothes on?
17:21 you know, when I go to get a bowl of cereal and milk
17:24 why do I need, oh I'm gonna get some milk
17:27 with no clothes on.
17:28 Oh... You know, these images
17:29 are there, all over and we talked to the kids
17:32 we'll say to parents and to young people
17:35 talk to your parents about these images.
17:37 What does this... There's certain individuals
17:40 that I will not buy or wear their clothing,
17:43 because when I found out, you know, I used to...
17:45 There's a lady that I love her clothing, she's got some
17:49 fine clothing, but when I found out that 60% of the money she
17:53 gets from this clothing, she came on National TV
17:57 and she said that she gives it to the devil.
17:58 Why would I wanna support that?
18:00 So if I'm gonna buy clothes, I want who ever I'm buying
18:04 that label from to represent the values that I have.
18:08 If they're going to... you know, depict women
18:10 in an inappropriate way, to try to sell something,
18:13 or they gonna call women in an inappropriate name,
18:16 or they're going to... you know, I got to have sex,
18:18 and I got to do this. I mean you never hear rappers
18:21 talk about boom, boom
18:24 It's crabs or whatever it may be.
18:28 You never hear them talk about
18:29 those things, but when you start talking to young people
18:32 and say: listen, look at clothing, what does it represent
18:35 what's the history behind the clothing.
18:36 'Cause if you found out the history behind... you know,
18:39 sagging pants, you don't go in any jail,
18:43 and have your pants sagging.
18:44 So are you doing it in this environment?
18:47 You know, and when kids understand that, they can make
18:51 a better decision, a better informed decision.
18:54 - Wow. And I'm taking also the movies
18:58 our kids watch, the sit-coms?, I mean
19:02 they're saying hello one minute they're kissing the next bit
19:06 and they are in bed. - Right.
19:08 You never ever see that it was painful
19:12 or that it hurt the first time someone had intercourse,
19:14 you never see that the person
19:17 ended up getting cervical cancer,
19:20 you never see anything about that this relationship
19:24 ruined possible future relationships because it wasn't
19:28 all like it was cracked up to be.
19:30 One of the things that Cassandra talked about was she was in love
19:34 You know, we dated for a year, but I dare say,
19:38 those feelings of in love and that feeling that they had
19:42 between each other is that the same now,
19:45 like it was then? You don't see that on movies,
19:48 you don't see that in the soap operas.
19:49 I mean people are getting in bed, out of bed, in the bed,
19:53 out of bed. There's so many beds.
19:58 I mean, there are so many beds, I'm telling you.
20:01 - So... - Wow.
20:02 - The problem of teenage pregnancy basically is kids
20:07 are sexually active. This is a part
20:09 of their life style.
20:12 - Well, the culture would make you or want you to believe
20:15 that all the teenagers are having sex, that's not true.
20:19 - Good.
20:20 - It's just...
20:25 It is nothing but the devil's lies.
20:28 If he can lie to you and if he kind of just
20:32 change your... I love how Steven Covey
20:34 talks about a paradigm shift.
20:37 If he can present something in such a way
20:40 to get you to think that everybody else is doing it
20:44 then you think. As a man thinks as so is he.
20:47 But what you need to understand, not everybody
20:49 is having sex. There are lot of young people
20:52 who aren't having sex, who have made a stand
20:54 and say: You know what? I'm gonna save myself
20:56 for the kind of relationship that God wants me to have.
21:00 Sex is a wonderful thing and it is supposed to be
21:03 a wonderful thing under the right circumstances.
21:06 - All right. Now, here we are
21:08 we have a high school teacher who's...
21:15 got to hold her kids to be responsible, but what about
21:19 the parents, what can parents do to help.
21:22 What about the boundaries that we should be setting or
21:26 encourage our kids to set and so that they make responsible
21:29 decisions in this area.
21:31 - One of the things I talk about is boundaries.
21:33 I not only talk about when I do workshops,
21:35 I talk about with the kids, but I also make the parents
21:38 go through boundaries. It is fun.
21:41 It is funny to see what parents think are
21:45 appropriate boundaries. Maybe the mom thinks is
21:48 an appropriate boundary and what the dad
21:50 thinks is an appropriate boundary.
21:51 - Give us some examples. - Let me give you some examples
21:53 of boundaries. - Yeah, let's do that.
21:54 - Let me give you some examples of boundaries.
21:55 Some of the examples of boundaries
21:57 that we are talking about. - Now, you have a whole...
22:00 - Yeah. - A whole textbook, here.
22:01 - Friendly, smiling and looking. That's one boundary.
22:04 Yeah, I'm just checking you out, Kay?
22:06 I'm not into you, just example everybody.
22:08 That's friendly, looking, smile.
22:10 - Well, this is a friendship thing, this is a friendship
22:13 it has nothing really to do with...
22:15 - You Know, when you give somebody... oh, ok, you look
22:17 kind of good over there in that blue shirt.
22:19 Just giving an example, sir. Ok.
22:22 Talking on the phone is another boundary,
22:24 writing letters, yeah well back in the day we used to
22:28 write notes.
22:29 I got a spanking in the second grade for
22:31 writing notes, I don't think kids do that...
22:33 You know what I'm taking about.
22:35 Oh, I love you. I don't like you.
22:38 You are not my friend. Ok.
22:40 Writing letters. Spending time with
22:42 his or her family, holding hands, putting
22:45 your hands around each other, cuddling and kissing,
22:49 keeping late hours, touching above the waist
22:52 touching below the waist and then having sex.
22:55 So we talk about boundaries.
22:57 And what I wanna know is I want the kids to figure out
23:01 what it is inappropriate, stopping place for you?
23:05 Now, I make the parents go through it, too.
23:07 Actually, I make the parents go through it first,
23:08 and it's interesting that when one of these are sharing
23:11 with you is when we have... Let's for example,
23:15 hypothetical, we have a mom and a dad,
23:17 and lets say they have a son, a teenage son.
23:20 It's interesting that the father will be
23:23 at a different stopping point than the mother,
23:25 for their son.
23:29 But if it is a girl, the father will be at some place
23:33 and the mother will be at some place too, and it tends to be
23:35 the first boundary, which is friendly, smiling and looking.
23:38 If not I don't what you doing that.
23:40 - The dad becomes very protective.
23:42 - Oh, yeah. - Very protective...
23:43 - Even in my house, my father...
23:45 There's things that my brothers could do,
23:47 I'm the only girl, I have three brothers,
23:48 that I couldn't do.
23:50 My brothers could go and see young ladies,
23:53 and they would take my things, and give them to their...
23:56 you know, these little girls.
23:58 You know, I would make stuff in pathfinders and the next
24:00 thing I know my brothers, this little girl that he thought
24:03 was so cute, she'd come with my stuff from pathfinders.
24:07 Oh, you need to give me that back honey, that's mine.
24:09 But then if I was interested in a boy, oh no
24:12 Donna, you are not going out of this house,
24:14 you are not... You cannot date until
24:16 you are 33.
24:19 You know... It's difference, but what we're
24:22 talking about is trying to get parents and children
24:25 in a dialogue, communicating, because if you don't establish
24:29 your boundaries somebody else will.
24:32 And what I do in my classrooms we role play.
24:35 You know, you start... take a young man sitting there
24:39 put my arm around him; I don't know about you,
24:41 but that happened to me actually on a date of mine...
24:46 Ups...
24:47 Where did that come from, get your hand...
24:49 Where did this come from?
24:51 But one of the things that we realized is that
24:54 if kids have the information that they need in the situation
24:59 they'll make a better choice.
25:00 If they don't have the information, then somebody else
25:03 makes that choice for them. - Ok.
25:05 We're gonna do a little role play here.
25:06 - Ok.
25:08 You got to get close to me. - Oh... ok, hear...
25:12 Oh, Donna, it's so good to be with you.
25:15 - Ok. - Ok.
25:16 - Can we take this up to 2004?
25:19 - Can we take this up to 2004?
25:21 - Oh, Donna...
25:23 Ok.
25:24 - Let's take it up to 2004.
25:27 Ok, you look so good, hm, hm, hm...
25:33 - Ok.
25:34 - You wear that outfit well.
25:36 That's the first thing. No boy or girl has the right
25:40 to look you up and down.
25:42 They need to know NO. - Ok.
25:47 I had a student of mine, came from juvenile jail...
25:52 he was out of school... came like the very end,
25:57 like the last month of school.
25:59 He wasn't gonna get any credits from me, I mean, there's no way
26:01 You can't show up a month before school's out.
26:04 And he came in and he's like ok, here's this teacher
26:07 and he came and did one of these and he walked around me.
26:11 I said, walk around me again and I'm gonna send your
26:14 behind home and you'll be suspended for 5 days.
26:17 Don't you ever look at me like that and don't you ever hm, hm..
26:22 You don't do that, that's inappropriate.
26:24 In what I'm talking about, that's how it gets started,
26:28 but if you don't say anything and you say: Oh...
26:32 You send the wrong message, that is ok.
26:35 So then it goes from ok, you look so good,
26:39 let me get... uh... and they'll get close.
26:43 Now, used to be that there was a personal space,
26:47 between... I mean this is personal space,
26:51 and you had to get permission to come into that personal space.
26:55 Now, young men and even young girls, they'll take it.
27:00 They'll take it.
27:01 I gonna get in your face, I'm gonna take what I want
27:05 and they may even put their hands on you.
27:07 And they think that that's ok.
27:09 And like I said, one thing leads to another,
27:11 leads to another, I think that's a song,
27:14 leads to another, and if you don't stop it,
27:17 when it starts you're gonna find yourself in situations,
27:22 or positions that you never dreamed yourself to be in.
27:26 You never dreamed... How did this guy...
27:28 His hands are all over me and I didn't...
27:31 - Ok, let us take that. Hands all over you,
27:33 what do you say? What do you tell these kids?
27:35 - You get that boy or that girl off of you,
27:38 you do what you have to do, but get them off of you.
27:41 - Words, give me if you were a girl...
27:43 - If you have to hit them, kick them whatever,
27:44 get them off of you.
27:47 I'm... I'm... Sometimes, unfortunately
27:50 you know, words don't mean everything.
27:53 I don't wear a wedding ring and the first day of school,
27:56 because I don't look my age, I got approached
27:59 by a security guard.
28:01 Hey, you good looking... Excuse me, I'm married!
28:04 In fact this past Wednesday, I was at McDonald's,
28:08 I was coming from an appointment and I couldn't make it home and
28:11 I said I got to get something in my stomach,
28:13 I can't make it home from the doctor's appointment
28:15 'cause we're gonna just have an accident here.
28:17 An older gentleman said: Oh, let me talk to this fine
28:21 young thing... And I'm like, oh Lord...
28:23 I'm here throwing up, I got to address this.
28:27 I told him, excuse me Sir you might not want to dialogue
28:30 with me like that because I don't dialogue with
28:32 anybody like that and I'm happily married,
28:34 which is none of his business, but I said I'm happily married.
28:36 He said: Well, since your husband had you,
28:39 why don't let me have you.
28:41 And I told him, I said, that's inappropriate, you do not talk
28:45 to me that way. I spoke to the manager,
28:48 and he's kind of been terminated.
28:50 But you know, those were the things that
28:52 that's inappropriate. And if you walk the walk,
28:56 you've got to talk the talk, all the time.
28:58 You don't have to... A ring is not gonna stop
29:01 somebody from approaching you, even if you could put on
29:04 a dress that covers from here to here.
29:06 It's not gonna stop somebody if they want talk to you,
29:09 or try to get... see how far they can go.
29:12 But you've got set the standard for what is gonna happen
29:16 in my personal sphere.
29:18 - Hey, I got to take you to kissing
29:21 because that's the big one.
29:23 You go out one day, you kiss what is the boundary...?
29:29 - The kids understand... Kids need to understand
29:31 The young people need to understand, the adults need
29:33 to understand: kissing is a part of foreplay.
29:36 Kissing, holding hands, putting the arms around
29:40 somebody, whispering things in your ears, kissing on your neck,
29:43 all of it is leading and preparing the body for sex.
29:48 When you understand in that concept then it's like:
29:52 Oh, well yeah, I may still wanna kiss this boy
29:54 and I may still wanna hold his hands, but you know what?
29:58 We need to talk about this and we can wait.
30:00 You know, you can still kiss me on the hand.
30:02 - Here...
30:03 Wrap your lips right there.
30:05 Ok. Feels good, thank you.
30:07 You know, move on.
30:08 But I mean, when you understand what this is for
30:12 and the meaning behind this it changes your whole paradigm.
30:15 And what we're talking about is we want young people to have
30:19 a paradigm shift.
30:20 I don't expect every kid that I ever talked to,
30:23 whether in the church or out of the church,
30:25 or in the school, or in the community to be a virgin.
30:28 I don't expect every kid, after they hear me:
30:31 I'm never having sex again because of Donna Teat.
30:34 That's not my job. My job is to plant the seed,
30:37 and it's the Holy Spirit's job is to convert and convict.
30:42 And what I want young people to understand is that
30:46 when they find themselves in those situations,
30:50 that the Lord will bring back to remember something,
30:53 anything. You know, I've changed
30:55 the way a pray. I used to...
30:57 Dear Heavenly Father be with my students
30:59 and put a hedge of pro...
31:00 NO. Dear Heavenly Father,
31:01 would this young man is planning to do this
31:03 to this young lady, or this young lady
31:05 is planning to do this to this young man
31:06 at 6 o'clock tonight, cause you know, my students
31:09 tell me everything. They're planning to do this
31:11 or this weekend. I ask that You intercede
31:15 some ways, somehow. Stop it, yank it off,
31:18 whatever, I mean whatever You got to do, You do.
31:21 And when I tell the kids, I tell the kids
31:23 when I'm praying for them and they are like:
31:25 Miss Teat, you're messing up my groove.
31:27 That's my job, I'm supposed to mess up
31:29 your groove.
31:30 You know, cause you're not gonna ever,
31:33 you're not gonna ever hear me tell you
31:35 I don't care what your mom says, I don't care what
31:37 your father says, I don't care if you have condoms
31:39 in your pocket right now. In fact, give me your wallet.
31:42 Oh, Miss Teat... I don't care,
31:44 but I do care about you and I wanna see you
31:47 next year or five years from now,
31:49 and I want you to be healthy, I want you to be prosperous,
31:52 I want you to be in a loving relationship,
31:55 the one that God has for you. You may not believe in God
31:57 oh well, I do, you don't that's ok.
32:00 I still pray for you too.
32:01 But, you know, this is what I want for you because
32:04 what the world has for you?
32:06 There's nothing else there for you.
32:08 - And parents sometimes send double messages.
32:12 I don't want you to have sex, but if you are going to
32:17 then maybe you should have some protection.
32:19 - One of the things... Parents.
32:21 If you decide you're going to have sex let me know.
32:25 No, you don't wanna know.
32:27 I mean... let me know. When you've decided that
32:30 let me know. No, you want to know before
32:32 they made that decision.
32:33 You know, you don't want them to decide,
32:35 then do, then let you know. That's not what you're saying.
32:38 That's not what you're saying.
32:40 We don't send information clearly.
32:43 We don't send the right signal.
32:46 I remember when I came home from Oakwood College,
32:51 and my first year I came back on home leave,
32:53 it was a break or something like that.
32:56 And I had... people tell me:
32:58 so when do you getting married?
33:00 So, you got a man? You got a boyfriend?
33:02 What's wrong with you?
33:03 And I really... I would hear this all the time,
33:06 every time I'm getting home.
33:07 That before I graduated from the school,
33:09 I was supposed to have been married, I was supposed
33:12 to have done this, and do that, and everything,
33:14 and I thought something, is something wrong with me?
33:16 'Cause I'm not doing this.
33:17 We say we want you to wait but then you turn around
33:20 and we put the pressure on in other ways.
33:23 Or we don't create an environment which celebrates
33:27 waiting for Christ.
33:28 - Oh, Donna we'd be talking so much about preventing
33:32 teenage pregnancy, but I mean we've got
33:35 900,000 girls who are pregnant in U.S alone.
33:42 Once you are pregnant, it's too late talk about
33:46 what I wish I would have done.
33:47 Now, how are we going to respond to these girls
33:51 that are pregnant? What is society...
33:53 How are they treating them?
33:54 - Twofold. One, it's not too late
33:57 to talk about how to prevent it because statistics
34:00 will tell you that if a child, if a teenager has had
34:03 one pregnancy the likelihood of them repeating and having
34:07 another pregnancy is high within another year.
34:11 It's high.
34:13 So, it's good to talk about hey, we don't want
34:16 to go down that road.
34:17 The second thing... What was the second part
34:19 of your question?
34:20 - How should we respond to the girl who's pregnant?
34:23 - We should... One thing that I heard
34:27 at a Christian radio is how a church responded.
34:32 And I think that's the wonderful model that schools,
34:35 communities, churches, families need to take.
34:38 And this young lady, in this particular congregation
34:41 got pregnant and the pastor found about it.
34:45 In the following Sunday, immediately he brought her
34:49 in front of everybody, and from of the pulpit and he said:
34:53 This young lady is pregnant.
34:55 We're not gonna talk about her, we're not gonna whisper behind
34:59 her back, I don't like what she did, we don't like the choices
35:02 that she made, but we're gonna surround
35:05 this young lady and we're gonna put
35:07 a hedge of protection about her.
35:08 We're gonna take care of the child, we're gonna do whatever
35:12 we need to do to give her the support and the love
35:15 that she needs. And that's redemption.
35:18 That's redemption. - That's redemption.
35:19 - And it sends a clear message, it gets the roomers
35:24 and the gossiping and all that stuff out of the way
35:27 and it tells, it sends a clear message to the other
35:31 young people, this is an unacceptable
35:33 behavior, but it also... we can surround this person
35:37 and bring them back into the fold.
35:39 And that's a wonderful thing. Do you think she'll still be
35:41 in church, do you think that she'll be attending,
35:44 do you think that she we'll form closer relationships
35:46 with more adults than what she had before?
35:49 Now she's got aunts and uncles, fictive or pretend cousins
35:53 and relatives who care about her and care about her welfare.
35:58 And when you find out that somebody cares about
36:01 your welfare, you aim to please.
36:03 You do whatever it takes to please them.
36:05 - Cassandra kind of said something like that
36:09 in her testimony, that the importance of God
36:13 in her life, parents in her life and how her parents
36:17 came through and really loved her,
36:19 even though she did disappoint them.
36:22 - Right, and it's ok to tell young people:
36:24 You disappointed me.
36:26 You disappointed me. And it's not easy.
36:30 You talked about some other things that people's response
36:33 or communities' response.
36:34 One of the challenges that I see while I was pregnant
36:37 with my first pregnancy, I had some of my teenagers
36:40 in my classes were pregnant at the same time.
36:44 And absentees in the school is a big thing.
36:47 Because there's no day care, there's no child care
36:50 there's nobody to take care of them while you go to school
36:55 all day and you need that extra support.
36:58 Typically is a challenge for young people to be pregnant
37:01 and have a baby in? school and finish
37:03 their education. And it messes up
37:05 your education. It takes you a little bit longer
37:08 or there are programs that you can go to night school,
37:11 you can pursue this or whatever and a lot of people think
37:14 Oh, I'm gonna get my GED.
37:16 I looked at the GED. The GED is harder I think
37:20 than completing four years of high school.
37:23 The GED is no joke, it's not an easy out
37:26 or out droop out of school.
37:27 That's not an option either.
37:30 Now, young girls, of course Cassandra was 17
37:33 but kids of 14, 15 maybe even 13 are having...
37:39 -9, 10, 11, 12... yes... - Are having babies.
37:44 - Yes.
37:46 - Now, these are children having children
37:49 and many of course think oh, I'm gonna have a baby
37:52 at last somebody will love me.
37:54 I'm going to have something, somebody that will love me.
37:58 How do you deal with this?
38:00 - One of the things in the school,
38:01 there's been an initiative of
38:03 baby think it over doll and I don't know how many
38:05 people are familiar with this baby think it over doll.
38:08 The doll comes... The doll was actually designed.
38:12 The father, he's a mechanical engineer and his daughter
38:16 was coming home pretending that a sack of flowers
38:19 was her baby and she had to love this thing.
38:22 He said: ah, that's not a true representation of a baby
38:26 and he came up with this baby think it over doll
38:28 and one of the things that the schools have done is
38:30 that this baby can be programmed by the classroom teacher
38:34 to have different responses: cry extremely all night long,
38:37 or whatever; and what happens is
38:39 there's a computer chip in the back of this doll.
38:43 What it does is, it records everything you do.
38:47 If you allowed the child to cry too long,
38:50 you forcibly... stop crying and you did this.
38:52 Because it's been a wonderful avenue to find out if kids
38:56 have the propensity to be abusers.
39:00 Because it's programmed, crying non stop
39:03 and it's supposed to simulate
39:06 what it would be to have a child.
39:08 Children to have a child, because you think,
39:11 that's a myth, that you think this child
39:14 is a turn-around and say I love you.
39:16 No, feed me, clean me, change my diaper and leave me alone.
39:22 We have a clip, one more clip from Cassandra,
39:26 where she talks about being a teenage mother,
39:30 and it's not easy. Let's take a look.
39:34 - Being a mother was very hard for me, is very hard
39:39 You have to worry about where the next meal
39:43 is coming from, a roof over your head,
39:48 just all the financial and emotional responsibilities
39:52 that come along with it.
39:54 And... along with being a mother I was a teenage mom.
40:00 So was more hard than I really expected it to be,
40:05 because I wasn't mature yet I didn't expect a lot of...
40:10 that emotional distress that I had.
40:15 Through all of these things, my parents were there for me.
40:20 I was able to go to a special school for teen mums,
40:23 that took care of my baby while I went to school.
40:27 And I did walk closer with God and He helped me through
40:34 all these things also. I was able to get back
40:38 into church and be baptized again and I became choir leader
40:45 and I just took more involvement
40:49 in church and my daughter's life.
40:53 - I think is so important to have that support from others
40:57 during this time because it's difficult to have children
41:01 and be a young mother anyway. - True.
41:04 And one of the things that Cassandra brought out
41:08 teens who have, teens who decide to play grownup.
41:12 That's not really how I wanna word it, but teens who do
41:16 adult behavior. They need to live with
41:18 adult consequences
41:20 - And responsibilities. - And responsibilities.
41:22 In a lot of times in our society we say as parents:
41:25 I don't want my child to go through what I went through.
41:28 I don't want my child to have to walk 3 miles to school,
41:31 I don't want my child to have to suffer or do this.
41:34 As if all the experiences that we went through,
41:37 we turned out that bad?!
41:39 No, kids need to assume those responsibilities, they need
41:42 to know how it feels like a 2 o'clock in the morning,
41:44 that child cries and at 3 o'clock and at 4 o'clock
41:47 and at 5 o'clock. - You can't go out
41:48 with your friends, because you have a baby.
41:50 - But if you take all the consequences away from them
41:53 how, will then they expect to do differently?
41:57 Because now I got an instant babysitter and I can still be
42:01 and do what I wanna do.
42:03 Yes, you can still accomplish and do your...
42:05 Accomplish goals and live your dreams,
42:09 but you also have a responsibility
42:11 to that child first.
42:13 - Yes, yes. Well, in just a moment
42:16 we're gonna find out what our live audience
42:20 thinks about this, and we're also going to
42:23 take their questions, so stay with us
42:26 and we'll be right back.
42:37 - Are you a teen struggling to grasp the fact
42:40 that you're pregnant or do you know a pregnant
42:42 teen and you're wondering how you can help?
42:44 If so we have just the material for you.
42:46 Find information and help in four brochures,
42:49 that deal with issues surrounding a teen pregnancy.
42:51 For your free gift just write to us today at:
42:58 or call us during regular business hours at:
43:06 Ask the Up Close offer number 4.
43:23 - Welcome back to Up Close. Our topic today
43:27 is teen pregnancy and we've taken a look
43:30 at problems teens face when they discover
43:33 that they're pregnant, we've also looked
43:35 at how we can support and be supportive,
43:37 and how we can prevent the situation from happening.
43:41 But we want to open up the program now for questions,
43:45 from our wonderful audience and Donna I think they
43:49 are going to have some great questions.
43:51 Are you ready?
43:53 - We're ready. - Ok.
43:54 Please tell us your name and your question.
43:58 - My name is Clarene and I'm a nurse at OB4,
44:01 I've worked with obstetrical nursing for almost 13 years.
44:04 So one of the comments I want to make before
44:06 I ask my question is one of the things
44:08 this topic is dear to my heart that I have noticed
44:10 that the obstetrical nursing is that teens model
44:13 the parents' behavior.
44:14 You cannot ask your teen to be abstinent if you as an adult
44:18 whether you're married or single can't do that yourself.
44:21 So that's one thing that I've noticed.
44:24 The second thing is now you talked about tools
44:27 that you can give your teen.
44:28 One of the tools that we have done with my teenage daughter
44:32 is that we've done, we call it key talk
44:34 and there is when you take an evening with your daughter
44:37 if it's the mother or the father with the son
44:40 and talk about sex, talk about STDES,
44:42 any questions that they can they can open themselves up
44:45 and get them to commit to what it means to be pure
44:48 and that they want that because it's beneficial to them.
44:51 And then you give them a memento of that evening.
44:54 We did a watch so that when they're away from you
44:58 daily to daily reminder of what they have committed to.
45:02 Now, you've done all that and your teen comes to you and says:
45:06 I'm gonna have sex. Then what do you do?
45:09 That's my question.
45:10 - No you are not gonna have sex.
45:13 I'm gonna lock you up, we're gonna pray over you tonight
45:17 we're gonna lay hands, we're gonna call in all the elders
45:21 you said: what?
45:22 Your mom, your dad, everybody... you need help.
45:25 And you know what? If a child is determined
45:29 the more you tell them no, they're determined to do it,
45:33 you need the Holy Spirit.
45:34 And you know what there's nothing wrong.
45:36 Kids need to see you on your knees in prayer,
45:39 laboring over them.
45:41 And if you have a kid who's determined to...
45:46 I used to be a knuckleheaded. I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do,
45:50 when I'm gonna do it.
45:51 And sometimes, unfortunately there are groups of individuals
45:55 who have to learn the hard way.
45:57 But that does mean that we stop laboring
45:59 and lingering over them.
46:01 There's nothing wrong in bringing people together
46:04 who have invested interest in that child and say:
46:07 we're gonna pray, we're gonna pray you through this
46:10 and we're gonna pray over you and we're gonna...
46:12 maybe we need to increase the amount of the time
46:15 that you're spending with mom and dad.
46:17 We're going on a vacation today.
46:19 You do whatever... That's your child,
46:21 that's your baby, you do whatever it is
46:24 you have to do to stop them from making that course.
46:28 There's a wonderful book, wonderful author that is quoted
46:33 by Mohamed Ali? and everything and they even call her
46:36 Doctor White. But she talks about,
46:38 if you saw your child getting ready to walk over a precipice
46:44 wouldn't you do everything to pull them back?
46:46 And that's our job, to pull them back.
46:49 One of the things that I wanted to say and congratulate you
46:52 on, is that fact that you're spending time with
46:55 your teenagers and you have a special day or time
46:57 that you have, and I've started to do that with my
47:00 a year and a half old son.
47:02 I take him out to eat, him and I.
47:04 What better way for him to learn how a young lady should
47:08 treat him, then him spending time with me.
47:12 And if this child happens to be a girl my husband will do
47:15 the same thing. They need that personal time.
47:18 That's a wonderful time. - Good.
47:20 - Well, I think we have another question, your name?
47:23 - Yes, my name in Derrick and my question was how do you
47:27 successfully advise a pre-teen who's already engaging in
47:30 premarital sex not to even though you're so far
47:34 away from them?
47:35 - Number one: tell them what they're doing
47:37 is wrong. Tell them what they're doing
47:39 there are consequences. Number two:
47:42 pray with them, pray for them.
47:45 Number three: Find out whoever their parents,
47:50 you need to talk to somebody.
47:51 Because you're not there on a day to day basis and
47:55 this whole, you know the devil, your secrecy, and not talking
48:00 and not sharing, but you need to tell someone.
48:04 Tell someone, listen this is some information
48:07 and I am concerned for your life.
48:10 I rate that on the same level as somebody saying:
48:13 life is not worth living, I wanna kill myself.
48:15 I'm gonna tell someone, because I love you
48:18 that much. They may be angry with you,
48:20 they may call you every name in the book, but that's
48:22 ok, 'cause I still love you from a distance.
48:26 - I was thinking, as the question came.
48:28 What about a Spiritual virginity that you were talking about,
48:32 before we came on the program? You mentioned that to me:
48:37 secondary virginity.
48:38 - What I tell young people is that you can become a virgin
48:42 again, Spiritual virgin again.
48:44 The Lord says: "I will remember your sin
48:46 no more. " I tell the young people,
48:49 in my... I run a youth group and I tell them, who do you call
48:53 in an emergency, what number do you dial?
48:55 911. Well, put it backwards: 119,
48:59 First John 1, verse 9: "If you confess our sins,
49:04 He is faithful in just". And that's what I tell
49:08 my young people.
49:09 I don't care, I tell my young people in school
49:11 if you confess, He is faithful in just to remove it
49:15 and cleanse it. You can start again.
49:17 He says you can start again, He adopts us into his family.
49:21 - And that needs to be a message.
49:23 - And that's the message
49:25 that you can become a Spiritual virgin again.
49:27 - Beautiful. Hey, we got another question.
49:30 Your name? - Hey my name is Janette
49:32 and I used to work for the Orange County Public Schools
49:35 and there I was a Para- professional, children would
49:38 come up to me, you know, give me information or secrets.
49:42 Well, they want things to be confidential.
49:44 What do you do in that... as the question before me.
49:48 You almost answered it but this is where you don't know
49:51 the parent, you're working in a public school so where
49:54 do you say stop, between confidentiality and trying
49:58 to save that child.
50:00 - Confidentiality is very, very important, anything
50:04 that is going harm, risk that child it's your duty to tell.
50:10 One of the things that I have, I work with
50:12 a Para-professional, as well.
50:14 I'm special education so, we appreciate you.
50:19 I have kids who would tell my Para-professional
50:21 things that they won't tell me, 'cause...
50:24 Miss Teat, if she finds out, she's gonna be mad at me,
50:27 she's gonna... oh she's gonna kill me if she finds out.
50:30 My Para-professional tells me everything.
50:33 We established that from the get-go.
50:35 In that classroom, whatever teacher you're working with
50:38 ideally, you should have a close enough working relationship.
50:41 You need to tell them because that teacher should have been
50:44 trained and equipped to be able to handle those
50:47 kind of situations. If not, there's a school
50:50 social worker, there are behavioral...
50:55 now in this day and age
50:57 we have a lot of behavioral medical individuals
51:01 who are coming into our school, case managers, therapists,
51:06 those kind of things. We have that kind of a crisis
51:08 team within our school building.
51:10 And, my Para-professional she tells me everything
51:13 and I go and I confront that student, I will find
51:16 the student before they leave home that day,
51:19 they will hear from Miss Teat, whatever, and we'll talk
51:23 about it. I had in the same situation,
51:26 occurred this past year, I had a student who
51:29 was pregnant and did not tell their parents.
51:31 We went... I called that mom and we told the parents,
51:35 because I don't want the kids to think that I'm an adult
51:39 who's going to keep secrets from their parents.
51:41 Parents need to be involved with this process and they need
51:44 to know what's going on and most of the time they have
51:46 no idea.
51:48 - And I think they probably respect you when you take that
51:51 stand, I mean they may not like it first, but...
51:54 - Well, they wanna know that they're gonna be loved,
51:56 that you're gonna still be there and you're gonna work
51:59 through this situation with them, you're not leaving them.
52:01 - You care enough, - You care enough,
52:03 you're gonna stick it out with them.
52:05 - Very good, very good.
52:06 We have another question, your name?
52:08 - Hey, my name is Wanda and I have a nine and a half year old
52:11 and since the time she was young we've had a good relationship,
52:15 I've talked to her about the differences between
52:17 boys and girls and when I was pregnant with my three year old
52:20 we talked about, feel development,
52:23 and so she has a good understanding of that.
52:25 I was wanting to wait to get into the specific,
52:28 until she was a little older wanting to keep her innocent
52:33 as long as possible, but I'm wondering maybe...
52:36 I don't want to hear from her friends...
52:38 What is the ideal age to start talking about
52:41 the particulars of this?
52:42 First of all continue that close relationship with your child,
52:46 and tell your daughter: do you have any questions?
52:48 If she goes to a public school, private school, whatever
52:51 what are your friends are talking about?
52:52 In fact, invite her friends over your house and listen
52:55 what they're talking about. You've find out quickly what
52:57 they're talking about. Now the other thing is
53:01 right now at 9 years of age, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
53:05 Kids need to know that people do not touch you
53:08 in certain places. They don't put your hands
53:11 on you. And if anybody,
53:13 she may not be ready for a whole big discussion on the
53:17 birds and the bees and you don't have to do
53:18 a whole big discussion. I think that's what scares
53:20 parents: Oh Lord, have mercy.
53:23 What am I gonna say, but let her know
53:25 what's appropriate and what's inappropriate,
53:28 for adults, churchmen, anybody.
53:30 And if that happens come and you can ask her
53:34 did anybody or anything and that's ok.
53:39 - Well, Donna we have just about came to the end.
53:42 But before we close I want your final thoughts, words of wisdom
53:48 that are really gonna help us, really speak to us
53:52 maybe speak to the young teenager who's
53:55 pregnant right now.
53:56 - For the young teenager who's pregnant, you know
53:59 you're not alone, God is so faithful, He's right
54:02 there in the situation with you.
54:04 Don't give up, don't loose despair and if it may seem like
54:08 everything around you is dark and there's no glimmering light,
54:12 but you hang on to the Lord. Read and immerse yourself
54:16 in everything that you possibly can, Lord...
54:19 Encouraging text: Lord, I'm not gonna leave you
54:22 until you bless me, kind of like Jacob,
54:23 I'm holding on to you. You do whatever it takes.
54:26 Lord, I'm not gonna go through this situation
54:28 until you bless me.
54:29 And for the teen who's thinking about it, I pray that whatever
54:34 I said, if you remember nothing else that you remember
54:37 one thing; that God has something so special
54:41 for you, you have no idea.
54:43 And if you wanna have the best sex, the best relationship
54:47 the best... hook up with God.
54:50 In fact, if you wanna read about sex just open the Bible.
54:54 You wanna read about... That's the best novel,
54:59 fast action, drama, whatever it is you're into,
55:05 it's in the Bible.
55:06 Somebody did it, done it, been there, been there,
55:09 you know, that king of thing.
55:10 But immerse yourself with what God wants you to,
55:13 because He says: "If you honor Me,
55:15 I'm gonna honor you. "
55:17 And I'm gonna cause you to ride upon the high places.
55:20 We don't know what that ride is like, 'cause we keep trying
55:24 to help God out, quit helping Him out.
55:26 He knows what you need and He... make a list.
55:29 Lord this is what I want in my life,
55:32 by age 20, by age 26, whatever, whatever.
55:35 And the Lord honor those, when you immerse yourself with Him.
55:39 He immerses yourself with you.
55:41 - Wow. Thank you so much.
55:51 We've all learned so much, so much...
55:53 We want to thank you for being with us and we want to thank
55:57 Cassandra Thomson too for sharing with us, even though she
56:01 couldn't be with us personally.
56:03 I think that's very special what she shared with us.
56:07 You know, God didn't give sex to single people.
56:11 He gave it to husbands and wives for procreation,
56:15 for enjoyment, and most of all as a symbol
56:19 of life time one flesh commitment.
56:23 This is a symbol of commitment.
56:27 And God says in Jeremiah 29:11:
56:30 "I know the plans that I have for you, plans for good
56:34 and not for evil.
56:35 To give you a future and a hope. "
56:38 Pregnancy should be the most exciting, wonderful time
56:42 in a girl's life as she feels her body change,
56:45 as she's bringing that new life into being.
56:49 But getting pregnant too soon without life time commitment
56:55 between the single mother and the single father,
57:00 it can be devastating. It can change a whole course
57:04 of a person's life. But God can redeem,
57:08 and I think that's what we've learned from this program
57:10 today: God can redeem.
57:12 Because of the choices we make God sometimes has to go
57:16 to plan B for our lives. But regardless,
57:19 of the circumstances you find yourself in God can teach you,
57:23 He can help you become a kind, loving and wise mother,
57:27 or a kind and loving father. He can give you the desires
57:31 of your heart, if you'll just commit your life to Him.
57:36 If you happen to find yourself pregnant too soon,
57:40 I'd suggest reading Psalms 37, at least you can start
57:44 there and I believe you will find courage.


Revised 2014-12-17