Urban Report

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR210022S

00:01 Stay tuned to meet young professionals
00:02 who innovatively take the Gospel
00:04 of Jesus Christ into the workplace.
00:07 My name is Jason Bradley,
00:09 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:33 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report.
00:35 I have a group of guests today
00:37 whose ingenuity and creativity in bringing
00:40 the gospel to the workplace will blow you away.
00:44 On Skype, we have Stephen and Felecia Lee,
00:47 and live on the set we have Alina Eskridge
00:51 and Rebecca Wong.
00:52 A little bit later, we will have
00:54 a few more guests joining us,
00:56 and this is going to be a fast paced program.
00:58 So make sure you buckle up.
01:00 Welcome to the program,
01:01 everyone, it's great to have you here.
01:04 Nice to be here. Yes, yes.
01:07 Thanks so much for having us, Jason.
01:08 Good, good.
01:10 Yeah, we've spent quite a bit of time together
01:13 and all of that working with ASI,
01:15 and ASIYP and all of that stuff.
01:17 But we're going to get into what you guys do in just
01:21 a little bit, also your respective ministries that,
01:25 you know, you work with, as well.
01:27 But we want to talk to Stephen and Felecia.
01:31 Steven and Felecia... Hi, Jason?
01:33 Hey, there you are. Hey.
01:35 It's great to have you guys here.
01:37 I wish you could be here with us on the set,
01:40 but we're happy to see your faces.
01:43 Yeah...
01:44 Same here Hopefully next time we can be there. That's right.
01:46 So, Stephen, tell us a little bit about what you do.
01:49 And then, Felecia, tell us about what you do
01:52 and your role with ASIYP.
01:55 So we are the co-presidents
01:58 of ASIYP.
02:01 And ASI has a long history
02:05 of empowering the laymen from business owners,
02:08 ministry founders, to professionals.
02:12 So in 2018, it saw the need to help
02:16 prepare our young next generation
02:18 of laymen to spread the gospel,
02:20 and that's where the young professionals or what we call
02:22 ASIYP came into place.
02:26 And what we believe is that all these young laymen
02:31 has a greater purpose in their workplace.
02:35 And so you understand a third of our lives are spent at work.
02:40 Of course, yeah.
02:41 About 90,000 hours, in the course of lifetime.
02:44 So why not using those opportunities,
02:46 instead of just going to work,
02:48 maybe to have a certain lifestyle,
02:50 we have to use those work times to really evangelize
02:54 and to help people know about Christ.
02:57 Mm-hmm. Yeah, and we...
03:00 I assist Stephen
03:03 with leading out young professionals.
03:06 And as he was saying, you know,
03:08 most of our times we are spent working
03:10 and as young people, when we recognize
03:13 the calling that God has on our lives from a very young age
03:16 that allows us to have an even greater impact.
03:20 So it's great to be able to lead that team
03:22 and to motivate.
03:24 And besides ASI Young Professionals,
03:26 I'm a full time homemaker
03:27 and mentor for other young women.
03:29 Nice. Nice.
03:30 And as co-presidents of ASIYP,
03:34 what do you hope to accomplish?
03:38 One of the main things that we're really
03:41 hoping to accomplish is,
03:43 especially within the Adventist Christian community,
03:47 seeing young people, recognizing that the workplace
03:52 that God has put them in,
03:54 or the neighborhood that they are in,
03:56 that they owe that workplace something and follow me.
04:00 They owe that workplace something very good,
04:02 which is the gospel.
04:04 The Lord has blessed us with a certain level
04:06 of influence and with a truth that our coworkers
04:10 or our neighbors need to hear.
04:12 So as YP leaders, we're hoping to empower them
04:15 so that they can know how to better use
04:18 their talents to serve people better,
04:20 to love them better, to build relationships,
04:23 and then to introduce people to the love of God
04:26 and to Jesus Christ.
04:28 With all the talents that they have
04:30 placed back into the power of the Holy Spirit,
04:34 we can really change the world
04:36 and take Christ in our marketplace,
04:38 in our neighborhood, wherever we are seeing people.
04:40 Amen. Amen.
04:42 Stephen, you work for Center for Online Evangelism, right?
04:47 Tell us a little bit about that?
04:49 Yes, I work for Center for Online Evangelism
04:53 as the Director of Marketing,
04:55 and that's a fancy word for really
04:58 me helping to strategize so that COE,
05:03 Center for Online Evangelism,
05:04 and its projects can be known to the people,
05:09 to our church and the worldwide people there
05:12 and have the opportunity to partake in God's work.
05:16 So we have a special project things like
05:19 asking Adventist's friend, and that what that is,
05:23 it's basically a virtual center of influence
05:27 where seekers can find truthful answers about Adventist.
05:31 You see, the seekers who are searching for spiritual
05:35 questions or biblical questions or even about Adventist,
05:38 they are searching every single month.
05:41 For instance, people search Bible prophecy about 14,800
05:46 searches a month, Sabbath 49,000 a month,
05:51 Bible study 30,000 a month.
05:53 So who are reaching these people?
05:56 If we're not reaching them, and we're not showing up
05:59 as an Adventist, then it's going to be all
06:01 the rest of Christianity or anyone who wants to talk
06:04 about these things.
06:06 Yeah.
06:07 And so we believe that we should be out there
06:08 so that Adventist truths can be presented in the right
06:13 way to the people who are searching.
06:15 Amen.
06:16 And so if people want to find out
06:18 more information about that,
06:19 what's your website for Center for Online Evangelism?
06:23 Yes, our website is called
06:25 the centerforonlineevangelism.org
06:28 And you could also reach me at
06:30 stephen -@centerforonlineevangelism.org
06:33 as well, if you have any questions.
06:35 Wonderful.
06:37 And I want to shift gears just a little bit
06:38 and go back to ASIYP,
06:41 why should people get involved with ASIYP?
06:45 And how can they get involved?
06:48 One of the main reasons a person should get involved
06:51 is because this is a special group of community
06:55 where you get to network with other individuals
06:57 who are of the same mind.
06:59 When you're running a marathon,
07:01 it helps a lot when there are other people
07:03 running with you to sort of encourage you to have
07:05 cheerleaders on the sideline pushing you forward.
07:09 So as young professionals,
07:10 when we're able to connect with other people,
07:13 we're gleaning from their knowledge
07:14 and their wisdom.
07:16 We're having mentorship opportunities.
07:18 We have the Facebook online groups,
07:20 it's all about relationship and community.
07:22 That's what we see Christ did when He was on earth.
07:25 He got these young people together, the disciples,
07:28 and that is how He taught them and empowered them.
07:31 So one of the main reasons is that this is a hub.
07:34 This is a network of people
07:36 who are learning from each other
07:37 and all learning from the Holy Spirit to better
07:40 serve persons in their workplace.
07:43 We have, of course, the convention every year,
07:46 volunteer opportunities and spring events.
07:50 So they're always things
07:51 taking place to help young people
07:54 put their talents and their resources into use to help
07:57 spread the gospel.
07:59 Nice. Nice.
08:00 Yeah, we hope more people will get involved in that,
08:03 and that conference was absolutely incredible.
08:05 God really blessed.
08:07 But I want to thank you for joining us.
08:10 I know that this time is short,
08:12 and we're moving around a lot,
08:14 and we've got a lot of moving parts.
08:16 But thank you so much for coming on,
08:17 and thank you for all that you've contributed to ASIYP.
08:22 We appreciate it, Jason. Thank you for having us.
08:24 All right.
08:25 Now we've got Alina and Rebecca.
08:29 Alina, let's start with you.
08:30 Tell us a little bit about what you do,
08:33 your role with ASIYP?
08:35 And then we'll transition into your ministry?
08:38 Sure.
08:39 So for the ASIYP,
08:42 my responsibility was logistics.
08:45 So that's really spending a few months
08:48 trying to get a lot of the smaller pieces
08:50 as well as the larger pieces together to make sure
08:54 the conference runs smoothly for attendees,
08:56 and that they have a really great experience.
08:59 Nice, and that took a lot of logistics
09:02 as a huge undertaking.
09:04 Yes, what we found and you know,
09:06 it's really nice to have a team that's supportive
09:08 and be able to be flexible.
09:10 Because you know, naturally things do,
09:13 doesn't go as planned, but if you have a team that can
09:15 move quick, be flexible
09:17 and kind of just fill in the gaps,
09:18 it just makes things run a lot smoother.
09:20 Amen. Amen.
09:22 And so, what would you say was the highlight
09:25 of the conference for you?
09:27 I would really say meeting people,
09:30 meeting people and seeing what they're doing and seeing
09:32 how they're impacting their sphere of influence.
09:36 That was really encouraging even for myself
09:38 and even for what I do.
09:41 And, Rebecca, you were on the logistics team as well.
09:46 So tell us a little bit about your experience there?
09:49 Yeah, serving on logistics
09:51 is definitely a crazy but fun experience.
09:54 I mean, I just love seeing the big vision picture
09:59 come through in all the little details, right?
10:01 Yes.
10:02 Just the organization working with the convention center,
10:04 making sure all the rooms are booked
10:06 and everything from the meals to,
10:08 you know, just considering all the different aspects
10:10 that go into convention.
10:13 And so it's been a blessing serving in that respect
10:16 and just being able to see people
10:18 enjoy the experience and knowing that you had a play
10:23 in that to see it all come together.
10:25 Yes. Yes.
10:27 And there's a lot that goes into planning
10:29 for a convention that people don't even see.
10:31 It's kind of like an iceberg, like you see the tip,
10:34 but there's a lot under the surface.
10:35 So yeah, that's huge.
10:37 Alina, tell us about what you do in your ministry?
10:42 Yeah.
10:43 So aside from helping with the ASIYP,
10:46 I run a ministry called Crossway.
10:49 And it's an online community platform
10:51 where ministry meet opportunities
10:53 to help them grow and to further their mission.
10:56 So when these ministries sign up,
10:58 they have their own profile page
10:59 where they can share their mission and solicit
11:02 for the things that's keeping them
11:04 from really flourishing and growing.
11:06 And I found that things like
11:08 funding volunteers and resources
11:12 is something that a lot of ministries face
11:14 and are challenged with.
11:15 So we want to help bring visibility to their ministry
11:18 as well as to their cause and their needs.
11:20 That's beautiful.
11:21 So it's kind of like a,
11:23 it's a networking and a problem solving.
11:25 It's really a solution oriented service.
11:28 It is.
11:30 And you know, we really also, besides helping ministries,
11:32 we want to also make it more convenient
11:34 for our lay members to get involved with these ministries
11:37 and know who's in their area really.
11:38 Yeah.
11:40 So it's a really great community to be a part of.
11:42 We also accommodate individuals
11:45 who have skills and talents
11:47 such as web developers, pianists, therapists.
11:51 We want to put these individuals on the map,
11:53 because again,
11:54 our members are looking for these types of services.
11:56 So we want to make it convenient
11:57 and easy to find them.
11:59 Yes, that's great.
12:01 And how do people find out more about Crossway?
12:04 We actually have a picture
12:06 that I'd like to show of Crossway.
12:08 Yes, I encourage everyone to visit crosswayconnects.com,
12:13 and please explore and see what we're all about,
12:16 get involved and sign up.
12:18 All right. All right.
12:19 And, Rebecca, now you wear many hats.
12:22 I do.
12:24 So tell us a little bit about what you do?
12:25 Sure.
12:26 So currently, I work at Beautiful Minds Medical,
12:30 which is a psychiatric practice in Northern California.
12:34 I serve as the secretary.
12:35 So checking in for multiple providers,
12:37 as well as graphic designer,
12:39 where I'm working on different projects
12:41 for marketing or creating,
12:42 you know, resources for patients.
12:44 And so, it's just a really amazing practice.
12:49 Yes.
12:50 Just the missional team,
12:52 and the ability to serve the needs of mental health
12:56 for the local community there.
12:58 So we see people from all different strands of life,
13:01 and they come in with that one similar need
13:04 of mental health.
13:06 But we are so blessed to be able to give them
13:08 much more than just mental
13:10 and that's actually what they appreciate.
13:11 The fact that they're like,
13:13 you know, when we come to you here,
13:14 you know, when we see the doctors here,
13:16 they're just not filling us with medications.
13:18 They're actually showing us a better way of life.
13:21 Yeah.
13:22 And meeting, you know, not only physical,
13:23 emotional and spiritual needs, all in one package.
13:27 And so that's, that is beautiful.
13:29 And what made you decide to get involved with ASIYP?
13:34 That is a good question.
13:36 So ironically, I'd never been to ASI before.
13:39 I get a phone call from a friend,
13:42 and he's like, "Would you like a free trip to ASI?"
13:44 I was like, "What?
13:46 What is this all about?"
13:47 He's like, "We're starting up this thing
13:49 called Young Professionals.
13:50 And we really need some help getting this started up,
13:54 you know, and if you can come join us,
13:56 we'd really love your help,
13:58 just getting this rolled out."
13:59 And I was like, "Oh,
14:01 this sounds like an interesting challenge.
14:02 Sure, why not?
14:04 I love stepping into things I have no idea of doing."
14:07 That's how you learn and grow.
14:08 So I was like, exactly.
14:09 Yeah.
14:11 So I was just like, "All right, let's do it."
14:12 Joined the team, flew out there and had an amazing time.
14:16 I was like, "Wow, something is happening here.
14:20 Young people,
14:21 young professionals are on fire.
14:25 They're recognizing their niches
14:26 and their circles of influence, like we've been discussing.
14:30 And these people really want to share Christ
14:34 in the marketplace."
14:35 And I thought, "This is amazing.
14:37 I want to be part of this movement to share Jesus."
14:39 Absolutely.
14:40 I'm so glad that you did become a part of that movement.
14:43 And it's been a pleasure working with you
14:46 on the team as well.
14:47 So I want to talk to Eric now.
14:49 We're going to go to Eric Camarillo
14:51 who's joining us on Skype as well.
14:54 Hey, Eric, how's it going?
14:56 Hey, Jason.
14:57 Good to be here, man.
14:59 Good to have you have you here, man.
15:00 We know you're no stranger to the Dare to Dream Network,
15:03 3ABN, the Urban Report and 3ABN and all of that stuff.
15:07 Tell us a little bit about SALT Outreach?
15:10 Yeah, SALT Outreach is a mobile day service center
15:14 for the unsheltered.
15:15 So we provide things like
15:17 showers through a shower trailer,
15:19 laundry through a laundry trailer,
15:21 mail services, haircuts,
15:24 we do clothing and hygiene product or clothing trailer,
15:27 storage services through a box truck.
15:28 So we have our outreach services,
15:30 which engage the unsheltered and provide those basic needs.
15:34 We have a case management team
15:36 that assesses the need
15:37 and helps to end their homelessness
15:40 and we have a pastoral department,
15:41 outreach pastor,
15:42 which helped me to the spiritual need
15:44 with the unsheltered
15:46 which includes the monthly church service group
15:47 Bible studies, one on one studies as well.
15:50 That's, yeah, that's huge.
15:51 You guys are doing a great work.
15:53 Now I want to come back to SALT in just a minute,
15:55 but let's transition into ASIYP.
15:57 What was your role with ASI Young Professionals?
16:01 Yeah, I was out programming.
16:02 Yeah, I had a great partner.
16:05 Yeah, I had a great boss.
16:07 You were my boss in that there.
16:10 I guess so.
16:11 You had the more experience though,
16:13 but I was learning a lot from you.
16:15 I learned a lot from you too, and it was exciting.
16:18 It was a pleasure working together
16:19 on that project as well.
16:21 So what types of programs
16:24 or what tracks and stuff did we see there?
16:27 Yeah. Yeah, it was exciting.
16:30 You know, a lot of the young professionals
16:32 you know, we and it was a team effort.
16:34 I mean, everyone was involved
16:35 in putting this program together.
16:38 The Young Professionals wanted that working,
16:39 you know, they wanted to be inspired.
16:42 So there were some networking events
16:44 and it was amazing to see
16:46 all the young professionals get together
16:47 and just make really important connections
16:49 throughout the conference,
16:51 and connections that could help their business
16:53 or their ministry or nonprofit grow.
16:56 We saw the process of progress which you are part of.
16:58 Yeah.
17:00 Which was a way to show how God is,
17:04 shows that progress in someone's life
17:06 from the beginning to the end
17:07 and how God has changed people's lives.
17:10 And we... There were things, practical things,
17:12 how to start a business, how to start a nonprofit.
17:15 You know, there was a men seminar and mentorship
17:18 and how important that is for a young professional.
17:22 You know, it was a just a wide variety
17:25 of different seminars
17:26 that I think were really valuable
17:29 to the young professionals that attended.
17:30 Yeah.
17:32 And I learned a lot myself too.
17:33 I agree.
17:34 I did as well and, you know,
17:36 I love the fact that ASIYP adds value.
17:39 You know, it really adds value.
17:41 If you want to start a business,
17:42 like you said, you can learn how to do that,
17:44 you can connect, you can network,
17:45 you can, all of those things is wonderful.
17:48 Transitioning back to SALT though,
17:52 how can people find out more about you?
17:53 What's your website?
17:55 Yeah, our website is www.saltoutreach.org
18:00 Okay.
18:02 And then my email address,
18:03 I think is going to pop up next,
18:04 that's eric@saltoutreach.org
18:08 Okay,
18:09 I know our time is moving extremely fast, Eric.
18:11 We have a video that we want to go to
18:14 and we're going to have some,
18:16 you know, musical chairs going on.
18:18 We've got some more guests joining us.
18:20 But, Eric, why don't you set up that video for us?
18:23 Tell us what we are going to see?
18:25 Yeah, so we are launching a,
18:28 you know, as our unsheltered friends come to us
18:30 housing is repeatedly becoming a need.
18:33 Not just any housing, affordable housing.
18:35 Okay.
18:36 So we're starting a fundraiser to provide affordable housing
18:39 to the unsheltered.
18:41 Okay, well, we're going to get ready to go to that video.
18:43 But I want to thank you for joining us, Eric.
18:45 We're going to go check that out right now.
18:49 Being a person who has been homeless,
18:51 everybody that is out there that is homeless
18:53 don't particularly want to be,
18:56 but they find himself adapting to their surroundings.
19:00 A few weeks ago, Sam Johnson didn't have a home
19:02 to call his own.
19:04 Sixty five percent of my pay was going to the hotel.
19:06 But then he stopped by SALT Outreach in downtown Orlando.
19:09 The group provides laundry and shower trailers
19:12 for people experiencing homelessness.
19:15 But that's not all the group does
19:16 to help people like Johnson,
19:18 who SALT employees describe as... Homebound.
19:20 There is, you know unsheltered you're homeless,
19:23 but here at SALT we prefer to call them homebound
19:26 because they're bound to get a home.
19:28 That word choice is important says Natalia Alvarez,
19:30 a Case Manager at SALT.
19:31 Yourwords have a big impact in empowering others,
19:35 helping them power through their emotions
19:37 so we can empower them to build themselves up.
19:39 Staff take one day a month to do team building exercises,
19:43 a way of building solidarity
19:44 for what can be emotionally challenging work.
19:47 There's a lot of things that we see
19:48 that can quite impact the heart.
19:50 So it's important for all of us to have that team building
19:52 to make sure that we're okay,
19:55 so we can help others.
19:56 For shower Andrew.
19:58 Over and over they hear housing is the biggest thing,
20:00 housing, housing,
20:01 and there just isn't housing to get.
20:03 Thank you.
20:04 It just, it weighs on you.
20:06 Eric Camarillo founded SALT 10 years ago.
20:09 He says since COVID,
20:10 they've noticed more people coming for services
20:12 who are new to homelessness.
20:14 To try and meet the need,
20:16 they're thinking outside the box.
20:17 Is going to raise 200,000 to get four 40 foot containers
20:21 built out into duplexes, so eight units total,
20:24 so it can provide a living space,
20:26 a permanent solution
20:27 for those looking for affordable housing.
20:29 Camarillo hopes by this time next year,
20:31 SALT'S homebound clients can start applying to live
20:34 in one of these affordable housing solutions.
20:37 But already the group's helping house.
20:38 Some people like Johnson
20:40 by connecting them to other regional service providers.
20:42 In that same day went from being a person
20:45 looking to find a hotel
20:47 they're rented by the week, to a person
20:50 who's now in a house
20:52 where he's paying 600 a month.
20:54 For other folks who might be homeless
20:56 or in SALT'S words homebound...
20:58 The advice that I have is don't give up
21:01 if you get off on the wrong exit.
21:03 For every exit,
21:05 there's also an entrance way back on the highway.
21:08 Get back on the highway.
21:10 In Orlando, Molly Duerig, Spectrum News 13.
21:13 Wow.
21:15 God is using Eric Camarillo and the wonderful Ministry
21:17 of SALT Outreach to do incredible things for him.
21:21 I told you we would get some more guests coming on the set.
21:24 And here with us right now, I have Monet St. Juste.
21:29 Did I say that right?
21:30 That's right. That's right.
21:32 Good job there.
21:33 I've been working on that.
21:35 Amen.
21:36 And we've got on Almarie Hill.
21:37 All right, it's great to have you guys with us.
21:40 Monet, I'm going to start with you.
21:41 Tell us a little bit about what you do,
21:44 and what your title is with Eden Lifestyle?
21:46 Wonderful. Wonderful.
21:47 So yeah, so I'm one of the cofounders
21:48 of Eden Lifestyle,
21:50 and Eden Lifestyle is basically a ministry
21:52 that really propels the gospel of health.
21:54 So we really help people in the northeastern states,
21:56 we are located in New York itself.
21:58 And there's a lot of work out there in New York.
22:00 And as you know, New York was a hotbed
22:02 for what went on throughout the last year,
22:04 and it's very sad to see so many people
22:06 lost their lives.
22:07 But at the same time to be able to be a beacon of life
22:10 for people to come into the Wellness Center,
22:12 out there in New York,
22:13 we weren't able to do much seminars like before,
22:15 but we're able to bless individuals
22:17 through trainings and seminars,
22:19 even online, many people have joined
22:21 to be able to better equip themselves in lifestyle
22:24 and understanding how to really protect themselves even now.
22:27 Yeah, and that's crucial.
22:28 Very crucial.
22:30 Crucial. Yes.
22:31 Yeah, yeah, it's great to have a strong solid immune system.
22:33 Amen.
22:35 That's right. It's so important.
22:36 Yes.
22:38 And what was your role with ASIYP?
22:39 Yeah, so ASIYP
22:41 I came on as the VP Vice President of Marketing.
22:44 And an even as a VP of Marketing,
22:46 it was really a new experience within the ASI itself, right?
22:50 And also when I heard about being able to be involved
22:52 for young professionals that really piqued my interest.
22:54 Yes.
22:56 Because I'm like, "Wow, how can we get more young people
22:57 involved excited about mission,
23:00 about the workplace and also being able to share Christ
23:03 especially now in those critical times, right?"
23:05 And so yeah, so that's been in my role so far
23:08 in ASI.
23:09 And so like, what did it look like for you?
23:12 Give us a practical glimpse of what it was like?
23:15 Okay, great.
23:17 So as you know, as you all know,
23:18 there's a lot happened behind the scenes, right?
23:19 Yeah.
23:21 And also, it was really one of the first time,
23:22 well my first time actually to try to get young people
23:25 to come to an ASIYP conference.
23:28 So I'm like, "Wow, I'm challenged there,
23:29 Lord, help me."
23:30 Yeah.
23:32 So, but praise God, we're able to do online advertising,
23:34 word of mouth as well, outreach and so forth.
23:37 And really help young people to really invite their friends,
23:40 to really get their friends involved in ASIYP.
23:43 And I must say praise God,
23:45 you were there yourself and you saw it.
23:47 We had pretty much a wonderful attendance.
23:50 We had people like you saw.
23:51 We had people in the back, in on the back chairs,
23:53 people all around the conference
23:55 and you see that there is a big need
23:58 for young professionals
23:59 and they want to get involved in mission,
24:01 they want to get involved to share Christ
24:03 in their workplace, in this sphere of influence
24:05 or in the ministries even more so.
24:06 Yeah, it was a packed house.
24:08 Transitioning back, ever so quickly,
24:10 because I know our time is short.
24:11 Just give us the website where people can find out
24:14 more information about Eden Lifestyle?
24:16 Yes, beautiful.
24:18 So Eden Lifestyle website is edenlifestyle.org
24:21 And if you're interested in learning
24:22 more about how to care for yourself,
24:24 your health, even for one of our heal at home programs,
24:26 we have people actually learning
24:28 and also getting involved in lifestyle,
24:31 long distance and so forth.
24:32 So yeah, so edenlifestyle.org
24:33 and we look forward to hearing from you.
24:35 Awesome. So they can find out more information.
24:36 Yes.
24:38 Almarie, tell us about your role with ASIYP?
24:41 Yeah, sure.
24:42 So I, you know, my role with ASIYP is VP of membership.
24:46 And it's interesting because
24:48 when I was even approached to be in ASI,
24:50 I actually had no idea what ASI was.
24:53 My understanding was ASI was just like
24:55 group of old businessmen that somehow give financial aid
25:01 to like missionary activity.
25:02 Okay.
25:04 And I was like, "I don't fit into this.
25:06 I don't see what that connection
25:07 is going to actually be, right."
25:09 But as I did some more research and spoke to more individuals,
25:12 I saw that no, ASI is for young professionals too.
25:16 You know, ASI is so much more than a conference,
25:19 is so much more than what I understood
25:21 as this narrow scope of it.
25:23 And that it's for me too.
25:25 You know, and so it's been a huge blessing being a part.
25:28 So what did your role look like?
25:30 Sure.
25:31 So membership, one of the major things
25:34 with membership is to help people see that
25:38 beyond the yearly conference,
25:40 that you can be a part of this network,
25:43 this community of individuals.
25:45 So we're really in charge
25:47 of nurturing the attendee experience in the conference,
25:49 we're in charge of making sure that
25:53 everyone really is enjoying their experience,
25:56 right, from the start to throughout the entire year.
25:59 Nice. Nice.
26:01 And your professional background,
26:03 you're med student, right?
26:05 Yes, I am.
26:06 Tell us little bit about that?
26:07 And how did you go into that?
26:09 Oh, that is a story.
26:10 I'm going to try to see
26:12 if I can magnetize tie that reality.
26:13 Yeah.
26:15 I think what's really unique about my medical journey is,
26:18 I mostly most individuals start med school
26:20 directly after doing their undergrad.
26:22 I started med school almost a decade after having completed
26:26 and I had also done extensive training
26:29 in medical missionary work and in naturopathic medicine.
26:33 And so, I am having the unique privilege of mixing,
26:36 you know, God's natural healing ways
26:38 and having that as the foundation
26:40 as I go into the regular allopathic medicine,
26:42 and it's been really sweet.
26:44 Yes.
26:46 It's been really, really sweet.
26:47 So... Praise God.
26:48 You've been able to witness to people
26:50 in the school as well.
26:51 Yeah, you know, the thing about witnessing is,
26:53 you're often the greatest witness
26:55 when you're not trying to let me try to witness, right?
26:58 It's just like a natural outgrowth of the life
27:00 that you live.
27:02 So one of the things that my colleagues always ask me is,
27:05 "Where do I go on Sabbaths, right?
27:07 Like what happens on Saturday?"
27:10 And so getting a chance to share with them
27:11 the Sabbath and then med school is really stressful.
27:14 It's a lot.
27:16 And so, I've been able to pray with some of my colleagues too,
27:21 and that's always been a sweet blessing.
27:22 Yeah, that is beautiful.
27:24 I love that.
27:26 You know, there are those witnessing opportunities
27:28 even in secular environment.
27:30 I mean, that's where the witnessing needs
27:32 to take place too,
27:33 you know, in those secular environments,
27:35 in the workplace, all of those things.
27:37 I want to thank you all for coming on.
27:39 I know that this was quick, quick, quick.
27:42 And I want to thank you for joining us.
27:44 I hope that you are inspired to get involved,
27:47 to share Christ in the marketplace,
27:49 reach out to some of these ministries.
27:51 Whatever God has placed in your hand,
27:53 use it to His honor and glory.
27:54 Until next time, may God richly bless you.


Revised 2021-10-21