Urban Report

Miracle In Cuba

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR210003S

00:01 Stay tuned to learn about
00:02 an exciting evangelism initiative
00:04 that's taking place in Cuba.
00:06 My name is Jason Bradley,
00:08 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:32 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:34 My guest today is John Dinzey, General Manager of 3ABN Latino.
00:40 It's great to have you here, Brother John.
00:42 Thank you.
00:43 It's a privilege to be here
00:45 and to share what great things God is doing.
00:47 Yes, and there are a lot of great things
00:50 taking place with 3ABN Latino.
00:53 How long have you been with 3ABN Latino?
00:58 Over 31 years.
00:59 Well, 3ABN Latino, 3ABN over 31 years,
01:02 3ABN Latino is over 13 years.
01:05 Wow.
01:07 What is your thought process
01:09 going into maybe like the creation of the content?
01:15 Well, a lot of prayer goes into the creation of content.
01:18 We ask the Lord to guide us.
01:20 We do have a small team
01:23 and sometimes someone comes up
01:25 with an idea
01:26 and we come together to discuss the idea.
01:30 What the elements of the program will be.
01:32 We recently had some meetings on that,
01:34 so it's very interesting.
01:36 What the elements of the program will be,
01:37 what the segments will be,
01:39 and who is going to participate.
01:42 Recently we were talking about doing a children's program
01:45 and my wife Idalia came up with the concepts
01:48 of the different segments
01:49 and it's a very interesting process,
01:52 you know, a lot goes into a program.
01:54 Yes
01:55 That the more than meets the eye,
01:57 you know, some people think,
01:58 you just turn on the lights and go.
01:59 No, there's a lot of planning that takes place.
02:01 Absolutely.
02:03 And how do you go about assessing the needs
02:04 of the communities that you serve?
02:06 Well, that is a very good question
02:08 because, you know, you look at,
02:12 you really have to look at what's going on in the news.
02:15 One of the aspects,
02:16 you have issues in families that are going on and prayer.
02:22 Prayer, of course, it's a natural go-to.
02:26 We need to pray a lot for the Lord to guide us
02:28 because He knows best what people need.
02:31 You know, we're just...
02:32 We're His instruments and it's a joy for us
02:35 to work together with the Lord
02:37 and making something great happen
02:41 with a few people.
02:42 And, you know, it's amazing
02:44 how God brings all these things together.
02:46 It really is.
02:48 Amen.
02:49 And tell us a little bit about 3ABN's coverage,
02:51 3ABN Latino's coverage?
02:53 3ABN Latino is reaching
02:56 every Spanish country in the world by satellite.
03:01 And, of course, there's the internet
03:04 that allows us to get in on YouTube.
03:06 It also allows us to get into some streaming devices
03:10 like Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV.
03:12 So that really opens another gate,
03:16 if you want to say, or another platform for us
03:19 to reach people.
03:21 And so virtually anyone in the world
03:23 can watch 3ABN Latino because of the internet.
03:26 People who have satellite dishes, of course
03:29 that we are on the main satellite
03:32 that cable companies receive in Central and South America.
03:37 And that has, the Lord has blessed us
03:38 because of this we're on over 1300 cable companies.
03:42 And so, God has done a marvelous job
03:45 because we could not have done it without Him.
03:48 Yes, yes.
03:49 I'm sure that you've seen a whole bunch of doors
03:53 opening up for 3ABN Latino
03:56 and God doing amazing things.
03:57 What's one of the latest developments
04:00 with 3ABN Latino?
04:02 Well, one of the latest developments
04:04 is the door that the Lord opened in Cuba
04:08 in something called El Paquete.
04:12 And this El Paquete,
04:14 for those translating it from Spanish to English
04:18 is the package.
04:19 And you say the package,
04:21 what you're talking about a package
04:22 that arrives at your house.
04:23 No, that's what they call a TV package.
04:27 Because in Cuba, every week,
04:29 a TV package is released with the new TV programs
04:36 that have come out.
04:37 Now, please understand that in Cuba right now,
04:41 cable company service does not exist.
04:45 Neither easy access to internet.
04:48 It costs a lot of money.
04:49 And people do have internet,
04:51 but they usually cannot afford a lot of time on the internet.
04:55 So sometimes they buy some internet service
04:58 and they kind of rationate,
05:01 let's say, they say,
05:03 well, we have 30 hours for this month.
05:05 It will be one hour a day that we can have internet.
05:08 And it's not very fast
05:10 to really allow streaming to happen.
05:12 And if you get, manage to get on streaming,
05:15 it may break up and you know, you're losing money.
05:18 So people don't normally stream programs.
05:23 Well, so there is a' package
05:27 that is made by in Havana, Cuba
05:30 that is made available to the people.
05:32 It goes to every single city in Cuba.
05:36 And so they have,
05:37 they are the latest in sports and movies,
05:40 soap operas are huge in Spanish countries,
05:44 so Cuba is...
05:46 How you say, telenovela. Telenovelas.
05:49 Now telenovelas the soap operas,
05:52 they don't run like they do in America,
05:55 for example that they run from,
05:58 I don't know, what time, 10, 11 in the morning,
06:00 12, 1, 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
06:02 I don't somewhere around the time.
06:04 They are prime time,
06:05 you know, they could be on a 7 PM, 6 PM, 7, 8 PM.
06:09 And that's prime time.
06:11 That's when these things are on.
06:12 So they're huge that way.
06:14 And so, people follow these things,
06:17 so they don't want to miss the next episode.
06:18 So they get the package.
06:20 So the package gets the sports, the movies, the telenovelas,
06:23 children's programming,
06:24 and it's available to the people
06:25 for very low cost,
06:28 very affordable for the people.
06:29 I mean, when I was in Cuba, March of 2020, I said,
06:33 I need to get a package
06:35 because we're going to be participating in the package.
06:37 I need to know what's out there.
06:39 What are we competing against
06:41 so that we can figure out what is the need?
06:45 So like you said, how do you figure this out?
06:47 Well, we would have to do some background research.
06:49 What's the background of this?
06:51 So I bought one, it costs me about 62 cents for a...
06:56 What you would call one terabyte.
06:58 I mean, and they, there were
07:00 literally hours and hours
07:02 and hours and hours of programming.
07:03 No way. And it costs 62 cents?
07:05 Sixty two cents, no way one person
07:08 could really watch all of that in one week.
07:11 I mean, you literally have to be up all night
07:14 with your eyes, with some toothpicks
07:15 trying to stay awake
07:17 because they put so much on there
07:19 and they know that no one is going to watch everything.
07:21 So they're putting on a variety of things
07:24 for people to be able to pick from.
07:26 So we are going to be in the package.
07:29 Wow! That's incredible.
07:31 So how does the package work?
07:33 Like, are you able to search for what you want or?
07:37 Oh, yes.
07:38 Well, this is the way the package is made available.
07:40 When I say it's made available to the people.
07:43 It is because they can go to a place
07:46 where somebody is there in a little place
07:49 selling the package
07:51 and the people come with their memory
07:53 and some just have a small memory,
07:54 some have a hard drive, they bring it and they'll say,
07:58 I want the whole package or they might say,
08:00 well, I just want, you know, the children's programming
08:02 or I want all the telenovelas
08:04 or all the movies and all the sports,
08:06 they can literally,
08:08 you can literally say what you want.
08:10 And you can say, I don't want any of this
08:12 and they don't put it on there for you.
08:14 So they will say, come back in one hour,
08:16 two hours, three hours, whatever the case may be,
08:18 come back in the afternoon
08:19 and we'll have it ready for you.
08:21 But there are some people that receive the package
08:25 by people knocking on their door.
08:27 And they say, would you like to package this week?
08:29 Yeah, give it to me.
08:30 So they are literally catering to the people.
08:34 So they can get the package.
08:35 Wow!
08:37 Could this be something
08:39 that churches or church members handout,
08:42 like, can they go door-to-door, how's that work?
08:45 That's a very good question.
08:48 If one, when you know right now
08:51 church members don't want to do that.
08:53 Yeah.
08:54 Because what they offering
08:56 is not good Christian programming.
09:00 See. Got you.
09:02 But when 3ABN Latino is on
09:03 in which I'm talking to you now
09:05 when this program is on the air.
09:08 It may already be on
09:09 because we're just moments away from getting on.
09:11 Yes.
09:13 What's going on is that we are,
09:16 they're waiting for us to bring them a...
09:21 Because we already submitted our programming to them
09:24 for six weeks.
09:26 And we thought that was going to get on,
09:29 but when they looked through the programming.
09:31 They said, "We need you to put on
09:33 a commercial at the end,
09:35 what they call it public service announcement
09:36 at the end.
09:38 Which is a public service announcement
09:39 is don't forget to turn off the lights
09:41 when you leave the room,
09:43 pick up, don't throw trash in the streets,
09:45 pick, pick up trash from the streets, recycle.
09:48 And, of course, okay, so we had to go,
09:51 we have to bring, not bring it back,
09:53 but we already had the programming here,
09:55 but we needed to add our programming.
09:58 I mean, that promotional,
10:01 that public service announcement
10:02 at the end.
10:04 So we have a, a public service announcement
10:05 about Coronavirus.
10:07 We have a public service announcement
10:08 about recycling and about the trash as well.
10:11 So every program at the end of the program,
10:14 one of these goes on there.
10:15 Okay. Yes.
10:17 So that's what was needed.
10:18 That's what has literally prevented us
10:20 from being on already.
10:23 So how did,
10:24 because I know there's even more
10:25 to this story.
10:27 How did God work out all these details?
10:31 You know, it's very interesting
10:32 you asked that question as well,
10:34 because, you know, we're praying,
10:37 you know, we look at what we're covering
10:39 and there are places that we say,
10:41 wow, Lord, please open the door for this place.
10:44 And I could literally tell you that there are places
10:49 that we have some coverage, but we want more.
10:52 And there are places where we have
10:54 very good coverage
10:55 and we praise the Lord for that.
10:56 But when you look at the list,
10:58 Cuba was one of those places where we're like,
11:01 oh, Lord, please open the door there
11:02 because we are not on.
11:04 Now, I say, we're on satellite, the satellite covers Cuba.
11:08 However, people don't have satellite dishes.
11:10 So the other option is,
11:12 um, the other option is to get on a local TV channel.
11:17 And I didn't mention this before,
11:18 but there are three or four national TV channels
11:21 run by the Cuban government.
11:22 Okay.
11:24 Getting on that is very difficult.
11:25 Very, very difficult.
11:27 We did submit some programming several years ago,
11:30 by the way we've been,
11:31 this is something we've been working on.
11:33 Several years ago, we submitted some programming.
11:36 Now I could go back seven years
11:38 and tell you something we did seven years ago
11:40 by trying to familiarize the members of the church
11:44 with 3ABN Latino.
11:46 They saw us, now I say seven, about seven years ago,
11:49 but they saw 3ABN about 2001.
11:55 March, 2001. Why?
11:57 Because we went with what we called
12:00 the Voice of Hope invited us
12:01 to participate in evangelistic campaign.
12:04 So 3ABN was the first Christian television channel
12:09 to go with their cameras to Cuba,
12:12 to record an evangelistic campaign.
12:15 You can say, the Lord blessed us
12:17 to make history that way.
12:19 Now, when we recorded that television,
12:20 that evangelistic campaign, it was one week long.
12:24 It was also the very first time
12:26 that the Cuban government allowed any church
12:30 to have a public evangelistic campaign,
12:33 in the sense of that is not held in a church.
12:36 Since the 1970s,
12:38 no church had been allowed to do that.
12:41 So when 2001 came,
12:43 we were able to go there and we were able to have
12:47 our equipment inside a theater.
12:50 And because there aren't really that many what you would call
12:53 or any halls for people to have.
12:56 'Cause not a whole lot of big venues.
12:58 No, no.
12:59 So anyway, it was a theater where they would do
13:02 public performances in,
13:03 you know, musicians and people
13:05 who will do dance and do drama there.
13:07 So it was a very good place, very nice facility.
13:11 And so in 2001, we went,
13:13 we recorded the evangelistic campaign,
13:15 we couldn't broadcast live,
13:17 'cause it was not allowed that
13:18 back then, and even now.
13:20 So there was no uplink into satellite back then.
13:23 It was recorded, edited, and then bring it back to Cuba.
13:28 So the idea was for every church in Cuba,
13:31 Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cuba
13:33 to have that one week campaign.
13:34 Okay.
13:35 So the Voice of Hope,
13:37 which is called La Voz de La Esperanza.
13:39 Okay.
13:40 They were able to get donations to buy a TV and a VCR.
13:45 That's what they had back then,
13:47 to be able to have the evangelistic campaign.
13:49 And they were told,
13:50 everyone is supposed to participate
13:52 during the same time they advertise with long,
13:56 you know, so that,
13:57 so they would invite people to the churches.
13:59 So every night for one week as from 7 to 8:30 PM,
14:05 they had the evangelistic campaign
14:07 in the year 2000, later on in the year.
14:10 And so, that was our first participation
14:13 in Cuba.
14:14 Now about seven years ago through a letter
14:19 that came to 3ABN,
14:20 because somebody from Cuba
14:22 watched our programming,
14:23 they were visiting United States and they say,
14:24 "Oh, I would love for this to be available in Cuba."
14:29 And I said, "Well, I wonder who this person is."
14:32 So I wrote an email back to him and I said,
14:34 "I would love for this to be in Cuba.
14:37 Do you know how we can get it done?"
14:40 And he said, "Oh, right now it's very, very difficult.
14:43 So, I just don't know."
14:45 It's very difficult in Cuba.
14:47 You know, the situation is,
14:49 doesn't allow for this to happen.
14:51 And I prayed about it, you know, but the Lord
14:53 was kind of preparing the mind
14:55 for what he was about to do
14:57 because we went to an ASI meeting.
14:59 ASI meeting
15:00 is Adventist-laymen's Services and Industries.
15:03 About two months later, we were there.
15:05 And some people from Spain came
15:08 or where they have Adventist services,
15:12 Laymen's Services and Industries in Europe.
15:15 And the president of ASI of Europe told me,
15:18 he was, the president was from Spain at that time.
15:22 He told me that they had recently donated
15:26 so that every church in Cuba and small group,
15:30 because there are many small groups,
15:32 what they call church homes in Cuba,
15:35 was equipped with a TV and a DVD player,
15:40 see not VCR now it's a DVD player
15:43 because we're talking about 2001.
15:45 Now it's about seven years ago.
15:48 So now VHS is not what people are using.
15:51 They were using DVDs.
15:53 So we came up with the idea
15:56 to bring our programming on DVD.
15:58 And the question was, do we make copies here?
16:02 And you're talking about making,
16:05 you know, 1000 copies.
16:08 More than that, because there are more.
16:10 There are over 3000 churches and small groups together.
16:15 You're talking about bringing 3000 CDs on,
16:17 in your luggage to bring to Cuba.
16:19 So our hope was that there was a way
16:21 to duplicate those there.
16:22 So I took a sample of our programming
16:25 about 30 to 40 different types of programming.
16:29 Children's programming, family programming,
16:32 marriage counseling,
16:33 you know, health programs and preaching.
16:36 And I took all of this and brought it
16:38 to the Cuban Union
16:40 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
16:42 And I said, I'm looking, I'm here to investigate
16:44 if you have a way to duplicate this here.
16:50 And so, I said, we received a donation
16:52 to be able to do this.
16:53 And so you can, it can be distributed
16:55 to all the churches and small groups.
16:56 Oh, yes, yes we have in the university.
16:57 Yes, yes.
16:59 And they showed me and they said wonderful.
17:02 How about the DVDs? Can you get?
17:03 Yes, you can get DVDs
17:04 for 50 cents very easily in the stores.
17:07 And so that's what we started doing.
17:08 So what does that do?
17:10 That gets our name in the people's minds.
17:12 They can see some of our programming.
17:14 So when the Lord opens the door later,
17:17 then you know, it's easier for us
17:19 because we're already known.
17:20 That was my thought that was, I was working with.
17:26 Fast-forward, we went over there
17:29 and we came with the bold idea
17:34 came to us to
17:39 ask for a TV channel.
17:41 Ask for a TV channel.
17:42 We have a frequency to put on our programming
17:44 and there was a pastor that came to visit us.
17:47 And we told him, I told him about the DVD project
17:48 that we had over there.
17:50 "Oh, why are you doing that?
17:51 He says, I said,
17:53 "Because we need to preach the gospel everywhere.
17:54 And right now Cuba is one of those places
17:56 where 3ABN Latino is not in."
17:59 He said, "You know, do you want a channel in Cuba?"
18:04 I said, "We love to have a TV channel in Cuba."
18:07 I say, "Why do you ask?" Because I know some people.
18:10 I say, "You know some people."
18:12 And so we started talking and so we made the bold request
18:16 to have a TV.
18:18 We went to visit some government people.
18:20 And they said, well, and we gave them
18:22 a sample of our program.
18:23 He says, we'll get back to you.
18:25 And of course later we hear that right now it's not,
18:27 it's not the best of time.
18:30 The idea was not, they're not, they weren't ready for that.
18:33 Got you.
18:34 But this pastor did not let it go.
18:36 You know, a couple of months later,
18:37 three months later, he came back and he says,
18:39 you know, I have another idea.
18:41 The way that people consume television permit right now,
18:44 the best way,
18:45 the most popular way is El Paquete.
18:49 I said, "El Paquete.
18:50 What do you mean?"
18:52 So he explained to me what I explained to you.
18:54 Now this is interesting
18:55 because God is taking something.
18:59 It's fascinating to me.
19:00 God is taking something
19:02 that some people are doing for different reasons.
19:06 Our reason is, we want to get into every city,
19:08 every home to preach the gospel.
19:10 These people are, we want to entertain people.
19:13 These people are, we want to make money.
19:15 So in order for them to make money,
19:17 they have to make themselves,
19:19 they have to bring their product to every city.
19:22 They have to figure out what's the best route.
19:24 What's the best organization
19:28 that they need to bring this every week on time
19:31 to every single city in Cuba,
19:33 they have figured that out already.
19:35 So all we have to do is provide our programming to them.
19:38 Yes.
19:39 And so, the Lord has prepared the way let's say,
19:43 and for us to get approved was another process.
19:48 Wow!
19:49 And I want to hear all about that process too,
19:52 like in terms of what the difficulty was,
19:54 but what difficulties did you face with COVID?
19:59 COVID, you know, from the human perspective,
20:05 we think COVID slowed us down,
20:08 but the Lord has reasons
20:09 for allowing these things to happen.
20:11 We have begun to see some of the reasons.
20:14 Right now, I mean, when we submitted our,
20:20 if we have submitted our programming
20:23 without knowing more details as we did,
20:26 the reception of our programming
20:29 perhaps would not have been as exciting
20:32 and as wow,
20:34 because when we submitted our programming,
20:37 how we would like our programming to be
20:39 on the package,
20:40 they, it was a wow factor in there.
20:42 They were like, wow, this is great.
20:46 It's very well organized, the variety is very good.
20:49 And the programming,
20:51 this is what they said is exquisite.
20:54 I say, wow.
20:55 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
20:57 So we, from the human perspective,
20:59 think that the COVID slowed us down
21:02 by months and months, but the Lord knows why,
21:05 the whys and wherefores and we're going at the speed
21:09 that the Lord allows us to go through.
21:11 Amen.
21:12 And so we think,
21:15 you know, I remember reading in a book
21:17 by Sister Ellen G. White,
21:19 the Lord's purposes do not know haste nor delay.
21:23 So I'm, I am comforted and encouraged by knowing
21:25 that God is in control.
21:28 We're getting on the package.
21:29 And every step that we have taken has been,
21:33 this is good.
21:36 You're doing great. We want this.
21:39 And so, we praise the Lord for that.
21:42 I can give you one example, Pastor Hernell Hernandez,
21:46 Chaplain Hernell Hernandez went in November.
21:49 And when you talk about November,
21:51 we have to, November of 2020,
21:54 you have to understand that from about April,
21:57 there were no flights going to Cuba
22:00 because when COVID started,
22:02 seven people got infected first and then it started to grow.
22:08 So they closed the airport down.
22:10 There was no getting into Cuba and he's been waiting.
22:14 And at first we thought it was okay June
22:18 and no, we can't do in June, July, August, September.
22:20 I mean, every month was like,
22:22 okay, we'll see, we'll see, we'll see.
22:23 And then when they said November 12 on the very day
22:26 that the government said beginning, November 12,
22:28 people can come in.
22:29 He was there.
22:31 And so the process started to, took off again in November 12,
22:38 our programming was brought to them.
22:41 And there were people to talk to still
22:43 that we were not able to talk to in March,
22:45 because I told you we were there
22:47 in March of 2020.
22:48 We actually had to leave early
22:49 because we heard the airports are going to be closing
22:53 either in the US or Cuba.
22:54 It was like,
22:55 and we were meeting with people.
22:57 Now, part of getting on the package,
22:59 you have to understand is the Council of Churches,
23:02 really anything...
23:03 And what is that?
23:04 The Council of Churches,
23:06 anything religious that happens,
23:08 whether it's books,
23:10 whatever it is that has to do with religious activity in
23:13 goes through the Council of Churches.
23:16 Big things have to get approved.
23:18 So the Council of Churches is a...
23:22 has representation from just about
23:24 every single denomination in Cuba.
23:27 They started actually before what you would call
23:30 the Cuban revolution, communist revolution
23:33 that Fidel Castro started.
23:34 So they existed before that.
23:36 And when communism started,
23:38 Fidel Castro looked at the Council of Churches
23:40 and he said, well, these people are,
23:43 they're doing good things that is well-respected.
23:48 So they respected the council of churches.
23:50 So the Council of Churches like I said has representation.
23:55 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
23:56 does not belong to the Council of Churches.
23:57 They can come for the meetings,
23:59 but they're not voting members.
24:00 The Catholic Church is not voting members.
24:02 There are a few churches that are not part of it,
24:04 but the majority
24:05 of the religious denominations are,
24:08 have representation there.
24:10 Okay.
24:11 So for us to be able to get into the package,
24:13 because we're talking about religious programming,
24:15 getting into the package,
24:17 the Council of Churches has to approve it.
24:19 So we had to submit our programming
24:21 to the Council of Churches.
24:22 And the Council of Churches looked at our programming
24:25 and they, it was like, this is wonderful.
24:28 This is what the people in Cuba need.
24:30 This is the stuff they say. And that's huge.
24:32 This is what people in Cuba need.
24:33 Yeah.
24:35 So we were just praising God,
24:36 because He has blessed us
24:38 each and every step of the way.
24:39 Amen.
24:41 He's opened some tremendous doors,
24:43 because, you know, when they see
24:45 some of the doctrinal differences,
24:47 maybe they might want to say,
24:49 oh, well, no, we don't want to have
24:51 this coming in,
24:52 but no, they embraced it.
24:54 And they passed it with, it passed with flying colors.
24:57 Praise God.
24:59 We're praising God for what He has done so far.
25:02 We know just like what Dare to Dream gets into,
25:05 into prison, into hospital.
25:07 We know that lives are going to be transformed.
25:09 We've seen it so many years. We've seen it how God works.
25:12 I mean, it's amazing.
25:13 So, what are some of the, like,
25:15 how can our viewers help you with this project?
25:18 What do you need?
25:20 Well, you have to understand some of the dynamics of this
25:23 is, you know, we think of being able to ship things
25:27 and things like that.
25:29 It's not like you can put a pack up,
25:31 put your programming in a hard drive
25:34 and take it to the local post office
25:36 and link it to the FedEx or whatever,
25:38 one of those shipping places is.
25:40 This shipping doesn't arrive in Cuba.
25:43 Everything that gets into Cuba
25:45 has to arrive either by boat or by plane.
25:48 And when I say plane, I mean,
25:49 I don't mean shipping boxes.
25:51 Yeah, like a cargo plane. Yes.
25:54 So this is, this is the problem that we have to physically,
25:57 right now, we have to physically take
25:58 a hard drive with the programming,
26:01 the hard drives with the programming to Cuba.
26:03 So how can people help right now?
26:07 One of the things that happens is that
26:09 there's a monthly fee for us
26:11 to be able to get in the package.
26:12 And so right now is close to $3,000.
26:16 We are in conversation with them to lower the price,
26:20 be considerate, lower the price.
26:22 And we are praying for an answer and they said,
26:27 "Don't worry the price is going to go down.
26:29 We are going to bring this price down."
26:30 Well, I'll tell you what?
26:32 We want to put up like a way
26:34 that people can support that they can donate.
26:36 So an address page, and then we'll read that.
26:40 And hopefully people will support this
26:42 wonderful initiative.
26:44 We'll put that up now.
26:46 You can send your donations,
26:48 your tax deductible love gifts to 3ABN Latino, PO Box 220,
26:52 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896.
26:55 Or you can go online to 3ABNLatino.TV,
27:00 or feel free to give us a call at (618) 627-4651.
27:06 And ask for Brother John Dinzey.
27:09 Yes.
27:10 So this is a huge initiative
27:12 and God has just been incredible
27:15 throughout this whole thing.
27:17 I'm excited about
27:18 what's taken place with 3ABN Latino.
27:20 Oh, yes, it's exciting.
27:22 And, I think the Lord is preparing this world
27:24 for a great harvest of people,
27:26 of family for His kingdom.
27:28 Amen.
27:29 And I believe a lot of souls will be won
27:32 as a result of this.
27:33 You know, with everybody trying to get their content
27:37 on these packages,
27:39 but with the blessing of,
27:42 you know, the Council of Churches
27:43 and all of that stuff,
27:45 moving this forward is incredible.
27:48 And God is amazing.
27:49 Thank you for coming on and sharing.
27:51 And we want to thank you for joining us.
27:53 Remember, join us next time.
27:55 And it wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2021-04-19