Urban Report

Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR190003A

00:01 Stay tune to meet a man
00:02 who went from gang banging to baptizing.
00:05 My name is Yvonne Lewis-Shelton.
00:07 And I'm Jason Bradley,
00:08 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:36 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report.
00:38 Our guest today is evangelist Billy Mirander.
00:42 Welcome to Urban Report, evangelist Billy.
00:46 Thank you very much.
00:47 I'll wave at you because you're little far from me.
00:51 It is so great to have you to join us today
00:56 because we have a testimony for you that is so powerful.
01:01 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
01:03 Our guest today has written a book.
01:05 And I happened to meet his wife at Oakwood University.
01:10 And she gave me a copy of the book to review.
01:14 And as I read it, it's just powerful.
01:18 So we invited for the Billy
01:20 to come and share his testimony with you.
01:24 So we thank you just to keep me from having to say,
01:27 evangelist Billy,
01:28 I'm just gonna call you, Billy, is that all right?
01:29 That's okay. All right.
01:31 So you grew up in Jamaica, West Indies, right?
01:34 Yeah.
01:36 Tell us about your early years there?
01:37 Well, thank you very much for having me.
01:41 I grew up in Jamaica in St. Catherine.
01:43 I was born in Spanish town.
01:45 And I grow up in the Parish of St. Catherine and Kingston.
01:50 And while growing up, I grew up with my mom, my dad.
01:54 At a very early age,
01:56 between probably were just born until around five years old,
02:01 my mom and my dad broke up very early.
02:04 Their love affair didn't last for a long period of time.
02:08 And so there was a split.
02:10 My mom took us away from him.
02:12 And we went to reside with our grandparents,
02:16 which is her mother.
02:18 And we had other siblings who were living at the house,
02:22 along with my other aunties and my uncle.
02:25 So grew up an extended family home.
02:28 And life was very interesting at my grandmother.
02:31 My mother used to work in a bar,
02:34 where they sell alcohol beverage.
02:36 She used to work there
02:37 and she used to come home like 2-3am in the morning.
02:40 So in a very early age in my life,
02:43 my grandmother was the one who when my mom gone to work,
02:46 she'd be the one looking out for us.
02:49 You know, cooking the meals,
02:52 discipline, whenever beaten is to be given,
02:55 lashing, we get all those stuff
02:57 but I really loved for my grandmother.
02:59 Life was great growing up.
03:01 I never had anything to do with negative life
03:03 except positive in a strong family home,
03:07 but I never had a father figure in my life.
03:08 Right.
03:10 So after your dad left,
03:12 was there any more contact with him?
03:14 Did he kind of look in on you or was he just gone?
03:18 He was just gone.
03:19 My mom would send us sometimes to go to the house to for,
03:23 you know, financial support as my father.
03:26 Most of the times, he is not there.
03:28 But sometimes he's there and we'll get like,
03:32 you know, something very small.
03:34 But we always go there to ensure that we have something.
03:37 And then as a result of that, I remember now
03:41 growing up the last child for my grandmother,
03:43 which is my Aunt Maria Celestine Forte.
03:48 She had a,
03:49 was in a relationship at a time with a gentleman
03:52 she loved very much.
03:54 They got three beautiful kids overall produced together,
03:57 but at a very young age
04:00 they were together from high school days.
04:02 But he was very abusive.
04:04 And he used to beat my aunt almost every single day.
04:07 Did they live together?
04:08 Yes. Mm-hmm.
04:10 In the same family home 'cause my aunt had a own room
04:13 so he would come and sleep there.
04:15 Okay.
04:16 And the beating, the hitting was so much.
04:20 Her mother said to her "Maria, you need to leave this guy.
04:24 Yes, he's is gonna kill you."
04:25 And she replies to her mom, "Mom, he won't kill me,
04:29 he loves me that's why beats me."
04:31 Oh. Wow.
04:32 She thought that beating was love.
04:34 But he was obsessed,
04:35 my aunt used to work at the time in Old Harbor,
04:39 a plaza in Gateway Plaza.
04:41 She was working with wholesale where they sell grocery,
04:43 like a supermarket,
04:45 and he would pay people to watch her at her workplace.
04:47 He will pay men to watch her.
04:49 Wow.
04:50 And if her phone rings, and a male caller,
04:53 anyone calls or texts her who is a male,
04:56 someone of the opposite sex,
04:58 he will beat her, beat her, beat her, like this.
05:02 And she continued the relationship
05:04 after having the first child with him.
05:06 The second child he continues, but life became very dark.
05:12 Because her mother said to her,
05:14 "Maria, you need to leave this guy.
05:17 He's gonna kill you."
05:19 And so after that, the table of life changes.
05:23 I was at Old Harbor, as in the kindergarten school.
05:26 And my father was not a Christian,
05:28 but they love self for education.
05:31 So I went to the kindergarten's first
05:33 and then after that now was Old Harbor Primary School.
05:37 Being at Old Harbor Primary School now,
05:38 which is a public government school,
05:40 I remember transiting from there.
05:43 It reached a stage going towards a second grade,
05:46 third grade, fourth grade.
05:48 My life was a very interesting one.
05:50 I always those days used to enjoy
05:52 the company of older people
05:54 because I never had a father figure,
05:56 especially men who are older men.
05:59 I enjoy senior person's conversation.
06:02 So I'll be seen around those persons.
06:04 So I needed a father figure in my life,
06:06 I needed a bigger brother.
06:08 So anyone who I find as an older male figure,
06:12 I held them dear respectively.
06:14 But my grandmother was the champion,
06:17 you know, back in Jamaica, when most parents are working
06:21 there's always the grandparents taking care of the kids.
06:23 So the grandma really
06:24 held it together, held the family together.
06:26 Yes.
06:28 And so I love my grandmother very much, you know,
06:30 we had a great relationship together
06:32 but things changes because it's along the journey,
06:36 she ended up, she had cancer, found that she had cancer.
06:39 And when she had cancer now in the period of time
06:42 before that my mom has lost her job
06:45 while she was working in Kingston at a bar,
06:48 gunman came and rob the bar one of the night.
06:50 And she used to wear those, you know,
06:52 big earrings in all the ears and,
06:55 you know, they pulled out the ear's ring,
06:56 you know,
06:57 and she, it was really a traumatizing experience.
07:01 He pulled out.
07:02 He pulled out the ears. He's gonna split her ears.
07:03 Oh!
07:05 On both sides. Yeah.
07:06 And so when that happened now, she decided to give up the job.
07:09 And she decided to buy some clothing
07:13 and do sell enough clothes.
07:15 So she was in home with us again.
07:17 And so my grandmother took since she had cancer.
07:20 And between six to nine months she struggled
07:23 with the cancer back, you know hospital how?
07:26 But I remember something significantly,
07:28 she said, which is very crucial.
07:31 She called us in a room with all of us,
07:34 who are the other time are kids and grandkids.
07:37 When she look at daughter and said to her in the room,
07:39 "Maria, for the last time, I'm warning you,
07:43 you need to leave that guy, he's gonna kill you."
07:46 She pointed a finger to her, like this and said,
07:48 he's gonna kill you.
07:49 She replied again, "Mom,
07:51 he loves me that's why he beats me."
07:54 My grandmother went to the hospital all the time.
07:56 And a week later, my mom went to see her.
08:00 And it was a Sunday.
08:02 My mom said, she was there praying on the bed.
08:05 But after
08:06 she went to use the bathroom when she came back,
08:09 you know, she stopped breathing.
08:10 So she died,
08:12 when my grandma died was the first time in my life
08:15 I will recall as a young man crying.
08:17 How old were you?
08:19 When my grandmother died I was around 11-12 years old
08:23 when she died.
08:24 It was a very traumatizing experience
08:26 because I missed her very much.
08:27 Right.
08:29 And by God's grace, I'm hoping to see her
08:31 when Jesus come, but then it transit...
08:34 Now the year after my aunt finally
08:37 broke up the relationship with the same guy.
08:40 But he said, "If he can get her back, nobody else can get her."
08:44 And so she moved on with her life now.
08:47 But what happened interestingly when my grandma died,
08:49 the family split-up.
08:51 She was the one person who kept the family together.
08:54 Right. Right.
08:55 So when she died, everyone gone East, West, South, North.
09:00 So the family was split.
09:02 And as a result of that now
09:04 things transit where everyone lives different places.
09:08 So my aunt was living with her father.
09:11 And he decided to come by the house and make trouble
09:15 because he wanted back a relationship with her.
09:17 And...
09:19 Your aunt went to live with...
09:21 Her father.
09:22 Her father, and the man in her life
09:25 came back to try to have relationship with her?
09:27 Yes.
09:28 So he came to the father's house?
09:29 Yes. Okay.
09:31 To make trouble. Okay.
09:32 But she said no.
09:34 But he said, what, you know, what,
09:35 "If I can't have you, no one else can have you.
09:37 I need to have you back."
09:39 And he will do everything.
09:40 So he stopped giving her financial support
09:42 because she has three kids with her, just to get her.
09:45 So that didn't work because she was very independent lady.
09:48 So they went to court.
09:50 And my grandma told me, which is my grandmother sister,
09:53 that on the way out, he said to her, my aunt.
09:57 This will be the last time we go into a court case.
10:01 And normally,
10:02 I was at that time I went to Old Harbor High School,
10:05 I was in high school on seventh grade
10:06 in St. Catherine, Jamaica.
10:08 Every evening after school
10:10 I go to track and field training,
10:11 I was an athlete then.
10:13 Then I will accompany her, I go by workplace,
10:16 accompany her to get a cab to go home
10:18 or sometimes she walked go home, it's not far.
10:23 And so that particularly evening,
10:25 that was Thursday evening in November 2005,
10:28 as I was, I went to her workplace
10:30 she said to me Bonton, she called me that nickname.
10:33 I said, okay, aunty.
10:35 She said, this evening you can leave me,
10:37 you don't have to stay with me this evening.
10:38 I said, okay.
10:40 She said because I'm gonna stay a little later this evening.
10:43 I left her,
10:44 I went home with all my cousins will go together.
10:48 My aunt left work on a way going home
10:51 when two men approached her
10:53 and gave her two shot on her head and one at her back.
10:55 Oh, man.
10:57 And then we heard the news, we run to the crime scene.
11:00 My aunt was lying down there in a pool of blood
11:03 and she was pronounced dead.
11:08 Were these two men associated with the guy that was pursuing?
11:13 Very interesting question.
11:14 One of my classmates at a time in school,
11:17 I had several classmates,
11:18 and one of them lived in the community
11:20 where she was killed.
11:21 So at the crime scene, she pulled me aside and said
11:25 it was not secret.
11:27 Because the police saw it afterwards,
11:29 the night before my aunt was going home.
11:31 She overheard a conversation
11:33 with a gentleman saying to two men
11:35 who she knew from the ear,
11:36 I'm gonna pay you $40,000 to take out this lady.
11:40 She's my children's mother.
11:42 She don't want me back.
11:44 And I can't afford to live without her.
11:46 So if I can't have her, so he paid someone like $300.
11:50 40,000 Jamaican dollars is like,
11:52 depends on the rate but most times like $320.
11:56 So he paid to have his own children's mother killed.
12:00 And then the story of my life took a dark turn.
12:04 That death was one of the most darkest month,
12:09 dark year, a dark time in my life as a young man.
12:14 And then I remember, I cried for almost one and half years,
12:18 and meditate deeply about the death of my aunt.
12:22 She was the last child for my grandmother.
12:24 In Jamaica, the last child for the parent is called
12:28 a term they use wash-belly.
12:30 That was a very popular term used.
12:32 That means that, that is a prize person,
12:35 the person who the mother gives the most attention to.
12:38 So she was loved by the family.
12:40 So when she died, she was not even 30 years old.
12:43 She was a young lady. She died.
12:45 So my life became very bitter,
12:47 I had no more love in my heart for anyone.
12:50 All was in my heart was blood in my heart, blood in my eyes,
12:54 just revenge.
12:56 So when that happened,
12:58 how were you feeling towards God?
13:01 At the time, I have nothing where God is concerned.
13:04 My life was just going down to darkest part.
13:06 Dark, dark, dark,
13:08 until it reach a stage, you know, where
13:10 I went to a certain era in Jamaica
13:13 the time where it's well known as ever, gang-banging area.
13:18 I was spending time there,
13:19 during the time my aunt was killed over year.
13:23 And when I went to spend all day there,
13:24 I met this guy, he's a deceased now Entegee.
13:27 And then I told him what happened to my aunt.
13:29 I said to him, I need a firearm for myself.
13:33 I need to be able to learn so I can actually take revenge.
13:37 Because this guy's not gonna kill my aunt
13:40 and get away with it.
13:42 What was your plan to get the guy
13:44 who hired the two and the two or the guy,
13:48 what was your plan?
13:50 I plan my only, on my heart revenge
13:52 was the two main persons.
13:53 The one who pulled the trigger, and one who pays the money
13:56 which is her children's father.
13:58 So my ultimate desire was those two person's life.
14:02 I pledge that they're gonna die.
14:06 And so Entegee now said to me,
14:08 well, you can be a part of the gang.
14:10 But in order for you to be a part of this gang,
14:12 very vicious one,
14:14 you have to go through a series of experience.
14:17 And when you go through the series of experience
14:19 and you pass the test,
14:20 will give you own firearm, and you can take revenge.
14:24 And that is when I receive my first,
14:27 I went to a series of tests.
14:29 So I met this gang, these men are human being,
14:33 but they have the heart of animals.
14:35 They believe in torturing, these men are vicious men
14:38 who has no heart, human heart.
14:40 This is the gang, gang leaders?
14:42 Yes, the gang leaders, a very deadly gang, you know,
14:45 and so was so terrible to the point where in Jamaica,
14:49 they were creating havoc all over the various areas.
14:52 And so I know as a young man 13 plus, 14 years old,
14:55 they're involved.
14:56 So the first thing I had to do,
14:58 at the first year my don's turf.
15:01 The term Don is used in Jamaica,
15:03 a lot of phrase for a gang leader.
15:05 So I'm still on this turf
15:07 and watch until before day and the morning,
15:09 so I used to stay up like from 8 o'clock in the night pm
15:13 till 5 am the next morning
15:15 and watch this turf to pass a test.
15:18 If the enemy trespassed on the turf,
15:21 their gun battle goes on.
15:23 You prove yourself
15:24 and my mother never see her son come home until 4-5am.
15:30 Imagine you have a 14-year-old son.
15:31 Wow.
15:32 You don't see come home so late into the morning.
15:36 I miss my first session of class
15:38 every day of that time in that shift.
15:41 And it became deadly now in the gang war.
15:44 I start after I pass the tests,
15:47 they allow me know to get very deep involved
15:49 with gang violence in the most vicious way
15:52 beyond human understanding.
15:54 So dangerous things start to happen now,
15:56 where I went into gang life for one purpose.
16:00 Take out two persons, take out two men.
16:03 But I want to pause to say, to every young people
16:06 they ever want to cross
16:07 who are struggling with certain type of desire about sin.
16:12 Sin has no limit where it will take you.
16:15 You cannot go in evil and say, hold on
16:17 I'm gonna do one thing,
16:19 and then get out tomorrow morning.
16:20 I went for one purpose,
16:22 but I now get caught up with the lifestyle there.
16:25 And so I started to do dangerous stuff,
16:27 I felt powerful now.
16:28 Because these men are men who control turfs
16:31 control businesses.
16:33 These are powerful men.
16:34 Remember, I never had a father figure in my life.
16:36 Right.
16:38 So in my family now
16:39 everyone gave upon me completely.
16:42 Every single person except for my mother.
16:44 They told my mother to kill me in my sleep.
16:46 Wow.
16:48 They told my mom to poison me,
16:49 they told her to send me to prison.
16:50 Because remember, I was dangerous
16:53 in the outside part in the gang,
16:55 inside school I became a don for my school,
16:59 my gang leader for my school.
17:00 So having those young men,
17:02 I'm teaching them about gang violence,
17:04 training them, all because of one revenge.
17:07 So my life was very vicious and deadly.
17:11 And then now from a gang-bang being so vicious and deadly,
17:15 involved in lot of, you know, dangerous stuff with guns.
17:17 It reached a stage where I was locked up,
17:20 you know, several...
17:21 That means going out police officers
17:23 while I was in school.
17:25 I was suspended from school actually every week.
17:28 So I used to damage students because I learned karate,
17:30 I could fight very well.
17:32 I trained boxing because I just want to take revenge.
17:36 So everything that you did was really based on,
17:40 I'm gonna get revenge.
17:41 Yes, I want to learn.
17:43 I can't believe we're coming down so late in time...
17:45 I can't either.
17:47 And there's so much more to your story.
17:49 And we've got to find out how God took you out of that.
17:52 Okay.
17:54 We got to jump to there
17:55 and I know there's a lot in between
17:57 and I wish we could cover it
17:59 but you can give us like a little synopsis
18:01 and then go to what God did to get you out of there?
18:04 Okay, just quickly.
18:07 So after the gang won,
18:08 we get deep involved in the spiritism
18:10 because of how deep I was at the gang,
18:13 they introduces to demonic worship where we have to go,
18:16 where take off our clothes, you know,
18:18 put, they put a basement underground,
18:20 filled the base with water,
18:22 they sprinkle liquid inside the basin.
18:24 They spin you around,
18:25 we went through a series of rituals
18:28 that was very dangerous that we have to do.
18:30 And then we actually see the manifestation of demons.
18:32 So been so deep,
18:35 every morning when I reach home 5 am,
18:38 my mother was on her knees praying for me.
18:41 She prayed every single day.
18:45 Sometimes she wait until I reach home
18:46 before she starts to pray.
18:48 So I would hear exact word she's saying to God.
18:51 She prayed, she prayed, she prayed, she prayed,
18:54 no changes visible.
18:56 But in my book I wrote
18:59 even in a darkest hour
19:01 when a mother's praying for her wayward son or daughter
19:05 and there seems to be no changes,
19:07 angels of God and the Holy Spirit
19:09 is working behind the scenes.
19:12 My mother prayed, prayed and then she starts to cry.
19:16 She wasn't a Christian.
19:18 But she prayed.
19:19 She cried, she cried, she cried, she cried
19:22 until it reached a stage where God allow me,
19:27 I never had no knowledge where God is concerned.
19:29 But very soon, very quickly, what happened is that.
19:33 I was at home one day when my greatest idol,
19:37 who I respect a lot came to me and said to me,
19:39 "Billy, look at all that you have been through."
19:42 With all of yours shootout,
19:45 all of your stuff you have been through.
19:47 Do you know that there's a God in heaven?
19:50 This is a secular person, wasn't a Christian.
19:52 That shocks me so much.
19:54 And then I talked about what he said to me
19:56 because he was my great, my best, a very good friend
19:59 and then I decided to search our Bible
20:03 because at that time my step-father had two house,
20:06 the one other house by itself,
20:08 I was alone there because everyone left me there.
20:11 So I was giving all the trouble.
20:12 My mother was the only one who would come and visit me
20:15 and make sure my food is cooked and everything.
20:17 She was like that.
20:18 So you lived alone at this point?
20:20 Yes, because I was by the home I always was by myself,
20:22 smoking every morning.
20:23 So I searched that house, I found the Bible.
20:26 And that's my first conviction now.
20:29 I opened the Bible in Psalm
20:30 because he told me to read Psalms.
20:32 And each verse I read, I paused,
20:34 take a puff of my marijuana
20:36 and I read the Bible verse by verse.
20:39 And those were my first sort of experience,
20:41 my mother's still praying until it reached a stage where
20:45 I start to experience some serious toothache pain,
20:48 serious demonic attack.
20:50 And in those moments is when my mother,
20:52 she was praying for me.
20:54 God revealed to me plainly for one moment
20:59 where I felt that my head was coming off my body.
21:02 With this toothache? Yes.
21:03 And I remember I said, God... I cried out.
21:07 Are You really, real?
21:09 I said God if You're real please I'm asking You,
21:13 I'm begging You,
21:15 pause this pain and immediately the pain paused.
21:19 Those are the first conviction I got
21:21 and then another quick part
21:23 towards the conversion at Old Harbor High School.
21:26 I was so wayward in the school but at that time,
21:31 I told God I can't accept him when I saw those results.
21:34 That is maybe real.
21:36 I needed a firearm to always protect me.
21:38 So I would never serve God without a firearm.
21:41 That same period of time now,
21:44 some of my enemies attacked me one evening with knives,
21:47 screwdriver, ice breaker, tall stuff a tall pointed stuff
21:51 that they used to chip ice.
21:53 And to be honest with you, it was so strange like a dream.
21:57 They stabbed me all over my body,
22:00 pushed the knife all over me.
22:02 And after they stabbed me for over 10 minutes
22:04 that I spread the knife, the scissors.
22:07 When the senior don,
22:09 for the senior gang leader for the area,
22:10 his son came and saw them
22:13 and he made a call, "No one touch him."
22:16 Then everyone left me so I felt like I'm dying now
22:20 because I feel all the stabs.
22:21 Right. Right.
22:23 When I reached to the police station, I took off my shirt.
22:25 I saw not one blood, no bruise at all on my body.
22:28 And they said... No, no cut?
22:30 No, one cut, 10 minutes of knife stabs,
22:34 had several persons did this weeks at a time.
22:36 And so that was...
22:38 In my book I titled that part, "The Three Great Miracles"
22:42 and one of the miracles what led me to said,
22:47 "God, You're real for true."
22:49 But in those moments when God finally,
22:53 I remember after that experience in the summer,
22:57 the principal asked me to do some work for him,
23:00 some volunteer work.
23:02 And as I was assisting him,
23:04 I used to have attended demonic ritual four times a week.
23:07 But the volunteer work on the school grounds
23:10 have caused me not to participate
23:14 in the ritual for one week.
23:15 Normally, the policy is you missed one week,
23:18 they killed you.
23:19 They just kill you?
23:20 They kill you because you can't leave your oath,
23:22 you're part of the demonic ritual,
23:24 you have to practice it every single,
23:26 four times a week.
23:27 If you miss one week, you're dead.
23:30 So what I miss it for two weeks, three weeks,
23:33 and I work voluntarily for four to five weeks.
23:37 And the demons came back for me.
23:38 It was a very frightening experience,
23:41 where the last night before
23:42 I decided about going to church.
23:44 When God revealed to me in a mighty way
23:46 how he powerful would stop him and other things.
23:50 But I just want to cut this part short.
23:52 But then now
23:53 what really stood out for me was a night before
23:57 after I miss the ritual,
23:59 I lost clothes, I lost the money I had
24:01 everything because I'm no longer part of it,
24:04 and they threatened to come back to kill me,
24:05 the demons, the ritual people.
24:07 So I was so frightened.
24:09 I said to myself that night, I couldn't breathe.
24:13 I felt my breath was leaving my body.
24:15 I felt that someone put a block on my head.
24:17 But I knelt down on the floor and I said will last
24:22 but I felt like I was breathing.
24:24 I said, "God, if You're real,
24:27 please don't allow me to die like this.
24:30 If You give me the final chance,
24:32 I'm gonna stop smoke.
24:34 And even though my enemy is coming back to kill me,
24:36 I'm gonna stop smoke, and I'm gonna serve you."
24:39 And then I felt something lift off my head.
24:42 And I felt something come straight from my stomach
24:45 come up straight up, I vomit afterwards.
24:48 And then the next day, I said, "Lord, I'm confused."
24:52 I want to know which church do You want me to go to.
24:55 I'm now convicted that You're real
24:57 and everything You're really powerful,
24:59 but I need to know which church do You want me to go to,
25:03 even though the enemies are coming back to kill me,
25:06 and I decide the time I woke up,
25:08 I was studying the Bible.
25:10 And I fell asleep in the couch.
25:13 And I heard a loud sound on the outside.
25:15 And immediately I went outside, I saw no one
25:18 but I heard the voice said, take up your Bible,
25:21 and go to the extreme side of the house.
25:23 As I went, I sat down at the manhole,
25:26 and I opened my Bible.
25:28 And then I saw text about the seventh-day Sabbath.
25:32 I said, "Lord, who do I now go to Sabbath church?"
25:36 And heaven be a witness as I sat there.
25:40 I remember, I saw a bright light like the sunlight
25:43 it's got bright in my face.
25:45 And then immediately, when I look,
25:48 I saw a guy by the name of Dirk Tomsey.
25:51 He cuts grasses, you know, in Jamaica
25:53 because people lawn in for them.
25:55 I saw him stand before me, and I said,
25:57 he goes to our Sabbath church.
25:59 And the voice said, "Yes ask him."
26:01 And immediately, as I got up,
26:03 I was gonna asked my mom for his number.
26:05 And when I reached to the back of the,
26:07 back of the home,
26:09 my mom was close to the line because in Jamaica,
26:11 we don't have dryers like here.
26:13 Yeah.
26:14 And as a result of that, right there at that time, I saw him.
26:18 I said, I'm coming to church this Sabbath with you.
26:20 That's where it started.
26:21 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
26:23 And now he's, now you're preaching and baptizing people
26:26 and all that things.
26:27 That's interesting. Yeah.
26:29 How, you know, you exerting influence over people.
26:33 You know, when you're out for revenge,
26:34 you're exerting an influence
26:36 and getting people to join the gangs.
26:38 Now you're getting people to,
26:41 by the grace of God surrender their lives to Christ.
26:44 Amen.
26:45 And you have his book right there.
26:47 This book is excellent.
26:48 I know you're gonna want to know the end of the story,
26:50 the rest of the story,
26:52 rather 'cause the end of the story is still going.
26:54 So you must get this book.
26:55 You can go on Amazon and get it.
26:57 It's called "The Billy Mirander Story."
27:00 And it's one of those books
27:02 that you're not gonna want to put down.
27:04 I assure you it's really, really interesting.
27:07 So we thank you and you are a student at Oakwood University.
27:10 Yes.
27:11 And your plan is to?
27:14 Finish school at Oakwood University
27:15 and continue to preach the everlasting gospel.
27:19 And I thank God for my wife, my daughter,
27:22 God has manifested my life so powerfully,
27:25 and now from a life of violence,
27:28 to a life of grace.
27:29 Thank, God, for my praying mother.
27:31 Yes.
27:33 Never underestimate the prayer of a mother
27:35 and so to all mothers who may have the wayward sons,
27:39 the wayward daughters,
27:40 I say to all mothers never stop praying
27:43 for your wayward children.
27:45 After my conversion, almost my entire family
27:48 baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
27:50 including my mother.
27:52 There's power in prayer.
27:53 Amen. Amen.
27:54 Thank you so much for being with us.
27:56 May God continue to richly bless you
27:59 and thank you for being with us.
28:01 Join us next time 'cause you know what?
28:03 It just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2019-04-08