Urban Report

"Victory In Jesus"

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000272A

00:01 Stay tuned to meet two men
00:02 who are not afraid to speak truth to power.
00:04 My name is Jason Bradley.
00:05 And I'm Yvonne Lewis-Shelton,
00:07 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:35 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report.
00:37 Our guests today are no strangers
00:39 to Dare to Dream or 3ABN.
00:41 We have Mike Carducci and Pastor Ron Woolsey
00:45 from Coming Out Ministries.
00:46 Hey, it's good to see you. Welcome.
00:47 I would reach over there, but, you know...
00:49 I'll reach.
00:50 You are a little far. A little far.
00:52 Welcome. Thank you.
00:55 So everybody's seen, well, not everybody,
00:58 but a lot of people have seen you on Pure Choices,
01:01 I mean, we've seen you on Urban Report,
01:05 but you guys have some ministry updates.
01:07 But before we jump into that, we'd like to reestablish
01:12 what Coming Out Ministries is all about.
01:16 So Coming Out Ministries started eight years ago.
01:19 I remember that I read articles
01:22 and I'd heard about these other people
01:24 that had come out of homosexuality
01:26 back into church culture which shocked me,
01:28 I thought I was the only one.
01:30 And Ron was speaking in SoCal Camp Meeting
01:33 and two of the girls that we started with
01:36 were also living in California.
01:37 So it was determined that that would be the place
01:40 that we would meet.
01:41 We got together, five individuals,
01:44 we even got our testimonies recorded while we were there,
01:47 and as I heard their testimonies
01:48 and met these people,
01:50 the comment was made that,
01:52 "You know, one testimony is good,
01:53 but imagine five together."
01:55 So that's how Coming Out Ministries came together.
01:57 Wow. It's great.
01:59 One of the things that I love about your ministry is that
02:01 even though you all came out from gay culture,
02:06 it's so much broader than that.
02:08 You really deal with sin and redemption from sin.
02:13 So it's not just homosexual sin,
02:16 it's heterosexual, promiscuity,
02:18 pornography, all of those things
02:20 because you realize that sin is sin,
02:24 and we are all struggling.
02:25 So your ministry is just so much broader than that
02:29 but you are so transparent with your testimonies.
02:33 I think it would be good for those
02:34 who are not familiar with your testimonies,
02:37 if you would just share your journey a bit
02:39 with our viewers who have not met you before.
02:43 Well, you know,
02:44 another interesting factor in all of this was that
02:47 none of us were sought out by the church.
02:52 We were led by the Holy Spirit and through a lot of prayer
02:56 to do our own study and research,
02:58 and we came into the phase
03:03 not on our own, the Lord let us in,
03:05 but it was not a church effort
03:08 which I think, I found that to be very fascinating
03:11 as we all compared notes,
03:14 but I was one who had been raised in the church.
03:18 I was a very spiritual child, and teenager, and young person.
03:23 But I had been sexually molested
03:25 as a four-year old little boy on the farm,
03:28 and then I was repeatedly molested
03:30 throughout my grade school years.
03:34 I was, I think pushed away from the male gender,
03:40 you know, the male gender in my peer group
03:43 through mocking, and teasing, and molestation,
03:46 and so I was very vulnerable.
03:50 So when someone showed me acceptance and affection
03:55 from my same gender, even though it was perverted,
03:59 it was better than none at all.
04:01 I was very vulnerable to that, and I think
04:03 that may be true with a lot of people.
04:06 But I thought at one point, because I was spiritual
04:12 and I wrestled against my inclinations,
04:15 I decided if I would just get married,
04:17 it would take care of everything.
04:19 I was so intelligent.
04:21 And I thought, you know, marriage would be the end
04:24 or it would be the solution that I have to warn anyone
04:27 who is watching out there, that's not marriage,
04:30 marriage is not the solution to any problem.
04:33 I soon realized that I had made a terrible mistake,
04:36 even though my wife was a Christian,
04:38 and I chose to have a Christian wife,
04:41 Christian home, and to make Christian babies,
04:44 have a Christian education, all of those things,
04:47 it only added to my confusion.
04:49 So I ended up, yes...
04:51 I'm sorry.
04:52 I didn't mean to interrupt you, but were you then,
04:55 at this point in your journey when you got married,
04:57 were you not spiritual at that point,
05:00 were you trying to cover up the gay, your gayness,
05:05 so to speak, where were you spiritually?
05:07 I was still very spiritual but I was conflicted.
05:11 I didn't have answers for my struggle.
05:14 You know, I went through college
05:17 and earned a degree in theology.
05:20 Also, I worked on premed,
05:22 I wanted to be a medical missionary.
05:25 What I got out of my education did not give me my answers,
05:29 and see, I think this is a common thing
05:32 that we all shared growing up in the church,
05:35 there was no discussion about homosexuality,
05:37 there were no resources,
05:40 we didn't know of anyone we could trust,
05:44 we felt isolated, as he mentioned, all alone.
05:47 So you don't dare reveal something
05:49 that is so shameful and taboo.
05:51 And I hadn't even done anything.
05:53 It was just that that struggle.
05:56 But I ended bringing my marriage
05:58 to an end eventually
06:00 because I just gave up.
06:01 I'd prayed that God would take the gay away, He didn't.
06:05 I got angry with God, frustrated,
06:07 went into the gay life.
06:09 But after many years in the gay life
06:13 and having praying parents and friends
06:16 and that kind of intersession.
06:19 The Holy Spirit really worked to draw me back,
06:22 and I began to study the Word of God.
06:26 I remember picking up Steps to Christ
06:28 with a margarita in one hand, a cigarette in the other,
06:31 and reading page one Steps to Christ.
06:34 And that didn't go on for very long
06:36 but to make that part of the testimony short,
06:41 I found everything I needed
06:42 in my own personal study of God's Word.
06:46 There's power in the Word, re-creative and creative power.
06:50 "By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made,
06:52 all the host of them by the breath of His mouth."
06:54 Breath of His mouth, yes.
06:57 And so that same re-creative power is in the Word,
07:03 is exceeding great and precious promises of God.
07:05 Yeah.
07:06 You know, Pastor Ron, that's so important.
07:09 What you said earlier about
07:10 you ask God to take the gay away,
07:13 you tried to pray the gay away, and it just wasn't happening.
07:18 You know, I think that
07:19 a lot of people find themselves in that situation
07:23 where they are trying to pray the gay away
07:26 but they are not doing anything.
07:28 Also, they are not studying, they are not, you know,
07:30 they are just saying, "Lord, take this away from me."
07:32 But there's nothing else going on to kind of
07:36 feed the mind and spirit.
07:38 And so I think that's very interesting
07:40 because you prayed about it, and you weren't, at that point,
07:45 getting the results that you were hoping to get
07:48 just from prayer.
07:49 I was looking for a quick fix.
07:51 "God, You take care of it."
07:52 But He wants us to exercise our faith.
07:55 When He says, "My grace is sufficient for you, "
07:58 that means, He gives us all a measure of strength.
08:01 And as we exercise that strength,
08:04 just like in a gymnasium, when you exercise,
08:07 you get stronger.
08:08 When I read Jesus suffered being tempted,
08:11 that means, He struggled.
08:12 Struggle makes you strong.
08:14 It's when you don't struggle, that you fail,
08:17 you give in, you become weak.
08:19 And so I learned through my own personal study,
08:23 and how to apply the tools that are in the Word of God.
08:27 And 27 years ago, I came out of it.
08:31 Been married now for 26 years,
08:34 and we've made more Christian babies.
08:38 You know, it's been a wonderful life,
08:39 the last 27 years.
08:41 Praise the Lord.
08:42 Having been on both sides, I can truly say,
08:45 "Father knows best.
08:46 God's way is the better way."
08:48 It's good.
08:50 I loved how you said you learned
08:51 how to apply the tools from Word of God,
08:54 because, you know, knowledge without application is useless,
08:57 pretty much.
08:58 You see, I had that knowledge with my degree in theology.
09:01 But I didn't know how to apply it.
09:03 I really didn't have a good understanding,
09:05 but when I started studying for myself
09:07 instead of where the professors,
09:10 has made a big difference.
09:11 Yeah, yeah.
09:13 And so how did you end up coming to the Lord?
09:18 Well, I studied my way out of the gay life.
09:23 Wasn't it the Left Behind series?
09:28 My parents, when they would visit,
09:32 they knew that I was...
09:33 Well, I was not only labeled as unchangeable,
09:36 I've become unreachable, and they knew
09:38 they couldn't share things with me.
09:39 So every time, they left to go back home
09:43 on the other side of the country,
09:44 they left things behind,
09:45 and I'd find them under my pillow
09:47 and my bed and things like that,
09:49 and I called that my Left Behind series.
09:51 And a big beautiful Bible, all kinds of wonderful books,
09:54 you know, the Spirit of Prophecy books.
09:56 And because I wouldn't go to anyone,
10:02 the Lord just filled my home with everything I needed.
10:06 That's where I found the answers.
10:08 That's awesome.
10:09 It's interesting because that's one of the things
10:11 that we've really liked to point out
10:13 is that we weren't praying for ourselves,
10:15 we wanted nothing to do with God.
10:17 But because somebody else was praying for us,
10:19 each and every member of Coming Out Ministries
10:21 had somebody praying for them.
10:23 And we've recognized the power of those prayers.
10:26 You know, living in a gay culture
10:28 for over 20 years never using protection ever,
10:31 being a sexual addict,
10:32 I should have died
10:34 with some of the partners that I was with.
10:35 They'd be dead three months later
10:36 and yet I lived.
10:38 You know, and then to not even have HIV,
10:40 again, it was the prayers of my sisters
10:43 that were praying for me.
10:44 I'm sure that is the reason why I'm still here but...
10:48 I need to stop you on that
10:49 because that is a super important point.
10:52 If you know someone who is in the gay culture,
10:54 or has any sin that they cannot seem to shake,
10:58 you pray for them, you intercede for them.
11:00 They might not even feel the need to pray about it.
11:04 But you intercede for them because that intercession,
11:07 your parents, your sisters, that made all the difference.
11:11 It's interesting because you know, oftentimes,
11:13 people want to just talk about people
11:16 as opposed to acting...
11:17 That is right. On what they know.
11:19 You know, don't just talk about people, pray for them.
11:22 Do something to be a blessing to them,
11:25 to show God's love and share God's love with them.
11:30 Don't be a part of the problem, be a part of the solution.
11:33 Yes, it's good.
11:34 Well, there is a catchphrase in the world community saying,
11:39 you know, "Can you pray the gay way?"
11:40 And they've really taken that and run with it,
11:42 and, you know, they show that all these people have prayed
11:45 and nothing happened.
11:46 But I think that Ron really touched on it.
11:48 What God's looking for is a relationship, you know?
11:51 And it's not just the faith part that,
11:54 of course, He wants us to exercise that faith,
11:56 but how do we exercise that faith
11:58 unless we have a relationship with Him.
12:00 And I think that that's one of the profound ways
12:02 that God suffers long is that He's willing for us
12:06 to fall down until we get it.
12:09 Well, knowing that it's going to cost Him,
12:11 He had to struggle and pay for that on the cross for me.
12:14 But He would rather me struggle in that,
12:16 falling and getting back up,
12:18 in the process of gaining the victory of that,
12:21 rather than to not have a relationship with me.
12:24 You know, God could just wave a magic wand
12:25 over your head and just go, bing,
12:27 and all your problems are gone.
12:28 It's true.
12:29 Right, which would really be nice,
12:31 but, you know, it's that process,
12:33 like you said, the struggle,
12:35 you know, the chicken
12:36 that has to peck its way out of the shell,
12:37 otherwise, it's not going to live,
12:39 you know, it gains strength by that process.
12:41 So I think that each one of us recognizes
12:45 that prayer is part of the solution,
12:48 it's not this, you know, you just pray one time,
12:50 and it's gone.
12:51 Prayer is really about encouraging the relationship
12:54 that I think that God wants with each one of us
12:56 which took a long time for me to learn.
12:58 Coming from sexual addiction, I didn't know
13:00 how to relate to anyone on an intimate level,
13:03 it was all physical.
13:04 And then, after 20 years of that,
13:06 I really didn't even have any value for people
13:09 other than what they meant to me physically.
13:12 And so God's amazing.
13:15 And that began with Jesus Christ.
13:16 And as He encouraged that relationship in me,
13:19 I started to realize that, "Wow.
13:21 He was more faithful to me than I was to Him."
13:23 But He was hanging in there. Yes.
13:24 He wasn't leaving, He wasn't going anywhere.
13:27 And, you know what?
13:28 That kept me hanging on.
13:29 There were many times I wanted to just turn
13:31 and run the other way and just say,
13:33 "This is too hard. I'm not doing this."
13:34 But His faithfulness to me, His encouragement,
13:38 and the fact that He wasn't going anywhere,
13:40 that's really what helped to teach me what true intimacy
13:43 was all about.
13:44 Isn't that interesting how,
13:47 you know, we think about how awesome God is,
13:50 how He's the creator of the universe,
13:52 how He spoke the world into existence,
13:57 and yet, He wants a relationship with us.
14:00 It's like, who are we
14:02 that He would want that relationship with us,
14:04 and yet He does, and He does so much
14:07 that He is willing to let us...
14:10 When a baby is learning to walk,
14:13 the baby falls and gets up, keeps walking, falls, gets up.
14:17 That's our journey as Christians.
14:19 We fall, we get up.
14:21 You know, we fall down but we get up.
14:24 You know, and that is our journey.
14:26 And I think we don't need to be so hard
14:32 on our brothers and sisters
14:33 who are struggling with things that we can see.
14:36 A lot of times, you know, we can't see those attitudes,
14:39 that covetousness, or pride, and, you know, selfishness.
14:43 We don't necessarily see those,
14:45 but we can see the fruits of that,
14:49 and we can see that,
14:50 you know, people are dealing with issues
14:54 like homosexuality, bisexuality.
14:57 And so the thing for us to do is
14:59 to love people through,
15:01 but let them know that there is a better way,
15:04 that God has a better plan.
15:06 Yeah.
15:07 How would you compare your life now
15:10 with your life then?
15:14 Both of you. Great question.
15:16 This is Urban Report, so let me make it real.
15:19 I didn't think that it was possible
15:21 to live without sex.
15:22 And I remember thinking to myself that
15:25 that's just unrealistic, nobody could do that.
15:27 And what's so amazing is it's been 18 years now
15:30 that I have been walking with Jesus Christ,
15:32 and at night, when I go to sleep,
15:34 Jesus is the last person that I speak to,
15:36 and I had no idea
15:38 that Jesus would be better than sex.
15:40 And that may not even sound right to anybody else,
15:43 but I understand that to me in that, "Wow,
15:46 how profound that the peace of God,
15:48 the abiding peace of Christ is much better
15:50 than anything that I have ever experienced."
15:53 You know, there's a verse in Proverbs,
15:55 and it talks about the ways of men,
15:57 you know, lead to death, right?
15:59 But it talks about how, even in the next verse,
16:01 it talks about how even in laughter,
16:05 the heart is sorrowful, and that's the gay life.
16:07 You know, if I didn't meet somebody
16:09 when I was out at the bars
16:11 or whatever and I come home alone,
16:12 I had to make sure that the music was on,
16:14 and that I went to bed, and, you know,
16:17 got up the next morning and turned everything back on
16:19 because any moment of silence was just a constant reminder
16:23 of the loneliness that was in that life.
16:25 And I think to myself, people say,
16:26 "Well, aren't you dating? Aren't you married?"
16:28 You know, and I'm not.
16:30 You know, and yet, "Wow,
16:31 I've been more alone in relationships
16:34 in the gay culture than I ever was,
16:36 you know, even being a single man
16:37 with Jesus Christ."
16:39 So that's a profound awakening for me is that
16:43 the God is much better, much deeper,
16:45 and much broader than just sex.
16:46 Yes, yes.
16:48 What about your difference now?
16:49 Well, I think we have to acknowledge
16:52 that sin is attractive.
16:54 Otherwise, why would anyone be tempted by it.
16:57 Right. Amen.
16:58 And so Satan is a master at luring us with that,
17:02 you know, forbidden fruit.
17:05 And so I would acknowledge that in the gay life
17:09 there was a lot of fun, a lot of excitement,
17:12 a lot of self-gratification, a lot of self,
17:16 but in between,
17:18 there are lots of times of loneliness, and despair,
17:22 and depression, rejection.
17:24 But then that's offset again by more stimulating activities
17:28 and parties and all of that.
17:30 But what I have found
17:34 on this side of the equation is the Lord.
17:37 What I have now is joy.
17:42 I didn't find joy in the gay life.
17:44 What I enjoyed was things that were fleeting,
17:48 joy is lasting.
17:49 So I have joy, I have peace, I have assurance,
17:54 I have a loving wife,
17:57 a relationship that is...
18:01 I'm never afraid that I'll come home
18:03 and she'll be gone.
18:05 And you know, in our ministry, we travel a great deal.
18:09 I pastor two churches at home, I have a church district.
18:12 But I also am gone exactly half of the time,
18:16 26 weeks out of the year, I'm away from home.
18:19 My wife has never even hinted that she distrusts me
18:24 or that she's afraid that I might relapse or whatever.
18:29 And I would say that the trust that she has in me
18:31 has been so encouraging,
18:34 and confirming, and solidifying.
18:36 I would never have had that in the gay life
18:39 even when I'm with someone in the gay life.
18:42 They're always wondering, "Who you are looking at?
18:43 Why are you looking at that person?
18:45 You should be looking at me," and all that,
18:47 and it was very difficult situation.
18:50 So that's another thing that I find on this side
18:52 is that trust and faith.
18:55 And you know, everything that God has
18:58 is based upon eternity.
19:00 What Satan offers is based upon the present.
19:03 He's very fleeting, very stimulating.
19:07 But what God offers is long lasting
19:10 and it's for eternity.
19:12 And everything that comes from God is genuine.
19:15 You know, like, the devil only offers the counterfeit.
19:18 Exactly.
19:19 So that's what 3ABN is all about,
19:22 counteracting the counterfeit.
19:23 That's right. That's right.
19:24 That's right. For sure.
19:26 So you feel a lot more secure now?
19:29 Yes.
19:30 You know, I claimed the promise in Desire of Ages
19:33 where it talked about the miracle when Jesus
19:36 turned the water into wine.
19:37 It talks about that each new gift
19:40 that the receiver receives
19:42 is the promise of a richer gift tomorrow.
19:45 You know, and I take that as a promise.
19:47 You know, the walk of a Christian
19:48 isn't necessarily easy,
19:51 but there is profound joy along that path,
19:54 and where I am today is much better
19:56 than where I was 10 years ago or 15 years ago,
19:59 and there is truth to that.
20:00 There's an abiding peace
20:02 that comes by living for the Word of God,
20:04 and it doesn't mean that
20:05 it doesn't pull at my nature and the things
20:08 that I used to like to do,
20:09 but when I follow Jesus Christ, there is...
20:14 It's exponential, it's better than it was before.
20:17 Yes, yes.
20:18 You know, we didn't...
20:20 We kind of touched a little bit on your journey but not really.
20:23 Can you just give us a synopsis of your journey?
20:25 Sure.
20:27 Well, from my first conscious thought,
20:28 I was transgender.
20:30 I just never bonded with my father
20:32 even before I was conscious.
20:34 So by the time I became five and six years old,
20:37 I knew that I was different than the other boys
20:39 in the neighborhood.
20:40 I had three sisters and a mom, my dad was gone a lot.
20:43 But then when he was home, he was raging, angry,
20:45 and abusive.
20:47 So for this little boy
20:48 needing to make this transition to masculinity,
20:51 it was undesirable, and so I rejected it
20:53 in my subconscious.
20:54 So I don't remember,
20:56 you know, making a decision about that.
20:57 So I patterned after my mom and my sisters,
21:00 and I played with the girls.
21:02 When I went to school,
21:03 the boys called me sissy and queer,
21:04 and so that pushed away the one thing
21:06 that I needed was masculine affirmation.
21:09 And so I was happy to play with the girls
21:11 and hopscotch and playing with Barbie's and jump rope.
21:14 And so the immutable law, if you would, is at puberty,
21:19 the Sex Ed is a mystery, becomes the attraction.
21:21 So had I been affirmed by the guys in school,
21:24 and had I, you know, spent time with my dad
21:27 developing those masculine, you know, affirmations,
21:31 then the Sex Ed would have been,
21:32 the mystery would have been girls.
21:34 And so for me,
21:35 actually became same sex interested.
21:38 So I didn't know how to change it,
21:39 I didn't know how to fix it.
21:41 I knew it wasn't according to God,
21:42 and I believed in God.
21:44 But I basically had the image that God must be like my dad,
21:48 arbitrary, distant, unavailable.
21:51 So I served God not because I loved Him,
21:53 I served Him because I feared Him.
21:55 But eventually, this led to, at 20 years old,
21:58 I walked out of the church, I couldn't get my religion
22:01 and my Christianity to come together,
22:02 and nobody was talking about it,
22:04 there were no resources.
22:05 So I went into the gay world.
22:07 Your religion and your sexuality?
22:08 Yeah, what did I say? Christianity.
22:10 Oh, yeah, yeah. But, I know, yeah.
22:12 Right, right.
22:13 So then when I came into the gay culture,
22:15 masculinity is more valuable than femininity.
22:18 And so if I worked out in the gym
22:20 and butched it up a little bit, then I found that
22:22 I got all the attention from men that I wanted.
22:24 And so, at 20 years old,
22:26 the transgender thing just slipped away.
22:27 It just kind of resolved itself.
22:29 But now they have laws
22:31 to actually protect children like me,
22:33 that if they are eight and ten years old,
22:35 and they believe that they are in the wrong sex,
22:36 they can start receiving hormone blockers,
22:39 and, you know, the hormones to help create in them
22:43 through the puberty process, the sex that they desire.
22:46 So if all of a sudden, at 20,
22:47 now I'm finally resolved to be male,
22:50 what if I had a sex change at 16 years old?
22:52 Exactly. I mean, there's no going back.
22:54 And it doesn't change your sex, it just mutilates the body.
22:57 Right. That's crazy.
22:58 I mean, you shouldn't even get married at such a young age
23:01 because your tastes changes, your preferences change,
23:04 things that you like change, you know?
23:07 So you are making a huge life impacting decision.
23:13 Well, fortunately, that wasn't available
23:14 when I was a kid.
23:16 And so by 20, that, you know, resolved itself.
23:18 But I still think that it was initiated
23:21 not because that I was born that way.
23:23 I think that even during those really,
23:26 you know, those early times before I was conscious
23:28 that I had made this decision in my own defense
23:31 to detach from my father.
23:35 What do you say to people who say, "I was born that way.
23:39 I know I was born that way.
23:41 You can't tell me that I wasn't."
23:43 How do you respond to that?
23:45 Because I know you guys hear that.
23:47 Yes. We hear that.
23:48 We hear that everywhere, and actually,
23:51 I would like to bring up in answer to that question
23:55 that our ministry does have a three-pronged approach.
23:57 Ah, you were getting three-pronged.
24:00 I knew it was coming.
24:02 I love it.
24:03 I love that segue right into...
24:05 It's a private joke. You just completed phase one.
24:07 We inspire people with our testimonies,
24:10 and you started us off with that.
24:12 And now you are making a segue into second one
24:16 which is the enlightenment phase.
24:19 And as we go beyond our testimonies,
24:23 and we try to educate the church,
24:26 we really, you know, truth can bear scrutiny.
24:29 So this whole idea of being born gay,
24:32 and once gay, always gay.
24:34 Well, that's an interesting concept,
24:35 but if God condemns homosexuality,
24:39 does He not have a solution?
24:41 And does God create us gay and then condemn the behavior
24:45 because people say that God made me this way,
24:47 He loves me this way, and all of that.
24:50 So we do presentations
24:54 where we examine the statements,
24:56 we look for consistency, and if this is true,
25:00 then that is true.
25:01 And so looking at these various myths
25:05 and statements that are out there,
25:08 that the whole world has bought into,
25:10 socially, and politically, and culturally,
25:12 and even the church is now buying into this
25:15 because this is a question
25:17 we hear in the church all the time.
25:18 "What about those who were born gay?"
25:20 So we look at science, we look at research,
25:24 we look at the surveys.
25:27 And the whole idea of being born gay
25:29 actually came as a political ploy and a hoax
25:33 which began back in 1985
25:36 because the gay culture had made such advances
25:40 with being accepted and celebrated.
25:46 They wanted legal minority status,
25:48 three criteria,
25:50 that you are discriminated group,
25:52 you are helpless to do anything about that,
25:54 and you are born that way.
25:56 So they decided to start tuning that horn
25:59 and you tune it loud enough and long enough
26:01 and frequently enough, and people start,
26:04 you know, believing in the music,
26:05 they buy it.
26:06 And that's what has happened.
26:08 But the important point, Yvonne, is this.
26:13 If someone is thoroughly convinced
26:15 that he or she is born gay, we can share information,
26:19 if they're not receptive to that,
26:20 if they don't believe it,
26:21 if it's not, you know, convincing to them,
26:26 then we go around that
26:27 because why get caught up in a debate.
26:30 And we'd say simply,
26:31 you know, "Jesus invites you like everyone else
26:35 to be born again.
26:36 So if you are born that way, it's okay.
26:40 Jesus invites you to be born again.
26:42 Everyone coming to Christ must go through a conversion.
26:47 It's not conversion therapy, it's conversion of the heart.
26:51 And conversion means change.
26:53 And so why do we believe that gay people,
26:58 the LGBT issue is the only one
27:01 that cannot go through a conversion?"
27:03 Why?
27:04 That is, you know, Satan thinks he has God
27:06 over a barrel with this, that this is the one thing
27:10 that God can't deal with.
27:12 And we are not letting him get away with that
27:14 because we know better, we've been there,
27:16 we've come out of it, we know the power of God
27:19 that transformed the life.
27:21 And so we are showing that a gay person can be born again
27:26 just as a straight person can be born again.
27:29 Yes.
27:31 And we apply God's remedy for sin to this sin issue
27:36 and it works.
27:37 Absolutely.
27:39 You know, it's interesting because if God can't deliver
27:42 you from that, then He is not omnipotent.
27:45 He's impotent. That's right.
27:46 He's impotent.
27:47 That we know He is omnipotent. He is all powerful.
27:51 So we know that God can deliver us from every sin.
27:55 And isn't like Satan to try to portray God as impotent?
27:59 Absolutely. Of course, of course.
28:00 Absolutely. His job is to misrepresent God.
28:05 That's what he does.
28:06 He wants to make God seem judgmental,
28:09 and mean, and arbitrary, and all of that.
28:12 But God is love.
28:13 And what He's offering,
28:15 what He's working through you guys
28:17 with Coming Out Ministries,
28:19 He's offering love to those who are broken.
28:23 We all struggle with something.
28:25 So we can't look down on any sin.
28:29 I mean, that's crazy.
28:30 We've created this hierarchy of sin.
28:33 So, oh, if you're gay, yeah, that's messed up,
28:36 if you're a gay.
28:37 Or if you...
28:39 You know, all these different hierarchies of sin.
28:40 But the bottom line is sin is sin.
28:43 Yup.
28:44 And we have to be able to call it that,
28:45 acknowledge it for what it is,
28:48 and then give the remedy for it.
28:51 And the remedy is in the verse.
28:52 You know, you are talking about 1 Corinthians Chapter 6,
28:55 he's talking about 9, and 10, and all the abominations
28:57 that won't be in heaven.
28:58 It's not just limited to homosexuality.
29:01 It's licentiousness, adultery, fornication.
29:04 You know, the world is struggling with that,
29:06 even inside the church.
29:08 That's right.
29:09 And so we are all on the same playing field,
29:10 but the answer is verse 11.
29:12 It says, "But such were some of you."
29:13 "Were some of you."
29:15 Yes. We needed to hear that verse.
29:16 We needed the church to talk about that
29:18 because all we were hearing is that
29:20 gays were going to burn in hotter hell
29:22 than everybody else.
29:23 So I think that, the takeaway, the condescension,
29:28 I think that still exists in the churches of like,
29:31 you know, Christians stand over these poor,
29:34 pathetic sexual sinners when we're really
29:36 all in need of a savior.
29:38 For sure.
29:39 And I think it's important for people to realize that,
29:41 you know, just because you have a past,
29:43 whatever you have done in your past,
29:45 God still wants you,
29:47 God still wants a relationship with you.
29:48 And if you come to Him,
29:50 He won't leave you the way that,
29:52 when you first came to Him,
29:54 like, He will change you if you allow Him to.
29:58 You know, the devil wants us to believe that
30:00 we've gone too far,
30:02 and that God doesn't desire
30:03 a relationship with us, you know?
30:05 But that's simply not the truth.
30:07 And God really wants to save each and every one of us,
30:10 but sometimes we can stand in the way of that
30:13 by our own decisions and choices.
30:16 That's a worthwhile, Jay.
30:17 What Satan is constantly trying to do in essence
30:19 is project upon God, his own character.
30:22 That's right.
30:23 You see, Satan wanted to be like God,
30:27 so he makes God look like Satan,
30:30 and he wants the world to look at him as God.
30:34 We already hear these things, like, these terrible storms
30:36 we've seen, hurricanes and so forth, an act of God.
30:40 God is blamed for all of these things,
30:43 and it's like the world forgets there's a devil.
30:45 There again,
30:46 we are not letting him get away with it.
30:47 That's right. That's right. That's right.
30:50 See, I didn't forget
30:52 that's a social worker thing in me.
30:53 So now how did you come out?
30:55 How did the Lord lead you out of that gay lifestyle?
31:00 It's interesting.
31:01 We talk about how many times, people have to hit rock bottom,
31:04 but it just seemed like
31:06 the devil has just given me everything.
31:08 Good looking boyfriend, big arms, big blue eyes,
31:12 big bank account,
31:13 we both drove Mercedes convertibles,
31:15 had a condo on a lake, a house with the pool.
31:17 I had the accolades of the world,
31:19 and you know, from there,
31:21 because my sisters were praying,
31:22 I don't know if the devil heard their prayers,
31:24 but it was like, he couldn't give me enough.
31:26 And the Lord met me right where I was.
31:29 It was amazing.
31:32 It was actually
31:33 through my brother-in-law's baptism,
31:35 who I hated, and he was a miserable Christian
31:38 that was, you know, somebody that I can look at him
31:40 and just say,
31:42 "Your Christianity is not working for you."
31:43 So when he remarried my sister,
31:46 I thought it was the biggest mistake
31:47 that anyone could have ever made.
31:49 And I went with my condescending attitude
31:51 like, "I have a right,
31:52 and Christianity is really for losers."
31:54 And so as I sat there in that church
31:56 and this man came forward,
31:59 and he just confessed to the church
32:00 how he'd been unfaithful,
32:02 he thanked the church for taking care of his family,
32:05 and he said he wanted to make it right with God today
32:07 so that he can make it right to his wife the next day,
32:09 and there were tears coming down my face.
32:11 That was the beginning of my conversion,
32:15 watching this man that I hated.
32:16 Wow. Yeah.
32:17 Seeing the power of God move in him.
32:19 Yes. Yes. Yeah.
32:21 And the power of God moved in you.
32:23 That's beautiful.
32:24 Within three months, I was baptized in the church.
32:26 See, that's the power of a testimony.
32:28 Yes. That's right.
32:30 He was giving a testimony and it affected.
32:32 That's right. Wow. Yeah.
32:34 It's a lot easier to listen to somebody
32:36 who's been in a particular situation.
32:39 Like, if somebody is telling you about drugs,
32:43 and how to be drug free,
32:45 and they've never touched a drug in their life,
32:47 they've never done anything,
32:48 but just because they have this college education
32:50 or whatever the case maybe,
32:51 if they haven't experienced that person who's on drugs,
32:56 or addicted to drugs
32:57 is less inclined to pay them any attention.
33:00 You haven't experienced what I've experienced.
33:03 And you guys have walked
33:05 through some things that people,
33:07 when you share your journey and your testimony,
33:09 that they can identify with, they can relate to,
33:12 and they see how God has delivered you
33:16 from those situations.
33:18 Should I speak to that for just a moment?
33:19 So many people that have been raised in a church,
33:22 and stayed in the church, and never had a wild side,
33:25 or so wild outs, I think they don't have a testimony,
33:29 but they do.
33:31 What a powerful testimony that they have
33:34 that the Lord has spared them from all of these things.
33:37 So everyone has a testimony if they will think about it.
33:41 It was never God's intention that we go the direction
33:44 that we went, to go through all of the pain.
33:47 My whole life was a life of hurting people
33:50 or being hurt, rejecting people or being rejected.
33:54 And God never intended for that.
33:57 And so people who have followed the counsel of the Lord
34:01 from childhood, happily stayed with the Lord,
34:03 and been faithful to Him,
34:05 they are not as scarred as we are.
34:08 We are scarred, we have collateral damage,
34:12 we have consequences that we deal with.
34:15 To this day we have consequences
34:17 with our families that were hurt,
34:19 and going through divorce,
34:21 and children raised without their father,
34:23 and so for those were painful things.
34:26 But I just wanted to stress
34:29 that you don't have to have been a drug addict
34:32 or a homosexual or an adulterer to have a powerful testimony
34:37 for how the Lord can work in your life.
34:39 Very true. Good point.
34:40 What's been the response to Coming Out Ministries
34:44 in the community and in the church
34:47 because the culture, today's culture says,
34:51 "I'm okay.
34:53 I'm gay, I'm okay.
34:55 Leave me alone. I'm living my life."
34:57 So what's been the response to you coming out
35:00 and you saying, "No, God has a better plan."
35:04 What's been the response?
35:05 Well, we've had a gambit of responses.
35:09 When the ministry started,
35:10 we were hopeful to basically reach out to people like us
35:13 that needed to know that there was redemption available,
35:16 and that God still loved us.
35:17 And when we came into this ministry
35:20 which turned out to be an international ministry
35:22 very quickly, all of a sudden, now we realize that
35:25 there's two opinions in the church.
35:27 There's one that still thinks
35:28 that it's the above all abomination,
35:30 and then the other people who think that
35:32 it's totally permissible and everything in between.
35:35 And so it depends.
35:38 There's some areas,
35:39 some countries even where presidents of conferences,
35:42 you know, are doing whatever they can
35:44 to block us from coming in just to tell our story.
35:47 And they use these work agreements
35:51 to basically censor our ministry to keep us out
35:53 rather than to even just hear the story that we have.
35:57 But then, again, most of the time,
35:59 when we do speak at churches
36:01 that are willing to breach this topic,
36:04 you know, they are terrified.
36:06 And they are like, "I don't know, I don't know.
36:07 What are they going to say?
36:09 We don't want them saying the word sex in our sanctuary."
36:12 But when we come in...
36:15 Sometimes it's almost just like that.
36:17 Right, no, no, but it's real.
36:18 It's real. Yeah.
36:19 But then when they actually take time to listen to us,
36:22 when the weekend is done
36:23 and we've accomplished everything
36:25 that we set out to do, these people are shocked
36:27 and their hearts are completely turned around.
36:29 They're like, "Wow.
36:31 I thought you were going to talk about the gay issue.
36:32 But this is really about sin."
36:34 Yes.
36:35 And we've even been,
36:37 you know, told that this is a present-day truth,
36:38 you know, talking about the issues of today.
36:41 I think back to, Ellen White made a comment about
36:44 Satan's repetitious plot
36:45 that as Satan did to the Israelites
36:48 just before they were going into the Canaan land,
36:50 she says that,
36:51 "He's going to do the same thing
36:52 with all of his effort, "
36:54 just as the Israelites are setting
36:56 on the banks of the heavenly Canaan land.
36:59 And so we know that sexual sin is going to be rampant
37:02 at the end of time, and yet,
37:03 it's the issue that we don't talk about.
37:05 Yeah. It is rampant.
37:07 Yeah. It is rampant. I mean...
37:09 LGBT isn't the only game in the street.
37:11 The biggest one is pornography and sexual sin in the church.
37:17 I think that we underestimate
37:21 Satan's pull through sex
37:24 because the Word talks about, you know,
37:26 the sin outside the body and against the body,
37:31 two types of sin.
37:33 The sins outside the body and against the body.
37:37 And then the ones against the body
37:38 are sexual sins, and sexual sins,
37:41 that's the biggest,
37:42 I think, the biggest snare that Satan has for us
37:47 in this day and time.
37:48 And it's interesting,
37:50 I think the reason that that is,
37:51 is because we are relational beings.
37:53 Right.
37:55 So he knows that we desire relationships,
37:58 and he offers a perverted way.
38:02 Instead of love, he offers lust.
38:04 And I think he plays to that
38:06 and something that affects everybody.
38:08 Not everybody smokes, not everybody drinks,
38:12 or whatever the case maybe,
38:14 but everybody desires some form of relationship
38:17 and some form of interaction
38:19 and intimacy with another human being.
38:22 Our young people are being slimed
38:24 at a rapid rate by the media.
38:26 Things that they look at on YouTube,
38:28 or even, you know, unsupervised time,
38:31 you know, with the internet.
38:33 And so we have young people
38:34 that are as young as second grade, third grade
38:36 that are already addicted to pornography,
38:39 and the affects that that has on children.
38:40 Second and third grade? Absolutely.
38:42 What is it?
38:43 Ninety-percent of kids
38:45 have been exposed to pornography
38:46 from the ages of 8 to 16,
38:48 and mostly, while doing their homework.
38:49 So any child
38:51 that is unsupervised with the internet,
38:52 you know, there's no way that
38:54 they can handle this onslaught that's coming at them
38:57 through the pornography industry.
38:59 I think, you know, as parents, we can tend to not...
39:05 You know, like, let the child go
39:08 and deal with the computer,
39:09 and you're doing something else,
39:11 and you're not thinking what is that child seeing
39:16 because you're just thinking, "Well, little, you know,
39:18 John is doing his homework or Suzie is doing her homework,
39:21 and that's it."
39:22 But what you're saying is that these children from eight,
39:27 eight years old are being exposed
39:29 to all of this sexual stuff.
39:31 They don't even know what to do with that.
39:32 Yeah.
39:34 They don't know what to do with it.
39:35 The most shocking statistics that I heard is that
39:37 only 17% of girls
39:39 and 3% of boys have never seen porn.
39:43 Three-percent? That's right.
39:45 Wow. Yeah.
39:46 We have our young kids, their fathers are pastors,
39:49 mothers nurses, you know, they come from good homes,
39:51 they go to an Adventist academy,
39:54 and they come home,
39:55 and a friend printed out a piece of porn
39:57 from their computer,
39:58 and these kids are hooked in second grade.
40:01 You know, when I was four years old,
40:03 and introduced to sexuality through molestation,
40:08 I didn't know how to process that.
40:09 That was my introduction to sex,
40:11 the same with pornography.
40:13 A four year old child is not mature enough physically,
40:16 mentally, emotionally, spiritually to even process.
40:18 Right.
40:19 So they are going to be derailed,
40:22 they are going to be warped,
40:23 they are going to have a warped perspective
40:25 about the whole thing,
40:27 and then sex becomes a self-focus issue,
40:32 self-gratification,
40:34 when God meant it to be a selfless experience.
40:39 You know, husband and wife are together,
40:41 and they each are serving
40:43 the other and pleasing the other.
40:45 It's exponentially better than if you go into it
40:49 to serve and please yourself.
40:51 And so by the time you are old enough
40:54 to really understand all about sexuality,
40:57 a lot of these children have already had years,
40:59 I did, years of wild fantasies and imaginations,
41:03 uncontrollable thoughts in the wrong direction,
41:06 and it created a lifelong problem,
41:10 an addiction to wrong kinds of thinking
41:13 which led me into an addictive lifestyle.
41:16 And there wasn't anything to counteract that.
41:20 I think that, you know,
41:22 lot of times we don't talk about sex,
41:24 the church doesn't want to talk about it,
41:27 parents might not want to talk about it,
41:29 so the child is learning from the streets
41:34 or learning from the computer.
41:35 And you don't want to destroy their innocence.
41:38 You know, we hear that a lot,
41:39 you know, like, what's the appropriate age
41:41 for a child to come to one of our,
41:44 you know, presentations.
41:45 But I think to myself, you know what?
41:47 These kids now, they are hearing things
41:48 much earlier than we did and have access to things
41:51 so much earlier.
41:53 So even in a parent's naivety, they think that
41:55 they are protecting their child by not talking about it,
41:57 but then are getting an education from the world
42:00 or the kids in school.
42:01 And what's really sad is two years ago
42:03 at the general conference session,
42:05 President Wilson said that 49%
42:07 of our Adventist young people
42:09 think that homosexual marriage is acceptable.
42:12 And so they are learning and it's from the world,
42:14 but if we refuse to talk about these issues,
42:17 then again it's like permission.
42:20 And that's what I think Coming Out Ministries
42:22 is really not only good at
42:25 but that's our desire is to like, let us come in,
42:27 let us start talking about these really difficult subjects
42:30 to get the communication open so that when we leave,
42:34 you know, we did the dirty work and we talked about,
42:36 you know, the problem
42:38 and also to guide into the solution,
42:41 so that churches can find that healing
42:43 and families can find that healing.
42:45 Anyone who,
42:46 young person that might be privately struggling,
42:50 how must they feel
42:52 when they see their church has brought in a seminar
42:55 dealing with this issue that church is now talking about it,
43:00 there are resources, there are people to talk to,
43:03 and so now they realize
43:06 they don't have to struggle alone,
43:09 they don't have to feel isolated.
43:11 Right. Exactly.
43:13 Because when you struggle alone like that,
43:14 you become totally overwhelmed.
43:16 Yeah.
43:17 Well, you can't...
43:19 Who can you talk to?
43:20 Who can you go to?
43:21 I mean, it becomes,
43:23 to me it's such a secretive kind of taboo thing
43:25 and what the church has to do is say
43:28 "This is a safe place for you,
43:30 you are going to find out how to deal with this."
43:34 I mean, you guys said you didn't have the resources
43:37 when you were coming up that you are offering now.
43:40 Tell us some of the resources that you offer?
43:42 So well, Yvonne,
43:43 I thought you really touched on that
43:45 that code word, "safe place,"
43:47 and that's really the pro-gay theology
43:50 that's moving into Christianity
43:52 is talking about creating a safe place
43:54 for people to basically come out and to be loved.
43:57 Well, that's only part of the equation or solution.
44:01 And it's interesting, we were at a university,
44:03 and we were presenting,
44:05 and the idea came up again about
44:07 how do we create a safe place on our campus.
44:10 And I thought it was so profound this,
44:11 Professor Racis Henan,
44:13 he said, "I am not approving of having a safe place
44:16 on our campus
44:17 because if you have a safe place
44:19 where somebody is free to be or whatever," he says,
44:21 "That implies that
44:22 the rest of the campus is not safe.
44:24 The whole campus needs to be safe."
44:26 And what is safety?
44:28 Safety is in truth
44:29 because that's where your safety is.
44:31 And so just to, like, to be kind,
44:33 and to be loving to somebody, and to,
44:36 you know, conform them in their sin,
44:38 they are not safe, they are lost.
44:42 I'm glad you said something about truth,
44:44 because, you know, a lot of people nowadays
44:46 are talking about,
44:47 "Well, just live up to your truth."
44:49 Like, that is so subjective.
44:51 First of all, the truth is the truth,
44:55 there's no your truth, my truth, you know?
44:58 It's fact.
45:00 Yeah, the facts are facts, you know.
45:02 Right, right.
45:03 So it's that whole idea of syncretism,
45:07 take a little bit of this, and little bit of that,
45:09 little bit of this, and put it all together,
45:12 and make your own way, your own truth,
45:15 your own doctrine, you know?
45:17 And it goes back to Aleister Crowley,
45:19 "Do what thou wilt." What?
45:21 Shall be people of the law.
45:22 Do what you want to do, you know?
45:25 But that's what's gotten us to where we are now
45:28 because there are so many people
45:30 who are just doing what they want to do
45:32 without realizing that this is not...
45:34 God's plan is so much better for you.
45:37 And I think that's really where we need to come from.
45:40 Loving people but teaching them the better way.
45:44 Yeah.
45:45 Imagine if we took that philosophy
45:49 and applied it to chemistry.
45:51 Which philosophy? Do what thou wilt?
45:53 Yes.
45:54 I mean, I just got that.
45:56 Right, ignoring the facts, ignoring the laws,
46:00 the unchangeable laws of God in physics,
46:03 unchangeable laws of God in chemistry, in science.
46:06 These are all unchangeable laws,
46:08 and the whole world,
46:10 even atheists acknowledge that these are unchangeable laws.
46:14 But when it comes to morality, "Do what you want."
46:16 You know, there's no need for a law.
46:19 And it's an inconsistent way of thinking.
46:23 Absolutely.
46:24 So what tools do, does, my dad, if my dad were here,
46:29 he would be correcting me grammatically.
46:31 What tools does Coming Out Ministries offer
46:36 to help people to get free
46:41 from the entrapment of sexual sin or of sin period,
46:44 just sin across the board?
46:45 What tools do you offer?
46:47 First tool that comes to my mind is our...
46:48 Number three, I like that. It's a very powerful.
46:52 Good, good.
46:54 See, come on.
46:55 Good, good, good.
46:56 So the first in inspiring, the second one is enlightening,
47:00 and the third is equipping.
47:02 So on our website,
47:03 I think the number one tool that we really are promoting
47:05 is our documentary, "Journey interrupted."
47:08 It's one hour story of five individuals
47:11 and thanks to you, Yvonne, you shared that on 3ABN.
47:16 Oh, praise the Lord.
47:18 Or was it Dare to Dream?
47:19 Both. Yes.
47:20 That's right, that's right.
47:22 We simulcasted. Simulcasted. That's right.
47:23 And that was huge for us, yeah. Powerful.
47:25 Oh, my goodness.
47:27 People need to be able to watch that.
47:28 How can they see that, if they want to see that?
47:31 'Cause that's one of the most
47:32 powerful documentaries out there.
47:34 You go to journeyinterrupted.com.
47:36 It's now been translated into 10 different languages.
47:39 Amazing.
47:40 Is it on your website too? Or can they find?
47:42 Yeah.
47:43 So we just put up your website,
47:44 and they can find it through your website.
47:47 Sure. Right.
47:49 Or just go to journeyinterrupted.com.
47:51 This is something that is so fascinating to us
47:53 because we did grow up in a church with no resources.
47:57 And so we come into the church with this experience
48:03 that in the world as a terrible experience,
48:07 but how educational it was for us.
48:10 And so now we are being asked
48:12 and we are producing the very resources
48:16 that would have been so helpful to us
48:19 in our struggle.
48:20 And so the Lord may have never...
48:23 I'm sure the Lord never intended for us
48:25 to go the route that we went.
48:27 We thwarted plan A, we thwarted plan B, C, and D.
48:31 I sometimes think I must be on plan Z right now.
48:35 But each of God's plans work.
48:39 And so He takes the mistakes of your past just like Satan,
48:44 when he get someone like me with a degree in theology,
48:47 and converts me to his side,
48:50 don't you know that all of Satan's hosts rejoice
48:53 that they took one of God's trained
48:55 to be a minister and used him for corruption.
48:58 But then God takes someone that has been on Satan side
49:01 and turns that person around to His glory.
49:04 It's the great controversy going back and forth
49:07 between the two.
49:08 And it just amazes me how God can take us
49:12 from degraded self-destructive pasts
49:15 and turn all of that around to His glory.
49:17 Yeah.
49:18 And so now we are creating a lot of resources.
49:21 Thanks in great part to 3ABN and Dare to Dream Network.
49:26 You have afforded us so many opportunities
49:29 to create these programs in 30 minute segments,
49:33 one hour segments that are going around the world
49:36 and people are really, really blessed,
49:38 and we thank you for that.
49:39 Oh, well, we praise the Lord for you guys.
49:40 You know, one of the ways that those still work is,
49:42 it's really incredible.
49:44 People will say,
49:45 "You know, what can we do to help educate the kids?"
49:46 And we hand them the gay puzzle,
49:48 you know, which we did on Dare to Dream.
49:50 Yes.
49:51 And that 30 minute segments, and I say,
49:52 "Play just one of them.
49:54 Pick one, you know?
49:55 Masturbation, pornography,
49:56 you know, restoring same sex relationships,
50:00 whatever that is."
50:01 I say, "Then just play it, and then we can dialogue."
50:03 And with young people,
50:05 they are really wanting to start talking
50:08 about these really difficult issues.
50:10 And so I call them conversation starters.
50:12 Yes.
50:13 So just one pack of the gay puzzle,
50:15 one or two is really great to introduce
50:16 in a Sabbath school setting.
50:18 What's great is you guys did
50:20 couple of seasons of Pure Choices
50:22 which is our sexual purity program
50:25 on Dare to Dream,
50:26 and what you brought to that was just,
50:29 it was incredible because people opened up
50:32 about their lives,
50:34 and the word of their testimonies, again,
50:37 powerful testimonies.
50:38 You guys, and the people
50:40 that you brought to those programs
50:42 just opened up, shared.
50:45 You know, I think about Walt Heyer.
50:46 Yeah.
50:48 I mean, he was just...
50:50 Transgender that had the operation,
50:53 and then came back to Jesus after all that,
50:56 and just, I mean, it's just incredible.
50:58 All of these stories, those show the power of God
51:02 in broken lives.
51:04 You know, there's another new aspect
51:05 that we are recognizing and bringing in
51:08 to the ministry now,
51:09 and that's actually the testimonies of parents
51:12 that have children that are LGBT
51:14 because I think parents suffer a greater guilt
51:17 than even we did and condemnation.
51:20 And the parents are the ones that are terrified
51:22 to even to approach us for fear that
51:24 if somebody saw them talking to us
51:25 that they would figure out that their child was gay,
51:28 and then the fact that they feel like they have no one
51:30 that would understand them.
51:32 And so they struggle alone, and their anxiety is great.
51:36 And so we just did a program last weekend
51:39 where we actually had Anna's mother
51:41 from our film actually give her testimony
51:43 about what that looks like
51:44 living with a daughter that is still gay
51:46 and she went through
51:48 the seven different stages of grief,
51:49 but I see that is definitely
51:52 a needful aspect of this ministry too
51:54 is to provide community for people
51:56 that are praying for their loved ones,
51:59 for their children, and to also reach out to them as well.
52:02 Yes, and resource too.
52:03 You know, to come to you and say, "What do I do?
52:06 My child wants me to go to the wedding,
52:09 go to the gay wedding.
52:10 What do I do?
52:11 You know, how am I supposed to let my friends know
52:15 or you know, how do I...
52:17 My child just came out to me.
52:19 How do I respond to that?"
52:20 I mean all of these questions we know that parents have,
52:24 and they need to have someone to ask.
52:27 You guys are the ones. Yeah.
52:28 And one of our books is,
52:31 "Straight Answers to the Gay Questions."
52:33 Having been there, 20 years of writing responses
52:39 to people who have legitimate questions.
52:41 And when I say straight answers,
52:43 it's AIT meaning, straight from the Word of God,
52:47 it's not straight as opposed to gay.
52:48 It's a play on the words.
52:49 It's biblical answers to the gay questions,
52:53 and that's one of our resources that's very in-depth
52:57 and very comprehensive and so we have books,
53:00 and DVDs, and tracks and many different resources.
53:03 Wonderful.
53:04 Oh, I thought you were going to say something.
53:06 It has been amazing.
53:07 I was going to talk about the tracks a little bit.
53:09 We have tracks that can be handed out,
53:11 and one of them is the Coming Out Ministries track
53:14 which basically gives a story about Anna's mother,
53:17 and Anna is, you know, a lesbian woman,
53:19 and she brings her girlfriend home,
53:21 you know, for the weekend
53:22 and what that was like for the mom,
53:24 and a simple task of just making biscuits,
53:27 you know, with her daughter's girlfriend
53:29 was just overwhelming for this young woman,
53:31 and it broke her to tears thinking,
53:33 "I know how you your mom feels about us,
53:35 and yet, she loved me."
53:36 And so our tracks are also pretty quick and short,
53:40 and they are easy to leave in very strategic places.
53:45 But they also, I think help to open up conversations
53:49 and to find out
53:50 who Coming Our Ministries really is.
53:51 That's awesome.
53:53 And so the best way to reach you
53:55 is on your website?
53:57 ComingOutMinistries?
53:59 ComingOutMinistries.org.
54:02 Good.
54:03 And I think we have phone numbers too
54:05 on the screen now too so that you can call,
54:08 or go to the website, you can donate
54:12 because they need funds to help to continue
54:15 developing these resources.
54:17 Thank you.
54:18 And to travel,
54:19 and to do the things that you guys do.
54:21 You have to have funds.
54:22 So please support this ministry.
54:24 This is a very, very important ministry to support.
54:27 As you know this situation is,
54:31 they are going up against society at large
54:35 because society at large is saying,
54:37 "We don't need to change, and don't even,
54:39 do not dare to tell us that we can or need to change."
54:45 And so you guys are on the frontlines.
54:47 We really, you know, appreciate what you do,
54:51 and we thank you for that.
54:53 Do you have any closing thoughts
54:54 for our viewers before we go?
54:57 Our time is almost up. It's amazing.
54:58 I know we have opposition in some places,
55:03 but for every door that's closed,
55:04 we have probably three or four that are opened.
55:08 From here, next week,
55:09 we are going to be in Australia,
55:11 New Zealand for three or four weeks,
55:14 we come back for a couple of weeks,
55:15 then we are going to Cuba.
55:17 And places where you think
55:18 they probably don't even deal with this issue.
55:21 Now this is a global issue as it was in the days of Lot,
55:26 Luke 17, "Even so will it be in the day
55:28 when the Son of Man shall be revealed."
55:31 And that's what we are seeing.
55:32 And we are trying to meet this issue
55:34 knowing that it is a last day issue,
55:36 it is a sign of the soon coming of Jesus.
55:38 And God is not willing that any should perish,
55:41 that includes gay people.
55:43 That's right. Absolutely.
55:44 Absolutely.
55:46 I think about the person that may be watching,
55:49 that was maybe in the valley of decision,
55:51 or maybe not in a valley of decision,
55:54 maybe their decision is that they are fine the way they are.
55:56 And you know,
55:58 I would like to speak to that person that,
56:00 you know, not to close off any of the options
56:03 that God has for them, and God's way,
56:05 as Ron said, has to be better,
56:07 and it has to be better, and He says,
56:09 "Taste and see that the Lord is not only good."
56:11 He says, "But put Me to the test, put Me,
56:13 you know, find out if My way is better."
56:16 And you know,
56:17 something that was a really tough one for me
56:20 because I wasn't interested in giving up my identity,
56:22 I wasn't interested in giving up my boyfriend,
56:25 but as I pursued Jesus Christ and as I was experiencing Him,
56:29 there was something that I couldn't deny,
56:30 and it continued to draw me closer to it.
56:33 And so, you know, I would just hope that
56:35 that people would just be willing to be objective enough
56:38 to just say, "All right.
56:39 This is another option.
56:41 Let me see what this is all about."
56:42 And so, you know, we all have the right to choose
56:44 whatever path we want to go on,
56:46 and so instead of destroying people
56:48 that don't necessarily agree with you,
56:51 or making that your angst,
56:52 why not find out what that option is
56:54 because Coming Out Ministries isn't here to drag people,
56:57 you know, into heaven kicking and screaming.
56:59 We wanted to be your decision 'cause it has to be.
57:02 You know, it would be that way with God for us.
57:04 Yeah. Right.
57:06 Right. Praise the Lord.
57:07 Jay, you have a closing thought?
57:09 Just that basically, just accept Christ today.
57:13 I mean, why put something off for tomorrow
57:15 that you can do today
57:17 that can transform your life for the better.
57:19 You know, there's nothing better
57:21 than a relationship with Jesus Christ.
57:22 Amen.
57:24 We always say on Dare to Dream and Urban Report
57:27 that God has a plan for you.
57:29 He has a plan for you, and His way is so much better
57:33 than anything you can imagine.
57:35 So just trust Him.
57:36 Know that He's got this plan, know that if you seek Him
57:40 and bring Him into the mix, invite God into your life
57:43 to show you a better way.
57:46 You've seen from Pastor Ron and from Mike
57:50 that God has led them into the better way,
57:53 and He would do the same for you.
57:55 He's doing it for us, and if you don't know Jesus,
57:57 accept Him now.
57:59 Thank you for watching. Thank you for being with us.
58:01 Join us next time
58:03 'cause it wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2019-11-06