Urban Report

Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000250A

00:01 Have you ever seen a walking miracle?
00:03 Well, stay tuned to hear the story of a woman
00:05 who was delivered from the grip of death.
00:08 My name is Yvonne Lewis-Shelton,
00:10 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:36 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:39 My guest today is Loretta Spivey,
00:41 and her testimony is powerful.
00:44 Welcome to Urban Report, Loretta.
00:46 Hi. Thank you.
00:47 So glad that you're here. I heard...
00:49 Because you're already on the 3ABN Today program,
00:53 and I heard that your testimony is so powerful.
00:56 And so always when we have a guest on the Today program
01:02 that has a powerful testimony,
01:03 we try to get you on Urban Report too
01:05 'cause our viewers want to watch, and hear,
01:08 and be blessed by it as well.
01:10 So thank you so much
01:11 for consenting to be on this program.
01:13 It's my pleasure.
01:14 I believe that's why God gave me the testimony
01:16 because he knew that I'd share it.
01:19 Yes, and that's so important because when something happens,
01:23 if you don't share it,
01:24 then how the people know how God has blessed you.
01:28 Absolutely.
01:29 So let's hear about what God has done.
01:31 Well, I'll start at the beginning
01:32 and say that before I was sick, I had never been sick.
01:36 Other than having babies, I had not been in the hospital.
01:39 How many babies you have?
01:41 Well, I have two by birth
01:42 and three by love, so I have five.
01:44 Okay.
01:45 I mean, not very many of them are babies anymore
01:47 but we will get to that.
01:48 And so I was the mother of five, four at home.
01:52 And they were doing piano, and soccer,
01:54 and one was about to graduate from high school,
01:56 and one was in first grade,
01:58 again that's a story for another program
02:00 how that happened.
02:02 But we were just doing life.
02:03 I was a runner, 10Ks, half marathons.
02:08 I did mission trips, I did church activities.
02:12 And so, I think I would say
02:15 that my life was relatively normal,
02:17 except for, let's show that first baptism picture.
02:21 And while they're getting that up,
02:23 let me just ask you, so was your diet good even...
02:27 You had the exercise but how was your diet?
02:30 Funny, you would ask that question.
02:31 My diet was excellent.
02:33 Okay.
02:34 My diet was really, really solid.
02:36 And so, I have no reason to know why I got sick
02:40 but something about diet,
02:42 I hope that you'll remember to ask me that a little later.
02:45 Okay.
02:46 But yeah, the diet, the diet was really
02:48 in very, very good shape.
02:49 So you had a baptism photo...
02:51 So, yeah, but it's... There we go.
02:53 And so that's in Ecuador,
02:55 and the quick mission trip story there is that,
02:58 I promised I'd never get in that river.
03:00 Where was this? That's in Ecuador.
03:02 Ecuador! And we camped near the river.
03:05 And the kids, it was ultimate workout
03:07 and so we worked hard.
03:10 The trip was for 14 to 18-year-olds.
03:12 And so after work, they wanted to go and play in the river,
03:15 and I said, "I will gladly be your chaperone from the bank."
03:19 Right.
03:21 I swim but I just didn't want to go in that river.
03:22 Right.
03:24 I don't know what was in that river.
03:25 Right.
03:26 But a young lady decided that she wanted to get baptized.
03:29 At first, I thought it was a trick
03:30 just to get me in the river,
03:32 but she really wanted to give her heart to the Lord,
03:34 and so I got in the river.
03:36 So this is what I call "my normal life"
03:39 before I got sick.
03:42 So the sickness crept up on me because...
03:46 How many mothers aren't tired?
03:48 Right.
03:49 All mothers are tired.
03:51 So the fact that I was tired
03:52 didn't alarm me so much at first.
03:56 Was it an intense fatigue
03:58 or just kind of creeping upon you?
04:02 Well, it was creeping up
04:03 but it got so intense
04:04 that the stairs that I normally ran up,
04:07 I had to rest half way through.
04:09 And I thought, "I'm resting half way through
04:12 my regular flight of stairs, something is wrong."
04:15 My hands started feeling tingly
04:18 but I have a little,
04:20 as the old folk used to say touch of carpal tunnel.
04:24 And so I started doing my B vitamins,
04:26 trying to make sure but it didn't help.
04:29 Then my feet felt tingly.
04:31 So I said to my best friend,
04:33 "Listen, if I am still feeling weakish and poorly tomorrow,
04:38 I'm going to the doctor."
04:40 When I woke up tomorrow, my feet were tingly,
04:44 my hands were tingly
04:46 but what made me call the doctor
04:47 was that my tongue was tingly.
04:50 Through the course of this interview,
04:51 you'll learn that I like to talk.
04:53 So I could have dealt with the hands,
04:54 and I could have dealt with the feet
04:56 but we're gonna take care of this tongue and make sure...
04:58 Make sure that you can still talk.
05:00 Make sure that I can talk,
05:01 and I thought that's so strange so.
05:03 Now were you having any difficulty swallowing or...?
05:06 No difficulty swallowing, no difficulty talking.
05:09 I had tingly feet, tongue, and hands, and no energy.
05:12 Okay. That's all I had.
05:17 'Cause my mind is kind of...
05:18 I'm a naturopathic doctor, so my mind is kind of,
05:21 you know, I'm thinking of potential diagnosis
05:23 but go ahead.
05:24 Okay. So this will be good.
05:25 Ask me about some health things later on.
05:27 So I go to the doctor,
05:28 and miracle number one takes place.
05:30 I won't tell you the name of it yet,
05:31 but it's extremely hard to diagnose.
05:34 This doctor nailed it in 15 minutes, 15 minutes.
05:38 Wow.
05:40 He nailed the diagnosis, now that was the first miracle.
05:42 Without any tests.
05:44 Without any official tests.
05:45 He tested, and he talked, he asked me a lot of questions,
05:47 he gave me the neurological tests.
05:49 Okay. And he diagnosed it.
05:52 And so I did what anybody would do in 2011.
05:54 I picked up my phone, and I typed it in.
05:57 And then I said,
05:58 "Okay, I should probably put this down,"
06:00 because the diagnosis was Guillain-Barre syndrome,
06:04 which is very, very rare.
06:05 And the first words that jumped out at me were intubation,
06:11 paralysis, and death.
06:13 So I said, "Oh, yeah, I probably...
06:15 Let's not, let's not..."
06:17 Let's not go there.
06:18 "Let's not go there, let's just..."
06:20 So I was there, I was in the hospital,
06:22 they were grateful they caught it in time.
06:24 Because a lot of times,
06:26 people will end up tripping and falling,
06:27 and you know, really hurting themselves,
06:29 or having other symptoms,
06:31 or just not being able to breath,
06:33 and so they felt like they caught it early.
06:35 I did treatment for a week.
06:37 I did physical therapy for another week,
06:40 and they sent me home with a walker and said,
06:42 "Only use this as you have to, as you feel like you need to."
06:45 Now that had to, kind of, blow you away too
06:48 because here you are a runner, an athlete,
06:53 you know, just doing what you normally do,
06:57 and now you're coming back home with a walker.
07:01 But, you know, I'm a little crazy.
07:02 And so even though I was coming home with a walker,
07:05 from the beginning, I was saying,
07:06 "This is going to be an amazing testimony,
07:08 and this is going to be a good story."
07:10 I was really saying that in my mind.
07:11 Okay. Okay, okay.
07:12 And after two weeks, you know, "Hey, okay,
07:14 I'll go home with a walker."
07:15 That's what they told me to convince me to take it home
07:17 'cause I was like, "I don't need a walker,
07:18 I'm fine. I'm fine."
07:20 They said, "No, just take it, you know,
07:21 if you're tired or whatever the case maybe," so I took it.
07:25 Now here's when the problem really kicks in.
07:29 The nature, the personality, I like to say,
07:32 of this syndrome is that you go low
07:34 and then you climb consistently till you get better, right?
07:39 So...
07:41 So you start out at your worst...
07:43 You start out, correct.
07:44 And it incrementally gets better.
07:47 Yeah, right.
07:49 You incrementally get better and better and better.
07:51 And so that's what I went home expecting.
07:54 So instead of that happening, I started going the other way
07:59 and getting worse.
08:00 So the day I got home, I told you I was bragging,
08:02 "I don't need this walker."
08:03 Well, two days later, I needed the walker
08:06 just to get to my bathroom.
08:08 Two days later? Two days later.
08:11 It only took four days.
08:12 By day four, you know,
08:14 how you teach an infant, not an infant,
08:16 a toddler to slide down the stairs
08:18 on their behind so they don't fall,
08:19 that's how I had to go down the stairs,
08:21 I couldn't walk down the stairs.
08:23 I slid down the stairs on my behind.
08:26 When I got to the bottom, my husband picked me up,
08:28 and put me in the car,
08:29 and took me back to the emergency room.
08:32 They immediately admitted me,
08:34 and started doing tests all over again,
08:37 and they came to the same diagnosis.
08:41 Although it took them lots of blood
08:44 and lots of other tests to get there,
08:46 they said, "Yes, it is Guillain-Barre
08:48 but we're gonna do something little differently this time."
08:52 While they were figuring out what they were going to do,
08:55 I went from
08:59 not being able to go down the stairs,
09:00 as I mentioned,
09:02 needing the walker to get to the bathroom
09:04 to not being able to take two steps
09:06 to get to the little portable potty
09:09 that they had in my room.
09:11 Were you so weak
09:12 that you couldn't hold yourself up or...?
09:16 Yes.
09:17 I was just that weak.
09:19 My!
09:20 I was just that weak.
09:21 And so the decision was made
09:25 that I needed to go to the bigger hospital.
09:29 I lived in a little suburban town,
09:31 and so we were using little small hospital.
09:34 And they said, "We need to go to the big, main hospital."
09:38 Well, by the time they did the paperwork, and of course,
09:40 checked the insurance,
09:42 and I got to the main hospital,
09:45 I walk in, and the doctor says, "Loretta, good to meet you,"
09:50 you know, "give me a thumbs-up."
09:54 And literally, I literally could not do that, literally.
10:00 So I'm just kind of there, kind of, you know,
10:03 like I'm trying to start a fire but not even that much,
10:05 I couldn't give him a thumbs-up.
10:07 This is on both sides, both hands, you could not...
10:10 Both hands, both sides, everything was...
10:12 That's the other personality, it's not one sided
10:15 like a stroke or something, it's all together.
10:18 And so that was happening from the neck down.
10:22 So the neck down, I have no control,
10:25 I can't scratch my head, I can't feed myself.
10:28 So this is similar to ALS, isn't it?
10:31 I'm not sure if it's in that family but...
10:33 In a sense that you have no control over your muscles.
10:37 Correct. Correct. You can't walk, you can't...
10:40 Don't say I can't talk. Praise God.
10:43 Praise Him. That's right.
10:45 That's right.
10:46 I mean, I keep saying that but this was seriously
10:48 a blessing for a number of reasons,
10:50 and one of them was that
10:52 I believe that we never have an excuse
10:57 to be mean and nasty.
10:59 And if we profess to be Christians,
11:01 then, not that we have to be fake,
11:04 but we have to be who we are all the time.
11:07 And so, again at this point, though it's early,
11:10 and I'm still thinking, "Oh, God, you know,
11:11 you're really making this a good story.
11:13 I had no idea it was going to be this good
11:14 but, okay, let's go with it."
11:16 And so I'm there, and I told the doctor,
11:21 not even gesturing like this because I couldn't, like this,
11:25 "I'm going to run a marathon."
11:27 Now I had never run a marathon
11:29 but I know the man thinks I'm crazy
11:31 because I can't even give him a thumbs-up
11:32 but I'm telling him I'm going to run a marathon.
11:35 What did they say is the cause?
11:37 They couldn't find the cause for me.
11:39 Some of the causes they say are...
11:43 Well, let me say it this way, if you listen to the warnings
11:47 after the flu shot commercial,
11:49 they'll say that Guillain-Barre is a possibility.
11:54 The other thing they say is stomach,
11:57 like people generally get some kind of a bug,
12:00 and it's often a stomach virus,
12:03 and I suppose, since it's autoimmune,
12:04 I suppose that your autoimmune system
12:06 starts to fight that bug and then kind of goes haywire.
12:10 And turns on itself.
12:11 And turns on, in my case, it's peripheral nervous system.
12:15 And so they didn't really, they could never figure it out.
12:17 People thought, "Oh, it's all those mission trips,
12:18 you know, she's always in another country, it's that."
12:21 But being infectious disease, doctors took all of my blood,
12:24 all of it.
12:27 And they said,
12:28 "No, it didn't have anything to do with the mission trips."
12:30 So for me, I don't know, I do know people
12:33 who can point to a vaccine,
12:36 or a flu shot, or a bug that happened before,
12:40 but for me, I never knew anything
12:43 except that I was tingly, and I was tired.
12:45 And funny, now I say that I was paralyzed
12:48 but when it happened, I never used that word, never.
12:52 What did you call it?
12:53 I didn't call it anything, I just couldn't move.
12:57 And I want to say here that
12:59 even though I was calm
13:04 and I was in my testimony mode, at night,
13:07 I would forget 'that I was paralyzed.
13:10 So in the daytime, right, I knew like,
13:11 I know I need somebody to feed me,
13:13 I know I need somebody to scratch my head
13:15 and comb my hair, I know that
13:17 because I'm conscious, it's daylight.
13:19 At nighttime, you know, you're not paying attention.
13:21 And so I would be there at night
13:23 in neuro-ICU which I never even knew.
13:26 The only NICU I knew of was for babies
13:29 but here I am in neuro-ICU,
13:31 and you know, 2 o'clock in the morning,
13:33 I'd go just to shift, just not a big thing,
13:37 just to shift a little bit,
13:39 and I'd realized, I can't do that,
13:43 or just to scratch my leg, or scratch,
13:45 and I couldn't do it.
13:47 And I'm telling you, full blown panic attack.
13:49 Yes.
13:50 I've never had a panic, I'm not given to panic attacks,
13:52 I'm not.
13:54 I've never had a panic attack in my life
13:55 but I'm talking full blown,
13:57 hyperventilating, feeling like I can't breathe,
13:59 feeling like I'm going to die, feeling like...
14:01 Now if you know anything about hospitals in ICU,
14:06 you're in that room by yourself,
14:08 they don't let your family spend the night with you.
14:10 Right. It's like 15-minute slots.
14:13 Fifteen-minute slots.
14:15 So now if I have to go to the bathroom
14:18 and I'm in ICU, what happens?
14:22 You just go.
14:23 I can't push the button.
14:24 They give you that button to push...
14:26 You can't even summon a nurse.
14:27 I can't even summon a nurse.
14:29 So I lay in the bed and I say, "Jesus,
14:32 I need somebody to come in this room,
14:34 and I can't call them."
14:36 So I'm going to need you to send somebody in this room,
14:39 and somebody will come in the room.
14:42 That really happened. Yes.
14:44 Also though, they were willing to break the rule
14:48 because I could not press the button.
14:49 They started allowing my husband
14:51 to come and spend the night in ICU
14:53 which, as you well know, doesn't happen.
14:56 So now this poor guy is now there
14:59 to help manage these panic attacks.
15:02 So he would just play music, and pray, and rub my head,
15:06 and whatever the case may be but in the daytime
15:09 because I was aware, "Okay, I'm sick.
15:12 God is doing something.
15:13 It's going to be a testimony."
15:14 But at night I would just wake up and just absolutely,
15:17 absolutely just crazily freak out.
15:20 It's understandable
15:21 because you have no control over anything.
15:26 Nothing.
15:27 So you can't, it's kind of like being buried alive in a sense
15:31 because the only thing you had was,
15:34 you were able to speak and look,
15:37 and that kind of thing
15:38 but you weren't able to move anything.
15:41 That would send anybody into a panic attack.
15:45 Right. Right.
15:47 It's just unfathomable.
15:49 So what would...
15:51 So your husband would come, and he would play music,
15:54 and rub your head, and just try to,
15:56 kind of calm you down during those panic attacks.
16:00 Exactly.
16:02 And I, even then I felt sorry for him
16:05 because he didn't know what to do,
16:07 he's a corporate trainer.
16:09 He doesn't know about these things.
16:12 I'd never been in the hospital before,
16:13 he had never been in the hospital before.
16:17 We just didn't have experience in that and so...
16:22 And it came from nowhere.
16:23 It came from nowhere, nowhere.
16:25 It's not like you were sick,
16:28 you had a protracted illness and then it came to this.
16:32 Correct. No. It was four days. Bam!
16:35 It was days. It was days.
16:36 By the time I was paralyzed, it was, so let's say,
16:39 two weeks in the hospital, three or four days home,
16:42 another two days in another hospital
16:44 so that's three weeks.
16:46 In three weeks, I was from driving my kids to school
16:50 to not being able to give a doctor a thumbs-up,
16:53 in three weeks time.
16:54 What was going on in your head at this point?
16:57 This is going to be an amazing testimony.
16:59 Still? Still.
17:00 You're still there. Still.
17:02 Okay. I was still there.
17:03 And I just want to say that that has nothing to do with me
17:05 being awesome,
17:07 that has nothing to do with me having a positive attitude,
17:09 that doesn't even have anything to do with me
17:11 trying to be a witness.
17:12 That is the thing that God did...
17:14 One of the things that God did for me.
17:16 Throughout the entire journey, He protected my mind.
17:21 It was almost as if, I don't compare myself to Job
17:23 but for purposes of this conversation, God said,
17:26 "You can have her body but not her mind."
17:30 So I can point to literally two or three times
17:33 during that journey that I was really down,
17:35 and I'm talking just a day or two
17:38 but He really protected my mind.
17:40 And so I don't want anyone to think, "Oh, yeah, Loretta,
17:45 you know, she just had that great relationship,
17:47 and she was so strong."
17:49 No, that is just one of the things
17:51 that God did for me, protected my mind.
17:53 That's beautiful.
17:54 Three months in, three months in,
17:57 we actually had a party in the hospital.
17:58 It was "Loretta's been in the hospital
18:00 for three months,
18:02 and she hasn't lost her mind party."
18:05 Seriously.
18:06 And my friends brought food, and we laughed, and talked,
18:09 and testified to the goodness of the Lord,
18:11 and we had a little slide show as...
18:14 And you were still incapacitated.
18:16 At that point, I was in a wheelchair,
18:18 and I could talk,
18:19 and I could use my hands a little bit,
18:21 I was in a power wheelchair so I had a little joystick
18:23 and I could talk always, praise the Lord.
18:27 And so, yeah, I remember,
18:32 it took me all day to get dressed for it.
18:33 Literally, it took me all day.
18:35 And if you saw, I don't have a picture of that,
18:37 but if you saw a picture, you'd say
18:38 "It really took you all day to do that?
18:40 It really took you all day to do that?"
18:42 But it was good to just have
18:44 everyone around at the same time
18:45 and just have not hospital food
18:47 and celebrate the goodness of God.
18:50 And I think we have a video of you in that wheelchair.
18:55 We have a few videos.
18:56 We have a hospital picture which would be great to show
18:59 because the hospital picture looks so way different than...
19:05 yeah.
19:07 Way, way different than what we're dealing with now.
19:10 So let's go on.
19:12 So we have this in the hospital,
19:13 and that was right around the paralyzed time,
19:16 somebody actually put my arm up there for me
19:18 so I could rest.
19:21 So I'm in the hospital, and they do this treatment,
19:23 and they sent me to rehab.
19:25 And I'm telling you, I use this word all the time,
19:28 I went to rehab like Rambo.
19:30 Whatever, literally, while they were wheeling me,
19:32 and I was talking to them saying,
19:34 "I'm going to be your star patient.
19:36 I'm going to...
19:38 You tell me to do five, I'm going to do seven."
19:40 I said, "I'm going to be so amazing,
19:42 they will put my picture on the wall."
19:44 That's how I went into rehab because remember,
19:47 this is going to be a great story.
19:49 And so now it's a month, about a month then,
19:52 I'm in a rehab,
19:54 and I'm doing exactly what I said.
19:57 The guy says, "Do five," I squeeze out seven.
20:00 You know, the guy says, "Go this high,"
20:01 I squeeze out a little higher.
20:02 I mean, I'm pushing this thing.
20:05 And then I start feeling weak again,
20:09 and I say to them, "Something's wrong.
20:10 I'm feeling weak again."
20:12 And they say,
20:14 "Oh, let's give a little bit of time."
20:16 Well, that little bit of time
20:19 landed me almost paralyzed again.
20:21 So now we go back to the hospital,
20:23 and they say, "Okay, we got this.
20:25 We're gonna just tweak the treatment."
20:27 And that cycle happened four times.
20:32 Where you would get treatment,
20:38 you get better,
20:39 but then you'd hit a different place
20:41 in the treatment and go backwards.
20:44 Correct.
20:45 You regressed. Correct.
20:46 And then you get some more treatment,
20:49 build up a little bit, and then regress again,
20:53 and that happened four times.
20:54 That happened four times. Wow.
20:56 So now, now my mind is saying, "You know what,
21:00 you have to do two things, Loretta.
21:03 You have to work, like, it's all on you,
21:08 and you have to pray like it's all on God."
21:11 Right.
21:12 So this is my mind now like, "No one's going to say,
21:17 this didn't work out
21:19 because Loretta didn't work hard enough."
21:22 You know, I was in the physical therapy,
21:23 and I would hear people
21:24 who didn't want to go to therapy,
21:26 and you know, the therapist would try to coax them,
21:28 or they would say, "I don't know
21:29 what we're going to do with such and such
21:30 because they're just, they won't go."
21:32 And I just said it in my mind like,
21:33 "I don't know what's going to happen,
21:35 but it's not going to be because I didn't do the work."
21:38 And so, there's a picture of me doing a wheelchair workout
21:42 like I couldn't even at that point stand up.
21:45 I think they have it.
21:47 And I was doing, you know, these arm exercises,
21:50 and there it is in the wheelchair.
21:52 And you can't hear the audio
21:54 but you'll see me laugh in a minute
21:55 because that's like number three
21:57 right there, right?
21:58 And number four, like, you see me when I smile.
22:00 My husband started counting number one at that time.
22:02 Oh! Oh, my dude, I already did four.
22:05 You can't leave out anything. Yeah.
22:07 Don't...
22:08 'Cause I'm trying to do extra now, you're already.
22:10 Yeah, right. Yeah.
22:11 And so, that was my theory like,
22:13 "I'm going to work like no one else has any control over this,
22:16 and I'm going to pray,
22:18 and I need you guys to pray
22:19 like only God can do something."
22:21 And so that's really the way that
22:23 I approached the whole thing.
22:26 But now, we just said this cycle happened four times.
22:29 Right.
22:31 So I'm reading your mind, and you're saying,
22:33 "What on earth were you thinking now?"
22:36 I'm glad you asked.
22:39 So what I was thinking was, "Okay..."
22:43 Oh, I left something out really, really important.
22:46 When I was home for those four days, God spoke to me,
22:50 as clearly as I'm talking to you,
22:52 and He said, "Loretta, this is not over
22:56 but you're going to be okay."
22:59 He told me that. Okay.
23:01 Loretta, how did you react when...
23:04 But there are times when we know
23:06 that God is speaking to us.
23:08 There're other times were, you know, is it me, is it Him?
23:10 But there are times when you know that it is He,
23:15 what did you...
23:17 how did you react?
23:18 Did you cry?
23:20 How did you react when He told you that?
23:22 I was really feeling terribly at the time.
23:25 It was really close to that fourth day,
23:26 and it might have even been that fourth day,
23:28 and I was on my behind going down the stairs.
23:30 So I remember being a little startled at first.
23:35 Honestly, a little disappointed at first
23:38 because I'm thinking like,
23:39 "Okay, two weeks in the hospital,
23:41 that's the story."
23:43 So when He said that, at the end of the day,
23:45 I was happy for the info
23:50 and a little relieved because I could tell
23:52 we were going into something that was pretty serious.
23:55 So I was relieved to know. Okay. Good.
23:57 It's not over but it's going to be okay.
24:00 Right.
24:01 But now honestly, by cycle four,
24:05 I'm starting to wonder what is okay mean,
24:09 because you know,
24:11 God's words, and timing,
24:13 and calendars aren't the same as ours.
24:15 Right.
24:16 So now I'm starting to say, "Well, what exact...
24:18 Maybe I misunderstood... Now I'm back.
24:20 Well, was it me? Was it who?
24:22 What did I really understand."
24:24 So I start asking God questions.
24:26 I started saying to God, "Okay, what is okay mean?"
24:29 Because I thought okay meant I was back to myself.
24:32 Right.
24:33 And now sometime during the course of this thing,
24:35 I've decided that I don't want to just get back to myself,
24:37 I want to get better than I was before.
24:39 Okay.
24:40 And so I'm thinking,
24:42 "Well, what is okay really mean?"
24:43 Do you know who Joni Eareckson Tada is?
24:45 I do.
24:46 Okay, so I am thinking, "Well, Joni's okay."
24:48 Well, tell our viewers who she is.
24:49 Okay, so Joni Eareckson Tada was the young lady
24:52 who was in a diving accident as a teenager
24:56 and ended up paralyzed.
24:59 Quadriplegic.
25:00 As a quadriplegic for the rest of her life
25:02 when she started just as a teenager.
25:05 And so I thought, "Joni's okay."
25:07 And she has a tremendous ministry too...
25:09 She has a tremendous ministry. The disabled.
25:11 And honestly, I even started to think...
25:15 'Cause I'm always going to say a word for the Lord,
25:16 let's get that.
25:18 So I'm like, "When I go to speak places,
25:20 am I going to have to ask them,
25:21 like to send somebody strong enough
25:23 to deal with my wheelchair?
25:24 Am I going to have to ask them,
25:26 "Is their church handicapped accessible?"
25:28 Like, what exactly does okay mean?
25:31 And honestly, when people die,
25:35 we say, "They're resting."
25:37 We say, "They're out of pain.
25:40 They're okay." They're okay.
25:42 So I'm just starting to question now exactly,
25:45 let's just go back here.
25:47 God, what do you mean by okay?
25:50 And, you know, what's so great, Loretta, is that,
25:52 we can talk to God like that,
25:55 that we can approach Him with those kinds of questions
25:59 because He's our Father.
26:01 If your Father is trying to tell you something,
26:04 "Dad, what do you mean?
26:05 I'm not sure I understand what you're saying?"
26:08 So He loves.
26:09 I think He loves
26:10 when we ask Him questions like that
26:12 or ask Him to clarify something, you know.
26:15 So you were saying, "Lord,
26:16 what do you mean, what do you mean okay?"
26:19 Right. And so...
26:24 In pure God-fashion,
26:27 He says, "Now, I have a question for you."
26:30 And I got little scared
26:33 because Job is one of my favorite books.
26:36 And, you know, God had way more than a question for Job
26:41 and I was just like, "Oh, man.
26:43 I'm in trouble now."
26:44 But He only had one question for me,
26:47 and that question was, "Do you trust Me?"
26:52 Wow!
26:55 Yeah.
26:56 It might well have been 12 questions
26:58 'cause it was just hard as 12 questions.
27:00 It just all came only in one question.
27:04 And so I would like to tell you
27:07 because I have told you that I did mission trips,
27:10 and I told you that I was active in church,
27:13 and I told you that
27:14 I knew this is going to be a testimony.
27:17 So this part in the story,
27:18 I would really like to tell you
27:19 that I said, "Yes, God, absolutely.
27:22 I trust You."
27:25 And I think we all generally trust God
27:30 but in this case,
27:33 I was getting a sense of what the alternatives were.
27:38 See, when you're in church or somewhere
27:41 and someone asks a general question,
27:42 "Do you trust God?"
27:45 You say yes because in your mind,
27:47 you're not thinking of the alternatives.
27:50 Right?
27:52 But I was thinking, "What is trust mean?
27:55 What is okay mean?
27:56 For me, this was supposed to end
27:59 with this great testimony, right?
28:03 So when God said, "Do you trust Me,"
28:05 my mind was thinking,
28:07 "Well, I want to trust You to do what I want You to do."
28:15 Now over that...
28:16 Now you know, that's a good point.
28:19 I want to... that's why I trust You.
28:21 That is a good point.
28:25 We often trust God the way to do what we want Him to do.
28:31 Correct, in our time. Yeah, on our schedule.
28:33 On our schedule, in our way.
28:35 And so that is what I was trusting.
28:39 I didn't want to just do that.
28:42 So it took me about two weeks to pray,
28:46 to talk to certain people who could handle this kind of talk.
28:51 Yes. Yes.
28:54 To think, to really search myself,
28:58 to cry a little, and to really...
29:01 'Cause, I mean, God knows your heart.
29:03 Absolutely.
29:04 I didn't want to say, "Oh, yes, God,
29:06 I trust You knowing full well."
29:08 I didn't.
29:09 And so after about two weeks, I said, "Yes, God, I do.
29:16 I trust You." Okay.
29:19 Now, there is a picture of my daughter
29:25 who was getting ready to get married,
29:28 and me sitting down.
29:34 And if we could... Yeah.
29:37 All of my thoughts, all of my healing like...
29:41 I know you have a son, do you only have...
29:43 I have two sons. Okay.
29:44 So like a mother...
29:48 I have a daughter now too. Okay.
29:50 A mother and a daughter's wedding...
29:52 Two daughters. Okay.
29:55 And I'm lying up in the hospital.
29:58 So when I said, "God, I trust You.
30:01 Like I'm thinking, I trust You
30:03 but I need You to get me up to be at this wedding."
30:06 Right.
30:08 And because I am who I am,
30:10 I don't want to be just be there,
30:11 I want to walk down the aisle.
30:12 Right. Right.
30:14 So all of this physical therapy,
30:15 all of this, "Okay.
30:17 So yes, God, I trust You."
30:18 How far away was the wedding to this question,
30:23 from the question?
30:24 To the question, from the question,
30:25 I'm going to say the question was February
30:27 and the wedding was May.
30:28 Okay. Okay.
30:30 So all the preparation is, you know, things are happening.
30:33 Right. Absolutely.
30:34 So I said, "Yes, God, I trust You."
30:37 In a little true confession, there was a part of me
30:42 that felt like this story was a lifetime movie.
30:46 And really, sometime I would wake up saying, okay,
30:48 I'd look around like, "Okay, I'm just expecting the director
30:50 any moment to say, 'Cut.
30:52 Go to commercial.'"
30:53 You know, we come back,
30:55 and I'll be my regular healthy self again.
30:56 Yeah.
30:57 So when I said, "Yes, God, I trust You."
31:00 There was a part of me that believed
31:03 that God wanted full surrender, it's Abraham.
31:05 I'm going through all the people in the Bible,
31:07 now I'm Abraham, right?
31:09 And, you know, Abraham was willing,
31:11 and God, you know, said, "Don't do it,"
31:15 and the story ended fantastic.
31:17 So there was really a part of me that felt,
31:19 even though I struggled,
31:20 I didn't say it haphazardly or flippantly,
31:23 even though I struggled,
31:25 and I feel like I really surrendered,
31:27 what was supposed to happen then
31:30 was, I was supposed to be healed, right?
31:33 "Yes, God, I trust You. I give You my all.
31:35 In Jesus' name, amen."
31:37 Take up your bed and walk, like,
31:38 that's the way it was supposed to happen,
31:40 but that's not what happened.
31:42 What happened was that all the doctors came in the room.
31:45 Now, you know when they all come.
31:47 Yeah.
31:49 It's either bad news or great news.
31:51 No. They never all come when it's good news.
31:52 Well, the reason why I said that is
31:54 because, you know, like you have the professor, teachers,
31:58 if it's a teaching hospital.
31:59 It was.
32:00 And they come to say, "Look at what's happened."
32:04 So it can be but... Okay.
32:07 But in this case, it was not.
32:08 My experience is, they didn't have anything good to say.
32:12 So they came in,
32:13 and my reward for surrendering
32:20 and submitting fully
32:21 and telling God that I trusted Him
32:23 was that they had a new diagnosis.
32:26 And the name of the doing diagnosis,
32:29 nobody knows what it is, it's so rare,
32:31 but the first word is chronic.
32:36 Which that, in and of itself...
32:40 I think you'd probably get stuck right there.
32:43 The first word was chronic. First word, yeah.
32:45 And I didn't know what
32:46 chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy,
32:49 so I didn't know...
32:51 You know, even once they said it,
32:52 I had no idea what it meant.
32:53 Yeah, yeah.
32:55 But, because the first word was chronic,
32:56 I knew that it wasn't a good situation.
33:01 While they were there, they thought to tell me
33:03 that we should take this time now
33:06 to go ahead and start getting you
33:07 prepared for...
33:10 living in this state.
33:15 So, "We have some people
33:16 that we want you to talk with about getting your home set up
33:21 so you can have ramps
33:23 and whatever else you need to be handicap-accessible.
33:28 And we have someone else that you can talk to about your car,
33:32 and we have this," this part is funny.
33:35 There was a psychiatrist there who was in a wheelchair,
33:39 who really had an amazing life.
33:40 I mean, he played basketball,
33:42 he drove this little sports car.
33:43 I'm not sure if he was married or not
33:45 but he was really like a cool guy.
33:47 I avoided this guy like the plague
33:50 because honestly, I did not want him explaining to me
33:55 how to live well like he was living well.
33:58 I did not.
34:00 'Cause you didn't want to live like that.
34:02 And the only way I was willing to live like that
34:04 is if God Himself...
34:06 I said, "God, You're gonna have to tell me
34:07 'cause these people think I'm crazy."
34:09 They really.
34:11 And the more I ignored him,
34:13 and the more I wouldn't talk to the people,
34:14 and the more I wouldn't read the pamphlets,
34:16 they just kept piling up, I threw them away once.
34:21 The more they thought, "This woman's in denial.
34:22 We really need to get her some counseling."
34:24 So I say to my husband,
34:25 "Listen, you're going to have to talk to them.
34:27 I can't do it."
34:29 And when I say, "I can't do it,"
34:30 I don't mean like, there's a saying now like,
34:32 "I can't. I just can't." I didn't mean like that.
34:33 I mean, I literally could not.
34:36 I, thought of mine, have very black and white thinking.
34:40 So I couldn't figure out
34:41 how to be believing God for healing over here
34:45 and preparing myself to not be healed over here.
34:50 So it felt like a contradiction of faith.
34:52 It was a contradiction for me.
34:54 Because how can I say, "Lord, I trust You,"
34:58 and then I'm preparing to be paralyzed rest of my life.
35:01 I got you.
35:03 So I literally, I tried to do it
35:06 because I tried most of the time
35:08 to be a good patient.
35:09 And so I really tried, and it gave me a headache.
35:14 I could not figure out how to be over here saying,
35:17 "I'm praying.
35:18 I believe in God is going to heal me.
35:20 I believe this is going to be a great story.
35:21 Oh, let me get ready to get my house ready
35:23 to be handicapped forever."
35:26 God bless the person who could do that.
35:28 This brain...
35:30 So I said to my husband,
35:32 "You're going to have to talk to them."
35:33 And he was like, "No, I am not talking."
35:36 He was like, "I'm with you."
35:38 You know, if this is what we're doing,
35:40 then we're doing it.
35:41 And so, now I have my husband
35:42 and myself not talking to these people,
35:46 not paying attention, not taught,
35:48 not reading the pamphlets...
35:50 Just not investing yourself on any level in that area.
35:52 On any level.
35:55 Here, there is a special meeting,
35:56 we have the people coming in, and everybody is wheeling,
36:00 and I'm like, "I'm not going down there."
36:04 Why I'm not going down there?
36:05 And so it was really a problem for the medical people
36:08 but it wasn't a problem for me at all.
36:09 I felt a sense of relief once I just said,
36:12 "I can't do both of these things,
36:14 and this is the one
36:15 I'm choosing to focus on right now."
36:17 And so that's what I did.
36:19 What kind of support did you have?
36:21 Did you have support from your pastor, your church,
36:23 your church members during this time?
36:26 Let me tell you something.
36:28 When people ask me why I didn't go crazy,
36:29 there are two reasons I didn't go crazy.
36:31 One of them, I told you,
36:32 is because God just protected my mind,
36:34 but the other thing is, I had unbelievable support.
36:39 Now, you know, people stop visiting...
36:41 You know, when you're in the hospital like,
36:42 people stop...
36:44 two or three weeks and that's it.
36:45 Yeah. Six months.
36:47 Six months, I was in somebody's facility.
36:51 For six months? Six months.
36:53 Now, you know, they put...
36:55 You have brain surgery,
36:56 and they send you home in three days nowadays.
36:57 It's true. That's true.
36:59 They switch you open and cut your heart
37:00 and, you know, they send you home.
37:02 So six months, I was in somebody's facility.
37:05 And the support was so amazing like, one time,
37:10 one of my down days, I sent a poem to a friend of mine.
37:14 And the poem, I don't remember the name of it
37:17 but the line was, "I want to let go but I won't let go."
37:22 It had that refrain a lot.
37:23 And I sent that poem, I'm not gonna make it up,
37:25 I say at 1 o'clock.
37:27 At 3 o'clock, her husband,
37:28 the pastor was sitting in my room.
37:31 I mean, I had so much...
37:33 My husband...
37:35 And talk about being a silent witness because...
37:40 My husband's an elder, he's been first elder,
37:42 I was an elder
37:43 and so, and we just kind of tell our kids things.
37:47 So they go to the hospital,
37:50 my kids spent the night in the hospital, literally.
37:53 I can't tell you how many times
37:54 I had to watch Chronicles of Narnia
37:56 because they brought a projector
37:58 and projected it on the wall, and they spent the night.
38:03 And my friends, I guess they called it being normal
38:07 but my friends took my food,
38:09 like I finally get some French fries,
38:11 and, you know, you don't get French fries in the hospital,
38:12 and I turned around,
38:14 and like they'd be eating my food.
38:15 "Yes, you know who you are."
38:18 But I really had...
38:19 My best friend was working,
38:21 living in one state and working in California,
38:24 and I looked up, and she was there.
38:28 My oldest daughter who was getting ready to get married,
38:30 as I've said, stopped her life and came down,
38:34 you know, 500, 600 miles
38:36 and, you know, managed her siblings,
38:38 and took everybody to school and work.
38:39 My sister and my other sister-in-law,
38:42 my mother-in-law, so I really had...
38:44 And the hospital noticed.
38:46 They said, "You have amazing support,"
38:48 and then they would tell me stories of husbands
38:50 who would leave, wife would get in a terrible car accident,
38:52 and she's gonna be paralyzed for life,
38:54 or she's going to be handicapped.
38:55 And husband would come to the rehab
38:56 or call her in the rehab, and say, "I'm done.
38:58 I can't do it."
39:00 And so for them to see, you know, my family there,
39:03 my husband set up camp. I mean, he's got a computer,
39:05 he's got papers all over the place.
39:07 You know, I'm like, "Can I get space of that,
39:08 a little spot of that for my meal?"
39:11 I mean, and so I had amazing...
39:15 I mean, God just really surrounded me with people
39:17 that were just positive.
39:19 One lady from my church would just...
39:20 You know, I had lentils and rice
39:22 and, you know, good food.
39:23 Yes.
39:24 I was really, really blessed.
39:26 I have pictures of my kids sleeping in my bed,
39:27 and I'm in the wheelchair.
39:29 Yeah. Yeah.
39:30 So really, really blessed in that sense.
39:32 Praise the Lord. Yeah, very blessed.
39:33 So at this point now,
39:38 you're not investing yourself in any of the,
39:42 'I'm going to be paralyzed the rest of my life, rhetoric.'
39:47 No.
39:49 That's out. Way out.
39:50 So what turned things around?
39:53 How did God turn this around?
40:00 So before I get exactly to that,
40:04 there's just one little gap we have to fill in.
40:06 Okay. I started getting better.
40:10 And I was well enough and stable enough.
40:14 This is a quiz question for you,
40:16 to not be in the hospital
40:18 but not well enough to be at home,
40:20 so what happens?
40:22 Rehab or something.
40:23 One of those interim places.
40:25 Well, you can call it an interim place,
40:27 it was a nursing home.
40:28 Oh, wow. Oh, wow.
40:32 So now let's recap.
40:34 I have five children, I'm healthy,
40:37 I'm doing mission trips. I'm a runner.
40:40 In my mind, this is not where I fit.
40:43 Right.
40:44 Right, I don't fit here.
40:46 Right.
40:47 But I couldn't go home.
40:50 I was not ready to be at home,
40:52 and so they sent me to this place.
40:55 And, you know, everybody kind of says,
40:59 you know, you don't get the best rehab and those.
41:00 I mean, I was in the top rehab place.
41:02 I was in a place
41:03 that people come from all over the United States.
41:05 There were even people there from England, and Germany,
41:07 and top rehab place.
41:09 And so now I'm going to a nursing home,
41:11 and everybody's thinking, "Oh, this is terrible.
41:14 You know, she's not going to...
41:15 If she couldn't walk there, what's going to happen?"
41:19 But somebody forgot to tell,
41:20 one of my main physical therapist was Mary.
41:23 Somebody forgot to tell her
41:25 that rehab in her place wasn't good.
41:28 She didn't get the memo.
41:30 And so she said, "I know about that place where you were."
41:34 She said, "They have all the bells..."
41:35 And she said, "Let me tell you something.
41:36 There's no bells and there's no whistles.
41:38 You're going to walk
41:39 because we are going to get you strong enough
41:40 to walk just like a baby on your knees."
41:44 And I couldn't even balance on all fours,
41:46 like that's how I couldn't even balance on.
41:48 So a physical therapy session
41:49 would be me trying to balance on all fours.
41:52 Right.
41:54 Now this is deep into this, this is deep now.
41:56 I mean, now we're getting ready to,
41:58 if you want to call it, a walk.
42:01 And, you know, you'll see that all of the pressure
42:05 is on my arms but...
42:11 You actually had to learn to walk again.
42:14 No. I actually had to learn to walk five times.
42:17 Every time back and forth, I learned to walk,
42:20 and then went back, and then learn to walk,
42:22 and then went back.
42:23 So this is...
42:25 No, this is time number,
42:27 I guess we'll call it number four of learning to walk.
42:33 Did you ever reach a point where you said,
42:38 "I just can't do this anymore.
42:40 This is just too much for me"?
42:42 Did you ever reached that place of just deep,
42:46 deep discouragement?
42:48 I got tired, and I got frustrated
42:52 but it was always going to be a story, you know.
42:56 And remember, the bigger thing is,
42:59 I told you, if God said you're not going to walk,
43:02 then you're not going to walk.
43:04 But I wasn't listening to anyone.
43:05 I mean, I was like a kid.
43:07 I mean, I was really not listening to anyone else.
43:10 And I told you,
43:11 no one's going to say it didn't happen because of me.
43:14 So I was focused on doing what I needed to do.
43:18 I was focused on doing my exercises,
43:20 I was focused on doing that walk, I was focused on,
43:23 it's hard to eat well in the hospital,
43:25 but at one point,
43:26 like my husband was making me beet juice, and spinach juice,
43:28 and carrot juice, and bring it in.
43:30 I convinced one of my occupational therapist
43:33 to let me make smoothies
43:35 as part of my occupational therapy.
43:37 So we brought in my vitamix, seriously,
43:39 put it in the cabinet, and she would...
43:42 We'd go down the hall,
43:43 and we go into a little kitchen area,
43:45 and my therapy would be going into the freezer,
43:47 taken out the fruit.
43:50 Right.
43:51 Going to the refrigerator, taking out the juice and stuff,
43:54 putting it in the vitamix.
43:55 You know, it's... Yeah.
43:56 That's good. Yeah.
43:58 Putting in the vitamix, closing it up,
43:59 they allowed that to be my therapy.
44:01 It got to the point where the nurses would say,
44:02 "Hey, can you make a little extra?
44:06 Can you make some extra?"
44:08 And so there were times like that, I want to let go.
44:12 There were times that I couldn't pray.
44:14 I wasn't mad, I just didn't know what to say,
44:17 like I'm out of words like...
44:20 Prayer ministry is so important.
44:24 I just literally could not pray for myself.
44:28 I had said it all.
44:29 I just didn't know what to say.
44:31 I wasn't mad at God. I wasn't upset.
44:34 I just didn't know what else to...
44:36 It had all been said.
44:39 So I was so grateful that there were people.
44:42 I mean, storming the gates of heaven in my behalf.
44:46 They are still stars to me.
44:48 They are, like, every time I see them,
44:51 I just hug them big,
44:53 and I mean, if I could give them a million dollars...
44:56 because I couldn't pray for myself,
44:58 and they stood in the gap and made sure that.
45:00 So, yeah, I had amazing support,
45:02 and that's probably another reason
45:03 that my mind never went to the depths of discouragement
45:07 that it could.
45:08 But again, I want to be clear, this is not about me, God,
45:11 that's the one area that God just protected.
45:14 So now, I'm in the nursing home,
45:16 and good news, bad news, I go home,
45:20 in a wheelchair, not able to walk.
45:24 This is definitely not...
45:25 Now my daughter is about to graduate from high school.
45:30 So now, you have the wedding coming up and the graduation.
45:32 I had the wedding coming up,
45:34 I have the graduation coming up.
45:35 My little one is just finishing up first grade.
45:38 Everybody has something big.
45:39 And I'm just like,
45:41 "God, I am going home to be a burden on my family."
45:44 You know, it's the woman thing now, right?
45:46 Yeah, yeah.
45:47 I'm not being productive, I'm not being a good wife,
45:48 I'm not being a good mother, I'm not being a good anything.
45:52 And now, at least, I was neutral in the hospital
45:55 but now I'm going to negative
45:58 because they're gonna have to take care of me.
45:59 Yes. Yes.
46:00 They're gonna have to help me.
46:02 And so it was really bitter-sweet going home
46:05 but I went home.
46:07 And...
46:12 I had a hospital room in my office.
46:16 I couldn't go up stairs,
46:17 so I had a hospital room in my office.
46:20 And that's how I lived.
46:23 You know what, by that time, I was able to transfer myself,
46:27 you know, using the strength of my arms.
46:28 I could get from the wheelchair
46:32 to the couch or to the toilet.
46:36 I should say that when they diagnosed me,
46:39 the one thing that I did allow them to do
46:41 was order me the super, duper wheelchair.
46:44 And I did that because we had the best insurance
46:47 that we have ever had.
46:49 My husband worked for an insurance company.
46:54 Because of what I'm going to say,
46:55 I'm not going to say which one it was,
46:56 it was his worst job ever, and the worst boss ever
47:01 but I can say that
47:02 'cause I'm not going to tell you the company.
47:03 Right. Okay.
47:05 So the wheelchair was a price of a car
47:09 because it did everything.
47:11 It had all the bells and all the whistles,
47:12 it raised up, it swiveled, it was all terrain,
47:15 all terrain wheels so that you could,
47:17 you know, go to the beach if you wanted to,
47:18 and you could go in the concrete...
47:20 I mean, it was an amazing thing.
47:23 And it came in 18 colors, let's not forget that.
47:27 This is the one time I had attitude.
47:30 The guy's telling you about this chair,
47:31 and really, if I could, I'm not prone to drama
47:33 but if I could have, I would have jumped up,
47:35 run out screaming, and crying and, you know.
47:38 But I couldn't do, I couldn't even wipe my tears
47:40 so I was like, "Okay, just stay here.
47:41 Be calm."
47:43 Well, I didn't tell myself to stay there,
47:44 I had to stay there.
47:45 But so they measured me,
47:47 and they're measuring me for the best of the best.
47:48 I mean, I got all the features
47:49 because the worse you are the more features you get.
47:52 Finally, I couldn't help myself,
47:54 and he is just telling me all about it.
47:55 And I said, "Sir, I'm really happy you like your job.
47:58 You seem like you really like your job."
48:00 I was also feeling bad
48:01 because there were people right in my same rehab
48:03 who couldn't get a chair
48:04 because they didn't have good insurance.
48:06 But I said, "Sir, it comes in 18 colors,
48:08 it does this, it does that."
48:10 I said, "But do you realize at the end of the day,
48:13 no matter what it does, it's a wheelchair."
48:18 I can't get excited about this, like,
48:19 I really cannot get excited because...
48:21 He was trying to get you all hyped up about that.
48:24 He was trying to get me excited.
48:25 I mean, to his credit, he loved what he did.
48:30 And probably, everybody in the place except for me
48:31 would have been happy to be getting that chair
48:34 but I just couldn't, again, it was the same thing,
48:36 I couldn't succumb to the joy of all those features thinking,
48:40 I'm not going to need them.
48:42 So my deal with God was, "God, look,
48:44 I'm gonna let them measure me for this chair
48:46 but I'm gonna need you to help me not to need that."
48:48 Because it was special ordered,
48:50 we didn't just go to the store and get it.
48:52 It sounds like, the deal is by the time the chair comes,
48:56 I don't want to need the chair,
48:57 so that's the only way
48:58 I'm letting them measure me for the chair
49:00 'cause I'm trusting by faith that by that time,
49:02 you're going to get on my time,
49:04 and I'm not going to need this chair.
49:06 So I go home now.
49:09 And what happens is this,
49:11 I get a call from Pastor George Williams,
49:13 never seen Pastor George Williams in my life
49:15 but he knew my best friend who was a wreck
49:18 because her friend was a wreck.
49:20 And he called me,
49:21 and every time he would call me and pray for me,
49:22 three or four times during the course of my illness,
49:24 something little would happen.
49:26 I remember, one time, he called and after he called,
49:27 I was able to open a water bottle.
49:29 Let me tell you, I was dry, call people up,
49:31 "Hey, I just opened a water bottle."
49:32 They were like, "Okay, good."
49:35 He called, and he said, "You should walk around your house
49:37 and give God praise."
49:38 I said, "Dude, I can't walk around my house
49:40 but I'm giving God praise."
49:42 The next day, I wake up,
49:44 and I feel this strange sensation in my body.
49:46 It's not good or it's not bad, it's just different.
49:50 I notice it.
49:51 I check it like, nope, nothing bad's happening,
49:53 I'm going about my business.
49:55 The next day, I wake up and I know that I can walk.
50:01 And you haven't walked for six months.
50:03 No. Oh, no, longer than that.
50:04 October, November, December, January, February, March,
50:06 April, May, June, and I know that I can walk.
50:12 I want to be clear,
50:13 God didn't tell me I could walk.
50:15 Holy Spirit didn't whisper you could walk.
50:16 I knew, I just knew that I could walk.
50:20 And so what's the goal to do?
50:22 Get up and walk. Get up and walk.
50:24 So I was in my office, the hospital room,
50:29 and nobody was home, and I was always careful
50:31 like I didn't want to add an injury.
50:32 Right.
50:34 But I was like, "I know I can do this."
50:35 So I pushed the wheelchair, the walker, and all that stuff,
50:39 and I got up, okay, and I walked the circle.
50:45 And I sat back down in my bed and I was like, "I love it."
50:49 So I did it again.
50:52 Then my husband came home, and I was like,
50:54 "I need to talk to you", and I told him.
50:56 And that's the video right there.
50:57 So that's the third walk because he was like,
51:00 "You have to let me video,
51:02 we have to send this to everyone."
51:04 And you can see, it's like, real suspect like...
51:07 Yeah, but you're walking.
51:09 And every day from that point...
51:11 You could walk. Every day from...
51:13 First of all, I never stopped walking after that,
51:16 that was it.
51:18 But more than that, every day, something happened,
51:21 like when that happen, I still can drive when that happened.
51:25 By July, the day my husband
51:27 started a new job in a new state,
51:29 the day I needed to drive, I drove.
51:34 Look at God. Next, I could drive to Walmart.
51:37 I could get the little cart
51:39 and wheel around to get my groceries
51:42 but somebody had to put them in the car for me,
51:44 and I couldn't take them out of the car when I get home.
51:46 Next time, I can push the cart around at Walmart
51:50 but I still can't carry the groceries.
51:52 Right.
51:53 Next time, I can push the cart,
51:54 I can carry one bag of groceries
51:56 because we lived in an apartment at that time
51:58 because we're in the process of moving.
52:00 Next time, I can carry two bags,
52:02 and every day, more and more and more happens.
52:05 Every day more happens.
52:08 I told you my prayer was not to get to be as good as I was
52:11 but to get better.
52:12 Better.
52:14 And so, and I told you, I told the doctor,
52:17 when I was paralyzed,
52:19 that I was going to do, what, quiz question.
52:20 Run a full marathon.
52:24 Three years to the day, three years to the day,
52:29 I ran the Marine Corps Marathon, 26.2 miles.
52:34 What?
52:35 26.2 miles, did the Marine Corps Marathon.
52:39 I had never done a marathon before.
52:41 But I only did it
52:43 because I wanted to do something that I hadn't done.
52:45 I wanted to do something to say,
52:46 "No, God is not just taking me to do what I could do before,
52:50 He's taking me to do more."
52:52 Now a little twist 'cause you're the naturopath.
52:57 When I was at about 65 or 75%, God said to me,
53:02 "The doctors have done all they can do,
53:04 and you're good to be where you are."
53:06 People don't get back to this point
53:07 when they have the chronic version,
53:10 "You are 65 or 75%, you have a decision to make."
53:12 He said, "This is not a command.
53:14 You can follow My eight laws of health
53:17 and that will take you to where you were and beyond.
53:22 You can do what you want to do and stay at 65 or 75%.
53:25 The choice is yours."
53:28 And so now, that was five years ago
53:32 that He said that to me.
53:33 To this day, this is my story.
53:38 As long as I do what I'm supposed to do,
53:40 I feel fantabulous.
53:43 And the second...
53:44 Oh, I cannot get rest for two days,
53:47 day three, I'm done.
53:51 I mean, I don't eat perfect
53:52 but I can slack up a day or two.
53:56 After that, I literally feel it.
53:59 I can be stressed for a day but long term stress,
54:02 I literally feel it.
54:04 So this business of new start,
54:07 this business of creation health,
54:10 this business of us living the way that
54:13 this book says we are to live, it is keeping me alive.
54:18 And I'm not that person that, you know, when I go to eat,
54:21 I don't look at what's on your plate,
54:24 maybe I should care more
54:26 but that's not what God said to you.
54:28 I just know what He said to me.
54:30 Now people are concerned about my plate
54:32 because I'm walking around carrying them salads
54:34 and, you know, carrying them little green juices
54:36 and all of that,
54:37 but I do more mission trips now than I did before I got sick.
54:42 I am at three or four trips a year.
54:44 I just got back from India two weeks ago,
54:48 and in June I'm going to Kenya, in July I'm going to Bolivia.
54:55 That's three big international trips in one year.
54:58 It's huge.
55:00 But that's the blessing of what God can do,
55:03 that's the blessing of...
55:05 Okay, yeah.
55:06 Some medicine got you this far, some doctors got you this far,
55:09 but if you really want to do this thing,
55:11 you want to do three four trips a year, you want to go...
55:13 I registered again
55:15 for the Marine Corps marathon this morning.
55:18 Another 26.2 miles I have in front of me, why?
55:22 My girlfriend made a sign for me once
55:24 when I ran because I can't.
55:27 Honestly, at this point,
55:29 I didn't really love running like that.
55:31 But because I can't put one foot
55:32 in front of the other,
55:34 I'm gonna do it for all the people who cannot.
55:36 All the people who cannot.
55:37 I wish I can wear their names on my back
55:39 and on my front and all over.
55:41 This is so amazing
55:43 because it just shows how God can take a situation
55:47 that looks to everybody else as hopeless and turn it around.
55:52 What would you say has been the greatest lessons
55:56 that you learned from this experience?
56:03 There's no such thing as hopeless.
56:06 One of my favorite text is, "'You are My witness,
56:09 says the Lord."
56:10 I want people to look at me and know that there is a God.
56:13 Yes. I do. I...
56:15 They don't have to know all the rules and regulations,
56:17 but I want them to see me and know there is a God.
56:19 So one of the lessons is no matter what's going on,
56:22 you can always be a witness, that's one of them.
56:24 Another one is we have a great health message,
56:28 use it, follow it.
56:31 And if you don't know what it is, what should they do?
56:36 I use Genesis 1:29.
56:38 I mean, it just tells you what to eat, fruit and vegetables.
56:41 Now, there's so much information everywhere
56:44 that it's hard to say, "You don't know."
56:47 But some people, you know, some people watching
56:49 might not be familiar with healthy living.
56:53 And also, we're saying fruits, vegetables,
56:55 nuts, seeds, and grains.
56:57 And grains. Absolutely, and lots of water.
56:59 Lots of water.
57:01 Another lesson that I've learned
57:03 is support matters, pray for people,
57:07 visit people in the hospital, send them cards,
57:09 it really does make a difference.
57:12 Family is everything.
57:14 And God is all that,
57:16 I shouldn't say He's all that in bag of chips
57:18 'cause we just said, "You should eat healthy", right?
57:20 So I would say God is absolutely, positively,
57:24 awesomely, amazing.
57:25 Awesomely amazing.
57:27 And it's fun to serve Him.
57:28 It is fun to serve Him
57:30 because He is there, He's always there,
57:32 He will never leave us nor forsake us,
57:35 and He loves us so much.
57:37 He's got us, He's got our back.
57:38 Thank you so much for being with us.
57:41 My pleasure.
57:42 What a blessing to have you
57:44 and just to hear what God has brought you
57:47 and to see what He is continuing to do in your life.
57:50 Thank you for sharing that.
57:52 We hope that you were blessed today.
57:54 What a powerful testimony Loretta shared with us.
57:58 We hope that you'll tune in next time
57:59 because you know what?
58:01 It just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2018-04-23