Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Anthony Elder
Series Code: UBR
Program Code: UBR000195A
00:01 Stay tuned to hear what every woman and man
00:03 needs to know about how to avoid Car Repair Scams and rip offs. 00:07 My name is Yvonne Lewis 00:09 and you're watching Urban Report. 00:35 Hello and welcome to Urban Report. 00:37 My guest today is Anthony Elder 00:40 also known as the Car Care King, 00:42 Anthony has more than 25 years of experience 00:46 in the automobile industry, 00:47 he's going to share some facts on car maintenance 00:50 and how to avoid being ripped off. 00:53 Welcome to Urban Report again Anthony. 00:56 Thank you for having me again Mrs. Lewis, 00:59 thank you very much for having me, 01:00 last time I enjoyed myself tremendously 01:03 and I'm glad that I'm back 01:05 to give some information to your Listeners. 01:08 Thank you... we are so glad to have you 01:10 because there are so many things that we don't know... 01:13 about... you know, especially as women, 01:16 I feel like this is kind of a... 01:18 today is kind of a focus on woman 01:20 because so many of us don't really know 01:24 not every women... 01:25 some women really know about car repair and stuff like that 01:27 but I don't... I really don't... 01:29 and I know a lot of women who don't, 01:31 like, what do you do to avoid scams and rip offs and all that 01:35 so, I want you to be 01:37 our regular Car Care Advocate 01:42 because we really need to be able to have someone 01:45 that we can regularly count on 01:47 and that seems to be you so thank you again. 01:49 You're welcome... you're welcome 01:52 I just want to talk about the women 01:55 because woman are a majority in this world 01:58 and they're getting taken advantage of... 02:00 I mean, I have a mother and I have sisters 02:03 and I have a daughter, 02:04 I don't like seeing those women taken advantage of 02:07 and I hate when I hear stories of them... 02:10 that some people have taken advantage 02:12 and took money out of their family 02:15 in getting their car fixed 02:17 when they could have done it for cheaper 02:19 and still made a profit, that's disgusting. 02:21 Yeah and you know the thing is... is that 02:24 as a woman, sometimes, you're focused on other stuff, 02:27 you're focused on your job, your family and all that stuff 02:30 so you might not know about what to do with your car 02:34 and my older son would say, "I would just gas and go... " 02:38 because I really just kind of don't really know 02:41 about all of that stuff, so, one of the things that 02:44 is important is knowing what you don't know, 02:49 like, when I go to... to get my car repaired... 02:53 how will I know what to look for, how do I know... 02:57 how do I know if somebody's scamming me? 02:58 Well, there are signs that you can really look at 03:02 if the guy is not looking you in the face 03:04 and giving you... what's the word I'd like to refer to? 03:07 "The bull story... " that's... you know you can see that... 03:11 when you ask him a question 03:12 and he starts to feel uncomfortable, 03:15 you know that there is a problem, 03:16 if you start to say to him and put him on the defense 03:20 and he's giving a little "push back" 03:22 you know you're having a problem so what you need to do 03:26 is educate yourself before you go there 03:28 there are a lot of places out there that can help you, 03:31 I found another nice one called, Women-Drivers. com 03:34 that's geared up for women 03:35 and shows them different things they can do, 03:37 to have their car serviced and avoid being ripped off 03:40 but you have to go in there 03:43 with the mindset of not being afraid, 03:44 trust me... I know women hate going to the car dealership... 03:48 hate going... I hate going to cook... 03:50 I hate buying groceries so I do understand that 03:53 but we have to educate ourselves especially for our women 03:58 and let them learn how to take care of their car 04:02 especially now a days. 04:04 Yeah, that's good, that's good... 04:06 why do you think that these guys... 04:08 because mostly guys, mechanics and stuff... 04:10 why do you think they take advantage of women like that? 04:12 We don't want to get into the psyche of it all 04:16 but I think... one would think the motivation is money 04:18 or taking advantage of the weak, 04:21 when people... stronger people take advantage of weak people, 04:24 they abuse them... 04:26 they don't treat them a 100 percent like they should be 04:28 and that's what causes the problem 04:30 and that's why I want to stand up to let people know... 04:33 our Viewers know that they can stop being ripped off 04:36 if they take some time and do a little investigation 04:39 and don't depend on everything 04:41 they're telling you... do some checking. 04:44 Now, is this what you do every day? 04:47 I do it every day... 24 hours a day, 04:49 in my sleep I think about cars 04:52 I do... everyday... car shows... 04:54 I travel... I went to a Car Show in New Hampshire 04:57 and looked at the Car Show, I love cars. 05:00 I like them because I grew up around them 05:02 when I was eight years old, 05:04 I didn't know I was going to get into it like this 05:06 but I'm glad I am because when I hear people say 05:08 that I helped them save money 05:10 and they understand how a car works, 05:12 that gives me a joy in my heart 05:15 and that's what I do it for. 05:17 I want to talk a little bit about how you got to this place 05:22 before we get back to the whole rip-off-scam thing 05:25 and I think that's important but I want our Viewers to 05:28 have a better sense of who you are 05:30 and why you have this as your mission... 05:34 what put this passion 05:37 for helping people with cars... in your heart? 05:41 Well, I got... number one, 05:45 I got tired of seeing people getting ripped off, 05:49 that... it bothered my spirit because I believe in God 05:52 and I love God and I believe 05:54 that we should take care of each other, 05:56 especially like the Bible says, the woman and the children, 05:58 take care of them and it began to bother me 06:02 so, something just came over me, 06:04 and said, "somebody... nobody is saying anything," 06:07 I need to say something, 06:08 let me start telling people how this works 06:11 and like I said, 06:12 I've been in the car business for a long time 06:13 and a lot of people said to me, 06:15 "You're the fairest guy out there, 06:16 you always take care of people, why you do this, 06:19 why would you do that?" 06:20 I said, "Because, I know that I'll be taken care of... 06:23 if I do it right, I'll be taken care of... " 06:25 people want to do business with people that treat them right 06:29 there's not enough of us out there, 06:31 so I have to put it on my shoulders 06:33 to come on Shows like yours to let people know 06:36 that you can get your car serviced properly 06:40 without getting ripped off 06:41 that when you bring it in 06:42 you feel like they're going to rip you off, 06:44 that's not a good feeling to have 06:47 so I wanted to have this for my own personal mission 06:51 and I'm glad that I have people that help me 06:53 like yourself... to push this out front 06:56 so people could start... stop... and start to learn 07:01 how not to get ripped off. 07:03 Wow, so what are some of the stories that... 07:07 experiences that you've had with helping... 07:10 particularly women 07:12 who have been able to avoid getting scammed. 07:16 I mean, there are so many... you know... 07:19 something comes to my mind, especially when people go and... 07:24 especially when women go in 07:25 and they tell them they need brakes, 07:27 okay, because brakes are easy to do, 07:29 it's a good profit center for the Big Box 07:32 and Small Box garages, 07:33 and they're going to say, "Well, your brakes are... 07:36 they're down 50 percent or less than 50 percent... " 07:39 well, brakes can go down to 20 percent 07:42 until they make a little squeaking noise... 07:44 you don't have to do them so early 07:46 but I see that people do that across the Country early 07:49 because they're looking for a profit 07:51 and the reason women can't... or men can't check 07:54 is because you have to take the rim off 07:56 and look at the brake pad and see if it's new 07:59 but some of these vehicles now-a-days... 08:01 you can look through 08:02 to see if they replaced your brake pads 08:04 which is a great thing now but other things... 08:07 stories... I find people overcharging them for 08:09 simple things like, if they need an exhaust clamp... 08:13 they charge them an hour to do that, 08:15 it takes 15 minutes... and you still made a profit... 08:18 things like that disgust me, I mean, 08:22 we need to be vigilant 08:25 on questioning the people that are working on our cars, 08:30 you're paying them anywhere from 85 to 155 dollars an hour, 08:34 I don't make 155 dollars an hour, 08:37 so if somebody's going to charge me that, 08:40 let me know what they are doing with my car. 08:44 So, you mean, labor can be as expensive as 08:47 a 155 dollars an hour for the labor? 08:50 Especially, you know, 08:52 I don't like to mention these cars 08:53 but I have to say this one, 08:55 the letter "B" for that type of car... 08:57 the letter "A" for that type of car, 09:00 the letter "P" for that type of car, 09:02 you know those high-end cars, the ones that go fast 09:05 and that are expensive, 09:07 they charge anywhere from 155 dollars an hour, 09:11 imagine that, you go in there for a couple of hours, 09:15 you're at 310 dollars 09:17 and you didn't even pay for the parts yet, 09:18 that's a lot of money... that's too much money... 09:23 Yeah, so what can... let's say 09:26 my brakes are starting to act up 09:29 and I go into a mechanic, 09:31 first of all, I got to find a mechanic, 09:34 right... and then... I go in to one... 09:37 I just find one online or something 09:40 and I go in and he starts telling me 09:44 okay, this, the brakes... 09:47 you have problems with the brakes but then 09:48 you also have this, this, this, this, this, this, this... 09:51 and he's just like a whole litany 09:53 of things that are wrong that have to be fixed 09:56 which is more money for him, how do I know 09:58 what takes precedence... like, how do I know how to... 10:02 it's... it's amazing... let me just preface this by saying, 10:06 it's amazing that... 10:08 like, I'm relatively intelligent on one end 10:11 but then when it comes to cars and stuff, 10:14 I really don't know a lot about cars, 10:16 that's never been my interest, that's never been my focus 10:20 so, I'm kind of like... easy to rip off, I think, 10:24 I'd be easy to rip off 10:27 just because I don't know enough about it 10:30 so, like you said, the first thing 10:32 is to educate myself before I even go 10:35 on whatever the symptoms are with the car, 10:38 I need to look that up 10:40 and kind of see what that could be, correct? 10:41 Correct, now, I'm going to tell you, 10:44 I'm sorry that you feel 10:46 they're going to take advantage of you, 10:47 that's no longer going to happen 10:49 because you got the Car Care Defender on your side. 10:52 Oh come on now... there you go, there you go... 10:55 I have the Car Care Defender! 10:57 Before that, the list that you're talking about... 10:59 in the Business, it's called the Laundry List, 11:02 a laundry list, you go in for one thing 11:04 and they give you five to ten different items on the car, 11:08 that's called a Laundry List, 11:09 you didn't go in for that, you went there for your brakes, 11:12 now they say you need headlights, 11:13 now they say you need a coolant service, 11:15 now they say you need to do a brake flip, 11:17 now they say you need tires, 11:19 that's called a Laundry List, 11:21 how to beat the Laundry List 11:22 and not be taken to the Cleaners... easy... 11:24 deal with the thing that you came in for 11:27 and that was brakes, 11:28 now, when they show you the brakes, 11:30 or tell you you need brakes, 11:32 make them show you the brake pad, 11:34 you have the right to request the parts 11:38 when you have your car serviced. 11:39 Now, if you get the brake pads back 11:41 and they look all rusty and they're down... 11:43 then you know you needed brakes, 11:45 but I like to do a comparison, 11:47 since you're spending your money, 11:49 anywhere from 155 dollars an hour, 11:51 ask them to bring you a new brake pad 11:53 and a used one and let you compare 11:56 so you can know that you are not being ripped off. 11:59 Ah... you know that's interesting 12:01 because that's not something I would ordinarily do, 12:05 like, I wouldn't ordinarily ask to see my old one, 12:10 to compare to see if my old one and the new one 12:14 show a real contrast and that makes a lot of sense 12:18 and we don't even realize that we can ask that. 12:21 That... that's your right to, 12:23 it's your right to ask for the part, 12:25 you are paying for the work, 12:27 it's your car, it's your parts. 12:30 "Let me have my parts back, let me take a look at them... " 12:34 that again, will put them on the... what? 12:36 On the defense, they're saying, 12:39 "Wow! this person really wants to make sure 12:41 we take care of them and that we don't rip them off" 12:44 now, it's a little more work for them, 12:46 but you're making sure that you are not being ripped off today. 12:50 Now, once again you got to do your work, 12:54 you've got to sometimes... just take a little bit more time 12:57 to go in there... investigate... like I said before, 12:59 there's YouTube, there's repairpal. com 13:02 there are so many different sites out there 13:04 that can assist you with not being ripped off 13:07 so, don't be afraid to speak up, I know when people go there 13:12 it's a Big-Box garage or a Small-Box garage, 13:15 they feel out of place, 13:16 but you've got to make yourself feel comfortable, 13:19 it's your hard-earned money and you want to be safe. 13:22 Thank you, what would you suggest like, 13:26 do you think that it's better to go to a large garage 13:31 that has a lot of business or a smaller one, 13:34 a small neighborhood kind of one, 13:37 what do you... what do you suggest? 13:39 Plus and minus on both sides, 13:42 the Big-Box Garage, like I say, 13:44 they have all the latest technology, tools and equipment, 13:47 the Small-Box Garage has good people there, 13:51 they don't have all the knowledge, tools or equipment 13:54 but they'll usually treat you fairly, 13:56 and if you can find a Big-Box Garage that can treat you fairly 14:00 that's a "win-win situation" but it's hard to find them, 14:04 what you do is, 14:05 women have to stick together and network, 14:07 you guys always talk... and I say "you guys... " 14:09 don't let me be chauvinist or anything, 14:11 but talk about different things 14:13 like, where to get this business deal? 14:15 What's going on here? 14:17 You got to do that with the garage, 14:18 if you find a garage that's good for you, 14:20 you've got to tell your female partners 14:22 "this garage... this guy treated me well 14:24 when I brought my car in for service," 14:26 and you've got to spread that and build that network 14:29 then he knows that he's getting clients from you 14:31 and he's going to treat each of you better 14:34 because he wants to keep earning that money 14:36 and earning that reputation 14:38 that he is geared towards taking care of the woman driver. 14:41 Ah... good... that's good, 14:44 okay, so, let's go to buying a car, 14:49 so, again, I want a new car all right, 14:53 so I go to a dealership and there's a list price on there, 14:58 how much of... how much leeway do I have 15:03 in negotiating from that list price 15:05 to the price that I want to pay? 15:07 That depends on the model of car, the brand of the car, 15:11 a lot of things come into play on that, 15:16 let me say this, if you're looking for a car, 15:20 you got to narrow it down to exactly the car that you want 15:22 and the model that you want 15:24 and then you are able to do your research 15:26 and go to the consumer report, you can go to Kelley Blue Book 15:29 and find out where this car price should be 15:32 but I always use my rule of thumb 15:34 if it's a new car, I'll tell them 15:36 I want 5,000 dollars off and I'm going to stick to that, 15:39 I want to start at that, 15:40 I know it's below what they can sell it for, 15:42 but I want to move them up, 15:44 I want them to work for their money, 15:46 now there has been a report out there, 15:49 that women pay more for cars than men, 15:51 they've been taking advantage of women, 15:54 over the last ten or fifteen decades, 15:56 they've been taking advantage of women 15:58 and you're going in there knowing... 16:01 with information... with consumer report... 16:03 Kelley Blue Book... you say, 16:04 "Well, I can buy it for this," you're showing the guy that, 16:07 True Book... True Auto... I can buy it for that... 16:10 now that puts him again on the defense, 16:14 so then you can get a better price 16:16 and then once he gives you that price, 16:18 hold on a little bit more and say, 16:20 you need a better price because remember, 16:24 this is a negotiation 16:27 and the person that sticks to their price 16:30 or sticks to their guns, usually can win 16:32 but at the end... the negotiation must have a 16:37 win-win situation... so... if you wanted 5,000 16:41 he can't move down to 5,000 16:42 but he was able to come down to 3,000... you've won. 16:46 you got the car at a better price than you would have gotten 16:50 if you walked in there and didn't say one word, 16:52 you would have paid the full price 16:53 so that's one of the things you must do 16:56 because remember, it's negotiation... 16:57 like we negotiate with our kids, it's the same thing 17:00 but it's just a guy behind the desk with a tie on 17:02 trying to sell you a car... just remember that. 17:05 Right, right... so you go in there 17:09 and you take the car for a test drive, 17:12 now, if it's a used car, 17:14 how do you know that it's not like, a lemon? 17:19 If you drive it and it seems fine, 17:22 you don't hear any noises or anything, 17:24 how can you... what's the best way... 17:27 to avoid getting a lemon? 17:29 Go for a test drive, take it through the paces, 17:34 put the brakes on hard, steer hard, 17:37 go over bumps, listen to everything, 17:39 roll the windows up and down, open the doors, the trunk, 17:42 everything... and then the last thing you want to do 17:45 is... ask them to bring the car to the back of the garage 17:49 and put it up on the lift and let you look underneath them. 17:52 And what am I looking for? 17:54 Doesn't matter... you're just looking out for rust 17:56 or anything unusual, 17:57 this is the part where you got to become an actor, 17:59 act like you know what you're doing. 18:01 But if you do that... 18:04 that shows them that you're concerned with the vehicle, 18:07 remember, it's all a game here, 18:09 you're trying to get the best deal 18:11 and they're trying to sell for the most that they can 18:14 and when you bring the car back to the garage, 18:17 you got it up in the air, the guy is thinking about, 18:19 "Oh, she might see this under there... 18:21 oh... I don't know... " 18:22 now, he's going to come back and go, 18:24 "Okay, well, we'll do a deal, we'll do it for that price" 18:26 because he doesn't want to continue going on 18:29 because you're taking him through the paces 18:31 but you make them work for his money, 18:34 that's what you're doing, 18:35 you have every right to have the vehicle inspected 18:39 by another dealership but you, of course, 18:42 you have to pay for it 18:44 or you have to pay for the car, bring it back, 18:46 there are so many things that go into it, 18:47 so have them bring it to the back of the garage, 18:49 put it up in the air and let you look underneath of it, 18:52 I mean, you can see if it's got brand-new tires, 18:54 you can see if it got bald tires, 18:56 you can see if things are leaking, 18:57 if you see something leaking down, 18:59 you know that there's something wrong. 19:01 Right, right, that's good. 19:02 I mean... obvious things, you don't have to be afraid 19:05 the car is not going to fall on you 19:07 when you have it up in the air, 19:09 so make them work for their money 19:11 and that's how you're going to avoid being ripped off 19:13 and get the best price available. 19:15 That's good... that's good... 19:16 what would you say are the five biggest mistakes 19:19 that women or men make 19:22 when they're either going for a repair 19:24 or going to purchase a car? 19:28 Not asking any questions. 19:30 Okay, that's the first one, not asking any questions. 19:34 Not asking any questions. 19:35 Unpack that a little bit for us. 19:37 "What are you going to do, how are you going to do it, 19:42 how long it's going to take, 19:44 when do you expect to have my car back 19:46 and are you going to keep me informed?" 19:48 Going through all those things, 19:49 making sure that you're getting your money's worth. 19:52 Second, "Do you provide any transportation? 19:55 Do you give loaner cars, do you have rental cars?" 19:59 third... 20:00 Let me go back to that for a second 20:02 because that's a good one 20:04 because a lot of times, you know, like, 20:06 you might have damaged your car 20:10 in an accident or something and some places 20:14 would give you loaners, right? 20:16 While they're repairing your car, 20:18 they'll give you a loaner and other places don't, 20:21 so this is... this is an important thing to ask 20:24 because some people don't even know 20:25 that you can get a loaner. 20:27 Right... yeah if you can... it saves you money, 20:29 the average rental car is what, 30 dollars or 40 dollars? 20:32 So that saves you a couple of dollars 20:35 I want you also to make sure you ask, 20:37 "What is the warranty of the repair?" 20:39 So that if you do... we're going to use "brakes" again, 20:42 "If you do my brakes, what is the warranty?" 20:44 12 months... 12,000 miles... how long am I covered for? 20:50 If I come... do I hear a squeak I bring it back... 20:52 do I pay nothing out of my pocket, 20:54 do you take care of it for me? 20:56 Can I go to another place and have it fixed? 20:58 If you went to a Big-Box Garage, 21:00 so, you want to know that, you want to know the warranty, 21:04 you want to know the warranty of the work that is being done, 21:07 you don't want to pay for the work twice, 21:09 you don't want to pay for it twice. 21:12 That's right, I've heard stories of people who 21:16 take their car in and it's supposedly fixed 21:19 and they take it out and they start driving it 21:23 and the same thing happens right away again... 21:26 so it looks like it was never really fixed 21:29 so you're saying, check to see if there is 21:32 some kind of guarantee or warranty on their work. 21:36 Absolutely, you want to make sure of that. 21:38 Do most garages do that, 21:40 do they give a warranty on their work? 21:43 Yes, they do... but Small-Box Garages... 21:46 their warranty is smaller 21:47 and the Big-Box Garages, their warranty is bigger, 21:50 some manufacturers are there... 21:52 are giving two years, 21:53 24,000 miles on the work that they have done at their garages 21:57 and the Small-Box Garages, 21:59 they're usually, sometimes they give 30 to 60 days, 22:01 remember, they don't have the same network 22:03 because they're usually independently owned... 22:05 so, you got to go back to them, 22:08 sometimes you have to pay the labor, 22:09 sometimes you have to pay the parts, 22:10 that's why you need to find out, exactly what is your warranty 22:14 so if you put a brand-new part in it and it fails, 22:17 do you have to pay for that if the part fails 22:19 and he has to do it again? 22:20 That's not right but you need to know upfront. 22:23 Another thing they need to know is to make sure 22:27 that you are able to go for a ride with the technician 22:31 when they're working on your car, 22:33 what I mean by that... if you go in there and say 22:35 that you're hearing a noise in the back, 22:37 can somebody go out with you 22:38 so you can demonstrate it to them 22:40 so they know the right problem to fix. 22:42 They're not fixing a problem in the front 22:44 when you say the noise is in the back, 22:46 confirm the noise... confirm what's wrong... 22:49 Anthony, that is so good because 22:52 you can go in and you can say, 22:55 "I've got this noise up in the front... " 22:57 and then you come to pick the car up 23:00 and they've done something else, 23:02 they haven't even fixed the noise in the front, 23:04 they fixed something going on in the back 23:05 so you're saying, "When you go in, 23:08 you let a Tech experience... 23:11 you show them just where the problem is 23:15 so that they know what to fix. " 23:16 Right, you out with him and say, "Can we go out on a test drive 23:20 before I drop my car off, 23:21 I want you to experience the noise, 23:23 I don't want it going to two or three different people 23:25 miles or... experience 23:28 because they might lose it in translation, 23:30 so let's go out for a couple of minutes. 23:31 Now, when you come back, you want to go out again 23:35 with that Technician and make sure the noise is gone. 23:38 Hmmm... so you want to make sure... 23:40 you want to go out with the same... 23:42 with the person that worked on your car 23:44 that you told the problem to... you want to make sure 23:48 that you go back out with him so that 23:50 you know and they know that that problem has been fixed, 23:53 they know that you know... 23:55 whether or not the problem has been fixed. 23:56 Yeah, right, absolutely and then we can go from there, 23:58 so then we can deal with 24:00 what we said at the beginning of the conversation, 24:02 the Laundry List... we can deal with that later 24:05 but now my problem is fixed that I came in for 24:08 and that's the main thing, what I told you before, 24:10 the safety-related items first, do what you came in for, 24:15 don't let them sell you a whole lot of other things 24:17 that you didn't come in for, 24:18 let me fix this problem and then we'll work on the other 24:21 what I call, maintenance service items later. 24:25 Oh that's good, that's really, really good 24:29 where are... that you've seen the biggest issues 24:35 that people come to you about? 24:36 Like, when people need your advocacy, 24:39 what are some of the... the things, 24:41 the problems that they bring to you? 24:43 They bring me a lot of problems dealing with transmissions, 24:47 electronic problems 24:49 and most of all what they bring me 24:51 is... they're not being heard, 24:53 they want to know, "How can I make this person 24:55 understand what I need to have done and charge me fairly. " 24:59 They want to know that, 25:00 that's mostly what they want to know. 25:02 "Why they're not listening to me?" 25:03 I get a lot of that, 25:04 "Why did they fix something that I didn't want repaired? 25:07 I didn't want that repaired... " just like you said, 25:09 you went in for a noise in the back, 25:11 they fixed something in the front... 25:13 you still got the noise... you're agitated now 25:15 because that wasn't the noise, there was no clarification 25:18 so the main thing you need now is communication 25:21 and a lot of people want to know, 25:23 "How can I communicate to the people that's working 25:26 on your car... to fix it right?" 25:28 Give him all the details that you can. 25:30 Tell them when the problem happens... 25:32 in the morning, whenever you stop... 25:34 what day... you know, give them all the information 25:37 like you're talking to a girlfriend, 25:39 tell them everything that's going on with your car 25:41 and then, let them write it down 25:43 and then tell them to read it back to you, 25:45 so you can make sure... 25:46 they're fixing your car correctly. 25:48 That's good, see... you're giving such great information 25:52 and I know our Viewers appreciate it 25:55 because there's so much that we don't know 25:57 about this, it just cannot... 25:58 you know, it's another world for some of us, 26:01 we just don't really deal with all this 26:04 so we're so glad to have you to share that. 26:06 What's the closing thought that you would give 26:09 to a Viewer and also, let us know 26:11 how to reach you, what's your website? 26:14 My website is CarCareDefender. com 26:17 CarCareDefender. com 26:19 one of my closing remarks I want to say to you, 26:21 when you're dealing with the car dealerships, 26:24 Big-Box... Small-Box... 26:25 make sure they explain it to you in layman's terms, 26:27 layman's terms... that you can understand it, 26:30 make sure that they're polite 26:32 and they treat you and respect you 26:34 and do not... do not downgrade... 26:36 they'll talk down to you... demand respect from them 26:40 because you are paying them to work for you, 26:42 this... you remember that... when you're going into a garage, 26:45 you are contracting them to work for you, 26:48 if that same guy came to your house 26:50 to work on a door and he didn't do it right, 26:52 you would tell... he had to do it over, 26:54 "You didn't do it right 26:55 and I'm not going to pay you till you do it right. " 26:57 You got to use that same philosophy 26:58 when you're dealing with the people 27:00 that are working on your car, 27:01 if they don't do it right, hold them accountable 27:04 to make sure it's right 27:06 because it's your life and your family 27:07 when you're driving in your automobile, 27:10 that's nothing to joke with... so... 27:13 That's right... 27:14 Nothing to be played with so you want them 27:17 to be accountable and make sure that they are 27:19 if they're not, call me and I'll get in their case... for you! 27:23 Thank you Anthony, we really appreciate you, 27:30 thank you so much, our time is up, 27:32 you have been a wonderful guest as usual 27:34 and we're going to have you back again 27:37 because, I just feel like you have information 27:40 that our Viewers need to know 27:41 as we continue down this life path, 27:44 God expects us to be good stewards 27:47 so thank you so much for being with us 27:49 and we're going to have you back again. 27:52 Again, God expects us to be good stewards 27:54 of the funds that's He's entrusted to us 27:57 so, we should avoid paying more than what's fair, 28:00 thank you for joining us... 28:02 join us next time 28:03 because it just wouldn't be the same without you. |
Revised 2016-10-13