Urban Report

Wildwood College & Health Evangelism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Jesse Zwicker, Shawn Craig


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000108

00:01 Have you ever wanted to do Health Evangelism
00:03 but you couldn't afford to leave home to study it...
00:06 well, stay tuned to find out how you can do just that...
00:08 My name is Yvonne Lewis, and you're watching
00:11 Urban Report.
00:33 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:35 My guests today are Jesse Zwiker,
00:38 Director of the Wildwood College of Health Evangelism
00:41 and Shawn Craig, Online School Coordinator
00:44 of Wildwood College of Health.
00:46 Welcome to Urban Report guys... Thank you very much...
00:49 Yeah... you guys are here... so nice to have you here...
00:52 Tell us a little bit about Wildwood...
00:55 maybe some of our viewers don't know about Wildwood...
00:58 tell us... what is Wildwood?
01:00 Well, Wildwood is a Lifestyle Center and Hospital
01:03 located in... near the Chattanooga area...
01:05 in the North-west side of Georgia...
01:07 it's a place where people who have lots of
01:10 chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease,
01:13 cancer... they can go and find
01:15 restoration...
01:16 That's incredible... and they can learn
01:20 like learn how to do things like cook a certain way
01:24 or prepare foods a certain way, the idea with Wildwood is
01:27 we don't want to just treat people with sickness
01:30 we want to actually give them tools
01:32 so where they can go home and actually live a lifestyle
01:35 that actually helps them to well... be healthier...
01:38 And how important is that, because I think
01:41 often... I used to practice natural medicine...
01:43 in Dallas and a lot of times I'd have patients come to me
01:47 and they really didn't know what to eat...
01:50 like, "What should I eat?" and then you'd say,
01:52 "Well, choose this over that" and you show them
01:54 healthy substitutions and it makes such a difference
01:58 like... what is the average when a person comes there
02:02 what's the average day like in Wildwood?
02:05 Well, at Wildwood they come in...
02:07 they have... they wake up... really early...
02:10 actually, compared to most people
02:11 it's a little early...
02:13 How early is "really early?"
02:14 Really early is... I'm not a morning person...
02:16 you know, a little secret... me neither...
02:19 Okay... just shush...
02:20 okay...
02:21 the alarm goes off at 6:30
02:23 when I say "alarm" I don't mean this
02:24 jarring "jing... jing... jing... "
02:26 they just play nice music little gently...
02:28 and it comes up a little louder
02:29 and a little louder... and they just...
02:30 just... ah, makes you wake up and... Ah...
02:32 and then they have a little morning devotion
02:33 that Steven...?
02:36 You didn't say what time... It's usually like 6:30 or 6:45
02:40 Okay... this is how it happens
02:41 and then... at 7 o'clock is breakfast...
02:43 after breakfast they usually go for a nice
02:45 digestive walk around campus, around the nice trails...
02:47 it's a really beautiful campus especially in the spring time...
02:50 right around this time of the year...
02:52 fall time... it's beautiful... after that...
02:54 they come back, they have lifestyle lectures...
02:55 at different times of the day
02:57 and they might have a hydrotherapy treatment
02:59 where they get a hot and cold shower or
03:01 a massage or something of that nature
03:03 they get that... during the day...
03:05 and they have lunch at 1:00 and again... they have
03:08 the lectures happening throughout the time...
03:10 they have time where they can communicate
03:11 with their doctor about specific health issues
03:13 and they just have a really... an experience that's
03:16 tailor-made for them... and see that's so important
03:18 too... because
03:20 one size doesn't fit all
03:22 Exactly... so what one person needs
03:25 another person might not necessarily need
03:27 so I love the fact that you say, that it's tailor-made
03:30 that's really, really great, that's really customized
03:33 for the person... one of the things that
03:36 I just thought about while you were talking was
03:39 how great it would be if we had some churches
03:42 that would want to bring some of their folks down
03:45 that are really sick, that have chronic diseases
03:48 like diabetes or cancer, or hypertension
03:50 and they could bring them down
03:52 they could do like a weight-loss deal
03:55 with you guys... and really learn
03:57 how to make the right choices
04:00 that can help to either treat and prevent
04:05 a worsening of the condition, so, I think that...
04:10 that would be a phenomenal thing...
04:12 It's actually very amazing what these kinds of things
04:16 can do... it's just a few days, you know,
04:19 and what... I mean... I just talked to
04:21 one of the guests that was here
04:24 just a few months ago... and she came in
04:26 she actually came in in a wheelchair...
04:29 okay... she couldn't walk at all she was very obese,
04:33 he has hypertension and all the related diseases,
04:36 Right... and so, just through...
04:40 I mean, just 25 days that she was there,
04:43 you know, she... at the end of her time,
04:47 she gave her testimony, and it was just...
04:50 she started crying... she was so happy
04:53 and she's like, "I am walking 3 miles a day...
04:57 after just 25 days... you know, it's very amazing
05:02 and she came with 20 different pills...
05:04 and she actually was able reduce it all to one pill,
05:08 from 20 pills... you know, in just a few days...
05:11 very amazing... you know, I couldn't believe it...
05:14 How tremendous is that... that God has given us
05:17 what we need... to heal... if we would just
05:21 make... just certain adjustments she came to you
05:24 in a wheelchair... Hmmm... hmmm...
05:26 and left... walking 3 miles a day
05:29 That's right... how phenomenal is that!
05:31 how great... is our God! Amen...
05:33 that everything that we need, we can get
05:37 if we just give the body what it needs
05:40 it can heal... but we don't because
05:43 we're victims of convenience, and... the sugar monster
05:49 all these things that really just can take us
05:53 down that disease path... These are the
05:56 amazing things to me...
05:57 that it's just... it's simple... natural remedies
06:01 you know... it's like... it's not an amazing science
06:04 it's just like... okay... exercise,
06:07 eat a little bit healthy... more plant-based and different things
06:10 very, very simple, you know, I mean... just...
06:13 and with those small things
06:15 and we just train them,
06:18 our side of Wildwood... Wildwood has the hospital
06:21 which is, by the way, is one of the only,
06:24 if not the only Natural Remedy Hospital
06:26 that we have in the States, and even in the world...
06:30 but apart from that... it has all these other
06:35 sectors with connecting with our health-food business
06:38 the health-food store, the herb shop
06:41 and so forth... so it's really a holistic
06:44 approach... it's just not teaching them
06:46 how to live, but then, here are the solutions
06:48 with the organic gardens, with all these kinds of things
06:51 and so it really helps... and we actually...
06:55 our specialty... where we work in... is...
06:57 in the training part of the thing... right...
07:00 we teach them how to do the cooking schools and
07:02 health talks and the hydro and massage
07:05 and all these simple things
07:07 that people can do anywhere...
07:08 not just... we teach them and train them
07:10 to do it in the Lifestyle Center and in the Hospital
07:13 but also people can do it in their homes
07:15 people can do it with their neighbors
07:18 they can do it to help people around them
07:20 and be a good influence and actually lead them
07:24 even to get spiritual interests and for them to
07:28 want to come to Christ and say,
07:31 "Man, what an amazing God, He really cares about
07:34 even how I am... He cares whether I'm
07:38 feeling good or not... " Right...
07:39 it's very powerful... very, very amazing...
07:41 That is a powerful thing, let me ask you
07:43 a little bit about the hospital before we get into
07:45 the online training... is the hospital...
07:48 you said it's the only... or one of the only ones
07:51 of it's kind because they use natural remedies
07:54 Yes... it's amazing to me that
07:56 you're allowed to do that... because of the powerful AMA
08:01 and all of that... it's like...
08:02 the fact that you can use it, so you have MDs
08:05 that do integrated medicine... That's right...
08:08 that is tremendous... what a blessing that is
08:11 because, how unusual it is because most of the time
08:14 you have... if your physician is an MD
08:18 they're in one area and then if the
08:22 the NDs... which... I'm an ND... are in a different area
08:26 so it's kind of like it's an amazing thing
08:29 that you guys have a hospital there...
08:32 and they are able to prescribe medication if necessary
08:36 That's right... but they deal with
08:37 natural remedies... That's right...
08:39 how did you get into this? Well, for me...
08:43 it actually is... really connected
08:45 to... how I met Jesus... Okay...
08:48 I grew up in the Adventist Church
08:50 and had awesome parents... I love them...
08:52 they treated me really great, but about the age of 13
08:55 I was going to Public School and I got disillusioned
08:58 with the Faith... and I kind of got tired of
09:00 going to Sabbath School and doing all this stuff
09:02 and it seemed to me like I was a hamster in a wheel...
09:05 so it was like... "You know what...
09:06 I'm kind of tired of that... let me just experiment
09:08 and see what's out there... " and at 13...
09:09 there's not much you can do, but as time went on,
09:12 years passed... my access to things grew
09:14 and I started to go down a darker path
09:17 but even there God was still trying to
09:19 reach out to me... still trying to wake me up
09:21 out of the place I was at, and He,
09:23 in a very miraculous way,
09:24 He allowed me to feel my need of Him...
09:27 He allowed me to feel that what I was experiencing
09:31 the worldliness... it wasn't satisfactory,
09:34 at the end of the day,
09:35 it's never satisfactory
09:36 it's never enough... you're always wanting
09:38 a little more or something else, and you think
09:39 that if I try a little this thing or that thing
09:41 it will satisfy me... but it never did...
09:43 and so, God... He woke me up
09:46 He shook me... like, "You know what...
09:48 here I am... I'm here for you, come experience me... "
09:52 I said, "You know what... I'm tired of what
09:53 I'm experiencing... I want something deeper,
09:55 I want something more, Lord, show me yourself... "
09:57 and... How old were you when you
09:59 came to this realization? I was about 17...
10:01 Okay... 17... and God was really good
10:04 to me... like... I shouldn't be here today...
10:08 Hmmm... if I were to be very honest but
10:10 God has been very good to me and He's shielded me
10:12 from so many other things that I could have been
10:14 I could have been in jail... I could have been
10:16 in many other places, but...
10:18 God said, "You know, I want you, for myself... "
10:21 and I said, "Okay, let's try this... "
10:22 and I tried an experience with God and I'm so satisfied...
10:26 you come back... how can it be anything different
10:29 you know, God puts a God-shaped hole
10:31 in every one of our hearts and when he fills himself
10:33 when He fills us with Himself...
10:36 that's all we really want in the first place...
10:39 What is better than that? What is better than that?
10:42 So you're on this one path, and you see how
10:44 unfulfilling this one path is... you're just going...
10:47 because... I tell everybody on
10:49 Urban Report... all of our viewers...
10:52 I'm always saying, "God has a plan... "
10:54 Satan has a plan... That's true...
10:57 Satan's plan is to take you downward...
11:00 God's plan is to give you an abundant life...
11:03 so, which one do you want? well you chose, at first,
11:06 for a while... you chose to check out Satan's
11:08 plan... and you saw... what that was doing,
11:11 and so, you decided to give God a try...
11:14 and when you do that, there's nothing better than that
11:18 so, for 4 years... you kind of went down
11:21 that other ground and you came back to the Lord
11:24 when you were about 17... Right...
11:26 How did He put you on a health path?
11:28 Well, it's interesting...
11:31 when I encountered Jesus,
11:33 I became completely satisfied, but then I realized,
11:36 "You know what... this is so good for me...
11:37 how can I not share this with others?"
11:39 Hmmm... hmmm... and I would try to...
11:41 I would try to share... I would knock on doors...
11:42 the normal ways of doing it... and I realized that
11:45 people were not into that... like I would knock on the door
11:48 and say, "I have a great book for you"
11:50 Huh... and they would just close the door on me...
11:52 I'm thinking... "Okay, what is a more effective
11:54 way for me to communicate this because it's really good for me,
11:56 I'm enjoying this... this is exactly
11:58 what my soul needs... and I'm sure as I read the Bible
12:00 it says... this is exactly what everyone needs...
12:02 how can I communicate this far more effectively than I am?"
12:04 then I realized something...
12:06 "People don't care how much you know
12:07 until they know how much you care... "
12:09 Right... and so I said,
12:10 "Okay, well how I express this kind of... this caring...
12:13 this love towards people...?"
12:15 and then... I was reading and said, "What would Jesus do?"
12:17 look at Matthew 4:23... Jesus... He went around teaching
12:21 He went around preaching, and He also went around healing,
12:24 Right... and just seeing how Jesus did it
12:26 Jesus did far more healing... if you look at the gospels
12:29 he just would walk and touch people...
12:30 and just reach out to people without saying anything
12:33 about the gospel to them... and people would be like...
12:35 "Jesus... let me know what you want to say Jesus... "
12:37 they would be interested in what He had to say...
12:40 and so, when I think of this, it actually drew me to
12:43 wanting to do health evangelism, and I looked...
12:45 "Where can I go and get health evangelism training?"
12:48 and the Lord led me to Wildwood...
12:49 Wow... and so how long have you been at Wildwood?
12:53 I came to Wildwood
12:55 to study in 2008...
12:57 I left Wildwood to do mission work,
12:59 but kind of left while getting calls
13:02 to go to India, to Central and South America...
13:07 I've been to several countries, Australia...
13:09 and so... God... he led me to different places
13:11 to minister for Him... That's great...
13:13 What about you Jesse? Well, I grew up in Switzerland
13:17 I was born and raised in Switzerland...
13:18 until I was 18 years old, you know, kind of in the Church
13:22 but Church is fairly... not very... let's say...
13:26 defined or something like that, so I didn't really know
13:28 all these doctrines and all the stuff
13:30 you know so... but what happened was...
13:32 when I was 18, the Youth Pastor said,
13:34 "Hey, let's do an Evangelistic Campaign...
13:37 in the Philippines, you know,
13:38 one of the pre-fabric-sermon things,
13:41 Yeah... yeah... yeah... so we went...
13:43 actually my whole family went, and the whole Youth Group
13:47 and so, my little brother, 16-years-old and me 18...
13:50 we went and preached this campaign together...
13:53 and so, everyday, and I didn't know
13:55 any of the stuff, so, we were just like
13:57 all day... in the hotel...
14:00 trying to know what I'm trying to say
14:03 tonight to these people...
14:05 and I didn't know what was in...
14:07 it was like... the 2300-day prophecy...
14:10 the most awkward thing was that...
14:12 the title was... "It All Adds Up... "
14:14 and nothing added up... I mean... it was just terrible
14:17 it was like... "What am I going to teach these people?"
14:21 and so I just prayed and prayed and prayed...
14:23 in the evening... and I didn't know
14:25 what I was talking about... I didn't understand this
14:28 69 weeks and this... and all of that...
14:29 Yeah... yeah... yeah... I didn't get it...
14:31 and then I just started preaching it
14:33 it's just really what was being said there,
14:36 and suddenly the Lord opened my brains...
14:38 it just became clear...
14:40 and I was just understanding everything...
14:42 it was like... the palm of my hand
14:43 and I'm like whoa... this is amazing stuff
14:47 so, every evening... it was like that...
14:50 it was like revelation to me...
14:51 and I was like whoa... whoa... whoa... and so then...
14:55 I got more excited about it, even though I was
14:58 actually planning... even after this campaign...
15:01 I was planning to go back, and I was...
15:04 I started getting so... into it I started asking for
15:07 baptismal appeals and all that stuff
15:10 and I was not even baptized, and so, it was just...
15:13 it was just really a very interesting situation...
15:16 so, when I came back, I was actually still planning
15:19 to go to Berklee College of Jazz to study drum...
15:21 I was a drummer I would do tours in Switzerland
15:24 and Germany and in the surrounding areas in Europe
15:28 and they had offered me this scholarship
15:30 to go to Berklee... but... I had one more week in my
15:35 summer vacation... and so we went to this
15:38 Prophecy Seminar... my parents wanted to go...
15:40 to the Prophecy seminar... I'm like,
15:41 "Sure... all right... let's just go... "
15:43 and we studied Daniel 11
15:47 and Daniel 8 and Revelation
15:51 and all the stuff... and I'm just like... "Whoa... "
15:54 Final Events... everything that's going on...
15:56 Oh... what is coming about... and all this stuff
15:58 and I'm like... "Man, this is exciting... "
16:01 and I'm like... "I don't want to live a normal
16:03 boring life like everybody else... "
16:04 I wanted to do something exciting
16:06 something that will advance the work of God
16:08 and really help people and do something for good...
16:12 so, I'm like... "Oh... get rid of this stuff...
16:15 I want to do mission work... " so, I went to Norway
16:18 to get trained at the European Bible School...
16:20 over there...
16:22 and in Medical Missionary Training...
16:25 and Bible work and Leadership
16:26 and I met a friend from Honduras who was there
16:30 and he wanted to go to Central America
16:31 to start a school... to start a
16:33 the Central American Bible School
16:34 because there was no missionary training over there
16:36 and so... well he went back over there...
16:40 I went to Austria... to the Adventist Seminary in
16:43 Bogenhofen in Austria... to study theology...
16:47 and so... he got this property donated to him in Honduras
16:51 and he's like "Jesse... come and help me out
16:54 I'm all alone... I got this property donated...
16:56 you got to help me... " and so, I'm like...
16:59 "What am I going to do?" so I prayed...
17:01 it's like Honduras... no electricity...
17:03 not the whole Country...
17:04 but the property that was donated...
17:07 right... Right...
17:08 and so I'm just like "Oh... what am I going to do?"
17:12 so the Lord led me to go there,
17:14 and so, we went and started this project...
17:16 called Vida Nacional...
17:17 and I was there for about 3 to 4 years...
17:20 just trying to figure out legal papers...
17:23 I was 20-years-old... he was 20-years-old...
17:25 we had no clue what we were doing... right...
17:26 and the Lord just opened all the doors
17:28 and miracles... I mean...
17:30 millions of dollars of miracles happened
17:32 and we started an Elementary School
17:34 for the Outreach... for the kids
17:36 a bilingual Elementary School the Missionary School
17:39 we planted a Church and we did different...
17:42 like agricultural industries to support the
17:44 whole ministry and all this kind of thing...
17:46 so we got really into it, we got Wildwood actually
17:49 to come down to do mission trips and so forth
17:52 and so it was later... it was like 3 to 4 years later
17:55 after having gone through this that Wildwood...
17:58 the Director of the College there...
18:01 his dad got cancer... and so there was this opening
18:05 and so, they were praying and so they decided
18:08 to give me a call to come to Wildwood...
18:09 this was about three... three-and-a-half years ago...
18:12 that this happened so... so then... I answered that call
18:15 so, I've been very, very blessed
18:18 to be at Wildwood and do the work that we're doing there...
18:22 training... now with this online training...
18:24 it's exploding... it's very amazing what's going on...
18:28 And I want to talk about that but I just want to say that
18:31 look at God and look at how He's put you guys together
18:34 you're passionate about what you do
18:36 you're passionate about the work of God
18:38 and you're passionate about helping people...
18:41 not only to get healthy... but training people
18:43 to help people get healthy...
18:45 Amen... and that is just...
18:46 that's just a wonderful, wonderful thing...
18:49 tell us about the online program because that's the way to go
18:54 I mean... you're in your house,
18:56 you don't have to leave your house
18:58 you just go online and you do what you need to do...
19:01 Well, Wildwood has been operating for about 70 years
19:04 and we've created this on-campus place...
19:07 because we felt like it was on-campus educational place
19:09 but we felt that the work we're doing in the Center
19:11 should be replicated elsewhere
19:13 so this is why... this is the kind of the burden
19:15 of why education started at Wildwood
19:16 because we wanted the work replicated...
19:17 Right... so, when we started up the
19:20 school we were only able to serve about 70 or so people
19:23 at maximum... we were thinking...
19:24 "Well, how can we expand this?" so we're thinking...
19:27 "Well, let's create an online course
19:29 and so what we decided was
19:30 that we were going to record classes
19:31 and we were going to get the teachers in there
19:33 making quizzes online and so what we did was...
19:35 we created this really awesome platform where you have HD video
19:39 you are watching classes almost exactly like you would
19:41 if you were at Wildwood so you're not missing anything
19:44 Wow... and you have these quizzes
19:46 that are tailor-made for each class
19:48 and it really helps you to get what you're understanding
19:50 and beyond that... you're learning things like
19:52 "How to do Health Evangelism in the Community"
19:54 for instance... health lectures...
19:57 to different people-groups on how to do Health Expos...
20:00 how to do Cooking Schools, Evangelistic Cooking Schools
20:04 how to... just the whole spectrum of
20:07 health evangelism disease and treatment
20:09 the common diseases so a friend of mine
20:11 told me this very interesting phrase...
20:13 he says... "Common diseases occur commonly"
20:15 so why not learn the most common diseases then...
20:19 and their treatment with natural things
20:20 and then he said, lifestyle medicine...
20:22 how things work... in terms of your body and
20:24 lifestyle... and just the whole spectrum.
20:27 It was very amazing for me...
20:29 the whole "how we started the whole online school... "
20:32 it was really a divine... it was a divine idea
20:36 because people were calling us, they were like,
20:39 "We want to get trained... " and maybe it was a mother
20:44 for the first one it was like...
20:45 it was a mother with kids, and a husband
20:47 and she's like... "Man, I really want to get
20:50 this training... I want get some...
20:51 learn these natural remedies and the hydro-massage
20:54 but I can't leave my... just drop my kids and
20:57 drop my job and just come for six months
21:00 to go to Wildwood... it's impossible...
21:02 so guys... you got to help us out
21:05 and so, we're like praying and thinking
21:08 and we're like... and one night...
21:10 this thought came to me it's like...
21:12 "We got to take this training to them... "
21:15 we got to break these barriers that we have
21:18 of tradition... just tradition, and so, we came up...
21:23 that's how we came up with this idea
21:25 it's like... "Whoa, if we do this online...
21:27 they can do it in their community,
21:29 they could do it in their Church
21:31 they could do it in their setting
21:33 and do the coaching and do the health talks
21:35 and do all these kind of things
21:36 in a practical way, in their community,
21:38 and they'll be even more effective
21:40 and they can still come... " then what they do is
21:42 they come for the practicals.. for the hydro and the massage
21:46 and so forth... they still come on campus
21:48 so they still get the experience of working in a
21:51 hydro-facility... and seeing the whole works...
21:55 The clinical aspect of it... Exactly...
21:57 Yeah... and so they get... all of the...
21:59 they learn it at home and they do it with
22:01 their friends and with their husbands
22:03 like they learn how to do the massage strokes
22:05 and then guess who they have to practice on?
22:07 well, that's the homework... practice on your husband
22:09 practice on your kids, and so they learn
22:12 and they learn all the poultices and they learn
22:14 all these other stuff... so, it's very, very practical
22:17 sometimes we think... online is not so practical
22:20 but actually it's even more practical
22:22 because you're in a real setting...
22:24 you're in your home setting in your community
22:26 and you can apply it... right there...
22:28 so it's very amazing... and it's actually cheaper
22:32 than going even on campus, so it's really a win-win
22:37 for all the... for everybody...
22:39 That is a win-win... it's cheaper...
22:41 it's so convenient... Exactly...
22:43 it's so doable... the nice thing about it is that
22:47 you can do it at your own pace...
22:49 and there are no boundaries, it's been an explosion
22:52 around the world...
22:54 from 70 students that we can do a year...
22:57 now suddenly it's over 300... I mean...
23:00 it's just exploded like that... That's tremendous...
23:02 and I think we have a role in of one of the students...
23:05 set it up for us... Yeah, well, this lady
23:08 actually, she started taking the Program
23:10 not just to get trained to be able to help
23:13 in the Community... but also...
23:15 for it to help herself, so this lady actually lost like
23:21 over 70 pounds just by taking the Program and
23:24 following the Program... what she's learning
23:26 in Physiology... and these kinds of things
23:28 Let's watch... let's take a look...
23:33 You know I've always been an Adventist...
23:36 and at some point in my life I wanted to know more about God
23:42 I wanted to serve Him more...
23:44 I wanted to know how to walk with Him... hear His voice
23:48 and I started praying about it, by then...
23:51 I had never known about Medical Missionary...
23:53 but I just wanted to use my profession to serve people,
23:56 to serve... you know...
23:57 so I hear... the Holy Spirit led me to one village
24:02 I talked to the Chief... that's the Chief of the village
24:06 and then he brought his people
24:07 and I started talking with them
24:08 sharing some of the things I know...
24:11 and then... when they are sick,
24:12 like... if they have headache
24:14 I would give them some drugs using the conventional medicine
24:18 that's what I knew then, but I wasn't feeling fulfilled,
24:22 I wasn't happy about it, and then...
24:25 about two or three weeks after that
24:28 there came "Light's Program" in my Church
24:33 there was this Manual Agayo working with the Rodney Bose
24:39 and so, they had a one-month training
24:42 in my Church... so, I took leave from my office
24:47 and participated in the training so Rodney encouraged me
24:52 to get into the six-months online course...
24:56 the online program has actually changed my life,
25:00 I was this big... 106 Kg... that's about
25:04 230 pounds... but I am now 70 Kg
25:08 that's about 160 pounds... people around me
25:15 just see me as a different person,
25:17 they keep asking me "What have you done?"
25:19 I was looking older before, but now, I look younger,
25:24 and my friends keep asking me
25:27 "What are you doing to yourself you look younger... "
25:30 I could climb the stairs without panting... huh... huh
25:33 I could do... so many things...
25:36 my office is on the 10th floor, and sometimes
25:39 there are no elevators, and when there are no elevators
25:41 I'll stay down there waiting for them...
25:43 but by the time I finished the Program,
25:45 and I got to the office and there were no elevators
25:48 I would just climb... to the 10th floor...
25:50 and I'll be fine... I had been battling with this
25:53 weight for a long time, I had to skip my meals
25:56 I got ulcer,
25:59 because of it... but
26:01 by the time I finished this Program,
26:03 I got healed... so I want to do this,
26:06 I want to share it with people, and I want...
26:09 I just want God's name to be glorified...
26:12 because He did a good job in my life...
26:24 Wow, that is wonderful... did you...
26:27 she was tearing up... I mean look at how moved she was,
26:31 by what happened with her own life...
26:33 not just what she could do for others but
26:36 how God blessed her... Hmmm... hmmm...
26:37 Give us a closing thought 30 seconds or less
26:42 both of you... on why people
26:44 should take advantage of this Program...
26:46 look to that camera
26:47 and tell us why people should take advantage
26:50 of this Program... 30 seconds...
26:53 God has given us a call to be medical missionaries
26:58 in Testimonies to the Church, Volume 7, page 62 it says...
27:02 "We have come to a time where every member of the Church
27:04 should take over the medical missionary work"
27:05 and this is a very important call
27:07 because this is a way for us to touch people's hearts
27:10 just the way Jesus touched people's hearts...
27:12 so I would just say if you want more information
27:14 on this course, just go to our website
27:16 healthevangelism. com
27:17 and just see how you can become a Medical Missionary
27:21 for Jesus...
27:23 Jesse... I just want to say that
27:25 I believe that time is short we are living
27:27 in the time of the end, we don't have time to just
27:30 live a normal, boring life, I think it's time to get trained
27:36 and time to start going into the direction
27:39 that God really wants us to go on
27:41 and want to finish the work...
27:43 so, I want to encourage everybody
27:45 to just get trained
27:47 in any way possible
27:48 and come to the website and do it...
27:50 and let's finish the work together...
27:53 Thank you so much... and thank you for joining us
27:56 thank you guys for being here thank you my viewers...
27:59 Tune in next time... because you know what?
28:02 It just wouldn't be the same, without you...


Revised 2015-03-05