Urban Report

ASI Roll / Message Magazine

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Carmela Monk Crawford


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000106

00:01 Wait till you see who I ran into at ASI
00:03 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:06 Urban Report...
00:29 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:32 My guest today is Carmela Monk-Crawford
00:35 the Editor-in-Chief of Message Magazine...
00:38 I ran into her at ASI and she had some great things
00:42 to say... Take a look...
00:43 ASI is such a great place and we are here
00:49 in Grand Rapids, Michigan... and I got to see...
00:52 one of my friends Carmela Monk-Crawford...
00:55 Yeah... welcome Carmela... Thank you Yvonne...
00:59 Carmela is the Editor-in Chief of Message Magazine
01:02 and I have to tell you that I love Carmela
01:05 she is one of my favorite people
01:07 she's doing such an outstanding job and so...
01:11 I've had her on Urban Report before...
01:13 but I wanted to bring her on again...
01:16 to talk about Message and the various things
01:18 that are going on there because if you don't get
01:21 Message Magazine you are not in the "Know"
01:24 am I right? I think so...
01:25 in fact I think that needs to be our new
01:28 tag-line... "What you need to know"
01:30 Oh... on a Need-to-Know basis...
01:31 something like that... Yeah... yeah... yeah...
01:33 or better yet... like the Marvin Gaye song
01:35 used to be... "What's Going On... "
01:36 or we're going to tell you... I love it...
01:38 What's going on... I love it...
01:40 What's going on... What's going on...
01:42 and that's what you do
01:43 at Message... Message is so relevant
01:45 I think that, you know,
01:47 people who haven't seen it, need to check it out
01:50 it is so relevant... I've been getting it
01:53 and I love it... because what you're doing is
01:57 you're bringing to us... you're making the gospel
02:01 more relevant... you know... more applicable
02:04 so it's wonderful... what is the process involved
02:08 in bringing a story to the Message Magazine?
02:12 Oh, that's the beauty of it, the story
02:15 is what carries everything... everybody wants to know
02:18 the story... and the best stories that are out there
02:22 are the ones in which the Lord has transformed
02:24 someone's life... and how the Lord has changed
02:27 them from what they used to be to something
02:29 new and different now and so we are always
02:32 on the lookout for a good story a good story
02:34 of how God's providence has worked
02:37 in someone's life... His provision in someone's life
02:41 just the way things are working, that what I'm in the mood for
02:44 I think that really scratches the itch...
02:46 people need to see that... we talked to someone
02:49 just about 2 weeks ago, it was very interesting
02:52 she did a little taping for us she had been in prison
02:54 and she says, you know,
02:56 "This is the kind of thing I want to read...
02:58 true stories... nothing fictional...
03:01 because... when you look at the true stories...
03:03 you can see how God works in somebody's life
03:05 and you can be just like that person... "
03:08 Absolutely... that's the key, you know,
03:10 if God did it for them, He can do it for you...
03:12 Absolutely... and that's what people
03:14 need to know... and to see...
03:16 so that's what you focus on in Message...
03:18 but you have all these different areas
03:21 you have health... tell us about the different
03:23 areas that you cover... Yes... we, you know,
03:26 I'm proud of that because it speaks to our mission
03:29 our mission is that whole person and we're putting that
03:32 in Message... and sometimes... it seems like
03:36 it's very methodical but there is
03:37 a method to our madness there's a reason
03:39 why we're sharing this with people
03:41 and so every issue... we are making sure that
03:43 we're putting in those vegetarian and vegan recipes
03:47 and reminding people or teaching a little bit
03:50 this is why... I'm selecting the plant-based product
03:54 or the plant-based recipe over the meat-based recipe
03:59 this is why we're selecting these different
04:01 vegetables or fruits
04:03 because they provide these nutrients
04:05 that your body needs... and you're not going to get it
04:06 anywhere else... so with every issue...
04:08 we're doing that... every issue we're putting in
04:10 information about the family... how to make your family stronger
04:14 wrestling with some different issues
04:16 we had a question that's coming up very soon...
04:18 the question of, you know,
04:21 "What if my husband is not the priest of the home...
04:24 what am I supposed to do... he's not doing his role...
04:27 am I supposed to step in... am I supposed to tell him...
04:29 you know... you're supposed to be doing family worship... "
04:32 but very interesting questions
04:34 the Olivers who travel all around the world
04:36 as the Family-Life Directors
04:38 for the General Conference
04:39 of Seventh-day Adventists they are hearing that question
04:43 from everybody... and so
04:44 those are the kinds of things that we're putting in
04:46 that family... that health...
04:48 prophecy is always in there and that
04:51 walk with Jesus is always in there...
04:53 and I think there's something for everybody...
04:54 so that whole thing with the articles and the stories
04:58 what you do is you just kind of
05:01 present that holistic approach so that people
05:04 can have their needs met... on all different levels...
05:08 and that's what Jesus did... isn't it?
05:10 He met them at their point of need...
05:12 at all different levels, whether they were hungry,
05:15 whether they needed healing, He did that
05:17 and that's what you're doing with Message...
05:19 what's the vision for Message?
05:21 That vision is...
05:23 heavy on my heart...
05:25 for Message... I can tell you what
05:28 I really would like to see from this...
05:29 Tell me... I'm going to tell you this
05:31 and maybe somebody is going to hear this
05:33 and they're going to bless us
05:34 and help us and pray with us
05:35 that this will happen...
05:37 the Message we've been for a while now
05:40 and I can get you into it a little bit later...
05:42 about some of the changes that are happening
05:44 but where we go from here, is going to be very important
05:48 I would like to see us closer to the Community
05:51 for so long... many of our publishing ventures
05:54 have been out in the Publishing House
05:57 and it is time to be active and involved in the Community
06:01 and closer... be in closer proximity...
06:03 How so? I would love to see us
06:05 in a Store-Front downtown in a nice little block
06:09 that has shops and the restaurants
06:11 people are there... we can see people...
06:14 we can talk to people...
06:15 we sit in a de-constructed office
06:18 and we research... and we go scope out
06:20 those stories... we write and we work together
06:22 that's the message by day...
06:24 by night... I would love to see us have
06:26 re-entry programs right there in our space
06:29 by night... I would love to see us have
06:32 "English as a Second Language Program"
06:34 by night... here's the big thing that I would like...
06:37 and, you know... this is one of those things
06:39 my mouth to God's ear... that I would love the Lord...
06:42 "Lord, help us to figure out how to do this... "
06:44 but by Friday night... I would love to have a Program
06:47 that a person who is going down the block to the Jazz Club
06:51 would be interested to come and see the spoken Word
06:55 they would want to hear the spoken Word
06:58 I should say... they would want to see the
07:00 beautiful movement in worship that people are able to do
07:04 they would love to hear the beautiful music
07:07 that we've grown up with and the reason why
07:09 it's so "beautiful" is is because it's hope...
07:12 music of hope... music of that friend
07:14 who will stick closer than any brother...
07:17 that's the kind of thing that people need and want
07:19 and that's what I'm seeing for Message...
07:21 a beautiful, holistic ministry,
07:25 that is locked
07:27 into the Community... your ear to the ground
07:29 doing what needs to be done... I'm loving that...
07:32 because... here... you're telling me
07:35 that you're actually wanting to
07:37 venture out beyond the scope of the
07:40 printing world and actually do some other things
07:43 in the Community that would draw people
07:47 to the Lord...
07:48 and, of course, have them
07:51 you know, get Message Magazine as well...
07:53 Oh yeah... but you have Message by day
07:56 and Message by night... I'm loving this
07:58 so, now you're not just talking about a Magazine
08:01 now you're talking about ministering
08:04 and more action to the Community and letting them come in
08:10 and hear Programs and watch Programs...
08:13 Yes... that's wonderful!
08:14 it's the same thing that we would offer in the pages
08:17 that you can come in and experience it...
08:19 and that's what so many people want...
08:21 they need to have a place to experience it
08:24 we're going to go... digital... Digital First...
08:27 Okay... Just to get your magazine
08:29 it will be Digital First and so we have new information
08:33 coming through on a regular basis
08:35 and so we are looking at all the time...
08:38 at this point, we need writers, we need photographers...
08:41 we need videographers... we need camera talent...
08:44 we're hoping that people will come and say
08:46 "Hey, I can do this for you... "
08:48 and we have one couple that says, you know,
08:50 we're going across the Country from Georgia over to Las Vegas
08:56 we can stop and we want to stop
08:58 and talk about the beautiful places where you can
09:00 hike with your family... beautiful places
09:03 where you can sit down and absorb with your children
09:05 all the creation that God has to offer...
09:08 so, we're going to do it... it is going to...
09:10 like the kids say... "blow up any minute now"
09:13 it's an interesting experience in the meantime...
09:16 that is about to happen... I love that...
09:17 you know what I love?
09:18 one of the things that I love about you Carmela
09:20 is that you have vision
09:21 you think outside of the box you're not just looking at
09:26 one aspect of things but you're really trying to
09:30 take this to a whole other place and with that
09:33 you can draw on the talent
09:36 that we have within this Church, you're saying...
09:38 you need writers... tell us again...
09:40 you need writers... We need writers, photographers,
09:44 the content providers that's what these writers are
09:48 I'm looking for people who will provide video
09:52 for us and people who will provide the background
09:55 like you have here at 3ABN... people who are doing
09:57 the video... not only the taping
10:00 but the people who are editing and everything like this
10:03 we need all of it... so, because this is going to be
10:06 a holistic kind of offering people could jump in
10:09 at any point... if it's just the audio...
10:11 you want to participate in
10:12 if you want to read this if you want to watch a video
10:14 that's what we're going to do...
10:15 And is this on a voluntary basis?
10:17 You need volunteers? You're right...
10:19 we need volunteers... there are people out there
10:20 that's what I'm seeing... and what is interesting is that
10:23 that people are coming out of the woodwork
10:27 to offer their talents... they want to participate
10:31 people want to share their faith
10:33 and people want to talk about how the Lord has done
10:36 something for them and this is a great opportunity
10:38 let us be your platform together we're
10:41 sharing the message... and that's why we're in a...
10:42 I love to come and talk with you
10:44 we're in a partnership
10:45 we're all doing the same thing, Oh, so, you have like a
10:50 new partnership going on... Yes...
10:53 with new folks who are offering their services
10:57 and wanting to do more... Do more... and we need it...
11:01 we need it... there's room... when you go...
11:04 from a bi-monthly magazine
11:05 to a 24/7 365-day...
11:09 there is room for you to put in your portion...
11:12 your contribution...
11:13 I'm going to... So, you're getting ready to do
11:16 a Daily... Yes...
11:19 Wow! all right... did you hear this?
11:23 I mean... I want our viewers to know...
11:25 this is a major thing that Carmela is telling us now,
11:29 this is a real transition, Oh, it's a major overhaul...
11:33 you're talking about... from a bi-monthly... to a daily,
11:37 Yes... Digital...
11:40 Daily Digital... yes... new content everyday...
11:43 and that's a big deal for us...
11:45 because we're moving away from the publishing model
11:48 that we've been in... yet it's still publishing...
11:50 this is still publishing... the good news...
11:52 it's just coming in... you're getting all those senses
11:56 that are engaged... Right...
11:57 It's happening 24/7 just like we see
12:00 and we are engaged with now, so...
12:03 I know the 365 24/7 because that's
12:06 Dare to Dream... 365... 24/7...
12:09 you have to have content... Right...
12:11 and so, and there are so many gifted people out there
12:16 that want to do something... Absolutely...
12:19 so how can they... what's the process involved...
12:21 how can they reach you... if they have submissions
12:24 Easy... easy... what do they need to do?
12:26 Reach me at MessageMagazine. com that's all you have to do
12:29 MessageMagazine. com you can e-mail me...
12:32 Carmela, I've got a great story,
12:34 Carmela, I'm going to provide devotional,
12:36 I'm want to do an interview with this person,
12:38 Carmela, I'm watching the news today...
12:41 and I have some thoughts,
12:42 and I can interview this person
12:43 and put this person together for you,
12:45 I really want that... and I'm looking forward to that,
12:47 See, that's wonderful... Carmela
12:49 I think so... and it's going to be great...
12:50 That's huge... that's huge...
12:52 so you're looking to... let's kind of recap...
12:56 you're looking to go into a Community-based Space
13:00 and you're also looking for additional talent
13:05 writers, videographers, all of that...
13:06 Yes... yes... and they can contact you
13:08 at MessageMagazine. com And if you know that
13:11 Community-based Space... it's going to take
13:13 a little while before we can get to that point
13:16 but right now... the Digital Overhaul...
13:18 that's happening right now...
13:19 so I'm really looking forward to it...
13:21 There are so many transitions that are taking place
13:24 in Publishing in North America,
13:26 tell us about what's going on... Absolutely...
13:28 Oh, absolutely... first of all... what's happening
13:30 to us... is what's happening to the whole world
13:34 of publishing... printing right now...
13:36 many magazines and newspapers have had to make adjustments
13:40 with the way they do business... for example...
13:43 I started out as a Newspaper Reporter...
13:44 in that city where they have those newspapers
13:47 now it is... that city has, you know, a conglomerate
13:52 of different reporters in their digital purse
13:55 and so.. in Huntsville, Alabama they have Alabama. com
13:58 right here in Grand Rapids, they have "MLive" or
14:02 "Michigan Live" where they've come together
14:04 and they've consolidated their resources...
14:06 and they go digital first and put out that newspaper
14:09 that they used to put out six to seven days a week...
14:12 only three times a week
14:13 so, these are some of the changes that we have to watch
14:16 because people are going
14:17 to their Tablet
14:18 to get their news they're going to the
14:20 television to get their news, or their information
14:22 that they want it may not necessarily be news
14:25 there's just so many different avenues of information
14:27 and so the "way of print" many people say,
14:30 "print is dead" I don't believe print is dead
14:32 print will always be there especially the print that
14:35 we're doing because no one else is doing that...
14:38 and I do believe
14:40 I do believe that print
14:43 is important... How is it important?
14:46 what you read... you need that hard copy
14:49 because it goes into your brain differently...
14:51 you need that hard copy and we understand
14:54 that in the last days people will be convicted
14:57 of the truth... when you are convicted
14:59 not only spiritually but intellectually
15:02 which means... you have absorbed this information
15:04 your mind has had a chance to wrestle with it...
15:07 you're even looking at the logic and the consistencies
15:11 in it... and whether or not this...
15:13 you're struggling with the information
15:15 as the Holy Spirit is convicting you
15:17 I believe the printed page has a part in that
15:20 and so... print is not dead, we're just changing
15:24 and so... just like the rest of North America
15:28 what's happening in our publishing is changing
15:31 and so, we're consolidating,
15:33 to my understanding,
15:34 we're consolidating... and so we have one Press
15:36 doing the printing right now the "Review and Herald"
15:39 is the oldest institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
15:43 where the Seventh-day Adventist Church was...
15:44 there was the Review and Herald, but the Review and Herald
15:47 is different now... so many of the people that
15:50 worked there... their ministries there will end
15:52 for right now... which is a sad thing...
15:55 it's been a very... it's a time that we are
15:58 wrestling and grieving the loss of that...
16:00 Yes... However, the ministry goes on
16:03 so many of our books and publications
16:05 will continue at the Pacific Press Publishing Association
16:08 the Review and Herald name will continue at the
16:11 General Conference and we're going to keep going on
16:13 Message Magazine in particular, we pray, and we believe
16:18 will continue to go on because we are one of the
16:20 remaining missionary or evangelistic
16:23 tools in the hands of Seventh-day Adventists today
16:26 Yes... I believe that... I believe that...
16:28 so, really... this is huge, because Review and Herald
16:33 is basically shutting down, for the most part,
16:36 it's printed aspects... Yes...
16:38 are they going to do more digital things too?
16:41 or... The Plant there in Hagerstown,
16:43 Maryland... it is the plan right now
16:46 as I'm talking to you... who knows what will happen
16:48 if something will happen different
16:50 but the plan is, now, to shut that Plant down
16:53 in Hagerstown, Maryland, and many of those people
16:56 their ministries there will be finished for right now
16:59 with that particular thing but the Review and Herald
17:03 there are several other magazines that are published
17:06 at the General Conference, they will continue on...
17:09 you've got the Adventist Review and Adventist World,
17:12 Liberty Magazine, Ministry, Elders' Digest,
17:15 all of those things will continue
17:17 and so... and we hope to be part of that
17:20 with the North America Division. Yes... absolutely...
17:24 so, this is very interesting because what I've seen
17:27 with the way God works and I'm sure you have too...
17:31 is that... when one door closes, another opens...
17:35 because you know that Message is His...
17:38 Oh yes... and so... He's got a plan for it
17:41 you know that... so where this door with
17:43 Review and Herald might be closing...
17:45 God is going to open up so many other doors...
17:48 and it sounds to me with your vision of the
17:51 Day Message and Night Message I love that kind of...
17:56 I get excited about that... that's evangelism
17:58 that's working at the grassroots level
18:01 to really make a difference... That's my hope...
18:03 that's my prayer... absolutely, and it is a hard time
18:07 because we've been... I've worked at the
18:10 Review and Herald now... as in a total of 7 years
18:12 where I've been there in that Plant,
18:14 and there is a beauty
18:15 to serving the Lord in that environment
18:17 and atmosphere... so we've all had to wrestle with
18:21 you know, what does this mean... for our ministry...
18:24 the bottom line... is that... wherever we are...
18:28 wherever we go... we still work in the
18:30 Lord's service... it may change...
18:32 things are going to change... but that does not mean
18:36 that who we are in Christ and what we're supposed to do
18:40 is going to change... and so... that phase may be over
18:43 but there's still something else...
18:45 That's right... that's right... and just what you're offering
18:49 to those people who will come to
18:51 the message at night Yes...
18:53 it's hope... and it's the same thing here...
18:55 God is offering us
18:57 hope to move forward...
18:59 Absolutely... sometimes... in a different
19:01 direction because... He's expanding...
19:03 Hmmm... hmmm... He's expanding the work...
19:05 He's expanding it... and that's something great...
19:08 yet, everyone who believes in the Lord
19:10 needs to know that He's expanding...
19:13 That's right... it's not going to contract...
19:15 it's time for everybody
19:16 to get involved...
19:17 and He's going to equip us over and over again
19:21 to do what we need to do... That's right... that's right...
19:23 so, what is... you have a new partnership...
19:26 a new emphasis going on with Message...
19:29 what is that... tell us about that...
19:31 Well, I can tell you this first 2 to 3 weeks ago,
19:34 I went to a Church on Sabbath morning...
19:37 I could hear the music
19:39 from far away
19:41 it was loud... it was beautiful...
19:42 all male voices... I walked into this Church
19:46 all males... a band and everything
19:49 they had the announcements
19:51 they celebrated the birthdays they had words of encouragement
19:54 we did the Ten Commandments, we did a couple of
19:56 Fundamental Beliefs... even in this Church service
19:59 and on the way in... there's a beautiful table
20:02 with all kinds of literature including Message Magazine
20:05 on the table... it was wonderful to see...
20:07 but you know where that Church was?
20:10 Where? The Faithful Flock of Calvary
20:12 Seventh-day Adventist Church located in
20:15 the Jessup Correctional Institute
20:18 in Jessup, Maryland... this is a full-fledged
20:21 Seventh-day Adventist Church there...
20:23 they have about 80 members every week...
20:25 and I'm going to tell you what really stirred my heart
20:28 was when the elder... stood up and he says,
20:31 "Listen, when you go out of here... pick up some
20:35 literature to take back with you
20:37 to share with someone... " you understand what I mean?
20:40 You put some tears in my eyes now...
20:43 "Pick up some literature to take back with you"
20:45 and you know... "I'm going back to a Cell... "
20:48 Yes... "but take this back with you
20:50 because somebody... you can share this with somebody"
20:53 Yes... "to give them the hope
20:54 that you have" I... you know...
20:56 it was a wonderful experience, and this is our partnership now
20:59 we want to make sure... there are between 2.3 to 2.7
21:05 I believe is the number 2.3 to 2.7 million people
21:10 incarcerated in the United States
21:12 we incarcerate... Say that again...
21:14 Yes... between 2.3 and 2.7 million people incarcerated...
21:18 in the United States... The United States incarcerates
21:22 more people per capita than any other nation in the world...
21:27 and... many of those people are African American
21:32 many of those people are people of color
21:34 and Message needs to be there, it is so important to have
21:38 Spiritual material... that's how you make it through
21:41 you got 20 to 30 years that you got to get through
21:44 that's how you make it through, you got family back at home
21:46 That is absolutely true... Yes...
21:54 and you know what... that's one of the things
21:57 that may... at ASI... you're going to hear
21:59 announcements... you're going to hear stuff...
22:01 just ignore that because it's going to keep it going...
22:04 but that sounds like such a great service...
22:09 we have a Program on 3ABN and Dare to Dream
22:15 called "Free Indeed" Yes...
22:17 and even though they're incarcerated
22:19 the ones who have accepted Jesus Christ
22:22 are free indeed... they are truly free...
22:24 Yes... and not only are they free,
22:26 but they want to take the message
22:28 and take it back to the other inmates...
22:32 Yes... you know, a lot of times,
22:34 Carmela, people think that that's just them..
22:38 let them go... let them do whatever...
22:42 but what we need to be able to share
22:45 is that everybody benefits... when people learn about Jesus
22:50 Absolutely... everybody benefits...
22:51 they're not going to go back out and commit crime
22:54 because they have given their hearts to Jesus Christ
22:56 so, if the viewer is watching and feeling like
23:00 "You know what... that's not me... that's them"
23:03 no... it is you... That's right...
23:06 we are a part of the family of God
23:08 and those who are outside of the arc of safety
23:12 it's our responsibility to do what we can
23:15 to bring them in... Yes...
23:17 so this is great... so, how are you partnering
23:20 with this... well, we have several Churches
23:22 in California particularly... Central California Conference
23:27 is going to work with us... and we are researching
23:29 the institutions... so that we can know
23:31 where we can send Message in... by bulk,
23:33 where we can send in and how we can get names
23:36 and addresses in other places to send directly
23:38 to people who are incarcerated
23:40 on a subscription basis, and we're asking people
23:43 there's somebody that you may know...
23:45 who is incarcerated... friends and relatives,
23:48 neighbors, family members, I know 3 of them in our circle
23:53 in our family circle... reach out to them
23:56 and make sure you contact... many people lose hope
24:00 and connection with their family members
24:03 Message is one way you can do that...
24:05 say, you know, "I'm caring about you...
24:07 I hear... and this is something I want to share... "
24:09 that's one way you can do it... but we have to be involved
24:11 and that's what we're going to do
24:13 with this initiative and I'm very excited
24:15 because of the enthusiastic response...
24:17 that we've had with this in particular...
24:19 I am so excited about that... and let me tell you why...
24:22 from what I understand... getting any mail...
24:25 when you're in prison... is like gold...
24:28 Yeah... imagine giving someone
24:30 something that they can look at that tells them about Jesus,
24:35 that also tells them about relevant information
24:39 that's going on outside... things that they can take
24:43 and use inside to make them to grow...
24:46 help them grow...
24:47 Yes... yeah... this is, I mean, really Carmela,
24:49 I get excited about stuff like this...
24:51 because I have such a burden
24:53 for the incarcerated population
24:55 I really do... because I have family members
24:57 that have been incarcerated, and so...
24:59 and I think it's touched...
25:00 I mean... with 2.7 million, you know it's touched
25:03 so many people on so many different levels...
25:06 so, all right... so just before we go...
25:10 tell us... what your burden is what do you need to have...
25:16 let our viewers know what your needs are
25:18 from Message Magazine...
25:19 For that particular initiative? Yes...
25:22 we are looking for subscriptions...
25:25 we want to subscribe for the people that we know
25:29 who would like to have this magazine...
25:31 in addition to that... you may not know someone
25:34 but you can donate the funds to subscribe for someone
25:37 you may not know and we will find that
25:39 we'll put it in bulk subscription,
25:40 we'll put those bulk shipments into these certain facilities...
25:44 or you may have knowledge, personal knowledge,
25:46 of a facility and what their requirements would be
25:49 please let us know... once again...
25:51 that's MessageMazagine. com
25:52 you could e-mail me via that site...
25:55 and that's what we can do...
25:56 we can work together...
25:58 That's so wonderful Carmela, tell us in about 30 seconds
26:02 what has God been doing for your family...
26:04 I will tell you right now, God has proven...
26:07 He has protected my family, we had an interesting...
26:10 you ever had a car repair that just hit you
26:12 because it was so expensive, we had a $2,500 car repair
26:16 we... my husband drove home one day...
26:18 after a day at work, the day after the whole family
26:21 had been in the car, he drove home...
26:24 the car wouldn't start anymore,
26:25 to make the long story short
26:27 he went to take that car to the car repair...
26:30 they said, "It's a wonder you didn't blow up...
26:32 it's a wonder your car did not explode
26:36 because the fuel pump was burned out
26:39 and it was sparking inside of the gas tank... "
26:42 as far as I understand... it's not supposed to do that right?
26:46 Oh, absolutely not... Carmela...
26:48 God has been good... thank you...
26:50 My God is good...
26:51 Thank you so much for being with us... we love you...
26:53 Thank you... thank you... come back to Dare to Dream
26:56 thank you...
27:01 I love talking to Carmela, she's always so inspiring
27:05 and just so on fire...
27:06 one of the things that we want to do with Dare to Dream
27:10 and Urban Report is to bring you programming
27:12 that really makes a difference...
27:14 and so we ask for you to do a few things
27:16 we want you to please pray for us...
27:18 that God will continue to bless us
27:20 and use us to make a difference
27:22 in the Community and then we want you
27:25 to "Like" us on Facebook...
27:26 we are on Facebook, and we need a bunch of "likes"
27:29 so that our Cable Companies can see us and say,
27:32 "Okay, they've got 10 million hits...
27:35 we want them on our Cable Network... "
27:37 and then we ask that you would pray and ask God
27:39 just how much you should give to help us
27:44 with this effort... it is truly, truly something
27:48 that we really need and we would be so
27:51 grateful... if you would just ask the Lord
27:54 to let you know how you can help...
27:56 Well, that's the end of our Program...
27:58 Thank you so much
27:59 for tuning in... and join us next time...
28:01 because you know what?
28:03 it just wouldn't be the same... without you...


Revised 2015-03-05