Urban Report

Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Dr. Magna Parks


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000102

00:01 My guest today has not only counseled those
00:04 with adversity but by God's grace
00:06 she has overcome it herself...
00:08 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:10 Urban Report...
00:32 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:35 My guest today is Dr. Magna Parks
00:38 Psychologist and woman with her own interesting story
00:41 of victory in Jesus...
00:43 Welcome to Urban Report Dr. Parks...
00:46 Hi Yvonne, good to be here... I'm so happy you're here.
00:49 I'm going to call you Magna... That's just fine...
00:50 Magna, you are such an accomplished person
00:58 so humble... and you love the Lord...
01:01 and you have...
01:03 you have your own journey...
01:06 everybody has a testimony... Yes...
01:08 you have your own journey... share some of that
01:11 journey with us... Well, Yvonne, you know
01:15 it's interesting how you hear people's stories
01:18 and until you have your own story...
01:21 their stories don't become very real to you...
01:23 That's so true... and I think God allowed me
01:25 to have my own story... I don't even know
01:27 where to start... but... I went through school,
01:32 got my graduate degree taught at Oakwood,
01:34 private practice... but during the latter years
01:37 of that time... even before getting into
01:40 private practice... I always start out with this
01:43 story... I was in engaged to someone
01:44 and a month before... I broke the wedding off
01:47 and this was the big wedding of Oakwood
01:49 everybody was all excited,
01:52 so, I left Oakwood
01:54 because I didn't want to hear all the questions
01:58 you know... moved to Atlanta and a few months
02:01 after I moved to Atlanta... my brother who was a physician
02:04 he was missing... he went missing...
02:06 Oh... you know, we didn't know
02:08 where he was... what happened...
02:09 and for 3 years... he went missing...
02:12 and I met another person, another gentleman
02:16 we got married... a week before
02:18 we were to marry... they found my brother dead...
02:20 Oh... and my father called me
02:23 and told me... because he was thinking
02:25 I'd be able to handle it, you know...
02:26 my family members were like...
02:27 "Why did you call her at that time... "
02:28 and the whole week I was on Ambien... to sleep...
02:31 a psychiatrist friend... I couldn't sleep
02:33 so I asked her to give me prescription meds to sleep
02:35 and I slept that whole week and the next day
02:38 after the wedding... we told my mother
02:40 because we didn't tell her before the wedding...
02:42 we told the family gathering, and we told my mother,
02:44 and the week after I got married...
02:46 my brother was funeralized...
02:48 Oh... so what a... that's just the beginning...
02:51 Just an up and down... Yes...
02:55 because you're on a emotional high
02:56 with the wedding and the stress too...
02:59 Yes... of getting ready for a wedding
03:01 but wait... let's go back to Oakwood
03:03 because that's a lot of pressure too...
03:05 Yes... it was... when you have...
03:07 a similar thing happened to me, so I can relate...
03:10 so, you're getting ready to get married...
03:14 and it breaks off... Yes...
03:16 and everybody had known about the impending wedding...
03:19 Hmmm... hmmm... and then it breaks off...
03:21 and then, it's like... "Okay, so what happened?"
03:23 so you got out of there... I did...
03:25 so that you wouldn't have to deal with that...
03:26 I didn't want to deal with the questions...
03:27 Yes... yes... yes... and so then...
03:30 you get to Atlanta... and tell us again what happened.
03:35 About two months after I got to Atlanta,
03:37 we get a call... my brother went missing...
03:40 we didn't know... we got Private Investigators
03:42 they couldn't find him... Two months...?
03:44 Two months after breaking off the wedding...
03:45 so you had that stress to deal with,
03:48 Yes... your missing brother...
03:50 Now, there are only two of you? There were four of us...
03:53 Okay... so, you know, I have my sister
03:55 and my brother left... actually there are others
03:56 because my dad had a few kids
03:58 before he married my mom...
04:00 but those were the ones that we all grew up together...
04:03 Okay... so...
04:04 So your brother went missing, and then a week
04:07 before your wedding,
04:08 Three years later, he was found dead...
04:10 so all 3 years... your family is on pins and needles
04:14 That's right... What's it like for
04:16 because there are programs on television
04:18 about missing children, and abductions,
04:21 what's it like... not knowing?
04:23 It's just... you wake up in the middle
04:24 of the night wondering... where could my brother be...
04:27 what will happen... you know, he was a physician
04:30 he was doing in Infertility Specialty
04:32 at the top of his class... I mean... doing so well
04:35 and you just wonder... was he killed...
04:37 did something happen... it's just...
04:39 like I can't even explain it...
04:40 you just live in uncertainty all the time
04:42 wondering... where that person is...
04:44 Yes... So, even though I was sad
04:46 to find out that he had died, it brought some closure...
04:48 Yes... and to this day...
04:50 we're not sure how he really died...
04:51 there are a lot of questions... So, his body was found...
04:55 Yes... Right behind Dodger's Stadium
04:57 in LA... because that's where he lived...
04:59 And you still don't know...
05:02 No, we're not sure...
05:03 there are a lot of theories, but we don't know
05:05 for sure... what happened... Oh... so then...
05:08 so you had the wedding... then you funeralized your brother,
05:12 so then... what happened? Six months later,
05:14 my mom had a stroke, due to the stress
05:18 of losing her first son, and then...
05:21 a year and a half after that...
05:23 I started feeling some tingling in my fingers...
05:27 and my girlfriend had said, "Oh, sometimes when you eat
05:30 too much salt... it causes tingling in your fingers,
05:33 and I didn't take it seriously, then it started to kind of
05:35 go through my whole arm, and one day
05:37 I was baking something and I put it in the oven
05:40 and when I took it out, it just fell and splattered,
05:42 and I called my husband crying, I said, "Al, I just lost,
05:45 you know, I broke this dish"
05:47 and he says, "That's it, we're going to the doctor... "
05:49 so, I had a girlfriend who was a Nurse Practitioner
05:51 she said the quickest way to get testing done
05:53 is to just go to the Emergency Room
05:55 so I went to the Emergency Room, they did all the testing
05:57 and the doctor came back and says,
05:59 "I'm sorry Ms. Parks, you have MS-Multiple Sclerosis
06:01 and I said, "Are you kidding?" he says,
06:04 "No, we've seen all of this stuff in your brain and
06:07 in your spinal cord and... " so...
06:10 So on top of everything else, now you have a diagnosis
06:17 to deal with... through all this...
06:20 are you practicing... Yes...
06:23 you're doing the counseling and all the psychological testing...
06:27 Yes... that's right... testing and all that?
06:28 Yeah... yeah... yeah.. Yes, I'm going through
06:30 all of that... during that time...
06:31 and then you found out that you had MS...
06:34 How did you respond? Initially, I thought,
06:36 "Well, that's it... I'm going to be an invalid
06:39 a disabled person for the rest of my life...
06:41 my husband will have to take care of me,
06:43 I have to... go into... " I mean... my mind just went
06:45 Right... then the Holy Spirit just
06:47 stopped me and said, "You know,
06:48 you don't know if that's the route it's going to go"
06:50 so He just kind of stopped me,
06:51 I went to the Neurologist
06:53 and the Neurologist said, "You need to get on steroids"
06:56 and at that point... I didn't want to do that...
06:57 I'm not saying that everyone should follow this
06:59 but my husband and I decided
07:00 we wanted to do the natural treatment...
07:02 Hmmm... hmmm... so we told the Neurologist
07:03 we're just not going to do the steroids
07:05 and he says, "Well, Magna, you'll never get better. "
07:07 that's what he said to me... we ended up doing "Natural"
07:09 we went to Wildwood Lifestyle Center
07:11 which uses natural ways and two months later
07:14 I could fully use my hand... I had completely
07:17 lost use of this arm... it was like... I was paralyzed
07:20 my husband had to help me comb my hair
07:22 I had to eat with my left hand,
07:24 and I couldn't write, so...
07:27 And it came on you suddenly, Suddenly... yeah...
07:29 it didn't take much time, it just kind of...
07:31 Usually, I've read somewhere or heard in a lecture
07:36 or something... that there's an emotional
07:39 component... something has happened
07:42 Yes... that leads to MS...
07:44 Yes... And look at what was going on
07:48 with you... That's right...
07:49 my mother, my brother, so... Yes... yes...
07:51 they also found out that my Vitamin D levels
07:54 were... not low... but deficient...
07:56 and the doctor showed me there's a relationship
07:59 between that as well... so... that's where I was
08:02 but in 2 months... the Lord...
08:03 and it's been 7 years and I've had no symptoms...
08:07 Praise God... Yes... yes...
08:09 See our... and again...
08:10 you're not saying... this is for everybody
08:13 that "Natural Route" is for everybody
08:15 but for some people it works
08:16 for some people it doesn't... but...
08:18 praise God... it worked for you. Amen...
08:20 and... really... how can it hurt...
08:22 we're not saying... "Stop your meds" or anything...
08:25 That's right... but what we are saying
08:26 that eating right... and following the laws of health
08:29 can help... Right... amen...
08:31 and it helped me... And it helped you...
08:33 praise God... Praise the Lord...
08:35 so... you got through that...
08:37 the Lord brought you through that...
08:38 and then what happened? Two years later...
08:41 my mother was diagnosed with Colon Cancer
08:45 and 6 months later she died...
08:46 So now you've lost your brother, Hmmm... hmmm...
08:49 and your mother... hmmm... hmmm...
08:52 Yeah... and the time in between
08:55 were you near your mother, were you helping her,
08:57 or were you far... did live away from her...
09:00 I was in Georgia... she was in Florida...
09:02 so it was about 7 hours away from each other
09:04 but then they moved... closer to me...
09:06 Uchee Pines was just two hours away...
09:08 they moved in that area, so I was able to see
09:10 her a lot... for those 2 years before she passed...
09:13 Yeah... that's good... And a year after that...
09:17 I lost my husband... Oh, this is... you know,
09:21 as you said before... when you're talking to people
09:26 and you haven't had your own
09:28 hardship and adversity,
09:31 it has a different feel... from when you have been
09:34 through it... Yes... yes...
09:36 just all of these losses back to back...
09:39 What happened with your husband?
09:41 Well, he had something called AV malformation
09:44 which they say is a congenital brain disorder...
09:46 the capillaries and veins are kind of confused or
09:49 twisted or mixed up or something...
09:51 I don't know the exact way to describe it...
09:53 but he was born with that, and people... typically
09:56 the only reason they may find out
09:57 is when they're younger and they could do something about it
10:00 or when they're older and they get rushed
10:02 to the hospital with an aneurysm
10:03 that's what a physician told me
10:04 and that's what happened to him,
10:06 he had some symptoms going on... 3 weeks before
10:08 and then he was rushed to the hospital... had an aneurysm
10:11 and 2 days later... he died...
10:12 49-years-old... Oh...
10:15 what was going through your head, Magna,
10:18 right after he died?
10:20 Why me? Why did God allow this?
10:23 we had started a ministry 2 or 3 years earlier...
10:26 3 years earlier... and during the year that he died
10:30 the ministry really started to take off...
10:32 and I was just saying... "Lord, we were just doing
10:34 all these wonderful things... we had come here
10:36 and done some cooking programs
10:37 I had done some things with "Issues and Answers"
10:39 why now? Why would you take him away now?
10:41 He's a man who loves you... all kinds of questions
10:44 were going through my mind...
10:46 but, one day the Lord said to me...
10:47 "Magna, you're so concerned about your ministry...
10:49 but I'm more concerned about salvation... "
10:51 Hmmm... just as bold as...
10:53 I could just hear the words... and it just...
10:56 we don't understand sometimes
10:59 why things happen as they do, but, I guess the key is...
11:07 and this is what you have found
11:08 because you are a woman of faith...
11:10 that the faith comes in... after you've asked
11:13 the questions or whatever... trusting that God knew
11:17 what had to be done... and knew the best place
11:21 for him to be saved... Yes... amen...
11:23 so, sometimes this life is so short and
11:27 it's so painful though
11:29 we lose that loved one... and it's just so... painful...
11:34 Yes... yeah... So how did you adjust...
11:36 after that... because it was so sudden...
11:38 It was... It wasn't like he was sick...
11:41 he just had the aneurysm and was gone...
11:43 Yes... yes... yes... how did you adjust after that...
11:46 what did you do? You know, one of the biggest
11:48 things that helped me was... I really tightened up
11:52 my walk with the Lord... I spent more time
11:55 in the Word... I asked questions but
11:57 I wanted God to direct me to things that I could read...
12:00 promises that I could hold on to that was the foundation
12:03 of me being able to deal with my husband's death...
12:05 and another piece that the research shows
12:09 when you're dealing with adversity is... social support
12:11 my Church members were there for me...
12:14 my friends were there for me, I didn't stay in the house,
12:16 I didn't want to stay in the house... where we...
12:17 you know... my husband and I had our home together...
12:19 so I stayed with a few friends here...
12:21 I went to St. Croix and stayed with my cousin for 6 weeks,
12:25 and different people just opened their homes to me,
12:27 sometimes I felt like a bag lady...
12:29 because I was going around from home to home
12:30 but it was my way of dealing with this difficulty...
12:33 Yes... so that was really important
12:35 my walk with God and then
12:37 following the laws of health, that really helped me
12:39 because I would regularly get up and walk,
12:42 I made sure that I ate my meals at a regular time,
12:45 I had healthy meals... I tried to get to bed on time
12:47 and I know that those laws of health...
12:50 were very important in helping me work through
12:52 that grieving process... that is so true because
12:55 without that... the depression could have
12:58 overtaken you... That's right...
13:00 the walking stimulates those endorphins...
13:02 and so you're moving around and so you feel
13:04 better even though you're feeling terrible
13:06 but you feel better than you would
13:10 if you didn't do it... even sleep deprivation...
13:13 had you not gotten enough sleep,
13:15 had you been eating improperly...
13:17 all of that... can make you spiral down
13:19 and then the depression is worse...
13:21 That's right... So praise God that you had
13:23 the support... that you got into the Word more
13:27 that is so important... because when we're going
13:31 through things sometimes you don't even want to pray...
13:36 I know... You don't want to read the Word
13:38 you have to make a conscious decision to do it.
13:41 You do... that's right... it can't be based on feelings
13:44 see... that's what gets us in trouble...
13:45 is that... we make decisions and we do things a lot
13:48 based on how we feel... but the healing came
13:51 as I said... even though I feel terrible today,
13:53 in my stomach... you know... you just have this pit
13:55 in your stomach when you're going through things
13:57 in spite of that, I am going to pick up the Bible
13:59 and sometimes... you may not even feel anything
14:01 while you're reading the Bible, but the promises
14:03 are still going into your head and your mind...
14:06 and it's affecting the brain, so, I said,
14:08 "Lord, I don't feel like this, but help me to do this
14:10 even if I don't feel like this, that's what I used to tell
14:13 my people... when I talk to my clients,
14:15 my patients and now I had to put it to practice...
14:18 what I was saying to them... Yes, yes... you had to
14:21 do... you had to follow your own counsel...
14:24 that's right...
14:25 and you saw... how it works...
14:27 Yes... first hand...
14:28 Amen... So, okay, so, you lost your
14:31 husband, your mother, your brother,
14:34 you had the diagnosis of MS...
14:37 what happened with you
14:39 professionally... as you were going through all of this...
14:42 what were you noticing professionally?
14:46 You know what I noticed, believe it or not,
14:48 specially towards the latter part...
14:50 I started to develop more empathy and compassion
14:54 for people in their suffering,
14:55 you know, before I had more
14:57 of the "I'm the doctor role, you come here to help"
15:00 but I felt myself now as I'm talking to people
15:02 I could feel more of what they were going through
15:05 because I had walked and had been walking my own path
15:07 so I definitely developed more compassion
15:10 at times... sometimes... I got a little more involved
15:14 than I should have... Hmmm... kind of over-identified?
15:18 Exactly... so that was going on as well
15:21 but the good part was... that the Lord developed more
15:23 compassion and empathy and more...
15:25 feeling people's sorrow and suffering more...
15:29 Yes... yes... yes... which is so, so important...
15:32 Yes... and that other factor
15:33 which is critical... is that support piece...
15:37 Yes... when your brothers and sisters
15:40 are praying for you, you can almost feel
15:43 that you're being held up by something...
15:46 Yeah... because you're going through
15:48 this dark time and you just you're rocking and reeling...
15:52 Yes... and when you get those prayers
15:54 I mean, that is just such a critical piece...
15:56 if we would just pray for other people
15:59 that are going through it just means so much
16:02 to make such a difference... You know that text,
16:05 "Comfort others wherewith we are comforted"
16:07 that text became real... very real for me...
16:09 Yeah... yes... I understood a little more
16:11 about what the Apostle Paul was saying...
16:13 Yes... yes... Because I had been comforted
16:14 by God... and He gave me more
16:16 where I could comfort other people...
16:18 because of what God had done for me...
16:19 Absolutely... that's such a beautiful thing
16:22 Yes... so, after all of this,
16:25 that now... you reached a place where
16:28 your symptoms had gone away,
16:29 did they return after your husband's death?
16:31 No, thank God, they did not...
16:33 I was fearful that that would happen...
16:36 because stress can sometimes make the MS flare up again
16:40 Yes... but no symptoms
16:41 By God's grace... I attribute it all to Him and His power.
16:45 Amen... amen... and it's natural laws
16:47 that He has given us... Natural...
16:49 just... if we do certain things, we can really prevent
16:53 certain outcomes by the grace of God...
16:55 Yes... yes... So that's great...
16:56 so after all of this, where did your life go...
17:00 after your husband died, and you went through
17:03 the whole grieving period and all that...
17:06 where did your life go after that?
17:09 Well, my ministry picked up, I started traveling more,
17:13 and then the Lord brought a wonderful man
17:15 into my life... Praise the Lord...
17:17 tell us about how that happened. Well, you know, I actually
17:20 had known him... my husband and I...
17:23 he works at Uchee Pines... and I had actually known him
17:26 my husband and I would go down there
17:28 we'd sit and eat with him, I actually...
17:29 this is so funny... I have to tell this funny story
17:31 I actually thought he was such a nice man
17:33 I tried to match-make him with somebody else...
17:35 he actually came to our house one weekend
17:38 and spent the weekend because I wanted him to meet
17:40 someone... that tells you how much
17:42 I thought of him... That's right...
17:44 and 8 years later... I would visit Uchee Pines
17:46 when my dad lived on the campus and we started to interact
17:51 and one thing led to the other and he came into my life
17:56 and now, we're engaged... Oh... look at God...
17:58 Yes... Look at God... He is so loving
18:02 He knows it's not good for us to be alone...
18:04 Yes... and He's got somebody for you
18:06 He does... yes... and that also speaks of...
18:09 I always talk about the "Plan" God's master plan for us...
18:14 Yes... and even though we don't see
18:16 where things are going... He's always got something
18:21 good for us... He does...
18:22 If we would just trust Him, you know...
18:25 Matthew 6 became real important for me
18:28 where it says... "Take, therefore, no thought
18:30 for the morrow... for the morrow shall take thought for itself
18:33 sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof... "
18:35 Yes... and that was a promise
18:37 that kept me... because after my husband died...
18:39 I wondered... "What's going to happen
18:41 to the Ministry... what am I going to do,
18:42 my ministry partner is gone, and I would just have to
18:45 repeat that text... "Don't worry about tomorrow
18:47 Magna, just deal with each day as it comes... "
18:50 Yes... Don't take thought about
18:51 tomorrow... I haven't conquered that completely,
18:54 because even now there are some issue going on
18:56 and I have to remind myself of that...
18:58 but I got good practice when I lost my husband
19:00 in exercising that... And it's a journey...
19:03 it's a process... I mean we have to...
19:05 just kind of stay in the moment..
19:07 Yes... but sometimes if we go
19:10 to the left... the Lord just brings us right back
19:12 on the right path... He's so faithful...
19:14 And so merciful... He is...
19:16 And look what He did... He brought you someone
19:18 that's involved in health too Isn't that a blessing...
19:21 you know what I mean... I just praise His name...
19:23 I know... I know... I know... this is so great...
19:25 so now, where is your ministry now...
19:27 tell us about your ministry... what is it
19:29 and what are you doing? Okay, it's called
19:31 "Be in Good Health" and when my husband was there
19:34 we had to the physical health piece
19:35 because he went through Uchee Pines Training
19:36 and now... I'm going to be able to add that back again...
19:40 but since he's been gone... I do mostly mental health
19:43 I do a lot of Mental Health Seminars...
19:45 I travel and I educate people because I like Mental Health
19:48 that's focused on Science, the Bible, and inspired writings
19:50 Science is just revealing some wonderful things
19:53 about mental health now... that just goes right along
19:56 the Bible... can I give an example?
19:57 Oh, yes, please... I was going to ask you...
19:58 it's called "Post-traumatic Growth"
20:00 that scientists are now talking about
20:02 and what they're saying is that
20:04 when people go through trauma
20:05 many of them can become better people
20:08 as a result of adversity... and hasn't the Bible
20:10 been telling us that all along?
20:12 Is that not amazing! It's amazing...
20:14 so I do seminars on things like that...
20:17 and I also do one-on-one consultation
20:19 when I'm available either over the phone
20:21 or here and there I might do it face-to-face...
20:23 and so that's basically the bulk of my ministry...
20:25 so you're showing really how Science is actually supporting
20:30 what the Bible says... Amen...
20:32 which is... of course we know that
20:34 we're going to choose the Bible before anything...
20:38 but, it's so interesting that with Science saying
20:41 "Eat more fruits and vegetables" you know what I mean...
20:44 going back to the original plant-based diet...
20:46 it's like all of these things are really
20:50 supporting... the teachings... That's right...
20:52 and I think God's allowing that because God reaches us
20:56 where we are... Yes...
20:57 some people will not hear a minister get up and say
20:59 "When you go through adversity you'll be a better person... "
21:02 you know, "The trying of your faith worketh patience"
21:05 Yes... some people are not there...
21:07 but when Science says, "Post-traumatic Growth"
21:09 and it sounds all professional then...
21:11 their ears start to perk up and they listen then...
21:14 that's a door-opening for you to say...
21:17 "You know what... Science is just finding this
21:18 but thousands of years ago
21:21 God inspired Paul to write it,
21:23 and that kind of opens their ears...
21:24 they want to hear more truth... Absolutely, because, for them,
21:28 "if Science says it's okay, then it must be okay... "
21:33 That's right... Which... okay...
21:35 if that's what you want... exactly... you know..
21:37 God just looks at us and reaches us where we are
21:40 that's what I think... He does...
21:41 I love Him for that... God is so amazing...
21:44 Yes... I interviewed an author
21:48 as far as I know... he's not a Christian author,
21:51 he wrote a book about how children succeed...
21:55 and he was saying that the... of course,
21:59 Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, all that stuff is critical
22:03 Hmmm... hmmm... but there are other parts of
22:06 success that aren't measured like that...
22:09 and he was saying that character-building
22:13 is something that is...
22:15 is integral... for success...
22:19 There you go... wow... and I thought,
22:21 "Wow, this is what we teach" this is why Christian education
22:25 is so important... Amen...
22:27 because, yes, we're teaching the academics...
22:29 but academics alone are not the key for success...
22:33 Character-building, discipline, the ability to defer
22:38 gratification... all of these things are critical pieces
22:41 and this is Biblical... so, it's like
22:45 Science... again... because the research
22:47 is supporting this...
22:48 Science is supporting what the Bible says...
22:51 Wow, and I just think that you know, so what you're doing
22:54 was showing what Science is saying...
22:57 and showing how... this is what's in the Word,
22:59 this is what's in the Spirit of Prophecy...
23:01 all these things are so important...
23:04 Yes... yes... Where do you see
23:05 God taking your ministry... like where do you want
23:09 it to go... and where is it going...
23:11 where does it feel like it's going
23:13 because we don't know God's going to do...
23:14 That's right... you know what my ideal thing
23:16 would be Yvonne? What?
23:17 to have a place where people could come
23:19 and I can take these principles
23:21 they'd be there for a while and I could take these principles
23:23 and apply... you know... what Science is showing
23:26 what the Bible says, what lifestyle says,
23:28 out in the natural setting, people can just get away
23:31 because you can hear God's voice more
23:32 when you get away from the hustle and bustle
23:34 and so that would be... just the ideal situation for me
23:38 to be able to work with people like that...
23:40 Yes... yes... for several weeks...
23:42 You know... there are some places where...
23:45 and I don't know if you'd want to collaborate
23:49 but there's some places that have been established
23:52 where people are able to invite others to come
23:56 away from the cities... come out... get ministered to...
23:59 health-wise and then you have the emotional piece...
24:02 Yes... which is so important
24:04 because people don't understand how to deal with stress
24:08 and depression... what suggestions do you have
24:11 for depression? Depression, definitely,
24:13 the first thing that comes to my mind
24:14 is the laws of health that we talked about, you know,
24:17 helping people to eat healthy, you know, I've worked with
24:20 people... just by changing their diet...
24:22 they could have been molested, abused or whatever as children
24:25 we talk about that... but when you want to deal with
24:27 the brain... and just by changing the diet
24:29 I've had people say to me, "I feel better than before
24:32 I was depressed," you know, Yes...
24:34 the first thing is to just understand
24:35 how the body works and how the mind
24:37 and the brain and the body
24:39 are related and helping people to understand
24:42 if you could take care of your brain...
24:43 you can deal with a lot of that depression...
24:45 That is... I'm shaking my head
24:48 because that is so important
24:50 if we can take care of the brain and how do we do that?
24:53 we give the brain... the nutrients that it needs...
24:56 to function optimally... Yes...
24:59 if you're putting a lot of junk in your body,
25:02 that's what you're going to get...
25:03 and you're going to be more depressed...
25:05 because the chemical... it's the chemical deal...
25:08 That's right... so the Chemistry is off...
25:11 then your brain is not going to function right...
25:13 Exactly... so, this is good stuff...
25:16 so... one of the things then is...
25:18 changing lifestyle... changing lifestyle...
25:20 and another key thing that I know the enemy
25:22 really tried with me... with all my losses is...
25:24 asking God to help you with your thoughts...
25:26 our thoughts... I remember a Neuropsychologist saying,
25:29 "Our thoughts are killing us... "
25:31 what we think... is killing us...
25:32 you know, if I rolled a chair across your foot,
25:36 what you thought will determine
25:37 how you respond to me...
25:38 if you say to me... "Oh, she didn't see me...
25:41 she probably did it accidentally"
25:43 it won't affect you as much, but if you say,
25:45 "Magna did that on purpose, she knows... she saw my foot"
25:47 that would cause anger, so what you say to yourself
25:50 will determine how you respond to situations...
25:52 That's key too... that's key... you know how, so often,
25:57 people are saying...
25:59 "Why are you looking at me like that?"
26:00 Yes... "Why did you do that?"
26:02 Yes... "Don't look at me like that... "
26:04 I mean... jumping to a place of anger
26:06 when you really don't have to, and that generates
26:10 a whole other physiological response as well...
26:13 It does... so, what you're saying is...
26:15 if you can just change the way you respond to things,
26:21 Yes... and you can use a word
26:23 to do that... Amen...
26:25 to give you the foundation for that...
26:27 Amen... That is so good...
26:28 and it's an ever... it's a process that you continue
26:32 because though I teach this, I still have to teach myself,
26:35 "Watch your thoughts Magna... watch your thoughts... "
26:38 because... once you start going down the path...
26:40 it would get you in trouble depending on what
26:42 you're thinking... For sure, do you know,
26:43 there's a Neuroscientist in Texas, Dr. Caroline Leaf,
26:48 and she said that, "thoughts actually have an
26:50 anatomical representation in the brain... "
26:52 and I think she's talking about neurons...
26:56 but on these neurons are little thorns...
26:59 thorn-type of appendages on the toxic thoughts
27:03 so when we re-visit these... they shoot out toxic chemicals
27:09 into the blood stream... I believe that...
27:11 and so, we're going to be sick, That's right...
27:13 we're going to... all of these things happened
27:15 because we're not thinking
27:18 positively...
27:20 That's right... so what does the Bible say
27:21 about we think...
27:22 "Whatsoever things are true,
27:25 noble, pure... think on these things... "
27:29 That's right...
27:30 Thank you so much for being with us...
27:32 I just love talking to you and I'm so thankful
27:35 for where God has brought you
27:37 and what He's doing in your life and I'm super happy
27:40 for your relationship, may God continue to bless you...
27:43 I want to thank you too...
27:45 for choosing to tune in today and I hope that the information
27:50 that you heard can somehow be used
27:52 to change your life...
27:54 That's the end of our Program for today...
27:57 Thank you so much for tuning in...
27:59 Join us next time... because you know what?
28:01 It just wouldn't be the same... without you...


Revised 2015-03-03