Urban Report

All That Glitters

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Ron Porterfield


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000101

00:01 Stay tuned to meet a man that found that in Hollywood
00:03 all that glitters is not gold.
00:05 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:08 Urban Report...
00:30 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:33 My guest today is Ron Porterfield
00:35 Gospel Medical Missionary Evangelist
00:37 with a compelling journey to share...
00:40 Welcome to Urban Report Ron...
00:42 Thank you Yvonne... it's good to be here...
00:43 So good to have you...
00:45 So Ron... you have a really interesting story...
00:49 tell us about where you grew up
00:51 and how you grew up... I grew up in North of Virginia
00:55 a very simple upbringing we weren't rich or anything
01:00 mostly just very simple and grew up with a mother
01:04 that loved God... my mother and my grandmother
01:08 my brother and I... we loved God...
01:10 but we didn't have a real religious upbringing...
01:13 and as time went on I sort of leaned more towards
01:17 media and entertainment and wanting to actually
01:22 to be an actor... to go for a dream in Hollywood
01:25 and so eventually I went in that direction...
01:27 Now, so you grew up basically in a single-parent household...
01:31 Yes... and... so were there
01:34 male mentors in your home or was it mostly your mom
01:38 and your grandmother that influenced you...
01:40 My mom and my grandmother... we had our uncle there
01:42 but he was an alcoholic, he was lovable...
01:46 not violent or anything like that
01:48 but definitely not a mentor... Hmmm... hmmm...
01:51 there were neighbors that had good influences
01:53 but no one right in the home... so having him
01:56 in your sphere of influence, did that impact you later on
02:01 as far as alcoholism or drugs or anything like that?
02:04 Perhaps... I'm sure it had an influence...
02:07 there again... like I said... he was a lovable drunk but
02:11 but nevertheless a drunk... and so I did get into that
02:15 Hmmm... at what point did you get into that?
02:18 It was around 16... right around there...
02:21 with my friends... began to drink...
02:23 and get into marijuana and those types of things...
02:25 Hmmm... you know what I'm finding is that
02:29 those teen years are so pivotal...
02:31 actually... actually the growing years are so pivotal...
02:35 and many times in our communities...
02:38 we're missing that strong male role model...
02:41 Yes... and so, our boys get caught up
02:44 into the peer pressure... gangs and all of that stuff
02:48 and they're looking for some kind of sense of belonging,
02:53 some kind of sense of identity,
02:55 and they just get swallowed up
02:57 into that whole thing... and it's just such a
03:00 trap of the enemy... yes... it is a trap of the enemy
03:04 and I didn't really have the peer pressure part
03:07 but there again... some of my friends were doing it
03:09 they weren't pressuring me but... because I was sort of shy
03:12 just up to release my ambitions and I could come out and
03:15 be freer once I was drinking something
03:18 or smoking something... I felt freer to be
03:21 who I thought I wanted to be...
03:22 Hmmm... hmmm... it's so interesting that
03:27 the media plays such an important part in us
03:31 making the choices that we make. Yes...
03:34 The other day I was watching a program and it was
03:38 these sisters and these sisters were having fun together
03:43 and these are sisters that are in the
03:45 Entertainment Industry I won't say their names...
03:47 but they're in the Entertainment Industry
03:50 and they actually were smoking marijuana...
03:53 and they were in Jamaica
03:54 and they were smoking marijuana, and making it seem like
03:57 it's okay... and I thought,
03:59 "Man, these women... have such influence
04:02 and they're taking that...
04:04 and really making it look
04:07 making something that is really ultimately dangerous,
04:09 making it look like it's fun and it's okay... "
04:13 and so, once again... it's that pull of the media
04:16 into a lifestyle that is not okay...
04:20 All that glitters... in Hollywood... is not gold...
04:23 It's definitely not gold, Yvonne, and you know
04:26 it's about that influence, so where as I thought
04:28 I was doing something... making my own choices...
04:30 and I was making my own choice to go for those things
04:32 but not really realizing as you are talking
04:34 about the media... how much I was being influenced
04:37 I thought I was being myself but that I was really just
04:41 being a puppet... So how did you get into acting?
04:45 What was your journey with that?
04:47 Well, I was in college
04:50 and I saw a friend
04:52 actually, they weren't friends at the time
04:54 I saw two people walking across campus
04:56 and they were being very dramatic
04:57 acting out some part...
04:59 laughing... having a good time and
05:01 there again... I saw that and
05:03 I just became enamored with that
05:05 and I wanted to be able to do that
05:07 so, eventually I went to a
05:09 campus across town
05:10 I auditioned for a part...
05:12 and I got the part...
05:13 I didn't want to do it where I was going to School
05:15 because I thought... well, you know,
05:16 I may make a fool of myself...
05:17 so I thought...
05:19 You didn't want your friends to know or see it... right...
05:20 so it was okay if I went across town
05:22 because no one would know me... you know... so...
05:25 anyway I got the part and got a good review
05:28 and then I came back to where I was going to school
05:30 and then got more parts... and got good reviews
05:32 so I felt more comfortable... so, there again...
05:35 I think it was growing up with a lot of television
05:38 and something about being influenced
05:43 by people portraying different sides of life
05:45 I've always, I guess, been interested in human behavior
05:50 Hmmm... hmmm... and so, I thought it was
05:51 very attractive to me to be able to
05:53 portray different levels
05:56 of humanity... different aspects of humanity
05:58 so I think... that's where the acting
06:00 really, for me, became so attractive...
06:02 Hmmm... hmmm... the ability to show different
06:07 sides of life and society... Yes...
06:11 Yeah and so... you found that you had a gift for it...
06:14 Yes... and so you got...
06:16 you started getting pulled into it...
06:18 Yes... you got this role and that role
06:21 how far did you go with it? All the way to Hollywood
06:23 Did you... okay... how did you get to Hollywood?
06:26 You know, Yvonne, it's interesting that
06:27 even before I went to Hollywood, I had friends
06:30 that would call me "Hollywood"
06:32 That was your new nickname...
06:33 That was my nickname because of the way I dressed
06:35 to go to Hollywood... so, it was amazing
06:37 how that happened but a friend and myself...
06:39 we decided... "Well, you know what... why don't we... "
06:41 he was into musical theatre...
06:42 so we decided...
06:43 "Why don't we just go for a career...
06:45 let's just go for it... " so we loaded up his car
06:47 went across the Country to Hollywood
06:49 and as soon as I got there
06:51 I began to get into acting classes
06:53 and dance classes and I began to audition
06:57 read the trade papers... everything I could do
06:59 to get busy and to be a working actor
07:02 and eventually I got my Union Card and
07:05 started doing some TV shows and commercials
07:08 and lots of theatre... traveling theatre...
07:10 so it got... very busy...
07:12 Where were you spiritually at this point?
07:14 Well, that's an interesting question because
07:17 when I first got there... after being there for a few
07:18 weeks... finding a job and all those necessary things...
07:20 I was there and I said,
07:23 "You know... something is missing. "
07:24 Hmmm... hmmm... and I realized what it was...
07:27 "Oh, I need to go to Church" because I prayed every morning
07:30 I believed in God... my mother raised us up...
07:31 we prayed... we believed in God...
07:34 so, I said, "Yes, I need a Church"
07:36 and so I went and I found a Church...
07:38 I grew up going to Catholic Church
07:40 so I found a Church... got on the bus...
07:42 went to Church... and that first Service...
07:44 that I went to... I had a sense of fulfillment
07:46 Hmmm... the second time I went there...
07:50 it's like... "No, something's missing"
07:53 Hmmm... and I realized, at that time,
07:56 that was the Church that I was used to... growing up
08:00 that I was used to going to with my mother...
08:02 she would take us to Church, and that now...
08:05 something had changed and this...
08:06 no longer worked for me... before it felt fulfilling
08:10 because it was familiar... Right...
08:11 but it no longer worked... so eventually...
08:15 I went into New Age... Eastern Mysticism...
08:18 Let's talk a little bit about that...
08:19 because I have some background in that myself...
08:22 All right... What did you do with the New Age
08:25 Eastern Mysticism and stuff... where did you go with that?
08:27 Oh... lot of books... did a lot of reading at home
08:32 on my own... I actually went to a Church
08:34 that practiced these types of
08:38 Eastern Mysticism practices
08:41 Such as...? Transcendental Meditation...
08:45 the gonging and just even some of the beliefs
08:49 about what happens when we die...
08:51 and some of the chants... some of the different things
08:54 some of the repetitive sayings, and all these types of things
08:57 even a lot of the beliefs about Heaven and Hell
09:02 there's no evil power... evil only comes from the person
09:09 that it's working in and out through...
09:10 I even went to these weekends where I was being
09:15 a part of exercises where they were
09:18 exercising their power... even surrendering my will to be
09:21 to be moved by these types of entities...
09:26 I guess, I could say... So, you began to...
09:31 you were trying to... tell me if I'm right or not...
09:35 you were trying to fill an empty space
09:39 Yes... and you started
09:42 Eastern Mysticism which... in and of itself...
09:46 can be very interesting... and very dangerous...
09:49 Yes... yes... because it pulls you in
09:51 because you want to know more... Yes...
09:53 right and you... and so... it just kind of pulls you in
09:56 and then you... before you know it...
09:58 you're a part of that whole scene...
10:01 That's what happened to me... I mean the first time
10:03 I went to this particular church I walked in as... "I'm home"
10:06 Wow... "I'm home... "
10:08 Wow... But three-and-a-half years later
10:10 as I went to this one service and I saw what was conducted
10:14 and I had... somehow a shift had taken in my mind
10:16 that sounds almost mystic right there...
10:19 and...
10:21 it was almost as if I was watching a parody
10:23 of the whole event... but it wasn't a parody...
10:26 it was real... and so I said...
10:28 "No, I can't go here anymore" and I stepped away from it...
10:31 Did you feel any sense of evil when you were there?
10:35 Did you get any sense of "this isn't right"
10:38 Not for the three-and-a-half years I was going...
10:42 it was on that particular day that I felt that
10:46 "No, this is not right... " then, it wasn't a real
10:49 overwhelming sense of evil... just something was
10:52 strange... something was peculiar
10:54 Hmmm... hmmm...
10:55 so, I had to remove myself from there...
10:57 One of the things that's happening...
10:59 Brother Ron, that I see, is that...
11:01 Satan has all of these different traps for us... right?
11:06 so, one of them is... when you are a person
11:11 that's inquisitive... and you want to know more...
11:15 you can get caught up into these new-age things
11:19 that actually have to do with, you know,
11:22 human potential and meditation
11:25 and this meditation thing is slipping into the Churches
11:28 in the form of spiritual formation
11:30 contemplative prayer and that kind of thing
11:33 and we have to be so careful because the enemy
11:37 is very shrewd... and he is going to do
11:39 what he can to fill that space...
11:42 there's an empty space in all of us
11:44 for God to fill... and if we don't fill it with Him
11:49 something else is going to fill that space
11:51 and that meditation is a dangerous thing...
11:54 because Biblical meditation says...
11:58 "Meditate on the Word... " TM says...
12:03 "Empty your mind... " Right?
12:05 Oh, yes... so, when you participated
12:08 in this... did you ever get any kind of visitation
12:13 or anything like that? I did get visitation
12:16 when I went that one event that I was mentioning
12:20 where I surrendered my will at the beckoning of the
12:23 teacher that was there... I found myself...
12:25 being taken over physically by this...
12:30 whatever it was... this "force"
12:32 and I found myself moving... or being moved...
12:36 and it was not me willing to do this...
12:38 so, that was very strange...
12:41 Yes... and that's what made you decide...
12:44 "Whoa... this is not for me... " Was it that event?
12:47 No, that was... unfortunate... that was later...
12:50 years later that I decided I needed to be
12:55 completely away from all this type of teaching
12:58 this type of "Movement" Yes... yes...
13:03 that whole philosophy... Yes...
13:05 that whole Eastern philosophy that seems so benign
13:09 is not... the whole idea of Yin and Yang
13:12 Hmmm... hmmm... yes...
13:13 it's not benign...
13:14 It seemed so good in the beginning...
13:16 and it seems logical... Yes...
13:18 there should be a balance in everything...
13:20 Right... balance between hot and cold,
13:23 day and night... but never a balance
13:25 between good and evil... I know...
13:27 Right... the Bible says "Eschew evil... " you know...
13:30 "just do the good... " but with that...
13:33 with Eastern Philosophy it's...
13:35 it's "yin and yang balance good and evil... "
13:40 and we've never been called to do that...
13:42 No... no... So, you got out of that...
13:44 praise God...
13:45 the Lord took you out of that really...
13:48 Praise the Lord... yes... and so, what happened after that
13:50 Well... I'm still in the acting, and that's not going so well...
13:54 because I'm pounding the pavement and
13:57 in Hollywood... you've been in Show Business
14:01 well you can have a tendency to be type-cast...
14:04 Hmmm... type-cast for this role,
14:06 this role and this role... you know I had to wear a bandana
14:09 like I wanted to kill a bunch of people
14:11 you know... So, they were putting you
14:12 in the stereotypical role
14:13 for Black males...
14:15 Yeah... yeah... So that's really what...
14:17 yeah... gangster and a thug and all that...
14:19 that type of thing... yeah... so that got really old
14:21 and then what really moved away
14:24 you know... many times... a broken heart or some pain
14:27 sometimes pain gets your attention...
14:29 Yes... Pain...
14:30 Yes... and so... those pains...
14:32 heart pains is what it was... Hmmm...
14:34 I was in a relationship and I thought this was the one
14:38 I felt like... as a matter-of-fact...
14:41 we went to... she asked me to go to church
14:43 with her... it was a very popular church
14:45 actors go to... we went and I don't know what
14:47 that was about... she wasn't really interested
14:49 but she asked me to go... something about that moved me
14:52 I began, then, to be moved closer...
14:54 to have a desire more for the Lord...
14:57 I don't know where it was so much for her...
14:59 she was going the other way... eventually, months later,
15:02 the relationship disintegrated so that was...
15:04 that turned into pain for me...
15:06 pain in the heart... so I began to go on a search
15:09 sometimes the Lord causes... uses... pain to turn up
15:12 the attention... Yes...
15:14 so that's what He did for me...
15:16 and I began to... search...
15:17 "Oh Lord, what is this all about what is life all about?"
15:20 so I sit down... morning after morning
15:22 after morning... reading all those
15:24 spiritualistic books that I had gone through
15:26 years before... cover to cover...
15:28 over again... sometimes some new ones...
15:31 for several months... and I ended up calling a friend
15:34 who was in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
15:36 and asked him so many questions we used to be actors together
15:39 I asked him so many questions,
15:41 and the next morning I called him back...
15:43 and said, "You know what... I want to go to Church...
15:45 I want to be baptized... " and that was the
15:48 start of a new beginning... Praise the Lord...
15:50 so look at how good God is... He used a relationship
15:53 that wasn't going to last,
15:54 but used that to draw you towards Christianity...
15:57 Yes... away from Eastern mysticism...
16:00 and then you started investigating Christianity
16:03 more and thought... "this is what I've been
16:05 looking for... " Yes...
16:06 "This is what I've been looking for... " and then
16:08 the Lord sent a Seventh-day Adventist
16:10 into your path... and then you just started
16:13 going to Church with him... Yes...
16:15 That's tremendous... that is so tremendous...
16:18 so, what has your journey been since...
16:20 since then... how did you stop the acting?
16:22 Well, it was that stereotyping that... pushing toward that
16:30 that type-casting... that really began to
16:33 change my taste about the whole Industry...
16:37 I really began to get put off with that...
16:40 and not only that... to see how
16:42 that... what an influence what a bad influence
16:46 it had painted upon my life
16:47 it was a famous Hollywood producer... said that...
16:50 more than any other influence in his whole life
16:53 more than school... more than his family
16:55 anything... that his preconceptions
16:58 about life had been... irreversibly shaped by
17:00 a place called Hollywood...
17:01 I realized... that had done that... to me...
17:05 so I began to be put off with that...
17:07 and I decided to eventually get into Medical Missionary Work
17:12 Now, how did you... were you interested in health
17:15 prior to the Medical Missionary work...
17:19 I mean... how did you get...
17:21 navigate through all of that?
17:22 Well I had already been... always been interested in health
17:25 it's amazing that a lot of people in the
17:28 Eastern Mysticism are very health conscious...
17:31 Yeah... yes... but even before that
17:32 I was interested and so...
17:34 when my friend started taking me to church
17:36 he was in the Health Ministry and I used to assist him
17:39 and so that was my entry in that way
17:41 and the he eventually left and went to the other church
17:43 and they asked me to take over, so I was into that...
17:45 and then a friend eventually asked me...
17:47 she said, "Have you ever thought about
17:49 Medical Missionary Work...?"
17:50 I said, "No, I don't really know anything about it... "
17:52 so I send off... got some information
17:54 a good friend of ours... she asked me...
17:57 "Have you ever thought about going to Uchee Pines?"
18:00 Ah... and so, she made some calls
18:03 got some information, I sent in my application
18:06 and eventually ended up going there, studying there,
18:09 and I've been there working... ever since...
18:12 In what capacity? Well, I was working as a
18:14 Lifestyle Counselor in the Lifestyle Center...
18:17 and right now I'm working as the Education Director
18:20 in the Education Department
18:21 having the blessing of training other Medical Missionaries...
18:25 Amen... so look at how God brought you
18:29 all along this journey... on this Program
18:33 on Urban Report... I always say that...
18:36 we might not know where God is taking us
18:39 but God has a plan for us, and if we'll just yield
18:43 to that plan... it's exceedingly and abundantly
18:46 more than we can ever ask or think...
18:49 Where are you now, in your heart of hearts
18:53 versus where you were then...
18:55 how is this more fulfilling for you than
18:57 your previous life?
18:59 There was a 180 degree difference...
19:02 before... I did not realize
19:03 while I was trying to be
19:05 independent... I thought I was making my own choices
19:07 and I was making some choices
19:08 but I realized then that...
19:10 as we look at it... there are only two "powers"
19:12 I was being controlled by the power... by the enemy...
19:15 influenced by this great Industry
19:17 and now... the Lord in His love and His grace has
19:22 called me to His marvelous light...
19:24 and so I have a desire now not to put myself
19:27 up front as "The Product" because
19:29 when you're into this Industry, you are "The Product"
19:32 there's a lot about self, self, self...
19:34 and so now, I want to be used by the Lord
19:36 to benefit others... to help others to bring,
19:39 as I read, "This gospel of release from suffering... "
19:43 Hmmm... oh that's wonderful... Yes...
19:46 So you want to take what God has given you
19:50 and implant it into others... so to speak...
19:54 and just share it... so that they can go out and share it
19:57 Yes... So what would you say
19:59 to that young person right now
20:01 that is grappling with going into "Show Business"
20:06 they want to get into that business
20:08 they want to see if they can be "Stars"
20:10 if you would look into that camera...
20:14 and tell some young person... what...
20:17 speak to some young person that's grappling with
20:20 going to Hollywood and wanting to be a "Star"
20:23 You know, Jesus is not looking for us to be actors and models
20:27 what He is looking for is someone to model His behavior
20:31 because... for all of them... God has sent Jesus to redeem us
20:35 and while many
20:37 may want to go to a place like Hollywood
20:39 because they think it's all glamour and all glitz...
20:41 there's a harsh reality... and that is...
20:43 that the enemy of our souls is the one, many times,
20:47 most times... who is influencing all of us
20:50 to go to these places...
20:51 I would say, "Change your mind... "
20:56 I would say, "Lean more towards your Bible...
20:59 ask those who are near to you
21:03 if they can
21:05 help you and that you would not make such a choice as this"
21:09 Thank you... it's good... it's good
21:14 because our kids need to know that it's all about
21:18 choices... Yes...
21:19 so, whatever choice you make, there's a consequence
21:23 to that choice... Yes... yes...
21:24 and I found consequences...
21:26 I found myself involved in drugs... these types of things,
21:31 alcohol... and I was involved with some of that
21:34 before I even went but we're not... really as
21:37 much as in charge... I was not in charge...
21:39 like I thought I was... And you know what...
21:42 that's a good point too Brother Ron
21:44 because I think that many times we think,
21:47 that "Hey, it's my life... I can do what I want to do
21:50 I'm making my own decisions, I am doing what I want to do"
21:54 and yet... we are controlled by...
21:58 well, God allows us to make a choice...
22:01 but if we don't choose God, we are controlled
22:05 by another entity... That's right...
22:07 and I think that's where a lot of our young people
22:09 don't understand...
22:10 it's not them... that's being in control...
22:14 they are being controlled... Yes...
22:16 and I think a lot of times, we don't realize that...
22:18 you know... tell us, if you would, again
22:21 how you think the media shapes values
22:25 because I think... that's important too...
22:27 to know that what you watch...
22:30 is critical... it makes a difference...
22:33 would you share something about that for us...
22:35 Yes... sure... We don't realize that we
22:38 end up actually imitating what we see...
22:40 Hmmm... hmmm... so, one would say that
22:42 "Art would imitate Life" but then they say,
22:45 then that life would imitate art and finally
22:48 that life would draw the very meaning of its existence
22:51 from art... so, what's happening is
22:54 that many are looking to this media
22:57 for a reason for their existence
23:00 if we can see... what's out there...
23:02 if we're looking to that for our existence...
23:04 it's a very shallow existence, a very dangerous existence
23:08 and with morals that are being put forth...
23:11 that are against God, that are very hurtful,
23:14 that will leave us very empty
23:16 at the end of it all... that is so true...
23:19 we are being desensitized... And deceived...
23:22 and deceived... desensitized and deceived
23:25 we're desensitized to immorality,
23:29 because now we're used to seeing certain things
23:32 on the screen... and it's not as offensive
23:35 maybe as it once was... and the more you watch it
23:38 the more accustomed and familiar you get to it
23:42 and the less repugnant it is...
23:44 and that's all part of Satan's plan...
23:46 isn't it? It is... and a word about
23:49 being desensitized... we come into the Church
23:52 you know, things in Church then begins to be
23:54 a little bit more boring
23:55 Hmmm... then we fall asleep when we hear
23:58 words of truth... those don't hold weight anymore,
24:01 but those are the things that are going
24:03 to give us a foundational life
24:05 that is going to take us through
24:07 when we're in pain... we need something greater
24:10 than what we saw on the screen...
24:12 Yes, that is so true... we need something greater
24:17 than what's on that screen because what's on the screen
24:19 is not real... No... when I was going through
24:22 that heartbreak... I may sit down and look at a
24:24 movie to try to escape... but when that movie is over
24:28 then I'm right back there... I needed Jesus
24:31 That's right... He is the key... He is the balm... is he not...
24:35 Yes, that's right...
24:36 So, what are you doing now, tell us about your ministry now.
24:40 Yes, I'm working at Uchee Pines also I have my own ministry LC3
24:43 Lifestyle Counseling for Mind, Body and Spirit...
24:46 and as a result... I've been able to travel
24:48 to many places in the world...
24:50 and to do Medical Missionary Training
24:52 do Seminars and to be able to work one-on-one with people
24:56 sometimes I've been in their homes
24:58 and to be able to help them and it's been
25:01 a wonderful blessing to see how the Lord
25:03 can heal people and to bring them up higher...
25:06 so if someone has a degenerative disease,
25:11 they could call you and you would come there
25:15 as part of the ministry... you come there and assist them
25:18 how does that work? Well, I do more... teaching now
25:21 and Seminars... those types of things...
25:23 so you lecture to groups... you go to groups
25:26 and work with groups... do you do individual consulting
25:28 when you're there at churches... or...
25:30 Yes... I do some of that... Okay...
25:32 Yes, I do some of that... even perhaps some
25:35 on the phone as well... that can be...
25:37 save a lot of time
25:38 and I can reach many people that way...
25:40 so people can e-mail you if they want to...
25:43 we have your e-mail address we can put it up on the screen,
25:46 Hmmm... hmmm... they can e-mail you
25:47 if they want to invite you to their churches...
25:51 Yes... to come and minister... to them
25:53 Yes... That's an amazing blessing
25:55 an amazing blessing... what kind of fulfillment
25:58 does this give you? Well, you know, considering
26:02 I used to be... all about "self"
26:03 like I said... all about self...
26:05 now to be used by the Lord
26:07 to be a blessing to someone else...
26:09 is such a great fulfillment... it gives me a sense of
26:12 a purpose in life... Yes...
26:15 I'm very fulfilled... Yes...
26:17 to see how the Lord can transform
26:20 lives the way He's transformed my life...
26:22 so I thank God for that...
26:24 Amen... and to know that what you're doing...
26:27 when you're walking in your divine destiny...
26:29 this is what you were supposed to do...
26:31 this is what God has put you on the planet to do...
26:34 Amen... and there's nothing better
26:35 than that... what's more fulfilling than that
26:37 to know that this is why you're here...
26:40 It is a wonderful blessing... Amen... amen...
26:43 Tell us in... about 30 seconds, can you give us a
26:45 story of someone that you've worked with
26:47 whose life has been changed as a result of your work...
26:50 Yes... there was a young man just a few years ago,
26:54 and he was there with his wife...
26:56 and he was dying from cancer, and he was a prodigal son
26:59 he strayed away from the Church...
27:01 one day, he was lying in his room dying...
27:03 and I said, "No, I'm not going to let you lie here and die... "
27:05 so I took him outside him and his wife...
27:07 she helped me get him out, and as we're outside...
27:10 and he was looking at the squirrels and the birds
27:12 and I saw a whole change on his face...
27:14 but that morning... he says, "Ron, I'm in agony...
27:17 please pray for me... " and as he asked me that
27:20 I got down to pray... and he began to pray...
27:23 Now, he wasn't a Christian? He had left...
27:26 Okay... yes, he had left the Church...
27:28 this was years before... but as he asked me to
27:31 pray for him... he began to pray earnestly
27:35 asking... pleading for help... well the next week...
27:38 his wife took him home and he died...
27:39 but I strongly believe... that he returned
27:43 to the Lord... and that one day...
27:45 we will see him... in glory... Yes...
27:48 Yes... That is so beautiful...
27:50 Thank you so much for being with us...
27:52 I really appreciate you...
27:54 thank you and your work... God bless you...
27:56 and thank you for being with us...
27:57 Join us next time... because it wouldn't be the same
28:00 without you...


Revised 2015-03-03