Urban Report

Seek and Save Ministries -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Lance Brown


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000097

00:01 This is Part 2... so stay tuned to meet a man
00:04 who was caught up in the Music Industry
00:06 as well as Corporate America
00:08 and walked away from God for 15 years...
00:10 hear the 2nd part of his story of restoration and redemption...
00:15 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:17 Urban Report...
00:40 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:42 My guest today is Lance Brown
00:44 Evangelist, Musician and Businessman...
00:47 Lance, welcome back... to Urban Report.
00:50 Amen... praise God... God be praised... amen...
00:53 You know... your story was so good
00:56 and we've got Part 1 but we ended it
01:00 and I just felt like there was so much more
01:03 that we didn't cover... God be praised...
01:05 Yes, yes... so let's go back a little...
01:07 for those viewers who didn't see Part 1...
01:10 Okay... let's just kind of
01:11 give them a little recap and then we'll move into Part 2
01:15 Okay... so, you grew up as an Adventist
01:20 kind of a "sad-ventist" right? Right "sad-ventist... "
01:25 you were born in Jamaica, and then you came to the States
01:30 to be with your folks, At a very young age... yes...
01:34 Tell us about your journey, from about Age 15 on...
01:39 Age 15 on... coming out of Junior High School
01:42 I started meeting a lot of popular folks
01:44 even before I got into High School...
01:46 I went to Junior High School with William Haley
01:48 the only grandson of author of "Roots"
01:54 Alex Haley and went into Musicana High School
01:58 very popular School in New York City...
02:00 wow, famous... Yes... a lot of good artists
02:02 from different genres of music that taught you to focus
02:05 on whatever else you were going to do...
02:07 Hmmm... and got drawn in from
02:11 Junior High School on... when hip-hop was just starting
02:14 when reggae dance hall became popular
02:17 when all those genres of music
02:19 were independent
02:21 and then... after a while... began to merge
02:23 and I knew both worlds... and got deeply involved
02:27 in the music business. What was your spiritual level
02:32 at Age 15... where were you spiritually?
02:35 I have no idea where I was...
02:37 I mean... my mind wasn't... technically I was going to
02:41 church... in fact I did everything in church...
02:44 I was in Pathfinders, Choir, AY-Adventist Youth,
02:47 Sabbath School... we would go out
02:49 but... nothing stuck... I couldn't wait...
02:53 to get home, take my clothes off... change...
02:58 run down to the park, listen to some hip-hop,
03:01 write some rhymes and get back to the park...
03:04 there was nothing that grounded me
03:07 in the church... even though I was attending each week...
03:11 Isn't it interesting how we can go through the motions
03:15 we can be there physically, but our hearts aren't there
03:19 Absolutely, absolutely... To me, it's a very deep thing
03:23 just kind of walking through, but not being there...
03:28 Absolutely... you know, even at that same time
03:30 and some of these things my parents are actually
03:33 going to hear for the first time,
03:34 well, they knew about the cousins who were involved
03:38 in drug dealing and
03:39 and we had other folks from the neighborhood
03:42 and I would be involved in that as well too...
03:44 you know, we would run drugs up and down the neighborhood
03:48 and that became another source of money
03:50 that got us the power from the individuals in the
03:53 neighborhood who became "famous" and, you know,
03:57 the music, the money, the drug running, the womanizing
03:59 all that from Junior High School Wow...
04:02 and then going into High School where the music...
04:06 if you did it well... can attract... so many people
04:11 and, I was hungry, I was a glut for attention
04:15 and it just sucked me in... That world is so seductive
04:21 that industry is so seductive,
04:23 and you don't even realize
04:25 how you're just getting pulled in... little by little...
04:29 until you're doing... you're beginning to do things
04:32 that you thought you'd never do.
04:34 Absolutely... I never thought I would take a drink
04:37 of alcohol... I never thought
04:39 that I would have children and just walk away from them
04:43 as if they didn't exist, just literally...
04:46 just walked away from them like,
04:47 "Hi, yes, I'm your dad, but I'm here today... I'll play"
04:50 and then... I'm gone... I'm gone...
04:52 I never thought that I would just treat women as if
04:56 you know, they're just a toy, until I get bored
04:59 and then I just throw that toy away
05:01 and then... there's another one I never thought that...
05:03 you know and I literally tried to sit down
05:06 and think... how many times have I done...
05:08 and couldn't even remember how much lives
05:11 I possibly just ruined... you know and never thought
05:15 that I'd be playing the devil's message in song...
05:19 Yes... yes... so you got really caught up into
05:23 the whole music lifestyle... Yes...
05:27 because as we said in Part 1, the values begin to get
05:33 shaped by the music... Correct...
05:35 and so your values got shaped by the music
05:39 Yes... Did you get involved
05:42 in the drug world? You know, ah...
05:44 that's another thing, a lot of the excitement
05:48 that TV sets you up
05:51 and plants seeds
05:54 Hmmm... and it looks really cool,
05:57 so, that way, as Sister White says,
05:59 "Once you have one principle working on you...
06:02 it becomes easy to slip something else in... "
06:05 and so, it looked so attractive, to see those things on TV
06:09 that by the time my cousins and folks
06:12 were running drugs up and down, they'd go,
06:13 "Hey, you want to make a trip?" and
06:15 I'd say, "Sure, I'll make a trip... "
06:16 all right... "Go there... and rob this guy,
06:19 and bring the drugs back to us"
06:21 you know, and we go there and we'd find out where the guy
06:25 has his drugs and we rob these drugs
06:27 and it's exciting... we're not thinking...
06:30 "Hold on, I could die... " my parents don't know
06:32 that their little boy is out there doing this...
06:35 How old were you? I was, at that time, about...
06:38 I was in Junior High School... Wow, so you were robbing
06:41 drug dealers... when you were about 15?
06:45 Not at gun point... just find out where they have
06:48 the drugs and go in... steal it and be gone...
06:51 before they can catch you... and then hear
06:53 later on that they're looking for you...
06:55 and you got to hide out... but no one would suspect
06:59 you know... ah... you'll find him in church
07:03 next Sabbath... you know, and,
07:05 still kept good grades, still kept up the facade
07:10 at church... still kept up the facade
07:12 at home... until my father began
07:14 smelling alcohol on me... I couldn't wake up
07:17 on Sabbath mornings, and, you know,
07:19 one thing that God did, to really shake me up
07:22 one time... I'll never forget one morning
07:24 I was lying on the couch in the front room
07:26 and my father came to wake me for Sabbath School...
07:29 and he thought I was sleeping, and I'll never forget,
07:33 he stood by the door and he didn't know what kind
07:36 of person I had become when he smelled all this on me
07:39 and he took his towel and hit me with it
07:41 and stepped back... and I remember waking up
07:44 and saying, "Have I gone that far
07:47 have I gone that far?"
07:49 and it bothered me from that day on until now...
07:52 When he jumped back... you mean, out of fear
07:55 of what your reaction would be?
07:57 Like he doesn't know if I'm high
07:59 or if I'm going to wake up violent
08:01 or if I'm going to hit him or... you know...
08:04 and until he watches this, he'll not know
08:08 that I was awake... and he'll not know
08:12 how God used that... when He was drawing me back
08:15 to say, "Remember when your father attacked...
08:18 what have you become... what have you become?"
08:21 and it was such a hard road... You know, isn't it interesting
08:27 Lance, how we can start out in one place...
08:31 and the enemy just makes you spiral downward
08:35 till you become something that...
08:37 you didn't start out that way, Absolutely...
08:40 but you just kind of keep spiraling down
08:43 that's his plan... just like God has a plan,
08:46 the enemy's plan is to destroy us
08:49 and he does it systematically, You know that...
08:52 that point you made is so powerful...
08:53 I like to think of the analogy of one of the things I do
08:56 is that... God has got me involved in the
08:59 Construction Industry now that helps support the ministry
09:01 and I became a certified Asbestos Inspector...
09:04 and when I got the test, praise God, He gave me
09:07 the only answers on the test thank you Jesus...
09:09 Amen... amen... I learned... asbestos could be
09:13 all around in this room, and killing you...
09:17 but you can't see it... Come on now...
09:20 it's in a microscopic form... Come on...
09:23 and because you decided to place yourself in
09:26 the atmosphere where that thing exists...
09:29 Come on now... you don't know...
09:31 unless you have the light and the magnification
09:35 at a certain amount... in the thousands
09:37 you can't see it... and asbestos... the Greek name
09:41 written for it... means indestructible...
09:45 you can't burn it... and when it goes into you,
09:48 it's not coming out... it's going to do
09:51 it's destructive work... Come on now...
09:53 unless someone knows how to deal with it...
09:54 Come on now... I see where you're going...
09:57 and that was... that's what was happening
10:00 with me... that was... what I was doing
10:02 when I was giving Satan's asbestos to the world...
10:05 that's what's happening right now...
10:07 People say, "Well, I can't see it... "
10:09 you know, and folks say,
10:10 "Well, I haven't seen the results of it... "
10:12 only to find out in that same class...
10:15 you don't see the results of asbestos
10:17 until 30 years later... Wow...
10:20 and now, here I am, looking back at my life,
10:23 seeing the results, the effect it had on my family,
10:27 the effect it had on my children,
10:29 my broken... you know... 3 different mothers...
10:32 3 different children... and trying to try
10:35 to get that time back together...
10:36 30 years later...
10:37 I'm looking back... at the effects
10:40 of what that has done... and 30 years later
10:43 I'm seeing people on the street...
10:44 that I see... "Wow, I could have ministered to that person
10:48 but I dropped them at the party...
10:50 I made that person go from being what they were
10:54 to what they are... so I'm responsible...
10:57 to go back out... and say something
11:00 and do something... " Wow, that is so powerful
11:03 that whole asbestos analogy...
11:07 where you don't see it, but it's working on you,
11:11 it's chipping away at your health,
11:14 it's working on you silently... insidiously...
11:16 Absolutely... that's what sin does...
11:18 big time... and the other analogy
11:20 God gave me was... second-hand smoke...
11:22 Come on... come on... I don't smoke...
11:25 I never smoked... but when you ever go to the
11:28 club... I don't want to bring back
11:29 your flashback... if you ever go to the club...
11:31 Well, it's true... it would be a flashback
11:35 because I went back in those days...
11:36 Now... no backslide... but I remember coming home
11:39 from the club one day, and I went like this...
11:41 I went... smell...
11:42 and I smelled all that stench of smoke that was in my clothes
11:47 I sent it out to... I couldn't believe
11:50 that is what I was sucking in all night...
11:53 I wasn't smoking... but all the people around me were...
11:56 but I didn't sense it because I was too caught up
11:59 in this... that I didn't focus on that...
12:02 and until I changed the atmospheres...
12:04 I couldn't smell it... and so... we do that with sin
12:10 folks in the church say, "Oh, I'll never watch that stuff
12:14 I'll never do the stuff I watch on TV... "
12:16 but, guess what? you're taking in
12:17 instead of second-hand smoke
12:19 you're taking in second-hand sin...
12:21 Hmmm... and it's more subtle because
12:23 Jesus says, "Even by your thoughts... you can be lost... "
12:26 so, what you're saying when you're watching that,
12:29 listening to that music... you're saying...
12:31 "You know what... I know this is wrong...
12:33 but... I know God doesn't want
12:35 me to do it... but... "
12:36 that's the very thing that Eve did...
12:40 when Satan lied to her...
12:41 "But you know... God said this... "
12:43 here's what God said...
12:45 but here's what I'm seeing... "
12:46 Hmmm... hmmm... and that's what drew me out
12:50 that's what make a lot of people
12:51 do what I said to Jill when we were talking outside
12:55 when she said to me... "Lance, I was in Church
12:57 but I wasn't connected... " and I said,
12:59 "So, you were basically lost in Church... "
13:00 That's right... I do a talk... actually a sermon
13:03 called, "Lost in the House" Hmmm...
13:05 because it's based on Luke 15... "The Lost Coin... "
13:09 you can be lost in the house of God...
13:11 Absolutely... and just not even know
13:13 that you're lost...
13:15 Absolutely... and that that's when Satan is
13:17 as I go around to speak... I try not to preach more
13:22 than just talk... and let God say
13:25 what He has to say... and I find that
13:28 people forget that the greatest sins...
13:31 are not the ones you can see...
13:34 Hmmm... because Satan is not most evil
13:37 when he makes you know that you're doing something
13:39 evil... Hmmm...
13:40 the Bible says... "He was the most subtle... "
13:44 that little subtle sin... is what will make you go
13:47 "That's just a little... " but it takes just
13:51 that little sin...
13:53 to make you lose eternity...
13:55 now, I can understand if you lost eternity because
13:58 you've got a billion dollars and a billion women,
14:00 and a billion guys... a billion houses...
14:02 I can understand that... but you lost eternity
14:04 because God said, "Say 'hello' to that person
14:07 you haven't spoken to in 20 years... "
14:08 just say hello... " and you wouldn't...
14:10 in Church... Hmmm...
14:14 that... Is really deep...
14:17 it's really deep... so, here you were...
14:21 you were doing all these things
14:23 and in Part 1 we talked about how God
14:26 did His interceptions... right?
14:29 Yes... and this last one
14:32 that we talked about... in Part 1...
14:35 God actually basically came to you...
14:38 a presence came to you...
14:40 tell us... you were like just living that whole Corporate life
14:44 at this point... you were living in the
14:46 Corporate world right... and successful...
14:48 Yes... what was it that happened
14:52 that drew you to God... take us there...
14:55 A testimony... Hmmm...
14:57 it wasn't a pastor... it wasn't a Bible Study...
15:02 it was a testimony... Revelation 12:11 came to life
15:07 Hmmm... I can't relate to
15:09 Moses' testimony...
15:11 I haven't been around sheep...
15:13 I can read it, I can understand it,
15:16 but it doesn't click with me... Yes... yeah...
15:19 You know and so, I understand now why Jesus
15:22 says... "they overcame by their testimonies... "
15:25 but unless we have a testimony that we can overcome by
15:29 then... we're not going to overcome...
15:30 and so, I was reading the testimony of this
15:33 gentleman by the name of Hyrum W. Smith...
15:37 a very successful CEO...
15:39 traveling the world and teaching entire companies
15:44 "Time Management" meeting millionaires and
15:48 billionaires... and this man... opens up his book and says,
15:51 "Everything you will read in this book
15:53 can also be found in the Bible" and I go... "The Bible...!"
15:57 I thought... "I've been a Seventh-day Adventist
15:59 I've read the Bible fast... there's no Time Management
16:01 principles in the Bible... and I'm reading through this
16:04 and I would have closed and thrown away the book
16:07 after I saw "God" and "church" in it...
16:09 if I didn't admit to myself, "You know... this is the best
16:14 time management book I've ever read... "
16:17 that's from the Bible?
16:19 It blew my mind... I saw God in a more practical
16:26 daily, "help your life" way, Hmmm...
16:30 that I didn't see before... I saw God not just as
16:34 God the Father... and the God... when we were growing up
16:38 you don't question God, so you don't ask Him questions
16:41 that's how we interpret it as... Hmmm...
16:42 I saw God as... "No" the practical...
16:46 basically... anybody in life...
16:49 is going to teach you some kind of philosophy...
16:51 "Oh, here's how you live your life... "
16:52 "No, here's how you live your life... "
16:53 "No, here's how you live your life... "
16:55 and God says,
16:56 "Listen, here is how you do it
16:59 because I'm the one who created it...
17:01 I wrote every law
17:02 that runs everything... and business-wise...
17:05 you want to become successful, follow the successful laws...
17:10 of business... you want to have the best health
17:13 follow successful laws of health... "
17:15 and so, it made perfect sense and so I said,
17:19 "Hold on... the Bible is really just to guide us to say...
17:22 'here's is the God who made these laws... if there is a law
17:26 and a way to connect with Him'" which there is...
17:29 "I should be able to follow it...
17:30 experimental knowledge... " Sister White says...
17:32 "and get the results... " and so said... so done...
17:38 when I read that testimony, and I tried it for myself...
17:42 so said... so done... Isn't it interesting how
17:47 you were able to see God in a whole new way...
17:52 He's the same God... He didn't change...
17:55 but your perception of Him changed...
17:58 Absolutely... absolutely... it made no sense
18:01 for me to argue with people and say,
18:03 "Well, your God is this God... and my God is that God... "
18:06 you know, as I said to someone recently...
18:08 we could be arguing about the same thing
18:10 but just from different perspectives...
18:12 and I now learned when I go out to share Christ
18:16 with someone that the same reason I was pushed away,
18:19 is because someone was taking
18:21 how they saw God and saying...
18:24 "Here... here's how to need to see God as... "
18:26 Hmmm... and I ran away from that...
18:28 so, I learned from Paul... and Paul says,
18:31 "No, I became all things to all men... "
18:33 Hmmm... What do you need?
18:35 You need a father because you have no
18:37 father figure... let me introduce God the Father
18:39 to you... Hmmm...
18:40 You know... what do you need? you messed up on your finances?
18:44 let me show you God the provider who wrote the financial laws...
18:47 I need to understand... who you are...
18:50 and what your need is... so, I could provide
18:53 the right God... for you... Wow... isn't that what Jesus did
18:58 Absolutely... I mean... he met people
19:00 where they were... Absolutely...
19:01 met them... at their point of need...
19:04 and then provided... that need for them.
19:06 Absolutely... and that's what you're saying
19:09 you're doing... Amen... amen...
19:11 and God... and even... I think of John 4...
19:13 Jesus and the woman at the well...
19:15 and I understand the role that the Church
19:18 not just the Pastor... the Church has to play
19:22 I never understood it
19:25 until I read the last part
19:26 of that account with the woman at the well...
19:28 I'll quiz you... Okay...
19:30 Who was it that finally made the woman decide
19:34 to give her life to Jesus?
19:36 Well, who was it...
19:40 I think it was Jesus... I thought so too...
19:43 it seems like He was... because He was the one that
19:46 showed her everything... Absolutely...
19:48 she said, "here... meet a man that showed me everything... "
19:51 Absolutely... but then when I read the last part of that
19:54 you know what it says? What?
19:55 It says, "and when she saw... the disciples and that they
20:01 said to her... " you know, they didn't call
20:03 her names and when she saw how the disciples treated her,
20:07 the Bible says, "then...
20:09 she left her water and ran... "
20:11 Hmmm... What that showed me was
20:13 is that... you know... anybody could say...
20:15 "I'm Jesus... " that's what Jesus basically did,
20:17 but, I don't know if you're a shepherd
20:21 unless you show me some sheep, Okay... okay...
20:25 I don't know if you're a life changer...
20:27 unless you show me some changed lives...
20:29 Right... right...
20:30 Jesus was having this conversation with her about
20:32 Him being the Messiah and the One who would do
20:34 all these things and He showed her evidence
20:36 He showed her He can prophecy and speak
20:37 what she didn't think He can see...
20:39 but then, when she also saw the love that
20:43 His disciples who should have basically condemned her
20:45 because she was a woman, condemned her because
20:47 she was a Samaritan... condemned her for
20:49 a whole bunch of different reasons that they pushed down
20:52 in that particular Society... when she saw that they didn't
20:55 and didn't even say a word... Hmmm...
20:58 she said, "this has got to be... because if He can change
21:02 them to treat me like... " then... then she ran...
21:04 Hmmm... and that's why I realized
21:07 that the Church... Jesus says,
21:09 "You are my witnesses... without you, I have no evidence
21:13 that I am who I say I am... so, you know what?
21:15 "love each other... so when the world sees
21:17 the type of love that you all have
21:19 they'll know I am who I say... I am... "
21:20 You know, Brother Lance,
21:22 that's so true because so many times
21:24 you can go and visit a church, and you...
21:29 you remember the song, "Where is the love?"
21:33 I remember that song... "Where is the love here?"
21:35 like... "where is the warmth... "
21:37 how can I go into a Church and nobody says,
21:40 "well are you taken care of for lunch
21:43 or whatever... "
21:44 you can go into... and I mean... I might be guilty
21:47 of that too because... you know...
21:49 you can just get caught up in your own rhythm...
21:52 but Jesus wants us to come out of that...
21:54 and to show love because by this shall all men know...
21:57 that you are my disciples...
21:59 God had me test that one day... Did you?
22:00 I was in a State... I'm not going to say what State
22:03 it is because we all are in a small circle...
22:05 Yeah, yeah... and I was doing a project for a
22:07 client and didn't intend to stay in the State
22:09 longer than Thursday... and Friday came and I said,
22:12 "I'm not going to do all that Sabbath traveling... "
22:15 and so, I didn't have anything but my work clothes
22:18 and so, I went to Church, that Sabbath
22:21 in my work clothes... and my work boots...
22:23 because I didn't want to stay and God says,
22:26 "See what you learn... " and I watched how I was treated,
22:30 Wow... I watched who said...
22:32 because you had stains on your clothes and stuff like that?
22:34 slightly stained but it was my casual work clothes
22:37 it wasn't like my deep-stained work clothes
22:38 so it was like the khakis and just a polo top and
22:43 you know... okay...
22:44 but I had my work boots on... and you see the difference
22:48 in how you're treated... and it should not be that
22:52 you are judged and classified and put even in a seat category
22:57 based on how you look in God's Church...
23:00 it shouldn't have to happen, That's right... you know...
23:02 That's right... That's Biblical too...
23:04 Absolutely... You know, we're not supposed to
23:07 give the best seats to the most noble or the richest
23:12 or the ones with the most status...
23:13 Exactly... exactly... so, yeah... that's really,
23:17 really true... okay, so, how did you go from
23:22 when God manifested himself to you to...
23:26 in your room... that time... when you were estranged from Him
23:31 to being in ministry... tell us a little bit about
23:35 the ministry that you are in now...
23:37 Making the transition... it became as easy as
23:41 sharing good food that you just can't hold to yourself...
23:45 Hmmm... hmmm... I finally got something tangible
23:48 for myself... not my grandmother's...
23:50 not my father's...
23:51 not even Hyrum Smith
23:53 who wrote the book who inspired me...
23:54 I got something for myself where God made Himself
23:58 evident... as Jesus says... with many infallible proofs...
24:01 I got so much evidence after a while...
24:04 I said, "That's it God... what do you need me to do?"
24:06 Wow... and he said, "Just share... "
24:08 you don't have to go to theological seminary
24:12 you don't have to go get your doctorate
24:15 in all these things and... just share your testimony
24:18 people say... you're wrong about anything
24:21 else except your life testimony...
24:24 and I started sharing that, and sharing it in the work place
24:29 I started having Bible Studies in the work place and
24:31 it became so good... more people started coming
24:34 and then I started having cottage meetings
24:35 at the house... because God blessed me with the
24:38 house and what used to be a party house
24:39 and now it became a Bible Study house...
24:41 Amen... and folks...
24:43 it felt so good for someone to look back and say,
24:48 "Remember when we came here for Bible Study to your house
24:51 and you wrote our name on the list...
24:53 we got baptized today... can we go back and
24:56 check our name off? Wow...
24:59 Tears... tears... To know that God is now
25:03 using you to build His Kingdom instead of destroying it...
25:08 Amen... you know, the whole music thing
25:10 that was designed by Satan to destroy His Kingdom...
25:13 Absolutely... to destroy God's Kingdom...
25:16 God... has placed you in a position
25:19 to build His Kingdom... tell us about
25:21 Seek and Save Ministries... what is that?
25:23 Well, Seek and Save Ministries is a ministry that takes
25:27 regular, everyday lay people, folks who've been there
25:30 folks who are not going to judge folks by
25:34 where they are... and goes out basically
25:37 looking for themselves... I got out saying,
25:39 "You know what... when I was out there...
25:41 someone had to find me... what would it have taken
25:44 what would they have needed to say...
25:47 to draw me back in 15 years ago? Hmmm...
25:49 10 years ago... and what approach do they need
25:52 to take... and so, I started the
25:54 one-person ministry and until God begins to add
25:58 more people who... you have to be really specific
26:02 about who you select to join with you...
26:05 in doing something... because when you're
26:08 ministering to folks, you're getting into people's
26:11 personal lives and people will even confess sins
26:13 Yes... and, you know, and so
26:15 you have to be really careful, as Paul says,
26:17 you have to also be sure that you yourself
26:18 don't get caught up... like as sometimes happen
26:21 can happen... and so, I made the transition
26:24 I said, "All right God, if you want me to keep this
26:28 Corporate job and do the 9 to 5...
26:30 so be it... but if you want to lead me...
26:34 then, provide a business... provide something I could do
26:38 and let me go... and God said,
26:41 "Okay, give your boss 2 months' notice"
26:45 and I said... He said, "Lance, remember one
26:48 day you said to me... 'Jesus, if you can walk on water
26:51 you said, we can do better things...
26:52 can't you make me walk on air?'"
26:54 I didn't make a business plan,
26:56 didn't do anything... God says, "If you believe,
26:58 I'll do this... go tell your boss he has 2 months... "
27:00 and I walked into Pete's office and said,
27:02 "Pete, I have 2 months... " and then God gave me the
27:05 testimony... Pete looked at me and said,
27:07 "Lance, I knew we couldn't keep you... "
27:09 he says, "I saw your face light up every time you told us
27:14 how you went on in your community... "
27:15 and so, Seek and Save Ministries was launched...
27:18 and God gave me some
27:20 business ideas to help... pay some bills,
27:23 it's not where it needs to be yet but it's...
27:25 you know, and I was invited
27:27 to places that... to Africa, and back to Jamaica,
27:31 and places... I've been doing a couple of things in New York
27:34 and I'm going back to Upstate New York as soon as
27:37 I get back... and then over to Brooklyn
27:39 and God has just been so good...
27:42 God shows you that He will use you
27:45 if you're just available to be used...
27:47 Absolutely... Thank you so much
27:49 for making yourself available to come here...
27:52 and to share your wonderful story and testimony
27:54 with us... May God bless you
27:56 as you continue to serve Him... God be with you...
27:58 and thank you for joining us...
28:00 Join us next time... because
28:02 it just wouldn't be the same without you...


Revised 2015-02-26