Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Lance Brown
Series Code: UBR
Program Code: UBR000095
00:01 Stay tuned to meet a man that got caught up
00:02 in the Music Industry as well as Corporate America 00:05 and walked away from God for 15 years... 00:09 hear his story of Restoration and Redemption... 00:11 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching 00:14 Urban Report. 00:36 Hello and welcome to Urban Report. 00:38 My guest today is Lance Brown 00:41 Evangelist, Musician, and Businessman... 00:44 Welcome to Urban Report Lance... yeah... 00:47 Praise God... amen... I got my New York brother here 00:49 Amen... amen... It's so good have you... 00:52 God is so good... God is so good... 00:53 God is so good... you know when I read your Bio 00:57 I had no idea about your journey... 01:01 and once I read it... I know that our viewers 01:04 are going to be blessed... because, He has brought you 01:07 such a mighty long way... Absolutely... 01:10 God is good... Isn't He? 01:11 So let's talk a bit about your journey... 01:14 Where were you born? I was born in a small island 01:17 by the name of Jamaica... Jamaica... the island... 01:21 Yes... amen... amen... And were you raised in a 01:25 single-parent family or a double-parent family? 01:28 I was raised in a double-parent family... 01:30 both mother and father 01:32 emigrated here to the United States 01:34 and raised myself and 3 of my other siblings 01:39 Yeah... yeah... and so you were born in Jamaica 01:43 how did you end up in the States? 01:45 Well, you know, after my parents left Jamaica 01:48 to come here for a better life... 01:50 they left us with our grandparents 01:52 and after they established work and felt comfortable 01:54 enough to bring us, then they brought us here... 01:57 What kind of influence did your grandparents 01:59 have on you? Wow, a huge influence... 02:03 you know, we lived in the country in Jamaica, 02:05 my grandfather was a farmer and also a preacher... 02:09 Okay... and he would preach the Word 02:12 but more than that... he would live it... 02:14 Was he an Adventist? Yes... he was a Seventh-day 02:16 Adventist... We have a picture 02:17 of you and the family... so we'll put that up... 02:19 Yes... that's my grandfather, my grandmother who was the 02:24 accountant for the Church and also a seamstress... 02:26 and they taught us so many values 02:28 just in that quiet country environment... 02:32 Yes, so you grew up with a grandfather 02:35 that was a preacher... Yes... 02:37 and a grandmother who was a woman of God... 02:40 Yeah... amen... And so, during your childhood 02:43 did you feel that 02:46 connection that children sometimes 02:47 have with God or were you just kind of going along 02:51 with your grandparents? During our childhood, 02:54 we didn't have... I didn't have a connection 02:57 as much but one thing I remember was 02:59 admiring my grandfather... Hmmm... 03:01 I admired, you know, not the religious God-things 03:05 about him but I admired his diligence... 03:08 things that he lived out, from what he preached... 03:13 you know, he would go around the neighborhood 03:15 and just help people, and that's what 03:18 gave me that initial thought towards God... 03:21 I can't remember a thing he preached... 03:24 Wow... but that I remember... 03:26 Isn't that interesting, so it wasn't what he said 03:28 so much as what he did. Absolutely... 03:30 how he lived his life... Absolutely... 03:32 That's great... so what about your parents... 03:35 what kind of lives were they living? 03:37 Well, after my parents came here... 03:39 my dad backslid a little bit and he and my mom 03:45 would not go to Church... 03:48 do some partying 03:50 and things of that nature, got caught up 03:52 in the life in the United States you know... 03:55 making that shift... and my grandfather brought us 03:58 here... and said to his son, "I raised these children as 04:03 Adventist Christians and they need to become 04:06 Adventist Christians while they're here... " 04:09 Hmmm... so your grandfather kind of laid down the law 04:13 for your dad... Laid down the law for his son 04:17 you know, it's one of those parent-thing... where it's 04:20 "I don't care how old you are, as long as I'm alive 04:23 and I'm your parent, this is what I need you to do. " 04:26 Isn't that true though... it's like, 04:27 "I don't care how old you are, you never get too old for me 04:31 to tell you, I'm your parent, and this is what 04:33 I want you to do... " 04:34 Amen... I had to call my mother to check in this morning... 04:37 Amen... Amen... that's a good mom 04:40 right there... so, your parents kind of 04:43 backslid... Yes... 04:46 and your grandparents were in Jamaica... 04:49 Yes... so they couldn't kind of 04:51 keep an eye... on what was going on... 04:53 so, what happened to you? Well, you know, my dad 04:57 is a pretty shrewd guy... he's smart... 04:59 you know... his father said to him, 05:01 "Make sure these children go to Church... " 05:03 so he listened and said, "Well, I have to make sure 05:06 they go to Church... " so, each week... 05:08 they would send us off to Church... 05:10 and we'd go to Church in the day time... 05:13 and there were so many mothers and fathers 05:16 in the Church there... and they were so trusting 05:19 of that... they would send us off to Church 05:22 this was from 1971 on... and we'd come home 05:24 and they'd have their party at someone's house 05:27 they'd like to go to... folks who we'd call aunts and uncles 05:31 like we do in the Church... and so we'd go to Church 05:33 in the morning and go to Uncle so-and-so's house 05:36 in the evening... to a party... 05:38 in that environment... So, you know, it strikes me 05:42 that there is a stark contrast here... 05:45 you don't remember what your grandfather said, 05:48 but you remember what he did, but your father heard 05:53 what your grandfather said, and your father... 05:56 did otherwise... his life was different 05:59 from his father... Yes... for that portion 06:02 of his time... absolutely during that time... 06:04 so it kind of brought you into a place of slipping away, 06:10 too... did it not? Yeah... I remember from very 06:14 early... the atmosphere... 06:16 the atmosphere created by the party... 06:19 it was dim lit... you know... kind of... you see the... 06:23 I remember the smell of the alcohol... 06:24 one of my uncles was a pretty heavy drinker... 06:28 that whole atmosphere... was introduced at that age 06:33 and I believe being the youngest child, 06:35 it influenced me the most, 06:38 not that... my parents weren't bad parents in the sense 06:41 that they would intentionally 06:44 just do that... but they were not the kind 06:45 who would just leave their kids at home... 06:47 and go party... Right... 06:49 you know... my father is a family man... 06:51 wherever he goes... his family is going with him... 06:54 That's great... and it wasn't in an 06:56 irresponsible way... it was "Hey, we're going to 06:59 Uncle so-and-so's house... they drink... 07:00 there's music they play and folks are dancing 07:02 we'd go there... 07:04 Yeah... so you were about how old when this started... 07:09 when you started observing the party life? 07:13 About age 5... about age 5 when I came here 07:16 from Jamaica... all through my elementary school years... 07:20 and as they would watch us go to Church each week... 07:25 Wow, so you're going to Church, but then, after Church, 07:29 it was just business as usual... 07:31 Saturday morning, Sabbath School... 07:33 Saturday afternoon... MV... Missionary Volunteers used to be 07:36 Yeah... MV... wow... going back... 07:38 got your MV cap... 07:39 people thought you worked for Motor Vehicle... 07:41 and then... we'd go wherever they were going that evening... 07:46 my father was not going to leave us home by ourselves so... 07:49 we'd go wherever they were going... 07:52 See, that's to be admired though 07:54 because your dad, though he was making 07:58 some mistakes at that point, he still was keeping 08:01 his family together... he still was the husband... 08:04 the house-band... That's what stuck in my mind 08:07 a lot... from those days... to this day... 08:10 still the same... still the same... 08:13 so, where did you begin to go astray... 08:16 well, after going to 08:20 those parties for those years... 08:22 my parents... after watching us go to Church... 08:24 they started coming to Church, Okay... 08:27 so, my father started coming, and my mother was coming, 08:30 and after a while they got so involved 08:32 and they got re-baptized and they got dedicated... 08:35 and by the time I got to Junior High School though, 08:38 the music was in my system... Hmmm... 08:41 as one of the old songs used to say, 08:43 "Must be the music... " and the music was in my system 08:48 and during that time, in Junior High School... 08:51 that's when a new type of music was coming on the scene, 08:55 music by the name of hip-hop... 08:57 that took the rhythm from reggae and some of the lyrics 09:01 and put that together, 09:03 over what's called the "groove" 09:05 in the song... that's where the part of the song jams 09:08 and it grabbed me... it arrested my attention 09:11 because you take simple lyrics, and put it to the right beat, 09:15 and it drives it in like a hammer... 09:18 and I began to become really disinterested in Church 09:22 at that point... You know Brother Lance, 09:25 this is one of my big, big, issues... 09:28 I see how 09:32 hip-hop and rap music 09:34 have decimated our Communities 09:36 Absolutely... because... just what you said, 09:39 you take the rhythm and you take the rhyme... 09:42 and you put it together 09:44 in such a way... that it gets into your 09:46 sub-conscious mind and shapes your values... 09:48 Absolutely... and that is one of the 09:51 big things to me... that's going on 09:53 in our Communities right now, 09:54 the music that makes people objectified... 09:59 the opposite sex... Absolutely... 10:03 so that there's all this fornication, 10:05 all the adultery, the violence, 10:07 all of these things are going on because people are being 10:10 influenced by the music... 10:12 Absolutely... you know, what I realize 10:15 because being there and watching... hip-hop take form 10:19 meaning watching the very first founding fathers of this thing 10:23 starting it... you see Satan 10:26 in hindsight at work 10:29 Hmmm... hmmm... hip-hop started as, you know, 10:31 happy, fun, you know, they spoke about 10:34 socializing... getting along together, 10:36 and that's how it started... 10:38 so everyone got drawn out to have fun in the summer time 10:41 and after a while... the message begins to change, 10:46 Hmmm... and it begins to be, 10:47 "Hey, look at this one... look at that one... " 10:50 and then it changes again... and it begins to be 10:53 you know, "Hey, look what I have... 10:55 what you don't have and look what these drugs 10:58 can get me... " and it begins to shape that 11:00 message... and now you begin to see 11:03 things through the eyes of the person who was "ministering" 11:07 Hmmm... unknowingly for Satan... 11:10 through that song... and so we looked at women 11:13 in a certain way... after a while 11:15 we looked at drugs in a certain way 11:16 we looked at money in a certain way, 11:19 we looked at Church, in a certain way... 11:22 and that music and that lifestyle gets in... 11:25 music is a spiritual thing, it is... music... it reaches you 11:31 in a certain place that mere words cannot... 11:34 Absolutely... So music can either draw us 11:37 to God... Hmmm... hmmm.. 11:38 or away from Him... Definitely... 11:40 and that's one of the things that hip-hop and rap music 11:45 is doing... just like you said, 11:47 it started out... just like television... 11:49 Yes... we could never have shown 11:52 the stuff that's on television now... 11:53 if television had come out with explicit sexual things 11:57 we could have never have shown that stuff 11:58 when it first came out... Yes... I remember when they had 12:01 a rule that when two folks were in a room 12:03 husband and wife... their hands had to be 12:05 on top of the sheets and those things... 12:08 and now... there were separate beds... 12:10 Yes... I Love Lucy... 12:14 and now... 12:15 the whole transformation... 12:16 and that's what the book of Jude says... 12:18 "they creep in unawares" Hmmm... 12:20 the book of Jude said... Hmmm... Hmmm... 12:22 when I do a music ministry, evangelism program 12:25 I speak about the fact that the root meaning 12:27 of the word "music" means "to muse" 12:31 which means "to think deeply" and "muse" also means 12:34 "the art of the muses" which are the spirits that 12:38 inspire the song in the first place... 12:40 Hmmm... very deep stuff... 12:42 Hmmm... very deep... 12:43 so, you got involved with the fathers... of hip-hop 12:47 Absolutely... Tell us about that... 12:49 Well, you know, going into that hip-hop scene 12:52 and seeing early fathers... guys like Grandmaster Flash 12:56 and half of the folks 12:58 watching this... might not recognize those things 13:00 but these are folks who started it 13:02 Our young people know though... 13:04 Yes, and we got really interested in it... 13:06 by the time we got to high school... 13:07 now... I was in high school in Music and Art 13:10 Oh... You know the movie 13:11 "Fame" had come out... and you know... 13:13 we were popular and so... 13:15 I got involved in a young group... 13:17 that we started together to write these rhymes... 13:20 and we formed 13:22 a style of hip-hop 13:23 known as the art of storytelling... 13:25 where now, you can intentionally take something that you want 13:29 to say... and put it into the song 13:32 and speak a story... and those songs became 13:37 very popular... a guy by the name of 13:40 Richard Walters who went on to be 13:42 known as hip-hop storyteller Slick Rick... 13:45 Oh, I've even heard that name... became really popular 13:48 and another guy by the name of Dana Dane... 13:51 became popular... and we all started that Group 13:54 and they went on to become world famous 13:57 and I dipped out at that time because God had 14:01 run an interception in my life. 14:03 Okay... well let's talk about that... 14:05 Okay, so you got into this whole hip-hop scene... 14:11 which involved everything that the "Scene" involved right? 14:16 Yes... Tell us a little bit about 14:18 there... because we need to know where God brought you from 14:21 to this place... You know, what the "Scene" 14:24 involved was that... you know, when you sign 14:27 a contract... to a recording company... 14:29 there are particular things that they want to project... 14:33 there are particular things that sell... 14:36 that if you fit that image, that is what 14:38 is going to be projected... 14:40 and also... you are responsible for being creative... 14:43 in things that you believe people would sell 14:47 and as the saying goes... "Sex sells... money sells... 14:52 fame sells... " and we would write songs about 14:56 these things and, you know, 14:58 and you have to go to the environment... 15:00 just like when you are in Church 15:02 you come to an environment that's conducive 15:05 to learning things for that particular 15:07 business... 15:09 as Jesus said, "I must be about my Father's business... " 15:11 Right... when we came to the 15:12 music industry... we had to write things 15:14 and do things that are conducive to that business... 15:18 that message... that lifestyle... 15:20 so, when I compared it to Church 15:24 at eyes-view it was phenomenal... 15:27 you know, the parties... so to speak... never stopped... 15:30 and the money is coming in... the friends and... 15:32 you know, we're catching planes and we signed a contract... 15:35 we signed a contract with a couple of 15:37 different Record Companies... and got advances of 15:41 tens of thousands of dollars 15:42 and go out and buy cars with cash and 15:45 get women at the parties... 15:46 and I just got so caught up in that... 15:49 Hmmm... that if nothing stopped me... 15:53 I don't think... I wouldn't be sitting here 15:55 right now... I got so caught up in it... 15:58 As is... because I was in the music business too... 16:02 and I truly know that it is so seductive 16:05 that little by little... it just sucks you in... 16:08 you just get sucked into it, Hard to come out... 16:12 and it's hard to come out... so how did God 16:15 start bringing you out... what did you do? 16:18 Oh Wow, the first interception I call it... 16:21 it's like you're playing football 16:22 and the devil throws you a pass and you're about to make 16:24 the goal and God says, "No, interception... " 16:27 Yes... yes... and the first interception I got 16:29 I was coming out of high school... 16:30 and but still kind of visiting Church every now and then... 16:34 but by this time... God was not even in my mind... 16:38 even though I was going to Church... 16:39 and through the whole womanizing thing... 16:43 and the way women were treated... 16:45 I ended up getting one of the young ladies 16:48 in the Church pregnant... and it was a 16:51 huge shock... and then my father did something 16:55 in my life... that his father did... 16:57 he grabbed me and said, 16:59 "You, are going to work... 17:01 you are not going to be an irresponsible father 17:04 you're going to work... you're going to get a job... " 17:07 so now... I have to work, you know, you're trying to go 17:10 to the Studio... you know the Studio time 17:12 is we're there till 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning 17:15 and then you got to get up to go to work... 17:16 and it just staggered me... and I couldn't put out 17:21 as much as I wanted to... so that contract 17:23 had to be put to the side... and it slowed me down 17:27 not knowing... it was God putting some reins on me... 17:32 That's right... putting some reins on me... 17:33 that was His first interception, and after that, you know, 17:36 at the job now... the devil did his work again... 17:39 so what, you got more money now, you can go to more clubs 17:42 and more women and you can write more songs... 17:45 pay for more Studio time... I did that... 17:47 I totally forgot about my daughter that was born... 17:50 absent from her life... and more womanizing... 17:53 more money... and growing in the Corporate World 17:56 at the same time... 17:57 Hmmm... it's so interesting to me... 18:00 that... wherever you're planted, you throw yourself into that 18:06 Yes... so, you threw yourself 18:08 into the music industry and you were getting paid, 18:12 then you threw yourself into Corporate America... 18:17 and you started getting paid... so, it attests to 18:21 the character... that you have... meaning... 18:24 you're focused... Hmmm... hmmm... 18:26 but you were misfocused... Yes... 18:29 how did God... turn your focus to Him? 18:32 you know, I got to the point in my life... 18:35 where I saw the huge opportunities... 18:39 both in music in Corporate... I saw musically where 18:43 this hip-hop thing and then after that... 18:45 the reggae dance whole thing 18:48 that I got immersed into as well... 18:50 I saw it was trending... and how huge it was getting... 18:53 and I would listen to other folks' things and say, 18:55 "That's what they're getting million dollars for... 18:58 we can do that... " and I was getting ready 19:00 to do that... and also Produce some folks, 19:02 and then Corporately, I was beginning to grow... 19:06 because, you know, what I learned about Satan 19:08 is that he's so successful because he uses 19:10 God's principles... Hmmm... 19:13 "Whatsoever your hands find to do... " 19:15 "do it with all your might... " 19:16 so we were doing everything with all our might 19:19 but for the wrong reward... Right... 19:21 and the successes in that world were coming... 19:24 and so I got to a six-figure salary... 19:27 and, you know, got to the contracts 19:29 that were making me some good money... 19:32 and after that... 19:33 I said... you know, "I'm going to... 19:35 I want to start my own Record Label... 19:36 I don't want to be working for Pharaoh anymore... " 19:39 I would build my own Egypt... and I was on my way to do that 19:43 and God knew that... 19:45 as deep as I go... 19:47 I couldn't go any further than that... 19:49 so, I was reading a book... a Time Management book... 19:53 by a gentleman by the name of Hyrum Smith... 19:54 who worked with Stephen Covey... 19:56 "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" 19:58 Oh yeah... yes... there's a book called the 19:59 "10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management" 20:02 so, going through the book and the first thing I run into 20:05 is... I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ... 20:08 and I say, "What? skip over it... " 20:12 and I go into this book and it says... 20:15 "You have to know what your values are 20:18 in order for you to manage your time... " 20:20 Ah ha... so it gave us an exercise... 20:23 write down what your values are... 20:26 so you can manage your time better... 20:29 No problem... Life, money, cars, girls... 20:32 and I'm writing these down... and I hear a little voice 20:35 in the back of my mind say, 20:36 "Shouldn't you put God on that list?" 20:39 Hmmm... now this must be something 20:42 that was ministered to me years before... 20:44 and it was bothering my conscience... 20:46 and I was sitting at my desk in my Corporate Office 20:49 and I said, "Tsk... 15 years... I haven't 20:53 even looked at God or gone to Church... " 20:57 and the voice came back again, 20:59 "Shouldn't you at least put God on your 'values list?'" 21:03 Hmmm... and I was ignoring it then... 21:06 and so it spoke "Business Language" 21:08 because I was now a businessman... 21:10 and the business language that, what I know now know 21:14 as the Holy Spirit, spoke was, "Listen, shouldn't you at least 21:19 hedge your bet... because one day, if you die, 21:23 and there is a God... forget it... 21:25 you're living as if there's no God... 21:28 but shouldn't you at least hedge your bet... 21:30 play safe... put God on the list just in case there is... " 21:33 I said, "that makes little sense... " 21:36 and then, something that the Bible says 21:38 also happened... my boss who was the first 21:41 Senior Afro-centric Senior Vice President 21:44 at the Company... 21:45 I went to see him one day, 21:46 and he gave me that statement... he said, "You know Lance, 21:49 I've heard it said, it's better to live your life 21:52 as if there is a God, and find out there's not... 21:54 than to live your life as if there's no God 21:57 and find out that there is... " Hmmm... 21:59 so I went right back and put God on my list. 22:01 Hmmm... Then exercise number 2 came, 22:03 Each day... if these are the things you really value 22:06 you have to do something towards that... 22:09 so now, God is on my list and I have to do something... 22:13 and for weeks, I'm skipping over God's name... 22:16 Hmmm... hmmm... doing more things for my wife 22:18 and children... until one day I get that voice come back again 22:23 you haven't done anything for God yet... 22:25 so, I said, "Okay, what am I going to do?" 22:30 and I heard the voice say, 22:32 "Whatever you do, tell the truth... " 22:34 "Whatever you do, tell the truth... " 22:37 I'm lying in bed, it's 3 o'clock in the morning 22:39 my wife, at the time, is lying next to me... 22:42 I said, "What am I going to do? I haven't been to Church, 22:47 I haven't prayed to God for 15 years... 22:48 I don't even know... " I didn't even know if there 22:50 is a God... I don't even know... 22:52 if there is a God... and if there is a God... 22:54 who is He or She or It, because I wasn't just going 22:58 to be... I wasn't just going to super-impose... 23:02 Right... you know, 23:04 what I had been taught, not even upon myself... 23:06 Right... you know, so, if I've never seen 23:09 God, how do I know it's a man... 23:11 maybe we're looking at it from a male-dominated society 23:13 and, I heard the voice come back again... 23:16 and it said, "Well, whoever God is or whatever God is... 23:20 don't you at least know that you should tell the truth 23:24 because if God is God, shouldn't He know 23:27 exactly what you're thinking?" Hmmm... 23:30 and I said, "That makes sense" I said, "you know there is a lot 23:35 of things I always wanted to say... always wanted to say 23:37 some tough things... but always wanted to say... 23:39 and I went and did that... 23:40 I knelt down on my knees, I said, "God, 23:43 first of all, 23:44 I don't even know if I'm going crazy right now... 23:46 because I don't know if I'm talking to myself, 23:48 I don't know if that voice I'm hearing... 23:50 is you... or if it's me... wanting to force myself 23:54 to believe that you're there, 23:56 I don't know if it's a voice I'm hearing 23:57 because I was hypnotized by some religious thoughts 24:00 that my grandparents and parents put in... " 24:02 I said, "but here's what I believe... as a businessman 24:05 the Bible, I view, as a contract... 24:08 and if you wrote something in this contract... 24:11 if it really is your book, and you wrote 24:13 something that I remember, 24:15 that you shall search for me and you will find me... 24:19 when you search for me with all your heart... 24:20 if you did really write that... God, I would like to know 24:24 two things and two things only, number one... 24:29 'Are you really there?' I don't want to go to a 24:31 Bible Study... because I don't even believe 24:33 the Bible necessarily I don't know if it's true or not 24:36 I don't want the Pastor to preach to me... 24:38 because what do I have to do now... 24:39 do I have to go to every single religion 24:41 and find out... I don't have time for that... " 24:42 I said, "God, if you are God, two things I want to know only, 24:48 'Are you there?' and 'Who are you?'" 24:51 Hmmm... wow... and... 24:56 And that's what you told God on your knees that night... 25:01 That's what I told God... and I heard the voice 25:04 come back to me and say, "Well, if I am God... 25:07 for us to have this conversation come clean with me... 25:10 try this and see if it works. " 25:12 I remember reading years later Sister White says, 25:15 "We need to have an experimental knowledge of God... " 25:18 Hmmm... hmmm... You don't know 25:20 if the formula works unless you try it exactly 25:22 as the formula says... Hmmm... hmmm... 25:24 so God said, "Tell the truth... " 25:26 and I remember an old movie called "A Few Good Men" 25:29 and I said, "God, can you handle the truth?" 25:32 and I heard the voice say, "Just tell the truth... 25:35 just say it with respect tell it with your whole heart. " 25:39 I said, "God, to be honest, I've never seen an angel, 25:42 I've never seen a miracle, I heard all these grandmothers 25:45 and folks testifying what they've seen... 25:47 I've never seen it... I've never heard your voice 25:50 speaking to me... you know, I don't even know 25:53 if you are speaking to me now," I said, 25:55 "in fact, I don't know if you are He, She or It... 25:59 I don't know if you're Black, White, Purple or Plaid... 26:01 God, I don't know... " I said, 26:04 "but what I do know... if you do exist... 26:06 if you are a God, there should be nothing impossible 26:10 for you to do... if you are God... 26:12 and so, I'm not going to tell you... 26:14 what to do... to show me that you exist... 26:17 you created me... you know me better 26:19 than I know myself... so, I don't even know 26:21 what to ask you to do... I'm skeptical... 26:23 I live in New York... I'm skeptical about everything 26:26 so God, whatever it is you know that I need to see... 26:30 to know that you exist, do that... " 26:33 Wow, and tell us... we have about a minute 26:36 I cannot believe that... that's all we have... 26:39 what did God do... in terms of your ministry 26:42 and we're going to put your contact information up 26:45 so that people can reach you... 26:47 what are you doing for God now? 26:48 Oh, wow, after God gave me all the evidence 26:51 that I needed to see... because the Bible says 26:54 He would do that... I am preaching, teaching, 26:56 sharing, helping people in business... 27:01 getting folks to get jobs, practical, daily, tangible... 27:06 "can I see God in the daily works" thing... 27:08 so God inspired me to start a ministry called 27:11 SeekNSave Ministries... not just on the spiritual side 27:14 but also on the physical... Yes... 27:16 side as well too... and God has blessed 27:18 I've been able to go to different places in the world 27:22 churches, schools, businesses, and people's homes... 27:25 And if they reach out to you... people reach out to you... 27:28 you will respond and let them know 27:30 that you can come and minister to their churches 27:33 and young people... Yes... 27:34 I can't believe our time is up... 27:37 this has been so good... and I know that there is more 27:39 to the story... so, you know, we're going 27:42 to have you come back again... Oh... God willing, God willing 27:43 and give us Part 2... 27:45 yes... thank you so much... for being with us... 27:49 God bless you... Amen... 27:50 Well, that's the end of our Program for today... 27:52 I don't even know where the time went... 27:54 but we know that God is good... 27:56 and God blesses... 27:57 Thank you so much for tuning in... 27:59 join us next time... you know what... 28:01 it just wouldn't be the same without you... |
Revised 2015-02-25