Urban Report

Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), John and Angela Lomacang


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000088

00:01 Stay tuned to meet a couple that dared to dream their way
00:03 out of the inner city and into a powerful ministry
00:07 for Christ. My name is Yvonne Lewis
00:09 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:32 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:35 My guests today are Pastor John and Angela Lomacang.
00:38 Welcome to Urban Report John and Angie.
00:41 Good to be here... good to see you.
00:43 We're so glad to be here with my friend Yvonne.
00:45 Our friend. You know what?
00:48 You know, when you go to a new place
00:50 you need to feel like you have family there
00:54 and people that you know and love.
00:57 And we didn't know each other well in New York
01:01 but John was my dad's student. My dad was his principal.
01:06 Right, right. May I call you John 'cause you're Pastor John?
01:08 Sure... That's fine... get comfortable.
01:10 My dad's student at Bethel Elementary School.
01:14 And so coming here... And of course, I knew Ken.
01:18 Yes, she knew my brother Ken and his wife Jackie, yeah.
01:22 So it's like having a family here.
01:25 It's even though we didn't grow up together
01:29 because I'm considerably older...
01:31 Let's just say I'm just older.
01:32 Not the adjective considerably... adverb.
01:36 My dad was a stickler for grammar.
01:38 Let's not say that but let's just say older.
01:41 We have connections - right - through our family members,
01:44 and so coming here and being with you guys
01:47 has been such a blessing. Praise the Lord.
01:50 Many of our viewers already know you because
01:53 you are both on 3ABN regularly.
01:56 Pastor John, you host A Sharper Focus
01:59 and House Calls - um-hmm - and now you're the new host
02:03 for our new series Foundation of Our Faith
02:06 on Dare to Dream.
02:07 Of course Angie is a production assistant for 3ABN Radio.
02:11 So they know you but they might not know the story
02:15 that you have. And our viewers love stories.
02:18 So tell us a bit about how you grew up
02:24 and what happened in your life.
02:25 How did you get from point A to point B?
02:29 You want to begin, honey? Should I begin?
02:31 OK... ladies first. Yeah... go ahead.
02:34 Well, I was raised in Brooklyn.
02:37 New York, and my parents were of Jamaican descent.
02:42 They're Jamaican but I was born in England.
02:45 And after my father died we migrated to Brooklyn.
02:49 It was a family of eight - Wow! -
02:52 and so I'm the youngest of 8.
02:54 You have seven siblings? Yes.
02:56 Five brothers and two sisters so eight of us.
03:00 And after my father passed away in England
03:04 we all came to America - to Brooklyn. As they say:
03:08 "to the hood. " Did you move to the "hood? "
03:11 Did you live in "the hood? " Oh yeah... wow... oh yeah.
03:14 Right now it's not the hood... it's downtown Brooklyn.
03:18 It's a very classy area now but when we lived there
03:24 it was "the hood... " It was right on St. James Place
03:28 and Fulton Street not far from Bethel.
03:32 Yeah... and back then it was a "hood. "
03:34 So it must have been hard for your mom
03:36 to bring eight children from England
03:41 to the United States. Very hard.
03:43 How did she do that?
03:45 Well after my father passed away we came up
03:48 in sections. My two oldest came up to America
03:54 to Brooklyn. They came first.
03:56 And my aunt came to England and took them to New York
04:02 with her. And then about four years later -
04:06 three or four years later - we came to New York.
04:10 My mom, my brother Cliff, and my sister Lecia.
04:14 We... the three youngest ones came and then
04:17 three years later the other three came.
04:20 So it was all in sections. So your mom had
04:24 everybody come in shifts kind of.
04:25 Exactly. We could never afford... yeah.
04:28 So once you were over here what was your mom doing?
04:31 How was she caring for your family?
04:34 Oh it was hard... it was VERY hard because she...
04:38 Well, she worked a little outside of the home
04:41 but she was always mom at home.
04:44 She was "mom-in-chief" if I could say.
04:46 She was an excellent mom.
04:48 So my mother came to New York and she took care of people's
04:53 homes, the Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn.
04:55 Cleaned their homes, cooked, did all... She had like
04:58 two and three jobs. She just didn't have one job.
05:02 It was like one after the other after the other.
05:04 Worked extremely hard and never touched welfare
05:07 not once. She was an extremely hard worker.
05:10 So my mom did that and we all were in...
05:15 She bought her house. She was able to buy a house.
05:19 And after she bought the house we all of us lived in that house
05:24 in Brooklyn - Monroe Street and Throop and Tompkins -
05:27 so we were in Bedford-Stuyvesant. Wow!
05:30 In the "hood" officially again.
05:32 Now was your mom an Adventist when she came
05:35 to this country? Or was that? Yes, she was an Adventist
05:38 all her life, and so we all... She made sure we...
05:44 Well, we couldn't afford church school so we went public school.
05:47 One brother, Ken... he went to Northeastern Academy.
05:51 And so that was nice. He was the only one that went
05:54 to an academy. But my mom was a hard worker.
05:58 We all went to school. She always pushed education.
06:01 She didn't have much of an education, but she pushed it
06:04 on us to get your education.
06:07 So we all worked hard to study hard.
06:10 And she always made sure when you come home
06:12 you do your homework. You get something to eat
06:14 but you do your homework. Yes.
06:15 And she always had a nice warm meal for us.
06:18 Every time we came home there was a nice meal for us.
06:20 She was always a good mom.
06:24 A great example of a mom.
06:26 That's what I was going to say: look at the example
06:28 your mom set. She worked so hard.
06:31 She brought you over. She brought you here in a godly
06:34 home so that you could know the Lord.
06:37 She taught you the value of education.
06:40 And she taught you how to be a great homemaker
06:44 because, Ang... you are.
06:46 You're the hostess with the mostest, girl.
06:48 I've got to tell you, Angie is hostess with the mostest.
06:53 She cooks up a storm... I love to go eat her food.
06:56 So, you know, your mom gave you these wonderful lessons
07:01 in how to be... Even though she was no longer a wife
07:04 she taught you really the basics I think -
07:08 she did - of being a good wife. Yes.
07:11 Yes she did. That's wonderful.
07:13 Yeah, she's always in the kitchen.
07:15 My mom lived... right John? That's right.
07:18 She's always in the kitchen; that's her favorite place
07:21 in the house. The comfort zone. Exactly.
07:23 And so that's where I get that from... my mom being in the
07:26 kitchen all the time and cooking.
07:28 And I remember on Sabbaths when they would have a block party
07:32 outside. Some people may not know what that is.
07:35 Tell us what that is for those that don't know.
07:38 It's a party for the block that you live on.
07:42 It's a party - a big party - where they have music
07:46 and food and everybody in the neighborhood would come.
07:50 Everybody comes out of their apartments or homes - yes -
07:53 and just has a big party. Yes, and so
07:56 on Sabbath... they usually have those block parties on Sabbath.
07:59 And we were to not go. We'd hear all the music
08:03 and stuff, and my mom would make sure we will have worship
08:07 and things just to keep our minds off of the music.
08:10 But it was really hard... it wasn't easy.
08:11 The music was thumping.
08:15 You could feel the bass on the windows, right?
08:18 Oh yeah! After sunset we'd go out... go outside
08:21 and see our friends and stuff. But it was a great childhood.
08:26 And being a single mom, every Friday night
08:29 she would gather us for worship.
08:31 That was always a big thing in my house which I always
08:34 remember. She would say: "Come on everybody...
08:37 sunset. " And dinner... the house smelled so good.
08:41 We ate dinner and then we'd have worship.
08:44 We'd be playing our Jim Reeves music or Heritage Singers.
08:48 That's right. And so it was a home. My mom made it a home.
08:52 We didn't have a father but I had five brothers.
08:55 They were like five fathers.
08:57 That's the truth... I'll tell you that.
08:59 I'm sure... I'm sure. Yeah.
09:01 So you had a wonderful legacy. Yes, yes, yes.
09:04 And that is really good for our viewers to know as well:
09:07 that you don't have to have a lot of money to create
09:10 a legacy. That's right. You can be very poor even
09:15 and yet teach your children the values that they need to have
09:19 to be successful in life. So we praise the Lord for...
09:22 And I also remember my mom going to school.
09:26 She became a nurse's aide and worked at Brooklyn
09:29 Jewish Hospital. And she was always doing something.
09:32 She always wanted to go to school.
09:34 Next thing you know, she was trying to be a hairdresser.
09:36 She was in school. Then a masseuse.
09:37 She was always going to Manhattan working at night
09:41 and going to school in the day. She was always doing something
09:46 to keep herself active and her mind active.
09:49 And so I really appreciate that about her.
09:52 She was a strong mom... very strong. And she would always
09:55 protect her little girls - yes - always.
09:58 Which is really important. Yes, always talked to us about
10:01 keeping our virginity and things like that
10:04 and going out with boys. She was very protective.
10:07 And I really appreciate that about her.
10:10 Amen. That's truly important. Yes.
10:12 What about you, Pastor John? Tell us about your upbringing.
10:15 You know, when I think about it there's a text that came to my
10:20 mind. I think it's in Genesis 41:15 where Pharaoh said
10:22 to Joseph: "I have had a dream but there is no one to interpret
10:26 it. " And I think my life was kind of that way.
10:29 I believe that my dream started... and I'm using that
10:32 in context with this program... my dream started
10:35 before I was born. I think the Lord... I'm convinced the
10:39 Lord had a dream for me
10:41 that had to take me through channels of disappointment
10:44 to make that dream a reality.
10:46 I was born in Manhattan:
10:50 72nd Street... Central Park West.
10:52 I lived there for 3 months before I decided to move.
10:57 Actually my mom and dad were never married.
10:59 My mom was a young Filipino-French girl from
11:03 the Virgin Islands that came to New York with
11:07 big hopes and dreams... I think that's a phrase I like
11:09 to use... and met a musician.
11:11 Johnny Parker... he was a famous jazz musician.
11:14 Put that name on YouTube you'll find out more about him.
11:16 Maybe more than I know.
11:17 And they met long enough to conceive me, and they went
11:20 their separate ways. And out of that
11:22 my mom would take me to a babysitter every day.
11:25 A lady by the name of Carmen Haynes from Trinidad
11:27 and her husband George from Barbados. And they were the
11:31 babysitters. And at 3 months old my mom decided to leave
11:35 my sister and I at the babysitters.
11:37 My sister was 3 years old, I was 3 months old.
11:39 They abandoned us and left us there.
11:42 I've had the privilege of putting that story in a book...
11:45 about us also in a book called Abandoned But Not Alone
11:49 by Pacific Press. It's still available.
11:51 An excellent book, by the way.
11:53 It's a page turner... I mean you just want to keep reading
11:57 'cause it's so interesting. Wow! That's a praise the Lord.
12:01 And so knowing at the early stages of my life
12:06 the Lord allowed me to get connected with the church
12:08 through Momma Haynes... everybody called her.
12:10 Didn't have any of her own children.
12:12 Raised one son they brought from Trinidad.
12:14 But my foundation was the most important.
12:16 Church every Sabbath. We'd get there before
12:18 Sabbath School began and the deacons would have to
12:20 put us out on Saturday night.
12:22 I mean: "Sr. Haynes, we're closing up now. "
12:26 Bethel was a big church - 1,200 members.
12:28 Oh yes. We spent all day at church.
12:29 And so even to this very day wherever my wife and I travel
12:32 or across the state... even when we traveled with the
12:36 Heritage Singers, it would be a small church or a big church.
12:38 Church on Sabbath is just church for us
12:41 because it's an appointment with God...
12:43 not so much just to fellowship.
12:45 But at the age of 12 the lady that raised me
12:51 took sick, and by the time I was 13 she passed away.
12:54 But before she passed away...
12:56 Angie made a point that I'd like to build on...
12:59 I went to public school all my life, too.
13:01 But just before Momma passed away she put me in Bethel.
13:04 That's where I met your dad as my principal.
13:07 I was in Bethel for two years.
13:11 That was important because I was going down the road...
13:13 I was in schools in Brooklyn.
13:16 I was in one of the worst high schools: 258, which was
13:19 known to be... every other day there's something like a fire
13:22 or the police or the teachers are fighting with the students
13:25 or just such a terrible school to be in.
13:29 Something worse than sometimes you see on television.
13:32 And I was afraid to go to school, so I was absent
13:34 42 days from school, so rightfully I should have been
13:37 left back. But the Lord had a plan for me...
13:39 a dream that He was bringing to fruition.
13:41 Put me in Bethel, and I was there for 2 years
13:45 and started high school. And we met.
13:48 I'm kind of giving the condensed version.
13:50 Well before you go there let me just ask you something:
13:52 let's go back to your mom, because once she left you
13:56 and your sister did you have any more contact with her
13:59 over the years? Did you know where she was?
14:01 Well you were 3 months - right - three months old -
14:03 so you couldn't... I mean that was a moot point. But...
14:07 What?
14:09 How did that shape your perception of family?
14:14 Well it took a long time for my sister to convince me
14:16 that the people raising us were not our parents.
14:19 You know, it's kind of like that commercial years ago:
14:21 look at me, look at him, look at me.
14:23 And she would say: "Look at them; look at us.
14:25 You can tell they don't look anything like us. "
14:27 Until one day I went to school - I was in the second grade -
14:30 and they told me to: "Give this note to your parents
14:33 when you go home. " And I was using the name John Haynes.
14:36 They said the note was having to use his real name
14:40 so I went back to school with the name John Lomacang.
14:43 I thought it was an assignment. It didn't make much difference
14:46 to me but then my sister said: "See, I told you! "
14:48 But there was some anxiety to know who my parents were.
14:54 Who my mom was. I just had heard a name.
14:57 Some people used to say: "Well I think her name is Kim. "
15:00 And I saw a picture of her once.
15:02 And that picture disappeared. I never knew what happened
15:04 to that picture. And I knew that at least her face...
15:10 saw her face. But I grew up through life
15:12 with a pretty balanced home,
15:14 so I didn't have that separation anxiety.
15:17 Who am I? What's going on? Where's my mom? Where's my dad?
15:19 'Cause God allowed me to be put in the situation
15:22 from young that gave me the stability.
15:24 Mom and dad. So... three months old.
15:26 I don't know anybody else. Right.
15:28 So by the time I start kicking into reality and knowing what's
15:31 going on around me I had a balanced home
15:34 for the most part. We compared Christmases.
15:36 Sometimes... Her mom had 8 so it's hard to provide
15:39 for 8 children. You know, we had pretty good Christmases.
15:42 We had wonderful birthdays.
15:45 It was just a house filled with activity.
15:47 Really didn't have the need of anything.
15:49 Did they other children of their own? Just one little boy
15:52 that wasn't their own naturally. It was a boy that they
15:54 adopted in Trinidad and brought home.
15:56 Brought over to America with them.
15:59 But the critical point in my life was at 13
16:02 when Momma passed away.
16:04 I left the church a year later
16:06 and went out into the world. I lost my anchor.
16:08 Were you angry with God? Well you know, at that point
16:11 I began to ask the question: "Why is this happening to me? "
16:15 And then I started asking the question:
16:17 "Well where is my mom? Where's my dad? "
16:19 I met my dad at 13 years old for the first time.
16:22 Tell us about that. My biological dad.
16:25 Just one Sunday evening when the house was filled with calypso
16:30 which in the culture of Trinidad and Barbados
16:33 Sunday nights or Saturday nights was calypso time in our home.
16:36 Papa would bring all this cousins over. They would play
16:38 the guitars and drink and smoke and play calypso.
16:41 I had had my fill of it that night, so I went to the
16:43 neighbor's house. And on my way there
16:45 I met a man who had just pulled up in front of the house
16:48 in a four-door, black Fleetwood Cadillac.
16:50 Ummm. And he started asking me questions
16:52 as he was coming out of the car.
16:54 And said: "Is your name John? "
16:56 He said: "Your name is probably John, isn't it? "
16:57 "Yes. " "And your sister's name is Vivian. " "Yes. "
16:59 "And you're 13. " "Yes. " "And she's 16. " "Yes. "
17:02 And I'm: "Well how do you know? "
17:04 "He said: "Well I'm your dad. "
17:06 And I said: "No you're not; my dad's in the house. "
17:08 And I ran in the house, and he had told me his name.
17:11 And I ran in the house and over the sound of the calypso
17:13 I said: "There's a man said he's my dad. "
17:16 Said: "What is his name? " He said: "He told me his name is
17:18 Johnny. " Said: "That's your dad! "
17:20 And that's how I met my father. Thirteen years old.
17:22 Did he come in and visit with you?
17:24 He came in and visited. Came to find out that night
17:25 I was a junior. You know Junior's Cheesecake downtown
17:28 Brooklyn? Oh yes. He took me to Junior's Cheesecake.
17:30 Gave me a $20 bill.
17:32 And from that point till the time he passed away in 2006
17:35 I didn't really get to know very much about him.
17:37 Knew him for 30+ years, and he never allowed me to come in.
17:40 He was the only child. I was an only child.
17:43 Never got to know my family on his side.
17:46 It was quite a struggle to kind of live with that.
17:49 And so during that identity crisis, we met.
17:53 We met... I won't tell the year.
17:57 OK... we met... Want me to tell the year? No.
17:59 OK, I won't tell the year.
18:00 But we're going on 31 years of marriage.
18:02 But we met as teenagers. I was 16. Ooh...
18:05 And we dated off and on for nine years.
18:07 We were just kind of little rascals
18:09 and didn't really know what we wanted.
18:11 But she was very much in the church and I wasn't.
18:13 I was just coming back.
18:15 And we met, and she gave me a family to connect to.
18:18 Ummm... So we became like good friends
18:21 long before we were dating.
18:24 We just hung out with her brothers. Played basketball
18:26 with her brothers on Sunday.
18:28 Her mom became like my mom.
18:29 When she cooked, she always put dinner aside for me.
18:31 Right. We were all friends 'cause I was not allowed to have
18:34 a boyfriend at 16.
18:36 And with all those brothers, too. Oh yeah, that was...
18:38 My brother would always say: "You want a ride home? "
18:40 They would say to him. I'd say: "No I have my bicycle. "
18:43 They said: "No, you need a ride home. "
18:45 You know how brothers are.
18:46 They'd put his bike in his car and take him home.
18:48 My bike in the trunk. "You're not sitting in this house
18:51 with my sister. " And I understand now.
18:53 But you know, this sounds strange, but I didn't think
18:56 carnal like that back then.
18:58 I didn't think that way.
18:59 So it didn't really phase me very much.
19:02 It was a different time. You know, back years ago
19:07 we weren't bombarded with so much sexual stimuli.
19:10 Now, everything... so the kids are getting
19:13 involved in all of that so much earlier and it's a mess.
19:18 So you weren't even thinking about it.
19:21 Three Stooges was like my max.
19:24 There's no suggestions there at all.
19:27 And so God brought me to the place where He awakened in me
19:33 this dream, 'cause she was not about to date any person
19:36 that wasn't connected to the Lord.
19:38 So her mission from God - we talk about that in the book
19:41 in detail - her mission from God was to get me
19:43 back in the church. And you know, young ladies could
19:46 get the attention of a young man faster than the pastor can.
19:49 That's true. And so she invited me to her house
19:52 for worship, and just tell briefly that night...
19:55 the changeover. Oh yeah, I invited him
19:57 for worship, and he came over.
19:59 Said: "John, my mom always has worship on Friday night.
20:03 Why don't you come over? " So he came over.
20:04 He said: "Sure. " And so my mom said to him:
20:07 "Oh, OK John, would you read this scripture? "
20:10 And he said: "Oh, sure. "
20:11 He took the Bible. I can't remember what the scripture was.
20:14 For instance: "John 3:16. "
20:16 "For... God... so... loved... " That's him.
20:19 "Loved... the... world. " He was just...
20:21 Was he nervous reading it?
20:23 I thought he couldn't read.
20:25 But he could read but he was just nervous.
20:27 And beads of perspiration was dripping all over the Bible.
20:32 And I'm like: "Oh... " What were you thinking
20:35 at that point? Well I wasn't... He was a partier.
20:38 I was a partier. I'm thinking: "You know,
20:39 I've got a party to go to. Hurry up with this worship. "
20:42 I partied from Thursday to Sunday. OK.
20:45 And I was just very much involved in gambling
20:47 and pool hustling. Gambling in the sense of pool tables.
20:50 I didn't do dice and all that and buy lottery tickets.
20:53 I figured if I'm going to gamble I'm going to do something
20:55 that I have control over.
20:56 You know, if I'm going to lose I'm losing on my own terms.
20:59 It's going to be on my hand that I lost
21:01 or my hand that I won.
21:02 But we studied, studied, studied... but you have to tell
21:04 the rest of the story. Yeah, we did study quite a bit.
21:06 And so anyway I said one Friday night
21:09 'cause he kept coming over every Friday night...
21:11 He kept coming over. I kept inviting him.
21:13 Said: "Come on John, come over to my house for worship. "
21:15 'Cause I knew he was so carnal; his mind was in the world.
21:18 Yes. And so I kept kind of inviting him. I prayed for him:
21:21 "Lord, please help him. "
21:23 So anyway, one particular Friday night
21:25 I said: "John, have you seen this book Great Controversy? "
21:28 He said: "Oh, yeah, Momma used to have this
21:30 when she was alive. We used to have that book. "
21:32 I said: "Come on, let's read it. "
21:33 So we went toward the end of the book
21:35 and the promises of Christ's return.
21:39 And he started reading it and reading it
21:42 and next thing you know he just broke down and cried.
21:45 Oh... And he said: "Angie, I'm wasting my life.
21:48 I'm wasting my life. "
21:50 It really got to his heart.
21:52 The Holy Spirit worked on you then and there
21:55 and broke you - right - right there.
21:58 To tell you how complete the break was
22:00 on that Friday - I worked at Bank of America -
22:03 I would go to work with my pool stick
22:05 in my leather case and my boom box
22:07 so that I could party down in Battery Park or by the World
22:10 Trade Center in New York. And so when work was over
22:12 "It's lunch time... it's party time. "
22:15 That was Friday. On Monday I went back to work with my Bible
22:18 and The Great Controversy. Amen.
22:20 And I would look for people on the A Train to talk to about
22:22 the Lord. That's Broolyn... that's New York! Yeah!
22:25 And so I was: "You want to have Bible studies?
22:27 Where do you work? " Lunch hour. "Let's have
22:29 Bible studies at the World Trade. " This is Friday,
22:31 Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
22:33 I'm going from gambling to witnessing for Jesus
22:36 on Monday. And that started a fire in my life
22:38 which led to many twists and turns.
22:42 In the interest of time I want to kind of bring it to
22:44 the condensing points. We dated together
22:47 and we eventually got married, but just before that
22:51 one of the brothers... We had such a relationship
22:53 one of her brothers said: "They do everything together.
22:55 They planning on getting married or something? "
22:57 And this is the funny part of the story:
22:59 after dating her off and on for nine years
23:00 one of her brothers - he's deceased now -
23:02 he came to me one day and he said:
23:04 "You gonna date my sister forever or you gonna marry her?
23:06 What you gonna do? " Aahhh.
23:08 Here I am 25 years old and he's asking him...
23:12 He said: "What you gonna do? " I said: "Yeah, I'm going to
23:14 get married eventually. " He said: "When? "
23:16 He was very strict. He put you on the spot!
23:19 I looked in his eyes and he was serious.
23:20 And I said: "Uhhh... by next month. "
23:24 And we got married thirty days later.
23:26 That was 30+ years ago.
23:28 Wow! We planned a big wedding at Bethel.
23:31 So I told her: "Your brother proposed and I accepted. "
23:36 And you know, the Lord has taken us
23:38 from these two little knucklehead selfish children -
23:41 very selfish - so much into ourselves.
23:44 We got married and our lives took off from there.
23:47 We moved down to Florida after about three months
23:49 living in New York. Moved to Florida and
23:52 not long after we moved to Florida we got the invitation
23:55 to join the Heritage Singers. And her mom...
23:57 When we didn't know what to do what did your mother say?
23:59 "The blessing is on the word go. "
24:02 That's right. Wow! Like Danny says. Yeah.
24:05 He says: "Opportunity knocks once. Go. "
24:08 And our lives took off.
24:09 You know, we say "Go. " We've been going ever since.
24:12 Fifty-two countries later...
24:14 But that's because we gave our heart to the Lord.
24:16 But what I was saying is
24:18 so at 19 we got baptized together.
24:21 Ohhh... We both recommitted our lives to the Lord together.
24:25 And through a series of twists and turns
24:27 when I gave my life to the Lord and finally got rid of the music
24:31 'cause I had hundreds of albums. I was a disc jockey also.
24:34 OK. And... oh yeah...
24:36 I said "Ok, Lord, I'm going... " He was always partying.
24:39 One particular Friday night I found out where the party was.
24:45 And I'm like: "OK, John's on the Windows of the World
24:49 at the World Trade Center disc jockeying"... disc jockeying
24:52 and I went there and I said: "John... "
24:55 He had his headsets on just jamming.
24:57 I said: "John, it's Friday night.
24:59 You should be at home. It's Sabbath. "
25:01 "Yeah, yeah, Angie... yeah. I've gotta go; I've gotta go.
25:04 You go home, go home, go home. "
25:06 I said: "John, you shouldn't. " I had such holy boldness
25:09 it just scares me. I'm like "What am I doing there? "
25:12 And when I look back I'm like... But I went there
25:14 and I'm telling him "You don't belong here. "
25:17 That's right. And eventually so I said: "OK, Lord, I'm
25:19 giving this up, " after the conversion story, reading the
25:21 Great Controversy, but it took a little bit
25:23 to get rid of that out of my blood. Yeah.
25:26 It was a while. One Sunday - this was the cut-off point -
25:28 we were going to disc jockey for a wedding reception.
25:30 Had a car accident, and I said "If we had lost our lives,
25:33 I know we'd of both been lost. " This small little Honda Civic.
25:36 She broke the windshield; I twisted the steering wheel.
25:39 I knew if I had lost my life I'd have been lost.
25:42 And that was the change in our lives. In a nutshell
25:44 gave our lives to the Lord. Joined the Heritage Singers.
25:48 After that God opened the door for us in ministry.
25:52 And the dream... now we look back on it
25:55 and what's so amazing about a dream...
25:57 Which we look back and sometimes we say to ourselves
25:59 "The secret of our success is not what we do
26:02 but it's being humble. " Every day we pray for that.
26:06 The story is so beautiful
26:08 because you can see how God brought both of you
26:12 together - um-hmm - because you have such a powerful ministry
26:16 together. She is your companion, your helpmeet.
26:20 I wouldn't be who I am without a wife like this.
26:22 She is just the consummate preacher's wife, pastor's wife.
26:27 That's right! She's wonderful; you're a godly man.
26:30 I mean, it's just a wonderful pairing.
26:32 What would you tell? In one minute, what would you
26:35 tell our viewers about how to keep it together?
26:38 Oh wow! OK, honey. We worship together.
26:41 Yes. We pray together. We have fun together.
26:43 We laugh together... we laugh together.
26:45 Either at each other or at somebody else.
26:48 No, we do... We're very real.
26:51 We speak our minds to each other. Yes.
26:53 She has a voice... I have a voice.
26:55 We don't yell. We are not the type of people to yell.
26:59 We don't do that. But if she doesn't like
27:01 something she'll say it. If I don't like something,
27:02 I'll just say it. And he will say it!
27:03 We're very real. There are a lot of people that are stuck
27:05 in one-way relationships where you know the visibility
27:09 is his or hers. I tell people: "This is my wife.
27:12 I take here wherever I'm invited around the world. "
27:14 If I get invited and they don't want to bring her,
27:18 I say: "Cancel me. " 'Cause God has given both of us
27:20 a dream. And we dared to dream - yes - and we grasped
27:24 the vision that God had for us.
27:26 And that's why we are still going forward in Christ.
27:28 Praise the Lord! And you set boundaries
27:30 around your relationship and that's wonderful.
27:33 So just unpack that boundaries issue
27:36 a bit for us if you would.
27:38 You know, we have a parameter we've set in our own lives
27:41 about each other. When I'm not with her,
27:44 when she's not with me, we don't have to worry
27:45 about each other. We know to whom we belong.
27:47 I belong to her... she belongs to me.
27:50 And as long as we maintain that, we know that our blessing
27:52 will continue. That's part of the great secret
27:55 in our success. Well thank you so much.
27:58 Thank you for being here. And thank YOU so much
28:01 for joining us today. Tune in next time.
28:04 It just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2014-12-17