Urban Report

God & Relationships

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Cheryl Roach Thorpe


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000085S

00:01 Relationships aren't always what they seem to be...
00:03 Stay tuned to hear how one woman
00:05 dealt with hers and by the grace of God...
00:07 came out on top...
00:09 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:11 Urban Report...
00:34 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:37 My guest today is Cheryl Roach-Thorpe...
00:39 Author and Musical Evangelist, welcome to Urban Report Cheryl.
00:44 Thank you so much, it's a pleasure to be here...
00:47 Thank you... it's so good to have you...
00:49 You know, we had your son and his group
00:52 on Magnify Him... Yes, I remember that...
00:55 and he was so excited to be here...
00:57 Yes... Laos and Harmony right?
01:00 Yes... And then, you contacted me
01:02 and you told me about this book, Hmmm... hmm...
01:05 and, I thought, "Okay, it sounds like...
01:08 she sounds like she's really gung ho about it... "
01:11 so, maybe it's really good... and I got it...
01:14 and I have to tell you... Cheryl... it is riveting...
01:18 it is a very, interesting book, and as I read it...
01:22 so many questions popped into my head...
01:24 so, I'm really glad you're here today...
01:27 because I think you can shed some light
01:29 on what was going on... so, let's talk a bit
01:33 about you and your journey so that our viewers
01:36 know who you are and where you came from...
01:38 Okay, first of all I'd like to thank you
01:41 so much for giving me this privilege...
01:43 thank you and God... Amen...
01:45 I grew up in a musical family, seven of us...
01:50 and my father would take us to the little country churches
01:54 and had all of us lined up playing with him...
01:56 we could go in the back of the truck
01:58 and get to the Church
02:00 and then we would have to take up the entire day's program
02:02 Playing what with him? Playing different instruments...
02:04 each of us played a different instrument and we...
02:06 most of us played more than one...
02:08 and we would also sing... and we would put on the entire
02:12 day's program and it was a joy...
02:14 we grew up doing that... at least 3 Sabbaths every month
02:18 we would end up going on a trip
02:21 somewhere... to some church to perform and to minister...
02:25 I should say... So, you grew up as a
02:26 Seventh-day Adventist Christian
02:28 yes... Yes...
02:29 we grew up at the Caribbean Union College Campus in Trinidad
02:32 my parents lived in Port-au-Spain and they moved
02:35 to the campus... so that we could get a better education
02:37 and that's where we grew up, yes...
02:39 Okay... all right... so you come from a musical family
02:42 Hmmm... hmmm... how did that impact
02:45 your life later... Oh... that's my pride and joy
02:48 because I can't think of my life without music...
02:52 and because it led us to minister so much in Church
02:56 the God-given talents that we had...
02:59 we were able to use them, every day...
03:01 literally... every day... to bless and bring people
03:05 to Jesus... so, we just picked up whatever
03:08 instrument was around... we taught on one...
03:10 and whatever was there we picked it up...
03:12 so all of us played different instruments...
03:13 That's great... that's great... so, you then... used your music
03:18 there was kind of like a back and forth
03:22 reciprocal thing... your music impacted your spirituality
03:25 and your spirituality impacted your music... correct?
03:27 Right... yeah... Absolutely, I would say that...
03:30 All right... and so, how did you meet your husband?
03:33 Okay... he moved from the southern part of the country
03:36 and came to live on the campus also... nearby...
03:39 and he was my brother's best friend...
03:41 Okay... So, he would be in and out of
03:44 the house and we would just be one big... happy group...
03:47 and he also came from a musical family...
03:49 and we started a small group and then it got bigger
03:53 and over the years... he ended up accompanying me...
03:56 because my brother was a musician...
03:58 he played the piano for me... and when...
04:01 he had to leave the country for a while...
04:04 I asked him to teach my husband all the songs
04:07 that he was working with me...
04:08 along with the choir and for myself...
04:10 and that's what he did... and the story is history...
04:15 so, then, you and your husband developed a relationship
04:19 through the music...
04:21 Um... I could say that...
04:24 yes... yes... because he was around in the house
04:27 just like another person because he would be in and out,
04:29 I didn't even realize when the relationship was being developed
04:33 to be honest... it just happened one day... I said,
04:35 "Wait a minute... it looks like we are getting
04:37 closer... " you know, stuff like that happened...
04:40 it just grew on us... but we were always in the
04:42 same musical group and we would hang out in the
04:44 same groups on campus, so, because of that
04:46 that's what... I think... brought us together...
04:50 so, how long after he started kind of playing around
04:54 and doing the music for you, the accompaniment for you
04:58 how long after that... did you realize that
05:00 "Hmmm... I think I have feelings for this guy"
05:04 Well, we knew each other as children...
05:07 so, we started basically courting
05:09 when we got to... maybe like...
05:13 maybe 20 something... yeah...
05:17 Okay... but he was always part of
05:19 the close circle... Right...
05:20 So you weren't teenagers when you started courting...
05:24 Hmmm... I never checked the dates... that's interesting...
05:29 it just happened... it's one of those things
05:32 that just fell into place... Okay... okay...
05:35 so tell us about your wedding... Wow, it's funny...
05:42 we were walking on the Beach in Tobago
05:44 that's the sister country... Trinidad...
05:47 and we had gone there to hang out with my brother
05:50 and his friend... and my proposal...
05:53 a lot of people read the book and they laugh at it...
05:55 because... he didn't go down on his knees...
05:58 he just held my hand... we were walking on the beach
06:01 and he said, "I think it's time for us to shack up... "
06:03 anybody from Trinidad would know what that meant...
06:06 and that's what happened... Well, wait... for those of us
06:10 who aren't from Trinidad... shack up has a whole big
06:13 connotation... I know...
06:15 so... we... and this is 3ABN... Shack up... out of the Christian
06:21 world would mean... just going to live with somebody
06:23 some woman or man that you liked Right... right...
06:25 but within the Christian context of two young people
06:28 who grew up in the system... it's just time to shack up
06:30 let's get married... Okay... all right...
06:33 at least that's what I took it as...
06:35 Okay... okay... and although I would have
06:37 loved to have the romantic type of proposal...
06:42 down on one knee and all that...
06:43 good stuff living... we didn't do that
06:45 we never got engaged... that was the engagement
06:47 and we just went back home to Trinidad...
06:49 and I told my parents... and he came and spoke
06:52 with them... and we made plans to get married
06:54 and that's where it flew... it was just natural...
06:57 it just happened... And did he say that he loved you
06:59 Yes... oh, many times... many times...
07:02 Okay... okay... and this is an important fact
07:05 because as things begin to unravel...
07:09 that seemed like a contradiction...
07:12 so, you are on the beach,
07:17 he says it's time to get married
07:19 he goes back to your family, he says, "Let's get married... "
07:22 You get married... Hmmm... hmmm...
07:24 What happens after you get married?
07:26 I'm trying to think where I should start...
07:32 we had a lot in common... a whole lot
07:36 so, the first time... he's a very friendly person
07:43 and he always boasts about the fact that
07:47 he loves to see what makes women tick...
07:51 he just loves women... not just to go be with them
07:55 but he just loves God's creation and he would always be
08:00 questioning someone or chatting with someone
08:02 he was extremely friendly... and to be honest...
08:05 that's what attracted me to him too...
08:07 because he was so friendly
08:08 he could make you feel comfortable and relaxed and
08:11 loved... he was good with his words...
08:14 so he knew exactly the right words to
08:17 make you blush... He was a smooth talker...
08:19 Yes... yes... Hmmm... hmmm...
08:20 yes, that was one of his many talents...
08:23 being able to talk smoothly...
08:26 Kind of really a charmer... Yes...
08:28 but now, what... did you notice this
08:31 before you got married... that he had this affinity
08:35 for women... that he just kind of... had this...
08:38 he wanted to know what made women tick...
08:41 or did you find out about this...
08:43 after you were married? No, I actually found that out
08:46 before... because that's how he functioned...
08:50 but it attracted me to him because... I guess
08:55 I was one of the people that he made feel good too...
08:57 and then... we had all this in common...
08:59 we did a lot of ministry together...
09:01 even from children... because he was a member
09:03 of my father's orchestra... he played the Xylophone
09:06 in my father's orchestra...
09:07 in those days, he didn't play the piano yet...
09:10 but he played the xylophone
09:11 and I would be next to him playing the... what was it?
09:15 I can't remember the name of the instrument right now
09:18 anyway, but we did a lot of instruments together...
09:21 and we would travel together and I would see him
09:24 functioning but it was no problem because
09:27 at that time... I was not attracted to him
09:29 in that sense... it was just part of living
09:32 he was just one of the bunch, so that... when I look back now
09:35 I can see... where the signs were there from way before
09:39 Hmmm... but, I guess, because I wasn't
09:42 serious then... about him...
09:45 it didn't matter to me
09:47 in that sense... he was just another good friend.
09:48 Right... He became a good friend...
09:50 Right... right... So you weren't even
09:52 thinking about the fact that he's kind of a ladies' man...
09:55 No... no... no... Yeah... yeah...
09:57 So after you got married, what happened?
10:01 when did the infidelity start? Very early in the marriage
10:08 we had a Crusade... and one of the young ladies
10:12 there would ask him to get rides home
10:14 and stuff like that
10:15 and before I knew it, that was initially the first
10:18 problem that turned up in the marriage...
10:22 the first official problem, and that's where
10:26 the trouble began... How did you deal with it?
10:29 My first, initial, angry thought was... grounds for divorce...
10:38 but I thought about it and I knew that marriages
10:42 have problems and I was committed...
10:45 I made up my mind when I got married that
10:47 I was in it for the long haul, I loved him and I believed
10:51 that he loved me... and when I look at it...
10:55 I really kind of compromised in my mind...
10:59 I'm saying... the same thing that attracted me to him
11:02 would obviously attract other women also...
11:04 and in all fairness to him, I figured, I have to find a way
11:09 to work around that... and that's what I did...
11:11 Work around... Work around in the sense
11:14 that... I almost found myself becoming friends with the people
11:19 I'm being honest... I became friends with them
11:22 so that we'd be in the same circles
11:23 and it wouldn't bother me and now that I look back
11:25 and I analyze it... I think that's what I did...
11:28 that was my method of coping at the time...
11:30 because he always boasted about being...
11:33 having more female friends than male friends...
11:36 and this was a reality, and so I had to get used to
11:39 the female clan being around him...
11:42 and then I didn't mind that...
11:43 I'm a friendly person myself and most times
11:47 they were always in my circle so it wasn't hard
11:50 to just adapt and go along... but my point was...
11:53 what I would tell him was... "Listen, once I get my position
11:58 as number 1... then... I have no problem...
12:00 because whatever else you do, that's between you and God... "
12:02 that was my basic bottom-line decision...
12:06 So, you didn't... and I'm just going to come
12:09 from a another woman's point of view... right...
12:12 so, you didn't say to him, "Look, this has got to stop...
12:17 you cannot do this... I'm not going to accept
12:20 this behavior from you... if you do it... I'm out... "
12:23 Okay, I did say that...
12:26 we made a decision...
12:28 maybe certain things that he did...
12:31 but it was not a general...
12:32 "you got to stop talking to women"
12:33 I couldn't do that... I couldn't see myself
12:35 doing that... if I would see him
12:39 chatting too long with someone, stuff like that...
12:41 kind of... obviously you're married
12:44 and you're over there talking to this person all this time...
12:46 stuff like that... I would say,
12:48 "You know... that doesn't look good...
12:49 you can't be doing stuff like that... "
12:50 and then, the problem continued because anytime you make
12:56 a woman feel good, or anybody for that matter
12:59 they are attracted to you... and these people would be drawn
13:02 towards him and that is where the problems kept on just
13:05 getting bigger and bigger... and we would drop
13:07 some of the friends who could be dropped
13:09 for whatever reason,
13:10 either they die a natural death
13:12 or maybe because I fussed about it
13:15 or maybe because he just decided...
13:17 "Okay, let me stop... " but the trend kept on
13:21 throughout the entire marriage, that general friendliness
13:24 that he had... I think he looked at it
13:27 as though it was part of his make-up
13:30 like God put him there to be able to help these people
13:33 in different ways... and it's not just people that
13:36 were attracted to him... he would help...
13:38 he would generally just be helping any woman
13:41 out there with their problem, that's what it was...
13:43 so, to be honest... I wouldn't even call it
13:46 typically it would sound as womanizing...
13:49 like he's a womanizer...
13:50 I didn't even put him in that category...
13:52 I guess, that's why I could last that long...
13:54 because... it was a genuine love "he had to help people"
13:57 but it's just that these people were always women
14:00 but I would tease him
14:03 and tell him, "When we get back to get to heaven...
14:05 the stars in his crown would have a different shape
14:08 because he would have female stars in his crown... "
14:12 Oh my, well... well okay... I don't know about that...
14:17 see, here's the thing for me, it's like...
14:20 as I read this... and being my age...
14:23 you don't get to this age without having had some
14:27 trying relationships, yes... yourself...
14:30 so, I can understand
14:33 you know, some of the things that you go through
14:36 when you're in a relationship
14:39 a marriage... and there's infidelity...
14:43 but at some point... when do you say,
14:47 "Enough is enough... " what did it take...
14:50 for you to say,
14:52 "I'm done... " how many... well, first of all
14:54 let's go back for a second how many infidelities
14:56 do you think there were? A lot... a lot that I know of
15:01 Like more than 10? Yes, I could say that...
15:08 Okay, so at what point did you say in your heart
15:12 "I'm done with this...
15:14 I'm not going to deal with this anymore... "
15:16 what did it take for you to
15:18 get there? Okay, let me back up a bit
15:20 very early in the marriage, he started using drugs
15:24 Okay... my brother was on drugs
15:26 my youngest brother who was like a best friend to me
15:28 he started using drugs with him, he was his best friend...
15:31 When you say drugs... what was it?
15:34 Cocaine, cocaine... to be exact, I guess they must have dabbled
15:36 with a lot of other stuff, but cocaine was the choice
15:40 Okay... and he actually came and
15:43 admitted to me that he was using the drugs...
15:45 the night... I never forgot... the night we had the Crusade
15:48 and he came and told me "Cheryl, I know you realize that
15:52 I've been out in the night and stuff...
15:54 and rather than make you think that I have another woman,
15:57 I want you to know that I've been using drugs with
16:00 your brother and the group of them... "
16:03 which I knew all of them anyway, I knew who the friends
16:06 that he hung out with and that really tore me apart
16:10 because on top of the attraction to women...
16:13 that was a whole new ball game,
16:15 so, this continued throughout the marriage
16:20 and I worked along with a drug rehab group
16:24 that was formed in the Conference in Trinidad...
16:26 and I was able to see a lot of the people
16:30 that we worked with, get "better"
16:32 you know... in quotes... and they come off of the drugs
16:35 and it was so difficult for me not to see
16:37 him and my brother be blessed by what we were doing...
16:41 so, I blamed a lot of what he was doing
16:46 on the drugs because I know when you use drugs
16:49 that messes up the whole thought process...
16:52 and a combination of that and wanting to see him
16:57 off of the drugs... and thinking that
16:59 if we could still minister... now all this time
17:01 we are ministering... we would be in Church on the stage
17:03 functioning and doing Crusades
17:06 part of the major crusades in the Country
17:08 we would be on the stage... and sincerely working for the Lord,
17:12 and what I would do... whenever I noticed that
17:17 he was not making an effort, in my honest admission
17:22 making an effort to stop using the drugs
17:25 I would not let him play for me to sing... not accompany me...
17:29 I would rather do solos,
17:31 I would just not...
17:33 I would turn the accompaniment, turn it down...
17:35 Why? because,
17:37 I just felt that if he was not making the effort
17:42 then, I didn't want him to be part of that particular ministry
17:46 that I was doing that day... because I want that ministry
17:49 to be honest and coming from a good place...
17:52 and, I guess, I could have been wrong sometimes
17:54 but I had to use what I could see and feel...
17:57 to make my decisions... so whenever I did accept an
18:02 appointment to sing or to perform
18:04 because I was in charge of the Junior Choir also
18:06 all the kids and everything... going out to perform
18:08 I would use my judgment
18:12 to decide if we would do that
18:14 performance or not...
18:16 that ministry or not at that point in time...
18:18 but that's how it went
18:20 for quite a while for most of the marriage,
18:22 I would decide that if he's not making an effort
18:25 if he is not
18:26 using the resources that I think he should be using
18:30 at this particular point in time...
18:32 so I would not go on the stage to represent what I know...
18:38 Right... you didn't want him before the people
18:40 kind of pretending to be ministering...
18:46 when he had the secret life, going on... yeah...
18:50 and that's understandable... so, let's look at this now
18:56 so, here you are, you're a mother...
18:59 you're a wife whose husband is in ministry with you
19:05 but, on the side...
19:07 he's got these women friends
19:10 that he won't let go of, and now, you're saying,
19:14 he's got a drug problem that he also is not letting go of...
19:18 Hmmm... hmmm...
19:20 and you're still trying
19:23 to kind of... make it fit... correct?
19:25 you're hanging in there, you're trying to make it
19:28 you're trying to put that square peg into the round hole,
19:34 trying to solve the problem, but, again, at what point now
19:39 do you say... it's... I'm done...
19:42 Okay, because I always believed that God could heal him
19:46 and I would pray like that... seriously pray...
19:49 do all I could to get it to stop...
19:51 I would tell myself, "if you could minister like this
19:56 and be so effective, with the drug problem
19:59 and whatever other problems we had,
20:02 could you imagine what a glorious day it would be
20:06 if he got rid of all these the female friends...
20:10 the problem with the female friends
20:11 I should say... not get rid of the friends...
20:13 but get rid of the problems with them...
20:15 and the drugs... how dynamic our ministry could be... "
20:18 because that was my aim... because, to be honest,
20:20 I haven't found anybody else who could play the chords
20:23 that I need for my song,
20:25 with the right mood and everything else...
20:27 I've tried numerous musicians
20:29 who some people may think are better than him...
20:32 but I get the... I specialize in singing hymns...
20:34 just arranging them... meditations and stuff like that
20:38 and the mood that I need, I haven't found anybody else
20:42 that could do it... and I guess, that was a kind of
20:44 of "staying point" for me...
20:48 I know some people say, they stay in a marriage
20:51 because of the children... for different reasons...
20:53 I think, one of the reasons why I stayed in the marriage
20:55 was because of that musical bond that we had...
20:58 Hmmm... hmmm... and then that musical bond
20:59 was just a musical bond for showing off...
21:01 it's a ministry that I totally was dedicated to...
21:05 and he stuck with the ministry
21:07 in spite of all that he was doing
21:08 never stopped going to Church,
21:10 my brother who was his best friend...
21:13 whenever he went back on the drugs
21:15 he would stop going to Church altogether...
21:17 but he didn't stop going to Church
21:18 he kept going... so I had...
21:21 I became an expert at covering up stuff...
21:23 and not letting people know... where he was
21:26 maybe the night before... but it didn't happen every time
21:29 but a lot of times when he had to perform,
21:31 I would have to go and get him
21:34 from the place where he was hanging out the night before...
21:37 and talk, pray, fuss, talk, pray, fuss, everything
21:42 whatever I had to do, and he would be right on target
21:46 to perform the next morning, but after a while...
21:51 I said, the Lord blessed him... let me put it that way
21:58 that the Lord worked a miracle for him...
22:00 and... he was delivered from the jaws
22:02 one day he got up and he said,
22:03 "Cheryl, I don't have any desire again... for the drugs"
22:07 and that was hallelujah for me
22:08 and I thought,
22:10 "Well, finally, after all the years... it was worth it... "
22:12 Did you seek counsel... We did...
22:16 did you go to pastoral counsel or anything?
22:18 what happened with that
22:20 Most of them were friends because...
22:21 we were always on the street performing...
22:24 most of our friends were ministers...
22:26 and I did go to a few of them,
22:32 and... when I look back
22:37 I don't think I got the response that I really wanted...
22:40 but then, who am I to say
22:42 what God wanted me to have in that point in time...
22:45 but they would talk to me, they would all talk to me,
22:47 and go into all the details of what should be done,
22:50 but to me... I didn't get the follow up
22:52 as much as I would have liked, that's me personally talking now
22:55 that I expected... I guess because
22:58 he was my personal concern, I would be happy
23:02 if they left everything and just came and solved
23:05 the problem for me, but I knew that
23:06 that's not how life is... so... and then, he was really one of
23:11 the best musicians around at that time...
23:13 and I always felt that they were more concerned
23:17 about getting his performance than really attending to
23:21 his spirituality...
23:23 it was more important
23:25 to get the Program flowing smoothly...
23:28 and again... I'm not condemning them...
23:30 but situations vary...
23:33 and when he did tell me
23:36 he was delivered from that, I was so happy...
23:41 and unfortunately, Satan put another female
23:46 right in position... somebody that also needed help
23:50 for him to help... and he started a whole new
23:55 friendship with this person... so, instead of getting
23:57 a result that I wanted... that I was hoping
24:00 and praying for... that... his coming off of the drugs
24:04 didn't bring us any closer... and at that point
24:06 I decided... "this is it... " Okay... and how long had you
24:10 been married... by this time? like 25... 24 or 25 years...
24:15 so you went through this...
24:18 this grueling up and down relationship
24:22 and even... it sounds to me... and this is not me
24:26 this is not me sitting in judgment of you
24:29 because the Lord knows I made mistakes too...
24:32 but...
24:33 it sounds as though you kind of enabled him to
24:37 like you tried to become friends with the women...
24:39 and all that... because you were trying to
24:43 hang in there... and trying to work it out...
24:46 trying to cope with the situation...
24:48 instead of setting boundaries...
24:50 if you had it all to do it over again...
24:53 what would you do differently?
24:56 I did set boundaries... but...
25:04 if I had to do it all over again...
25:08 the thing is... I don't really regret
25:12 what I've been through... I would not choose
25:15 to live that life... I would have chosen a totally
25:17 happy life with a perfect husband and a
25:20 perfect piano player... and just all romance and
25:23 Bible... but
25:26 that was not to be...
25:28 so, now I look back at my life...
25:29 I cannot say
25:31 that I regret anything...
25:33 I could have done stuff differently...
25:34 but the blessings that have come
25:41 out of this experience, sharing the experience,
25:43 and making me stronger...
25:45 when I got the first copy
25:47 of the book done... I signed it and autographed
25:50 in the book and took it to him...
25:53 and what I wrote on the book was...
25:55 "Thanks for the journey that brought me closer to Jesus"
25:59 and I meant that with all my heart...
26:01 when we finally separated... it was really hard for me
26:06 to deal with... and I was trying to figure out
26:08 "how could I... " you know...
26:12 "how could I get this whole package
26:16 that I went through for all those years
26:18 Hmmm... make sense of it...
26:19 the text Romans 8:28 "All things work together
26:23 for good to those who love God...
26:25 As I said in the book... I had a love/hate relationship
26:27 with that text for a while... because all things
26:30 mean a lot of things in the Bible...
26:31 and a lot of stuff that happens you can't even figure out
26:35 why it's happening and to you again...
26:38 I've been there in Church
26:41 all my life... with Crusades and then Church and
26:43 worshipping and praising and doing ministry
26:45 and yet, I can't even have a comfortable,
26:49 happy married life... but... along the way...
26:52 we had a lot of fun... now, when you hear all these
26:56 problems you would think that in our house
26:58 there would be a lot of tension
26:59 but there wasn't... Hmmm...
27:01 I guess because of the blessings that God gave me
27:04 the kind of ability to just deal with the problem
27:07 on the spot... and forget it...
27:09 2 minutes after... I'd be laughing and talking
27:12 that's what we did... so if you ask my son
27:15 how happy he was... in the family...
27:17 he grew up in a happy home...
27:18 So, God has brought you through...
27:19 Yes... that's the bottom line...
27:21 thank you so much for sharing...
27:22 the name of the book is
27:23 "You can't pretend the Truth Away"
27:25 Thank you so much Cheryl for being with us...
27:27 I appreciate it... May God bless you...
27:29 Cheryl has shared some intensely,
27:31 personal information with us...
27:33 not because she wants to expose herself to the world,
27:36 but because she wants to proclaim the redemptive power
27:39 of Jesus Christ... if you're going through
27:41 repeated infidelities by your spouse,
27:43 turn to Jesus... ask Him for guidance...
27:45 He will guide you by His spirit...
27:48 Well, that's it for our Program...
27:51 thank you so much for tuning in...
27:52 we hope that you were blessed,
27:54 we hope that this information
27:56 really you can take and actually apply
27:59 the goodness of Jesus to your life...
28:02 Join us next time...
28:03 It just wouldn't be the same... without you...


Revised 2023-09-26