Urban Report

Dream Team

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Jason Bradley, Ryan St. Hillaire, Ricky Carter


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000084

00:01 Did you know that Dare to Dream has a "Dream team"
00:04 well, stay tuned to meet some of them...
00:06 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:08 Urban Report...
00:31 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:33 My guests today are Jason Bradley
00:36 and Ryan St. Hillaire
00:37 members of Dare to Dream's new Dream Team... yeah...
00:41 Welcome to Urban Report guys... Thank you... thank you...
00:45 It's so good to have you guys here...
00:47 You know, for the past 2 years,
00:52 I have been really needing
00:55 some help with Dare to Dream, and God has been so faithful
00:58 he has just continued to send what we needed here
01:02 but I needed some staff and some people to help
01:07 and God is so good... He sent me an Assistant
01:11 and a Director/Editor and I'm just so grateful...
01:16 so, I want you guys
01:18 to tell our viewers
01:19 who you are... I want to introduce you
01:21 to our viewers because we're all part of the same family
01:25 and so I want them to know you
01:28 so Ryan... let's start with you...
01:30 This is Ryan St. Hillaire... our new Director/Editor...
01:33 tell us a little bit about yourself... Ryan...
01:35 Sure... people ask me
01:38 where I'm from and I'm sort of at a loss for words
01:42 because I'm from a lot of different places...
01:44 but I guess I came from Berrien Springs...
01:46 went to Andrew University there, studied Video Production
01:50 and for the past couple of years...
01:53 I've been involved in ministry together with
01:56 Benjamin Middleton who... some people might have seen
02:01 on Dare to Dream already... because we have some Programs
02:05 that had aired on Dare to Dream and we've been involved
02:08 in Ministry for the past... almost 3 years...
02:12 and then... through a series of events...
02:16 God has brought me here... so I don't know...
02:19 And that's amazing... you know, when,
02:22 I first met you and Ben, I thought,
02:25 "Wow, these guys are so on fire for the Lord
02:27 they're doing such great work on UnScene Media group"
02:31 and then you sent me
02:32 a Program... and it was "War Plans"
02:36 and we still air "War Plans" periodically
02:39 and also "Zimbabwe" on what's going on
02:41 It took you a year to watch it though.
02:42 I know, don't tell them that
02:44 Ryan... don't tell them that, okay...
02:46 so, it did... why? because I was backed up
02:49 you know, but once I did... once I saw it...
02:52 and I saw the quality of the work that was there...
02:55 I thought, "Wow, these guys are truly, truly gifted... "
03:00 so then... I called you and I said,
03:02 "Oh, I need to get that up on Dare to Dream... "
03:05 because you have all of these special effects...
03:07 and you know... waving of the hands
03:09 and words come up... and our initials...
03:11 it's phenomenal... it's cutting edge contemporary
03:15 programming... and so, when I was asking God to send
03:19 the people here that need to be here...
03:22 and He sent you as a Director/Editor...
03:25 and I guess our viewers might not understand the whole
03:29 television industry but you really need someone
03:33 to pull the programs together,
03:35 you need someone to direct them
03:37 and Urban Report's Director is Robert Stotz...
03:41 so, Robert directs Urban Report and he also edits it...
03:46 so we needed someone to also be able to
03:49 direct and edit the other Dare to Dream programs
03:53 and Ryan is able to direct and also edit...
03:56 so that means... any little fixes...
03:58 you know, these programs are not perfect...
04:00 they have to be fixed a lot of times
04:02 and we need somebody to do that
04:04 that's what the editor does... and so... it is a very tedious
04:10 very disciplined... kind of job and so Ryan does it really well
04:15 so I'm so... so excited to have you...
04:18 I'm glad to be here... Tell us what you do...
04:20 tell us what you are looking to do
04:24 and what you do already for Dare to Dream...
04:27 Well, I've been here for about 3 weeks...
04:30 Hmmm... hmmm... and you've had work for me to do
04:33 from the moment I got here... I started editing
04:37 some of the programs that I guess has been backed up
04:41 for a while... so that's been kind of interesting...
04:45 to be able to see everything that's going through
04:49 Dare to Dream... Yes...
04:51 we've also been doing some brainstorming on different ways
04:55 that we can improve some of the existing programming
04:58 and planning for programming in the future
05:01 which has been really exciting for me
05:03 because I enjoy the creative aspect of envisioning
05:08 what something is going to look like...
05:10 and actually... being able to put that together
05:13 so, that's been exciting for me...
05:15 That's great... tell us a little bit about
05:18 what happened to you when you were coming here...
05:22 you know, Satan is so busy... he knows the potential
05:26 that our new Dream Team
05:29 brings to bear
05:30 and so... he did not
05:32 want this to happen tell us about... what happened
05:36 to you on your way here...
05:37 Well, that's quite a story I had two things happen to me
05:45 that I've never experienced before in my life,
05:48 and it all happens on the trip up to 3ABN to, you know,
05:55 to come for my first day of employment here...
05:58 it was in the evening and I was driving up
06:01 you know, I was leaving Dallas, Texas,
06:03 which is where I was coming from with an old motor home
06:07 and that's what I'm living in right now...
06:09 it's a motor home and I've been driving
06:11 on the highway for maybe about 10 minutes
06:14 and... all of a sudden as I'm driving...
06:17 there's a motorcycle in front of me...
06:19 and in front of that motorcycle there's a small SUV
06:23 and the traffic kind of slows down a little bit...
06:26 not extremely... but enough that,
06:28 you know, I kind of... had to push on the brakes a little bit,
06:31 and the motorcycle in front of me... didn't stop
06:34 he just went straight forward into the SUV...
06:37 right in front of me...
06:39 you know, his front tire just kind of
06:40 hit the back of the SUV the rest of the motorcycle
06:43 slammed around... his whole body... basically
06:47 hit into the back of the SUV he fell over...
06:50 the bike fell over... he slid across... on the payment
06:54 and I was on the phone with my mom at the time
06:56 I was like, "Mom, I've got to go an accident just happened... "
07:00 I was running out there... still had the phone in my hand
07:03 and I was yelling at the guy, "Hey, can you hear me...
07:06 are you ok... " and he's not responding
07:09 so, of course, my heart is racing...
07:12 I've never been... the first responder
07:15 in a situation like this... I was the first person
07:17 on the scene there... and so I called 911
07:20 I was talking with the Operator they were asking, of course,
07:23 where I was and so forth... about 30 seconds later
07:26 somebody else pulled over... and the lady that came out
07:30 she happened to be a Nurse and so, she started, you know,
07:34 tending to the guy... you know, trying to get him to
07:37 respond... checking his vitals and so forth...
07:39 and, of course, the girl that he hit
07:44 she was there on the scene and she was freaking out
07:46 and I was trying to talk to her and calm her down...
07:49 and we were both kind of... you can imagine...
07:52 being in a situation like that.. That is so... stressful
07:57 oh, I mean... just to know
07:59 that you've seen an accident
08:01 happen and you see the
08:04 survivor there... and you're trying to help...
08:06 I mean... that is super, super, stressful.
08:08 Yeah... it's a picture that you know...
08:10 kind of... sticks in your mind, you just...
08:13 can't get it out of your head
08:14 and afterwards... of course as I'm driving along
08:17 continuing... I finally got on the road
08:19 after doing the Accident Report and everything...
08:21 I'm just thinking... in my head...
08:24 how, you know,
08:25 we can't take God's protection for granted...
08:27 at any time... because anything could happen
08:30 at any moment and who knows...
08:32 how many times the angels are intervening
08:34 just to keep us safe, you know, in all these... situations...
08:39 I mean, I could have been involved
08:41 in an accident... Absolutely...
08:42 right there... and, of course, I'm praying for the guy
08:44 that was taken to the hospital
08:46 but I'm just thanking God for His protection...
08:49 and I think... there is a reason why that had happened...
08:55 because just a couple of hours later...
08:57 in the same night... I'm driving down the Highway
09:00 and it's not on the Interstate, it's a State Road I think...
09:05 but it's still a split Highway,
09:06 there were two lanes
09:07 going one direction and two lanes coming back
09:09 the other direction... I'm driving down there...
09:11 it's dark... it's nighttime and I just finished passing
09:15 somebody in the left lane, came back into the right lane,
09:18 and a couple of minutes later... I see two headlights
09:22 coming down the road... straight towards me...
09:25 there's somebody driving full speed...
09:28 down the wrong side of the road
09:30 and... you know... I didn't really have
09:33 much time to think...
09:34 but he just comes by and he passes me...
09:36 right in the left lane... shhhhhooo...
09:37 and I'm just thinking... if anybody was over there
09:41 behind me... you know, who knows what could have
09:44 happened... Head-on collision...
09:45 Exactly... Just like that...
09:47 what you said... about not taking God's protection
09:52 for granted... we really can't...
09:53 because it can happen so quickly you don't even...
09:56 you don't even know what's going on...
09:58 boom... you can just be... gone...
10:00 but the Bible says that... "The Angel of the Lord
10:03 encampeth round about them that fear Him
10:05 and delivereth them... "
10:06 Amen... and so... that is...
10:08 Jason is smiling because he knows
10:09 that's one of my favorite verses
10:11 but that is... it's so true that God's protection
10:16 was with you... and God spared you...
10:19 because that could have... you could have been snuffed out
10:21 just that quickly... so, we're so thankful...
10:24 we're thankful that you're here...
10:26 tell us... in these last few seconds
10:28 of your time... tell us... what you're looking to do
10:32 with Dare to Dream... what is your
10:35 real desire with Dare to Dream...
10:38 Well, with our ministry before with UnScene Media Group
10:44 it was founded because of our passion to reach out to
10:50 young people especially... by using media
10:52 and kind of breaking out of the box of
10:55 traditional... what we know as "Adventist Media"
11:01 and, you know, still having the powerful, of course,
11:06 the three angels' message... the content
11:08 but wrapping it in such a way that will be more relevant
11:12 to people... and I think that...
11:13 that lines up with the mission of Dare to Dream Network
11:18 Hmmm... and so that's why I'm excited
11:19 to be here... to be a part of a project
11:21 like that... to be able to work hand-in-hand with
11:26 a great team... not just here... not just... you know...
11:31 you guys here... you have a bigger team...
11:33 the 3ABN family... Yes... yes...
11:35 so, I'm really excited about what we can do...
11:38 Yes... and we are excited to have you...
11:40 and speaking of family,
11:42 Jason Bradley is my new Assistant
11:46 he is the Assistant to the General Manager
11:48 and he's also my son... Yeah... Jay... I'm so, so happy
11:55 that you're with us here... this has been...
11:58 this is like an answer to prayer
12:01 for me... on so many levels... tell us a little bit about
12:04 well let me just tell the viewer
12:06 what you did before you came and then you can
12:08 expound on that... Okay...
12:09 Jay brings so many skills to the table...
12:12 he's been the Manager and Supervisor over 60 people
12:16 and so... you've been a real...
12:20 you worked for me before... so, I know your work ethic
12:25 and all... and just... the way you and Ryan
12:27 are working together it's just a blessing...
12:30 I'm so happy here... tell us a little bit about yourself...
12:32 Well, I'm originally from
12:35 New York...
12:36 Hmmm... hmmm... and it's been a journey...
12:39 Hmmm... hmmm moving from New York...
12:41 to Texas... seems like
12:43 I'm spending 10 years
12:45 in each place... I plan on spending a lot more
12:47 right here in Thompsonville... so, hopefully we'll pull
12:51 maybe 20, 30, 40, 50 years
12:55 Oh, hopefully not... maybe because Jesus will come...
12:57 there you go... there you go...
12:58 and we'll be going to heaven... we will soon...
13:00 before those many years... That's right...
13:02 that's always the hope and the prayer...
13:06 the sooner we get through these trying times... the better
13:10 Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... hmmm...
13:12 so, 10 years in New York, and then 10 years in Texas,
13:16 the later part of the 10 years, and then I decided to move
13:21 to Atlanta... and I've been out there for 8...
13:23 and out there... I was managing a restaurant
13:27 as you stated... and I had about 60 people
13:31 under me... very, very stressful at times...
13:35 trying on your patience and all of that...
13:39 but God has truly blessed and gave me the patience to
13:45 handle it...
13:47 And I think it took a lot of patience from time to time
13:50 didn't it... Yes... a lot... a lot...
13:54 Hmmm... hmmm... you know... you're constantly
13:57 seeing different things on a daily basis...
14:00 you know... sometimes it's the same,
14:02 then other times... it throws...
14:05 it's like life... it throws its curveball at you,
14:07 and being... I'm still relatively young
14:13 I'm getting old but I didn't get my AARP Card yet...
14:17 Hey... don't talk about AARP Cards...
14:21 so, being 27, you know, I started there
14:25 when I was 25 or 26... about 25...
14:29 and I'm supervising people that are in their 50s...
14:33 in their 40s... 30s... you know, people that are older than me...
14:37 so, it's a little bit different, there was a time
14:40 when I've had somebody come into the office
14:43 and just needed to talk... my policy was...
14:46 "My door is always open... " you always want to...
14:50 not only do the people... work for you but
14:52 you have to remember that they are people...
14:55 they're not just employees... they are people...
14:58 at the end of the day... you need to
15:00 be able to relate to them and listen to what they're
15:03 going through... and make sure that...
15:05 you try to do your best... to be there for them...
15:08 well, I had this particular gentleman come in the office
15:11 and he was... going through some things...
15:15 he was... he found out that he had
15:18 kidney failure... and he had one year...
15:22 one month... I'm sorry... one month... left to live...
15:26 Hmmm... and to see this 43 or
15:31 44-year-old man... who was tough...
15:35 tough older guy... you know, grew up in the streets...
15:38 tough guy... but really, really nice...
15:41 to see him break down and start crying in the office
15:44 and here I am... 25... 26 at the time...
15:49 you know... to deal with that,
15:51 it was... it was rough...
15:54 that was one of the hardest things at work...
15:57 Hmmm... what made you decide to come here... to 3ABN?
16:01 Well, I've always had a true passion for people
16:04 people are my strong suit so, having a true passion for
16:11 people and helping people and seeing people happy
16:14 I figured... what better way to pursue my passion
16:18 than leading people to Jesus Christ...
16:21 That's great... you know Jay,
16:23 you had a very serious incident happen to you several years ago,
16:30 tell us a little bit about that...
16:32 Well, I was about 20-years-old,
16:35 one day I was going to my
16:38 cousin's house to get some help with my Math homework...
16:40 I struggled in Math... as most of my family...
16:45 struggles in Math... so, I was going to get tutored
16:50 in Math and my stomach felt really... like... kind of...
16:55 I felt nauseous... but I didn't have...
16:58 I wasn't having to go to the bathroom
17:02 or anything like that
17:04 but I felt nauseous... and it was like little smells...
17:08 any little thing... would kind of upset my stomach
17:11 a little bit... then I noticed...
17:13 my stomach started becoming warm...
17:15 and I went from being kind of in shape... not super strong...
17:21 but, you know, kind of in shape, to having a belly...
17:26 and it started growing... and growing...
17:29 it wasn't because I was eating a whole lot...
17:31 at the time... and it started growing...
17:33 and I realized that there was a problem
17:36 so, I left my cousin's house, I went home...
17:39 and my father was sitting on the couch...
17:42 and I walked in... he was like, "Are you okay...
17:46 you look like you don't feel well... "
17:48 I said, "I don't feel well... I feel like I'm about to die"
17:52 and I went upstairs... and he was like...
17:56 "Do you want to go to the doctor?"
17:57 and I told him... Nah, but if I feel like this...
18:01 in another day or two... yes... I'll go... "
18:05 How many days
18:07 did you have that...
18:08 because you weren't living with me
18:09 at that time... you were living with your dad in Atlanta...
18:11 so, I didn't get to see this part...
18:13 how long did you have the
18:15 abdominal swelling...
18:17 how long did that... before you went to a doctor?
18:20 probably about 2 days... Okay...
18:23 2 days... you know... it takes...
18:26 some people are stubborn when it comes to going to the doctor
18:29 and I happened to be one of those people...
18:31 but it took about... about 2 days...
18:35 and I got tired of dealing with that pain
18:39 and I just knew something was wrong...
18:41 I couldn't pinpoint it... and neither could the doctors
18:45 when I went... I got misdiagnosed...
18:48 I went in... they ran some tests...
18:51 they said, "Here, take this medicine...
18:54 go home... get some rest...
18:56 call us in the morning... "
18:58 What did they think you had... what did they think you had?
19:00 they thought I had a UTI which is urinary tract infection
19:03 that spread to the kidneys... Okay...
19:06 Now, it's very rare that guys get UTIs...
19:10 Hmmm... hmmm... it's not impossible...
19:13 but it's very rare... so they thought that I had
19:16 a UTI that spread to my kidneys...
19:18 and they sent me home... and then I went back
19:21 the next day... because I still was...
19:24 I didn't get any better... it just kept getting worse...
19:26 so I went back the next day...
19:28 they gave me some more medicine sent me home...
19:32 getting worse again... you know,
19:35 and I end up going back
19:38 in to the doctor... the next day,
19:40 now this is the third day
19:41 that I went to the doctor, my doctor was supposed to be
19:45 on vacation... by the grace of God...
19:48 my doctor was in the building and he saw... fit to come
19:53 visit me in the treatment room, and he decided
19:59 he wanted to run one more test...
20:02 and in that test, he took a look...
20:05 inside my stomach... some kind of x-ray...
20:08 something they did... took a look...
20:12 inside my stomach
20:13 and he told my father that he needs to get me to the ER
20:16 right away... and my dad took me to the ER
20:21 and they admitted me... and I mean... it was... it was,
20:26 I could have...
20:27 they told me I was the sickest person
20:29 in the hospital...
20:31 Yeah... which is... when I got the call...
20:34 I got the call... that you had been hospitalized
20:39 and that your appendix had ruptured...
20:42 and I, was in my office, in Dallas...
20:45 when I got the call... and I just... was hysterical
20:47 and crying and praying and praying and saying...
20:50 "God, please don't let my child die... please... "
20:52 because I knew how serious that can be
20:55 and I remember that a friend of mine came and
20:57 prayed... well actually... she didn't come...
21:00 she prayed with me over the phone...
21:01 and a sense of peace just washed over me...
21:05 I had such peace... and I was on the next flight out
21:09 that morning... I was on the next flight out to Atlanta
21:12 and I remember calling Pastor Byrd and asking him
21:16 to come and pray with you... because that...
21:19 no parent wants to hear
21:21 that your child has had
21:22 a ruptured appendix
21:24 and is in critical condition,
21:26 so, tell us...
21:27 actually, we have a picture of you
21:29 in the hospital, Yes...
21:31 and this is how Jason was...
21:34 it was just... when I saw you, I just was overcome
21:38 because... it's just amazing... but... let's talk about
21:43 what happened... Pr. Byrd came... prayed over you
21:46 what happened after that... you got to tell us quickly...
21:48 Well, Pr. Byrd came... he prayed with me...
21:52 which was extremely nice of him, I didn't know him before that
21:58 so, for him to come down to the hospital
22:00 and pray with us... you know, it meant, a lot...
22:04 I started... I was still in the bed...
22:08 I couldn't eat anything... I had...
22:10 as you could see from that picture...
22:12 I had a tube going up my nose and down my
22:16 esophagus to my stomach... and I couldn't get any food
22:21 I was on IVs... I had fluids going in...
22:24 but there was no food... so I was already thin...
22:29 and I just kept losing weight, and I remember being
22:33 at the sink... trying to brush my teeth...
22:36 which was really hard... I was very dependent
22:39 at that point in time, and we're at the sink,
22:42 and you were helping me brush my teeth...
22:46 and you just started crying... Hmmm...
22:49 because you could really feel my bones...
22:52 Hmmm... hmmm... you know...
22:53 it was at that moment that I felt
22:55 like I was going to die... Hmmm... hmmm...
22:57 I just thought... you know...
22:59 "These are my last few days... I'm going to die... "
23:02 But we know... and we praise God for this...
23:06 "Thank you Lord... " that God had a plan for you,
23:09 and part of that plan, that was set
23:11 from the foundation of the world...
23:13 is for you... to be here...
23:16 and you too... Ryan... you guys were handpicked
23:20 to do this job... I believe that everybody
23:23 is handpicked by God to do something...
23:25 and you guys are here... and we praise God for that...
23:29 and I thank you so much... for all that you're doing...
23:32 we have another member of the Dream Team...
23:35 that's here... and Ryan, if you would step down
23:39 and just let him... come up...
23:40 Jason, I just want to tell you that I'm so proud of what
23:45 God is doing in your life, and how far He's brought you
23:50 and one day... we're going to get to
23:52 get the rest of your testimony...
23:55 because you have a testimony
23:56 to share... but in the meantime...
23:58 we've got Ricky Carter... Hey, Ricky...
24:02 Ricky Carter... all of the... well... let's say...
24:05 most of the animation
24:07 that you see on Dare to Dream and the ones that you are
24:10 going to be seeing... by the grace of God...
24:13 Ricky Carter... has done and will be doing...
24:16 Ricky is part of... I met Ricky through
24:20 another member of our Dream Team... which is Ray Young
24:23 and he can't be here... but I'm so glad you're here
24:27 Ricky... today... Happy to be here...
24:28 Tell us a little bit about your background...
24:30 it's got to be quick... because I want then to see
24:32 what you've been doing for us Okay... well I'm
24:35 I used to be the Director in Charlotte North Carolina
24:38 at the Inspirational Network worked there for 5 years
24:41 then moved on to Country Music Television
24:44 so, did a little country music there for a little bit,
24:48 doing design animation there... after... oh, I don't know,
24:51 the last year of that... as my walk started
24:55 closer to the Lord... I said, "Man, what am I doing
24:57 promoting 40 greatest drinking songs?
24:59 what am I doing... promoting... Coyote Ugly"
25:02 you know... girls were half-dressed
25:03 and dancing on bar tables and stuff... like,
25:05 "I can't do this... " so I asked the Lord to
25:07 get me out of this... and the Lord opened up a way
25:11 provided me a way... to be able to go...
25:13 and work for myself... and then... I worked for myself
25:16 for about 2 years... then, one of my clients
25:18 who was running the publications they asked me to come up
25:21 and work for them... for a little bit...
25:22 worked with them... co-producing Bible Live...
25:25 editing, animation, shooting, audio...
25:30 Awesome... except for make-up...
25:32 couldn't do make-up... Awesome...
25:34 I want the viewers to see just some of the work
25:37 that you've been doing for us...
25:38 okay.. take a look at this...
26:10 That's just one... that's just one animation...
26:14 I mean... we have so many that you've done and that you
26:17 that you're going to be doing for us...
26:19 Amen... Amen...
26:22 So, we are so thankful... I'm so glad you came to visit
26:25 I wish that we could talk more with you
26:28 but our time is running out... do you have anything
26:30 that you want to share with the viewers
26:32 before we go... you and Jason...
26:33 just a quick thought... Well, one of the things
26:36 I want to encourage everyone to do
26:38 as my walks are getting closer to the Lord,
26:42 I put my trust in Him, and I love that verse
26:44 in Proverbs... "Trust in the Lord with all
26:47 your heart... lean not on your own understanding...
26:50 in all your ways acknowledge Him
26:52 and He will direct your paths... "
26:55 and that's what was one of my mottos
26:57 and that's what I did... Amen... thank you...
26:59 Jay, do you have a thought for the viewers...
27:01 Ah, yes, you know, don't pursue...
27:06 pursue your passion, pursue something that's going to
27:11 give you fulfillment... I used to not believe
27:13 that... the saying... "Money isn't everything... "
27:17 was true... I doubted that...
27:19 but "money is not everything," leading people to Jesus
27:24 is everything... Amen... amen...
27:26 Thank you so much, you guys...
27:29 and special thanks as well to Ray Young
27:31 Ken Dickson, Philip Smalls, Ray Wade, Ryan Johnson,
27:34 and Art Humphrey
27:36 and all of the 3ABN family...
27:39 I love you guys... and all of our supporters
27:41 and contributors to our team...
27:43 On Dare to Dream we are always talking about
27:45 the fact that God has a Divine Plan for your life
27:49 these young men that you've met
27:51 are walking in their divine destiny...
27:54 Are you walking in yours?
27:56 know that wherever you are in life,
27:58 that you can move forward, and walk in your purpose.
28:01 Well, that's it for our Program thanks for tuning in...
28:04 Join us next time...
28:05 it just wouldn't be the same without you...


Revised 2015-02-24