Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Evita Tezeno, Nyse Collins
Series Code: UBR
Program Code: UBR000070
00:01 Do you love the recipes on A Taste of Paradise?
00:04 I love them... Stay tuned to meet the hosts 00:07 of Dare to Dream's innovative Food and Nutrition Program 00:10 My name is Yvonne Lewis and your watching 00:13 Urban Report... 00:35 Hello and welcome to Urban Report... 00:37 My guests today are Evita Tezeno and Nyse Collins 00:41 Hosts of A Taste of Paradise... 00:43 I talked to them recently while on their set 00:45 Take a look... 00:47 So, I have the opportunity to be on the set of 00:52 A Taste of Paradise with the hosts 00:54 two of my favorite people, Evita Tezeno and Nyse Collins 00:57 Hey Evita... Hey Sis... 01:01 How are you? I'm doing fine, thank you 01:04 I'm so glad to have you both at the same time 01:06 Yes... because, I've interviewed you 01:08 with Brenda that other time on the set 01:11 and Nyse on the set of Urban Report 01:14 but never... the two of you together... 01:16 Yes... So, I'm so glad 01:18 to have you all here... and I just have to tell you 01:21 that you are both doing such a great job with 01:24 A Taste of Paradise... I get calls and 01:27 and people want... you know... where is the recipe for this and 01:30 and I tell them, "Go to the website, 01:32 go to the website... you can get the recipe" 01:34 so, what is it that you're looking to do when you're doing 01:40 A Taste of Paradise, when you're hosting 01:42 what are you trying to accomplish... 01:44 To make people realize that it is a joy to eat healthy 01:51 Hmmm... and it can be fun 01:53 and it's flavorful... it doesn't have to be bland 01:56 and they could eat some of the similar dishes 01:59 that they're used to but it could be raw... 02:02 and it's remarkable... because you know 02:05 I've done tacos, I've done enchiladas, 02:09 I've done lasagna, 02:10 and all of it has been raw... You're making me hungry... 02:13 I know, it's so good... and a lot of people 02:18 don't realize that you can do raw foods and it tastes good, 02:23 you can make all these different recipes 02:26 with raw food and it really tastes good... 02:28 Exactly... What about you Nyse, 02:29 what are you looking to cook? Well, you know, 02:30 I got to cook it up a little bit... 02:32 Come on... come on... that's how we balance 02:34 each other out... since you kept us separate 02:36 so much... sometimes, if you noticed, 02:38 I had to jump on Evita's show and sometimes 02:41 Evita jumps on mine but it's... the whole purpose is 02:45 just to encourage people to engage in a healthy lifestyle 02:48 and show them that it's cool, it's fun and it's tasty, 02:51 as Evita mentioned here... a lot of times 02:53 when people associate food, and they think of food 02:56 as either... it's an addiction it's bad for you 02:59 or something like that or totally healthy for you 03:02 but it doesn't taste good... and so, what we're trying to do 03:05 is, you know, trying to get rid of that and find a middle ground 03:08 where it tastes good, it doesn't have to be an addiction 03:12 and hey if you have a second piece, you know, 03:13 it's not a problem because it's good for you 03:16 but then also to encourage them and educate them 03:18 on what they're actually eating, a lot of times, 03:20 when we eat food like if you're having a 03:22 hamburger or something you know it tastes good, 03:24 but you're like, "Man, I'm going to hit the gym 03:26 again or something like that but now, 03:28 when you make an "oatburger" or I don't know... 03:32 "unsausage" or I something that we made on the show, 03:34 you can eat it and you're saying "Man, that oat is actually 03:37 good for my brain so, man, it's good for that and... 03:39 and the nuts that are also there is going to help to lower my 03:43 cholesterol... or something of that nature, 03:45 so, now you're enjoying something that tastes good 03:48 but... at the same time, you know, it's good for you... 03:51 so, I don't usually say this... 03:53 I hope you don't get into trouble or get me in trouble... 03:56 I call it, "Eating Ecstasy" a little bit... 03:58 now not the drug or anything like that... 03:59 because you're eating something good... 04:01 Yes... and at the same time you know 04:03 it's good for you, so, it's like you're in a cloud... 04:05 you know what I mean, at the same time and so, 04:07 we want food to be an enjoyable experience 04:10 and also a healthy experience and something that 04:14 people can start sharing with others... 04:16 and that's the whole point for us, I believe here at 04:18 A Taste of Paradise... we don't want you to like 04:21 take this and keep it for yourself, 04:23 but now, take it and share it with other people and so 04:25 it's truly been a blast and so many seasons now 04:29 that we're going so, I'm excited... I'm excited. 04:33 I'm excited too... 04:34 And I had a viewer that called me that was using 04:36 some of my recipes at a gathering 04:39 and she had invited all these people over and she was making 04:42 three of the recipes and she was so excited 04:44 so, it's such a blessing... and she was sharing it with friends 04:48 Isn't that great to share health with friends... 04:53 that's such a blessing, that's such a great thing to do. 04:56 One of the things that I love about what you guys do 05:01 is... you will take items that are familiar like the 05:06 "Mac and Cheese" "Nachos and Cheese" 05:09 I say "Cheese" with a Z and what's good is that 05:14 you're not sacrificing taste, viewers, you have to try 05:19 these recipes... these recipes are phenomenal... 05:22 I mean, I... okay... most people know 05:25 that my son, Mark, is not... like... a big "soy person" 05:29 "tofu person" and I made the Tikin... 05:33 the Tasty Tikin... not chicken but Tasty Tikin 05:37 so you remember that, huh? yeah and so, I said, 05:40 "Why don't you just try a piece?" 05:42 and he said, "No, that's okay" and I said, "No, just try one" 05:45 well, after that... "Are you going to make 05:48 that tofu again?" I'm like, "Okay... " 05:50 and that's what we want... we want to be able to 05:54 take these recipes and use them and have people share them 05:59 with others who don't eat well, and we can help them 06:03 with their health... I mean, it's just great... 06:06 that's ultimately the message 06:08 God has given us something better in our lives... 06:11 all right... the world shows one thing... 06:13 and then He's going to show us, "All right... cool... 06:14 you enjoy that or whatever... 06:16 but watch this... let me... I'm going to still meet your 06:18 desire... so I'm going to give you something good 06:20 that tastes better... it's going to take a little 06:22 effort... now, you know... making some of these recipes 06:24 is not, you know, you can't just put it in the microwave 06:26 or anything... it will take a little effort... 06:28 but when you put in the effort you're going to be fulfilled 06:30 you're going to be fulfilled most important... all right... 06:32 so, you'll be fulfilling your taste buds... 06:34 but at the end of the day you're mind relaxes 06:36 because I did something good, I earned it... I worked for it 06:39 and it was an enjoyable experience 06:40 so, ultimately... He's going to give you something better 06:44 than what you originally wanted... 06:46 and so that's the good news 06:48 because we may eat those chicken nuggets 06:50 and stuff like that... and we're wondering, 06:51 "Man, what went into it... " or whatever... 06:53 "It did taste good, but at the same time, you know, 06:55 is it going to help me... I'm feeling sadly... 06:58 and I'm tired and weak and stuff 06:59 so that's the ultimate goal ultimately... the true paradise 07:04 and having it... where we have all of the 07:06 eating off of the tree of life, and stuff like that... 07:09 Hmmm... We're really being raw... right? 07:10 awww... man... that got me... but we are in a situation where 07:15 and that's funny Evita that sometimes when I travel... 07:19 people are like, "Well, you should go raw too" 07:20 I'm like, "Hello... I go raw, I was just showing you 07:22 one or two recipes that we can cook as well... " 07:25 Well, but ultimately we know at the end of the day 07:27 as well... sometimes God... well, it does show 07:30 that God had actually cursed the ground for our own good... 07:33 you know, after the fall, and the situation there, 07:35 and so, sometimes there are some foods that your body 07:38 can't handle, you know, a person in a debilitated state 07:42 they may need it to be cooked just a little bit there 07:44 so, we're just finding that nice balance there... 07:46 That's the key word... balance... 07:49 I believe in balance... which is why we have 07:51 A Taste of Paradise because the balance 07:53 of the raw and the cooked I think is critical... 07:56 because there are some people who... some people are "purists" 08:01 they're like, "Okay, I'm only going to do raw... " 08:04 or... "I'm only going to do like 95 percent raw... 08:10 and 5 percent cooked... but I believe in the balance... 08:13 and that's what I tell the viewers when they call... 08:16 they say, "Do you advocate a 100 percent raw diet?" 08:19 and I said, "No, you need to have a balance... " 08:21 but I said, "It should be high raw... 08:24 because that's where all the nutrients are... 08:27 and it gives you that spunk and it clears your mind 08:31 it's just a blessing... " And you're skin... okay... 08:34 look at your skin... one of the things that you 08:37 made that... it's just... the crackers... 08:41 Yes... But every time you guys come 08:42 I have to tell you... every time we do 08:44 A Taste of Paradise... right... all of our crew is like... 08:47 so happy... because we get to eat really good stuff 08:52 it's very healthy... but it also really tastes good 08:55 that eggplant jerky... Yes... 08:59 Man! it's some dangerous stuff! Don't worry... I have a secret 09:06 how do I say, "paparazzi photo" 09:08 Come on... of Evita eating something cooked 09:12 I got it... I got it... I'm going to release it... 09:15 just in case... she doesn't behave... 09:17 but, no... no... no... but it's all good... 09:21 definitely you want to increase some of those items... 09:24 and a lot of times... even on my segment, you'll see 09:27 I use some salads or different items of that nature there 09:30 but it's crucial to find out 09:33 find that balance... of course you want to lean 09:35 a little bit more to the fresh foods and stuff, 09:39 but, if you do it right and enjoy it and stuff... 09:43 no matter what, even they show people 09:44 who don't eat the best food but are content 09:47 and they enjoy life and they are satisfied... 09:50 I mean it literally starts in the mind 09:52 most importantly... and they're not in the best 09:56 physical condition... but they're calm 09:58 and the body can handle the stress because a lot of people 10:00 eat super healthy... but they're stressed out all the time... 10:03 Absolutely... and their body is in a worse 10:05 condition sometimes so... they key is... find that balance 10:07 of course, always lean and trust in the Lord 10:09 and that's when the blessings will come... 10:12 and then... just follow the recipes 10:13 watch Evita and myself and... And I think, like you said, 10:17 it's a balance because Nyse and I both have... 10:20 some recipes that are a little complex but we have 10:22 some that are simple and using simple ingredients... 10:25 and there are so many "food deserts" around here... 10:28 that people don't have fresh fruits and vegetables... 10:31 so they can get... whatever they can... 10:35 in their hometown or in the store that's next to their 10:39 Community... and they can work with what they have 10:42 and use some of our ingredients. That's such a good point 10:45 because so many urban areas 10:48 have poor produce 10:50 and I was reading something not too long ago, 10:53 that said that if your store... your local grocery store 10:58 doesn't have good produce... go to the Manager 11:01 and tell him that you need better produce... 11:04 because if you do that, 11:06 then you can get them to move 11:08 and you can get better produce in your neighborhoods 11:12 we have all kinds of candy stores, liquor stores, 11:16 all those things in the Hood so to speak 11:19 but we don't have great stores for produce, so one of the 11:23 things we can do... as people on Dare to Dream... 11:27 is... encourage people to go out... to their stores... 11:31 and say, "Hey, we really need better produce... " 11:33 Yeah, that's the focus... of us trying to work with people 11:37 and where they're at... a lot of times when I go to 11:39 different places... I have actually like our series 11:43 on DVD... as you see... here is A Taste of Paradise 11:45 and people always say, "Yeah, I've seen the Program 11:48 like on those DVDs and stuff, the only problem I have is 11:53 when I hear cooking programs 11:54 they always use these weird ingredients and stuff like that 11:56 and I'm like, "No, you don't have to worry about that... 11:59 Evita... she's using just fresh like how weird can you get 12:02 with fresh items... she's only using that 12:04 and then I'm just using one or two additional items 12:07 that I just add a little heat to it... and so, as a result, 12:11 they're like, "Yeah, great, we want the whole series 12:12 and stuff... here you've seen this already... 12:15 I love it... and so that's actually our focus 12:18 is to use simple things... we were in South Africa 12:21 they're like, "Can we do this, because a lot of their products 12:23 are only found in North America... " 12:24 we're like, "No, you have fruits veggies and nuts and grains... " 12:27 they're saying, "Yeah" "Then you can do this. " 12:28 We're in Australia... 12:30 we're in Asia... everywhere we go... 12:32 people can implement this program... you know, 12:35 with maybe one or two specialty items 12:37 but Evita probably shows different ways 12:40 that they can use something else if they don't have that... 12:43 and I do the same as well... 12:44 so, that's the focus... is to make it very simple 12:47 easy... so that we all can enjoy "A Taste of Paradise... " 12:50 This is the season when we have the collard greens, 12:53 Mac and cheese, Tikin... right... I love it... love it... 12:57 We've been moving up the line on the seasons... and stuff 13:00 so we have quite a bit available now... that a lot of people will 13:05 enjoy so that's the good thing about it... 13:08 That is so awesome... we want people to know 13:12 that these recipes are available and they're easy to do... 13:16 it's not that hard... I mean... really... it's... 13:20 just like you said... a little while ago... 13:21 it takes a little bit more time but it's not really... 13:24 it's not hard to put them together... 13:26 and make... a really good meal and experiment... 13:28 people can experiment... you said, "Eat the rainbow... " 13:31 Exactly... All the different colors, 13:33 you know, your salads are so beautiful... 13:36 and they're tasty... it's just, this is... 13:39 really the way to go, 13:41 One person said, "You eat fast food, you live a fast life" 13:44 you're here today... going tonight... 13:45 literally... you don't have to wait till tomorrow 13:47 people are dying of heart attacks or strokes... 13:48 you hear it all the time... "What! Johnny's dead? 13:51 Bobby's dead?" and you're like, 13:52 "I just saw him... " and people are dropping 13:54 left and right... if you eat fast food... 13:56 but if you take the time and make some slow food, 13:58 you know, it's going to take a little preparation... 14:00 you'll live a longer, greater quality of life... 14:03 and people are like, "Well, I'm going to die anyway" 14:06 yeah, you're right... you want to die fast 14:07 or you want to take your time and enjoy... 14:09 one person said, "Well, it only shows you can improve the 14:13 quality of life by 3 or 4 or 5 years... " 14:15 I'm like, "Yeah, no problem, then just eat whatever you want 14:17 not a lot of things happen in 3 or 5 years... " 14:19 I was like, "What could possibly happen... your grandchildren, 14:22 you know... could come, somebody can meet somebody 14:24 and get married... how long does that take? 14:26 that only takes, who knows, some people meet each other 14:29 in 2 or 3 months and they're already married and stuff... 14:31 so you know, if you cut off 5 years of your life 14:34 then, hey, then you didn't miss much... 14:35 but actually... you are missing a lot... " 14:37 Absolutely... The only thing is that you need 14:39 about 9 months for the baby, or the grandchildren 14:42 or something of that nature... so the key is... 14:44 take your time... make some good food, 14:46 you'll enjoy life now and you'll enjoy it later as well. 14:49 Absolutely... how did you guys get involved with food, you know 14:54 and it's properties and 14:56 how it helps the body 14:58 how did you guys get involved, how did you do it? 15:02 Well, several years ago, I was going to this Church 15:05 and this couple came up and they had just come back 15:08 from Uchee Pines... and I was so inquisitive... 15:11 because I had eczema... I had allergies and they said, 15:15 "I can show you how to get rid of that naturally... " 15:18 I said, "What?" and they brought me to their 15:21 home and started cooking for me, and they said, 15:24 "You can do this too. " So, the next time they went to 15:27 Uchee Pines... I went with them, and it changed my whole life... 15:30 and this was in the early 80s... yeah, this was in the 80s... 15:34 Early 80s? Well, the late 80s... 15:36 You were just a young little girl then... 15:39 No, I was... She was only 10... 15:44 That's awesome... so what you're doing now 15:49 is basically what they did for you... 15:51 Exactly... exactly... Right... 15:53 on a larger scale because you're on television 15:56 Yeah... but they took me in their home and they nurtured me 16:00 and they showed me simple ingredients... 16:02 they made oatburger patties for me... 16:05 all these different things... and I said, 16:08 "I've never seen this before" and I was so convicted 16:12 and I started to feel better just by eating the food 16:15 that they cooked for me in their home... 16:17 and I said, "Okay, I'm gong to do this... " 16:19 and I went cold turkey... yeah, I went cold turkey... 16:23 I stopped eating beef and the chicken and things like that 16:27 and then gradually... I went to a total plant-food diet... 16:31 And that's another thing that I love about 16:35 A Taste of Paradise... because if you are transitioning 16:38 into... you know, some people are like 16:40 what do I do... where do I start... 16:43 this also, lets people know how to start transitioning 16:47 into a healthier lifestyle... because a lot of times 16:52 we say, "Okay... I want to do it but... how... what do I eat 16:57 and how do I make it and can I fry... can I deep fry... " 17:02 you know... you guys just help with that... 17:06 How did you start Nyse? 17:07 I can't put a specific finger on it... like this was the time 17:11 or whatever... I always dreamed of those moments 17:13 that I could have like Evita experience 17:15 for me it was a little different I was more of a knucklehead 17:21 or whatever... like that... I learned slowly but surely 17:25 along the way... just little things... 17:27 I used to play football... and I found when I ate 17:31 a healthier diet, I was like vegetarian 17:33 during football season and I would be able to run faster 17:36 and I'd have more endurance and stuff like that... 17:39 and I was like, "Cool!" so then, after football season 17:42 I ate any and everything that moved... you know... 17:44 I'd just bite into Evita with some hot sauce or something 17:49 but then... one off-season, I waited... 17:53 and I didn't eat any other foods 17:56 and I just kept the diet... healthy... 17:57 and then when I went back to train and practice again 18:00 I was bouncing... you know... which is normally the hardest 18:03 time... when you stop playing and then start again... 18:05 and then my mom... she had breast cancer... 18:06 but by the time they had found it... 18:07 it had spread throughout the body... 18:09 and so, you know, they just went ahead and they just 18:11 cut off that part there... and then the doctor 18:15 who is not an Adventist doctor, he said, 18:17 "Hey, maybe if you go home... " this was back in the days 18:20 when they used to give you time to live... 18:21 he said, "I give you about 2 months to live or whatever... 18:24 because it has already metastasized... " 18:25 and he was like... "Go home and stay away from free radicals" 18:28 and we were like... "What are you talking about?" 18:29 He was like... you know... milk, eggs, cheese, fish... 18:31 any animal products... because these produce 18:33 cancer cells... free radicals" and we were like, 18:36 "What, is this man crazy... " my mom was from Trinidad 18:39 my dad was from Italy... like in our family... 18:41 if anything moved... we threw either... like Italians 18:43 we threw tomato paste on you or something... 18:46 from Trinidad... we throw curry on you... 18:49 so it got so bad in our house one time... 18:51 we made like... curry lasagna... 18:53 you got that... right... Yeah... curry and lasagna... 18:57 I know... you all are probably thinking 18:58 what in the world is that... but it tastes good... 19:00 you should try to make that one sometime... 19:02 but we ate everything... but what happened is... 19:04 mom went home and she prayed... most importantly 19:07 because the healing doesn't come from food... it comes from God 19:09 you know, He just blesses our efforts while we 19:11 when we live that lifestyle... we prayed 19:14 and you know what happened... Mom is alive 19:16 like 20 something years later... Wow! praise God... 19:19 and it was hard... but then... she threw everything out 19:22 the kitchen and... we're like, "What are we going to eat... 19:24 you're sick not us... " and... 19:26 without realizing that you were eating things that made her sick 19:28 But, it was a blessing because mom was like, 19:30 "Do you love me... " and we were like, "Yes... " 19:31 she was like... "then... help me" 19:32 so, what did I start doing 19:34 from a young age? I started to cook 19:36 and roll all this roti and bread... 19:39 and all of these things... 19:40 and I just started to learn to eat healthy food 19:42 from that age... Hmmm... look at God 19:46 and the plan that He had... He extended your mom's life 19:49 and gave you a career path... a ministry... 19:53 that has blessed thousands of people... 19:56 you know, I mean, God is so good... 20:00 and what you guys are doing 20:02 is such a blessing 20:04 to so many people... what are the projects 20:06 that you're involved in right now? 20:08 I'm working on my first cookbook... 20:11 well it's really an "Uncook Book" 20:13 it is totally plant-based totally raw 20:16 and it's called "Living Life Fresh" 20:19 I know... she will slip sooner or later... 20:22 And do a book... Yeah... you might as well... 20:25 you heard her... a cookbook... well... an , 20:28 but that's good, Living Life Fresh... huh...Yeah... 20:31 That's awesome... Yeah... 20:32 so... people will be able to find it... everywhere... 20:34 yes... I have a website... it's called... 20:37 livinglifefresh. com and you can pre-order it 20:40 on the website... That's awesome... 20:42 and this program will probably air several times 20:45 and so people should just go to your website 20:48 Yes... who knows it will probably... 20:49 it will probably be out by the time the program is on... 20:52 Exactly... so, just go to the website 20:54 Livinglifefresh. com and they can order the cookbook 20:57 Yes... the "Uncook book" 20:58 The "Uncook book" see I... 21:00 see you slipped... my bad... my bad... 21:03 I got to come over to see it... 21:05 What about you Nyse... what are you doing? 21:07 Well, we're working on quite a few things with Sanare Life... 21:10 we do several programs at different churches... 21:13 it's called... "The WOW Series... " 21:14 you've heard... "The WOW Series... " 21:17 W O W - it's a week of wellness, 21:19 Week of Wellness is a weekend program or a week program... 21:24 and what we do is... we come in... 21:25 we work with individuals... I'd like you to take a quick look, 21:29 we work with individuals... sometimes we do screenings 21:32 as well... and one gentleman like in New York 21:35 his blood sugars were 444 Wow! 21:40 That's a wow! watch this... and he followed 21:43 the program and in one week when we tested him again, 21:46 because we have doctors and nurses that come and assist us 21:48 when we tested him again, his numbers had dropped down 21:51 to 126... no medication... 21:54 we encouraged him to follow along with doctor's instructions 21:56 let your doctor know what you are doing 21:58 you participated in the WOW Series... 22:00 a week of wellness... and it went from 444 to 126 22:04 in one week... Wow! 22:07 There you go... you got it there it is... 22:08 that's the WOW Series... so, we go to different churches 22:11 we go to businesses... we go to schools... 22:14 we host these programs there... myself... or the different 22:18 consultants on the team, hint... hint... 22:21 and a lot of people enjoy it 22:24 because our focus is not to tell you what to do, 22:26 but to encourage you 22:27 find out where you're at right now 22:29 and help you make the transition you know, 22:31 and work with people a step at a time... 22:32 like I literally got in trouble in one "Church" 22:35 it was like... "Oh, the people here eat meat" 22:36 and I was like, "What's the problem?" 22:38 it was like, "Tell them to be vegan vegetarian... " 22:40 I said, "Where does it say that you have to be vegan vegetarian" 22:42 so, I went to the church and I did a program 22:44 I was like, if you enjoy chicken no problem... 22:46 just do it the way the Lord instructed 22:48 and the pastor was like, "No, Nyse, get down... " 22:50 and I was like... "wait a second... 22:52 what did the Bible say... you can have it... 22:54 just remove the... what? the blood and the fat 22:57 and make sure that you grow your own chicken 22:59 that doesn't have all of the estrogen and the hormones 23:03 added to it and stuff like that, and then what you want to do is 23:05 you want to... kill it properly... 23:07 you don't want to fry it... you want to broil it... 23:08 you want to do this and you want to do that... " 23:09 and the people... at the end of the Program... 23:11 they were like... "Man, eating meat is just too 23:13 complicated... how do you make that lentil patty again?" 23:16 but we're assuring people we're going to meet you 23:19 where you're at... and then make that transition 23:21 not everybody can do it... I'm not as strong as Evita... 23:25 you know... to go cold turkey... like when I made the transition 23:27 I went from beef to chicken, to fish, 23:30 to cheese, to milk, 23:32 and then I finally made it... and sometimes I smell the 23:34 other stuff and I'm like "Hmmm... I remember those days" 23:37 but now... I just eat Evita's food and I'm good... 23:40 so, that's one of the things... but, another thing is... 23:43 that even though we work with adults... and stuff 23:45 we realize that... sometimes people don't want 23:47 to make the change... and that's fine... 23:49 we said, "Let's gear our approach now 23:51 and let's start working with children... 23:53 because the children... they're more receptive 23:55 to learning... they're not set in their ways 23:57 and stuff like that... so, we developed one other 23:59 resource that is called, "Kidlicious" 24:01 Oh, I love it... Take this... it is one of our... 24:04 I want you to do a Program on Dare to Dream 24:06 for children... 24:07 I think that's so important, you have to be able to reach 24:12 children and teach them... you know... 24:15 teach them how to eat properly... 24:16 yeah... because... like Evita... 24:18 you do in-home cooking demonstrations, 24:21 consultations... matter-of-fact we were like in Canada 24:23 at the same time... she was working with some 24:25 clients and I was working with some as well... 24:27 and we're spending all of this time 24:30 when we're done with them a whole other generation 24:33 has come up... Hmmm... 24:35 and they're making the same mistakes... 24:36 and so, let's educate them while they're young 24:39 and so that's... that one there... 24:42 I love it... I love it... maybe Evita will come in 24:45 and help you do some raw stuff with kids too... 24:48 There it is... it's a tag team 24:50 as a matter-of-fact, I found out that I was just 24:52 adopted... Oh, really... 24:54 Evita has just adopted me as her younger brother 24:57 I love it... now, she's going to try to 24:58 beat up on me... I'm praying... 25:00 send her letters in and tell her not to... 25:02 That's tremendous... 25:04 you guys are doing 25:06 such a great work for the Lord... 25:08 what do you want our viewers to know in closing... 25:10 we have about 30 seconds a piece 25:12 what do you want our viewers to know... 25:14 That it's easy to eat healthy... it's not hard... 25:18 don't let it be a drudgery... but just use all the bountiful 25:24 fruits and vegetables that the Lord gave you... yes... 25:28 Hmmm... hmmm... That's great... 25:29 Yeah, and it says it there perfectly... 25:31 whatever you eat, whatever you drink, 25:33 whatever you do, do it for the glory of God, 25:35 that's like the best key there, and enjoy... 25:37 and live life fresh... have us come out... 25:39 to your church or something like that 25:41 and we'll assist you where possible. 25:43 Do all... to the glory of God, that is the bottom line... 25:47 and so, I thank you guys... I thank you for your ministry 25:51 and what you're doing... because what you're doing 25:53 is so critical... it's such a critical piece for us 25:55 and for everybody... because we want to be healthier, 25:58 we want to live better, we want to feel better, 26:01 and you guys are giving the tools to people to do that... 26:04 so, thank you... I love you so much... 26:06 and keep it up... your website again... 26:09 livinglifefresh. com you're website... 26:11 sanarelife. com sanarelife. com 26:14 you guys have it... go to the website 26:17 order the resources... and remember to do what? 26:20 Live Life Fresh... 26:22 I just loved talking to Nyse and Evita... 26:28 they have such a passion for what they're doing 26:30 it's a calling and a ministry... Have you found your calling? 26:35 If not, seek God and ask Him to reveal His will to you 26:39 He's got something special just for you... 26:42 You know, the Bible says, 26:44 "Oh taste and see... that the Lord is good... 26:46 blessed is the man that trusteth in Him... 26:49 and so, we can find out from God what is His will for us 26:54 what is that calling... that special calling... 26:56 that is on our lives... and then 26:59 we can answer that calling and go forth 27:02 in the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit... 27:05 I think about my life and what God has done 27:08 and how I ended up here at 3abn... 27:11 and at Dare to Dream and I know that it was God 27:15 who gave me this ministry... and He has a ministry... 27:19 just for you... a calling... just for you... 27:24 an anointing... just for you... 27:26 so hold on... don't be discouraged... 27:29 don't give up... know that... that special plan 27:32 is right there... for you... ask Him... pray... pray... 27:38 and get someone to pray with you 27:39 and ask them to support you in seeking God. 27:43 Well, that's our Program for today... 27:46 we hope that you were blessed, we hope that you're going to 27:49 try these recipes... they are scrumptious... 27:51 they are healthy... they are good for you... 27:54 and they're fun to make... Tune in next time... 27:58 it just wouldn't be the same... without you... |
Revised 2015-01-29