Urban Report

United Prison Ministries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Richard Bland


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000069

00:01 Stay tuned to meet a man that's walking in his
00:03 divine destiny and helping others... to find theirs...
00:06 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:09 Urban Report...
00:30 Hello and welcome to Urban Report
00:33 My guest today is Richard Bland
00:35 President and Founder of United Prison Ministries.
00:38 Welcome to Urban Report Brother Richard...
00:41 I'm happy to be with you Yvonne...
00:42 It's so good to have you... so, okay, some of our viewers
00:47 might know you... but then... others don't
00:50 tell us a little bit about you
00:52 and how you got involved in Prison Ministries...
00:55 Yvonne, how many days do we have?
00:58 This is just a 30-minute program...
01:01 Prophetic time or what?
01:02 Real time... Oh, real time... okay then,
01:04 quickly here, I grew up in a Christian home...
01:07 and I went to Christian Schools and then I went to EMC
01:13 Emmanuel Missionary College
01:14 of course, it's Andrews University now
01:15 and then... from there
01:18 I started out in the real estate business
01:19 a little bit in Chicago but really got to
01:22 San Diego, California where I really got involved
01:25 in the Real Estate business, and the Lord blessed me
01:28 in that business and I had the opportunity
01:30 to meet the leaders of the Country like the Mayor
01:33 and the Governor and so forth, the Governor Ronald Reagan
01:36 would happen to be the Governor at this particular time
01:39 of my story... I want to tell you about
01:41 and I became the President of the San Diego Realtor Board
01:44 part of the San Diego... from that...
01:47 I became... it was a Bank that was needed
01:51 this was in the late 60s and money was tight
01:54 so, I became the Founder of Pacific Coast Bank
01:58 in San Diego...
01:59 So you went from Real Estate to being a Banker?
02:02 Well, Founder and Owner of the Bank... really...
02:05 An Owner of a Bank...
02:07 I started out there because of a certain situation
02:09 and it was with the political thing...
02:12 and I'm saying that for this reason
02:14 so, from that, Ronald Reagan... at that time...
02:17 Richard Nixon was the President of the United States
02:19 so Ronald Reagan recommended that I be on Richard Nixon's
02:22 Advisory Board... that's where my story
02:25 really picks up... that changed my life,
02:28 well, I'll never forget, it was June 1972
02:32 the President called me... in fact he called my
02:35 Real Estate Office and as I got home
02:37 my Secretary called and said, "The President just called... "
02:39 I said, "What!" and so I called the White House
02:42 then, he asked me would I be one his members on
02:44 the Advisory Board there...
02:46 and so... my chest, you know, went out... you know,
02:50 but it was all the politics thing
02:52 but, this is what happened, we met once a month
02:55 at the Congress Building, right there at the White House
02:57 but this particular day
02:59 by me being a vegetarian
03:00 I had never eaten anything that had a mother
03:02 so, I said, "If it doesn't grow on the ground, it's not mine. "
03:05 Mother or a face... Mother or a face...
03:08 so, if it doesn't grown on the vine, it's not mine...
03:11 so, this particular day... as we got in... to eat lunch
03:14 I told the maître d' that I wanted the vegetable plate
03:17 well, naturally, my food is not ready right now
03:20 but it didn't take but 4 or 5 minutes
03:22 because they got everything you think about
03:23 at the White House for food, you know,
03:25 so, as the members put down the other plates of food
03:28 take the top off of, you know, I think they had
03:31 filet mignon whatever you call that
03:33 he skipped over me... so when the guy skipped over me
03:36 the guy sitting next to me said,
03:37 "Hey, you passed him up... "
03:39 I said, "Well, that's what you White folks do inside the
03:41 White House... " He laughed just like you...
03:43 he said, "No, no, no, no" He got nervous?
03:45 Yeah, he got nervous... but it was okay...
03:47 they were just senators on the Board... 89 of them... you know
03:50 so, and the guy didn't hear him
03:52 because the guy had gone on with his business
03:55 but then, when the guy brought me my food
03:56 he set it down there... and he said,
03:59 "Bland, why do you eat that?" you know,
04:01 so, it so happened... he was the President
04:04 of General Motors that asked me that question,
04:06 well years ago, the new car used to come out
04:09 in September... I don't know if you remember that
04:10 but September was the month they came out
04:13 for the following year, so, coming on the plane to
04:18 San Diego... I saw the new Cadillac that had just come out
04:20 and so I asked him, "What did you put in the glove
04:23 compartment of the car?" He said, "A manual... "
04:25 I said, "What for?" He said, "To operate the car"
04:27 I said, "Well, suppose... the person doesn't follow it?"
04:29 He said, "Then the guarantee of the car will be off... "
04:32 I said, "Why will the guarantee be off?"
04:33 He said, "We made the car, and so we know what it takes
04:36 to run the car and maintain it... "
04:39 Come on... and I pull out my little Bible
04:41 Oh, come on now... and I said, "When God made me
04:43 and He made you, He told what to put in this body
04:46 He told us how to maintain it and all of that... "
04:49 and from that conversation quickly... he said,
04:51 "Look, we don't believe that stuff up here... "
04:54 the Bible and all the stuff that I'm sharing with him
04:56 from the Bible... so after lunch we sat in the
04:59 corner for about two hours and we got to talking
05:02 and I'll never forget these words...
05:04 since we're not running on prophetic time...
05:06 he said to me, he said,
05:08 "Bland, did you know by the year 2000
05:10 there will be no more war, no more cancer, no more crime,
05:14 we got the answers to all of that up here... "
05:16 and I'm showing him, I said, "according to the Bible
05:18 it's going to get worse and worse and worse,
05:20 and worse... " but after about two hours
05:23 he looked at me and this is what he said to me,
05:25 he says, "If you believe that book.. what are you doing here?"
05:27 Hmmm... hmmm... I said, "What do you mean?"
05:30 he said, "You showed me in the book
05:32 that God would take care of all of your needs...
05:34 you showed me that you're working for Him. "
05:35 he said, "If a man was working for me... at General Motors...
05:39 he'd better not be working part-time at Chrysler... "
05:42 Come on now... Wow!
05:46 Yvonne, that was the longest ride...
05:50 mentally I had in my life... in the airplane...
05:52 to San Diego... coming from Washington, D.C.
05:55 back to San Diego... you notice, I said... "mentally"
05:57 my wife and I... we just came back
05:59 from New Zealand which is about 32 hours
06:01 this year already... but that wasn't the longest ride
06:04 as that ride was... I said, "Suppose he's right... "
06:07 He said, "What are you doing in here... because...?"
06:10 He thought that it was a compromise?
06:13 Well it is...
06:14 To be an advisor to the President?
06:16 No, to be up there with those crooks and stuff
06:19 and dealing with them... and I had showed him
06:23 in the Bible... where as a Christian...
06:25 we have to go all the world to preach the gospel...
06:27 and God will take care of all our needs...
06:28 remember, I'm skipping over a lot that we talked about...
06:31 he is very brilliant... because he's the President
06:34 of General Motors, he told me what I had already
06:36 showed him in the Bible, see... he gave it back to me...
06:39 he said, "If," you know, "if you were working for me... "
06:43 and God was taking care of all your needs... "
06:45 I was telling him that God maintains us and gives us breath
06:48 and all that stuff... Right...
06:49 but then still... what was I doing part-time?
06:51 I'm up there working with all these people...
06:54 and he told the truth... they don't believe it...
06:56 they don't believe in the Word of God up there...
06:58 just a lot of politics, you know,
06:59 and so, what am I doing there?
07:01 He said, "If you believe that book, what are you doing here?"
07:03 Wow! So, now, I'm on my way back
07:07 to San Diego... I knew I could sell real estate,
07:09 I knew... any given week during that time...
07:11 I can make 10 to 15 thousand dollars...
07:13 but I knew... some atheists could too...
07:16 and, I said, "Well, wait a minute now... "
07:18 as I was reading in my Bible,
07:21 everybody that found Jesus what did they do?
07:25 they stopped what they were doing and followed Him...
07:27 check it out... everybody... whether they were doctors
07:30 tax collectors or whoever they were...
07:32 because Jesus said, "I have appointed you,
07:34 I have ordained you... " like it says in John 15:16
07:37 so, that got me to thinking...
07:39 What! I am working part-time
07:42 for the Lord...
07:43 I was a part-time person, and if you look at
07:45 Matthew the 7th I think the 21st or 23rd verse
07:49 it says that... some people will say,
07:50 "Lord I did this, in your name, I did that in your name,
07:53 then He said, "I never... " what?
07:54 "... knew you, depart from me... "
07:56 Why? because... you're a part-time worker...
07:57 Would you have a part-time husband?
07:59 No... Okay then, neither does God...
08:02 so I'm just telling you now, what affected me...
08:04 so, from that... to cut the long story...
08:07 I said, "Well, Lord, what can I do for you full-time...?"
08:11 well, everybody can eat... my wife's a good cook
08:13 so I said, "What we need to do... "
08:15 Ray Kroc was the owner of McDonald's...
08:17 well, he's a business acquaintance of mine
08:19 in San Diego at the time,
08:20 this was back in the 70s... so, I said,
08:22 "If he can open up McDonald's all over the world...
08:24 I can open Health Food stores all over the world... "
08:26 so after much prayer... four years of lining it up
08:29 and all that stuff, we... looking at the testimonies
08:32 we said, "Anything you start, you start it in the South. "
08:34 So, the Lord... with a lot of intervention,
08:38 we ended up in Birmingham, Alabama
08:40 to open up a Health Food Restaurant...
08:42 we were going to open up,
08:43 everywhere you saw a McDonald's...
08:45 we were going to have a Health Food Restaurant
08:48 saved a lot of money... had 4 years of studying
08:51 and all that stuff,
08:52 got there... the Lord closed the door...
08:54 after all the arrangements, I won't go into that
08:57 that's a story within itself...
08:58 but the Lord closed the door,
09:00 and one day... I was asked to go down to a prison
09:06 with an interracial group of people...
09:08 inter-denominational group of people...
09:10 Sister McKinnon... and they wanted somebody
09:13 to go down with her... so, we had a lot of materials
09:15 due to our restaurant and stuff like that...
09:17 so I took with me, about 200 of the books
09:20 Spirit of Prophecy books, Steps to Christ... and so forth
09:22 you know, with me... so I passed them out there
09:25 they had a huge crowd... about 250 guys
09:27 and I passed them out... the Chaplain, later on... saw me
09:32 he said, "You know... " about 3 weeks later
09:34 he asked me for some...
09:36 I asked him... "could the men have some tapes
09:37 that they could listen to... " the Chaplain said, "Yeah"
09:40 well, C.D. Brooks had just run a meeting in Washington, D.C.
09:43 beautiful tapes... they talk about the Bible only,
09:47 you know, what the Word of God is...
09:48 so I took them to the Chaplain about 2 weeks later
09:51 and as I gave him the tapes, he said to me...
09:53 he says,
09:55 "Those men really love those books... "
09:56 I said, "What books?" He said, "The books of E.G. White... "
09:58 he said, "I'd like to have a 1,000 of them... "
10:00 I said, "A thousand!" He said, "Yeah"
10:02 so the next day... You got excited eh...
10:04 the next day, my wife and I...
10:06 we put a thousand of them in the car
10:07 well, 10 boxes... they had a 100 in each box,
10:09 got down there and I opened up every box
10:12 when I saw the prison...
10:14 put an enrollment card in it
10:15 because I'm not ever going to see these people anymore,
10:17 you know, because I always fish with a hook,
10:20 when I give somebody something I tell them, you know,
10:22 I want to know what the answer is in two weeks,
10:24 or something like that... Ah, wait, wait, wait, wait...
10:27 okay, wait now, say, "you fish with a hook"
10:30 yeah... because that's the only way you can catch a bait
10:32 because a lot of people fish... without the bait,
10:34 you know, so when I give you something,
10:36 I'm going to get a response back...
10:38 Okay... I'll tell you,
10:39 "Look, this is the book here I want to know your opinion
10:41 I'm taking a survey, and I want to know
10:44 what you think of this... he says, "Well, I'm a... "
10:45 "I don't care what you are"
10:46 I say, "That's what I'm looking for
10:48 I'm looking for people just like you
10:50 tell me what you think of this book," you know
10:53 I kind of think you can sell ice to an Eskimo...
10:57 I do... but anyway, so what happens... though
11:02 in the meantime... the people that I went down there with
11:05 had told me this... that it takes 5 years to get inside...
11:08 of having a meeting... a regular program in the prison
11:11 that's what they told me... I'm just talking to... you know,
11:13 so that won't bother me because I'm still looking over my resume
11:17 So, you still weren't even thinking about Prison Ministries
11:20 Oh, no, no, no, no, no, so, Ben told me 5 years...
11:24 so when I took the boxes of books in there,
11:27 to the Chaplain that day,
11:29 he said, "Come on in and meet the officers. "
11:32 I went in there, as soon as I met the officers
11:34 my wife and I, he said,
11:35 "This is Mr. and Mrs. Bland, they're going to start
11:37 a Bible Class here... " I didn't know anything about it.
11:40 So, sure enough, 3 weeks later, we started...
11:43 now, what am I going to do? I got there and told the man
11:46 I said, "Look, whatever I'm talking about...
11:48 is going to be in the Bible, we're going to study the Bible"
11:50 he said, "Okay" so a group of the guys,
11:53 that night, said to me, "What does the Bible say
11:56 about speaking in tongues?" I told them what the Bible said,
11:59 then another group says...
12:00 This is the officers... not the inmates, right
12:03 It's the inmates... Oh, this is the inmates, ok, ok,
12:05 He told the officers that I was going to start a Bible Class
12:08 in the prison, the Chaplain told them
12:12 Okay... okay... The Chaplain is telling them...
12:15 so, therefore, he had invited me so, that night
12:18 the guy that asked me... I told him what the Bible says
12:20 about speaking in tongues... then another group asked,
12:23 "What does the Bible say about eating pork?"
12:25 now those happened to be some Muslim guys...
12:28 Hmmm... hmmm... and so, after the class
12:32 they said, "We got him now... " I said, "You got who?"
12:34 He said, "the Chaplain... the Chaplain is Pentecostal
12:37 he eats pork and speaks in tongues... and you said
12:40 the Bible says that it's not right.. "
12:42 Oh my! what am I going to do? who invited me there, Yvonne?
12:47 So, you're the guest... in the Chaplain's 'house' so to speak,
12:51 and you're giving ammunition to them...
12:54 to get after him... That's right... they said,
12:56 "We got him now. " He wasn't there though
12:58 so, I said, "What!" they said, "We got him now. "
13:02 So, I went back home, I said, "Oh my, what am I
13:06 going to do Lord?" The Lord said,
13:07 "I'll tell you what to do... call up the Chaplain
13:10 tell him... that you only want to talk to 10 men
13:13 every other week, and talk to the whole crowd
13:15 every week... and the reason why
13:17 you want to talk to the 10 men tell the Chaplain that you get
13:20 a chance to help the families out...
13:22 of those 10 men so that you can get a chance to know them,
13:24 because if it's a huge crowd you can't help everybody... "
13:26 So, I called the Chaplain... he said, "That's a good idea. "
13:29 But my real reason was this, Yvonne,
13:31 I could teach those ten what I know
13:33 they still got 20 years in prison...
13:35 so when they kick me out... they already know, you know,
13:38 so you're replicating... Yeah, I'm teaching them,
13:41 so, those ten... the next week, I start out with,
13:44 by the time my wife got in there there are about 75 guys were
13:48 already in the room so the officers started reading
13:50 out the names... saying, you have to leave, leave, leave
13:52 you know, like that... so five of the guys that were
13:54 not on the list... were standing close by
13:55 and they said, "Hey, can we stay?"
13:57 I said, "Okay, you can stay. " so we started with 15 people
14:00 my wife and I and another couple
14:01 and I told them, I said, "Look, what I'm giving you
14:06 is the Word of God.. my name is not important
14:09 I gave them Jeremiah 17:5
14:11 which says, "Cursed is the man that trusts in man... "
14:14 I said, "I'm a man... "
14:15 I said, "If you trust me...
14:16 the Bible says that you're going to be cursed... "
14:18 they said, "What!" I said, "Yeah,
14:19 now Jeremiah 17:7 says,
14:21 Blessed is the man that trusts in the Lord...
14:23 if you want to be blessed, whom should you trust?"
14:25 they said, "The Lord... " and I reeled it in their mind
14:28 "Don't trust any man... trust the Lord... "
14:31 I said, now the 9th verse tells Jeremiah 17:9 says
14:36 The heart is deceitful above all things
14:37 and desperately wicked, who can know it?
14:39 I said, "Have you done things that you didn't intend to do?"
14:41 They said, "Yeah" I said,
14:42 "So, you can't trust yourself, right?"
14:44 they said, "That's right. " I said,
14:45 "So, don't trust any other man. "
14:47 Now, what I really did there was I eliminated everybody else
14:50 that don't believe the Bible did you know that?
14:52 Everybody... anybody...
14:53 I got rid of all my competition right there...
14:55 Wow! Because we are the only one
14:57 in the world... that stays with the Bible...
15:00 did you know that? we're the only one
15:02 everybody else leaves something out of the Bible...
15:05 so, there, I eliminated my competition right there,
15:07 so I drilled that in their minds I said,
15:09 "Now, the 10 Commandments God has put us here...
15:12 because... remember this... only Church people said,
15:15 'The Law of the Lord is done away with... '"
15:17 prisoners know that there's a law...
15:19 you never have a prisoner who said,
15:20 "The Law was done away with. " Come on...
15:22 Only people who go to Church say that the Law is done away with
15:24 did you know that? Come on, now Brother Richard...
15:26 That's right... That's right... because you know
15:29 prisoners know that there's a law because they broke it...
15:31 that's why they're in there... So, only Church people
15:33 the devil used... to say, "The Law was done away with
15:36 remember that... " So, I said now,
15:38 "What commandment would you think
15:40 that every prisoner knows that they have broken?"
15:43 and they read down... they said, "The 8th Commandment
15:45 all of us have stolen one time or another... "
15:47 I said, "That's right. " I said, "Now, let me tell you
15:49 what it is... " If I should give you a dollar
15:52 Yvonne to give to... everybody here...
15:54 at 3abn... a dollar... and you do not give
15:56 one of them a dollar, what have you done?
15:58 Stolen... That's right...
15:59 I said, "So, whatever you learn from me...
16:02 if you don't share it... you're stealing from them...
16:04 because the Bible said, 'Go into all the world'"
16:06 and I said, "Where is your world?"
16:07 they said, "Wherever you are... "
16:08 I said, "So, anybody... that you pass up
16:11 that you don't share with them
16:13 what you're learning from God's Word
16:14 you're a thief... " They said, "That's right"
16:16 let me tell you... from those 15 Bible students...
16:21 in 6 months' time... we had 18,000 Bible studies going on.
16:25 18,000! 18,000!
16:27 let me tell you how...
16:28 they started sharing with officers
16:30 they started writing home, they started doing other people
16:33 and I'm just saying, it's amazing
16:34 in fact, as I was just thinking here...
16:36 then we designed Bible Classes
16:40 "What the Bible Says" "What the Bible Says"
16:43 Now for "What the Bible says" before they can get
16:46 their certificate... they have to enroll 3 other people...
16:49 so, therefore, every student has to listen to it 4 times
16:52 Oh, that's great... They have to...
16:55 So they're studying and they're sharing it
16:59 and they're reinforcing the information in their heads
17:02 That's correct... and the Holy Spirit
17:03 is quickening their spirits... That right...
17:06 Wow! praise the Lord! Then we showed them this...
17:08 We fill them with little secrets that,
17:10 maybe a lot of people don't know...
17:11 The reason why... I understand Google says
17:15 that there are 38,800 different churches in the world
17:17 that use the Bible... 38,000...
17:19 different churches use the Bible as their text book...
17:22 now, how many ways can you dial my phone number wrong?
17:24 millions right? Yes...
17:27 how many ways can you dial it right?
17:29 One... I found out something
17:31 if you do not pray
17:33 and ask for the Holy Spirit,
17:34 the devil will always interpret the Bible to you...
17:36 Hmmm... So, many people... all of us...
17:39 a lot of people... they read the Bible and don't pray...
17:43 so, the Holy Spirit does not interpret it until you ask
17:46 Hmmm... because a thief comes in when
17:49 you don't ask... God said,
17:50 "Ask, and it shall be given... I'm right there for you
17:53 but if you don't ask... I'm not going to do it... "
17:56 I've tested out... I've been meeting in about 80 countries
17:59 of the world... when a person prays
18:02 and asks for the Holy Spirit, they come up with the
18:04 same answer I do... " Hmmm...
18:06 because they're getting it from the same source...
18:08 Hmmm... So, if you're don't...
18:09 so any time... remember that
18:11 that's why the Spirit of Prophecy says,
18:13 Ellen G. White says, "Always pray... "
18:14 it doesn't say sometime...
18:15 when you open up God's Word, Yes...
18:18 and that's what you do for the Program...
18:19 Because it's the Holy Spirit's job to bring us into all truth.
18:23 Exactly... To teach us... and to bring back
18:25 to our remembrance that which we've studied...
18:28 Exactly right... in fact in James 1:5 it says,
18:30 If you lack wisdom... ask God...
18:31 so, when they ask me a question, I say,
18:33 "Ask God... don't ask me... "
18:35 Hmmm... Because God knows
18:37 where you are in your spiritual walk...
18:38 see, I don't know where you are, so, all I do is give them
18:42 what the Word of God says, that's what they do...
18:44 now remember this... we're teaching them
18:46 to teach others... now, what do they teach others?
18:48 only what the Bible says... not to give their opinion
18:51 see, anytime you give your opinion...
18:53 then, you are of the devil... Yes...
18:55 you see what I mean... because God's Word tells us
18:57 in Proverbs the 30th chapter and verses 5 and 6
19:00 that the Word of God is pure, and if you add to it...
19:03 it says, "You are a liar. " Hmmm...
19:05 How many times have you been in Sabbath School
19:07 and you've heard these other people lying...
19:08 because they add to the Word of God...
19:09 Hmmm... see what I mean...
19:11 so, it's all of that... so we taught them
19:13 we said, now let me tell you something...
19:14 there are 66 books here... they say, "That's right... "
19:16 I say, there's 1,189 chapters... 31,173 verses
19:22 773,692 words... I say, now...
19:25 that's what you're going to be studying for eternity
19:28 because God's Word will last forever...
19:29 Hmmm... So, if you don't have enough
19:30 time... I'll talk to the judge, he'll give you more time...
19:32 they laugh... just like you...
19:35 I said, "But the main thing is, studying God's Word... "
19:38 because that's the only thing that's going to last forever
19:40 isn't it... Yes...
19:41 so we know... that's going to be for eternity...
19:43 and I tell them, and I say, "So, when you share with
19:45 somebody... give them what the Bible says... "
19:47 when you give them you're opinion... then you are lying.
19:51 So, what you did was...
19:53 under the unction...
19:55 because we know... this was the Holy Spirit
19:57 that led you there... you went in...
19:59 taught these inmates... and in 6 months...
20:03 you went from... what was the original number...
20:06 15 Bible students... 15 Bible students to 18,000
20:09 Now, let me tell you what... three weeks later
20:12 that Chaplain did come to me, after then...
20:15 he says, "I think you don't need to be coming here anymore"
20:18 guess what the men told him?
20:20 What? "Chaplain, this is the only
20:23 Ministry that stays with the Bible... and if they go...
20:26 you need to go... because the Bible needs to go,
20:28 this is the only Ministry... that's stays with the Bible...
20:31 And so the Chaplain became threatened by that?
20:34 Oh, yeah... because the guys... after all...
20:36 he's ministering to them then this rose up...
20:38 they said, "no... no... " and so now, we stayed...
20:43 At that point... were you feeling that
20:45 this is what God is leading me to do...
20:48 instead of the restaurant? No, no, I'm still... no
20:50 now, this is where your story picks up...
20:52 I am still interested in my restaurant,
20:54 Okay... because I'm there in Birmingham,
20:56 but, I'm buying the books now these books here...
20:59 cost me money... I'm buying... one week... I spend $5,000
21:03 next month... especially when it's spreading $8,000... $10,000
21:08 three and a half years later,
21:11 my wife said,
21:13 "Guess what... all we got is $3.61... "
21:17 You have spent... All the money...
21:21 I can't go in the restaurant business now...
21:23 The Lord said, "This is what I want you to do"
21:26 so, I said, "Lord" now this is what I said to him
21:28 I want you to understand me, I said, "Lord, if you want me
21:31 to stay here, I'm not going to ask anybody for the money
21:33 I'm available... I'm not going to ask anybody
21:37 to work for the Ministry... but what I'm going to do...
21:41 oh, by the way... by that time, we had about
21:43 a hundred volunteers... going to all the prisons
21:45 in Alabama... that I had organized then...
21:48 but we were buying the books... I didn't take up a donation
21:50 from anybody... but now we're down to how much?
21:53 three dollars... And 61 cents...
21:54 now my wife would say, less than ten dollars...
21:56 so, I'm going to give her a credit card... and see...
21:58 but anyhow, I remember the figures
22:00 $3.61... that night we got on our knees and said,
22:06 "Lord, now... I know that I'm on trial...
22:11 because you put the devil out of heaven for being
22:14 disobedient... but Lord, you're on trial too
22:18 because I'm going to do everything you said...
22:21 and if you don't take care of my needs,
22:22 I'm going to get me another God...
22:25 I can't trust you... " Hmmm...
22:27 Not the next day... but the following day after that
22:32 this was on a Monday night... that Wednesday...
22:34 Brother Santini who was out there by the Condo mailbox
22:38 brought me a number ten envelope the large envelope
22:42 I opened it up... there was a check in there
22:44 for $20,000... What?
22:46 Another man from another State.. a Company...
22:50 and so, I looked at it... I called the man...
22:52 I said, "What's this for?" He said, "Mister, I don't know
22:55 the Lord told me to send you this... "
22:57 Is God not amazing or what!
23:01 He was confirming...
23:03 I'm trying to tell you... He was confirming,
23:06 that He is your God... Oh yeah...
23:09 I said, "I don't know what to use this for... "
23:12 He said, "I don't know what are you doing?"
23:13 I said, "I'm in the prison ministries... "
23:15 he said, "Well, use it for that and what you want to use it for"
23:16 Since that time, Yvonne, God gets the glory...
23:21 we've given away 71 million books...
23:23 free... free... free...
23:26 Praise God... 71 million
23:29 that's right... Praise the Lord...
23:32 I'm sending it to every prison in Russia... all over Romania,
23:34 all over the United States, and what we send is...
23:37 you see this book right here...
23:38 when I send a letter to a prison...
23:40 to all the prisons in the United States once a year
23:42 I said, "Whatever you ask for, ask me for it... "
23:44 and so, I can go on and on and tell you the many stories
23:47 because I just had so many at the time
23:49 but I'm just letting you know what the Lord has done...
23:51 Yes... But, let me tell you
23:52 what He's done for me... two things...
23:54 number one... it was a blessing
23:58 that the Lord took me down to that $3.61... I'll tell you why
24:02 when I first got involved with the prisoners...
24:05 they'd say, "Pr. Bland, now, I'm a dope dealer... "
24:09 the women would say, "I'm a prostitute...
24:10 what am I going to do when I get out of here?
24:12 I'm a Christian now... " I said, "The Lord will provide"
24:15 guess what though... I still had $50,000 in the Bank,
24:18 Hmmm... hmmm... but let me tell you
24:20 30 years ago right now...
24:23 since that time...
24:25 everything we've got, the Lord is sending...
24:27 Amen... So, I know...
24:28 so, when I tell them now, I'm talking from experience
24:31 before, I was talking from the money I thought was mine
24:34 Right... You see what I mean...
24:35 And it's easier... you know... it's eminently easier to say
24:39 "The Lord's going to take care of you... "
24:41 and you're sitting back, on what you've got...
24:43 That's what I'm saying... But when you're actually
24:45 living in a state of dependence
24:48 then you can share that... so truthfully...
24:51 The Lord gave me the experience, Yes...
24:54 And since that time... I had to use that experience...
24:56 many, many, many times, you see,
24:58 now to think about... how's the Lord's Prayer...
25:01 "Our Father"... what "which are in heaven"
25:03 "Hallowed be thy... " what? "thy name... "
25:04 "thy" what? "kingdom come"
25:06 "thy will be done on earth... as it is in heaven... "
25:08 what's the next part? "give us this day... "give who?
25:10 "us" so, now, that's the key...
25:13 when I get something, I'm supposed to share it...
25:15 see, when I ask for stuff, God is giving it to us, not to me...
25:19 and so, that's what we found out so, before we buy the books
25:24 we buy, maybe, a box at a time, now we're buying them at
25:27 half a million at a time... that's the only way we can do
25:30 to keep the prices down... because the Lord has done this.
25:33 And so, what's the plan...
25:34 are you getting it into all the prisons
25:37 Every prison in the United States... we serve them
25:39 we just send out an open letter to them...
25:40 if they write me that they want 20,000 of "Desire of Ages"
25:44 I just give it to them... just like Jim was saying yesterday,
25:47 Jim Gilley... when he was in New York, during the 911 thing
25:50 he called me up... we sent them 20,000 Bibles
25:52 to give away in New York... and then we sent to them,
25:55 you know, just give them away...
25:56 because he was in charge of that Program at the time...
25:59 so, what I'm saying to you, the Lord has done this...
26:02 Yes... He gets the credit
26:03 for everything... Oh yes...
26:04 so, what I'm saying to you... everything since then...
26:06 I can go on... but let me tell you
26:08 how it has helped me spiritually...
26:09 I'm in the prison one night, a tornado came up
26:15 just about the time we got started...
26:18 I'm standing there... and all the lights went out
26:20 in the prison... boom... a prisoner to my left named
26:25 Tommy Weyser... I'll never forget it...
26:27 got up and hit the Podium and said,
26:28 "In the name of Jesus, turn these lights back on... "
26:31 they came on... in that room only for the next 2 hours...
26:33 the whole prison was dark... why didn't I do it?
26:36 because I told him... that God can do...
26:38 what? everything... I didn't believe it myself...
26:40 Hmmm... Prisoners have taught me
26:43 to trust God... they have taught me...
26:45 Yes... You hear me?
26:46 Yes... I can go on...
26:48 One night... So, you've got
26:49 you've benefitted so much... Oh, what are you talking about?
26:51 That's why I say... "work our your own salvation"
26:54 Yes... See, I was telling that stuff
26:56 but I didn't believe it myself until, one guy, one night named
27:00 John Sam... we'd break up in small classes...
27:04 I said, "Can you read... " he says, "No" then he says "Yes"
27:08 "Can you read?" "Yeah... "
27:09 "Can you read... " he said, "No, but I'll try... "
27:11 37-year-old guy... and I get to him...
27:14 and by-the-way... we don't talk to anybody
27:15 unless they have a Bible in the Class...
27:17 if they refuse the Bible we ask them to leave...
27:18 Really... Oh yeah...
27:20 Yeah because... how can you teach... without the Word?
27:22 We're down to like 40 seconds... What do you...
27:26 40 seconds before the Program ends?
27:27 Yes... I can't believe it... I can't either...
27:30 I want more... tell us what you need...
27:32 Well, I need to tell the story so other people can get involved
27:36 we found out a book that's a winner right here...
27:39 this book right here... "Bible Questions Answered"
27:42 Okay... has never been turned down...
27:43 we got now a million of them, it's designed for people to
27:46 win this for us... we make it available to you now
27:48 because it has 14 Bible Studies in it...
27:51 Oh... we'll put up your website
27:54 so that people
27:55 they need to get this book here...
27:56 we'll put up your website so that people can order it...
27:59 Order this book... Yes, thank you so much
28:01 for being with us... You said I had 40 seconds...
28:03 it's over now... and thank you joining in...
28:05 Tune in next time... It just wouldn't be the same
28:07 without you...


Revised 2015-01-27