Urban Report


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Patti Conwell


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000066

00:01 Are you single and wondering
00:02 if you'll ever meet that special someone?
00:04 Well, stay tuned to meet a woman who made the most
00:07 of her single life and shares her journey
00:09 in a great new eBook... My name is Yvonne Lewis
00:12 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:36 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:38 My guest today is Patti Conwell, author of
00:41 "Nobody Ever Told Me I Might Not Get Married"
00:44 an Associate Professor of Communication
00:46 in Oakwood University. Welcome to Urban Report Patti...
00:50 Thank you Yvonne... Yeah... I'm so happy you're here
00:53 Okay, so I have to tell you this is my first cousin...
00:56 but she really would not be on...
00:58 if she couldn't cut the mustard.
01:00 Just assure everybody of that... Yeah... absolutely... absolutely
01:06 So, you wrote this book,
01:08 "Nobody Ever Told Me I Might Not Get Married"
01:11 What inspired that? Well, when I wrote the book
01:15 back in 1991... I was getting ready to turn 30
01:19 and doing that typical mid-life
01:22 assessment of where I am... versus where I thought
01:25 I would be... at 30... and so...
01:28 as I was doing that assessment, and I'm looking at the career
01:32 that I thought I would have... but didn't quite have...
01:36 and the financial stability that I thought I would have...
01:39 that I didn't quite have... because you know,
01:42 when you're like 15... and you'd see 30...
01:44 they're like really old... and mature and settled
01:48 and everybody is married... with the 2.5 kids
01:51 and the fenced-in yard and all that...
01:53 and my life looked nothing like that...
01:56 and I started to think... "Wow, I wasn't prepared for this
02:01 nobody told me that it would look like this
02:03 nobody told me I might not be married. "
02:06 You know, that's such a good point because as you grow up
02:09 it's always... when you get married...
02:11 and when you have this baby, and when you do this and that,
02:15 so... When you're a wife and
02:17 when you're a mother, when you have your own home
02:19 Yes... When...
02:21 When... That's the key word...
02:22 Absolutely... not if... but... when...
02:26 Exactly... so it sets up an expectation right away
02:29 that life is going to go down a certain path...
02:32 it's is going to follow a certain path
02:34 and it's not going to deviate... Right... right...
02:38 and so when you got to that "30 place"
02:41 where was your head at that point...
02:44 where you depressed about being single?
02:46 I wasn't really depressed about I wasn't depressed
02:48 about turning 30... which you hear a lot of people
02:51 kind of go through... especially women...
02:54 and I wasn't depressed about being single...
02:57 but I wanted to be married, I wanted to try... marriage...
03:02 my parents have had a wonderful marriage for almost 48 years,
03:07 and so I wanted to try that,
03:09 I had a yearning... to be married
03:12 it was not an all consuming desire... but I wanted to try it
03:16 and I was not in a relationship at the time...
03:18 I was not dating... at the time...
03:21 socially or seriously... so, I was in my little valley
03:25 of total singleness... and I was wondering...
03:28 you know, by the time you reach 30... you've gone through
03:31 quite a few dates and setups and all of that...
03:34 and nobody had materialized that I felt connected with
03:38 or if I felt connected with him, he didn't feel connected with me
03:42 so, you know, I was in my dry valley and thinking,
03:45 "Will this ever really happen?" I wasn't too sure about it...
03:48 Yeah, you know, when you... okay... so you
03:50 go through High School and then you go through College
03:53 and usually during that College time you meet somebody...
03:57 you hook up... you get married, right after College...
04:00 It's almost an expectation that you will meet somebody
04:04 in College... because... the College I went to...
04:08 was the one place where you're going to have the most
04:12 variety of people who... possibly think like you
04:16 have the same values and goals as you and so the expectation is
04:21 "Oh, you're going there... " and it still exists today...
04:23 "you're going there to find a man or find a husband,"
04:26 so, when you see other friends hooking up... then they graduate
04:31 and then they're engaged right away...
04:32 they get married a few months after they graduate...
04:35 that's the way it's supposed to happen...
04:37 Right... right... It did not happen that way
04:39 for me... And even, you know...
04:41 even among some family members tell us about what happened
04:44 with your niece... Well, she was about 7-years-old
04:49 her family had come to visit us where we were living
04:53 and we were in Church... and I had
04:56 three brothers at the time who were married...
04:58 including her dad... and I was not married...
05:01 even a brother... younger than I
05:03 was married at the time... so, we're sitting in Church...
05:06 So, you're the only one not married...
05:07 Well, I'm not married and our youngest brother...
05:10 who was a teenager at that time, was not married...
05:14 but I'm supposed to be married,
05:15 according to... how everything looks...
05:18 so, anyway, we're sitting in Church and, you know,
05:21 her legs are sticking out in front of her...
05:23 because she's too little to touch the floor
05:24 Right... and she's got her legs crossed
05:27 and... just out of the blue... she says...
05:30 "So, Aunt Patti... why aren't you married?"
05:32 and I was in shock... I mean... we weren't discussing
05:37 anything... around that topic... she just matter-of-factly
05:42 asked me the question... and so, I'm trying to remain
05:46 calm... not that I was mad or anything...
05:49 I was just in shock... but I didn't want her to see
05:51 anything outwardly about how her question affected me...
05:54 so, I said, "Well, I haven't found the right person yet... "
05:57 and she says, "Well, what are you looking for?"
06:01 and I'm thinking... "Okay... what do I tell
06:05 a 7-year-old about the complexities of how you meet
06:09 someone to... " you know... so she filled in the gap
06:13 as I was trying to think on my feet...
06:15 and she says, "Oh, I know... you want somebody who's cute
06:19 don't you?" and I said,
06:21 "Well, looks have their place. " you know
06:24 I didn't want to sound shallow...
06:25 that looks were everything, so,
06:28 "Looks have their place, but that's not everything...
06:30 that's not the only thing that a person looks for... "
06:32 "Well, what else... oh, I know you want somebody who's famous
06:37 like Uncle David. " and that's my brother
06:39 who sings in a group who at that time
06:41 was just getting started... and their notoriety was growing
06:44 so, as far as she was concerned, he was famous...
06:46 and I said, you know, I'm thinking,
06:48 "Well, that's not bad," "But, no, it's not really... "
06:52 you know, and so she went through this whole list
06:54 of looks and money and fame and everything that she processed
06:59 would be suitable for a husband...
07:03 and finally... she got exasperated and she says,
07:06 "Well, what are you looking for?"
07:08 and again... I'm stumped... because what do you tell
07:12 a 7-year-old girl about what you're looking for in a man
07:15 but it really got me to thinking about
07:19 what my expectations were...
07:22 were they too high...
07:24 were they too... you know, were they realistic,
07:27 you know, for that "ideal" or "perfect man"
07:30 that everybody wants to find or even with men...
07:32 wanting to look for the "ideal" or "perfect woman"
07:35 and so it kind of got the ball rolling in my head
07:38 about assessing even... what my expectations were...
07:41 in a man... And so, at that point
07:43 did you have like a little list going?
07:48 I don't think I really had a list, per se...
07:51 there were a few things based on what I know about myself
07:56 what I knew about myself then... that I felt... would work
08:01 best for me... Hmmm... hmmm...
08:03 Yes, everybody wants the physical attraction
08:07 but it wasn't so
08:10 it wasn't so detailed or specific...
08:12 that he had to be a certain height...
08:13 or he had to be a certain skin tone
08:15 or he had to have a certain kind of hair or whatever...
08:18 it wasn't like that... really... more... who was going
08:21 to fit best with the character that I have
08:24 and the strength and weaknesses that I have...
08:26 but that was a process too...
08:28 and I was going to say, you know, what...
08:30 and you bring this out in the eBook too... which
08:32 I mean, really... that eBook... you want to just keep reading
08:36 it is so good... That's good, that's good...
08:38 I know... I know... it's so good... it's funny...
08:41 I was laughing out loud in places...
08:44 and yet... you keep bringing people back to the idea that
08:47 God is really your source... and we're going to talk more
08:51 about that... in a bit... Absolutely...
08:52 but one of the things that I realized
08:55 and I know that you did too
08:57 because you brought it out in the book is that
09:00 what you wanted... at 15 or 20 is not what
09:03 you wanted at maybe 18 which is not what you wanted at 30
09:07 Hopefully not... hopefully it's not the same...
09:11 but for me... no, it was not the same...
09:14 and I do talk about my evolution of what I'm looking for,
09:18 you know, starting with my crush on Speed Racer,
09:21 who, if you're in my age range, you know, is a cartoon character
09:26 but he was a very cute cartoon character...
09:29 Was he... He was... and so, you know,
09:32 but on through the typical list of celebrities that you see
09:36 on TV and my Latin phase and, you know, so, you do evolve
09:42 through a fascination of looks and then a fascination of money
09:47 or security, you know, the nice car, the nice clothes,
09:52 that kind of thing but I think
09:54 by the time you hit 30... it's like...
09:56 your list starts to whittle down from all of the surface stuff
10:00 because... there's no one right now...
10:03 Yes... ... you know, and it does
10:04 make you to start to think about what's really
10:07 the top priority... in a mate...
10:09 and so, you got out of College, right...
10:13 Right... ... you're not dating anybody
10:16 No... 20 comes, 22 comes,
10:20 25 comes, Hmmm... hmmm...
10:22 30 comes... and let me say that at that time... in 1991
10:27 the average marrying age for women was 24...
10:31 Hmmm... ... so... I'm at 30...
10:33 Hmmm... ... so the 6 years
10:36 makes a big difference... Yes...
10:37 You know... Yes... yes...
10:38 So tell us some of the things that you would go through
10:42 with friends and well-meaning family and all of that...
10:45 once you've hit that 25-year-mark...
10:50 and you're not married...
10:51 Well, any single person can attest to the setups, okay,
10:55 Okay... I mean, because everyone wants
10:57 you to be married... they feel like they need to help
11:01 find you that person... Okay...
11:03 and so, I remember distinctly one evening...
11:08 and I had family visiting me in Maryland where I was living,
11:11 and one evening, the phone rang, and I pick up the phone
11:14 and you know, "Hello" and this deep voice
11:18 you know, a Barry White-type voice
11:20 or a Whintley Phipps-type voice okay...
11:23 a Whintley Phipps-type voice... - just brings you back to Church
11:27 says, "Hello, may I speak to Patti?"
11:32 and I did not recognize the voice at all...
11:35 nice British accent... you know, and I'm like,
11:38 "This is Patti" and he starts talking and
11:42 like he knows me... and I say,
11:44 "Who is this please?" and he gives me a name...
11:48 I don't know him at all... but he calls my number
11:51 and so... in conversation beginning I say,
11:54 "How... why are you calling me...
11:57 why are you calling me... where did you get my number from?"
12:01 "Oh, I got your number from... " a cousin of mine...
12:06 who was a friend of his... who gave him my number...
12:11 because she thought that we could talk and hit it off
12:16 and I...
12:19 it was a little disconcerting that my number is floating
12:22 around... this was before cell phones and all of that...
12:24 Right... ... you know, that my number is
12:26 floating around because of well-meaning family who,
12:29 "Oh, I have a cousin... who's 30 and
12:33 she's not dating anyone and here, let me give you her number
12:36 give her a call... " ... it was a little weird
12:38 but, he and I actually became very good friends...
12:41 there was no love connection there... but we became very
12:44 good friends and so... that's just one of many...
12:47 I think I flew around the Country many times
12:50 you know, my brother lived in Buffalo and his wife
12:53 saw somebody there... so they brought me to Buffalo
12:57 it didn't even matter that I didn't have any money to go
12:58 "Oh, we'll pay for you... we'll pay for you to come"
13:02 and visit... so you can meet this guy...
13:04 and the last one... another sister-in-law
13:07 calls me up... she was living in Nashville,
13:09 and said, "Patti, stop looking, I've got him, I've found the one
13:13 you can just stop looking... here... this is it...
13:16 you're going to thank me when it's over... "
13:17 and I'm like, "What!" and of course...
13:20 Well, did I end up visiting? I had to visit Nashville...
13:23 and again... no love connection, met a lot of nice guys
13:27 who became good friends... you know,
13:29 but that's just typical for your family and friends
13:34 who want you to get married and then...
13:36 especially if they know that you want to be married...
13:38 and they have to help you out a little bit...
13:40 Yes... yes... yes... so, how did you navigate
13:44 through those years of being alone...
13:48 'cause you have always been a very independent-type person
13:53 a very solid person... you know, you're not...
13:56 you know I love you... not that...
13:58 seriously... not flighty... just very solid...
14:02 how did you... and I know that has to do
14:05 with your upbringing too... how did you navigate that...
14:08 how did you maintain your spirituality
14:12 while you were meeting people, dating... that kind of thing...
14:16 Well, I think the key for me staying solid through that
14:22 period of time... was... keeping my spiritual
14:26 connection with God... being brought up in the Church
14:30 and wanting to maintain that connection...
14:34 not to say that it's been a perfect connection
14:37 and still not... but always striving...
14:40 but my foundation... my core... was always
14:43 my spiritual connection to God, and still wanting to maintain
14:49 a lifestyle that would honor Him and again, you know,
14:54 even with missteps or not that was my desire
14:57 and that was the path that I tried to stay on...
15:00 along with that... is keeping... busy...
15:03 staying involved in things outside of myself...
15:06 Hmmm... I was mentoring a
15:09 Baltimore-city Public School Middle School student
15:12 a young lady for several years, I got involved in adult literacy
15:16 I went to the training and began to teach
15:18 adults how to read... maintained a nice circle
15:22 of friends... most of whom are married...
15:24 but, you know, traveling a lot, I was in Maryland traveling to
15:30 New York... to stay with our grandmother or to see you
15:33 or see other family members, and just, you know,
15:35 just staying busy... I think, the more that single
15:39 women and men... can stay involved in things
15:44 that take your eyes off of you...
15:45 Hmmm... ... and where you are...
15:47 it's easier... Now granted I think
15:49 there are some personalities that deal with singleness
15:53 better than others... Hmmm... hmmm...
15:55 but staying involved and keeping busy
15:57 in causes and things of service
16:00 is really a key to being able to handle being single...
16:06 That's such a great point
16:07 service to others...
16:09 which is a Biblical principle... Absolutely...
16:11 it keeps you from being too narcissistic... right...
16:15 Hmmm... hmmm... ... self-absorbed...
16:16 you know when you're doing something for someone else
16:20 and so, early on, you realized that... that was something
16:23 that you needed to do... it made you feel better...
16:26 I would think... Absolutely...
16:27 when you're not focused on the fact that I don't have a man,
16:30 Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... hmmm...
16:32 then you're not allowing yourself to feel
16:35 the emotions that come along with focusing on the fact
16:38 that I don't have a man... Yes...
16:40 not to say that you don't ever have those emotions
16:42 but at least... they come in little waves...
16:47 just like intermittently... but it's not a constant...
16:50 because to me... if you're constantly focused
16:53 on the fact that you're single then, you open yourself up
16:57 to a certain desperate-type of attitude or feeling
17:03 that I think... can emit itself outward to other people...
17:07 Absolutely... ... and then you're also
17:09 clouding your ability to use good judgment
17:11 in who you're dating or seeing, and making decisions about
17:16 because what you're driving is,
17:18 is the despair or the desperation
17:21 or the loneliness... and not the fact that
17:24 I need a mate who is going to be a
17:26 good partner... who will help establish a
17:29 solid home... Hmmm... hmmm...
17:32 ...for both of us... you know, it's a different
17:35 mentality and emotion that drives it
17:38 so I needed to stay busy... And you did... and you traveled
17:42 a lot and you did a lot of great things...
17:46 you got involved in good causes, what would you say
17:50 to women now... and I know that...
17:52 that's what this book is about, this eBook... is about really
17:56 focusing on women who are single...
17:59 who aren't in a relationship, what would you say to them
18:02 Patti, as to how to
18:05 kind of navigate through that... they want someone...
18:09 but they just don't have anybody
18:11 would you recommend online dating services,
18:14 would you... how would you recommend
18:17 that they proceed,
18:18 Well, here's the thing... I don't necessarily want to
18:21 recommend... the book is using my story
18:24 and what I did to have a content, joyful, single life...
18:32 Hmmm... ... and hopefully as they
18:35 read it... they can get some ideas,
18:38 try things they think would work for them...
18:40 or things they haven't thought of before...
18:42 because I don't consider myself an "expert" at telling you
18:47 what to do... but I feel that because I was single
18:51 and I have to say, I did get married,
18:53 And we're going to talk about that too...
18:56 ...but at the time when I wrote the book
18:58 that was nowhere on the horizon...
19:00 Hmmm... hmmm... You know, I couldn't...
19:02 I didn't see the future and know that
19:04 that was in my future, and so, what I would say is,
19:08 my burden for writing the book is... I want single women
19:14 and men... but mostly talking to single women
19:17 and specifically to "never married women"
19:20 that there is contentment, and joy
19:24 in your life as it is... right now... whatever the hope is
19:29 I'm not saying that you should not remain hopeful...
19:32 Hmmm... hmmm... ... but I don't think
19:33 the hope should drive the decisions that you make
19:36 for yourself right now... I did not want the hope
19:39 to drive the decisions I made in dating...
19:43 or in my personal life... you know, I have,
19:46 former students now, since I've been teaching
19:49 at Oakwood University for 16 years...
19:51 and a former student... called up...
19:53 and, sometimes, you know, they do that... and chat
19:55 and tell me what's going on and she was considering buying
19:59 a house... and some advice that she was
20:02 getting from very close people was,
20:05 "Don't do that... don't buy a house...
20:08 I mean... if you buy a house,
20:10 what man is going to think
20:13 that he can give you anything, if you have everything
20:15 for yourself, then what's he going to be able to do?"
20:19 Hmmm... ... and that's a very real line
20:22 of thinking that people have, but my feeling or position
20:27 was a little different... because, my thing is,
20:30 if it's financially viable, if it's a good investment
20:34 for you to do that, do it...
20:36 Hmmm... hmmm... ... because you can't...
20:38 put anything on hold
20:40 in the hopes that...
20:42 this mate is going to come along...
20:44 That's right... ... and I don't ascribe to that
20:47 line of thinking at all...
20:49 I feel... as long as you're praying and making steps
20:52 that the Lord says you should make,
20:55 buy that house... you know, and if the guy comes
20:58 along or if the mate comes along... then you talk about
21:02 what you do with that house... you know,
21:04 Yeah... ... cross that bridge
21:05 when you get to it... but don't make decisions
21:08 with this thought of... getting a man...
21:10 Right... ... you know, live your life
21:13 ...live your life... Live your life...
21:15 ...live your life to the fullest extent...
21:17 Yes, yes, yes, so, when and how did you meet Al?
21:23 Funny... I met Al through a setup...
21:30 a setup that worked... Finally, thank you Lord...
21:36 so through mutual friends... actually, I had finished
21:41 the book... it was about a year...
21:43 after I had finished the book, the manuscript... I should say,
21:46 that we met... and in another year,
21:51 before we were married, so two years after finishing
21:54 the manuscript... I was married... and...
21:56 will have been married 20 years... October the 3rd
22:00 Praise the Lord... and to a wonderful man... I must say...
22:03 Absolutely wonderful... He just fits right into
22:05 the family... ... he does... he does... and
22:07 all the qualities that I wanted
22:09 but I had to have an open mind
22:11 when I met him... for the first time...
22:13 and I'm not going to say too much about that
22:15 because that's book two... Oh... I think you're trying
22:19 to get another interview... Awesome, awesome...
22:23 Now, what are you doing now as far as the eBook
22:28 is concerned... how can people get it...
22:30 because it's... at the end...
22:32 I have to tell the viewers, at the end of each chapter
22:35 there's a question, for you to ponder...
22:37 I love this eBook... and you know, I wouldn't...
22:40 honestly Patti, you know me... I wouldn't even say that...
22:42 No, I believe you... you tell me...
22:44 you know, you give me the correct criticism...
22:46 I would... I would... I would not say that
22:48 it if weren't good... it is really good...
22:50 Thank you... And it has such value...
22:51 spiritually... because I think you let the reader know
22:56 that staying in touch with God is key...
23:00 It's key... Tell us why...
23:02 It's key because God is there through the whole process
23:08 Hmmm... hmmm... ... and when you're in those
23:11 down times... when you are depressed...
23:14 and you're tired of coming home to just the house,
23:17 and your TV, or your music,
23:23 your MP3 or your... you know, whatever you use,
23:26 when you've had a hard day,
23:29 and all you would like
23:30 is to just have somebody there to rub your feet
23:34 or cuddle you up and give you his or her strength
23:38 that's hard, but God is there... and even though, in those times,
23:44 when I felt that way, and I didn't want to hear about God
23:47 "Yeah, I know He's there, He's always there,
23:49 but I don't want to hear that right now...
23:51 you know, I want to cuddle,
23:53 I want a human being, I want a body right there... "
23:57 you know, and I would go through those moments
24:00 because that's natural, Right...
24:01 ...but after I would have my pity party...
24:04 and listen to all the love songs in the dark
24:07 and I'd have my tissue and my ice cream
24:09 and, you know, have your pity party for a while...
24:13 a day or so... then I could climb out of it
24:15 and go, "You know what... God is there... "
24:19 and I read my scriptures that are, you know,
24:22 soothing to me... and Psalms and Proverbs
24:25 and the promises of Him always being there and
24:30 and that would make me feel better
24:32 and give me the renewed energy
24:34 to pick myself up out of that little hole,
24:37 and get to moving again, you know, and so, that's just...
24:42 so Church, for me, was important and staying connected
24:46 with friends in the Church and staying connected with my family
24:50 and just keeping all the connections
24:54 that help you become who you are and maintain yourself...
24:58 it's very important... It is... so that you don't
25:01 become isolated... Right...
25:02 because it's very easy to isolate
25:04 very easy... and you don't want to be...
25:07 if you want to be married, you got to keep yourself out there
25:10 You don't need to isolate... ... you can't be a hermit
25:13 in your house and think that you're really going to find
25:16 somebody... that doesn't work well...
25:18 It doesn't work well... So, how can we get your eBook?
25:21 You can get it on any site that sells eBooks
25:26 such as Barnes and Noble's Nook, Amazon's Kindle, iBooks, Sony,
25:32 Script, COPIA, Kobo, I'm trying to think of
25:38 some others... I think it's Baker and Taylor...
25:41 so the main ones that everybody knows... Amazon...
25:44 Barnes and Noble Nook... if you have the Nook App,
25:47 if you have the Kindle App, or iBooks...
25:49 if you have an iPhone or iPad... Awesome... I'm so glad
25:53 you wrote this book... Thank you...
25:54 it is really, really a blessing. Thank you... and I hope that it
25:58 really ministers to anybody who buys it... to read it...
26:02 What are you looking to achieve with it?
26:03 I want to start a dialogue really... about...
26:07 first of all... should we be setting up an expectation
26:11 that everybody is going to get married?
26:13 Hmmm... Because current statistics are
26:15 showing that its... August 2013 article in USA Today
26:22 said, "One in four households are single... "
26:24 One in four...
26:26 One in four households are single...
26:28 that's since 1970 that single households have
26:31 more than doubled to over 30 million...
26:34 you know, other statistics say that 40 percent of all women
26:37 have never married... so...
26:39 And in the African-American Community...
26:41 ...it's even higher... It's even higher...
26:43 ...it's even higher... Yeah...
26:44 ...and not that... people need to get stuck
26:46 in the statistics and go, "Oh, I have no chance,
26:49 because 55 percent of African American women are... "
26:51 It's easier to be struck by lightening...
26:53 Yeah, you know, it's not about that...
26:54 it's just about being aware of what reality is...
26:58 Right... ... and the fact that people
26:59 may be getting married later, but in the interim... you know,
27:04 let's learn how to process where we are...
27:07 so that we can get contented and joyful right now.
27:11 Yes, in whatever situation we're in...
27:15 And doesn't Paul say that? Yes...
27:17 However I am... I need to be content...
27:19 Exactly... Absolutely...
27:21 Thank you so much... You're welcome...
27:22 Patti, I love you... Thank you for having me on,
27:25 I'm so glad you're here... Well, in the NIV...
27:28 New International Version, Psalm 68:6 it says that,
27:32 "The Lord puts the lonely in families... "
27:35 So, if you're lonely... go to God...
27:37 talk to Him... get involved in service for others
27:40 and trust that your best life can be found in Him...
27:44 God's got a plan for you, and if it's meant to be
27:47 He's got that someone for you and if not...
27:50 He will be your everything. Well, once again...
27:53 it's time to go... Thanks so much for tuning in.
27:55 Join us next time... because you know what...
27:58 it just wouldn't be the same without you...


Revised 2015-01-22