Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Ryan Johnson
Series Code: UBR
Program Code: UBR000065
00:01 Does your mind shut down when you study the books
00:03 of Daniel and Revelation... Well, stay tuned to meet 00:06 a man that has an answer for you... 00:08 You will not want to miss this program... 00:10 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching 00:12 Urban Report... 00:35 Hello and welcome to Urban Report... 00:37 My guest today is Ryan Johnson, Founder and CEO 00:41 of Bellum Art and Engineering Yeah... Ryan... 00:45 I'm so glad you're here... Dr. Lewis... such a blessing 00:48 to be here... Oh... thank you... 00:50 Ryan, you're work is so exciting... 00:53 and you were here with us before on Skype... 00:55 Yes... and we were talking about 00:58 a project that was coming... Yes... 01:00 ...and now you're here to tell us about the project 01:03 that God has brought to fruition. 01:07 Praise the Lord... yes... We know, that this is God's work 01:11 you know... the work that you've been doing... 01:14 and I want you to tell us all about it... 01:15 the work that you've been doing, has been so important 01:19 because you bring... you bring something different 01:23 to the prophecies... you put it on film... 01:26 tell us about... this project... what's the name of it... 01:30 tell us about... just tell us about it... 01:32 Again... praise the Lord that I'm sitting here... 01:35 because you know from our conversations 01:38 some of the challenges and things that we had met with 01:43 as we have endeavored to do this. 01:45 The dream... was to create something that was captivating, 01:51 Hmmm... ... we wanted to re-excite 01:54 if you will, God's people, so that they would return 01:57 to prophecy... it seems as though 02:00 we have been studying some things and gotten weary 02:04 and wanted to move on to others and with the new media 02:08 and the new technology that is available, 02:10 we dreamed that with God's help we could put something 02:14 together that would get people ignited again... 02:17 and they would go back into the prophecy 02:20 and they would study these very important things 02:23 especially, considering that these are the last days... 02:26 Yeah... you know... a lot of times like what I said 02:30 in the tease... a lot of people their minds... 02:32 maybe me sometimes too... your mind shuts down sometimes 02:36 because you're reading... because you're using your 02:39 imagination to see some of this, but if you could actually 02:43 have a visual representation of it... it can make 02:48 the information stick much better... 02:51 How did this project come to be? 02:54 What made you decide to do this? Well, you remember... 02:57 our previous project "Redemption" 03:00 Oh... do I remember! we play it on Dare to Dream 03:02 every... I think it might be almost every day... 03:05 and I know... sometimes... it's on the weekends... 03:07 I mean... it is a... if you haven't seen "Redemption" 03:11 you have to see it... it is just... 03:13 it's a powerful piece... so yes, I do remember Redemption 03:16 We had no idea... when we were putting that together... 03:20 that the Lord would bless it in the way that He has... 03:23 and that it would have... such an impact with people... 03:26 What's been happening with it? Well, first, there's the power 03:30 of the story... Hmmm... hmmm... 03:31 ...we were talking about that earlier... 03:33 I mean... the story tells itself, 03:35 it never gets old... it never ages... 03:38 and when the story of Jesus the story of redemption 03:42 beginning with the war in heaven and ending with that hallelujah 03:46 blessed return of Jesus to save us... 03:49 when you tell that story from beginning to end 03:53 it never fails to move people so that's where the strength 03:57 of "Redemption" lies... it is in that story 04:00 but what has happened is... we have put together 04:04 we've put together... a group of people... 04:08 and they are telling the story in such a fashion 04:11 that brings it to life... when we first were doing 04:15 "Redemption," we endeavored to use some special effects 04:17 and we were just dabbling in the area... at the time... 04:20 Hmmm... ... to bring to life.. things... 04:22 such as Christ walking on the water... 04:25 Hmmm... I mean, these are iconic images 04:27 but to see Christ standing there... 04:30 things such as... the return of 04:33 Jesus... and what we initially wanted to do... 04:36 was to have Jesus return and people could see Him 04:41 in the sky and actually recognize buildings and 04:45 landmarks... so Jesus would be returning... where we live... 04:50 Hmmm... that was what we wanted to do 04:53 with "Redemption" and when that was finished... 04:56 we worked with you... and again, we didn't know 05:00 what the potential was... so, people like yourself... 05:02 seeing it and saying, "You know what, 05:04 there may be something there. " After that, "Redemption" has 05:07 played all over the world... and we get responses 05:11 almost every day... from someone... somewhere... 05:15 speaking some language saying, "We have been blessed 05:18 by this Ministry... " Praise God... praise God... 05:22 Praise God... And so, that is the project 05:24 that kind of catapulted you 05:26 into this next project... 05:28 Daniel and the Revelation... tell us... how did you 05:30 come to decide to do that one? Very early on... very early on.. 05:36 and you may remember this conversation... 05:38 we said, you know, 05:40 we would like to do "Daniel" 05:42 Hmmm... hmmm... .. now I have a personal passion 05:45 for Daniel... I'm a Daniel guy... 05:47 Are you... I love prophecy... 05:49 I love seeing how... what Christ has said 05:53 links up with what is happening and seeing how it reaffirms 05:56 our faith, you know, and we wanted to do a piece... 06:01 we could envision "Daniel" those prophecies... 06:05 some of the things that we're seeing... 06:07 as well as "Revelation" the things that John saw... 06:10 we could envision these things hitting the screen in such a way 06:14 that people would stop whatever they were doing... 06:18 you know, making salad in a mixing bowl... 06:21 or vacuuming the floor... stuff that I do... 06:23 whatever they're doing... they see this and they stop 06:28 and they are arrested by the imagery... 06:31 and of course... they are guided back to Scripture... 06:34 that was what the dream was... and we set out to do that... 06:39 but such an undertaking... was much... much larger 06:43 than "Redemption"... in fact... many times we wondered 06:47 if it was possible at all... Hmmm... now... 06:50 and we're going to put up one of your trailer previews... 06:56 for us... in just a minute... "O Lucifer" 07:00 but this project was much larger than "Redemption"... 07:05 how so... in terms of cash or in terms of expenses... how so? 07:10 We have a saying... "Only the best for Christ" 07:14 we say that among ourselves... and when we saw 07:17 that we had an opportunity to do a ministry... 07:20 we then, of course, said, 07:22 "All right now, how may we do our very best?" 07:25 Hmmm... So, we outlined that 07:27 and that automatically extended the boundaries beyond what 07:31 the parameters were for "Redemption" 07:33 but what we wanted to do was a two-fold project 07:38 we wanted to create something that could be 07:41 broadcast... that people could watch, 07:43 and people could ingest and then digest... 07:46 spiritually... the things that they were seeing 07:50 but we've discovered that this is a ground war 07:54 Hmmm... ... there are preachers... 07:56 there are ministers, there are evangelists, 07:59 there are Bible workers, that as we speak are out there.. 08:02 in the bush... they are out there spreading the gospel, 08:05 they are working hard, they are winning souls, 08:07 they are preparing for the Second Coming 08:10 and we discovered as we marched around the Country 08:13 and tried to get support for this project... 08:16 that those people... would very much appreciate 08:19 the opportunity to use some of this stuff in their work 08:24 for Christ... Yes... 08:25 so the second half of what we wanted to create 08:28 was what we call an "Evangelistic Toolset" 08:32 Hmmm... hmmm... ... something that Evangelists 08:34 could use... now we've been using imagery in our seminars 08:38 and in our sermons for many, many years... 08:40 but we have been using pictures, we've been using what we have, 08:43 Right... ... so what if we could put 08:45 together a toolset... just the latest and greatest, 08:48 the best that we can do, something that Evangelists 08:51 could take out into the field and they could use to supplement 08:55 their ministry... so that's the second half of the "Daniel" 08:59 the broadcast and the evangelistic toolset... 09:02 So, you have two aspects of it then... 09:05 the Evangelistic Toolset and the Broadcast... the Docudrama... 09:11 so to speak... Yes, that's correct... 09:12 and so... this could be used by Pastors, by Bible Workers, 09:18 by Bible Study Groups at Church, by people who have... 09:23 people who have Bible Study Groups in their homes... 09:27 this is... it's tremendous... let's show... set up for us 09:32 "O Lucifer" what is this about? 09:33 You know... it's very difficult to convince people 09:39 to play a bad guy... And who wants to play Lucifer 09:45 right... who wants to be Satan... right... 09:48 We have this process that we go through when we are going 09:52 to ask a person to be a character... 09:54 I mean, we think over it, then we pray about it 09:56 and pray about it and then we go to Church... 09:58 and that poor person is sitting there 10:00 and we're just looking at him... "What's with that guy 10:03 back there... why is he staring at me... 10:04 'Security'" and so, when we approached 10:09 "Lucifer"... now... Lucifer had been in some of our 10:12 previous previews... you may recognize him from 10:15 a promo that you've seen called "Message of the First Angel" 10:20 but as we watched and we watched we became more impressed 10:24 you know, that this is a bad guy 10:27 I'm sure he'd love to hear that. 10:29 he's a great guy but we went to him 10:32 and we asked him to play this part... and I mean... 10:34 he really, really encapsulated it... 10:36 I mean... he really puts 10:40 the "Lucifer" forth... so what you are about to see 10:43 is actually a clip from the millennial period 10:45 so Christ has come and He has taken His own 10:49 and then there is that millennium... 10:52 and Lucifer is brooding... so, what you are about to see 10:57 is just a clip from that time... And he has no one to tempt... 11:02 He has no one to tempt... and he is just there... 11:04 Okay... let's see it... 11:23 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer... 11:28 son of the morning... 11:31 how art thou cut down to the ground... 11:34 which didst weaken the nations... 11:37 for thou hast said in thine heart, 11:39 "I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne 11:44 above the stars of God... I will sit also upon the mount 11:48 of the congregation in the sides of the North... 11:51 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds... 11:55 I will be like the most High... 12:08 yet, thou shalt be brought down to hell... 13:30 Whew... Yeah... 13:32 that is powerful... Scary... 13:34 Yes... ma'am... Yes, yes... and the desolation 13:38 you know, during that time, 13:39 during the millennium... nobody is here... 13:41 and he's just standing there... and... wow... that's powerful... 13:46 What was your largest challenge, in putting this together? 13:51 What do you think was the biggest challenge 13:54 that you had in pulling all of this together? 13:57 This is going to sound... odd... but really... Faith, here's how. 14:04 When we knew what we were going to do... 14:08 and we became convinced that this is what 14:11 God wanted us to do... and there's a point, 14:14 when one is convinced... 14:15 we said, "All right... this is how... " 14:17 we are going to raise the money that we need... 14:19 we're going to get all the support that we need... 14:22 get everything together... and when we have it... 14:24 then... we will begin... but Satan had us in a 14:27 holding pattern... Hmmm... 14:28 ...he was just going to keep us out there... 14:31 looking and trying to get everything together... 14:33 knowing that it was never going to be fully ready 14:36 before... fully... everything that we needed, 14:38 would never be there before we would begin... 14:41 we would never reach that point... 14:42 and I had a personal experience that caused me to say 14:47 to my wife, Vanessa, lovely young woman... 14:49 Yes, she is... I said, "Honey, we are doing 14:52 this wrong... the Lord wants us to begin this now... on Faith... 14:59 Oh, come on now... ... and when we begin... 15:01 I believe... the doors will open... " 15:04 Ah... ... so when I got on the phone 15:06 with you and I told you how it is... we were going to 15:08 go about this... and you said, 15:09 "Go for it... be strong my Brother... " 15:11 and that's what we did... having no idea 15:14 how we were going to finish it, we stepped out there... 15:17 I stopped everything else that I was doing and dedicated myself 15:21 a 100 percent to the "Daniel Project" 15:23 Hmmm... ... it was faith... 15:25 the biggest barrier was us realizing how God wanted us 15:28 to go about this work... and don't you know, Dr. Lewis, 15:31 don't you know... as soon as we began to work... 15:35 not only, of course, did the devil attack... 15:37 but the Lord started opening doors and throwing open windows 15:40 Come on... come on now... ... we must move... 15:43 and I'm not preaching... I'm telling you what I had to learn. 15:46 No, go ahead and preach, go ahead and preach, we love it. 15:49 That is what I had to learn... we got to move... 15:52 we have to move... that was our barrier... 15:55 realizing that we needed to move... 15:58 Yes... isn't it something... and that has... 16:00 that's very similar to the 3abn story too... where God gives you 16:06 something to do... and you have to... 16:09 it's like Moses... you have to put your feet in the water... 16:13 you know, you have to know that God's going to 16:16 part that Red Sea for you... He's going to do it... 16:18 but you have to have faith and know... as soon as you get 16:21 that assignment... bam! and that's what God did... 16:25 as soon as you realized... this is a walk of faith... 16:29 Without faith it's impossible to please Him... right? 16:32 So, you put your feet in the water and the Red Seas parted 16:37 and God got this done... Yes... ma'am... 16:39 Aww man, that's tremendous... that's tremendous Ryan... 16:44 What denominations have gotten involved... other denominations 16:48 besides Adventists have gotten involved in this project? 16:51 This was a surprising thing... of course, Prophecy and Daniel 16:57 etc. does seem to be the purview of the Adventist 17:01 denomination... but there came a point... I mean... 17:04 how many times I've said this... you remember this... 17:07 Hmmm... hmmm... ... there came a point 17:09 when we said, "You know, we may need to go out 17:12 there and see what other people think of this... " 17:16 and it turns out... with the 2012 craze 17:19 everybody is in this apocalyptic frame of mind... 17:23 Hmmm... What shall happen? 17:24 How's it going to be? Will the world end in fire 17:26 or in ice... as the poet said? and nothing happened... 17:30 Hmmm... hmmm... you know, but not that everyone 17:32 had gone out and sold everything but they still were wondering 17:36 so what exactly does... the Word say? 17:39 And so, we started going out... and I will never forget... 17:43 my first meeting with the Bishop we'll just call him "the Bishop" 17:46 Okay... ... in North Carolina, you know, 17:48 and I walk in... and I've got my little 17:51 "Daniel stuff" under my arm and he says, you know, 17:53 "What is it?" I didn't even know what we 17:55 were looking for... I think... just wanted to see what he... 17:59 how he would respond... now we had prepared... 18:02 I'd met with my mentor, Pr. Mendinghall... 18:05 I talked with you... 18:06 we'd gone on and on... what do we need to say 18:09 when we go into this arena... Hmmm... hmmm... 18:11 I didn't want to go in and preach... didn't want to lecture 18:15 so I just stood up there... and found some common ground... 18:18 in this case... it was... Martin Luther... 18:20 from the Reformation... and I began to show 18:26 the imagery from the Daniel Project... 18:29 and the Bishop stands up and he says, 18:32 "I've been looking for something like this... " 18:35 he asked, "What is your denomination?" 18:38 and I told him, "Oh, I'm a Seventh-day Adventist. " 18:40 He says, "Hmmm... hmmm... " and he had the expression... 18:43 he had heard about Seventh-day Adventists... 18:44 for good or for ill... 18:45 Did he think we were a cult... did he think we were a cult or.. 18:49 I was afraid to go down that road... but what he saw 18:54 convicted him and he said, "When you have finished this... 18:56 I want to show this to my congregation... " 18:58 and I'll tell you further, ma'am, I was having a meeting 19:02 and I won't mention this denomination... 19:04 but with a large denomination here in the United States 19:08 and this person... the Head of the denomination 19:11 said, "When this is finished, I want every one 19:14 of my Churches 19:16 in the United States and around the world... to see this" 19:20 Wow... I never would have imagined it. 19:24 I could not have imagined it. And they know what we 19:27 teach... our eschatology they're familiar with it? 19:30 That is a challenge... Wow... 19:32 ...but what we have tried to do... is remain... 19:35 as Scripturally-based as possible... 19:37 Hmmm... hmmm... 19:39 The Word is the litmus paper... test us... 19:41 go to the Word and see Right... 19:42 ...and so just like "Redemption" at every opportunity... 19:45 we flash our Scripture... we flash our Scripture 19:48 and they have a desire for the Word... 19:52 Hmmm... hmmm... ... and because of this common 19:54 desire... we have discovered that we can walk together 19:57 on this path of Prophecy... and we'll just keep kicking truth 20:01 as long as they will listen to it... 20:03 Wow! we have another clip I'd love for our viewers to see 20:09 so that they can see some of what you've taken 20:12 to these denominations... this one's called "Preparations" 20:16 What's this one about? "Preparations" 20:19 now I've done a lot of talking so I'll try to be concise 20:22 in this clip... you see Christ and Christ is just finishing up 20:29 His work... in the heavenly sanctuary... 20:32 and He has on... His priestly garb... 20:35 and He is preparing... to come and get His children again... 20:39 Oh... great... ... that's all it is... 20:41 Let's take a look... 23:34 Wow... Ryan, you know... God is good... 23:38 ...when you think about Jesus getting ready to come back 23:42 for us... it is just... it's so powerful... 23:45 it's so powerful... we have one more clip 23:48 and I do want to show it before the end of the Program... 23:51 this is "Storm is Coming" set it up for us... 23:53 "Storm is coming... " here you see angels among us 23:57 and the simple message is... God's messengers had been here 24:01 guiding... and time is about up... 24:03 All right... Let's take a look... 24:18 We've always been here... messengers, warriors, 24:24 implements of God... who mold the history 24:29 of humanity... sometimes we are seen... 24:35 to protect, to encourage, to guide, 24:42 but mostly we're invisible... unseen, unheard, 24:50 and to those who doubt... unreal... 25:25 storms are coming... 25:29 we've been holding back the winds... 25:31 to protect... but not forever... 25:43 not forever... 25:54 Ryan... this isn't fair... 'cause I want to see 25:58 the whole thing... so you know what that means 26:01 right... I have got to see the whole thing... 26:03 you got to send it to me... Yes ma'am... 26:05 I can't wait to get it... Ryan, thank you so much 26:07 for being with us... Praise the Lord... 26:09 thank you for having me... ... Thank you for what 26:11 you've been doing... is there any... 26:12 anything that you would like to leave with the viewers... 26:15 what are your needs, you do you need still, 26:18 do you need more funds to help with this... 26:20 what are your needs, tell our viewers... 26:22 Yes, of course, we can always use some support... 26:26 if the viewers would like to support... 26:28 they can go to our website which is www. bellumae. org 26:34 there's a little button on there you can make a contribution 26:37 to support the Ministry... and, of course, I would always 26:40 like to leave with the viewers to go back to Prophecy... 26:44 go back to Prophecy... and study... and get tight... 26:48 because the end is coming... The end is coming... 26:51 Yes ma'am... we know that... 26:54 soon the Lord will come, and everything that we can use 26:59 to promote the gospel, to help people to understand 27:04 prophecy better... we have to use it... 27:07 we have tools now... you've given us tools... 27:10 Thank you... thank you Brother Ryan... 27:13 Thank you for having me... I so appreciate 27:15 all that your doing... Viewers, know that there is 27:18 something that we can do... we might not be... 27:23 in a film or docudrama... but we can support 27:27 the work of the Lord... so please, help to support 27:31 Bellum Art and Engineering... whatever.. no gift is too small, 27:35 because we really need to get the Word out... 27:38 Well, once again... it's time to go... 27:41 We pray that this program has been a blessing to you... 27:45 and an inspiration to you... We pray that you will get 27:49 behind this work... and that you will help 27:51 to promote the work of the Lord... 27:54 through your love gifts and your prayers... 27:56 Thanks for tuning in... join us next time... 27:59 It just wouldn't be the same... without you. |
Revised 2015-01-21