Urban Report

True Step Ministries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Cheri Peters


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000064

00:01 Stay tuned to meet a woman who was abused, homeless at 13
00:04 and illiterate until she was 23-years-old...
00:07 Find out how God has transformed her life...
00:10 My name is Yvonne Lewis, and you're watching Urban Report
00:35 Hello and welcome to Urban Report
00:37 my guest today is Cheri Peters founder of True Step Ministries
00:42 author, speaker and host of Celebrating Life in Recovery
00:46 on 3abn and Dare to Dream... Welcome my precious friend...
00:51 You know what... we have not got to hang out
00:53 together... this is like the first time...
00:55 I know, I know, I'm so excited
00:56 that you're here because I was looking forward to just
00:59 spending some time with you, I know our viewers already
01:02 watch you on Celebrating Life in Recovery
01:04 but some might not know you, so, I want to kind of
01:07 let them know who you are, what you're doing,
01:09 I got to tell you this, so, like about a year or two
01:13 before I actually met you... I was watching you
01:16 on Celebrating Life in Recovery and I'm saying,
01:18 "Man, this woman is so transparent,
01:21 is so on fire for God, she just exudes God's love,
01:25 and I said, "I have to meet you" and then when the Lord
01:29 brought me here... it's like...
01:31 you had to be on Dare to Dream...
01:33 because what you're doing is so appropriate for our
01:38 Dare to Dream audience...
01:39 Well, when you say that, what's really interesting is
01:42 you talked about coming from... I mean, my parents were
01:45 just lost in their own stuff... they had parents that were
01:48 lost in addictions... they got lost in that kind of stuff,
01:51 my dad was sexually twisted and was molesting us...
01:54 they were both kids, you know, and I was on the streets
01:57 by the time I was young, but I remember, you know,
02:00 even in their addiction, if you liked something,
02:03 if I had a toy and I liked it, it was like...
02:06 they'd get agitated and I would lose that toy,
02:09 so, I stopped daring to dream about anything
02:12 Hmmmm... ... and so, in my recovery
02:15 at 23... I meet God and God shows me...
02:18 not only who am I... after my.. coming out of my drug
02:21 addiction because by this time, I am illiterate
02:24 but I'm strung out on heroin, I've been 10 years on the street
02:27 I've seen stuff that would just make you want to throw up,
02:30 and He shows me who I am the day after resurrection...
02:33 Whoa... ... not who am I after the day
02:36 that I stopped using heroin... the day after resurrection...
02:39 who are you? Unpack that for us...
02:41 Well, you know, just like... what I saw was this
02:45 incredibly healthy, innocent, "whole" person,
02:49 that is myself... but is not close to anything I ever knew,
02:53 you know... when you... I love this network...
02:55 Dare to Dream... because you talk to people
02:57 that are really lost sometimes, in some hard places...
03:00 they're raising kids and they're financially
03:02 are going from paycheck to paycheck...
03:04 or they're struggling with all that kind of stuff
03:06 or single parents... all of that kind of stuff
03:08 but you know... it's just like...
03:10 who are we after all this is over...
03:12 you know, who are we after all that, you know,
03:15 and I'm thinking... I just wept and I thought,
03:17 "If you can get me there... if you can literally get me there,
03:21 I will do whatever... " so I'm standing up
03:24 not to just stop using heroin, I'm standing up to find out
03:29 how do I get to the day after resurrection...
03:31 How do I get there? and God says,
03:33 "You allow me to love you... you allow me to transform you,
03:36 you allow me to show you what your talents are...
03:38 and I don't care who you are, but you have talents
03:41 that you never even explored... the enemy has lied to you
03:44 sometimes from the womb, all of your life...
03:47 you've got this lie... and this society that may be
03:50 even lying to you because of your circumstances and God says,
03:53 "Can you step away from the lies just briefly... and let me
03:56 show you how cool you are, how incredible you are... "
03:59 How amazing is God! because... you came from a
04:05 situation of rejection and so you needed to feel this
04:09 enveloping love and God showed you who you are at your essence
04:14 because you were rejected by your parents...
04:17 but so loved and accepted by Him and He's showing you who you are
04:22 and not only who you are... but the plan that He had for you
04:26 Absolutely... Your divine destiny...
04:28 which is what we talk about on this network all the time
04:31 where He wanted you to be and the things that you've
04:34 accomplished... by the grace of God...
04:36 Cheri, did you ever think that God would use you
04:39 to host a program, to write books,
04:42 to do all of these things...
04:43 that God has done for you... He's shown you...
04:46 who you are... at your essence. And Yvonne... and some of your
04:50 viewers are going to actually get this...
04:52 but even in the writing of the book...
04:54 someone hears my story and my recovery and they said,
04:57 "We want to write that as a book"
04:58 and they assigned a writer to me I mean, I was illiterate at 23,
05:02 I had to learn to read... went back to school...
05:04 did all that kind of stuff... but, you know, I'm not a writer,
05:06 and so, they assigned this writer who is so normal
05:09 she's been 4th-generation Adventist...
05:12 she's vegan... vegetarian... and I'm thinking...
05:14 my sister has a porn site and is a stripper
05:16 and my other sister is a meth addict...
05:18 my dad dies in a crack house, I was strung out on heroin
05:21 how are you going to write this story?
05:23 and I asked her, I said, "Have you ever... "
05:25 you know... like...
05:27 "Have you ever done anything" and I mean,
05:29 that's a ridiculous question
05:30 but, "Have you ever done anything?" and so I called my
05:32 sister in LA and I say, "You know what... I'm going to
05:35 send this woman over to you... can you kind of take her
05:37 to work and just walk around with her...
05:39 and she's doing a drug deal, she's stripping at a club,
05:42 and I'm sending this writer that's been assigned to me
05:45 by a publishing house... to a strip club...
05:49 and I'm saying, "Just hang out... "
05:50 and my sister meets her at the airport and says,
05:53 "What do I do with her again.. " "Just hang out with her... "
05:57 and even when she came back, I realized, you can't write this
06:01 so I had to let her go... and then she wasn't real happy
06:03 with me... "I just have to let you go... "
06:05 and I'm crying to God... I'm saying,
06:07 "God, I just fired the writer... and I'm not a writer
06:11 and I know that... " Wasn't she horrified though
06:14 when she was hanging out with your sister?
06:15 No, she just didn't get it... she couldn't relate at all
06:18 and she was so out of the thing... and I said,
06:20 "How do you write this story and not write it as if you're
06:23 horrified... or not write it in such self-pity...
06:26 don't pity me... just help me to stand... "
06:28 you know what I mean... Yes... yes...
06:29 and a lot of people just yell like that...
06:31 "Don't you look at me like that, I just need to stand... "
06:33 Yeah... "I just need to learn...
06:34 and I don't want you to teach you... have you teach me
06:37 as if I'm ignorant... teach me
06:38 with respect... " Yeah...
06:39 "You know, I really want to look at that stuff. "
06:41 So, I let her go and I'm crying
06:43 to God and I'm praying, and I said,
06:45 "God, I just fired the writer" and I hear the Holy Spirit say,
06:48 "You know what... I can help you write that... "
06:50 and I'm even crying more, I'm not a writer...
06:52 I couldn't even... I mean... I was illiterate at 23...
06:54 I mean... this is ridiculous for me to think that
06:56 and I hear God saying, "You know what Cheri,
06:58 I've written a book before and it's doing okay... "
07:00 And I thought... shut up... how cool is that?
07:03 I love that... I love that...
07:06 This is nothing new for God right... "I think I got this. "
07:10 And being able to say... even in our ignorance
07:13 and to anybody that's listening please get this,
07:16 when you feel like you have nothing to offer
07:19 God says... "Please don't even give that to me... I am God...
07:23 I spoke the world into existence and I can speak whatever
07:26 into your life... I know you baby girl... "
07:29 you know what I mean... Yes... yes... yes... yes
07:31 ...and so for me... it was... coming from the lifestyle
07:35 I came from... and even looking back now...
07:37 I look back at my mom and my dad I still have more compassion
07:41 on them than I did in the first part of my recovery...
07:43 because they didn't have what they needed
07:45 in order to be loved, I mean, so, now I'm looking at
07:49 God and saying, "I so...
07:51 I want to kiss you on the face,
07:54 I want to thank you for every time you woke me up
07:56 and showed me something else, gave me the courage
07:59 to dare to dream... gave me the courage to stand up,
08:03 gave me the courage to allow people to speak into my life
08:06 so that I'm not saddled with the lies that were
08:08 generationally old... " And, you know, we need to...
08:11 we need to focus on that just for a minute because
08:13 so many of our viewers feel that they are so encumbered
08:17 by their circumstances, you know, my family didn't love me,
08:21 my family rejected me... my family abused me... whatever,
08:25 and you're saying that God gave you the
08:27 spirit of forgiveness... a way to look at them with compassion,
08:31 that you didn't have before... because you were in it...
08:34 you were in the throes of it, and God can do that...
08:37 He can give us that forgiveness, He can give us that compassion,
08:40 so that we can forgive those who really hurt us...
08:43 Not only... you can forgive... but you literally can step back
08:49 in... and ask them to forgive you...
08:52 my mom... every time...
08:54 as a 3-year-old girl,
08:55 even younger... every time I needed her to
08:58 love me or touch me... or hold me...
09:00 she's got so guilt-ridden... so angry with you
09:04 so much... that because of her shame
09:06 of not knowing how to do that,
09:08 not knowing how to be there...
09:09 that she withdrew more and more and more...
09:11 when God showed me that... I felt like... what a cycle...
09:16 so the devil strategically came against her...
09:18 even when I just wanted to be kissed...
09:20 so, I called her one day and I said, "Forgive me for that
09:23 because I didn't know... " and she's like,
09:25 "What... to forgive you... " you know,
09:27 and it was just a cool place to be... is that... you know,
09:31 I no longer am demanding someone to make it right...
09:35 God is making it right... I'm releasing the people
09:37 around me and all the strategies that the devil had
09:40 to ruin my life... just fall away...
09:42 Yes, because when you forgive and when you release that
09:47 it's so healing to you... it's not just what happens
09:52 for them... it also helps to heal you
09:55 and God is releasing you from the pain...
09:57 and from all of that you went through...
09:59 He's releasing you from it... It's an amazing thing...
10:03 So not only healing psychologically
10:05 Why... ... because I'm so damaged,
10:07 I'm so twisted... I'm flaky... I've got attachment disorder,
10:09 bonding disorder... those that really heavy issues...
10:12 and yet all of a sudden... I'm forgiving,
10:15 and I feel like... somehow... I'm an inch taller...
10:18 my bones feel healthier, I laugh deeper,
10:22 do you know what I mean, and all those kinds of things
10:25 You feel joy... It's huge...
10:27 "The joy of the Lord is our strength... "
10:29 and when we hold on to bitterness...
10:31 even if it's... you know... I have the right...
10:34 my dad molested me from the time I was 3-months-old,
10:36 I have the right to be angry with someone...
10:38 but God said, "You know what...
10:40 I paid the debt for you... and all those things
10:42 you ever did... pay His debt... and release him...
10:45 and then surrender his debt to me... "
10:47 Hmmmmm... ... and all of the strongholds,
10:48 all of the strategies, all of the stuff...
10:50 that you're worthless, you're no good...
10:52 the world is not going to be trusted, I'm angry,
10:55 I'm homicidal, suicidal, I'm all of those kinds of things
10:58 will drop away... because the enemy will have
11:00 no more power in your life... and I thought... really...
11:03 you know... and I couldn't do that...
11:05 how do I do that... how do I look at
11:08 my dad... who was so sexually twisted...
11:09 how do I look at it and forgive him...
11:11 and at one point...
11:13 I had this little baby shoes...
11:15 you know those little white ones with the little...
11:17 Yeah... yeah... yeah ... that they bronze later on...
11:20 Yeah... ... so the little baby shoe...
11:22 and I heard the Holy Spirit say,
11:24 "I want you to look at this shoe... "
11:25 and I don't know how I got it... it was my dad's...
11:28 I don't know how I got it, so I look at this shoe
11:30 and then He said, "at one point...
11:31 your dad was a baby... he wasn't molesting anybody...
11:34 and so... say right now... out loud...
11:36 "I forgive my dad as a baby...
11:39 before whatever happened to him, in his life...
11:42 before all of that... to where he couldn't even be
11:46 appropriate with his own children... "
11:47 and so I forgive him in that state...
11:49 I couldn't forgive him as an adult male
11:51 because my injury was so intense so I forgave him as a baby
11:54 later on... God brought it all the way up to the sadness
11:58 of when we're so twisted...
11:59 that we never have the joy of families...
12:01 we never have the joy of raising our own kids
12:03 we're off doing all of this crazy stuff
12:05 like on-line porn... we're doing all this kind of stuff
12:08 now... I can forgive him later on...
12:09 but I couldn't start there, my mom... I saw a picture
12:12 of her as a 3-year-old girl, on a swing...
12:15 forgive her as that little girl, look how cute she was...
12:18 and she could never even hold you... what happened?
12:21 and so... being able to release them
12:23 at the time that I could release them...
12:25 and then up to an adult woman, and I can say to my mom,
12:28 "I forgive you... " and somebody says,
12:30 "Does she love you right now?" No, she doesn't...
12:33 and I never had her look at me with love...
12:36 in fact... the last time I saw her... she was so...
12:38 she doesn't like Christians either... and I became one...
12:41 I think she'd rather me be a stripper or a heroin addict,
12:43 you know... but now that I'm a Christian...
12:45 that's even worse for her... and so, you know,
12:48 I don't have that but man... I love her...
12:51 and I have forgiven her...
12:52 and I pray someday... that on the streets of gold
12:55 she will turn around and hug me, Yes...
12:57 ...you know... it may not be until then...
12:59 but I can wait... because I've see myself today
13:02 after resurrection... Yes, and look at how
13:04 God took you from the place where you could accept her...
13:09 as a baby... you know... babies are harmless...
13:12 babies are... you know... it's an innocuous situation...
13:15 so God brought you there... and took you a little bit further
13:19 at your pace... God takes us... where we are...
13:25 and grows us... as He can... because He knows...
13:31 what you need... where you are...
13:33 and He knows what you need
13:34 to get you from Point A to Point B
13:36 Amen... ... and He's so faithful...
13:38 He's so faithful... in each of us
13:40 and I would love to... you know, sometimes I'd love to
13:44 like jump out and get on the other side of the cameras
13:47 and grab whoever is viewing and say, "Every single one of us
13:51 God delights in our recovery, delights in our healing,
13:54 and wants to restore us to sanity
13:57 wants to stand us up... and help us to step away
14:00 from all the lies... wants that...
14:01 more than anything else... and will patiently wait
14:05 until we can receive and accept that...
14:07 and He doesn't care... I think He cares that it's
14:10 our last breath... He said,
14:11 "Even if it's your last breath, I'll wait for you... "
14:15 That's right... that's right, so, God took you
14:18 from this place of brokenness... brought you into
14:21 a place of healing... and now... you're in... ministry
14:25 that is all around the world... tell us about what you're doing
14:28 in Ministry... Well, I got to say... you know,
14:30 I've been... I've worked with heroin addicts in Russia...
14:33 I've worked with prostitutes
14:34 in the Red Light Districts in Thailand...
14:37 I've worked with kids being mutilated in Kenya
14:41 and sold into marriage young...
14:42 you know, it's like... He's taking us all over
14:44 because the human condition... Yes...
14:46 is that... the devil is tenaciously after us
14:49 and we are being destroyed on every level...
14:51 so you know, God is just saying, you know... I want to...
14:54 you know... work in... like you got this
14:57 the Urban Ministries... it's like... I don't know why
15:00 people... I was on the streets of South Gate, California
15:03 Lynwood... you know... in areas... Oakland...
15:06 in areas that were really intense areas...
15:09 and I don't think people realize that the cultural damage
15:13 that happens in those... so He sends us all over...
15:16 we do prison, rehab ministries, recovery ministries in other
15:20 countries... all of that kind of stuff...
15:22 and then I look at my own Church...
15:23 and I pray that nobody gets offended with this...
15:27 but one of the things that we lack in the Church building
15:30 because we have 20 million members in the denomination
15:33 as Seventh-day Adventist denomination...
15:35 20 million members... and somebody can stumble
15:38 into an Adventist Church... and not be able to say out loud,
15:41 that I've been through a divorce so, now, I'm a drug addict
15:44 stumbling in... and I know that you can't say
15:46 you're divorced... and so I'm so not saying that I'm an addict...
15:49 you know... and then I go to potluck and say,
15:51 "I don't like brown rice... " and I feel guilty on that...
15:54 you know... so it's like... being able to say...
15:57 "Is there something we could do to bridge that... "
16:00 is there something we can do when people are coming in
16:03 to actually allow them to come in
16:06 and not be ashamed... of what they've been rescued from
16:08 not be ashamed of their journey...
16:10 being able to sit down and say out loud...
16:12 "Thank you so much because I need a safe place... "
16:15 and so we ended up writing the program...
16:17 and the first thing... I got to show you this...
16:19 that the first thing that we ended up doing
16:20 is... Steps to Christ was one of the books that changed my life,
16:24 but it was really tough for me to open it up...
16:27 and the language was a barrier, because it was written in a...
16:32 in a style that I wasn't used to and I'm more...
16:36 not more "street ignorant" but I'm just... more kind of
16:41 recovery or street or whatever... and so I...
16:44 Yeah, you wanted more of the common language versus something
16:48 that's kind of archaic... something that's kind of
16:50 "old time"... you wanted the more contemporary kind of speech
16:54 Absolutely... so you know what I did?
16:56 What? I grabbed 3 addicts that I loved
16:58 from different kind of addictions and then I grabbed
17:01 four writers that I loved... and all of us sat down
17:05 and went through every page of Steps to Christ...
17:08 and did a recovery edition to that...
17:10 so we brought it up to "recovery language"
17:12 weaved the 12-step stuff in, when... instead of saying,
17:15 "God is love" we said, "God is crazy about you...
17:17 delights in your recovery,
17:18 can restore you to sanity... loves you more than a mother
17:23 loves her rebellious child... " you know, because you know what
17:26 a mother... you know... your child is acting out being crazy
17:29 are you going to forget that child?
17:31 No... no... No... you're going to call them
17:34 you're going to say, "Come home, let me make dinner"
17:37 all of that kind of stuff... and so, God is like that with us
17:40 Yeah... "Come home" you know, please...
17:42 I love that... God is crazy about you
17:44 if more people really internalized how much
17:48 God really loves us... I mean...
17:51 so much healing would take place but they...
17:54 so many people feel like... God...
17:56 "Well, I've done too many bad things"
17:57 I've had people tell me, "Well, I've done
17:59 too many bad things, God can't forgive me. "
18:01 No, in the Bible God forgave
18:03 murderers and all kinds of people that were doing
18:06 the worst things possible... God loves us and this book...
18:10 it's just so fabulous because you're talking about how crazy
18:14 God is... about us... What to do with doubt...
18:17 What does repentance mean... all of that kind of stuff...
18:19 and you know what's really interesting to me
18:22 about all of that kind of stuff as far as God's love towards us
18:27 and His feelings towards us is that He says
18:30 that I can't let go of you... I can't turn away from you...
18:34 I can't do any of that kind of stuff... that I am love...
18:36 and so, one day, I'm sitting there thinking of all of the
18:38 stuff I'm doing... I'm still stumbling around,
18:40 I'm still manipulating, you know, I wanted a computer
18:43 from my husband and so I seduced into the computer
18:46 and got the money... and God said,
18:48 "Is that a good thing to do for him... you're treating him
18:50 like a trick... " you know what I mean...
18:51 I want to say that in a nice way...
18:54 but God is just nailing me about that...
18:56 so, I feel shame... and so, now, I'm sitting there
18:59 like repenting... and I said, "God"
19:01 I felt like He had a checklist and He's like checking
19:04 everything that I do wrong, and He said,
19:06 "Now, let me tell you how it really is... "
19:08 and I really feel like He gave me this image
19:10 is that... "I don't check anything...
19:13 until you actually just feel loved and safe enough
19:17 to not play the people around you... "
19:18 and then... all of heaven wakes up...
19:20 we definitely checked that... but we don't have to check
19:22 too much because you don't get it very often...
19:24 do you know what I mean... and so it's like
19:26 He doesn't check our bad behavior...
19:28 He checks the behavior that actually is
19:31 loving and is connected with Him and they get it...
19:34 and He said, "That's the only thing
19:35 I'm looking for you guys... to get it... so that your
19:38 behaviors change naturally... because you feel safe. "
19:40 Yeah... .. and we end up writing that...
19:42 we did the book Steps to Christ, and so we did the book
19:44 Steps to Christ and so I'm praying and I'm so excited
19:47 about that... we actually put it into a 14-week program
19:50 for the Church... and so... let me just show you..
19:53 Tell us about that... the program...
19:54 The Program is a 14-week program with participating guides
19:57 and all of that kind of stuff... and it's 14 weeks
19:59 with Steps to Christ... 28 video clips
20:02 so that you're seeing real testimonies
20:04 all that kind of stuff...
20:05 and all in Recovery Language all with a really...
20:09 the only goal is to help you to connect with each other...
20:12 connect with God and in friendship...
20:14 and not sink away in shame...
20:16 you know... just come out...
20:18 Yes... this is so important because so many of our churches
20:21 in fact, I want to say... most of our churches
20:23 have no clue about
20:25 how to deal with...
20:26 someone comes in off the street...
20:28 and they're an addict... and they're...
20:30 I see this in the churches in the inner cities...
20:32 What do I do? What if they're just divorced,
20:34 what if they're a workaholic what if they're just somebody
20:36 that's angry... we don't know how to deal
20:38 with any of that... so... and I mean that...
20:40 I'm not meaning that in a bad way...
20:42 So, what we did was... we tried to put a program together
20:45 ...some tools... what we tried to do then...
20:47 is... let's make it really simple...
20:49 all of the books that you see right here...
20:51 are on this card... and you stick it into your computer
20:53 and have it on the computer... so, we tried to make it
20:56 very simple... and then... one day...
20:58 I'm literally praying, right... and I have a program
21:02 that I said... is let's do a children's program
21:05 so that if the families have kids
21:07 they can bring the kids and it goes into the
21:09 children's program... but God says,
21:10 "But what are you going to do for them?"
21:12 and I'm thinking... you know... I'm thinking
21:14 I'm hearing the Holy Spirit say that
21:15 but I'm thinking... "I don't know what you mean"
21:17 And He says, "Well, why don't you do a
21:19 Steps to Christ version for a 5-year-old... "
21:22 and I'm thinking... "What does that mean...
21:24 for a 5-year-old... " "Well, how about a 5-year-old
21:27 that's been dealing with bullying...
21:28 what about a 5-year-old that has a broken home...
21:30 what about a 5-year-old being raised by a single parent,
21:33 or dealt with molest... is how can you honestly
21:35 talk to them about that kind of stuff... blaming each other...
21:39 fighting... all of that kind of stuff...
21:41 so, I got this whole vision and you know how He does this
21:45 Yvonne, you just get this whole vision...
21:47 Yes... ... this whole vision...
21:48 and it's a book called Skips to Jesus...
21:50 so instead of Steps to Christ... Skips to Jesus...
21:54 and the entire book is about God... teaching kids...
21:58 the basic concepts of Steps to Christ...
22:00 so the 14-week program now... is for adults...
22:03 14-week program for kids... and now I have to find Jesus
22:06 right... and so I'm looking for Jesus in Wal-Mart...
22:08 as I'm driving down the street and I'm looking for somebody
22:11 that looks Middle-Eastern... they can play the part...
22:14 and I'm getting my computer fixed at the Mac store...
22:17 and I look up... and this guy it's just as beautiful...
22:20 I thought Middle-Eastern guy, beard... dark hair...
22:23 and just looks like the Holy Spirit is shining
22:26 off of him... and I said to him,
22:28 "Hey, I'm looking for Jesus" and he said, "What?"
22:32 and I told him about the whole project
22:34 and so, he's Christian... so I said...
22:36 "Would you play the part for us?"
22:38 and he said... "Can I pray about that?"
22:40 and I said, "Jesus would so say that"
22:42 so... "Yes" so we end up...
22:45 I bring a seamstress... just in case he says, "Yes"
22:48 we're walking in front of the Mac store
22:50 we're checking out his size, so in case we make his clothes
22:53 we end up hiring him... bringing him in
22:55 bringing him in with a photographer...
22:57 we're doing all the shots with the kids...
22:59 for the book Skips to Jesus, and he tells me...
23:02 he looks at me and he said, "You know, the only reason
23:04 I said 'Yes' is for one... you're a Christian...
23:07 one... you're a Seventh-day Adventist Christian... "
23:09 and I thought... "Well, how did you know that?"
23:11 he said, "Well, I went to your website"
23:12 and I said, "What made you say 'yes' about that...?"
23:14 and he said, "I was a starving kid in India,
23:17 and I was picked up by the Adventist School System
23:20 and they saved my life. " Praise the Lord...
23:23 and I thought, "shut up"... so God just brings us
23:26 full circle... I think it's about us
23:28 and our projects... and it's about this
23:30 incredible guy in his journey... so, you know,
23:32 even as we're putting this together...
23:34 for our church of 20 million people...
23:36 equipping them to start honestly talking about
23:39 "stuff" you know... so that we can go out
23:43 and minister to 7 billion people on the planet...
23:46 more effectively... you know,
23:49 God is healing people even in the making of it...
23:53 in the putting together of that...
23:54 so now you got this homeless, illiterate, flaky,
23:58 ADD kid... that God just gives it the privilege
24:02 of putting together something so cool...
24:05 and I am thinking... "How can we not kiss you
24:08 on the face... " how can we not trust the fact
24:10 Jeremiah 29:11 says, "I have a future and a plan
24:13 for you... not to bring evil into your life... but good. "
24:17 Absolutely... and look at what He's done...
24:20 again... it's a system... God doesn't do things
24:22 haphazardly... you have a system...
24:25 from childhood... Skips to Jesus all the way through adulthood...
24:30 and it's just not about drugs
24:31 it's about recovery from any kind of addiction... correct...
24:34 Yeah, blame... fear... divorce.. dysfunctional home stuff, molest
24:40 and then... when they learn... for this 14-week program
24:44 what's really fun about it... is when the child leaves their
24:48 night in the program, and the adult leaves
24:51 they study the same thing... Oh...
24:54 ...and so the child can say, "Mom, man! did you study tonight
24:57 about prayer?" "I did... "
24:59 know what they told me in my class...
25:02 so now you start to do that dialog with parent to child
25:06 and sometimes... people don't know how to do that
25:09 they step into recovery... "and I really don't know
25:10 how to talk to my kids about normal stuff
25:13 or spiritual things... " and we've done it in a way
25:16 that it's just really natural...
25:17 and we've done it... I hope... for everyone...
25:21 you know what I mean... is that...
25:23 to me... I was a kid... living in... in a drug house...
25:29 in a dysfunctional home... all that kind of stuff
25:32 and there are kids that are not from that...
25:34 they're in a more normal home, or they're in a more
25:36 affluent home... but it doesn't matter
25:38 in this kind of a program because we all have been hit
25:40 with stuff... we're at the end of the great controversy
25:43 none of us escape... one of my best friends...
25:46 lost her son to SIDS... so her thing is not drugs
25:50 it's grief... but grief is as destructive as drugs...
25:54 and so the Program works for that...
25:55 let's talk out loud about what our issues are...
25:58 and start to love each other. That's tremendous... you know,
26:01 you can... the children and their parents
26:04 can build memories with this...
26:06 this is a memory builder... this is a bridge builder
26:09 between the children and the parents...
26:12 you know... where they can talk about the same lessons...
26:15 this is so healthy... it's building families...
26:18 helping to repair families... this is tremendous...
26:21 God is using you in a tremendous way...
26:23 ...and once we start repairing families in that way...
26:27 we get our lives back... Yes... yes we do... we do...
26:30 What would you say, what do you want to say
26:33 to the viewer who is struggling with something
26:35 in like 30 seconds... what would you say to the viewer
26:39 who is struggling with an issue like this?
26:40 I would say, "Say out loud 'help... God... help'"
26:44 and then connect with somebody that actually has walked
26:47 a little further along than you, because you can't do this
26:50 by yourself... we're not meant to do it
26:52 by ourselves... and find somebody that you can trust...
26:55 that will give you good spiritual advice...
26:57 and stand up... because God has a plan for your life...
27:00 Absolutely... Cheri... thank you so much...
27:03 what is... before we close... what would you say
27:06 is the plan for getting this out to the churches...
27:10 how can people find out more about this recovery program
27:13 I would say, "Go to our website truestep. org
27:16 go to the website... this program...
27:18 you can use for yourself as couples in your home,
27:20 in your small groups, or the churches
27:22 and get a hold of it and see what you think
27:25 and man... be blessed... "
27:27 Thank you so much, I love you so much...
27:29 and I'm so glad you are here... You know it's the same...
27:31 Yeah, we're like this...
27:33 I know that God has
27:35 such a great plan... for this program
27:37 because it's so needed... our people need this... so badly
27:41 and this is going to address some basic fundamental issues
27:45 that we have within our churches...
27:47 So, thank you Cheri... again... because I don't know...
27:50 Amen... ... we need what you do...
27:52 we need what you offer...
27:53 so, thank you so much... and thank you... for tuning in..
27:56 Tune in next time... it just wouldn't be the same...
27:59 without you...


Revised 2015-01-21