Urban Report

Tree of Life Ministries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Narlon & Samantha Edwards


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000063

00:01 Do you want to know Jesus' method for evangelism
00:03 well, stay tuned to meet a couple that follows
00:06 His blueprint and is being blessed for doing so...
00:09 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching Urban Report
00:35 Hello and welcome to Urban Report
00:37 my guests today are Narlin and Samantha Edwards
00:40 co-founders of Tree of Life Ministries...
00:43 Welcome Narlin and Samantha... Thank you...
00:45 I'm so glad that you guys are here...
00:47 Glad to be here... We're happy to be here.
00:49 I have to tell you, I tasted some of your food
00:52 yesterday and even though I'm allergic to coconut...
00:54 it had a little coconut in it, and praise the Lord...
00:56 I didn't react, wow, that was so good...
00:59 Was it a tofu cheesecake... what was it?
01:02 it was actually a raw pineapple cheesecake...
01:04 it didn't have any soy in it or tofu...
01:07 yes, it was based with cashews and coconut...
01:10 wow... it was based... and I didn't have a reaction...
01:14 praise the Lord... that was great...
01:17 Well, tell us about your ministry...
01:20 What is Tree of Life Ministries? What's it all about?
01:23 Well, when the Lord impressed us to start a ministry
01:25 a few years back... we were searching for a name
01:28 and searching for the characteristics of a ministry
01:30 so as we were searching we said, "Well, let's try to
01:33 find the best person that has done evangelism and that's
01:36 none other than Christ... Yes...
01:37 so, we figured that the best way to, you know, get involved in
01:41 ministry is to follow the method Christ used...
01:44 when you read Matthew Chapter 4 and verse 18...
01:46 Christ says, "Follow me, and I shall make you fishers of men"
01:50 Yes... now, when you drop down to
01:52 verse 23... most people don't make the connection
01:54 that Jesus then began his ministry and showed them
01:57 the things that they should do and they followed Him...
02:00 and in verse 23 it says... He was teaching,
02:02 He was preaching and He was healing...
02:05 and again that same exact thing is repeated in Matthew Chapter 9
02:08 and verse 35 it says, He was teaching...
02:10 He was healing... and then... He was also... preaching
02:14 so, that's Christ's method of evangelism...
02:17 now there's one more... Okay...
02:18 ...it was publishing... Now publishing... now...
02:21 where were the printing presses back there?
02:24 How was He publishing? Very good question...
02:28 they published with their mouth, Ah...
02:31 when you read verse 24 Matthew Chapter 4
02:34 it says... His fame went all throughout Syria...
02:36 Ah... ... so how did everyone
02:37 get to know about Christ? Where was the influx and the
02:40 multitudes coming from? Did Jesus go to every single
02:42 person and tell them that He was here? Oh, no...
02:44 there were other people around that received the blessings
02:47 and they went and published it via mouth...
02:49 Okay... But we are in a day and age
02:52 where we can hand leaflets, we can have internet
02:54 and different ways of publishing so... a part of the ministries
02:56 also is publishing the glad tidings of Jesus' near coming.
02:59 Oh, that's excellent... so... we can go to the Word
03:03 for the blueprint to find out just how to reach
03:06 souls for Christ. That is right...
03:08 That's tremendous... so, when did you decide
03:11 that this was something that you guys wanted to do...
03:14 Well, the Lord actually decided for us...
03:17 Yes, actually we were both working
03:23 in a Corporate setting and the Lord really... placed upon
03:27 our hearts individually that He wanted us to do
03:30 a different type of work... to work... really...
03:33 full time for Him... and so, we were, again,
03:35 working at the time, and we didn't know how that was
03:38 going to happen, or how we were going to make
03:39 that transition, we had our home our mortgage, our bills and
03:43 everything else that life has to offer...
03:46 and really the Lord... put it in such a way that...
03:48 He removed the jobs from us, and He...
03:52 What happened? Well, with me...
03:54 I actually ended up losing my job
03:56 in fact, they laid off the the entire department
03:58 this was around the time of the financial crisis
04:00 that was coming in... about 2008... 2009...
04:02 and so, I ended up losing my job
04:04 but you know, it was just a blessing
04:06 because I wasn't even worried about,
04:08 "Oh, how are we going to pay our bills
04:09 and how are we going to do this and do that... "
04:11 the Lord really put a peace over us...
04:13 Yes... ... and then, my husband was
04:15 still working and I'll have him explain his story...
04:17 I think you left out a key... Oh, yes, yes... I did...
04:21 well, I was on a business trip at that time...
04:26 I was in Seattle and I ended up missing my flight...
04:29 and my Manager was there as well...
04:31 and we ended up going to dinner that evening...
04:33 and she was based out in another city
04:36 and I was based out of Atlanta,
04:37 and we were talking about various things...
04:40 as related to work and just life in general...
04:43 and we ended up talking about spiritual things...
04:46 and it was such a blessing, here it is...
04:49 it's a woman... she's not a Christian...
04:51 she doesn't read the Bible, she has no foundation
04:54 in spiritual things... You never talked about
04:56 spiritual things? No, we never talked about
04:57 spiritual things but the Lord really guided the conversation
05:00 Yeah... yes... ... and she saw that there was a
05:02 passion and when I was explaining to her
05:04 the things from the Bible and from Jesus and so on...
05:07 she said, "You know Samantha, why are you working here...
05:10 why aren't you doing this full time?"
05:12 and literally... the very next day...
05:15 we all received a call in my department
05:19 that they were closing the department down
05:21 due to down-sizing... and I just blessed the Lord
05:24 because... here it was... it was confirmation through
05:27 this woman... who had nothing... she didn't know anything about
05:30 Christianity... but the Lord was really speaking
05:33 through her to me... to get my attention...
05:35 Yes... as He will often do, right...
05:37 He'll speak to us through the Word...
05:39 He will speak to us through other people,
05:42 through circumstances... praise the Lord...
05:44 Yes, praise God... What about you Brother Narlon?
05:46 Well, mine goes a little bit further back...
05:48 even as we're here on Dare to Dream...
05:51 the Bible says... "Without any vision... or dreams
05:54 people perish... " Yes... that's right...
05:55 so it is very good to have a dream and a focus
05:57 and sometimes we tend to get sidetracked from that dream
06:00 sometimes we get sidetracked from that vision.. that focus...
06:03 but if we had that dream... God can send remembrances,
06:06 send different events and circumstances in our lives
06:09 to bring that dream back, when I came into the Church
06:12 early in 1996... I had envisioned
06:15 and had made a promise to God that I would go into ministry...
06:18 and certain circumstances happened in my life
06:22 and I allowed the devil to snatch that dream away from me
06:24 and we ended up leaving the Church for some time...
06:27 and then... when we came back now the Lord laid the dream
06:30 upon my heart again... and that vision...
06:32 He reminded me of that vision...
06:33 and there's a particular event, there are many...
06:36 but I remember I was going to work one day...
06:38 this was around the same time my wife had her vision as well
06:42 and spoke to her boss and the circumstances
06:44 that happened in her life... I was going to lunch...
06:47 with a co-worker... and in the process of driving
06:50 she lost control on one of the a major highways in Atlanta,
06:53 lost total control of the car... the car began to spin
06:57 and circle across the highway... and on one side... it stopped
07:00 at one point... it stopped... we were facing oncoming traffic
07:04 so imagine... you stop... and you just see all these cars
07:07 coming at you... and that was a miracle
07:09 that God worked to preserve my life...
07:10 Yes... ... and I remember...
07:12 when she finally got control of the car again...
07:14 she finally turned around and somebody... made it a way...
07:17 basically... he dipped through traffic
07:18 and he got right beside us and when he got beside us,
07:20 he clasped his hands... just like this...
07:22 and then he looked me in the face...
07:23 he didn't even say a word, he just had his hands clasped
07:26 like this... like saying, "It is only God that could
07:27 have preserved your life. " Yes...
07:29 that was my Red Sea Experience, I literally saw...
07:31 God part the Red Sea and open up... all those cars
07:34 that were sailing at 70 to 80 miles an hour...
07:37 and find a way for me to go all the way on one side
07:39 of the highway... all the way back...
07:41 and we were still able to come out safely...
07:43 so, when that man... I'd like to meet him one day
07:45 I pray that he makes it to heaven...
07:47 he doesn't understand the impact that he had on my life...
07:49 if it's not an angel... it might have been an angel,
07:52 That's right... ... but he got over to me
07:53 and clasped his hand... and God spoke to me
07:54 at that moment and said, "I have a special calling
07:57 for you... and I want you to work full time for me
07:59 in ministry" so, praise God for that...
08:01 At the scene of the accident? At the scene of the accident...
08:04 Well... the situation... because there never was an
08:07 accident right... because no one hit you or anything...
08:09 but at that scene... that's where God revealed
08:13 that He was drawing you into full-time ministry...
08:16 Exactly... Wow...
08:17 To carry out the original dream and the original vision
08:19 that I had... so, that's why it says,
08:21 it's good to have a vision... sometimes we might get
08:23 sidetracked... Joseph a vision, and his life went in a lot of
08:27 directions that he didn't envision...
08:29 but he still had that vision and God was still able
08:31 to fulfill that vision... so, that's why it's important
08:34 to have a dream and a vision and then God can, sometimes,
08:37 remind you that, "You might have been off-track
08:38 but I can still get you to the vision that I had for you...
08:41 Yes... you know... on Dare to Dream...
08:43 on Urban Report... specifically... I talk a lot
08:46 about God's divine plan for us, and so many times...
08:50 we do other things that, you know, that kind of take us
08:54 off the path... of the plan... but God still uses
08:57 those things... He implants something in us
09:01 and then brings us back to the path
09:03 and then... you know... and then you're walking
09:05 in your divine destiny... and to me... there's nothing
09:08 greater than that... there's no greater privilege
09:11 than working for God and, you know, and doing what
09:14 you know you were put on the planet to do
09:16 Yes... that's the key... You're speaking our language...
09:19 Come on now... I feel a sermon coming already,
09:22 yeah.. you know... and so when you're doing that
09:26 and when you're walking in that plan you just feel...
09:30 it's like... it's almost as though you can exhale
09:33 because you feel like this is what I'm here for
09:36 That's right... that's right... ... and you and I were talking
09:39 yesterday about purpose... That's right...
09:43 ...and how so many of our young people
09:46 don't have a sense of purpose, and without that purpose
09:50 you don't know where you're going
09:52 because you don't have a direction...
09:53 That's right... Let's talk a bit about purpose
09:57 and the importance of purpose in our young people
10:00 and what that's about... Yes, one of the main things
10:03 you know, success in any line demands a definite aim
10:06 you must have a goal, you must have a "set purpose"
10:09 in life... and then all the decisions that you make in life
10:12 is based on that purpose... and I think, through ignorance,
10:15 many parents and guardians they kind of instill
10:18 the wrong information in children in their childhood
10:21 How so?... We tend to ask the question,
10:23 "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
10:25 Hmmmm... It sounds good...
10:27 most of the time... it's in ignorance...
10:29 but the real question... ... Good intention yes...
10:33 but the real question is... "What is the purpose
10:36 that God had for your life... " everyone was brought here
10:40 for a specific purpose... God saw ahead of time
10:43 that there's something in this world that Yvonne, Samantha,
10:47 and Narlin need to fulfill, and unless we find that purpose
10:51 if we find... unless we find our place on that puzzle
10:54 then the work... is very difficult to accomplish
10:57 because God had a specific intention for you
11:00 I give the comparison... kind of like a jigsaw puzzle
11:04 every single piece of that puzzle is needed
11:06 for the puzzle to be completed, there might be some that might
11:10 be in the center that's more noticeable
11:11 when it's missing... but even if the one in the
11:13 top right corner is not noticeable...
11:15 that piece is still needed for that puzzle to be completed...
11:19 so, in every aspect of life... God had a specific place
11:22 for each one of us... and unless we find that place...
11:25 and are doing the thing that God God had intended for us
11:28 originally... it's very difficult to find true joy...
11:31 That is so true... that is so true,
11:34 and we see it... all the time...
11:36 in our young people
11:37 we see it in our young people that are in gangs...
11:39 that are incarcerated, you know because they don't know
11:43 that there is a purpose for them I was talking to a young man
11:47 who is 17-years-old and he said, he didn't care if he died...
11:52 you know... like this is... all there was... for him...
11:56 and that's why... we are here... to let them know
12:01 that there is a purpose... that they do have a divine destiny
12:05 and you all are doing that in your ministry, correct?
12:09 Yes... That's tremendous...
12:10 what else do you do with Tree of Life Ministries?
12:13 Well, another thing that we do in following out
12:16 the four-plan step of evangelism four-fold phase of evangelism
12:22 which is teaching, preaching, healing and publishing...
12:25 I actually fulfill the duties of doing the Nutritional Classes
12:29 the Cooking Classes, Health Lectures,
12:33 Consultations and so on... and my husband does more the
12:36 Evangelism side of it... and the speaking engagements
12:40 and so on... so I just kind of follow up
12:42 behind him... Oh, that's sweet... so
12:44 so... how does it work... so, a Church invites you to come
12:48 What happens? What do you guys do?
12:51 It depends on the exact needs of the Church...
12:54 we've done Evangelistic Meetings we have done... Week of Prayers
12:57 we've done Health Seminars... we've done Revivals...
13:00 we've done Health Expos, Cooking Classes...
13:01 so, it all depends on the needs of the Church...
13:03 so, they basically call us and say,
13:05 "We have this particular need" and then... as we pray...
13:07 the Lord gives us exactly what that Church needs
13:11 and God always blesses... and the beauty too is...
13:13 that even though we may be called in for something
13:16 in particular... we always like to bring the
13:19 focus back on the reason why we're doing everything
13:23 that we're doing... we really want to ensure
13:24 that we're glorifying God in all that we do...
13:26 so, we get called in for a Health Week or for a Revival...
13:29 or for Evangelism...
13:31 the center is really on Christ
13:33 and the work that needs to be done... these days...
13:35 and how He wants to use the common person
13:37 to do a wonderful work for Him. Ah... so you're not only
13:41 teaching and preaching... but you're also helping people
13:45 to understand that they have a work as well,
13:48 you're not just coming in for a week...
13:50 or weekend saying... "Okay, we're here,
13:51 now we're leaving... no... you leave them with something
13:55 Yeah... and believe it or not the more success
13:57 that we have found, is bringing young people
13:59 into our homes... so, in other words...
14:01 there have been... troubled youth...
14:03 and youth that didn't have a sense of direction...
14:06 and while there's wonderful things that happen
14:09 through Evangelistic Meeting and so on...
14:11 but when you can take them home with you...
14:13 nurture them... have them... in a set schedule
14:15 have them on a set meal plan...
14:17 and have them on a set time for prayer
14:18 time for worship, time for eating,
14:20 they develop a sense of system and organization
14:23 you're able to study with them, share the principles of God
14:25 with them... nurture them and so on
14:27 and so forth... then we find that
14:29 that has borne the greatest harvest more than anything else.
14:32 Give us a sample... an example of...
14:34 without naming names necessarily but just some of the young
14:37 people that you've worked with,
14:38 where were they when they came to you...
14:41 and how did they leave?
14:42 Now, there was... you want me to go or you?
14:45 You can start... Well, there was one particular
14:48 young man... and he's actually full-time in ministry right now,
14:52 Praise God... ... when we met him,
14:54 he was still in Church, but he was basically
14:57 one foot in and one foot out, More out than in...
15:00 ...and, you know, he was smoking marijuana
15:04 hanging out with the wrong group
15:06 didn't have a sense of direction for his life...
15:09 didn't know his purpose in life, and we took him into our home,
15:13 we spent time with him, we counseled with him,
15:15 we even had recreational time, we planned... you know...
15:18 walks and talks together, and he basically lived
15:21 off and on with us for quite some time...
15:23 and we were able to nurture him,
15:24 and he found his sense of purpose
15:26 and he ended up going away to one of our Schools and
15:28 learned so much about God
15:29 and developed a system in his life...
15:31 he developed a sense of focus
15:33 and we still work with him now, and actually
15:36 he's an instrumental part of the bigger ministry
15:38 that we're looking to... to get going in these last days
15:41 as well... Praise the Lord...
15:43 We have another story with another young lady,
15:45 same thing... she was just coming from a worldly background
15:50 and the Lord really used us instrumentally to bring her into
15:55 the truth... and, you know, she was confused as to
15:58 what constituted the truth, you know,
15:59 she was hearing different things and,
16:01 you know, different books and just spiritual...
16:04 just all kinds of things...
16:05 that were coming her way, and she didn't really know
16:08 how to make of what she needed to do...
16:11 and so, the Lord had her bring her into our home...
16:16 bring her into our home.. that's.. bring her into our home
16:21 yes... that's it... and we saw the change...
16:24 we saw that the Lord was really working on her heart...
16:27 and we didn't do anything special... I mean, we just
16:30 lived how we normally lived... That's right...
16:33 ...we live out in the country... and, you know,
16:35 we have a little garden... and we just had her come
16:38 and just live our program which was...
16:41 we wake up at a certain time, we have a certain type of diet
16:46 we have a certain schedule for worship and prayer and so on
16:51 just simple things... nothing miraculous
16:55 that anyone can't do... but just, you know,
16:57 for her to see that Christianity practical Christianity lived out
17:01 I think that was really what made a difference in her life
17:03 and she too is full time in ministry as well.
17:06 Praise God... what a great point practical Christianity...
17:10 you know, just letting people see God in you...
17:13 ...yes... that's it... that's really the bottom line
17:16 isn't it? It is the greatest sermon.
17:18 It is the greatest sermon, for sure... for sure...
17:21 So, how is it that... a person comes to stay with you?
17:25 you guys don't have... a situation where...
17:28 young people just come and live with you, correct?
17:31 I mean, this was just... these two were just incidents...
17:34 these were not... these were kind of isolated
17:37 incidents... these were not the norm for you,
17:39 you don't just take in... young people correct, or do you?
17:42 Well, I wouldn't put an advertisement on the internet
17:45 and say... "come in... " because we're on television now
17:47 and I'm thinking... you know what...
17:48 some people might say, "Oh, could you take my son,
17:51 can you help him out?" so I just wanted to make it clear
17:55 That actually segues into the larger ministry of what we
17:59 what we're partly in the process of putting together...
18:03 and it would actually help those who are troubled
18:06 and are trying to seek direction and purpose and so on...
18:10 Well, tell us about that... what are you trying to do?
18:13 Well, we're going to use the word called "Outpost"
18:16 and an Outpost is a location outside of the city
18:20 where people can come and learn about God
18:22 it's a full program... there... we carry out the four
18:26 ministries that we talked about, there's teaching...
18:29 there's preaching, there's healing,
18:31 and then, there's also publishing,
18:33 so with that... you basically take people there
18:35 you train them, you nurture them and an Outpost is basically
18:39 a larger scale of carrying out the plans and the things
18:42 that you're doing in your home, so, the same way you have
18:44 a system of worship, a system of training,
18:47 a system of eating, a system of teaching,
18:49 a system of healing, a system of preaching,
18:51 it's just a bunch of families now... with that same mindset
18:54 that has learned that system in their homes
18:56 and they bring it to a larger scale where they come together
18:58 in a large area, in a large rural area
19:02 and they simply carry that same plan out...
19:04 now, the purpose of that is
19:05 once those people are trained
19:07 then they go into the cities...
19:09 and they carry that work of
19:10 teaching, preaching and healing, into the cities as well.
19:12 Hmmm... So, it's sort of like a
19:14 reciprocal relationship... you have the Outpost Center
19:17 which is in a rural location, and you have a City Mission Work
19:21 that is done... so, once the individual is
19:24 calmed... they have been trained they have been changed...
19:26 through the Holy Spirit, they are now equipped
19:30 to go out into the field and work for souls
19:33 and bring them back into the Outpost
19:36 and then the cycle just continues over and over again.
19:39 Ah... It's a beautiful cycle
19:40 that God has given us. Amen... and for how long
19:43 has this vision been in your hearts, this "Outpost Vision"
19:48 At least two years... Yes...
19:51 ...and that vision is... again... is becoming a reality.
19:54 Yes... What do you need?
19:57 What are your needs for this Outpost?
20:00 Well, we actually... we're told that we should dwell
20:06 in the rural sections
20:08 rural sections of the country...
20:10 but that we should work the cities...
20:13 and so, if we want to do effective evangelism...
20:16 to reach those in the inner cities and so on,
20:19 we need to show people
20:21 a different way of life... if you're in your
20:24 current environment... you're not finding success...
20:26 you know, you have a lot of distractions around you...
20:28 you know... there's a lot of things
20:31 that you are bombarded with, information, with sceneries...
20:33 all kinds of things... and it's hard to really keep
20:36 focus on what you're supposed to be doing...
20:38 for God or for anything for that matter,
20:40 and you find that once someone is removed from that location
20:43 they go to a more peaceful area where they can really hear
20:47 from the voice of God... you will find that their
20:49 mindset starts to change... and their outlook on life
20:52 begins to change... everything about them
20:54 begins to change... and then... they can bring
20:56 the program back to where they came from.
20:58 Just to add... some of the things that are needed
21:01 like structure-wise... of course we need the land...
21:03 you need the housing... you need the kitchen, of course,
21:07 because you're cooking for a large sum of people...
21:09 you need a sanitarium which is somewhat like a
21:12 Lifestyle Center... where you're educating people
21:15 you're taking those that have lifestyle diseases...
21:18 heart disease or diabetes, cancer, overweight,
21:22 and it could be any number of things...
21:24 drug addition... and all sorts of issues...
21:27 and then we put them on a plan, a program... and by God's grace
21:30 we have seen high blood pressure,
21:32 we have seen... diabetes... we have seen cancer patients
21:35 full-blown AIDS patients coming to our sanitariums
21:39 and people leave there without AIDS, without cancer,
21:42 without diabetes, without high blood pressure
21:45 and then they can go back and testify to their families
21:47 they're more interested in God that healed them
21:49 they're more... because we tell them clearly that
21:51 irrespective of all the natural remedies and the programs
21:54 that we put you on... at the end of the day
21:56 it's only God that heals... Right...
21:58 so, once that healing comes... they know that
22:00 it is only a miracle that God has healed them
22:02 so they go... and they go back and publish...
22:04 Yeah... yes... ... and then they bring other
22:05 people into the Outpost as well...
22:07 so, just the experience of those that come
22:09 and they get the healing that God gives them...
22:13 both physically and spiritually,
22:15 then they naturally go back
22:16 and share... and then it's a constant cycle
22:18 just like... the two demoniacs when Christ came
22:22 and He healed them of their issues...
22:24 they went back and published the glad tidings...
22:28 and so that's what God expects from us...
22:29 once He does something miraculous in our lives,
22:31 He expects us to share it with others...
22:34 Absolutely... ... and that's really the whole
22:35 idea of the program... ... absolutely, and one of the
22:38 great things is getting people away from all the distractions..
22:42 in the cities... because there's so much conflict
22:46 and there's poverty and crime and
22:48 all kinds of things... if you can remove people
22:50 from that environment, and put them in an environment
22:54 where they can observe, you know the marvels of the firmament...
22:59 and the stars at night...
23:02 and smell fresh air...
23:05 and get the oxygen from the trees and... I mean...
23:08 it just creates a different mindset...
23:11 Oh, absolutely... And so I think that's tremendous
23:14 and... then they go back... Yes...
23:17 and they say, "Okay, this is some place you need to go...
23:20 I went there... " and then their friends will say,
23:22 "What's up with you... because you're really totally
23:24 different... " That's exactly right...
23:26 and they send someone else back there...
23:29 and it just becomes... that cycle...
23:32 It's a beautiful plan... and we see that
23:34 that's really the plan that God has for us...
23:36 because... if we're ever going to be changed...
23:39 we really need to allow God to really work within us...
23:41 and we see that the Outpost plan... God's plan
23:45 that He originally instituted, even back in Eden...
23:48 we see that God created the ideal environment... for us...
23:52 and so we're really not made to endure all of the issues
23:57 that happen in the city all the...
23:59 you know, God has a plan for all of us
24:01 and He wants us to be able to fulfill that plan...
24:04 and one of the ways which we see that
24:06 is through the Outpost. Yes...
24:07 Praise the Lord... so, where are you now
24:10 in terms of your planning and how far are you away from
24:15 actually... having the Outpost, do you know?
24:18 Yes... very good question...
24:20 originally my wife and I were going to get one developed
24:23 in the Atlanta area... and we were trained by
24:27 Dr. Thomas Jackson... Yes...
24:29 Dr. Thomas Jackson... is located in
24:32 Huntington, Tennessee... he already had the structures,
24:35 he already had the land... he just needed the extra help
24:38 so, we figured... rather than trying to build
24:39 something from the ground up, why not help him get one going
24:43 and then... that one will be a model...
24:44 and then... once that one is up and running
24:46 and it has found success, then it's much easier
24:48 to go to different places and duplicate it...
24:50 so the ultimate objective is to work with...
24:53 "Meet Ministry Missionary and Education and Evangelistic
24:56 Training"... work with them, and get that ideal blueprint
24:59 of what an Outpost looks like,
25:00 get one fully operational, let people see the success of it
25:04 and then, naturally it can spread to different areas
25:07 all throughout the U.S. and then, eventually,
25:09 all throughout the world, that's the objective...
25:11 So, when are you guys moving there?
25:13 That has been the big question. Only the Lord knows that
25:21 but we're getting actually to that point...
25:24 but really, we want to see it get up and running...
25:27 and we're working very closely with them in order to
25:30 make that a reality... and so... we're almost there...
25:33 there are some few key elements
25:35 that need to be put in place,
25:36 before that transition takes place...
25:39 Yes, we were planning on trying to move there this fall
25:42 but, you know, we need more housing...
25:44 there are a few more things that need to be done there
25:48 so, that's some of the things we are trying
25:51 to work on to get done there
25:52 so that it will make it much easier for us and more people
25:55 to come in and carry out the plan as well.
25:58 You need some funds to help you to actually
26:01 implement this plan... and you know that
26:04 this is God's plan and so you know that God is going to
26:08 work through people and send you what you need...
26:12 That's right... And by the grace of God,
26:14 our wonderful viewers, on Urban Report
26:17 will see your website... we have your website address
26:20 and they can send... you know, contact you
26:23 and hopefully they can help with this vision...
26:27 with this plan... God's plan...
26:29 In the last minute that we have, what would you like our viewers
26:33 to know about what you're doing, is there anything else that you
26:37 want to share with the viewers about what you're doing?
26:39 You want to begin and I'll finish...
26:42 Okay, you know, the key thing that we want to take away
26:46 from all of this... is that...
26:47 God has a set plan for all of us and He has a set way
26:52 for us to reach those in the cities...
26:55 you may have family members, or you, yourself,
26:58 might be hurting... you might not know
27:00 what God has for you, but just know that
27:03 God has not forgotten us, He has a plan...
27:06 if we follow the blueprint... later on in the Bible...
27:09 He will show us exactly what He would have
27:11 for each of us to do... and he wants to use the common people
27:15 he wants to use just the average person to work.
27:17 Yes... yes... Find that vision, that aim,
27:20 that purpose that God had intended for you...
27:24 and carry out that plan, that's the greatest joy,
27:26 the most success that you will find in this life...
27:29 is carrying out the plan that God has for you...
27:31 Amen... you know... Jeremiah 29:11 says,
27:34 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you...
27:36 saith the Lord... thoughts of peace...
27:38 and not of evil... to give you an expected end... "
27:41 and in the NIV... it says, "to give you a future
27:43 and a hope" and that's what's missing
27:45 with so many people... they don't have that
27:47 sense of future... they don't have that sense
27:49 of destiny... of a plan... but God has that plan...
27:54 and if we seek Him, He'll just rain down
27:57 blessings on us... Amen...
27:59 So, thank you so much for being with us...
28:01 and thank you for tuning in. Tune in next time...
28:04 It just wouldn't be the same... without you.


Revised 2015-01-19