Urban Report

Test Our Kids

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Dr. Angelo Reynold


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000061

00:01 Stay tuned to meet a man that was destined for failure
00:03 but with perseverance and God's blessings
00:06 his life was transformed... now he shares his knowledge
00:09 and skills with others in the inner city and abroad.
00:13 My name if Yvonne Lewis and you're watching Urban Report
00:39 Hello and welcome to Urban Report
00:42 my guest today is Dr. Angelo Reynolds
00:44 Speaker and Literacy Expert. Welcome to Urban Report
00:49 Dr. Reynolds... Thank you so much for having me
00:52 God bless you... Thank you... God bless you...
00:54 we're so glad that you're here. Yeah, so glad to be here...
00:59 You have had... such an interesting journey
01:02 tell us a bit about how you grew up...
01:07 Well, it was only the journey
01:10 as it appeared to be
01:11 it was just only... I'm here to talk about it now...
01:14 through God's grace... I'm mean.. because it sincerely
01:17 it sincerely has been a journey, it has been very
01:20 tumultuous years for me and it all began
01:23 about three and a half hours south of where I am now...
01:26 I'm in the Washington, D.C. area...
01:28 and it began in a place called Portsmouth, Virginia
01:32 a lot of people know the place the Tidewater area
01:34 and so I was born and raised in a small housing project
01:38 there... by a single mom... with three kids...
01:41 me being the oldest... and one of the biggest
01:44 obstacles or challenges that I had faced early on
01:47 beginning at the early age of three
01:50 in fact... 3-years-old was when my father left home
01:53 and said that he's never going to return
01:56 and so it all began at the age of three
01:58 and so you can imagine, three, and even having a recollection
02:02 of someone telling you... your dad saying,
02:05 "Hey, I'm leaving and I'm never coming back"
02:07 and so from that point on... it was such an abandonment
02:11 problem and it was a big loss for me... because he literally
02:15 did not come back...
02:16 Now prior to that, Dr. Reynolds, prior to that...
02:19 did you have... a strong relationship with your dad?
02:23 I mean... I was too young to really understand...
02:25 I mean, he was there... in the home but literally not there
02:29 you know, I mean... it was... he came, he'd just come and go,
02:32 and so there wasn't a whole lot... at age three
02:35 you can imagine... three being very young
02:36 and so and you'll probably say, "Well, how does this guy
02:39 remember this at age three" but I specifically remember
02:42 the day he actually walked out and that's exactly what he said,
02:45 so, from that point on... you know, that whole loss
02:50 or that whole void of not having a dad there
02:52 was just the start of some things that I didn't know was
02:56 going to happen later on in life one... it was an eerie feeling
02:58 to know that I didn't have a dad in the house any longer
03:02 two... the environment in which I was surrounded by
03:05 at that time was negativity... it was very frightening...
03:08 and so traumatizing and frightening were the two things
03:11 that I would actually say that actually began
03:13 the whole tumultuous years. You know, that...
03:16 you made some really important points here because
03:20 I think so often... people don't really understand
03:24 the role... the importance of the father in the home...
03:27 the fact that you could remember at three...
03:30 you have this intense memory of something that happened
03:34 when you were three years old... shows how traumatic it was
03:38 and I think... if parents really knew
03:41 how significant it is to have both parents in the home...
03:46 I think that it might make a difference
03:48 because this was so traumatic and this is such a prevalent
03:52 issue in our Communities today, the absence of the father
03:56 so you're saying that you lost that feeling
03:59 of protection... you lost that feeling of...
04:02 you had an eerie feeling you said...
04:04 and that feeling of protection comes from... having a father
04:09 a father... his role is to protect...
04:12 and so... one of his roles... and so you lost that
04:15 and so, you then, kind of like, I guess, felt like,
04:18 you were kind of on your own, so what happened from there?
04:21 Well, you know, those years of growing up as a young boy
04:25 and growing up into teenage years, you know,
04:28 just became very difficult in terms of "trust issues"
04:31 that I had... particularly with men...
04:34 you know, because there was always
04:37 the fear of being abandoned again...
04:39 by someone that may become close to the family...
04:42 and so those issues sort of had me...
04:45 even the issues with school, you know, being able to
04:48 have someone to, you know, help with your homework
04:51 and my dad to be able to go to the school...
04:53 when you are having problems in school...
04:55 that was another void that was not filled and so that caused
04:59 all kinds of problems for me early on... academically
05:02 especially this whole piece about reading...
05:04 which we'll talk about it a little later...
05:06 So, after your dad left, you kind of got caught in a
05:13 tailspin... and kind of going down academically, socially,
05:17 and probably... economically as well because we know that
05:21 the statistics say that children from fatherless
05:25 homes have a much more preponderance of poverty
05:28 than those that have a father there...
05:31 so all kinds of ramifications take place...
05:35 after the father leaves... did you get caught up
05:39 in anti-social behavior at all? Well, it wasn't so much
05:42 the anti-social behavior but I think it became
05:46 the defiance piece for me... something that...
05:49 because you got to remember I'm also a child that was angry
05:54 growing up because one... my dad wasn't there
05:57 and then, my mom, she turned to...
05:59 unfortunately, like many single parents...
06:02 sometimes fall into the realm of drug and alcohol use
06:04 and so when you have those surroundings...
06:07 the house becomes... turmoil... you know, it becomes turmoil...
06:11 and so... there was a lot of confusion...
06:13 me being the oldest and trying to look out for my brother
06:17 and sister... both academically, socially...
06:20 and it became a very, very difficult task...
06:24 and even... almost... up to a point where there was
06:26 social isolation... if you will. Yes, you know, and this story
06:31 Dr. Reynolds, unfortunately, is more common than we want
06:37 to acknowledge... you know... the absentee father
06:41 and then... the other parent perhaps being so overwhelmed
06:45 by circumstances... falling into...
06:48 these other things... substance abuse, and then,
06:51 by doing that... then there is neglect
06:53 of the children... and so then, it falls on...
06:57 one of the children or more than one
07:00 to be caregivers... both of the parent...
07:03 and the children... it becomes this...
07:05 downward spiral... and here on Urban Report
07:09 we talk about God's divine plan and the enemy's plan
07:15 the enemy's plan is to destroy, God's plan for us
07:20 is to build us up... and to bless us...
07:24 and the enemy's plan is to just take us down
07:26 this downward spiral... and so what you're saying...
07:30 and you use the word "confusion" and we know that God is not
07:34 the author of confusion... so what we know...
07:37 is that the enemy was taking over... with his plan,
07:42 and this is so common... in our Communities today,
07:47 so you had to become... were you the oldest
07:51 of your siblings...
07:52 I was the oldest... my brother and sister...
07:53 they were twins... they are two years younger
07:55 than I am... Ah... so you became...
07:57 kind of the quote "man of the house"
08:00 so to speak... Yeah, yeah, yeah...
08:02 ...at a very early age... Yeah, yeah... which, you know,
08:06 taking on that... the term "man of the house"
08:09 is just... you know, it brings just a whole 'nother level of
08:13 fear but you actually step into that role and to actually think
08:17 that you are the man of the house...
08:19 but you're nothing but a boy trying to learn himself
08:21 and trying to grow up in a world that's a negative environment
08:24 it's so bad... and so... then you begin to...
08:27 I began to sort of act like I was actually the
08:30 man of the house, I mean, I tried to... as much as I could
08:33 to make sure that my brother and sister were fed,
08:36 they were safe, that they...
08:38 we have the activities after school...
08:40 we would try to get homework done
08:42 and so literally... with my mom being in the
08:46 position that she was in, I literally became
08:49 the man of the house... but, in fact, I was nothing
08:53 but a boy trying to find himself and trying to adapt to an
08:56 environment that was so debilitating to myself...
08:59 Yes... look at the demands that were placed upon you,
09:02 to be a man... when you are a child...
09:07 to be a caregiver... when you should have been nurtured
09:12 and so... you went through all of these things...
09:14 and how old were you when you were doing all of this?
09:17 I must have been... you know, when I really started to
09:20 really take that role and become very independent...
09:24 I tell my own kids sometimes, my youngest son is 9
09:28 I remember telling him the story about how I...
09:31 he said, "Dad, you can cook" that I learned how to cook
09:34 at an early age... and so back then...
09:36 I learned how to cut up a chicken...
09:38 and we had our own chickens back then.. so...
09:40 I learned how to wash the chicken, cut it up,
09:43 put it in the flour, fry it, at 9- and 10-years-old
09:46 because my mother either wasn't there or she wasn't
09:50 mentally able to do those types of things...
09:53 so, that being said, my brother and sister...
09:56 we had to eat... someone had to take on that role
09:58 and at a young age... I can't imagine my son at nine
10:01 cutting up a whole chicken, trying to clean it
10:04 and also trying to fry it without burning himself
10:07 or burning the house down. Yes... yes...
10:08 but when you're placed in positions, you know,
10:12 such as that... God has a way... to make sure
10:15 that you are equipped... Come on...
10:17 He makes sure that you are equipped...
10:19 and so that you don't burn the house down...
10:21 or burn yourself... but also, that your basic needs
10:24 are being taken care of... Yes, yes...
10:27 we just praise God that His attention...
10:30 His eyes are never off of you...
10:33 that He's there through everything.. through every trial
10:36 He is there and so when you were nine... you were doing all this
10:43 where were you at 13? Well, at 13, I was transitioning
10:48 obviously... you're ready to go to High School
10:52 but at age 8 or 9... and I still remember
10:57 'cause I'm not really sure, I also experienced abuse, okay..
11:01 sexual abuse... that haunted me for years...
11:06 as I became a young man and even as a young adult
11:11 because I began to do things such as blame my father
11:15 for not being there as a protector but also
11:18 blaming my mom... because she had succumbed to drugs
11:21 and alcohol so bad... so by the time I was 13...
11:24 here I am still exploring life trying to get a grasp
11:27 on being a teenager... but I'm also dealing with the
11:30 traumatization of abuse, abandonment,
11:33 and trying to still fit in... as a young person...
11:36 and trying to adapt... to my Community...
11:38 That is so... traumatic...
11:43 it's like an onion...
11:45 with all of these different layers... you know,
11:48 it's like... all of these things that you had to negotiate
11:51 through the natural issues that a teenager has...
11:57 on top of the substance abuse of a parent...
12:00 on top of the absence of the other parent...
12:03 and on top of sexual abuse... and these things again...
12:08 you're not alone... it's all too common...
12:11 and really... one of the things that we know...
12:15 that is an issue is a spiritual deficit...
12:18 there's something missing spiritually in that home,
12:22 and so... what happened to you, when you were 13
12:26 and you're going through all of this stuff
12:28 by the time you're 16... where are you?
12:30 Well, by the time I was 16, I was like a junior in
12:34 High School... getting ready to try to get out of High School
12:37 but I was faced with the fact of failing...
12:40 I did so poorly in school academically...
12:42 you know and I always... my reading comprehension
12:46 and being able to spell were always...
12:49 I was always... I mean... I don't know how I even passed
12:52 because I did so poorly in school so I was threatened
12:54 with the fact that I may have to repeat a grade...
12:57 but because I worked really hard and I tried to seek help
13:01 when I could... I was able to go on and graduate from High School
13:05 but, you know, 12 and 13... as you know...
13:08 is a very pivotal point in terms of transition...
13:12 because that is the age where now, you've gone from
13:16 pre-teen or adolescent to now an actual teenager...
13:19 and so anything prior to that both academically, socially,
13:23 spiritually... anything that has happened in your past
13:28 you know, it really starts to come to surface
13:30 because you really try to identify... who you are...
13:33 at this point... Yes, yes, yes...
13:35 and you're going through so many things at one time
13:39 you know, it's not like, "Well, here I'm just dealing
13:43 with my issues as a teenager" no, you're dealing with that
13:47 while you're dealing with parental issues
13:51 and all of that... so how did you...
13:53 well, let me back up for a second...
13:55 you just said that academically there was the threat
13:59 of even being retained... so you are having issues with
14:04 reading comprehension and all of that...
14:06 how did you get out of that... how did things turn around...
14:12 how did God turn them around for you...
14:14 Well, from a very little boy I always prayed...
14:17 I prayed for a lot of things... my grandmother...
14:20 she was very influential in terms of, you know,
14:22 talking about God... and a lot of things...
14:24 I didn't understand... as a young boy
14:26 but she said, "Certainly, if you are praying and asking God
14:28 for guidance... He'll always protect you
14:30 and He'll always... He'll never leave you
14:32 nor forsake you He will always take you into the
14:35 direction once you seek him... " and so, that stuck with me...
14:38 Yes... ... for years... and when things
14:40 got tough I always just remembered...
14:41 going to Him and saying... "God, please, rescue me... "
14:44 you know what I mean... "rescue me...
14:45 please remove these ill feelings from me...
14:48 help me out in school... help me to do better
14:51 in the Community... make sure that I'm a
14:53 better person and that I can contribute something to Society"
14:56 and so, my grandmother, she was a very pivotal person
14:59 in terms of spirituality but also guidance
15:02 because she used to always tell, she'd say,
15:04 "Son, if you can read or write, you can accomplish anything
15:07 in life... " and so, I tried my best
15:09 to make sure, even though I failed continuously...
15:13 you know, subject after subject and failed and did poorly
15:15 in school... I always had an effort and tried to do
15:18 the best that I could... and I always had a thing where
15:21 you know, "If you try... if you take one step...
15:23 God will help take another and more steps
15:25 He will always protect those who seek Him"... but also
15:28 He had something bigger for me that I didn't know
15:31 until many years later... that I was going to be able
15:33 to have an impact on the world. Come on now...
15:35 Absolutely He did... absolutely He continues to...
15:39 and that is something that is so important
15:42 for our viewers to know that even though
15:45 you were on a path... really... that was destined...
15:49 in which you were destined to fail...
15:53 God had a better path for you... He had another way for you,
15:57 He had His own divine plan for you
16:01 and I'm thankful that you had the spirit to persevere
16:07 because a lot of times... people give up
16:09 a lot of times, they are overwhelmed themselves
16:12 by their circumstances... and they just give up...
16:16 but thankfully, that seed was planted in your life...
16:19 in your spirit... your grandmother planted that
16:23 seed that you can go to God when there's something going on
16:26 and He will help you... and so, thankfully you had that
16:30 to hold on to... as you negotiated through
16:33 this murky thing that we call life... God was there for you...
16:38 so, you had difficulty trusting, was this your maternal
16:43 or paternal grandmother... this was my mom's mom...
16:47 Okay... Yes... yes...
16:49 And so, she was there for you
16:51 and she saw what was going on with her daughter
16:54 but your grandmother was there to kind of hold you up
16:58 through all of that... Yes, she was the frame...
17:02 you know... she was the glue that kept us together
17:05 because at one point when my mom suffered
17:09 from mental breakdown, she wouldn't allow
17:13 the Social Services to take us into custody for adoption
17:16 she wouldn't allow that... she would come and take care
17:19 of us before she would let us go into the State...
17:22 and that is something that she always vowed...
17:24 she said, "I'll never leave you guys... I want you to always
17:27 be around and I'll take care of you" when my mom just
17:29 physically or mentally... she just couldn't do it.
17:32 So, this story is so compelling, and I thank you so much
17:39 for being so transparent with us because so many of our viewers
17:43 are going through similar circumstances
17:45 and they don't know where to turn or what to do.
17:49 What should they do? If there's a little boy
17:52 right now that's going through what you went through
17:55 what should he do, Dr. Reynolds? I tell you, one of the first and
17:59 foremost thing that needs to be done is...
18:02 he needs to develop a relationship with God
18:05 because... once you do that... you communicate with God
18:09 and once you begin to communicate with God...
18:11 He communicates back to you... All right...
18:14 that's number one... but the second thing...
18:17 and the number one thing right now...
18:19 that I found in the last few years that's really ailing
18:22 our Communities and continue to ail our communities
18:25 is we need to learn how to read, that is something that, I mean,
18:31 can you imagine being in a household
18:34 where everybody is functionally illiterate...
18:38 and if we teach young kids how to read... at an early age
18:43 he or she has a greater chance of succeeding
18:46 in anything in life... I'm going to tell you
18:49 what it will do... it will also teach a young boy,
18:51 not just a boy, but it will teach him,
18:53 once he knows how to read, it will teach him...
18:56 how to avoid conflict... how to communicate effectively,
19:00 it will teach him how to build relationships but it will also
19:04 teach him how to be a productive citizen in society
19:08 so that he and others can go back and teach
19:12 and bring other people you have to be a role model
19:14 and all too many times, especially...
19:16 and I am going to throw this number here because
19:19 data does not steer us in the wrong way...
19:23 87 percent of African-American children right now...
19:27 87 percent of children in the Black Community
19:31 are functionally illiterate... that means... they are reading
19:34 below proficient level... now that's a very staggering
19:37 and disheartening number for us to realize and say,
19:40 "What are we doing... " you know, if I can just
19:43 interject right now... you know that I'm a psychologist
19:46 by education... I'm not sure if you read that...
19:48 Yes... yes... ... but one of the things
19:50 that we fail to do... and when I say "we"
19:53 I'm talking about myself... because I like to take
19:55 accountability... one of the things as psychologists
19:58 that we fail to do... we fail to get kids tested
20:02 for reading... we made a lot of, what I call,
20:05 misdiagnosis and we are quick to call kids ADD, ADHD
20:10 but we fail relentlessly in identifying...
20:14 what the actual problem was
20:16 and that's kids being functionally illiterate...
20:19 What a great point... so many kids are labeled ADD,
20:23 ADHD... that basically... just can't read...
20:26 if they could read, maybe their behavior would be different...
20:29 is that what you're saying? I'm absolutely saying it...
20:32 and I was there...
20:34 let's say we get referrals
20:36 from the school... and the first thing...
20:38 in order for us to be able to make a diagnosis...
20:41 we have to be able to sit down
20:43 and look at what Johnny does... so... the teacher says,
20:45 "Johnny... he's distracted, he's out of focus,
20:48 he can't sit still, he talks a lot,
20:51 he can't get his work, he's failing this class"
20:54 so when they come to us then, we have to sit down
20:58 and make a diagnosis... well, that identifies
21:01 right there... that he has ADHD...
21:04 so immediately we make a diagnosis of ADHD, ADD
21:09 and so now we have labeled... mislabeled a child
21:12 instead of going and finding out what the real root
21:16 of the problem is which is illiteracy...
21:19 hey, listen... how would you feel... if you couldn't read
21:22 and you sat in a classroom... do you think
21:24 that you could sit still... do you think
21:26 that you could pass Science if you can't read?
21:28 We get mad at kids... keep in mind...
21:33 when I say "we" I'm talking about me... accountability
21:36 this is what has happened in the past...
21:37 we get made with kids... they come home with "Ds"
21:39 and we say, "Oh, you're just not studying hard enough...
21:42 you're not focused... " you know, "you talk too much"
21:44 but these kids can't read... and so, if I'm sitting in class
21:49 with 29 kids and 19 of the kids can't read.. what does that say?
21:53 That's huge... that is huge... and what you just pointed to
22:01 is something that is really important...
22:03 the root cause... let's get to the root cause
22:06 of these problems... so, what are you doing...
22:09 what is your Organization... your website... all that...
22:13 tell us about what you're doing...
22:14 Well, I've been so... I mean... it has been
22:17 life changing for me, you know, a very prominent educator
22:21 literally opened my eyes up to some of these root problems
22:25 that are really ailing our Community...
22:27 and what he told me was, he formed it in a way...
22:30 that when I got off the phone with him...
22:33 it really made think... because...
22:35 we talked about mentoring... we talked about tutoring...
22:38 we talked about "big brother" "big sister"
22:40 we talked about kids who are in the juvenile justice system
22:43 and he asked me some of the antidotes and things that I had
22:47 what would I do... and I would give him those things
22:49 but the one question that he asked me... and changed my life
22:54 was... "Have you taught them how to read?"
22:57 Hmmmm... "Have you taught a young man
23:00 how to read... because if you teach a young person
23:03 how to read... you're going to change his life forever"
23:06 That's right... that's right... ... and so what we're doing
23:09 right now... I'm so blessed and honored to be on this
23:12 campaign for transforming the lives of young kids...
23:16 of all kids and for the Company it's called testourkids. com
23:21 and what we're doing is two-fold one... we serve as an informer
23:26 we educate people in the awareness of how important
23:30 it is to get your kid tested to see if he or she can read...
23:33 one of the things that I hear so often
23:37 and it really tears me down... I get angry when I hear people
23:41 say... and educators say... "Parents don't care"
23:44 that's not true... and I totally disagree with it.
23:47 Parents do care and they have a right to know
23:51 if their child cannot read... so that's the first thing
23:54 that we do... we bring the awareness
23:56 to educators, administrators,
23:59 community activists,
24:01 and more importantly parents so that they can find out
24:03 if their kid can read... and we have a diagnostic test
24:06 that's right on our website that you can sit, right there,
24:10 and have your kid tested to see if he or she can read...
24:14 And what age group does this cover?
24:17 We're looking at... age is from 4 to 14...
24:20 and the reason why that age is... it's a gap there
24:24 is because right now... the US Department of Education
24:28 and other big Foundations found in this Country
24:30 that 68 percent of the kids that are leaving the third...
24:33 going to the fourth grade are functionally illiterate
24:37 68 percent... and I'm going moderate with that
24:41 but it's higher than that... 68 percent because what we're
24:44 finding now... what we found is that
24:46 by the time... if kids don't know how to read
24:48 and they get to the third grade, they rarely catch up... ever...
24:51 Yes... ... and so by the time they get
24:53 to Middle School... they're failing relentlessly...
24:56 I mean... they just never catch up...
24:58 because they haven't had any dynamic interventions
25:01 early on... so when we talk about
25:04 intervention implementation we're talking about...
25:07 K- Kindergarten to about 3rd grade
25:09 those are the most formidable, critical years
25:13 of reading intervention... if you can get a kid taught
25:16 how to read between Kindergarten and third grade...
25:19 I guarantee you... he'll succeed in school and in life.
25:22 That's tremendous... reading opens up the world...
25:27 to you... it's amazing to me when I see that
25:31 children can't read... that adults... can't read...
25:34 and can't write really well, it's amazing to me...
25:38 so, tell me... because I cannot believe how quickly this program
25:42 has gone by... we only have about two minutes left
25:45 tell me, your website, at your website...
25:48 it tests children's reading ability
25:51 and then based on that
25:52 where do you go from there? Well, thank you for asking...
25:55 but on the website... you actually...
25:58 and this is so great because you can do this in the confines
26:02 of your own house at your computer...
26:03 there are probably very few people who do not have access
26:07 to a computer and you sit down... and listen to this,
26:10 even the parent does not have to be a literate person
26:14 to sit down with a young person follow the lesson plans
26:17 all they're doing is facilitating...
26:19 because what we're doing is we're going back to the basics
26:21 the phonics, the sounds,
26:24 the spelling, you can't comprehend until you learn
26:28 the sounds... you cannot pronounce the word
26:30 until you go back to the phonics...
26:31 so, you go on to the website, you look at the assessment,
26:34 take the assessment, we have facilitators there
26:37 to set up the reading actual test...
26:40 they walk you through it, then you find out
26:43 where your kids read... and then comes the lessons
26:46 15-20 minutes a night... on the computer.
26:48 Six weeks... I guarantee you... you'll see your kid start to
26:53 improve drastically in 6 weeks. That is so tremendous...
26:57 I am so thankful that we can bring this to our viewers
27:01 because even if somebody watching doesn't know about this
27:06 or doesn't have a child that can use this,
27:11 they know somebody who does...
27:13 and they can share this information...
27:15 And that is so true, and what's so important
27:17 lastly about the awareness it brings...
27:20 let people hear about this, what I did was,
27:22 when I started this campaign, I actually ordered my
27:25 transcripts from Kindergarten to 12th grade...
27:27 and guess what I discovered? What...
27:29 that I read two to three grades below where I was supposed to be
27:33 in my entire school... So, if you had had some program
27:37 like this... it would have changed your life...
27:39 It would have changed my whole life
27:41 and how to deal with just life in general...
27:43 If I had certain type of intervention like this...
27:45 because we didn't have this... you know, we have to get back,
27:49 there's too much technology today for anyone to be walking
27:51 around... especially kids... functionally illiterate...
27:54 in this country today. Absolutely, thank you so much
27:57 Dr. Reynolds... God bless you, God bless you.
27:59 Thank you... thank you... Thank you for having me...
28:01 Thank you... and thank you for viewing...
28:04 Next time, tune in, because you know what...
28:07 It just wouldn't be the same... without you.


Revised 2015-01-15