Urban Report


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Terrie Williams


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000060

00:01 What would you do if you were so depressed
00:02 that you couldn't get out of bed...
00:04 Stay tuned to meet a mental health advocate
00:07 that, herself, overcame the grip of depression...
00:10 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching Urban Report
00:35 Hello and welcome to Urban Report
00:38 my guest today is a friend that I met years ago
00:41 while in the entertainment industry
00:42 I recently ran into her at the National Action Network
00:46 Convention in New York and when I spoke to her
00:49 I knew that she had some vital points to share with our
00:52 Urban Report viewers... so let me just tell you
00:55 a little bit about her... She is one of Ebony magazine's
00:58 Power 150 for activism... Woman's Day magazine
01:02 hails her as one of 50 women on a mission to change the world
01:07 and she's a Black History Maker's Honoree
01:10 on the 2013 The Grio one hundred list
01:13 she's a mental health advocate author of several
01:17 acclaimed books and the Founder and President
01:20 of the Terrie Williams Agency
01:22 I'm pleased to welcome Terrie Williams to Urban Report.
01:26 Welcome Terrie... yeah... We made it...
01:30 I'm so happy to be with you... Oh, thank you... I am so happy
01:34 to have you here... and I know that
01:36 once our viewers hear what you have to say...
01:39 they are going to be so blessed
01:41 by the information that you share...
01:42 you know, when I met you Terrie and you know,
01:46 you and I have never really had like a lot of conversations
01:49 or anything but I watched your career from afar
01:52 and I saw that that you were this high-powered woman
01:56 you were representing Eddie Murphy and Miles Davis and
02:00 doing all of these great things but while that was happening
02:04 something else was happening with you...
02:07 Tell us about... your journey...
02:09 I was dying on the inside...
02:13 I was wearing my mask
02:16 which most of us do... we wear a mask everyday
02:19 and we are smiling and people say, "How are you doing?"
02:23 and we say, "Fine" and the reality is many of us are hiding
02:27 a multitude of issues, unresolved pain, wounds, traumas
02:32 scars from our past... and we're pretending that
02:36 we're fine... and so that's what I did for many, many, many years
02:40 and it nearly destroyed me... to make the long story short
02:45 about... I think it was maybe about 10 years ago,
02:49 I suffered from just very, very, debilitating depression
02:52 and for me... what it looked like was
02:55 waking up... first of all... not wanting to wake up...
02:58 I didn't want to see the sun... because that then meant
03:02 I had to get into my performance role and face a lot of things
03:07 that I just really didn't want to face...
03:09 and so I would lie there in bed and really kind of like
03:13 in a fetal position with tremendous anxiety
03:17 knots in my stomach, in tears, and it took me
03:20 ridiculous amount of time to get up
03:24 out of the bed... to shower, to dress,
03:28 and then put the mask on... Now, Terrie, was this a gradual
03:32 thing or did this happen... was this just like...
03:36 one event that just triggered it was this a gradual...
03:41 No... I would say that it was very gradual because the way
03:45 that we move through the world has to do with
03:49 how we grew up... and it also has to do with
03:52 the forces around us... whether or not we are doing
03:56 the things that we are called to do... that we enjoy to do
03:59 whether or not we have toxic people in our lives
04:01 whether or not we are doing too many things
04:04 running away from those issues that just all of a sudden...
04:09 hit you at the same time... and you are like... immobilized
04:13 Hmmmm... and that's what happened to me
04:16 and I... at some point... I just... I remember...
04:20 excuse me...
04:28 sometimes... when I talk about the journey...
04:31 Yes... ... it's very, very emotional
04:33 because I can feel, right now, what that was like... for me...
04:39 Yes... yes... ... what I do know is...
04:42 that it's necessary to talk about it...
04:44 and I remember clearly... hearing one day, when God said,
04:49 "You have to share your story"
04:51 and first of all... and you know...
04:54 whenever people would say to me they heard God tell them
04:56 something... I was like... I believed in God
04:59 but I never heard Him tell me anything... right...
05:03 Like people hearing voices... like hallucination...
05:07 I thought something was wrong with me...
05:08 I was just, you know, like a fake Christian or something
05:11 so, what I heard... very clearly "You have to tell your story"
05:16 and it was at that moment... that I knew that I was
05:20 supposed to do that... and I happened to be
05:23 in on a panel for C-Span and they were talking about...
05:26 it was about HIV and AIDS, there were about 8 panelists...
05:29 and what I spoke about was the fact that
05:32 when we don't deal with our issues
05:34 then we self-medicate with promiscuous unprotected sex,
05:39 shopping when we don't have any money...
05:41 gambling, drinking, overeating, there are a myriad of things
05:46 that we will do... to not feel the actual pain
05:51 that we are in. Hmmmm...
05:53 And so, the then editor-in-chief from Essence
05:55 she was there with her 13-year-old daughter
05:56 and she had never heard about depression and she asked me
06:00 if I would share it... and... her name was Diane Weathers
06:03 and she said to me, "I'm stunned... stunned to hear
06:07 that you suffer from depression" but it's...
06:09 everybody that you know is going through something...
06:12 and you can't tell... you look at the person next to you
06:14 who might seem to have a myriad of riches
06:17 might seem to be that nothing can ever go wrong with them
06:21 but you never know what is underneath that mask
06:24 because we all wear one... You know what Terrie...
06:28 that is so true... and the more... you know...
06:31 we're always juggling... so we're juggling
06:34 what happens with home, what happens with work,
06:38 what happens with our personal relationships...
06:42 if we're parents, we're juggling that...
06:44 and so we're always quote "wearing the mask"
06:47 so, when people... when you're at work...
06:49 I remember when I was in the music business
06:51 and I'd go to work and people would say,
06:53 "Oh, how're you doing?" I'd say, "Oh, great, everything
06:55 is fine... " you're wearing that mask...
06:57 and you could be crumbling inside...
07:00 That's right... that's right... and you're doing
07:03 all of these things... and with you... in the position
07:06 that you have been in for all these years,
07:09 you know, a position of being a high-powered woman...
07:12 that's who you are... you wear a lot of hats...
07:16 and it begins to wear on you, so, this is what
07:19 you're telling us... you were wearing that mask
07:23 and we appreciate... so much...
07:25 your sharing your journey, by-the-way because
07:27 so many people... need to hear this because they're dealing
07:32 with it too... Exactly, you know.. you're right
07:35 it's absolutely where the healing begins...
07:39 because if we keep silent... which is why... I'm really...
07:43 sometimes I speak in front of thousands of people
07:45 and I never know when the emotions of what I went through
07:48 in the early stages... I never know how it might hit me
07:51 but, if the tears flow... the tears flow...
07:54 because, you have to see it all, you have to know
07:57 that you are not alone and how you are feeling...
08:01 and so... that's my mission... I'm a woman on fire...
08:06 because it's almost as if I saw someone
08:08 about the cross the street and the car was coming...
08:10 and for me... to not try to pull
08:12 that person back or say,
08:13 "Watch out" would be just the height of irresponsibility
08:16 so, what I know is... that I use my voice
08:20 and my experience to let people know...
08:24 that they are not alone... and that there is joy
08:27 on the other side... of dealing with your issues,
08:31 and if we don't we can never be
08:34 all that God has called us to be Yes...
08:37 ...we're nothing without our mental
08:38 and emotional health... so when we are wearing that mask
08:42 because we have one for every different occasion
08:44 as you said... and in so many cases
08:46 it's plastered on our faces, and so, you know,
08:49 unless we deal with those issues like, you know,
08:52 talking to a therapist... which many of us, you know,
08:56 feel like it's a sign of weakness
08:57 Its... I think we have to redefine what "strong" is...
09:00 and "strong" means... to let the tears flow
09:03 strong means... to share your story with someone
09:07 and to also try to get to the bottom of why you are
09:11 the way that you are... through the counsel of a professional.
09:15 Yes... and that is such a good point because we,
09:18 as African Americans... we tend to put our health...
09:22 whether it's physical health, mental health...
09:25 on the back burner... we are always doing
09:28 so many other things... that we will get to that...
09:32 or... it's not that deep... or... it will be Okay...
09:36 somehow it will just be okay... you know...
09:39 That's right... ... and so.. this is why again..
09:44 I so appreciate what you're saying because
09:48 it is a journey... and your transparency
09:51 will help others who are dealing with this...
09:54 so, let's go back to your journey for a second...
09:56 because I really want people to understand
09:58 the grip... that this depression had on you...
10:01 so one morning... in particular, you woke up and it was just
10:06 too much... at that point... correct?
10:09 Yes, I mean... it was everyday, really... and I just remember
10:16 at some point... I don't know why I'm so
10:18 emotional today about this... but in any case...
10:20 I would just... it was like...
10:25 everyday I would wake up that way... and then one day
10:27 I just said to myself... "This can't be normal
10:31 to wake up every day like this, this just can't be normal... "
10:36 and I mean, you know... I have a Master of Science degree
10:39 in Social Work and in Counseling...
10:41 I'm supposed to know what the signs are... of depression...
10:45 but when it hits you up-side
10:48 your own educated head...
10:50 it doesn't matter because you are just a human being...
10:53 but I do remember that very clearly...
10:56 something isn't right about waking up like this
10:59 every morning... and I can't tell you the days
11:01 that I trudged through... I might have had a speaking
11:06 engagement and it took all that I had
11:09 to get up out of the bed
11:10 and so, it was the grace of God that got me
11:13 to wherever it was that I was supposed to be...
11:15 because I was feeling so badly but I remember some friends,
11:18 you know... I wasn't answering the door at one point
11:21 and some friends got me to a psychiatrist
11:25 and I literally fell in her chair sobbing...
11:29 and she just... she saw me and she was like...
11:33 clinical depression... and I was like...
11:36 at the same time that I was really emotional...
11:39 I was like, "Thank you God I know this name...
11:42 I know what depression is but I didn't know
11:44 it had it's grip on me... " Yes... yes...
11:47 so, for many people... in the work that...
11:50 oh excuse me... That's fine...
11:56 ...in the work that I have been doing...
11:58 in the book that I wrote "Black Pain: It just Looks Like
12:02 We're Not Hurting" and my speaking around the
12:04 country... in many corporations in their Employee Relations
12:08 Department... I see what happens
12:12 when somebody else shares their story...
12:15 you see other faces... they start nodding their heads
12:18 they start smiling... they start crying...
12:22 and they say, "That's me" we need to know
12:25 that we're not alone in this journey...
12:27 and that everybody that you know...
12:30 I don't care who they are or what they do...
12:32 is dealing with the same stuff, and the more wealth
12:36 that you have... that's the more money
12:39 that you have to self-medicate...
12:40 and we see it splashed all over the pages...
12:42 every single day... Absolutely...
12:45 Michael Jackson... you know... poor Michael...
12:47 and Whitney Houston and Lindsay Lohan
12:50 and every time we turn around she... it plays out...
12:54 but the more money you have...
12:55 the more money you have to self-medicate
12:57 And you know... that's such a good point because
12:59 so many people... especially younger people
13:03 think that money is going to be the answer
13:06 to all of their issues... let me just get some money...
13:09 let me just get rich... let me just get rich or die trying...
13:12 Exactly... exactly... and what it does is magnify
13:16 what it really does is magnify who you really are...
13:19 Yes... yes... The more that you are...
13:20 it magnifies it... it just sad...
13:22 when you have money... you can buy... anything...
13:25 we will do any thing... to not feel the real pain...
13:29 you know.. anorexia and bulimia is a much larger issue
13:33 in the African-American Community than it used to be,
13:36 you know... where you eat... and then you put your finger
13:39 down your throat and then you throw everything
13:41 back up... again... you know... so, those...
13:44 so, we will just.. the act of... many people end up having
13:48 esophagus problems who suffer with
13:52 anorexia or bulimia
13:53 there are a whole host of ways in which we suffer...
13:56 but that is more preferable than the emotional pain
14:00 that we experience... Yes... they're trying to
14:03 resolve... to ease the pain... To numb the pain...
14:06 Yes... yes... So, let's look at the
14:10 African-American Community as a whole...
14:12 what is the preponderance of depression
14:15 in the African-American Community?
14:17 Oh, where do we begin... one of the areas that we learn
14:24 very quickly that... we really don't matter...
14:27 the most recent passing... the killing of Trayvon Martin
14:33 but there is Oscar Grant in upper California
14:38 who was shot in the back in a subway station,
14:40 there's a movie now about his life... Fruitvale Station
14:43 but there are a myriad of us
14:46 who have been taken out unfairly...
14:48 simply because of the color of our skin...
14:51 and the reality is... that... we learn... early on
14:57 that we're almost invisible
14:58 that... other people don't see us
15:01 or they are afraid of us, you know,
15:03 and so you understand that you're like...
15:07 if you are a young black man or an older black man
15:09 in this country... you know it's warfare...
15:12 it's not just from other people we kill our own...
15:19 Yes, yes... you know... and it's because
15:21 I'll give you... for instance... I created some
15:25 Public Service Announcements that were done with SAMHSA,
15:30 the Governmental Agency... and I move around the country
15:34 taught children spots... I was in Atlas High School
15:37 there were about 60 kids they were watching spots...
15:39 they were crying and talking
15:42 and one young man gets up
15:44 15-years-old... very courageous, and he said that he
15:47 stabbed someone seven times... another young man... seven times
15:51 did not kill him but what he said after that is what...
15:54 it pierced my spirit... but it said everything...
15:57 he said... "And he wasn't even the one that I was mad at... "
16:00 Oh... And so, that's the thing...
16:04 that we need to be kind... we need to be kind and gentle
16:07 with one another... even if you're walking down the
16:09 street and you see somebody pass your way...
16:11 you can look that person in the eye, smile and say, "Hello"
16:14 they might turn around to see who you're talking to...
16:17 because surely you're not talking to me...
16:18 because... I don't matter... what we don't know...
16:22 we have to be careful how we treat people
16:24 because we don't know what their journey has been...
16:27 and when you can't get at the person who has violated
16:30 your body... or violated your spirit...
16:32 then you will take it out on whoever is closest to you
16:37 at the moment that you get a trigger...
16:39 You know, this is such a good point because
16:44 there is such self-loathing and you know, here at Dare to Dream
16:50 one of the things that we really promote is the fact that
16:54 God has a plan for each of us, and we want our young people
16:58 to know that there is a divine plan for their lives...
17:02 but there is such a feeling of desperation and hopelessness
17:08 I was talking to a young man who is seventeen, Terrie,
17:12 and he was a gang banger... and he was saying...
17:15 "I don't care if I die... I don't care... "
17:18 That's right... that's right... and going into enemy territory
17:23 is committing suicide they do this everyday...
17:26 they suffered... gang members...
17:27 because I mentor a number of young brothers
17:29 who are members of the Bloods...
17:30 and even created an opportunity for them to have therapy
17:35 with a friend of mine who a psychiatrist
17:38 who specializes in trauma victims...
17:40 but gang members suffer from very, very severe
17:43 Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and nobody is getting any help
17:46 Hmmmmm... ... And so, it's not just
17:50 the gang members who maybe don't want to be here
17:53 and go into enemy territory...
17:55 they know that they're going to be killed
17:56 it's also... when you...
18:00 when you just do things
18:04 that you know... to know... are going to get
18:07 you in trouble... Yes, it's a kind of recklessness
18:11 Yes, it is because it's just... you don't want to necessarily
18:16 take yourself out... but you put yourself in a
18:19 position to be taken out... Yes...
18:21 ...you know... and there are so many of us,
18:22 not just gang members... because there is such a
18:25 high level of violence everywhere we turn,
18:27 we have people who see somebody shot and killed...
18:31 adults and children... they witness somebody
18:34 shot and killed right in front of them
18:35 whether it's a family member or not, and then,
18:38 they get up and go to work or go to school the next day...
18:41 like they didn't just witness
18:43 the most horrific thing on God's earth...
18:46 Hmmm... ... so, when you get to work
18:48 or school... you can't concentrate
18:50 because of what you just saw,
18:52 and you haven't talked to anyone about it... so...
18:55 you start to act out... you're disruptive in the
18:58 classroom or you can't focus when you're at your desk...
19:01 and when we are diagnosed with, they tend to diagnose us with...
19:06 what do you call it... one of those things...
19:07 ADHD and... AD... AD... ADHD...
19:11 sometimes we get relegated to Special-Education Classes
19:15 all because we were traumatized and didn't get any help...
19:18 Right... Recently a 2-year-old was shot
19:20 in the playground up-town... in Manhattan...
19:23 and her mother saw an article in the paper...
19:26 and her mother said that that every time she hears a
19:28 loud noise in the house or outside...
19:31 she starts screaming and crying, but I bet...
19:36 that nobody has identified it as PTSD and I know
19:41 that she didn't get routed to a child psychiatrist who would
19:44 have her draw pictures about how she was feeling...
19:47 and so we don't get the help that we need...
19:50 Yes... ... and we're dying...
19:51 And we are dying... ... and getting diagnosed early
19:56 like that with maybe, you know, ADD and those kinds of disorders
20:01 that is the first pipeline to
20:05 prison and the grave
20:06 Hmmmm... hmmmm.. ... because you never get the
20:08 help that you need... and babies who are having babies
20:11 they have their own stuff that they have not dealt with
20:14 and so they're certainly not going to be in a position
20:16 to raise their own children properly...
20:20 That's right... ... many of them will not know
20:22 how to do that... they have never been to a
20:25 Counselor or would never go... or think that you would be crazy
20:27 to go... when in fact... it's how it helps you to breath
20:31 to get some... some kind of an understanding
20:36 of why you're the way you are, your daddy wasn't in your life
20:39 we don't talk enough about fatherlessness...
20:41 Oh... my... ... and how it affects girls
20:43 and boys differently... but if you don't have your daddy
20:46 in your life and you don't even have an explanation
20:48 you experience it as... abandonment...
20:55 depression... Rejection...
20:57 ...rejection... exactly... and you have nowhere to go...
21:00 and because we tend not to explain to the child
21:06 because they don't understand their feelings...
21:08 they don't understand why they just punched a hole...
21:10 in the wall... they don't understand that...
21:12 so we have to frame the issue for the child and say,
21:15 "You know what, your daddy is not in your life...
21:17 he is having his own issues he doesn't know how to be with
21:22 you at this time... but I want you to know that
21:24 in his own way.. he loves you and that you will sometimes
21:29 feel like you're angry for no reason...
21:31 but you have reason... and so, if you feel that way,
21:34 come and talk to me" but those are the...
21:36 we have to frame the issue... so that they understand
21:39 But so often, we don't even know to do that...
21:42 see, that is such a critical piece... it needs to be framed
21:46 and the child needs to be... to understand that it's not
21:49 your fault... there's nothing intrinsically wrong with you
21:53 that would lead your daddy to not be here...
21:56 That's right... You know, mommy and daddy
21:58 couldn't get along or something but it's not you...
22:01 we need to frame that... that is a critical piece
22:05 and we're not doing that... the fatherlessness issue
22:09 is a huge, huge issue... and now I'm involved with
22:14 an Organization that deals with fatherlessness...
22:18 because it is a critical piece, what would you say...
22:21 what are some of the strategies that... if someone is dealing
22:25 with depression right now... well, first, what are some of
22:28 the symptoms of depression and then let's look at the
22:30 strategies for addressing them. Well, the first one that I would
22:35 just mention is... the obvious ways that we
22:37 self-medicate... you know, to not feel the real pain
22:40 if you see someone who is constantly drinking or eating
22:43 or working... because working is an addiction as well...
22:46 that is someone who is running away from their pain...
22:50 I don't want to see anybody in the office at
22:52 like 8 O'clock in the morning
22:54 and they are there 11 O'clock at night
22:55 Hmmm... ... sounds like Terrie...
22:57 for a minute there huh... what I'm saying is
22:59 you're running from something... you know...
23:02 that it's not an employee to uplift
23:04 it's someone who is running
23:06 from their things... it's being sad,
23:09 crying for apparently no reason over a period of
23:13 two to three weeks... you're not enjoying the things
23:15 that you used to... enjoy... you find yourself
23:19 lashing out at people because you're not getting
23:21 at what's really bothering you, you call in sick to work...
23:26 just a myriad of things will change and you can see
23:30 something in many people's eyes that they are not...
23:34 they don't do the things that they used to do...
23:37 that brought them joy... you know,
23:39 and getting pregnant... having 3, 4, 5 kids with
23:45 different baby daddies... do you know what I'm saying...
23:48 Yes... yes... yes... ... because those are just some
23:51 of the things... and I go into great detail
23:53 about that, you know, in my book Hmmm... hmmm...
23:56 but it's a feeling like you don't want to be here
24:00 on the planet... you can't get up...
24:02 you can't get to sleep at night everything is off
24:07 and if you feel like something is wrong...
24:11 something is wrong... Hmm... oh that's a great point
24:15 and I think that a lot of times that we know something's
24:19 not quite right but we don't want to...
24:22 like for the last few days I've been feeling like...
24:25 not quite myself... and I was spending some quiet
24:28 time with God and I was just... "What's bothering you?"
24:32 "Did you say 'yes' to something that you wanted to say 'no' to"
24:36 because if that's true... because that has been an issue
24:39 for me... because of how I grew up...
24:41 wanting to please... and this is in all love because
24:46 what I'm about to say is that my mother was very stern,
24:50 her father abandoned nine kids she was the only one
24:54 who graduated out of the 9 kids in her family,
24:56 and it left a scar that has made her very, very bitter
25:00 Hmmm... and so, I learned very early on
25:06 and the reason I'm saying that is because I always felt
25:09 like I had to please her... because, I wanted her to approve
25:15 of me... so that... it made me a people-pleaser
25:19 so, when you're a people-pleaser you're going to do and say
25:24 anything... sorry about that, you're going to do and say
25:29 anything... that will please the other person...
25:31 meanwhile... you... are nothing, Hmmm...
25:35 ...because you're busy doing what everybody else
25:38 wants you to do... and to be... and as I say this...
25:41 it's not a criticism of my mother...
25:43 it is the reality... our parents do
25:46 the very best... they can do... Yes, and you have to start there
25:50 with the acknowledgement of what has happened...
25:54 in your life... to create certain issues...
25:58 Yes... ... you start there...
25:59 you have to acknowledge that, you know what, Terrie,
26:03 we only have two minutes left, I cannot believe...
26:06 because there are so many things I want to get to...
26:09 I'm going to have to bring you back... so...
26:12 you're going to have to come back again and give us
26:14 some more insight... but which strategies...
26:17 can you recommend to people who are in the throes
26:21 of depression right now... First, I want to just say
26:25 to read the book... because it will tell you
26:28 everything that you need to know about how you're living
26:33 how you're moving... you will see yourself
26:35 and everyone that you know, and to understand
26:38 that there is joy on the other side
26:41 of addressing your issues... being honest with yourself
26:44 and seeing a professional... it's great to have friends
26:47 but nothing can take the place... of a professional
26:50 who can guide you with certain questions...
26:51 my therapist asked me something one day
26:53 she said, "I know about your issues with your mother,
26:55 what about... with your dad... and just like that...
26:58 my hand went to my head and it was like
27:00 I knew immediately what she was talking about...
27:03 Hmmm... ... it wouldn't have hit me
27:04 like that if I had not had guidance...
27:06 Yes... ... one thing that I want to say
27:09 is that racism kills, it just kills...
27:12 when you know that you're treated differently
27:14 when you walk into... if you're...
27:16 say a big, tall, black man dark skinned...
27:18 you walk into Corporate America
27:19 you end up... you have a booming voice
27:22 you lower your voice... so that you're not as
27:24 intimidating to others... you smile extra...
27:26 you stand differently... and just because you can do that
27:29 when you walk in the door everyday
27:30 doesn't mean that it doesn't take something out of you...
27:33 Yes... yes...
27:34 ...and if you don't believe in going to a therapist...
27:36 then you end up taking things like that
27:38 out at home... to people who don't deserve it.
27:41 Right, right... exactly... ... so we need God,
27:43 he puts people in our lives, we sometimes...
27:46 because of religion, we'll say "Oh, well, God will...
27:48 God will... I'll just prayed it away... "
27:50 God sends the right people...
27:51 Yes, and He send us to to the right people...
27:54 Terrie, thank you so much for being with us today.
27:58 Thank you Yvonne, it was an honor and a blessing.
28:01 And thank you for being with us...
28:04 Tune in next time... it just wouldn't be the same
28:06 without you...


Revised 2015-01-14