Urban Report

Feed Our Children

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Pr. Moses Brown


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000059

00:01 Stay tuned to meet a man that was abandoned by his mother
00:04 and adopted by an Adventist couple that changed his life...
00:07 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching Urban Report
00:32 Hello and welcome to Urban Report
00:34 Today you're going to meet a man that actually embodies
00:38 our Dare to Dream philosophy that God's got a divine plan
00:42 for all of us... Let's welcome Pr. Moses Brown
00:45 to Urban Report and hear his story...
00:48 Welcome, Pastor Brown...
00:50 So good to see you Dr. Lewis... how're you doing?
00:52 I'm doing great, praise the Lord great to see you too...
00:56 How are you? God has been so good,
00:58 I'm just too blessed to be stressed...
01:00 Amen... amen... God is so good...
01:04 So, let's talk a bit about your journey...
01:07 because you have such an interesting past...
01:11 Tell us about... about when you were an infant
01:15 and what happened to you... Well, to start off...
01:18 when I was just... before I was born...
01:22 it was a little girl walking home from school
01:25 and... Bible School... there in... down near Miami...
01:30 and her father, which was a Baptist Preacher there
01:34 in Mannings, North Carolina there and they all died,
01:38 and she was living with her older sisters...
01:39 and she came to live down in Miami with her twin sister and
01:43 when she was walking away from Church...
01:45 a man invited her to take a ride home
01:46 instead of taking her all the way home,
01:48 they stopped at one of his homes and
01:50 when he was taking her through...
01:52 reluctantly she had looked at his property, etc...
01:57 and when they went to the bedroom... he slammed the door
02:01 and that's when he violated her, a 13-year-old girl
02:05 she didn't recognize she was pregnant
02:08 until much later... her twin sister looked at her
02:10 and said, "You're pregnant Cheri... "
02:12 and when she looked at the circumstance
02:15 she told her older sister and her sister said
02:17 "You know, we can't keep this child in here
02:20 it's impossible, we cannot keep another baby...
02:22 we're barely taking care of you, we don't have no food
02:25 hardly to feed you too. " but that came.. at a later stage
02:29 in the game... and so... something happened down there
02:33 that they had to move... further up...
02:34 part of Florida to Plant City
02:38 you know, God always has His hands in it...
02:40 and she ended up having to go down to
02:44 the nearby abortion clinic on the advice of her family
02:48 and while she was going there she heard a voice
02:50 that said, "If you let this baby live, I'll take care of you,
02:53 I'll take care of the child... " and hearing that voice
02:56 she turned around and she went back home
03:00 and when she got back home, her sister asked her,
03:03 you know, "What happened, did you get the abortion?"
03:06 and she said, "No, I'm going to trust God. "
03:09 and she put her trust in God Dr. Lewis
03:12 and she went to the hospital
03:14 she told the doctor, she said, "Listen, I can't keep
03:17 the baby because my sister said we're too poor...
03:20 but if you know somebody that you can find... anybody...
03:24 who can take care of a child, Christian person preferably"
03:28 he said, "I will... " the doctor didn't want to get
03:31 involved but something impressed him to call the lady
03:34 that used to bring... little kids
03:36 because she was the foster care lady in the area...
03:38 and she called Annette Brown she said, you know,
03:41 "Would you all come and look at this child we got,
03:43 before we put him in the system would you come
03:46 and look at this baby?" and they did...
03:48 they came down to the hospital
03:50 and my birth mother had already left me there
03:53 and then they named me Moses...
03:56 they said, "We got you out of the bulrushes... "
03:59 Awww... And so, here I am...
04:01 living this life... How precious is that...
04:04 there are so many... so many aspects of this
04:09 that we can kind of chew on... let me go back
04:12 for a second though... so your birth mother
04:14 was 13-years-old and raped by...
04:17 did you say an elder in the Church?
04:20 He was a Baptist... she was going to
04:23 the evening service that they had
04:25 he was one of the deacons, and he was taking her home
04:30 and in that car... it was hot... it was in August...
04:34 and down in South Florida it gets very hot...
04:38 but through that incident... it was truly a mess
04:42 but God had took His hand and made a miracle out of it...
04:46 Yes, yes... we praise God for that...
04:49 and for the fact that she listened to the voice of God
04:54 and she was obedient to what the Lord told her to do
04:59 so, she was 13-years-old and she had this
05:03 traumatic experience... do you know, now, in retrospect
05:07 and hearing the story, do you know
05:09 if the deacon was ever... were charges ever pressed
05:14 against him or anything like that?
05:16 it seems like back in those days...
05:17 those things kind of went over
05:19 he was not only a deacon... but he was a
05:21 one of the first African-American police officers
05:26 down there... and they were tied to all
05:28 these little games and more than games
05:30 it was a lot of things... that's what
05:31 the family she was living with, my mother was living with
05:34 had to move suddenly because the person...
05:37 they kind of knew each other all around and
05:39 and I went down
05:43 to look for him when I was going to
05:45 Forest Lake Academy... and we were traveling down to
05:48 to do a concert there... and my mother said, you know
05:52 this is... when she told me the story
05:53 my birth mother... that was another story in itself
05:57 of getting to know that I was adopted...
05:58 but she told me the story, she said,
06:00 his name... we went down through the columns
06:05 of the phone book... calling all the last names
06:08 starting with "Scott" and I came across somebody
06:11 who said, "Well, if you're looking for... that name...
06:13 Renner Scott... he said... they had his funeral 2 weeks ago
06:18 Hmmmmm... So God blocked it...
06:21 sometimes God does something to, what we think...
06:25 what we should be doing... and it would alter...
06:29 because He sees the future... and I believe that
06:32 most likely if I had gotten to knowing him...
06:35 there's something about knowing the father...
06:37 whatever he had done... due to the fact I was his child,
06:39 God maybe foreseeing something
06:41 that would have altered my course
06:43 to what He had already planned...
06:45 Yes... yes... and I think that's a very good way to look at it...
06:49 so let's back up now, so, someone... your birth mother
06:55 gave birth to you... and the doctor
06:57 called in a Mrs. Brown to look at you...
07:01 Mrs. Brown had foster children and he called her in...
07:04 to take a look at this newborn baby...
07:07 what happened from there... Well, when they got to the hospital
07:11 she... my sister and my dad... his name was Leroy Brown
07:17 out of all names... Judge Leroy Brown?
07:22 and they took a look and they said,
07:27 "Yes, we're going to train this child to be up...
07:31 for the Lord... we're going to navigate his path
07:34 he said, "We don't know how we're going to do it, but...
07:37 we could have never had a baby in the home... "
07:40 they had adopted two kids from the Adventist Orphanage
07:45 there in Korea... and they were 7 and 8 years old,
07:48 but then... she also had a young lady...
07:52 that somebody had dropped off
07:54 at her door... years before... and she was about grown
07:57 by the time I got there... so she took me in...
08:01 and she gave me the names that would fit... just in case
08:05 I tried to venture off... and "Moses Samuel"
08:08 she went to "Samuel" too as a middle name
08:11 Brown... she was making sure she gave you
08:14 some Biblical names... she didn't play...
08:17 she loved the Lord... she started the Church there
08:20 in Plant City area, one of the first churches
08:23 amongst the Churches that are started
08:25 in the South Atlantic Conference during that time...
08:28 but she engraved... and instilled in me...
08:32 that you can be better than what you think you are...
08:36 and she always said this little cliché...
08:40 you know, "Every man puts their pants on... the same way
08:43 get up and do something... " she kept us very busy...
08:46 and going to Church... during the Ingathering...
08:49 we were always out there... taught us how to play...
08:52 she couldn't play the piano herself...
08:53 but she put a piano and an organ in the Church...
08:56 she knew the notes... and we learned how to play
08:58 she just kept it going... because she wanted to serve God
09:00 with all the means that she had. What a beautiful...
09:05 what a beautiful testimonial... as related to your mom...
09:10 I mean, what a wonderful person she was... she had such love,
09:15 it sounds like she had such love she took children and gave them
09:20 she trained them up in the way that they should go.
09:22 Yes... yes... And gave you a work ethic and
09:26 a desire to serve the Lord and that's an incredible,
09:30 incredible legacy that she left, so how did you find out
09:35 that you were adopted? Dr. Lewis, that was somewhat
09:40 complicated... after not knowing
09:44 that I was adopted... then, having to find out
09:47 that I was adopted... it caused some anguish,
09:50 because, I thought that
09:52 the mother and father that I had there
09:54 Leroy and Annie Brown were my birth parents...
09:57 until I turned about 14 and saw myself...
09:59 and because I looked... kind of like my dad and
10:04 they were brown and
10:06 I was the only one looking like him
10:10 I kind of said, "This is what it is... "
10:13 but then... we discovered...
10:14 one day my mother 'fessed up and said, you know...
10:17 your birth mother is named Cheri Rogers...
10:23 and that took me for a loop... and I had to kind of
10:28 re-identify myself... who I was...
10:30 or what I was and what I was going to even be
10:33 it was an experience that I had to go back and pray
10:39 and, you know, the devil would start saying, you know,
10:41 "You're a bastard child in a way, you don't belong here
10:44 you ought to just take your life God can't have any plan for you
10:47 how could God have something for you
10:50 if you weren't even meant to be here... "
10:51 so you know how Satan tried to torment you...
10:54 Yes... But I had to go back
10:55 to the Word... and to that Proverbs...
10:59 "In all your ways acknowledge me... "
11:00 he said, "and I will direct your paths... "
11:03 "Trust in the Lord... with all your heart...
11:05 and lean not to your own understanding... "
11:07 and so I had to back off my own understanding
11:09 and put it to God's hands... and God whispered in my ear...
11:12 He said, "I am with you... and I will never leave you,
11:15 never forsake you... the circumstances under which
11:19 you have placed yourself in... or you're in... "
11:21 he said, "I've been there all along with you... "
11:24 and so, I had to trust that God had a plan
11:27 bigger than what I knew... and when I found out that God
11:31 was in it... I backed off and let God handle it...
11:35 Amen... and that's what it's all about...
11:39 letting God... letting go and letting God...
11:43 just letting Him handle it...
11:44 Yes... The amazing thing...
11:47 again... you've given a lot of little elements here...
11:51 that we could chew on... the amazing thing is that
11:54 God did have a plan for you and He navigated this whole deal
12:00 you know, the situation that took place was so traumatic
12:06 I'm sure.. for your birth mother and yet.. God had a plan for you
12:10 and just brought you through gave you to wonderful parents
12:15 I mean... you're life could have been so different...
12:18 but he gave you to wonderful parents
12:21 and then... they brought you up to know and fear God...
12:24 and that's just... that's such a wonderful blessing
12:28 God had that plan for you, Pastor Brown...
12:31 Yes... yes... All... from the very beginning
12:34 He had a plan for you... and that's the God
12:36 that we serve... a loving God... that can take
12:39 a really traumatic situation and turn it into a blessing...
12:44 Amen... It's an amazing thing...
12:46 I go through that, Dr. Lewis, and I wake up with a different
12:50 attitude because I realize that it was God's purpose
12:53 for me... to be here... when I go by so many places
12:56 where so many kids have been
12:59 "let go" and say, "God, you gave me a chance... "
13:02 and with all the circumstances under which
13:05 I did come into the world you know, society indicates that
13:08 those are the circumstances that I should not be here...
13:11 but God interfered and He intervened and He kind of
13:16 navigated that whole program to work out
13:19 the way He wanted it to be... so I can't do anything
13:21 but give God glory... just to be alive today...
13:24 Amen... amen... so when you found out
13:27 that you were adopted... it was kind of earth shattering
13:31 for you at first... because it kind of undermined
13:35 your foundation in a sense, so how did you get it back?
13:40 how did you begin to accept what had happened?
13:45 Well, I went back and looked at all the things that my
13:48 mother had done for me... and my parents...
13:50 they had... she surely tried, she gave everything
13:55 we had Bible Studies and we went to Church more often than
14:01 most people did... she tried to send me to
14:04 good schools and tried to do all those things
14:07 and that... it kind of brought me back to see
14:10 that what she meant was for my good...
14:13 Hmmmmm... And technically, she was my
14:17 mother because she had me... she took me from birth
14:20 and from that point... it was hard to identify
14:23 anything else because I was her son...
14:25 That's right... And she gave me the name...
14:28 but I guess, her plan was, in the course of getting older
14:33 I'd probably find out... so she went on and told me
14:36 and I kind of knew who my other people were,
14:39 and those connections started building...
14:42 and then I met my birth mother
14:45 and relatives and my birth mother told me the story,
14:47 because I had to ask my birth mother
14:49 "Why did you let me go?" because she had 3 other children
14:51 after me... she was trying to find security in her life
14:54 she was just a teenager and she found an older guy
14:57 that took her in and moved to Rochester, New York
15:00 and that's why I went up there to meet her...
15:03 when I was at Forest Lake about the age of 14
15:06 and they told me that... she said, "I had to let you go"
15:09 because... in this situation you would most likely...
15:12 by the man I married would most likely have killed you by now
15:14 knowing that you're not his child...
15:17 and the way he treats his own children...
15:19 and she said... she just gave me the story
15:21 how she had to live with the fact... living off that pressure
15:26 on whether to have me or not have me...
15:29 but she told me... and that's why I know
15:31 faith in God pays off... she said, "My faith in God was
15:34 that He was going to take care of you. "
15:35 because God promised her as a child...
15:37 He said, "I'll take care of that child. "
15:39 Wow! that is so deep,
15:42 so when you went to meet your mother...
15:47 your birth mother... what were you expecting
15:50 and when you walked away from that meeting...
15:53 what had you received? There's something about bonding,
15:57 you know... whichever way you go you try to bond
16:01 with the original and this was the person that
16:05 brought me into the world...
16:08 I was just gazing at her... looking at her...
16:12 trying to see those mirror places on her body
16:15 that kind of looked like mine... Is that my face?
16:18 look like hers or something...
16:20 and just to see her personality etc... and then...
16:24 for her to give me the history you know... what happened
16:27 what was going on... and then having to ask her
16:30 "Why didn't you keep me?" and so that caused a little
16:33 frustration as a teenager... I was somewhat indignant...
16:37 you know... Why did you just let me go...
16:40 and you kept these other 3? You could have kept me too...
16:43 and I didn't even understand Dr. Lewis...
16:47 the connections to how I really was...
16:51 in existence right now
16:53 but I realized that
16:54 it was nothing but the hands of God...
16:56 she had explained to me... she said, "I could not keep you"
16:59 and she said "it was for your own... your better good... "
17:02 and she said, "I did not abort you either"
17:04 she said... "I gave you a chance to live"
17:06 and she said... " I didn't know how you were
17:07 going to turn out what you're going to turn out as
17:09 or who even had you... " she said even after years later
17:13 she went looking for me... but, she said, she didn't know
17:17 what was going on... but she knew that
17:18 God was taking care of me... and I had to come to the
17:21 realization that, "It's in God's hands. "
17:23 and He was navigating this path...
17:26 It wasn't in anybody else's hands...
17:28 because God put me in a Seventh-day Adventist home...
17:31 there were many other homes, people could have been called
17:33 God started me off as a Seventh-day Adventist
17:37 I'm glad He did... Yes...
17:38 I'm so glad He did... I don't know what
17:40 I would have ended up.. I won't be on your show
17:42 probably... if I had ended up somewhere else...
17:44 Oh, we praise the Lord, we just praise the Lord for
17:49 what He's done in your life and how His hand has always
17:53 been on you... He's never left you for a moment
17:56 and we just praise the Lord for that...
17:58 So after you met her and after you left...
18:01 how did that affect your relationship with your
18:05 adopted mother... your adoptive mother...
18:08 My adoptive mother was a strong lady...
18:10 she was an entrepreneur and a business woman herself,
18:14 and, I guess, she had known in her heart
18:19 that something like this would tend to take place,
18:22 but she would always... she said, "You know what the
18:25 reality is... so that you can make your bed
18:27 hard... but you're going to sleep on it...
18:30 she had all these clichés... Yeah...
18:32 So you're out... you can even leave home
18:34 it's up to you... you know, she said, "But this is what
18:39 I had to offer you... I offer you Jesus Christ"
18:43 and that was the strongest answer she gave me
18:45 that love... that said "You can have this life here
18:49 with me... " she said, I promise you
18:51 I'll give you all the mothering" she did...
18:54 she gave me all the love that I could even imagine...
18:57 and with that love, I have installed it...
19:01 and she had never left my heart...
19:02 and she realized that
19:05 her love for me was not
19:08 predicated on the love that my birth mother had
19:12 and I knew that it was just genuine...
19:14 it was what it was... where it was...
19:17 and nothing can substitute the love of my adoptive mother.
19:20 That is so beautiful...
19:22 now, you're speaking of her in the past tense...
19:26 Is she resting in Jesus now?
19:28 She's resting in Christ Jesus, she died in 1991...
19:32 she adopted me when she was in her late fifties...
19:35 so it was a lot of gossip around the community, you know,
19:40 "Who is this baby that this lady got...
19:42 did her husband go out and have one...
19:45 did one of the children go out of town
19:47 and bring a child back"... you know... how all those stuff was
19:50 but she adopted me in her late 50s...
19:54 and she died in 1991...
19:56 and my dad had died before her
20:00 and then also my birth mother she died before even my...
20:03 she died when she was about 4o some years old...
20:06 Hmmmm... So, they all kind of passed away
20:08 but just not too long ago, they wrote a story on her...
20:13 just two years ago... in the front page of
20:16 The Tampa Tribune... and it said, "Mother Brown"
20:18 and they told her story... so even after she's gone
20:21 the legacy that she has left here
20:24 has just transcended year to year... decades...
20:28 Oh... that's wonderful... that is so wonderful...
20:32 and what a tribute you are to her...
20:34 that is just a beautiful thing, so, let's go now from
20:39 that part of your journey... to where you are now...
20:44 What are you doing now? Um... I guess
20:49 if I'd say everything you'd think I'm cloned...
20:58 but I'm trying to stay in one place...
21:00 I work with Adventist Health Systems in the ministry that is
21:04 so drawn to my heart...
21:10 which is working in chaplaincy they've just got six hospitals
21:13 down here, The Adventist Florida Hospital
21:16 work there... in that capacity part time...
21:19 and then I run, "Feed our Children" ministries
21:21 Feed our Children ministries is a ministry that I started
21:26 twenty some years ago... seeing the children who were
21:30 just left abandoned, hungry, starving
21:33 because of the drug activities that were taking place
21:36 in the communities... in urban areas...
21:39 that have drugs cocaine, crack cocaine...
21:42 everything that you can imagine and that inadvertently
21:45 causes an effect on the children because when I went to
21:49 one of the communities, where the children had
21:52 seen a shooting... in the parking lot...
21:55 the Police Department asked me,
21:56 would I come down and talk to the Community...
21:58 so I started talking to kids and we bring up snacks
22:02 we brought out snacks... I asked one of the kids,
22:05 "What would you like to have?" He said, "I'd like to have a
22:07 Thanksgiving Meal like they have on television"
22:10 I thought he was just kidding with me...
22:11 but I realized after talking with him,
22:13 he said, "The only thing he had for Thanksgiving was
22:16 a hot dog and some chips etc. " because his mother sold
22:20 everything for the crack... and, when that took place
22:24 it was very difficult for him to even imagine what it was like
22:29 to have a Thanksgiving Dinner...
22:31 and so I told him, I said, "Well," I knew I was on
22:34 the radio doing some commentary during that time
22:36 I said, "I'll get on the radio I'll ask the Community to come
22:38 out" and said, "You get your friends
22:40 and you bring your friends out and we'll see what happens... "
22:44 that I don't want you to go through another Thanksgiving
22:46 without having that feeling of family connection
22:50 so, he had gotten approximately 400 friends
22:55 from the Community... and I brought out the food
22:58 that I thought was going to feed about a hundred
23:01 but Dr. Lewis, I tell you, God worked a miracle that day...
23:05 I mean, I read about the fish and the loaves of bread...
23:08 but it took place again right here in the Tampa Bay area
23:11 because the people in the Community were looking
23:14 and said, "How are you going to feed that many people with
23:16 such a little bit of food... but we had no notion
23:19 that you were bringing that many people out..."
23:21 but I told them... I said, "The God I serve
23:23 He'll make a way out of nowhere... "
23:25 Come on... come on now... And the media camera
23:28 was out there... they wanted... you know,
23:30 sometimes the media loves to see action...
23:32 that would have been a big story...
23:34 but I said, "There will be no blasphemy
23:36 coming against God's name He is the One
23:38 that told me to do it, what God got, God will provide"
23:42 and I just let it go... you have all those negative
23:46 images around you that keep saying,
23:48 even ought to stop it, just call it off,
23:50 I said, "No, but God told me to do this...
23:52 and it is His job to make this thing
23:56 come to fruition" and at the end
23:58 when the cameras were out there
23:59 they saw that little bit of food...
24:01 people had... you know... how we are sometimes...
24:05 we bring our foil and our little Tupperware...
24:08 they brought their foil and Tupperware
24:11 and had food left over... Come on now Preacher...
24:14 That's my God... Come on now...
24:16 So look at God... just like when Christ fed
24:20 the multitude... God stretched the food...
24:23 He stretched the food... that's what we say, you know,
24:26 when people come over on Sabbath
24:28 and you don't think you have enough
24:30 "Oh Lord, please stretch the food"
24:32 I feel you... I feel you... Look at God...
24:35 look at how He did that... and look at the faith
24:38 He honors your faith... you had faith...
24:41 you knew that if God told you to do it,
24:43 He was going to make a way for it to happen...
24:46 and He did... Yes, He did and knowing...
24:49 once you start reading Christ's Word...
24:52 it shows you over and over
24:54 that He's a God of His word and that He'll never lie...
24:58 and when He says, "He'll never leave you
25:00 and never forsake you" I know that's true
25:03 in every aspect... I have learned to pray
25:05 the promises in the Bible, and by praying the promises
25:09 God always has to answer those prayers...
25:12 and so I prayed with authority He's given me
25:16 that this will come to fruition when I'm doing His will...
25:19 when I know that I'm doing His will,
25:21 I have nothing to fear but fear itself...
25:24 So, I trust God... all the way...
25:26 And so we started the ministry called "Feed our Children"
25:30 we're on the website feedourchildren. org
25:32 and in there we deliver food
25:36 to the people in need... see, I wanted something that
25:38 would cut the red tape because I see a lot of people
25:41 going down... trying to get food who are hungry or needy
25:43 I said, "God doesn't have any red tape or anybody in line... "
25:46 He just told the disciples to go out
25:47 and spread the food out... and so, I cut the red tape
25:50 I said, "When they call us... that means they need it... "
25:52 so, we have volunteers all over...
25:54 who would take the food to needy families
25:57 elderly people who feel like they got to pay
26:00 their medical bills, and trying to take care of
26:02 grandkids with their children, parents inside the jail
26:06 in life... that can get very difficult...
26:08 and so, we've taken it... to the
26:10 "Just call us and we'll open the door for you"
26:12 and we'll make sure that we do the will of God
26:15 we put in those bags... a tract... Steps to Christ
26:18 and Bible Readings for the Home, things that they can find
26:22 Christ Jesus... and we're hoping
26:24 that when we walk down those streets of gold, Dr. Lewis,
26:27 they'll run up and say, "You know, that bag
26:29 that you gave me with food... not only was it food
26:31 to feed physical body but it fed my soul... "
26:34 Yes... yes... praise the Lord... how beautiful is that
26:39 so you're feeding, you're addressing
26:41 the physiological issues and the spiritual issues...
26:45 and emotional... because those are...
26:48 that's an act of love Pastor, doing that, giving someone food
26:52 that's hungry... that is an act of love...
26:54 We praise the Lord for your ministry.
26:57 What would you like to leave with our viewers...
26:59 You have 30 seconds to tell our viewers something...
27:02 What would you leave them with about your ministry?
27:04 Feed Our Children has been a part of it... and...
27:08 you can always be there... trying to help people...
27:12 they can go to our website and
27:13 feedourchildren. org
27:15 and they'll find us there... if they want to contribute
27:17 they're welcome... and also... keep me in prayer
27:20 I need prayer... I preach all over the Country
27:23 I've been in Kenya... I was with Obama's grandmamma
27:26 last year... they had it in the paper...
27:29 I met her... we're helping her orphanages
27:31 over there... so God is working with us...
27:34 when I travel around... I'm preaching the gospel
27:36 trying to save souls around the world and also
27:39 do a lot of crusades here in the United States...
27:41 so keep me in your prayers... Thank you so much Pastor Brown
27:45 and... our viewers might not know
27:47 but you also sing... and you're going to be
27:49 on our Program Magnify Him coming up soon
27:51 Oh, I'm looking forward to that.
27:53 This is a man of many gifts right here...
27:54 Right here... God has blessed you.
27:56 Thank you so much. Thank you so much.
27:58 May God continue to richly bless you.
28:00 And thank you so much for tuning in...
28:02 Tune in next time... It just wouldn't be the same
28:04 without you...


Revised 2015-01-14