Urban Report

Time for the Loud Cry Ministry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Ruben Carr


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000058

00:01 Our world is in trouble and in the Word of God
00:03 we've been told to cry aloud and spare not...
00:06 Stay tuned to meet a man who takes that admonition seriously.
00:10 My name if Yvonne Lewis and you're watching Urban Report
00:36 Hello and welcome to Urban Report
00:38 Last year I interviewed Ruben Carr a formerly homeless
00:43 man whose life God remarkably transformed...
00:46 Today, he's going to share with us the ministry
00:49 that God gave him and how it's changing the lives of others
00:53 Welcome back to Urban Report Ruben...
00:56 Yvonne, how're you doing? I'm doing great, praise the Lord
00:59 And how are you? If I was any better
01:03 I'll be on the moon... Praise the Lord
01:07 God is so good isn't he? He is... all the time...
01:10 All the time... So, okay, so Ruben
01:13 when you were here before we talked about your testimony
01:19 and how God has just brought you from homelessness to ministry
01:24 and to serving Him walking in the divine purpose
01:30 that He has for you... but today, we're going to look
01:33 at the ministry that God has given you
01:36 tell us about your ministry...
01:39 What are you doing? I put a lot of priorities in
01:43 ministry that God has given me, to tell the world about
01:46 what we truly believe... but I think that it's high time
01:49 that we wake up out of our sleep and to return back
01:52 to those things... once we were before
01:54 And so, when we talk about the pillars of our faith
01:59 the foundation of our faith what are some of those pillars
02:03 that you talk about? Well, righteousness by faith
02:07 victory over sin is one of the two most important
02:10 ones that I believe that we need to get back to...
02:14 Okay... explain... remember some of the people
02:18 that are watching don't even know what righteousness is
02:21 so when you talk about righteousness by faith
02:24 you know... like... what is that about...
02:26 for the lay person for the person that has no idea
02:29 about these concepts... what actually is
02:32 "Righteousness by faith"
02:33 Well, righteousness by faith is what we teach
02:37 and what is righteousness by faith.. it clearly tells us that
02:40 we have to take off our self-righteousness
02:44 and put on Christ's righteousness
02:46 His character... Our character has to be changed
02:49 our character is built upon what we believe
02:52 and what we feel in our minds and in our hearts
02:54 and that character has to be changed
02:57 to the character of Christ... Hmmmm... so on our own
03:01 we base a lot of what we do, and what we think
03:06 on our own standards versus what the Word of God says
03:11 Exactly... And so the righteousness of
03:14 Christ... we need that righteousness
03:17 because we don't have our own, that's what you're saying right?
03:20 Exactly, because what we're taught is...
03:22 is that we have sanctification and justification...
03:26 justification comes first but santification... we teach
03:29 is a lifetime but what we don't understand is that
03:31 we can only live one day at a time...
03:33 so we have to live for today overcoming sin
03:38 through Christ's righteousness. And you know, that's a really
03:41 good point... Rube because a lot of people
03:45 think that well, you know, I'm just a sinner
03:49 I'm just a sinner and I'm stuck in this thing
03:53 but God offers us victory otherwise, it's like...
03:57 if there were hospitals where... the patients never get well
04:01 what is that? So, the whole idea is
04:05 we can have victory over sin through Christ
04:11 not through our own works, not through, you know,
04:14 it's not about us... it's about His righteousness
04:17 Am I correct? Is that where you're coming from
04:20 That's right... The Bible says, "If you abide in me
04:23 and I abide in you... you can ask anything in my name"
04:26 Hmmmm... hmmmmmm Live day by day...
04:29 accepting Christ's righteousness and our righteousness...
04:32 like the Bible says... is as filthy rags...
04:35 Wow... ... and Christ's righteousness
04:37 like you said earlier... He gives us the victory
04:40 for that day... over sin... we can only live...
04:43 one day at a time... Hmmmm, hmmmm that's a good point
04:47 So, righteousness by faith, victory over sin...
04:51 what are some of the other pillars?
04:54 You have the health message which is one of the things
04:59 that we teach... the health message
05:01 overcoming eating certain things that we believe are unclean
05:04 and that we should not be eating you also have
05:08 righteousness by faith, victory over sin,
05:09 you have the Spirit of Prophecy what we do need
05:12 we need to get back to the Spirit of Prophecy...
05:14 because in the Spirit of Prophecy
05:16 God speaks to us also. And so... with
05:20 there are different factions
05:24 I know, in the Church,
05:26 like some folks... do believe in the Spirit of Prophecy
05:29 some folks don't... so what you're saying is...
05:32 you're pointing... you're ministry is pointing
05:34 people back to the Word of God, to righteousness by faith
05:41 to victory over sin, and to the Spirit of Prophecy
05:45 Exactly, because... you and I both know
05:48 in the last days... one of the things that we'll
05:50 be attacked is... State of the Dead...
05:54 and also... the Sabbath... which comes under
05:56 the Ten Commandments... and so... when you look at the
06:00 seven pillars of our faith... it brings us to an area
06:03 where we have to see everything...
06:05 and it leads us back to the sanctuary message
06:08 which is also important... for us to understand
06:11 righteousness by faith... we have to go back
06:14 to the sanctuary message... Okay... so let's talk a little
06:17 bit about the sanctuary message, because a lot of people
06:20 don't even know... again, we can't assume that
06:23 people that are watching know what we're talking about...
06:26 so... when we talk about... the sanctuary...
06:29 What is that? What is that all about?
06:31 Why is that important? Because the sanctuary message
06:34 tells us... what Christ did for us...
06:37 remember, any priest, before he went into
06:39 the Holy Place... he had to go through
06:41 the outer court... that's where we get
06:43 forgiveness for our sins... that's where the blood
06:45 is spilled... and if a priest or a high priest
06:49 were to walk into the Holy Place with sin...
06:52 he would be destroyed
06:53 and the problem is... we don't understand...
06:55 we've been living in the Outer Court
06:57 we should be in the Holy Place and move with Christ
07:00 as He moves to the Most Holy Place
07:02 by the way we live... and if we're living in the
07:05 Outer Court... we are not overcoming sin
07:08 because we're trying to do it in our own strength...
07:10 How are we living in the Outer Court...
07:12 well, first of all... okay, okay, let's go back
07:14 and describe... the different sections
07:18 of the Sanctuary... so, when you walk...
07:21 so people can get... like a mental picture...
07:24 of what the Sanctuary looks like...
07:27 so just give us... you don't have to give us
07:29 like a real intense breakdown but... when you walk in
07:34 what section are you in when you first enter
07:37 the Sanctuary? You're in the Outer Court
07:40 and what happens there... That's where the lambs are slain
07:43 for those who commit sin, that's where the blood is spilled.
07:46 Okay... in the Outer Court and then... from there...
07:50 Then you go into the Holy Place, Hmmm... hmmm...
07:53 and then, from there, you go to the Most Holy Place.
07:57 What happens in the Holy Place? The Holy Place is where we have
08:00 righteousness by faith... that's where
08:03 Christ's righteousness is... remember... where sin is...
08:06 we have to clean ourselves first and then we move to the
08:09 next compartment in our lives by accepting
08:12 righteousness by faith... and we get victory over sin
08:15 but we cannot stay in the Holy Place spiritually
08:19 and live in sin... the two don't go together...
08:23 and that's where we get confused when we teach the message
08:26 we can have victory over sin but the only way we can do that
08:29 we have to look at the heart sins.
08:32 You see... Yvonne... when we walk in the Church
08:34 we're taught... oh, stop doing this and stop doing that
08:37 stop doing all these other things...
08:39 but God is looking at the heart sins...
08:41 and those are the sins that we find so difficult
08:44 to give up... Yes... so not the external
08:46 manifestation... so much... but those inner sins...
08:50 It's like those inner sins that we have, Yvonne,
08:54 those inner sins... like when we get an attitude...
08:58 when we get upset with someone we always blame the other person
09:02 we have to take responsibility for our own sins...
09:05 we have to understand that when we get upset
09:08 it's not the other person... it's us...
09:10 we allowed ourselves to be upset we allowed ourselves to envious
09:15 we allowed ourselves to be jealous...
09:17 we allowed ourselves to be unkind...
09:21 So, these inner sins... envy, jealousy,
09:24 unkindness to others... these things...
09:28 you're saying that... we have control...
09:31 over those things... we have control
09:35 over our response to different things...
09:39 Is that what you're saying? We have the control?
09:41 We don't have control... we have to allow Christ
09:44 to control us... Ah...
09:45 His spirit to come in... because remember...
09:48 the Bible says... "Though I speak words of love
09:51 though I can do all these things... and hath not love
09:54 I'm nothing but a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal...
09:56 The only way we can allow Christ to take control of us
10:00 is to say, "Lord, I'm about to get upset... please help me. "
10:04 and then... He makes a way of escape...
10:06 remember He always makes a way of escape...
10:08 it's our choice... the part that we have to do is
10:11 choose... either to accept the way of escape
10:13 or to keep going our own way... It's a really interesting point
10:17 Several years ago, I read a book by Morris Venden...
10:21 it was called... something about
10:24 righteousness by faith in your will...
10:28 and what he was saying is basically
10:30 what you're saying... that really...
10:33 there's nothing we can really do
10:35 we can't earn salvation but what we can do...
10:40 is to give God time with us to work through us
10:45 and put His righteousness in us... other than that
10:49 we really can't doing anything to change ourselves...
10:54 the Bible says, you know, "Can an Ethiopian
10:58 change his skin?" you know... "or the leopard
11:01 his spots... " we can't change ourselves
11:04 but the righteousness of Christ can do that
11:08 and so... I think what you're saying is...
11:11 by giving God time... by focusing on Him
11:15 and by giving Him our will... yielding our will to Him
11:19 He will then change... our inner man...
11:23 Those sins... that sin that doth so easily beset us...
11:27 that thing that we just keep falling into by default
11:31 Christ can change... Is that what you're saying to me
11:34 Exactly... we have to be honest with ourselves...
11:38 and tell God, "Look, I have a problem and I need your help. "
11:41 and most of the time, it's something that happened
11:44 in our past that we never overcame...
11:46 we're holding on to those things...
11:48 we have to learn how to forgive and forget...
11:50 when Christ was about to be crucified
11:52 when they were beating Him with a cat o' nine tails...
11:55 and when He... eventually what He said was,
11:58 "Father, forgive them... for they know not what they do "
12:01 His love for us is unmatchless...
12:04 His love for us reaches down every time we fall...
12:07 and saying, "You can get up again"
12:09 "Take my hand and I'll take you up"
12:11 Our problem is... when we make a mistake
12:14 we keep looking at a solution that we come up with...
12:17 and everything that we come up with... like the Bible says,
12:19 "is as filthy rags" that's our self-righteousness
12:23 we feel bad... and 3 days later we think we can go on...
12:26 and the devil just sets up another trap...
12:28 and Christ is saying clearly... "If I abide in you
12:31 and you abide in me, you can ask anything in my name"
12:35 and what we need to do is accept Christ's righteousness
12:38 give up ours... and when His righteousness
12:41 comes in... it's no longer "us"
12:43 but it's "Him" that lives in us, and helps us to move
12:47 and make the right decisions... That a very good point...
12:51 when we ask Christ
12:56 to really work this thing through
12:58 then... He will do that... there's another book I read
13:03 about seven answers to prayer that God always answers "yes" to
13:09 and one of them is... "help"... when we are asking God for help
13:15 for wisdom... He will give us that...
13:18 to help us through whatever it is we're going through
13:22 but one of the things that I noticed, Ruben,
13:24 and you tell me if this is your experience as well...
13:29 many times if you're caught up into...
13:31 whether it is unforgiveness or whatever it is...
13:35 you don't really feel like praying...
13:39 you don't really feel like giving it to God
13:43 and so what do you do... during those times
13:46 when you don't really feel like pressing through,
13:49 what do you do? Well, one of the problems
13:53 we have to deal with... and I didn't mention this before, it's
13:55 we have to be honest with sin, sin feels good, sin tastes good
14:00 and sin is good... we have to lose that taste
14:03 for sin... and when we feel like..
14:05 like doing anything... we have to understand one thing
14:08 God is a God of principle regardless of how we feel
14:11 His love for us never changes...
14:13 it never changes
14:15 it's not based on feelings it's based on principle
14:18 and once we get... and start feeling that way
14:20 we're allowing ourselves to get in the way
14:23 of God's forgiveness, and that's what the devil wants.
14:25 We don't believe that when God says,
14:27 "I forgive you" you have to really believe
14:30 that He forgives you... and that He throws it into
14:32 His sea of forgetfulness and that's what the problem is
14:35 we keep thinking... "Did God really forgive me?"
14:38 "Did He really cleanse me from all unrighteousness?"
14:41 "Can I really get up now?" "Do I have to lose
14:43 these feelings?" "How do I get rid of them?
14:45 You have to take up His yoke...
14:48 where He said, "Take up your yoke,
14:50 and learn of Me... " once we ask forgiveness
14:52 then we spend time in the Word, and in the Spirit of Prophecy
14:55 and the Bible... and get to know Christ...
14:57 one of the best books I've ever read
14:59 to get to know Christ is the "Desire of Ages"
15:01 is Jesus Christ
15:03 Yes... that book is so powerful
15:07 and everytime I read it
15:08 I get something new from it... you can just sense that...
15:12 it really makes Christ... come alive... you know...
15:17 it just expands on the Word, it's such a good book,
15:22 to me it's the best book, of course, excluding the Bible
15:26 the best book about Christ's life...
15:28 that I've ever read... it's so profound and what you
15:34 were saying, Ruben, about the love of God...
15:37 that is so deep because people need to
15:39 understand that God loves us He's not in heaven trying to
15:43 wait to zap us... and kill us and like...
15:46 you know... be like a cosmic killjoy
15:48 no... He wants the best for us, He's got a plan for us
15:53 He wants everything... it's not His will
15:57 that any should perish... but that all should come to
15:59 repentence... that's what He wants
16:02 He wants to save us... and He's going to do everything
16:06 He's laid heaven out... for us, but we have to be willing
16:10 to take advantage of that... to tap into
16:13 that heavenly resource... He's giving us...
16:17 all heaven is at our disposal... to help us to have victory
16:22 so that one day... we can be with Christ...
16:24 So how does your ministry... then...
16:27 tie into all of this
16:29 what are you doing then to share this information about
16:34 Christ's righteousness? Well, what we're teaching people
16:37 is once you commit a sin you ask God's forgiveness
16:41 and you take Him at his word... you have to take Him at his word
16:45 feelings have nothing to do with it...
16:46 and by doing that... it helps you to understand
16:49 that when we sin... the Spirit of Prophecy
16:52 the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy
16:54 show us that God pity for us is infinite...
16:57 He does not stop loving us...
17:00 and one of the stories I tell
17:02 I ask people the question... "What is it that makes the devil
17:05 so happy and so full of joy when he is burning...
17:09 he'll be the last one to burn up... "
17:12 and all these people will say, "Oh, because of all the people
17:15 he's taken with him... " No, it's because God loves him
17:18 so much... even though he has to destroy him...
17:21 He will never forget him... that's His son...
17:23 He created him... and though He has to destroy sin
17:27 that's why He said, "I have no good pleasure
17:29 in the destruction of the wicked"
17:31 and we have to understand that He'll go.. all the way for us...
17:36 if He has to... He'll dispatch every angel in heaven
17:40 to help one soul to overcome sin...
17:42 So, overcoming sin is a critical piece, then, you're saying
17:49 to, of course, our spiritual growth...
17:52 so, for those that say, "Well, I can't stop...
17:56 I can't stop sinning... you know, this is just who I am
18:00 God knows my heart... I mean... He knows that
18:03 I want to stop but.. I just can't stop. "
18:06 What do you say to that? They have not given up "self"
18:09 it's just... plain and clear... they have not given up self...
18:12 they haven't come to the realization
18:14 they haven't reached that point
18:15 where they pour their hearts out to God...
18:18 no one can stop sinning... we can't... it's our nature...
18:21 we were born in sin and shaken in iniquity
18:23 and so... we have to understand, we need a power
18:26 way beyond ourselves... to do that...
18:28 and that's where it comes with Christ's righteousness.
18:31 He gives us the power to overcome sin.
18:33 When the woman was caught in adultery...
18:35 What did Christ say to her? Who are your accusers?
18:38 She said, "I have none Lord. " He said, "Go and sin no more. "
18:41 But if you take that word and you really look at it...
18:43 He said, "Go... and I give you the power to overcome sin. "
18:47 Hmmmmm... that's a beautiful thing...
18:50 so, as you said earlier... Christ's love for us is infinite
18:55 it's an infinite love that we cannot...
18:59 we can't even fathom that kind of love...
19:02 We can't even fathom that... It cannot even enter into the
19:06 hearts of man... how much God loves us...
19:08 and we can't measure it... there's nothing
19:10 to measure it with... and the devil does everything
19:13 he can to make us feel sorry for ourselves
19:16 and even feeling sorry for yourself is sin...
19:19 because Christ died on the cross even for that...
19:22 Hmmmm... so, again...
19:24 So... "Time for the Loud Cry" then... your ministry...
19:29 has been formulated to explain all of this to its listeners...
19:37 like tell us what... how does it manifest...
19:41 is it on TV, is it radio, is it the internet...
19:44 what is "Time for the Loud Cry?" We have a call-in show
19:47 and now we've just installed a new feature
19:50 it's "Time for the Loud Cry" TV...
19:52 We'll be streaming as we go to different Churches...
19:55 and traveling to different places...
19:57 doing live seminars... and doing a lot of things
20:00 that help people to understand, but on Friday night...
20:03 is when... we go through the Spirit of Prophecy...
20:06 we go through the Bible... we go through
20:08 the time of the judgment the judgment...
20:10 the investigative judgment... the executive judgment
20:12 the final judgment... we have to teach them
20:15 to understand the judgment pointing to
20:18 righteousness by faith... once you show them
20:20 and take them through the sanctuary promises
20:23 then they start to understand the love for Christ
20:26 and what he has done for us... how He sacrificed His life
20:29 how He stood there and allowed these men to abuse Him
20:32 and He never said another word...
20:34 Christ never tried to justify Himself
20:37 and our biggest problem is... Yvonne, we're always trying
20:40 to justify ourselves when someone says something...
20:42 we don't have to answer, we can take the high road,
20:45 we can say, "Lord, I want to say something... but give me
20:49 the strength... not to say anything...
20:50 and put it in your hands... " and Christ will do it...
20:54 because He's in the saving business
20:56 He doesn't want us to be lost, He doesn't want the person
20:59 that we may or may not be upset with to be lost either
21:02 and once we understand what true love is...
21:05 and true love can only be found in Christ.
21:07 Hmmm... that is absolutely true, God is love...
21:13 that's the bottom line, God is love...
21:17 and true love can be found, through Jesus Christ.
21:21 The Bible says clearly "Fear God and give glory to Him
21:25 for the hour of his judgment is coming
21:27 worship Him who made the heavens and the earth,
21:29 the seas and the fountains of water... "
21:31 What does the word "fear" mean? It means to love Him
21:34 and Christ said, "If you love me keep my commandments. "
21:39 Yes, yes, yes... so describe the programs that you have
21:43 on your radio program... like... on your internet program
21:48 describe what happens... so if someone goes to
21:52 timefortheloudcry. com what are they going to hear?
21:56 Well, the first hour of my program, we are on 4 hours a day
22:01 on the Sabbath... in the afternoon...
22:02 the first program they hear is the health message
22:05 the health message is the right arm of the gospel
22:08 so we present the health message first...
22:10 and then from there... we go into the Bible...
22:13 the Spirit of Prophecy... or what subject
22:15 you may be talking about that day...
22:17 I know very soon... we're going to be doing some
22:19 stuff more with the sanctuary message...
22:21 and also with the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy
22:24 to draw people closer to get back to studying...
22:26 We need to study... to show ourselves approved
22:28 not being ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth...
22:31 and once we can do that... and we fix and focus
22:34 our eyes on Christ... He said, "Let this mind be
22:37 in you which is also in Christ Jesus... "
22:39 and then we walk differently, we talk differently
22:42 because it's no longer us... but it's Christ's righteousness
22:45 in us... the hope of glory... Wow, so, ok, so when a listener
22:52 calls in... are the seminars interactive...
22:56 do they get to ask questions or do they sit there
22:59 and listen and take notes... is it a passive thing
23:03 is it an interactive thing... how does it work?
23:06 Some of them are, and some of them are not
23:08 and we do have interactive everytime we come on...
23:11 they get a chance to do Q and A they can ask a question
23:15 and they can ask us to make something
23:18 a little clearer for them... if we need to...
23:20 we call them after the program, and work with them.. that way...
23:23 and then there are times where we have a group of people
23:26 about six at a time will come on...
23:29 and each one will read a Bible text pertaining to the message
23:32 we're talking about... so they can get
23:34 a clear understanding... and then we'll ask people,
23:36 "Okay... if you have a question or a comment, you can come in
23:39 now and ask your question or make your comment... "
23:42 now everybody doesn't agree with us...
23:43 but the bottom line is... is that we all agree
23:46 that we have to be in Christ, in order for us to be saved.
23:49 Yes, yes... so it's a Bible Study time
23:54 or it's a study time, whether you're studying
23:56 the Bible or the Spirit of Prophecy...
23:58 it's a studying time that... kind of a guided study
24:04 where people can ask questions but yet
24:07 everybody is kind of able to share... if they want to...
24:12 Is that correct? Exactly... we have different
24:14 speakers that come on from all over the Country
24:17 that share messages... even after the end
24:20 of the message that are not interactive...
24:22 we do allow a chance for everyone to ask a question
24:26 and make a comment... whether you disagree or
24:28 don't agree... we're not there to...
24:30 we're just there to share, we are not there to argue
24:33 with anyone... we're just there to share.
24:35 And as long as we can walk away from the program
24:38 knowing that we still love one another,
24:40 the Lord will take care of the rest...
24:42 All right, so who are some of the speakers... that you have?
24:44 Well, we have Pastor Gordon out in Washington State,
24:47 we have Elder Darren Staker down in Tennessee,
24:50 we have Pastor Marvin Parks he is also in Tennessee...
24:54 we have other pastors who call in from overseas...
24:57 we have ministers from all over we even have women
25:01 who come in and put on a program
25:03 health programs and all kinds of things...
25:06 we even have young people who come on and sing for us
25:09 we do a variety of things that help everyone...
25:12 and the numbers are growing God is blessing
25:15 we even have a lot of countries overseas
25:18 that I didn't even know we had
25:19 and it's amazing to see how the ministry is growing
25:22 and we stick closely to what we believe
25:25 and we always do our texts before we even come on
25:28 to make sure... that we're preaching
25:29 the straight testimony... That's very important
25:33 that's very important... so how did this whole idea
25:36 come to be? Where did "Time for the Loud Cry"
25:39 come from? Well, the context came to us
25:42 while we were sitting there watching the computer
25:44 so we always hear, "Loud Cry... loud cry... "
25:46 and I said, "I think it's time for the loud cry... "
25:48 I wasn't working at the time...
25:50 still am not... but you know, the joy of working for the Lord
25:54 is what I want to do now and that's how
25:55 Time for the Loud Cry came about...
25:57 I didn't even know if it was going to work...
25:59 but it has exploded because God is the one
26:02 that sits on the throne of Time for the Loud Cry...
26:04 we follow everything that the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy
26:07 teach us... but we do it in a way
26:10 that everybody can understand it we use 80% Bible
26:13 20% Spirit of Prophecy... so we round everything off
26:16 to help everybody to understand what we truly believe
26:19 and if there's something that we don't even understand
26:21 we always let them know that we'll get back to you
26:24 and that's when the phone starts to call...
26:26 we start to call people... ask their opinion
26:28 and then we search ourselves and make sure
26:31 because we don't know everything we have to be like the Bereans
26:34 in the last days... "Study to show yourself approved
26:37 not needing to be ashamed,
26:38 but rightly dividing the word of truth.
26:40 Amen... amen.. so every year you have some event around in July,
26:48 tell us what you do every year in July...
26:51 Well, every 3rd weekend in July, we always have the people
26:59 who come on the line to come and meet us
27:01 wherever we are going to be... and we have them come
27:04 from all over the Country, they get to meet us
27:06 for the first time... which draws us even closer
27:08 to one another... and the funny thing about it is
27:11 they'll come and they'll say, "Elder Carr, I was listening
27:14 to you and I had you looking like someone else... "
27:16 "Well, I thought you look like someone else. "
27:18 We are always trying to think of how the person looks
27:20 by the way their voices sound, and the surprises that we have
27:23 gotten is amazing... Ha... ha... ha... you know,
27:27 it is really important to be able to match that voice
27:31 with the face... because sometimes you talk
27:33 to people on the phone and you just really don't have
27:35 a concept of what they look like till you meet them... so...
27:38 that is a true point... that is true...
27:40 Ruben, thank you so much
27:43 for being with us
27:44 and for sharing this information with us.
27:46 Do you have anything else that you want to share quickly?
27:50 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son
27:53 that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish
27:55 but have everlasting life... Amen...
27:58 I can't say anything more than that...
28:01 Once again... it's time to go... Thank you so much for tuning in.
28:05 Tune in next time... it just wouldn't be the same
28:07 without you...


Revised 2015-01-14