Urban Report

Functional Illiterate

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Dr. Marco Clark


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000054

00:01 What would you do if you were labeled
00:02 a functional illiterate in Grade School
00:04 and you took five years to graduate from High School?
00:07 Would you give up... or would you
00:09 dare to dream of something better?
00:11 Stay tuned to meet our special guest
00:13 and find out what he did...
00:14 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:17 Urban Report...
00:41 Hello and welcome to Urban Report
00:43 my guest today is Dr. Marco Clark
00:46 CEO and Founder of the Richard Wright Public Charter
00:50 School of Journalism and Media Arts in Washington, D.C.
00:53 Welcome to Urban Report Dr. Clark...
00:56 Hi... how are you? I'm fine... I'm so glad
00:59 you are here... it's wonderful to have you...
01:02 I am blessed to be here... very glad to be on your show...
01:06 Thank you... thank you... first of all...
01:09 I want to say, Happy Birthday to you...
01:11 How did you know? Ah... you see... you see...
01:13 we find out things here at Urban Report...
01:15 Ah man... so this is a very blessed day
01:18 I tell you... I was greeted with my entire
01:22 staff and my students today... they sang to me...
01:24 made a cake for me... it's just been an awesome day
01:27 and now I get an opportunity to talk with you
01:29 about what I love... which is children and education
01:33 and learning... so I'm just so excited
01:35 I thank God for this privilege. Praise the Lord...
01:37 you know... in talking to you...
01:39 and I've had the opportunity to talk to you...
01:42 on a few occasions... and I just love your
01:46 passion for the students... you have such a passion...
01:50 you... you... it's like you eat, sleep and drink your students...
01:54 and this is what we need... this is so important...
01:58 I want our viewers to know about your journey...
02:01 I think that... that plays into...
02:04 why you have such passion for these students...
02:06 tell us about your journey... Well, first of all,
02:09 I want to say is... it was a journey that was
02:11 very heartfelt... something that took me
02:14 a long time to want to share... and so, I always start out
02:17 by saying... individuals that share the
02:19 same story that I'm going to tell you guys...
02:21 I want them to be able to tell other folks as well
02:24 because it's going to be able to help them...
02:26 I was ashamed... for a long time...
02:29 to tell folks that I was labeled as a
02:32 functional illiterate... at 11-years-old...
02:35 I was ashamed to tell folks that it took five years
02:38 to graduate from High School, and you know
02:40 that journey in itself took a while...
02:42 so that's something that I really had to pray over
02:44 so, I wanted to put that out there and really challenge folks
02:48 that had challenges like I've overcome
02:51 and be able to share this, so.. to share a little bit about
02:54 my journey... at 11-years-old...
02:56 I was brought into a Guidance Counselor's Office
03:00 and I was asked, you know, to just sit still...
03:03 and for that moment I worked really diligently
03:06 to be a good student... I was excited about words
03:11 I could spell but I had a problem with
03:13 comprehension and I didn't know that... at that time...
03:16 but... 11-years-old... I was brought into this office
03:19 and the Guidance Counselor didn't mumble a word
03:22 she just asked me to sit down and to be still and
03:25 called my mom... and it was interesting
03:29 because I was looking for something positive
03:31 to happen for me... and then my mom
03:34 came to the School and inside of that moment
03:36 I saw this look on my mom's face and I'd never seen that
03:41 and I started to wonder what did I do wrong...
03:43 you know... what was going on when I initially thought
03:46 they were talking to me about something that was going to be
03:49 very positive... I took that same
03:52 feeling home that evening and my mom didn't talk to me
03:55 it was interesting that she didn't fuss at me...
03:58 so, it was like... I was still wondering
04:01 what did I do... the Guidance Counselor really
04:04 didn't say anything... but they gave me this long
04:07 word that said, "You are a functional illiterate"
04:10 and at 11-years-old... I had no idea what that meant
04:13 it wasn't until dinner time at night
04:16 my mom... waited on my dad to get home
04:19 and they sat me down and explained what
04:21 functional illiteracy was and in that...
04:24 it sort of took my high-note about School
04:27 to a very negative low... and that negative low
04:31 carried me... all the way through High School
04:34 and that negative low pushed me until
04:37 when I was about 15-years-old I started to steal cars
04:41 I was... on those corners... because that label
04:44 made me feel as though... I was different than everybody else
04:47 that label... made me feel like I could not achieve
04:51 what others... would achieve... and so..
04:53 with that... I carried the burden of never, ever
04:57 receiving an award... outside of sports...
05:01 never receiving another certificate for doing
05:04 anything academically... I can honestly say that I
05:07 finished High School without ever receiving an award
05:10 for doing anything academically well...
05:12 that label did something to my life and I carried it
05:16 honestly for... since 11-years-old up until
05:19 now when I'm 43-years-old... Wow, OK, Oh, Dr. Clark...
05:24 you just said such rich such rich things...
05:26 the fact that... that you lived up to..
05:31 the label... the thing that
05:34 they gave you.. they labeled you functionally illiterate...
05:37 and so... that did something to your head...
05:41 that made you feel like "Well, I can't dare to dream,
05:44 I can't break through anything
05:47 because I'm basically illiterate I'm functionally illiterate...
05:51 so... let me go out here and steal cars and
05:54 let me go out here and not try... because
05:57 I'm functionally illiterate... " by putting that label on you
06:00 it actually pulled you down into a place of
06:05 negative self-esteem, of feeling as though...
06:09 you can't achieve... and so... why try... why try...
06:14 I had the feeling, you know, every child wants their parents
06:17 to be proud of them... Yes...
06:19 and being the youngest child in my family...
06:22 it really did something to my feeling towards academics
06:26 at that moment,
06:28 having to have my parents
06:30 explain what functional illiteracy was...
06:32 I began to blame myself I didn't blame anyone else
06:36 I started to question whether or not
06:38 I put all of my energy into academics
06:41 whether I did, you know, the work like I was supposed to
06:45 did I listen in class... and I really, really became
06:48 very hard on myself... my own worst critic
06:51 that label itself really did a lot for my self-esteem
06:55 and when I say... a lot... it hurt the self-esteem
07:00 that I had... a person who, you know,
07:02 you got to understand... I thought I was
07:03 the bark in the dog, and the cat's meow...
07:05 you got to understand...
07:09 you couldn't tell me that I was not a winner
07:13 and at that moment I felt a real low... and so...
07:16 what I started to do was... to excel...
07:19 and what I've learned you know, now, looking back
07:23 is that... a child will be successful
07:25 whether it's a positive or a negative...
07:27 they are going to find something that's going to allow them
07:30 to have a winning opportunity... and that's what I did...
07:33 and so I turned to the negative side because it seemed like
07:36 that I can have a very positive outcome...
07:39 I got praise from my friends I got praise from people
07:43 in the Community... I was being praised
07:45 for doing things... but... doing things that were wrong
07:47 by individuals that were a part of that... and so...
07:50 so that made me happy... Yes... look at that...
07:54 you just said something else... that was really deep...
07:57 that basically... a child is going to seek
08:01 some kind of positive outcome... something that's going to make
08:05 him or her feel better about themselves...
08:08 even... if it's within a negative context...
08:11 so... that's what you were trying to do...
08:14 you were trying to find something to hold on to
08:17 that would make you feel better about who you were...
08:20 because at that point... you felt so low...
08:23 as though you had let your folks down
08:26 I think that's what I'm hearing, that you feel as though
08:30 you had let them down... and that... well...
08:32 you might as well get... some kind of positive accolades
08:35 from your friends... because you're parents
08:37 were let down now... disappointed in you...
08:40 Absolutely... absolutely... and I was trying to figure out
08:44 some way to compensate for that which I didn't do in School
08:48 and it was really, really... that your peers
08:52 will give you that... you know, that help in the direction
08:56 that you're looking for in a positive direction
08:59 if the adults that you see everyday don't do it...
09:02 Yes... yes... now... did you come from a spiritual background
09:05 were your parents Christian people...
09:08 You know what's interesting... I grew up as a Pastor's son...
09:11 so I'm a PK... Pastor's Kid You're a PK... what...
09:13 Oh... see... I didn't know that. I am a PK and you know...
09:19 they all... and so... I had that label to deal with as well...
09:22 you know... you're a PK
09:23 which they all say... you're the worst children
09:26 and so... you know... with that that was a label that I had
09:31 so... it was me feeling that you know, here was a guy... that
09:34 I had to go to Church... we were at Church every week
09:38 and... but... there were all the kids that were getting
09:42 accolades even in Church.. so... I didn't get accolades at School
09:45 I didn't get accolades at Church it was embarrassing
09:48 to have a father that was the Pastor
09:50 and his son... never got an accolade for doing academic
09:53 things well... so it was really, really
09:56 a challenging situation and I could not wait
09:59 until my parents said, "You don't have to go
10:01 every Sunday... just every other Sunday"
10:03 so at least I could plan out my strategy
10:05 not to be there when the awards came out...
10:07 Oh... bless your heart... how heavy that must have been
10:11 for you... to carry that...
10:12 It was a very heavy load and just to give you a few
10:18 items of things that I endured, you know... 15-years-old...
10:22 school really didn't mean much, I played football
10:25 did well in football, and after the season, you know,
10:28 I went back to the streets...
10:30 I realized there were some things that I'm thankful for...
10:34 blessed about... is that I had parents
10:36 that I was accountable to... but during the time
10:39 that I was out... they didn't know what was going on
10:42 so, in that freedom that I had, I was doing things
10:44 that I wasn't supposed to... and with that.. I got in trouble
10:49 for, you know, lifting a car... and got caught and, you know,
10:54 got in trouble inside of School, and got put out of School
10:58 for actually drinking a beer, you know,
11:02 I was caught drinking a beer... just to be with my friends,
11:07 you know, and got expelled from School...
11:10 I had to go to Night School for a year
11:12 which caused me to have to be in High School... an extra year
11:15 so it took 5 years to graduate from High School
11:19 and I was just doing any and everything that I could
11:22 to try to find some peace and happiness within myself
11:25 and everything that I did seemed to turn into a dead-end
11:29 a dead-end... no matter which direction I was going
11:32 my grades clearly weren't there, 5 years in High School
11:37 and I wind up graduating with a 1.6 grade average
11:40 and so I had... no grades... I took the SAT
11:43 I scored 480 on the SAT and they give you 200 points
11:48 at that time for signing your name
11:49 so, you're talking about a kid that really, really
11:52 was challenged by Public School so much that
11:55 when I graduated... and I finally got a diploma
11:58 I burned the diploma... Oh, yeah, that had to have been
12:04 so painful for you to carry
12:07 that load in your heart
12:11 of under-achievement... in your heart of hearts
12:15 you probably knew... "Hey, I'm not slow,
12:18 I have a good sense of the world around me...
12:23 I'm not slow... so why is it that I'm not achieving...
12:27 that had to be... so hard for you...
12:29 So... at what point did things turn around for you?
12:32 What happened was...
12:34 after I graduated
12:36 from High School... you know... in the midst of that
12:38 I met a Counselor... the last year...
12:40 so, you know, this is where it is a great thing
12:43 God steps in and puts you in places and times and spaces
12:47 when it needs to happen... and now... looking back
12:49 I recognize that the 5th year was necessary...
12:52 I was there for that 5th year so that I could meet that Counselor
12:55 because she wasn't there during the four years
12:58 that I was in High School... that 5th year... she came...
13:00 new to the School and she said there's something
13:02 about you... that... I'm going to help...
13:05 you know... and I said... well... whatever...
13:08 if you could perform miracles... then let's just do it...
13:10 she said... "No matter what happens... we're going to find
13:12 a way to get you in College... and we're going to work together
13:15 and make it happen... " so... I tell you...
13:17 I had a 150 rejections from Colleges and Universities
13:21 all across this Nation that I was trying to get in...
13:24 and there was a Dean at Clark Atlanta University
13:28 that I contacted over and over and over again
13:31 about trying to get into Clark Atlanta University
13:34 and he finally talked with me and I was able to give him
13:38 my story... well, his response was
13:42 "This story sounds great... I've heard a lot of these
13:44 kinds of stories... but I need you to write it
13:46 and if you can write this story, let me read over it...
13:49 and I'll think about it and I'll see what I can do for you... "
13:52 well, I wrote him a letter... I got help from my Counselor
13:55 we wrote a letter... and I was able to really talk
13:59 about my challenges very explicitly
14:02 and talk about where the pain and issues were happening...
14:05 from age 11 and how I got to this point
14:08 and I sent him a letter... and that wasn't good enough...
14:11 it took some perseverance as well because
14:13 I called him... religiously... every Friday...
14:17 until I finally got him on the phone again...
14:21 and it was just happenstance
14:24 that, you know, he picked up the phone... trying to dial out
14:27 to call someone else... and I happened to be on the line
14:30 within that whole dialogue
14:37 I was able to say... "Listen... this is Marco Clark
14:40 I'm really trying to get in... if you would just give me
14:43 an opportunity... I promise you...
14:45 I will not let you down... I promise you that...
14:47 he said... "Well, I read your story...
14:49 it was very compelling... " and he said...
14:51 "You have been faithful enough to call me over and over
14:54 and over again... and actually I wasn't planning to talk to you
14:58 right now but there has to be a reason that we're talking
15:01 so I'm going to give you an opportunity
15:02 and I'm going to put you on probation,
15:04 and I'm going to check on you and you're going to check in
15:07 with me every two weeks to let me know your progress
15:09 and I'm going to give you one Semester to ship up or ship out"
15:12 and... you know... we were able to do that
15:15 he aligned me with an Advisor that was really, really great...
15:20 Dr. Johnny L. Wilson and I would just have to say
15:23 that one teacher, you know, pretty much saved my life
15:26 it wasn't until I got to College that
15:28 I had a teacher that
15:30 really stepped in and said, "Listen... we're going to
15:32 make something happen for you" that was my Advisor, Dr. Wilson
15:35 at Clark Atlanta University... You know... Dr. Clark...
15:40 look at how God... works things through...
15:43 God had... His plan for you... and, you know, of course,
15:48 the enemy had his plan... the enemy wanted you to
15:50 spiral downward... and just be destroyed...
15:54 but God's plan was for you
15:56 to continue... to persevere... and you pushed through...
16:00 you pushed through that label, you pushed through
16:04 by every week... calling... this Professor...
16:08 over and over and letting him know that you were motivated
16:11 some kids... quit before they have reached their goal
16:17 because they just don't push through...
16:20 but you did... and what do you think, besides, of course
16:24 the Lord... because the Lord's hand was obviously on you...
16:28 What do you think you did by pushing through?
16:31 Well, I think... one of the things I proved
16:34 something to myself... first of all...
16:36 that I can get in the door if I was very persistent
16:40 prayed and stayed faithful about it... that...
16:42 that would happen... and first of all...
16:43 I had to be honest also with the challenges that I had
16:48 and honest with the things that I did wrong...
16:50 you know... you have to own up to some of the things
16:53 that I probably could have done better...
16:55 I couldn't blame everybody about my shortcomings...
16:58 I couldn't say that it was just, you know, I had a poor
17:01 Public School experience... but what part did I play
17:04 and I think onus of that... but even with that...
17:07 perseverance still... became a story for me
17:09 because even when I got on the campus...
17:12 I had a class that was a
17:14 Biology class and I had never been in a classroom
17:17 a lecture hall with 150 kids and you know,
17:20 with that we had this gentleman Dr. Amron... and I remember
17:23 it like yesterday that his class was so intimidating to me
17:28 that you walk in and here were like 10 chalk boards
17:31 that would go up and down... and it seemed like
17:33 he had them all filled up every time you came in and so...
17:37 it was very intimidating... this Biology class...
17:39 that I began to play games... you know... tick tack toe...
17:43 and moved over one side... so on Monday I sat on this side
17:46 of the classroom and on Wednesday... I sat in the middle
17:49 on Friday... a different side... and I did that as a strategy
17:53 trying to get around his class hoping that
17:56 he wouldn't call on me because I saw what happened
17:59 when he called kids up to the board...
18:01 and they didn't know the answer and it was really... oh man...
18:06 it was a major piece of work for me...
18:08 I thought that I was smart but God stepped in and made
18:12 me realize something... that basically...
18:14 that's what I had been trying to do a long time...
18:17 get around an issue rather than meeting it head on
18:20 in order to make things happen so... I finally got caught
18:24 and I was called to that board and, you know, what happened
18:28 I got to the board and I had stayed up... trying to study
18:31 all night but for some reason I just couldn't comprehend
18:35 the work... and so I stood at that board
18:37 and while my back to my peers, they were snickering and making
18:41 you know... smart gestures but what they didn't know was that
18:45 on the other side of that board where I was staring at the board
18:49 faking like I was going to try to answer the question
18:53 I was really crying... it's what I was doing...
18:56 I was really crying because... I was getting that feeling again
19:01 that I had at 11-years-old when I was told that I was a
19:04 functional illiterate... and I found myself again
19:07 at 18-years-old... standing at a board
19:10 not understanding why I'm being ridiculed...
19:12 so I had no other recourse but to cry...
19:15 and so after that particular day and I was able to...
19:20 and he finally said... you know "You can leave"
19:21 and I ran to my advisor and I said, "You know, I'm finished
19:25 with this College mess... maybe the folks that told me
19:29 I was a functional illiterate at 11-years-old...
19:31 maybe they were right... " you know... "I think that...
19:34 I don't know what I'm going to do with myself
19:36 but I think... I was accomplishing things
19:38 in the streets... so why should I stay here and be ridiculed
19:42 for trying to do my best... " and he said, "You know Son,
19:46 it's not the fact that you are not trying...
19:48 it's not that you don't have perseverance...
19:50 it's not that you don't have the will...
19:52 what you have an issue with is reading...
19:55 you have problems with reading comprehension... "
19:58 and the challenge for me... and it clicked that day
20:02 that I had gone my... all of this time...
20:04 and made it all the way to College and realized
20:07 that I could not read... and so because that Professor
20:11 got with me and got a tutor for every class that I had
20:15 you know... and they gave me strategies...
20:18 taught me strategies... on how to be able to break down
20:22 large passages into smaller chunks and to make note
20:25 to make me get better academically
20:28 and because I had that perseverance...
20:30 I was able to move forward... so once that green light jumped on
20:34 I took off and after that time, I had graduated from
20:38 High School with a 1.6 grade average
20:40 scoring 460 on the SAT... to graduating with
20:44 3.3 Undergrad... 3.5 Masters...
20:48 3.9 Doctoral Level... Come on... come on...
20:52 because... those days... the light turned on...
20:55 and it was about being faithful... having perseverance
20:58 and having someone that stood right in the clutch with me
21:02 got in the clutch with me... and said...
21:04 "I refuse to allow you to fail, and you're not going back home
21:07 we are not going to let that happen...
21:09 we are going to get you to where you should go
21:11 so that you can be successful. " That is so rich Dr. Clark...
21:15 that is so rich... you had a crisis at that
21:19 black board... and had you not had a caring Counselor
21:25 a mentor... that... kind of took you by the hand
21:29 and said... "You're not going to quit. "
21:30 and he identified the problem... the problem was reading...
21:34 and once that problem was addressed...
21:37 God just... you know... God opened that up to you
21:40 so that you saw what the problem was... and then you
21:43 just soared... and praise God for that...
21:46 because... you went from that 1 point something GPA
21:51 to a 3.9... which is just about a 4.0...
21:55 which is tremendous
21:58 praise the Lord for that... and so now... here you are...
22:02 as the Head of this School and I know that
22:06 you see children who are like you
22:09 tell us about that... tell us about your School.
22:13 My School is Richard Wright Public Charter School
22:16 for Journalism and Media Arts and I see... basically 80%
22:20 of my kids are just like me... 80% of these kids are
22:24 coming in reading 3- and-4-grade levels behind
22:27 by the time we get them... 80% of these kids come there
22:31 with, you know, in areas of the city that are known
22:35 for poor Public School education many of these kids
22:39 are just striving to have something positive
22:42 happen for them... and so... I am able to relate to them
22:47 and I don't hide the story... that's why I said...
22:51 it's a blessing... and sometimes folks don't
22:54 understand that... like when you miss a step
22:56 and you remain somewhere for an extra year...
22:59 your time is being ordered... that verse in Proverbs
23:02 which I love... "My steps are ordered"
23:04 so, I know the fact that, you know, sometimes your steps
23:08 are there for you to go through
23:09 so you can arrive at the place that you need to
23:12 and so I share my story with my kids so
23:14 I've been able to help many kids because
23:16 I'm sharing my story because they say,
23:19 "Hey, you know Doc... I didn't know that...
23:21 that was your story... I didn't know that
23:23 that's what happened with you, that's how I feel
23:26 how can we work... what are you going to do?"
23:28 and I'm saying to those kids just like that Counselor
23:30 said to me... "I will get you to College
23:33 if you listen... I will get you to College
23:35 if you're willing to work hard, I will get you to College
23:38 if you would do what I'm telling you
23:40 like Dr. Wilson told me and if I give you a tutor
23:43 you go see that tutor... if I give you extra work...
23:45 you do the extra work and we'll work together
23:48 to get you to a place... my kids are phenomenal
23:51 and so... we created journalism and media arts as our theme
23:54 because one... I could address the issue with reading...
23:58 which was a major thing for me because if you can't read...
24:01 you can't do anything... the second thing is...
24:04 if we did journalism... I would make you write...
24:06 so you would have to use your reading skills
24:09 to research in order to be able to find out
24:11 what you're going to put on paper...
24:13 and learn how to write... so if you can read...
24:15 and you can write... the next thing you will be
24:17 able to do... we work on your speaking
24:19 because if you can read, write and speak...
24:21 then you can advocate for yourself...
24:23 and you could actually do what the African proverb says
24:26 "It takes a whole village... to raise a child... "
24:28 so that means you will be reaching back...
24:30 to grab individuals to put them in a place
24:32 that is... is great... and that you're going to change
24:35 the Community one student at a time...
24:37 and so... this Media Arts thing, we put that on a twist
24:41 because all the kids are excited about Media...
24:43 so if I can wrap you around with that
24:45 and put in some reading and writing... ah man...
24:48 I got a student that is... a bomb...
24:51 I mean this kid's going to change the Community
24:53 there's nothing you are going to be able to say to my kids
24:56 because they're going to be armed and dangerous
24:58 in a positive manner... their minds are going to be set
25:01 that energy level is going to be up
25:04 and there's nothing that you're going to be...
25:06 you're not going to ever be able to out-work them
25:07 I tell my staff... you can't out-work me...
25:09 I get up at 3:30 in the morning and I don't leave work
25:12 till 7 at night... you can't outwork me...
25:14 and that's what I want our kids to be able to do...
25:17 That's tremendous Dr. Clark... you are the poster boy
25:20 for Dare to Dream... you know that right?
25:23 you are the... You know... and I appreciate
25:26 the compliment... you know... but what I just want to be
25:29 is a blessing to everybody that has the same challenge
25:32 what I really want is my story to change
25:35 someone else's life... I am thankful that
25:38 I made it through this journey, so that I can be able to help
25:42 others make it through the same journey that I, you know,
25:46 trudged my way through... because it was very difficult
25:49 and there were a lot of tears that I shed
25:51 to get to this moment... Yes, I'm sure... I'm sure...
25:55 and I'm so thankful that you persevered and that now
25:59 you can reach back... and help other young people
26:03 who are going through what you went through
26:05 and you can give them a safe environment in the School
26:08 and they can blossom there and they can understand
26:11 who they are... and I know it's a Public School
26:14 so you can't do religious instruction
26:16 but I know that you too... you have that assembly
26:20 tell us about that assembly that you have...
26:22 Hey, listen... I smile when you said, "No we can't do... "
26:24 you know... there's a separation between
26:28 Church and State... but what I will say is this...
26:31 when you come in our building and we serve kids
26:34 from the most impoverished wards in the district...
26:37 most schools in the District... High Schools have
26:40 metal detectors... they have police officers...
26:42 security guards... we don't have that...
26:44 what we have is... when you check in...
26:46 we don't wand you in the morning with a wand
26:49 to see whether or not you have a weapon...
26:51 what we do is... we wand you to make sure
26:53 that you got that homework... so you got to turn your homework
26:56 when you come in this building.. you line up.. with your homework
26:59 that's your pass entry and your uniform is appropriate
27:02 that's how we do it... the next thing is...
27:04 that we have a lot of expectations for our kids
27:06 but not only do I teach the kids that we have expectations
27:10 for them... but they should have expectations for us
27:13 and so... it's about them holding us accountable
27:16 just like we're holding them accountable...
27:18 also, when you come into our... we have a Community Meeting
27:22 every morning... because I recognize that kids come
27:25 from some challenged situations, and they need a moment
27:28 to transition... so during our morning assembly...
27:32 we call it... Family Matters... Dr. Clark, I want to hear more
27:36 about Family Matters and I can't because our time is up...
27:40 you got to come back... I will come back...
27:43 I'll be more than happy to... Praise the Lord...
27:46 Thank you so much for everything we really appreciate you
27:49 and all that you're doing... Thank you too.
27:52 God bless you... I don't know where our time
27:55 is gone... but... I just want you to know
27:57 we appreciate your tuning in... Join us next time...
28:00 It just wouldn't be the same without you...


Revised 2015-01-14