Urban Report


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Ryan Mark


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000053

00:01 Are you finding yourself economically stuck
00:03 and unable to move forward? Well, stay tuned to find out
00:06 just what's holding you back and what you can do
00:09 to take it to another level. My name is Yvonne Lewis
00:12 and you're watching Urban Report
00:36 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report
00:38 The 2010 Census Bureau show that the median
00:42 Black Household made 59.8% as much as the
00:46 median White Household... 40% of Black Students fail to
00:49 graduate High School on time and 27.4% of Blacks live in poverty
00:55 compared to the overall poverty rate of 15%.
00:58 My guest today is Ryan Mark
01:01 President of Optimum Capital Management, LLC.
01:05 He's no stranger to television, he's a frequent contributor
01:09 to CNN and CNBC... he co-authored a book
01:13 with Kevin Powell entitled "The Black Male Handbook"
01:16 he's been featured in Black Enterprise,
01:18 African American Family, The Source and NV Magazine
01:23 he contributes regularly to The Huffington Post. com
01:26 The Network Journal, Fortune, and Black Enterprise
01:30 and he has received the Top Forty
01:33 Under-Forty Achievement Award from the Network Journal.
01:36 He also received Tom Joyner's
01:39 "Hardest Working Financial Advisor Award"
01:43 because of his efforts to
01:44 empower the Community with the crucial life skills
01:47 of financial literacy. Ryan Mark... welcome to
01:51 Urban Report... How are you doing?
01:54 thanks for having me... Great... it's so great
01:56 to have you here... Thanks for the good work
01:58 you're doing out there in Illinois... please keep it up...
02:00 Well, praise the Lord, we're thankful to be here...
02:03 So, Ryan... those, those, statistics are so dismal...
02:08 like what's going on... with the African-American Community?
02:12 What is your diagnosis of what's going on...
02:16 I really feel... and we just completed our tour
02:19 of 14 cities recently... called the
02:23 "Less talk and more action Empowerment Tour"
02:25 and my book, "Living in the Village"
02:27 was the curriculum that we're using and it was based upon
02:31 the "Less Talk... More Action" was based upon
02:34 1 John 3:18 it talks about
02:36 "Our love must not be a thing of words and fine talk...
02:39 it must be a thing of action and sincerity... "
02:42 and when we're talking about what you do to love your
02:45 community... it really exemplifies your actions
02:48 in that Community to empower and I do feel that
02:52 there is a lack of exemplified love through action
02:55 that we need to take... if we just walk down
02:58 the inner city neighborhood of our Communities
03:00 you'll see Check Cashing Places, you'll see Re-participation
03:04 Loans and Rapid Refund Places... you'll see the Rent-a-Centers
03:08 all of these Organizations are built... based upon what they
03:12 perceive to be an opportunity to basically profit off of
03:16 what we don't know... profit off the fact
03:19 that individuals don't know that they can open up
03:22 a bank account... or go to smarterchoice. org
03:25 and get a bank account in the Credit Union and don't have to
03:28 pay 5% of their check just to cash your check...
03:31 they can get electronic deposit, and if they wait another 8 days
03:35 they can get their tax return without paying 200% or 300%
03:37 interest rate... They can do.. what my mother did
03:40 watched that black and white television with the little
03:44 pliers on it... until she could really afford to get a regular
03:47 television... and not go to a Rent-a-Center that is
03:50 essentially capitalizing off our need for instant gratification
03:53 and charging 40-50 bucks a week and essentially paying
03:57 several thousand dollars for a $2,000 television
04:01 that you don't even need... these are things that
04:03 Organizations that are capitalizing off of
04:06 to be quite candid... our ignorance
04:08 and there is nothing wrong with being ignorant
04:10 there are a lot of things that I don't know
04:11 and a lot of things that you don't know
04:12 but there is something wrong with staying ignorant
04:15 Yes...... and for those things that
04:16 we are ignorant about we have to make sure
04:18 that we can try to fix those things and that's what we try
04:20 to do every single day trying to fix this ignorance
04:23 in our Communities about Financial Literacy
04:25 You know Ryan... you made some really, really important points
04:28 and I think at the crux of it... is our reluctance to differ
04:33 gratification... you know... we want... what we want...
04:37 when we want it... as opposed to being willing to
04:40 wait a bit... and save the money it's like...
04:43 it is so true that you can drive by... you see a bunch of
04:47 check cashing places... you see Rent-a-Centers
04:50 I remember... I know several people who used a Rent-a-Center
04:56 to buy... to get Washing Machines... to get...
05:00 and they're paying 3 and 4 times what they would pay
05:03 if they just waited a bit... you know...
05:06 And again... it says... "A faith that hath not works is dead"
05:11 I mean... we can have faith... and this is a Christian Network
05:13 and let's be real here, you know when you talk about faith
05:16 you know... and I'm a saved Christian and Jesus is my Savior
05:20 but... you know when Jesus cured the blind man...
05:22 He said to him... walk two miles to the riverside
05:25 and you'll be able to see... well, sometimes God gives
05:28 an instruction... to justify the blessing...
05:30 and what we have to do is... what sort of evidence
05:34 that we have... that we're walking
05:35 and essentially... when we are not walking
05:38 and essentially allowing individuals to capitalize
05:40 and say... "Let us help them buy a home... "
05:43 with a 500 FICO score... and no money in the Bank
05:45 well, you're not ready to buy the home yet...
05:47 you haven't been walking yet... Come on...
05:49 ...I'm a firm believer that you can... that new home
05:53 that you want... you have it already...
05:55 you just have to work towards it that new house you want
05:57 that new job... whatever you want to get
06:00 you already have... you just have to walk
06:02 and do the things that are necessary to plan and be prudent
06:05 you know, "A patient man has good understanding"...
06:07 it tells in Proverbs... you just have to be prudent enough
06:09 and patient enough to not only just not wait...
06:12 because sometimes we are waiting on God
06:13 but actually God is waiting on you...
06:15 to make the right decisions to put things in place
06:18 to get the things that you need. Absolutely, see we can
06:22 this Network is Dare to Dream right... we can dream...
06:25 but without a plan... it's just a dream...
06:28 Right... right... so it makes no sense...
06:31 to have a dream and then say,
06:33 "OK Lord, please bless me because I want this... "
06:37 No... God has given you certain gifts... certain talents
06:42 take what's in your hand and use that.. and devise a plan
06:47 and that's one of the thing that you've done
06:50 which I'm so impressed by your website...
06:54 by your African-American empowerment document
06:59 that you have on the website...
07:00 I plan to... I've downloaded it
07:02 but I'm going to print it out... I want to do the things myself
07:06 that are in there... because... as you said...
07:08 ignorance is a part of this whole thing...
07:11 there are things that we don't know...
07:14 now... it's nothing wrong with not knowing...
07:17 unless you choose... to not know
07:19 Right... willful ignorance, that's one of the biggest
07:21 epidemics of our Community
07:23 and in sense of what we have to do...
07:25 you know... we do a lot of work with gang members out here...
07:28 actually... one gang member that we've done work with
07:30 wrote a chapter of my recent book
07:33 "Living in the Village" and the recent I wrote the book
07:36 was because not only the educated individuals
07:38 but to show that there are common, ordinary individuals
07:40 out here who do things every single day
07:42 to use economic empowerment financial literacy
07:45 to overcome adversity, you know...
07:47 adversity is inevitable but your response is an option
07:51 so, what we have to understand is that we can choose to be
07:54 impacted or overcome our adversities
07:56 by just using simple things... the first gang member that we
07:59 worked with... at least... one of them... Damon Jenkins...
08:02 he came to us with $300 in his pocket...
08:04 just came out of Rikers Island and he sat down
08:06 and we were in a meeting with some Bloods and Crips
08:08 and we were trying to get them to figure out ways
08:10 to have them not have as much crime...
08:13 or use crime as an option, but as opposed to judging them
08:16 giving them other alternatives...
08:18 I met with Damon... the next morning and
08:20 long story short we took that $300 and nine months later
08:23 after going to inkitnow. com, and enrolling in the GED Program
08:26 and enrolling in certification programs...
08:28 most of these programs were free of charge
08:30 that we already knew of within our Communities,
08:33 and nine months later he had ten employees and
08:35 Project Managers that he was hiring...
08:38 and many of them were other Bloods that he was using
08:40 to get them jobs... within his own Company
08:42 because he used his will to get the education and
08:45 we assisted him in that... and that's why
08:46 it really does take a village... and then from the end of that
08:50 it came that he feels that he doesn't have to commit a crime
08:52 because... he now knows of alternative ways
08:56 to sustain himself... now, I'm not sitting here saying
08:57 he's not going to be there today but I am saying that he makes
09:00 enough money to keep a roof over his head,
09:02 to keep clothes on his back, and have other Bloods...
09:05 give them opportunities so they don't feel they
09:07 they have to rob and steal... the best way to fix crime
09:10 is to give somebody a job and to educate them
09:12 how to use their money... Yeah... and you know what Ryan
09:14 again... such great points... because, number one,
09:18 many people assume...
09:19 that because some people
09:21 have had a criminal background, they don't want to work
09:23 there's nothing further from the truth...
09:26 they want to work, but they're locked out
09:28 so what you're doing... because of the felony...
09:31 so what you're doing is... you are helping these guys
09:35 to know that there are options that they don't have to stay
09:38 locked out but they have to be...
09:40 they have to be creative they have to be entrepreneurial,
09:43 you know, and they have to make choices
09:45 that are going to make a difference and it's amazing
09:48 that you sat down with Bloods and Crips
09:50 and you're showing them this... they don't have to
09:53 to continue with crime... they can have... other options
09:58 and that is tremendous... the beautiful part about it is
10:02 that, you know, we... I'm an entrepreneur...
10:05 I love starting businesses, and, you know,
10:07 what an entrepreneur does... and people say,
10:09 "Well, Ryan... now is not the time to start your businesses"
10:11 is why we travel all across the Country
10:14 we speak at Churches, we speak in Prisons,
10:16 we speak at... all across the Country
10:17 teaching individuals about financial literacy,
10:19 starting businesses, and, you know, when I started my
10:22 financial planning company
10:24 I started... because there was a problem...
10:26 of individuals in our Community who did not manage
10:28 their money correctly, so how can I fix that problem
10:31 but also keep food on my table at the same time...
10:33 that was the first problem, and there was another problem
10:36 that many individuals... weren't able to afford to pay
10:38 for our services... so we went out and formed a
10:40 501c free so we can get the Government to pay
10:43 for our services... and another problem was
10:45 people coming home from Prison weren't able to get jobs
10:47 well... we had a lot of connections with different
10:49 developers in our local Community and had resources
10:52 and so we formed a Development Company...
10:53 and through that Development Company...
10:54 sitting on the Board of Organizations like Re-Build
10:57 we've helped over 2,000 individuals
10:59 come out of Prison find jobs
11:01 and get over 60% of them... have kept those jobs
11:05 for at least six months or more so, if this is just through
11:09 businesses that we formed... in order to assist problems in
11:12 our Community... and again... over half of the S and P 500
11:15 were formed during hard economic times...
11:18 just like you see.. right now... so, essentially, it's a crime
11:21 to sit back and say that "I'm not going to let this idea
11:24 come out of my head and come into fruition
11:26 because... on the other side of your hard work
11:28 your blood, your sweat and your tears...
11:29 there is somebody waiting on you to bless them
11:31 with that idea... so the epitomy of selfishness
11:34 is really quitting... so you're not quitting on... you
11:37 you're quitting on all those people that are supposed
11:39 to benefit from those grand ideas that you have inside...
11:41 and so... this is why... we have to unlock our potential
11:44 take the top off our thinking...
11:45 and get prepared to bless some people around this hard economy.
11:48 That's tremendous... that is just tremendous!
11:52 I mean, wow, the fact that... that again...
11:56 you're giving options... you're sharing resources
12:00 see... I think one of the things that happens is
12:03 we don't know... what's available
12:05 we don't know... what resources are available
12:09 and connecting with those resources... that's key and so
12:13 with your Organization... I know that you write...
12:18 I know that you're a contributor to CNN...
12:22 what other things are you doing to connect with
12:26 inner city residents? Well, what we like to do...
12:30 a lot of times... people ask me to speak...
12:32 I just did a Workshop with Demal Brian's Church in
12:34 Palmer Temple... did a speech down there...
12:37 speaking is great but...
12:39 I really feel that it's time
12:41 for us to start cleaning together... really talking shop
12:43 so what I normally do with Organizations that call me
12:46 out to do a keynote speech... you know...
12:49 not really a whole lot you can do in 20 minutes
12:51 besides getting people to stand up
12:52 but it is inspirational it's great. But it's time for us to
12:55 take it to another level... it's time for us to take a step
12:57 forward and, you know, to figure out what we can do
13:00 to collaborate... right now, we have,
13:02 a group of inmates in Houston,
13:05 we talked to some folks down in Philadelphia
13:08 as well as Chicago... inmates training inmates
13:11 in financial literacy using my book
13:13 "Living in the Village" as a curriculum for an
13:15 eight-week program... it's sustainable...
13:17 it's free... and it sustained itself...
13:19 I go there now, I'll train them,
13:21 I leave and then the Program continues to sustain itself...
13:24 we have Programs that we have created across
13:26 the Country for Youth... where we train the youth
13:28 in terms of financial literacy and once the youth get it...
13:31 we train the educators and the teachers in financial literacy,
13:34 they'll then work with the Youth and then... I can leave...
13:37 I can move myself from the equation
13:38 and now the teachers can continue to teach the youth
13:41 in financial literacy and economic and employment
13:42 programming... so, I really try to do...
13:45 and we just spent a whole week about two weeks ago in St. Lucia
13:48 there were two to three workshops a day...
13:50 we plan on going back there for another two months...
13:53 to really start some good sustainable economic programming
13:56 that can have a true, measured impact... and again...
13:59 we do a lot of speeches and people call me all the time
14:03 and say, "Ryan, come and speak to our Organization"
14:04 well, I say, you know... "What are we going to do
14:06 after the speech?" are we going to sit down,
14:09 and collaborate and bring ideas and people together because
14:12 there are lot of hungry folks out there... out on the streets
14:15 they need our ideas... they don't need for us to
14:17 just continue to rest on our laurels...
14:19 they don't need for us to continue to say that
14:21 we need an inspiration... without information...
14:24 it's just frustration... so we have to get folks
14:27 to move forward and set... that's what we're really
14:30 trying to focus on... through our non-profit
14:32 and really trying to create tangible program
14:35 that can have a measured impact speaking is great...
14:37 but I'd much prefer to do some programming and
14:40 some workshops and sit down and we can have a measured impact
14:42 so we can see some real testimonial results from the
14:45 people that are moving forward. That's tremendous because
14:48 what did you say, what with... "Inspiration without Information
14:53 is just Frustration" I like it... I like it...
14:56 that's what I said... I like it I'll write it down...
14:58 I love it... I love it... because, you know what?
15:00 it is one thing to get people to, you know,
15:03 to motivate them... and get them in the
15:05 rah... rah thing... but then you leave...
15:07 but if you leave something in place...
15:11 to replicate... what you've taught
15:14 and to then, kind of, have it across the board
15:17 so that people can continue to work in it...
15:20 and you have somebody in place...
15:22 like an Organization... in place there...
15:24 to kind of keep things going...
15:26 that's how real change is wrought...
15:28 not by just one speech... which is great...
15:31 but by replication and duplication of your efforts
15:35 that's tremendous... that's tremendous...
15:37 What got you involved in financial literacy?
15:40 I used to be a Trader on Wall Street for six years
15:44 and I traded biotechnology stocks at the largest NASDAQ
15:48 trading firm in the world, not equity markets
15:50 and had a great time... made some good money...
15:53 but I really felt that there was a stronger need out there
15:57 to educate my Community, my aunt called me one day
16:00 and she said, "Ryan, what is a stock?"
16:03 and that kind of resonated with me because if my aunt
16:05 didn't know... what a stock was that meant a lot my family
16:08 didn't know what stocks were...
16:09 I figured... especially in the Black Community
16:12 that they didn't know what investments were
16:14 I mean, we're quick to jump in a long line...
16:17 to pay $300 for some sneakers... but we will not pay 50 bucks
16:21 to own the Company that makes the sneakers...
16:23 Come on... come on... come on
16:25 ...so, this is the type of thing and mentality
16:27 that I really wanted to address and I couldn't do that
16:29 by making money behind the keyboard...
16:31 I wanted to go to the streets... to my Community...
16:33 I got an offer... from a large Company
16:35 that wanted me to be a Financial Planner with them
16:37 but they told me... unless I only work for
16:39 high-net-worth individuals and everybody else
16:41 was a waste of time... and it says very clearly...
16:44 in Proverbs 3:27... Do not withhold good from those
16:47 who deserve it for it is in your power to act...
16:50 and I did not want to withhold good from anyone...
16:52 including my own mother that's not high-net worth
16:55 including most of the individuals in my family
16:57 that are not high-net-worth... people in the streets...
16:59 in my own Community... where I live...
17:00 where I lay my head at night... these individuals out here in
17:03 Brooklyn... many individuals... most of them are not
17:05 high-net-worth... so I'm not trying to withhold
17:07 good from them... and good is knowledge...
17:09 good is education... so we like to go...
17:12 and that's why I started my own company
17:14 I'm not... I have the power to do...
17:16 but I did feel like I had a calling from God
17:18 to speak to a lot of people about it
17:21 and He kind of gave me that signal and I decided that
17:23 it was not going to be through this Organization
17:25 that was telling me that I could only work for
17:26 high net-work... it wasn't going to be
17:27 through Wall Street... it was through learning how to
17:30 create my own mechanism... my own business...
17:32 through His will... and learn how to get this
17:35 message out in a way... and He sustained me
17:37 through the whole thing... He taught me that, you know,
17:39 sometimes... you just got to accept the fact
17:41 that your ship is not going to come in
17:42 but you can learn how to swim out to it...
17:44 and when you learn how to swim it's a beautiful thing
17:47 swim with Jesus... Amen.. that is so... so... true.
17:51 How long have you been a Christian?
17:53 I've been a Christian all my life...
17:55 but I would say... I was saved in February of 1995
18:03 it was the winter time and God revealed Himself to me
18:08 I was walking home from School and...
18:11 from Michigan... it was a big hill...
18:13 at the bottom of this hill was a big patch of ice...
18:16 to make the long story short, I almost slipped
18:19 on this patch of ice and something inside of me said,
18:22 "Ryan," it's negative 20 degrees outside
18:24 "Ryan, you have to put something on this patch of ice"
18:28 and I started arguing with God at the time
18:29 that I'm not trying to clean this ice up...
18:31 it's too cold out here... I'm a quarter mile away from home
18:34 I'm trying to go home... so I walked back home and
18:35 the closer I got home... to the dorm room
18:38 where I was living... the stronger the voice got...
18:40 so by the time I got there... I said... you know what...
18:43 forget it... I don't have any salt...
18:45 I opened up the door... there's a big bag of salt...
18:47 all in the lobby where I lived to this day
18:50 there's never been bag of salt either after that or before that
18:54 for the four years that I was in Michigan
18:56 there was a pair of scissors located right there on the desk
19:00 for me to take the scissors up, so I said,
19:02 "OK... let me just go ahead and use it... "
19:04 so I took it... cut open the bag and I walked outside
19:08 and as soon as I stepped foot on the ground
19:10 there was a cartoon.. I tell you if you're an atheist
19:13 you're not going to believe this story
19:15 it was a cartoon... the cloud opened...
19:17 and the temperature got so hot that I had to unzip my jacket...
19:20 it was negative 20 before... wind chill factor...
19:23 and it was so hot... that I'd unzipped my jacket
19:25 and I walked back to put salt on the ice
19:28 I put salt on the ice and I walked back
19:30 and I was thinking... wow... it's really hot...
19:32 I'm almost sweaty... because I had this big, fat jacket on
19:35 and I couldn't take it off... because I was holding
19:36 the bag of salt and I said, "Wow!
19:39 I'm going to play basketball" I want to do something...
19:41 I want to play ball... you know, this is Indian summer,
19:44 you know, I'm excited now... the temperature just changed
19:47 and by the time I got back home the ten seconds that it took me
19:50 to put the bag of salt down and go to my room...
19:52 the temperature had gotten back to negative 20 wind chill again,
19:56 when I looked out the window and then...
19:58 my roommate came in
20:00 and I was saying... all the time you know, nobody is going to
20:02 know what I did... and I kept saying...
20:04 nobody is going to notice the difference
20:06 nobody is going to say anything about it...
20:08 I've just wasted my time... the first thing my roommate says
20:11 as he came and he said, "Ryan, I was running home
20:13 and I would have slipped on some ice...
20:15 but luckily somebody put some salt down and it melted
20:18 just enough to where I could get my footing
20:20 and I didn't bust my neck on this salted ice
20:22 and at that point I thought that that was God telling me
20:26 that sometimes you got to go out of your way,
20:28 go out of your way... I'm going to make a way for you
20:30 and I'm going to make it easier for you
20:31 because you're doing my will not your will
20:33 but my will... and yet you're doing something
20:35 for somebody else and that was just His indication
20:38 and stuff has been happening like that... all the time...
20:41 when you give your life to God it just becomes a
20:43 wonderful thing. My first time on CNN was really
20:46 just a blessing because I was yelling at the TV Screen
20:51 and I said, "God, there is Gerri Willis on TV
20:53 you told me I'm going to speak for the millions of people
20:56 she's doing it... I want to do what she is doing"
20:58 this was in 2008 and nine days later
21:00 I met Alicia Stewart who just said
21:02 "Ryan, I've been following your e- mails and I see where
21:06 you're going... to teach Financial Literacy Seminar
21:09 do you want to go on CNN... so thirteen days later
21:12 after I'm yelling at the screen... at Gerri Willis
21:15 saying, "God, I want to do what she's doing"
21:16 I'm on CNN with Gerri Willis, doing what she's doing
21:20 talking about financial literacy Oh... look at God... right...
21:24 This is how He does... and I just... pity the fool
21:27 who does not say it... man... and this is just the thing that
21:30 it's a beautiful thing when you give it all over...
21:32 and it makes stuff so much easier...
21:34 why make stuff hard just try to be it easy...
21:36 financial literacy is a good way to make it easy
21:38 using His principles that are really...
21:40 the best financial planning book is the Bible
21:42 we teach from that all the time...
21:44 Come on... tell us about that... like how...
21:46 because so many people think... "Well the Bible is irrelevant"
21:50 or you can't... you know... "It's an old book... "
21:52 "It doesn't have any relevance" tell us how you use the Bible
21:55 to teach financial literacy... I mean, when you think about it
21:59 one of the Scriptures... in Proverbs
22:00 it talks about... what use is money in the hand of a fool...
22:03 if they have no desire to obtain wisdom
22:05 and that relates right into the fact that
22:08 individuals who are chasing money
22:09 they might even win the lottery, but most lottery winners
22:12 end up being flat broke... you know
22:14 Yeah...... if you go to the South Side
22:16 of Chicago... you choose one zip code...
22:19 one zip code... in the South Side of Chicago,
22:21 they might spend as much as between $20 and $23 million
22:24 dollars a year in one zip code on Lotto tickets
22:27 and so, again, what use is it, you're chasing money,
22:29 and what use is money in the hand of a fool that
22:31 has no desire to obtain wisdom? You know... it talks about it
22:34 in the parable of the talents whether you are blessed with
22:36 one, three or five talents... and the individual with
22:39 three talents... put his money to usury... he doubled it...
22:42 five talents... doubled it... the one person with one talent
22:45 stuck it in the ground and didn't do anything with it
22:47 he was penalized for that... I mean... these are stories
22:49 in the Bible that I mean I can go on and on...
22:51 we have a Workshop that is called
22:52 "Provisions for Abundance" that really goes through
22:55 a lot of different principles that are from the Word of God
22:58 I mean... "How to improve your Credit"
23:01 how not to... Ecclesiastes talks about
23:02 divide your portions in seven and eight...
23:04 because... who knows... what evil tomorrow will bring
23:07 you know... divide your portion into seven and eight
23:10 that sounds a whole lot like "Diversify your Portfolio"
23:13 Come on... come on... now... Why would you give all of your
23:15 money to one person... like Bernie Madoff
23:17 when in Ecclesiastes it says...
23:18 divide your portion into seven and eight?
23:20 Come on... I mean... these are things that
23:21 you know... it talks about... the line that I always like
23:25 to say that paraphrases different things...
23:27 I think it's in John... that "Whatever you can walk
23:29 away from... you have mastered, whatever you cannot
23:31 walk away from... has mastered you"
23:33 and that comes from the Bible... these are principles about
23:36 how to spend our money... how to budget our money,
23:38 how to make sure that we can save for rainy days...
23:40 how to make it so that we can invest prudently
23:42 how to make sure that we can prepare
23:43 for an Estate... a wise man leaves an inheritance
23:46 for his children's children... how can you do that effectively
23:50 unless you are putting it together in an Estate Plan
23:52 you know... you look at the Bible
23:53 you look at what the principle says and then you use
23:56 Financial Literacy to say, "Now, what mechanism are we
23:59 blessed with to be able to use, to put these principles
24:02 into place?" Budgeting, Estate Planning
24:04 Insurance... you know... all of these things
24:07 are things that I believe that God has allowed us to create
24:10 to put principles that He's given us
24:13 to put in place and manage His principles wisely
24:16 so He can say... "Well done, thou good and
24:17 faithful servant... for you have mastered over few...
24:19 I will make you ruler over many, that's not a whole lot of saving
24:22 like saving a little... it makes you...
24:24 no matter how little money that you have...
24:26 you save it and be very prudent with it...
24:27 I mean... I can go on... and on about this stuff and...
24:29 it's just a wonderful thing and I mean... look...
24:31 Suze Orman ain't got nothing on the Word, you know...
24:34 Come on.. come on... come on now.. nothing on the Word...
24:36 as Christians... we should understand that
24:38 that's why we do... we spend a lot of our time in
24:41 Churches across the Country, just educating...
24:43 and getting folks excited about this stuff, Man,
24:45 it's time to get excited about budgeting and saving...
24:47 You know... that's really true, it's like...
24:50 a lot of times... you know... you just don't...
24:54 there's something about the mentality of just
24:57 not wanting to deal with it... but you have to deal with it...
25:01 because as you said... and it's in the Word
25:04 basically what you don't control will control you...
25:06 so... you can either be proactive or reactive
25:10 and if you're reactive... I mean... you are just following
25:13 along but you're not...
25:14 you're not focused
25:16 you're not intentional about what you're doing...
25:18 and that doesn't honor God.
25:19 It doesn't... I mean... Scripture after Scripture
25:23 talks about... don't... don't get into hasty investments
25:26 because you'll end up going into poverty...
25:28 you know... it just goes on and on...
25:30 and when we understand this... and I think the stigma...
25:33 I mean... I'm happy to say... it seems as if...
25:37 now at least... what I am seeing when I'm out there...
25:39 speaking in different cities across the Country...
25:41 the stigma of not talking about money
25:44 is starting to go away... especially in the Churches...
25:46 it used to be... almost like a red flag...
25:50 you don't really go into money...
25:51 you know... you don't talk about money...
25:53 you know... and there'll be misconceptions about
25:55 "What is Christian" you know... "Are Godly people... rich?"
26:00 "Are Godly people poor?" you know...
26:02 Godly people are not rich or poor
26:04 Godly people are faithful... Come on... come on...
26:07 They talk about... "Why do we go to work?"
26:09 I got to work to get rich... or... I got to work
26:12 to just pay my bills... no... you don't go to work
26:14 to get rich or just to pay your bills...
26:16 we go to work to serve Christ... and this is what you do...
26:19 on a day to day basis... no matter what you do...
26:21 you give it over to God... everything you do is just
26:23 to serve in the glory of His name...
26:25 and then... the fruits will come
26:26 out of that labor... you know...
26:28 they will come out of the labor that you are working for Him...
26:30 and that includes our finances...
26:32 God is not going to create a book that talks about everything
26:35 and leave money out of it... you know...
26:37 and it's again for the love of money,
26:40 and I don't love money...
26:41 and I've always said... and some individuals
26:43 disagree with me... I don't believe that money
26:46 is a blessing I believe that money is a
26:48 fruit of the blessing... money is the result in
26:52 Ephesians 1 verse 3 Blessed is the Lord and Father
26:55 of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us
26:58 with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places... in Christ.
27:00 I believe that the things that you have inside of you...
27:04 are the blessings... and because you're able to
27:06 use those things... you are able to create money...
27:09 and that's the symptom that you are truly blessed
27:11 because you use those blessings that you have
27:13 and this is why... those who are in poverty...
27:15 which we do a lot of Workshops...
27:17 in Prisons and Homeless Shelters I'd like to tell...
27:19 I'd say, "Listen, I don't care if you
27:21 have not a dollar to your name" you are still truly blessed...
27:24 if you still have a pulse and still have a purpose...
27:26 let's figure out what you can use
27:28 and what you can create... we were in South Africa...
27:31 we figure out... I don't care if you're living
27:33 in the shanty town... what can you use
27:35 to create these things... Yes.. yes... what's in your hand
27:37 My! I can't believe our time is up
27:39 I have to have you back... actually I want to have you here
27:42 will you come here some time? Absolutely... I would love to...
27:45 That would be great, may God bless you and
27:46 continue with your great work. God bless you...
27:50 Proverbs 21:5 says "The plans of the diligent
27:53 lead to profit as surely as haste leads
27:55 to poverty... be intentional
27:57 with your finances... pay your tithes and offerings,
28:00 support ministries like Dare to Dream
28:02 and have a plan... May God bless you...
28:04 tune in next time... It just wouldn't be the same
28:06 without you...


Revised 2015-01-08