Urban Report

National Urban League

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Cy Richardson


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000052

00:01 Resources, Programs, Opportunities
00:03 Our guest today is going to inform us of
00:06 what's available to make our lives better.
00:08 My name is Yvonne Lewis and your watching Urban Report
00:34 Hello and welcome to Urban Report
00:36 I am excited about our program today
00:39 my guest is Cy Richardson Senior Vice President of
00:42 Programs for the National Urban League
00:45 Welcome to Urban Report Cy...
00:48 Thanks very much for having me. Absolutely, this is such
00:51 a blessing... it's so great to finally meet you too...
00:54 I've talked to you on the phone but I've never placed a face
00:57 with the voice... So I get to meet you today...
01:01 Cy, I want to start out by saying that
01:05 I have a personal history with the Urban League
01:09 my mom, before she died, was the Controller of the
01:13 New York Urban League... and my first job
01:16 the very first, kind of official job outside of babysitting
01:19 that I ever had... was with the Urban League
01:22 The New York Urban League... so I have... go ahead...
01:26 Yes... many folks can trace their employment opportunities
01:30 back to our local Urban League affiliate
01:32 so that's a wonderful story it doesn't surprise me
01:35 as our affiliates... over the years
01:37 have done a wonderful job of getting folks on the appropriate
01:40 career path... obviously, you've come a long way.
01:43 Well... praise the Lord... it was such a great opportunity
01:47 for me because I got to see my mother doing what she did
01:50 in her role as an executive with the Urban League
01:53 and I also got... to get a taste of what goes on in the
01:57 grassroots level... with the Urban League
02:00 and so it was a great, great opportunity
02:02 and I have a great affinity for the Urban League
02:06 So, tell us a little bit about the Urban League
02:09 because some people really might not know
02:11 anything about its history and its mission
02:14 tell us a little bit about it if you would...
02:18 Right... so we are a 103-year-old Organization
02:22 an historic Civil Rights Organization
02:25 the Nation's oldest and largest civil rights
02:28 organization dedicated to helping African-Americans
02:32 to enter and sustain themselves in the economic and social
02:35 mainstream... and so we run programs
02:37 through our 95 affiliates
02:39 across the country... and we also have a voice
02:42 in Washington... weighing in on Federal Policy
02:46 policies that are helpful...
02:49 and hinder the economic
02:52 prospects of African-Americans and those who live in
02:54 urban places... so we weigh in and regularly
02:57 kind of contribute and seek to influence public policies...
03:01 that boast both boost and block
03:03 the economic life chances of
03:05 African-Americans... and we've been fairly successful
03:07 at that... recently... That's tremendous...
03:09 and what exactly do you do... for the Urban League?
03:11 Right... so I've been with the League for 12 years now, Yvonne,
03:15 and I initially joined the Organization as.. essentially...
03:19 a Policy Analyst working in the housing and community
03:22 development space... I rose to the ranks to become
03:25 the Vice President of that portfolio and just
03:27 early this year... I was promoted to
03:28 Senior Vice President and Chief Program Officer
03:31 for Economic Programs... that would be our
03:33 Small Business-Development Programs
03:35 our Housing Home Ownership Programs
03:36 and I work for those development programs as well
03:38 and so... my role here is to kind of design programs,
03:42 to implement them... in terms of funding
03:45 our affiliates will executive the programs
03:47 and to take and analyze data and evaluate the efficacy of
03:50 those programs... and kind of report and narrate
03:52 to our Funders and those interested parties across
03:55 the country... the impact of the Urban League
03:57 at large... Wow! you're kind of
04:01 a slouch eh? Well yeah... I mean...
04:06 there's no rest for the weary, they say, but... yeah
04:08 there's a lot of work... given that the most recent data
04:10 in terms of the disproportionality of the
04:13 economic crisis on the Black Community
04:15 we have a lot of work to do... Well, let's talk a little bit
04:17 about that... if we may, Cy, because a lot of people
04:22 might not really know... about that disparity
04:25 or what some of the figures are, can you share some
04:28 information about the disparity with us?
04:32 Sure... well... I'll give you just a macro sense...
04:34 right... so from 2008 when the sub-prime crisis
04:38 gave way to a larger economic crisis...
04:41 both here... in this country
04:42 and abroad... around the world...
04:44 you know, the old adage that you know,
04:48 when America catches a cold, the Black America catches the Flu
04:53 and I think that did play out... in the last period of
04:56 unpleasantness... in all of the indicators that
04:59 we employ to assess the
05:02 economic viability of
05:04 communities... whether it be home ownership,
05:06 business ownership, whether it be College readiness
05:10 and enrollment... whether it be Work Force
05:12 the unemployment rate... in some of the largest cities
05:15 in this country... well, it's obviously reported
05:18 8 to 10 percent... but for the African-American
05:21 Community... it was double and triple that...
05:23 in Detroit... the unemployment rate is still somewhere
05:27 hovering around 20 percent... which... it's mind-boggling...
05:30 two or three out of ten African-Americans...
05:32 unemployed... in fact... many of them
05:34 have stopped looking for work... so demoralized and
05:37 beaten down... so it's part of the
05:39 Urban League to kind of uplift...
05:41 raise the stakes... prepare people...
05:44 for their chance to meet their potential...
05:47 but also to really show how the crisis...
05:51 disproportionately affected communities of Color,
05:53 disproportionately affected African-Americans...
05:55 which in 2005... we just were able
06:00 in the history of this Country to reach 50% home ownership rate
06:04 which 50.1% and that was a historic milestone, for example,
06:09 because home ownership is the chief way,
06:11 in this Country, as you know, to build wealth and safer
06:13 retirement and to fund children's education, etc. etc.
06:16 So 51% of African-Americans were homeowners?
06:20 were homeowners in 2005 we've now since rolled back
06:24 6 percentage points which doesn't sound a lot
06:27 like a lot... to most people but it's hundreds of thousands
06:29 of families... who either lost their home
06:33 through the period of foreclosure or were so
06:37 bewildered and overwhelmed... just stopped trying...
06:39 stopped endeavoring and which... for me...
06:41 I travel around the Country talking to folks
06:44 about the prospects for our clients...
06:47 the foreclosure piece...
06:48 we can speak about that... but...
06:50 the lack of endeavor is far more troubling for me
06:53 when we're trying to develop a generation of those
06:57 who take their full stake in American life...
07:00 in the ownership society... and for those...
07:02 to actively and willingly sit on the sidelines because
07:05 they don't deem the marketplace to be safe.. that's troubling...
07:08 because in many ways... information exchange,
07:11 in our community happens within the household... so
07:14 so the mom tells the daughter,
07:15 the daughter tells the kids around
07:17 how to tap into home ownership
07:19 or how to find... a loan...
07:20 for small businesses or mortgages etc... you know,
07:23 so to have a relatively placid
07:26 consumer base... it's troubling...
07:29 because... that tends to be passed on to children
07:32 and their children... and so we're trying to arrest
07:34 that decline... So... let me ask you this...
07:37 are you saying that this lack of endeavor
07:41 is due to... primarily... to being overwhelmed
07:45 and kind of a sense of depression
07:46 or are you saying that it is a kind of
07:50 defeatist attitude?
07:52 Yes... well... I think it's a little bit of both
07:55 Yvonne... really... I mean... you look at the historical arc
07:58 and the trajectory of the African-American experience
08:01 in this Country and, you know, many of our folks...
08:04 myself included... have been... what's called...
08:06 trying to get to the "Yes"... trying to find someone
08:09 who will give us a mortgage, trying to find someone
08:11 who will give us a loan... trying to find someone
08:13 who will take a chance on us for employment...
08:16 and after generation and generation of being
08:18 told "No" you know, we went through
08:21 a period in the early 2000's
08:22 of really trying to get to the "Yes"...
08:26 trying to find someone who will...
08:28 take that economic risk with us...
08:30 and there were a number of unscrupulous players
08:33 in the Marketplace... that the sub-prime marketplace
08:36 in particular... that all tended to prey on
08:39 folks who were looking for the "Yes"
08:40 who were all too accustomed to getting the "No"
08:43 and so... that has a psychological effect
08:45 to risking... getting out there
08:49 taking a mortgage...
08:51 taking a loan... and then... you know...
08:53 defaulting or having otherwise having the cards
08:55 stacked against you... and then falling back...
08:57 it's more than... just one step forward...
08:59 two steps back... because... that is passed on...
09:01 you know... inter-generationally and so it's a combination
09:06 of... you know, kind of group depression
09:09 a combination of a lack of sophistication
09:11 in terms of decision-making... and that's what the Non-Profit
09:14 space has to do... to continue to create
09:16 an informed Constituency... which brings efficiency
09:19 to all Market Places... but I do think... your question
09:22 it's a combination of... psychological depression...
09:25 at the Group Level but also...
09:27 it's folks who just don't believe it's safe
09:31 to enter into a Market Place... home ownership... for example...
09:34 which will be... for most of us, the most expensive purchase
09:38 that we'll make in our lifetimes...
09:39 and so... that is just overwhelming for a large
09:41 majority of people... not just African-Americans
09:44 but for many low-and-moderate income citizens of this country
09:47 and that's deeply troubling because, I think they've
09:51 understood that the playing field is not level
09:54 and the odds are rigged against communities
09:57 of color... against... moderate and
09:59 working-class people... to really succeed and advance
10:02 in this Country... that's the kind of narrative
10:04 we're trying to tell right now...
10:05 And that's very, very important
10:07 you said... several things that I'd like to
10:09 touch on... one is that...
10:12 there is a certain... lack of sophistication
10:15 in terms of financial literacy, that we really need to
10:20 get some information to be
10:24 equipped because there were these predators
10:27 that did take advantage of people...
10:30 with the sub-prime lending... and all that...
10:33 but the other side of that... was...
10:35 that inability to defer gratification
10:38 you know that you can't afford a $500,000 home
10:42 but yet... you go for that home because, as you had said,
10:47 you're so used to getting a "No"
10:49 and you finally getting a "Yes" and it's like,
10:51 "Oh man... maybe I can get this house"
10:53 and it is... the most expensive expenditure that you're
10:59 going to make... so I think that there is
11:01 personal responsibility here and then I think
11:03 there's a systemic issue an institutionalized issue
11:07 as well... that we really need to look at
11:09 would you agree? Yes, I would agree...
11:11 that's well said and I don't think I really can
11:13 improve upon that assessment... that's correct...
11:15 I think we have a combination of the predatory and
11:19 unscrupulous characters that prey upon our Community
11:22 that actively reach out for those who lack that
11:25 sophistication and understanding and conversancy
11:28 on financial issues and prey upon them...
11:31 you know peddling products that cause harm...
11:34 at a neighborhood level so that's one thing...
11:38 but when you have that in combination to your point,
11:40 around faulty and flawed decision making...
11:42 I think that's a perfect storm for economic crisis
11:45 and that disproportionately affects communities
11:48 that systemically... again to your point...
11:51 kind of lack the underlying kind of success and
11:53 confidence in making these economic choices
11:56 and decisions... and again... you know
11:58 the concept for us is... in our Financial Literacy
12:01 Programming is... you don't know
12:02 what you don't know and taken to a large extreme...
12:07 that is what we're having to cope with now...
12:09 that is... starting back from square one...
12:11 the basics and concepts... budgets, savings, credit...
12:15 asset-building, asset preservation...
12:18 compound interest, deferred gratification
12:20 these concepts that you're talking about...
12:22 are... maybe... not sexy... necessarily
12:24 from a Program Development Standpoint
12:27 but are really influential and impactful for communities
12:30 that simply do not have the hundred or two hundred years'
12:34 experience with owning and preserving assets...
12:36 Oh... that is such a good point, that is such a good point
12:40 that you just made... that we don't have,
12:42 as a Community... experience in
12:47 handling money... we just don't and handling it wisely...
12:51 when we get it... even many of our athletes
12:54 and people who are making huge amounts of money
12:58 people in the Entertainment, in Business, Medicine, whatever
13:01 if there is not that history of financial literacy...
13:06 then... you can kind of just... not to mention the fact
13:11 that you end up having to help everybody...
13:12 mom and them... everybody... so... you know... if you don't
13:18 have that history... you have to start from scratch
13:21 one of the things that we're doing... here on
13:23 Dare to Dream... is... we have a Financial Literacy
13:25 Program... it's called, "Take it to the Bank"
13:27 where we teach... budgeting where we teach... information
13:32 about managing your credit and all of these things
13:35 because... people just don't know
13:37 and the Bible says that, you know...
13:40 "My people perish for lack of knowledge"
13:42 so... we have to know... what to do... with money...
13:46 when we get it... what do we do with it?
13:49 I think that's part of the discrepancy... the disparity
13:52 that we have... in our Society...
13:54 with Communities of Color and White Communities
13:58 because... we have not had the experience
14:00 of knowing how to handle it... That's exactly right and I think
14:04 there's another variable there at play...
14:06 which is... the kind of nuances around money conversations
14:11 and gender in the Black Community
14:12 in many ways... it's a very male-dominated space
14:15 particularly for older African-Americans...
14:18 and so this is what we're seeing just a little anecdote...
14:23 we're seeing a number of mature senior citizens... females...
14:27 coming to our affiliates for this kind of assistance
14:30 because perhaps... they were married for 30, 40, 50 years
14:33 and their husbands had always taken care of their household
14:35 finances... and they've... maybe passed on...
14:39 and so... the widow... has a home,
14:42 may have some accounts but doesn't really feel
14:46 fully economically empowered because they just don't have
14:49 that experience... so... when you overlay the
14:52 African-American deficiencies historically as we talked about,
14:55 with the kind of gender deficiencies
14:57 that we talked about, you have a really vulnerable
15:00 class of folks... and we have here stories in
15:03 New York of unscrupulous entities
15:06 scouring the Obituary Ads
15:08 looking for African-American surnames
15:11 folks living in African-American Communities...
15:13 where the male of the household will have passed away...
15:15 and they're really scouring these Obituary Ads
15:20 to find these elderly widows
15:22 to prey upon and many of them have lost
15:25 their homes or entered into very shady arrangements
15:28 given that lack of economic preparation...
15:30 because, again, the historical context that we mentioned
15:33 but also the gender differences that are prevalent
15:36 in our community as well. You know, I had no idea,
15:40 of the gender differences... in terms of unscrupulous
15:44 people... trying to prey upon these older women...
15:48 I had no idea about that that's a real new insight for me
15:53 because... we really need to.. and... that's what you guys
15:57 are doing in Urban League which I just so appreciate...
16:01 you are equipping people to deal with... the crises
16:05 I noticed on your website, that you have programs for
16:10 jobs, housing, health and education
16:13 so you've done... what God has laid on our hearts
16:17 here to do... and that is...
16:18 to look at the crises confronting minorities
16:22 and African-Americans and then...
16:25 design programming around that...
16:27 tell us about some of the programs that you have
16:30 not just housing, but jobs, and some of the initiatives
16:34 Sure.. so first I'll say that... you're right...
16:37 we are a historic civil rights organization
16:39 that is an enduring institution in the Black Community
16:43 and so... we provide services free of charge, Yvonne,
16:47 that are certified by Federal Agencies
16:51 and we do provide those programs
16:53 and design and evaluate those programs...
16:54 but in order to be credible... to be a credible voice
16:58 in Washington... for example... you need...
17:00 to... they're big right now on measurement
17:02 and metrics... So they... want...
17:05 they're really big on quantitative analysis.. correct?
17:11 Yes... they are... and so we've couched our
17:14 programmatic interventions along the lines of
17:17 empowerment goals... the state of affairs we'd like
17:19 to see by 2025... there are four goals
17:21 in the Health care area... it's.. every American has access
17:25 to quality and affordable health care solutions
17:27 in the Education Space, our goal is... for every
17:30 American child to be ready for College, Work and Life
17:34 in the Workforce Area and the Economic Empowerment area
17:38 is... every American has access to jobs with a living wage
17:41 and good benefits... and in the Housing and Asset
17:44 Building Space... it's every American lives in
17:46 safe, decent, affordable and energy-efficient housing
17:49 on fair terms... those are the four areas
17:51 and we have a number of programs that cascade from those goals
17:54 so for example... in the Health Care Space
17:56 we've just launched a new program called
17:59 Health Care Navigators which essentially is
18:01 kind of case-managed assistance helping people to understand
18:06 the Affordable Care Act... Obamacare... if you will...
18:10 and to ensure maximum uptake and full understanding
18:14 conversancy of the Affordable Care Act
18:16 so the Health Navigator's Program...
18:19 working one-on-one to ensure that lower-and-moderate
18:23 income people have access to all the parameters
18:26 of the program... In the Education Space
18:28 One second... one second... let me just ask you about that
18:32 and that is so great because I remember when Obamacare
18:35 first was launched and nobody really knew
18:38 and still... don't know what's in it...
18:41 and how can I access... what's good for me...
18:45 so, what you're saying is that in this Program...
18:48 you're letting people know just what is there
18:51 and how they can access the benefits of this program.
18:55 That's exactly right and understanding their
18:57 obligations under it... and I think...
19:00 the Administration... for all of its strengths and
19:02 success... has done a very poor job of doing the kind of
19:05 marketing and outreach and communications strategies
19:08 around ensuring smooth implementation
19:11 for their Affordable Care Act. In fact, this morning,
19:13 I just read the newspaper... that they are now delaying
19:15 implementation by one year because they've not done that
19:17 early work and so... Non-Profits... such as the
19:20 Urban League are really trying to assist and be helpful to the
19:23 Administration to want to ensure that folks know what's in there
19:26 but two, that they are prepared and poised to make use of the
19:30 benefits that are embedded in the program and to also
19:31 make sure... they are compliant with the program
19:33 and that Program that we are administering is called
19:36 The Health Care Navigators. That's great, that's great OK...
19:39 all right... that's awesome... Sure, sure, so I mean the
19:42 Education Space... we have a number of programs
19:44 but the chassis... as it were that we build our programs
19:49 around is what's called "Project Ready"
19:50 which is a kind of supplemental education program...
19:54 post-secondary... which allows folks to prepare for College,
19:59 Work and Life... really... whether it be...
20:02 the two-or-four-year College, whether it be
20:05 vocational training, jobs skills readiness,
20:07 certification training for skills such as
20:11 construction trades or healthcare industry jobs
20:13 and so Project Ready is implemented by a number of
20:18 affiliates across the Country and we've actually had a number
20:20 of Third-Party Evaluators conclude that the program
20:26 Project Ready is one of the most influential
20:28 supplemental education programs that any Non-Profit runs
20:32 and we are seeing a great investment and interest in
20:36 Foundation Space and Government Space and also
20:38 Private Sector interests as well that's... Project Ready
20:39 That is so great... on your website...
20:42 I saw a young man and perhaps he had gone through this
20:46 Project Ready... but he said... If it weren't for this Program,
20:50 he would have been either incarcerated... or dead...
20:54 because of this... he is on his way to College
20:57 That's right... and so... that's a wonderful example
21:01 as to how we try to actually build... not programs in
21:04 isolation but a continuum of programs...
21:07 that vignette that you saw in our website comes from a
21:09 young man and a present young man
21:11 from Cleveland, Ohio... We're just... I mean, in May...
21:14 of announcing the jobs We Build America
21:16 to really focusing the conversation on jobs and
21:19 education as the key building blocks for the African-American
21:22 Community... and so... we did meet this
21:24 young man who was a product of Project Ready
21:27 and I was also moved into another program called
21:30 UYEP which stands for "The Urban Youth Empowerment Program"
21:34 which is essentially a training and preparatory program for
21:38 young people 18-25 who may have been adjudicated
21:42 in the Criminal Justice System may have had some early problems
21:46 that they are turning it around, on the right track
21:49 and the Urban League is assisting them...
21:51 in getting all their money straight...
21:53 getting their decision-making straight...
21:55 and connecting them with employment opportunities
21:57 that's called UYEP... and it's a demonstration program
21:59 we've been running with the Department of Labor support
22:02 and other private-sector interests for over 15 years
22:06 and so that young man... who provided that testimonial
22:09 and I was there in the audience and it was quite moving
22:11 he did say, absent of that kind of intervention from the
22:13 Urban League... he fears for... that he would have been
22:16 incarcerated... dead... or... just certainly not on the
22:18 right track... and so... that is a very nice tidbit as to...
22:21 you know, how we are empowering communities and changing lives.
22:23 And you know... see... this is so good... Cy...
22:27 because so many people want to make changes
22:30 but they don't know where the resources are...
22:34 you know... one of the things that happened...
22:37 years and years ago... when my younger son, Jason,
22:40 was coming up... I had a friend...
22:43 that just knew where everything was...
22:45 Oh... let's take the kids over here
22:47 there's going to be this... or... that... or
22:49 and if you don't know... where things are...
22:51 if you don't know where the resources are
22:53 to help improve your life... then you just kind of float...
22:58 you're just kind of... floating but if you know that,
23:01 "Hey, the Urban League has this Program and that Program"
23:04 I can tap into that... and it's free... there's no cost
23:10 That's exactly right... and let me say this...
23:12 so, we spend a little bit of time just now,
23:14 on your Program, talking about some of the
23:15 pathologies and deficiencies in the Black Community and
23:18 they are real and everyone knows about them...
23:20 but there are a number of strengths as well
23:22 and I want to really focus on those,
23:23 Good... let's... This concept that you just
23:25 introduced... and we understand it best as...
23:27 A Social Capital Formation... which essentially is...
23:31 a kind of Networks of Trust and Reciprocity
23:35 within communities... that allows for information
23:38 exchange... and have a positive net effect and outcome...
23:41 for folks who are sharing and receiving information...
23:44 so, for example, I mean, in this context...
23:46 Social Capital can be measured and it is very strong and
23:51 prevalent in the African-American Community
23:53 think of the institutions that really facilitate and grease
23:57 that kind of information exchange...
23:58 the Barber Shop... the Church... to a point...
24:01 HBCUs... these are institutions that are designed to facilitate
24:06 the exchange and flow of information
24:07 and in this regard, we talked about the gender
24:10 differences earlier... we see high levels of
24:12 African-American females who are the chief portal
24:15 and point of contact for these services and resources
24:18 that they then... in turn... bring those back...
24:21 to their friends... to their networks...
24:23 to their families... to say, "You know what?
24:24 you need to go down to the Urban League... they have
24:26 some wonderful programs going on...
24:27 they have some programs for your children...
24:29 some programs for your colleagues...
24:32 and so that kind of Social Capital leveraging...
24:34 is quite a strong dynamic in the Black Community...
24:38 and we're really trying to tap and leverage that...
24:39 that is... each one... teach one... really...
24:41 Yes... ... and that is... the informal
24:44 network that sears through our community
24:47 and can be built upon... and it's an area that...
24:50 in the African-American Community...
24:53 is stronger than any other
24:55 including Main Stream White America...
24:56 That is tremendous... that is tremendous...
25:00 and I'm so glad that you did that...
25:02 that you focused... you know.. we do... often...
25:05 look at the deficiencies because we want to address those
25:08 but we also... have to look at the strengths...
25:11 and buttress those... and reinforce those...
25:13 so that's really... a great point...
25:15 that we do have strengths... that we can really
25:19 take advantage of... and use...
25:21 for the betterment of the Community...
25:22 That's right... and there's one other Program
25:25 that I just want to mention... because it's a major focal point
25:27 of ours... right now... it's the Entrepreneurship Work
25:31 and our Small-Business-Development Work
25:32 we've punched a lot of numbers and researched data
25:35 that suggest that... small business formation
25:38 still remains quite high in the Black Community
25:41 however, the knowledge and understanding
25:44 and success with tapping into Federal and State Level
25:48 small-business assistance programs and loan programs
25:51 lags behind... Main Stream America
25:54 significantly... and so... we have an initiative called
25:58 The Entrepreneurship Center Model
26:00 in 10 cities across the Country
26:02 where we are actively providing coaching, economic support,
26:06 mentoring... to small-business owners
26:08 to help the existing small-business owners,
26:10 to help them take their businesses to the next level...
26:12 and providing loans
26:14 at what we call the Mezzanine Level
26:15 that's $50,000 to $250,000 which can be integral...
26:20 and significant to a small-business owner
26:22 whether it's a Beauty Salon... whether it's...
26:25 a major initiative for us now is in Franchising
26:29 in Gas Stations and also Fast Food Establishments...
26:32 These can be really the on-roads for economic success
26:35 for Business-minded and Business-oriented individuals...
26:39 the issue there, Yvonne, though is... in many cases...
26:41 in Black Communities... because we're not tapping into
26:44 these public sector loan programs
26:46 we're financing these business endeavors on our own...
26:50 so in many ways... you cannot...
26:51 disentangle your business interests from your
26:55 personal interests... it's your personal Credit Score
26:57 for example... that has a lot to do on whether you get
26:59 a small business loan... or not it has to do with your
27:02 personal decision making... your personal finances...
27:04 so, we teach against that... we want to encourage
27:07 small business development... business formation
27:09 but understanding that the decisions that you make
27:11 in advance of launching your small business
27:14 has a massive explanatory power...
27:17 in how successful you'll be...
27:19 so we are trying to reach people early...
27:21 reach people with strength... letting them know that
27:24 you know, you need to clear up some things from the past
27:27 there are techniques and strategies that you can use
27:29 to boost your Credit Score and we're really trying to
27:31 evangelize... that message across the Country.
27:33 Thank you so much Cy... I can't believe
27:36 that our time is up... This time went by... so fast...
27:40 and you gave us such great information
27:42 I want to encourage our viewers...
27:45 to make sure that you call the Urban League...
27:49 find out which programs that you can take advantage of
27:53 and go there... and learn... Well, that's it for our Program
27:58 we hope that this Program today has inspired you...
28:01 May God bless you... Tune in next time...
28:03 it just wouldn't be the same... without you.


Revised 2015-01-07