Urban Report

Advent Home And Learning Center

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Blondell Senior


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000049

00:01 One third of all American children
00:03 are being raised in single-parent homes
00:04 with limited or no supervision. Our guest today
00:07 is the founder of a home for troubled teens.
00:10 Stay tuned to find out the causes and cures
00:13 for our troubled youth. My name is Yvonne Lewis
00:16 and you're watching Urban Report
00:41 Hello and welcome to Urban Report
00:43 There are numerous elements that contribute
00:45 to healthy human development such as spirituality,
00:49 family dynamics, support from community adults
00:52 school effectiveness, peer influence
00:55 values development and social skills.
00:58 Many troubled youth are missing some of these elements
01:01 causing them to act out. Today our guest is
01:04 Dr. Blondel Senior, Director and Founder of the
01:08 Advent Home and Learning Center. He's going to shed some light
01:11 on troubled youth, fatherlessness and suggestions
01:15 to help these troubled youth. Welcome to Urban Report
01:18 Dr. Senior... it's so good to have you
01:22 once again... You were here another time
01:25 and you had brought a young student with you,
01:29 and so I'm glad you could come back
01:31 and shed some more light on what's going on...
01:34 with our teenagers... Tell us, first of all,
01:37 about the Advent Home. What is that?
01:40 What do you do? Advent Home is a residential
01:43 Treatment program for kids who are at-risk...
01:47 at risk of dropping out of school, running away from home,
01:51 failing, you know, just not finishing basic High School
01:56 and they get into trouble... stealing, shop-lifting,
02:00 maybe getting pregnant, but kids who are at-risk
02:04 and they run the risk of dropping out then.
02:06 Parents need to intervene before it gets out of hand.
02:09 You have boys and girls? No... boys only...
02:11 Ah... boys only... The reason for that is
02:14 what you call a minimum distraction environment.
02:18 I can understand that...
02:20 Look at what's happening to kids these days...
02:21 they are being distracted...
02:23 Yes... You know with cell phone,
02:24 baggy pants, funny hairdos, drugs, alcohol,
02:27 and various other things... they have to remove
02:30 the distraction and re-give them a minimum distraction
02:33 remove the distractions... and I tell you,
02:36 it makes a big difference... And the opposite sex...
02:38 certainly can be a distraction, especially in the teen years
02:41 when hormones are raging... Yeah... yes...
02:43 Those are distractions... Yes...
02:45 So now, what is the age range of of children or teens
02:50 that you work with We take boys 12 to 17
02:53 Grades 6 to 12 and these are... this is a high-risk area
02:59 age group and mostly boys... 9 out of 10 boys suffer ADHD
03:08 attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder
03:10 and most of the kids who come to our program
03:13 are diagnosed ADHD... many other diagnoses
03:16 Conduct disorder, Bi-Polar, Tourette's syndrome
03:20 Aspergers... and various, but they come with
03:23 depression... they come with anger
03:25 and they come with basic school problems and social problems.
03:29 So what are the family dynamics
03:34 that are taking place, with most of the young men
03:37 that come to your school? Well, most of these kids...
03:41 9 out of 10 of these kids are from broken, divorced or
03:45 adopted homes... so there's a real problem there,
03:48 and many of them are from single-parent homes...
03:51 and, of course, most single-parent homes
03:54 are headed by mothers... females only 12% of homes,
03:59 single-parent homes are headed by men...
04:01 so now you have a mother who is working...
04:03 and she has to work long hours and so.. maybe start at 6:00
04:07 and work until 8:00 or 9:00 p. m.
04:09 and so there's a long period of lack of supervision...
04:13 and that creates problems for the kids...
04:15 US News and World Report... several years ago...
04:19 reported that the highest rate of pregnancy
04:21 is from 3:00 o'clock until 5:30 Monday to Thursday...
04:25 3:00 to 5:30... Yes...
04:29 Monday through Thursday... Monday through Thursday... right
04:33 how interesting... right after school...
04:34 right after school... the kids are left unsupervised,
04:37 teenagers are alone... and they get into trouble...
04:39 Yes... yes... Unsupervised...
04:41 What... would you say... when you work with these
04:46 young men... that have... all of this anger
04:50 do you also see Depression with that?
04:55 Yes... almost every child who comes to the Advent Home
04:59 is diagnosed as depressed... now you have to understand
05:03 the dynamics of depression... you have to back up a little bit
05:07 these kids like to stay up late, play video... listen to music,
05:11 play computer games...
05:13 and so the parents are harassing them...
05:16 "Go to bed, go to bed... " and they invent...
05:18 "I can't sleep... that's why I'm not going to bed. "
05:21 which is really a make-up so they stay up late
05:25 until 2:00 a. m. in the morning, almost every night...
05:28 and then they have to get up at 5:30 or 6:00 o'clock
05:31 in the morning... to catch a bus to go to school,
05:33 OK... and then they begin to be lethargic
05:36 now they're lethargic because they didn't get enough sleep
05:40 not because they are depressed, but the symptoms of depression
05:43 and lack of sleep... mimic each other
05:46 and they look alike... so they go to the doctor
05:49 because they can't sleep and they get sleeping pills
05:51 and they go to the doctor and they're lethargic
05:53 and they get depression pills, and they are diagnosed
05:55 Depression problems and Sleeping problems
05:57 when really they're tired... So they come to the Advent Home
06:01 with medication for sleeping... medication for depression,
06:05 and other medications... and because of the
06:08 nature of the program... the program is activity oriented
06:11 the campus is very big... lots of walking...
06:13 everyday there's recreation... there are outdoor activities
06:18 chores and gardening... so the kids play...
06:20 and in two or three days... they will lose their
06:24 depression... and lose their lack of sleep
06:26 and they'll beg to go to bed... Look at what you're saying...
06:29 Doctor Senior... this is so interesting to me
06:31 because... it's like one issue is compounding another...
06:37 Yes... yes... yes... So the first issue...
06:40 the very first issue... is the sleeplessness.
06:42 Lack of sleep... right.. because they are staying up
06:46 too late at night... and Science has been saying too
06:49 that sleep is so critical even in glucose metabolism...
06:53 So... because you can become pre-diabetic
06:56 from sleep deprivation...
06:59 so, now you're saying, these young boys...
07:02 are not getting enough sleep they're playing video games...
07:05 there should be... there should be a bed time...
07:08 Right... but because of a lack of
07:11 supervision or whatever...
07:13 there isn't... So the boys are not getting
07:16 enough sleep... and so... then they are medicated
07:18 Yes... That's Problem number Two
07:21 Right... right... So then they're medicated...
07:23 and the medication can cause a kind of disconnect
07:28 metabolically... so that... chemically... with them...
07:32 so that... now you've got sleep deprivation
07:35 you've got medication that also can have its side effects
07:38 And misdiagnosis... And misdiagnosis...
07:41 False diagnosis... Wow!
07:43 Right, so these problems begin to accumulate...
07:45 Yes... yes... And now it creates a problem
07:48 where they have to send a child to the Advent Home...
07:50 It's a big expense... especially for them...
07:52 Yes... yes... And they come and in...
07:54 I'd say... two days... three days the most...
07:57 they're off their medication, those medications...
08:00 and they're sleeping...
08:01 because they're tired...
08:03 Because you're working them... I'm working them...
08:06 Good... work is good... And that's another thing
08:09 that I noticed... in many homes...
08:11 there are no chores... Right...
08:13 Like what happened to chores... what happened to kids having to
08:16 do certain things in the home... that's not happening...
08:19 but your boys have chores... What do they do?
08:22 We'd like to say food is medicine
08:23 and work is medicine...
08:25 Yes.. yes... Nature is their physician...
08:27 Yes... yes... What do they do?
08:28 Just the size of the campus... walking to campus
08:31 is exercise... How far are the... for example,
08:34 the dorm from the School? Maybe one-eighth of a mile...
08:38 Ah... And they play...
08:40 It's a schedule... we're running a very
08:42 tight schedule from 6:00 a. m. until 9:30 p. m. every day...
08:46 tight schedule... you must move from
08:48 Point A to Point B... Point A to Point B...
08:50 Because these kids get into trouble...
08:52 if they have nothing to do... Yes...
08:54 So idleness... is not good... and they work... chores...
08:59 they have chores... they can even learn skills
09:02 we call them apprentices... they can learn to cook...
09:05 and we take the kids in the kitchen and teach them
09:08 food processing... from A to Z...
09:11 Oh... that's great... We also have a program called
09:13 Youth Leadership... Those that are more mature
09:15 and more stable... you can use them
09:17 to help to tutor other kids
09:19 and we're part of the Group Leadership
09:21 So each room... has a Group Leader...
09:23 a more mature student... helping out late at night
09:25 as extra eyes and ears when staff is not around...
09:28 We have gardening... they can learn gardening...
09:31 we have a six-month, twelve-month, twenty-four-month
09:33 gardening program where a person can actually
09:35 leave being a professional gardener...
09:37 with a certificate...
09:39 We have Auto Mechanic... where the kids can learn
09:41 to service a car... ten-point service...
09:43 twenty-point service... thirty-point service.. you know.
09:46 That's tremendous... And these are just
09:48 ordinary skills that you bump into... everyday.
09:50 Everyone has to take care of their car...
09:52 Yes... yes... Lot of services involved
09:55 Yeah... This is so important because
09:57 Number one... when they leave...
09:59 they'll have a sense of accomplishment...
10:02 I have done something... I have completed something...
10:04 I've been successful at something...
10:07 Which is, I think, an element that they hadn't had previously
10:11 Right... right... That feeling of being able to
10:13 accomplish something... So that's got to be
10:15 a great thing for them... Right... right...
10:17 When the kids leave... we do an exit survey...
10:20 Hmmmm... And we'll ask them...
10:21 What's the thing that was most important to you...
10:24 what's the thing that you learned best...
10:25 and they said... "Work"
10:27 They learned to work... they learned work ethics...
10:30 Critical... a critical piece... We'd like to say these kids
10:34 are allergic to work... they don't know what to do
10:36 with a tool,
10:37 and if you give them a dust pan and a broom
10:40 and say sweep, they can't coordinate it
10:42 they've never done it before... simple tasks...
10:45 Your kidding... No... no...
10:47 If you're going through a gate, like with a pick up truck
10:49 and ask the kid to open the gate drive through
10:51 and wait on the other side of the gate
10:52 then ask him to lock the gate, he'd lock himself
10:54 on the wrong side of the gate... Wow!
10:56 Lack of skills...
10:58 lack of skills, basic skills...
11:00 Yes... yes... You know, courtesy, politeness,
11:02 opening the door, you know, how to sit on a chair,
11:04 they'll sit crooked, you know, they're eating...
11:06 and they're sitting crooked... Yes, yes...
11:08 you have to go push the chair under them...
11:10 All... such basic things that I mentioned,
11:12 we teach basically four things...
11:14 we teach a lot of things... but we like to teach.. skills...
11:18 how to do things... how to wash dishes...
11:21 how to iron your clothes... you come in on Fridays
11:24 and they are preparing their clothes...
11:25 you know... to go to Church... and it's just amazing
11:27 seeing these boys... and they will be ironing...
11:30 and they need to do something, they take the iron...
11:32 and put it on the ground... waiting on it...
11:35 and, of course, there's a burnt-out iron marks
11:38 Oh! my goodness... If you go to their residence...
11:41 burnt out iron marks all over the place...
11:44 They haven't put together that the iron is hot
11:46 that it will burn the carpet... Yes...
11:48 ...and so forth... So, you teach them skills,
11:52 you teach them values... "Education is good... "
11:54 "You need to finish your High School Education"
11:57 not just the skills or education but the value
12:00 you need to be polite to your mother,
12:02 OK... many of these kids will hit and push their mothers...
12:05 and we'd like to say... that Hit?
12:07 Yes... below the belt... Oh... my...
12:10 Yes, that's trouble... When I was growing...
12:11 if I even looked at my mother in a certain way... forget it...
12:15 and my mother was really little, but she was not having
12:19 any disrespect whatsoever... and so
12:21 ...today... there's a lot of disrespect...
12:24 Yes, you do... I think because many times...
12:27 and you tell me if this is right parents often deal with their
12:31 children as though they are peers...
12:32 Yes...
12:33 ...and not this kind of relationship...
12:35 though the parent... should be respected...
12:38 Yes... yes... That is what God tells us
12:40 even in the Ten Commandments...
12:41 to honor your parents... Yes... yes...
12:43 And the parents should be more skillful
12:45 so they can pass on the skills to their children
12:47 the knowledge... and you start out very early...
12:50 you know... pick up your clothes put it in the laundry basket,
12:53 set the table... help with a meal...
12:56 and as the child gets older... you increase the workload...
13:01 or you increase the experience. How old... at what age,
13:05 do you think, chores should be given?
13:06 As soon as you can open and close your fingers...
13:09 Come on... come on.. Yes... yes...
13:11 Oh yes... Unpack that...
13:13 No, no... you tell the child... "Come with Mommy,
13:15 come with Daddy... pick up your clothes...
13:17 and you pick one up too... and you role play...
13:19 you role model... and the child will do it...
13:21 We started and taught our kids when they were teeny, weeny
13:24 and they had to pick up their clothes and drop it...
13:27 and they didn't do it right... and they had to get on the other
13:29 side of the bed to learn to make up the bed...
13:31 they didn't do it right... it's a learning process...
13:33 Yes... But it's a foundation...
13:35 and later on... you teach them... you know...
13:37 working in the kitchen... setting the table...
13:40 when our girls were 12 years old they could prepare for 30 people
13:44 coming to our home, That's tremendous...
13:46 That's right...
13:47 At 12... At 12... Hmmm, Hmmmm at 12...
13:48 and by the way... you know... I'll get into trouble for this,
13:51 but you can start teaching them to drive by age 8...
13:54 Oh... So that when they are 16,
13:57 they have 8 years of driving experience...
13:59 you just go way out in the country...
14:00 or you go to a big parking lot early Sunday morning...
14:04 at the shopping center... so there's nobody around...
14:07 you take them out in the woods, and you teach them to drive...
14:11 OK... just for our viewers... this is Dr. Senior saying this
14:15 this isn't Dare to Dream Network...
14:17 Not on the main highway...
14:18 We don't want anybody e- mailing us saying...
14:22 "You told us to do this... " "Oh yes, you know, kids...
14:24 I hear you... what you're saying is that
14:26 there are certain skills that you must impart to your children
14:30 at an early age... so that they will
14:33 incorporate them... and internalize them...
14:37 as they continue to grow... the work ethic is so critical
14:42 because one of the things that I see happening...
14:44 is that our boys are like... playing video games...
14:48 not understanding what is involved with being a man...
14:52 because many times... there is no man in their lives,
14:56 tell us the effect of fatherlessness on these boys...
15:01 First of all... what's the preponderance of it?
15:03 How many... what percentage of the boys that come to you
15:07 are fatherless? For the boys that have come to
15:10 us that are fatherless... 9 out of 10 are divorced
15:14 or adopted... right there... there's a problem
15:17 because their biological parents are not their parents.
15:20 Right... And divorce... it's broken...
15:23 so there are many types of "fatherless"
15:26 there's the divorced home... that's fatherless...
15:28 there's the adopted home... often is fatherless...
15:31 there's abandoned home... that is fatherless...
15:34 there's the negligent father... who is fatherless...
15:36 there's the dead-beat father... who is fatherless...
15:39 and so on... it goes on... you know...
15:40 so it comes in different forms, high percentage...
15:44 and fatherlessness has a significant impact on
15:47 on young people... Tell us about that...
15:51 A high percentage of African-American girls
15:54 like... 70 percent... of African-American girls
15:58 are having babies out-of-wedlock...
15:59 Hmmm... hmmm... So right there...
16:01 at the same time.. 32 percent of them are being divorced...
16:04 when you add those two things together...
16:07 it's more than 100%... OK. So 34 percent of
16:10 African-American women are getting divorced...
16:14 Yes... yes... And then over 70 percent
16:16 are having babies out of wedlock so we're looking at a really
16:20 deep systemic problem here... Yes... yes... systemic... yes...
16:23 And because the value among the African-American girls
16:28 is that... they don't have to get married,
16:30 and it's true... they can have a baby...
16:32 without getting married... But does this...
16:33 this does not actually translate across socio-economic lines
16:40 does it?
16:41 No... no...
16:42 Is it mostly lower socio-economic...
16:44 Mostly lower socio-economic lines... mostly lower...
16:46 For example... when education... just High School Education
16:50 is interjected in the family... many things happen...
16:54 Obesity goes down... Hmmmmmmm...
16:57 Obesity goes down... when education interjected...
17:00 the family is more stable... when a father is present...
17:04 it has a positive effect upon the family...
17:07 kids continue their schooling.. rather than dropping out...
17:10 So... a father in the home gives stability,
17:12 a father in the home gives security and greater discipline
17:16 I have something here to share with you...
17:19 63 percent of young people who commit suicide
17:21 are from fatherless homes... 63 percent!
17:25 Hmmmm... 63 percent!
17:26 Yes, if you have to line up a hundred kids out there
17:27 and divide them into 40 you know... plus 60,
17:30 a whole bulk of them commit suicide
17:33 from fatherless homes... another statistic I have...
17:36 listen to this... 90 percent of kids
17:39 who are homeless or run away... are from fatherless homes...
17:41 90 percent... 90 percent...
17:44 You know... well continue... and then I'll tell you something...
17:49 Here's another one... children with behavior disorders
17:52 63 percent... fatherless homes... 63 percent..
17:57 Here's another one 80 percent of kids...
17:59 people who are rapists and have anger...
18:02 are from fatherless homes... 80 percent.. fatherless homes...
18:05 80 percent!
18:06 Yes... US census.. 71 percent
18:08 of High School dropouts... fatherless homes...
18:10 75 percent of adolescents who have drug problems...
18:17 are from fatherless homes. 75 percent!
18:20 Yes... and listen to this... 85 percent of kids
18:22 who are in prison... are from fatherless homes...
18:24 You know... I've heard this repeatedly
18:28 Yes... yes... that on Mother's Day...
18:31 you cannot... in prison... you cannot get to a phone...
18:35 because the guys are lined up to call their moms...
18:39 Yes... yes... But on Father's Day...
18:42 you can... the phones are free...
18:45 Right... Because...
18:46 the fathers have been absent... You know, we have,
18:48 in this country... we are... as Americans...
18:52 we are, I think, the highest or in the highest...
18:57 statistically... of those countries...
19:01 industrialized countries... that incarcerate people...
19:03 Right... right... right... ... so, when you look at the
19:06 disproportionate incarceration, of African-Americans...
19:09 the minorities... you look at that...
19:12 and then you look at what's going on...
19:15 in the Communities... the men are gone...
19:17 ...they're gone...
19:18 ...they are absent... and then the ones that are there...
19:21 bless their hearts... they might not have had a father
19:24 so they don't know... what does a father do?
19:27 one of the things that we're doing on Dare to Dream...
19:30 is... we are... in the process now of producing a program
19:33 called "The Father's Heart" which is going to teach
19:36 young men... what a father does...
19:39 because from what you're telling us...
19:43 there is just this big hole... this vacuum
19:47 that exists in the family... and the father needs to step up
19:52 to the plate... and take care.. of his family...
19:55 Right... right... right... So... what do you see,
19:57 tell us about some of the boys that you have personally
20:01 come into contact with... who have no relationship
20:05 with their dads... how do they.. when they come to the
20:08 Advent Home... how do they present...
20:10 They do not know how to relate, you know, and when you sort
20:15 it out... men to men... boys to boys
20:17 they do not know how to relate, occasionally...
20:19 we will break the group from all women
20:21 and just men... we will go out and talk...
20:23 and these boys will break down and cry...
20:26 something they won't do in front of female staff...
20:29 ...break down and cry... 'cause... you begin to talk
20:32 about things that you don't mention in the
20:34 presence of others... Such as...
20:36 Sexuality... dating... and... just... we call it "Men's Stuff"
20:44 and they don't know what to do...
20:46 they do not know how to be courageous
20:49 Hmmmmmmm... They do not know how to speak up
20:53 and speak like a man... they do not know
20:56 how to be a boy... and be a man...
20:59 they get confused with their role...
21:01 and you have to teach them... and... we see boys who will come
21:06 and they'll do things that are self-destructive...
21:09 Such as...
21:10 Oh... drop out of school is self-destructive
21:12 making poor grades is self-destructive...
21:15 failing before a performance... we will have a performance
21:20 for a young man... that is...
21:21 your parents are coming... we want you to do something
21:24 on the platform... and before that...
21:26 he'll act out... so you'll dismiss him...
21:28 Hmmmm... He will engineer his own failure
21:31 very common behavior... common behavior...
21:34 engineer his own failure... and in terms of
21:37 standing up and speaking up are real problems...
21:40 you know... so it muddles the role model
21:43 we have to provide them role models in our staff
21:46 and, you know, even staff have their sets of problems too.
21:50 But we have to be good examples, we have to teach them
21:53 how to dress up and look nice, you know and look spivvy
21:58 you have to teach them how to behave...
22:01 you know... one-on-one... there was a lady we had
22:04 who would take them to Valentine Programs
22:07 oh... that was so good... you know...
22:10 go to the Adventist Schools... and they would have dates
22:13 and that was so good... because first time...
22:16 these kids are dating... and dressing up and looking nice
22:19 they have to be polite and courteous to a girl...
22:20 and you teach them ahead of time and so much is missing...
22:26 It hurts my heart... as I'm listening to you...
22:30 I feel like crying... because there's so much
22:32 that these boys don't get... that they don't have at home
22:36 and it's like... I'm thankful for the Advent Home
22:40 and for what you're doing... providing an environment
22:44 for these boys... where they can learn basic skills
22:48 we're not talking about brain surgery...
22:51 we're talking about basic social skills that are missing
22:55 Yes, this should be learned from your mother or their dad
22:59 just to dress up and look like your dad... feels spivvy...
23:02 Yes... I have a young man I can
23:04 think of right now... he's 15 years old,
23:05 tall, handsome, good looking and all he wants to commit...
23:09 is crime... the next behavior...
23:11 How can I steal this? How can I rip off?
23:13 How can I break into his apartment?
23:15 you know... Where are you coming from?
23:17 How can I steal a car? they want to do negative things
23:21 and they get attention from negative things...
23:23 and it's a shame... it's a shame...
23:26 it's heartbreaking... it's heartbreaking
23:29 How do you discipline
23:31 the young people there...
23:33 because I'm sure... you have some issues...
23:35 where they have to be disciplined...
23:37 Yes... discipline should be "Cause and Effect... "
23:38 One of the writers in our Church talks about that...
23:40 Discipline should be... cause and effect...
23:41 we should give kids reasons for doing certain things... OK
23:44 if the person gets angry... and kicks the wall
23:48 and puts a hole in the sheet rock...
23:50 the discipline is... cause and effect...
23:51 he should repair it... put the wall back the way it was
23:55 so he has to use his allowance to buy sheet rock mud...
23:59 to fix it... and we work with him...
24:01 until he fixes it... so it might cost him
24:02 a hundred dollars... fifty dollars... depending...
24:05 cause and effect... and the child does not resent that...
24:08 if the child is angry and frustrated and wants to get
24:11 into a fight... we send him for a walk...
24:12 we call it a lap... we have a lap that is little
24:15 less than half a mile... he walks it...
24:17 he reduces his stress etc... if a student curses you out...
24:21 we ask him to write an essay, explaining how YOU feel
24:24 being cursed out... we don't ask the child to write
24:27 an essay... apologizing...
24:28 it's irrelevant... we ask him to write an essay
24:32 on how Dr. Lewis feels... being cursed out...
24:36 And you'll be amazed how difficult it is for me
24:38 to put myself in your place... I curse you...
24:41 then I must now write... how you feel...
24:42 Ah... so now you're teaching empathy...
24:44 Exactly.. correct... empathy... if he damages something
24:47 he pays for it... you know... he suffers the consequences...
24:51 if he uses his money to pay for something...
24:53 then he doesn't have money... to go shopping...
24:56 so when "shopping time" comes... he stays behind...
24:59 and if he stays behind... he has to pay a babysitter
25:02 to stay with him... Oh... hmmmm hmmmm
25:04 So it rolls... it rolls... it's like you speed...
25:06 and then get a ticket... it comes out of your budget...
25:09 your weekly budget... and you might not have the money
25:11 this week to buy the things you want to buy...
25:13 and you have to do without... so it's a
25:15 "cause and effect" relationship...
25:17 it's consequences... and the more you can teach
25:19 consequences... the wiser the child becomes...
25:22 Isn't that one of the things that's missing
25:25 in raising children? consequences...
25:28 Yes.. consequences... If you do this...
25:30 this is going to happen... and I'm not going to rescue you
25:34 No... you don't need to rescue the child...
25:36 because it makes sense now we call it...
25:38 "Teaching Maturity" our program is called...
25:41 "Maturation Therapy" we teach maturity...
25:44 maturity is taught... and it is taught
25:46 through experience... I don't give you maturity...
25:49 I let you experience the things to be mature...
25:52 So... you know... we like to see children play
25:55 "washing dishes" and play... they're learning...
25:58 so you have to work with them, you leave your bicycle outside
26:01 and it's stolen... you suffer the consequences...
26:03 of course, that's too expensive, so you pick up the bicycle
26:06 and charge the child... five dollars
26:08 OK... See what I mean...
26:09 So you have to engineer it...
26:11 it's deliberate... it's purposeful...
26:12 and there's a difference between discipline and punishment...
26:15 most people confuse them... most people say,
26:18 "I disciplined my child... " What did you do?
26:20 "I spanked him... " That's punishment...
26:22 Children don't need to be punished...
26:24 but they need to be disciplined...
26:25 That is... "Discipline is a training of the mind"
26:28 Training of the mind... so he gets anger...
26:31 you send him for a walk... he walks it on...
26:33 he talks to himself... and discovers that, you know,
26:35 when you're angry... you do things that are self-destructive
26:39 such as put a hole in the wall, such as.. punch the other person
26:43 such as... kick things over... and these are the common
26:47 characteristics and behaviors of these kids
26:49 who come to the Advent Home. What did you do at home?
26:51 You slammed the door... you kicked the furniture over
26:54 you put a hole in the wall, you push your mother down.
26:57 How are they helping you? So you work with the child
27:01 and then you talk about these things...
27:02 so... it's very purposeful... very meaningful...
27:04 It is... what you're doing is
27:08 so purposeful... and so meaningful...
27:11 and so needed... we... as we look at the erosion
27:15 of the family... we see that... the father...
27:18 it used to be where we thought
27:20 well the mother played the central role...
27:23 but you know what? that dad is critical...
27:25 he is as critical... if not more.. than the mother...
27:28 because he sets the tone... he teaches a male to be a man,
27:33 I don't believe... a woman can teach
27:36 a male to be a man... They are different roles...
27:38 Yes... They are different roles...
27:40 One writer says... the child in the womb...
27:42 responds to the fathers deep voice
27:45 and it gives a sense of security...
27:47 My... so even in the womb the father gives a sense of security
27:51 Yes... the child interacts with the parents before birth...
27:56 Wow! Thank you so much
27:57 thank you so much for being with us...
27:59 You're welcome...
28:00 Once again... our time has slipped away from us...
28:03 thanks so much for tuning in...
28:04 Join us next time...
28:05 It just wouldn't be the same... without you...


Revised 2014-12-18