Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Jeremy Anderson
Series Code: UBR
Program Code: UBR000048
00:01 Our God is in the "Restoration Business"
00:03 Stay tuned to meet a man for whom God has turned 00:06 lemons into lemonade. My name is Yvonne Lewis 00:09 and you're watching Urban Report 00:33 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report 00:36 Today, my guest is Jeremy Anderson 00:38 author, speaker and entrepreneur 00:41 Welcome to Urban Report Jeremy... 00:43 Thank you for having me, Doc, Thank you for having me 00:46 How are you? I am doing just great 00:48 praise God... How are you doing? 00:49 Oh... blessed, blessed, blessed and highly favored. 00:53 You know... we have had you on a couple of programs 00:56 on Dare to Dream, but I haven't had 00:59 the opportunity to interview you before... 01:01 so this is great for me because I get to talk to you 01:05 one-on-one and share some things with our viewers 01:08 that they might not know about you. 01:09 Amen... amen... So this is great.. this is great 01:12 Jeremy, before we get started on what you're doing now 01:15 tell us a little bit about your past 01:17 because, as I mentioned in the tease, 01:20 you have been brought a long way. 01:24 Tell us a little bit about your journey. 01:26 You know... I was the typical young Christian 01:32 Adventist guy... my father is a Pastor 01:35 in Adventist Ministry in Atlanta 01:37 my grandfather is actually, currently an Adventist Pastor 01:40 As a matter of fact... my great-grandfather 01:42 was even a Pastor... so I come from a long line 01:46 of preachers in my family and I was really on fire for God 01:51 in High School but when I left High School Service... 01:54 I didn't have any areas where I could serve 01:56 and I began to play with the world 01:59 and one thing... when I travel the globe 02:02 and I tell our young people... is not to play with the enemy.. 02:06 and I went from saying... I would never go to Night Clubs 02:10 to I'll never smoke, I'll never drink, 02:13 I'll never do drugs, I'll never sell drugs, 02:15 I'll never have pre-marital sex to doing... 02:17 all of that... to the extreme... 02:19 and the Devil used me for years, I was operating in several 02:24 Night Clubs... I was selling a lot of drugs... 02:27 by the pound... complete alcoholic 02:30 fornication... just the whole nine yards... 02:32 my life was a mess and the enemy was just completely 02:36 using me and I had a transformation period 02:39 where God completely restored my life 02:41 and now I live my life, sharing my testimony 02:44 empowering people from all walks of life... 02:47 letting them know that God restores... 02:49 Praise the Lord... you know... it's so interesting Jeremy 02:52 how God... and we always talk about this... 02:56 God has a plan and Satan has a plan... 02:59 and Satan's plan is to destroy you 03:03 so he is not going to do it 03:06 in a way that... 03:08 he's not going to take things that you hate 03:10 he's going to introduce things to you 03:13 gradually and slowly and then you're going to just 03:16 spiral downward... Is that what happened to you? 03:20 How did you go from being Mr. On-Fire-For-God 03:24 in High School to drug dealer, alcoholic... 03:28 you can unpack that a little bit for us... 03:32 You know... when I travel, I let people know 03:35 it started with me... with the small compromises 03:38 Ah... The Devil never comes and says 03:41 "Here's what I have for you... this is going to 03:43 destroy your life... " You know... he starts off with 03:46 something small... and then it moves up, 03:49 and it moves up, and it the next thing you know 03:51 you find yourself deep within, in a mess... 03:53 in a world of sin... and that's what happened to me, 03:56 you know... my first year of College 03:58 I fell off.. the mark a little bit 04:00 then in my Sophomore year 04:01 then after graduation, then out here in the real world 04:05 making some good money, you know, my world, 04:08 and my whole view of life was changing 04:10 I was chasing money... and women 04:13 and looking for the next high and looking for the next fix... 04:16 looking for the newest car, I was just consumed with myself, 04:19 and with wealth and money and fashion, 04:21 and all of that, to where... I was just... 04:24 completely a different person, and I lived 04:26 approximately 10 years of my life... 04:29 held in captivity... and through the prayers 04:32 of my parents... my mom... my dad... 04:35 and my grandmother, my grandparents, 04:37 God answers those prayers... Yes, yes... 04:40 From the prayers of their's God put me in a position 04:42 He's so deep... Doc... God put me in a position 04:45 where I lost everything... as a matter-of-fact 04:47 in one experience... I lost $10,000 in one night, 04:50 and so... God just closed every door, 04:53 everything just went upside down, 04:55 and... He put me in a position where He got my complete 04:58 undivided attention... and He told me 05:00 that He wanted to use me... 05:02 Yes... isn't that something how sometimes 05:04 God has to allow things to happen 05:08 to turn us around... There are a couple of things... 05:10 I mean... you just said so many rich things, 05:13 let me just go back for a second 05:15 one of the things that we know about God 05:20 is that... when He has a direction for us, 05:24 even though we stray from that path, 05:27 He will allow things to happen, to put us back.. on that path... 05:31 and you said that for ten years, you were in captivity, 05:36 what people don't realize, I think, Jeremy 05:38 is that... when we're seeking after... 05:41 after things and when we are consumed by materialism 05:46 and sex and all of these things, when we are consumed by them, 05:49 it is bondage.. it is not... 05:52 you know... people think... "Oh well... you're making money 05:55 you're living large... " No... it's bondage... 05:58 because you have to keep trying to make that money, 06:01 you have to keep on top of the fashion, 06:03 you have to keep on top of all this... 06:05 it is bondage... So, for you to use that word... 06:07 captivity... that's exactly what it was, 06:10 you were held captive... by that lifestyle... 06:15 One of the things I want to ask you 06:18 is about the values that we have now... 06:21 as the young people... have now 06:23 with the materialism, with fornication, 06:27 with the objectification of women, 06:30 all of these things... are really promoted 06:36 by the culture, by the music, 06:38 Tell us, if you would, how much of an impact 06:41 that whole hip-hop culture had on you... 06:44 Huge impact... Huge impact... 06:47 It's funny because a lot of people say... 06:49 "Oh, it's just music, it's just this, 06:51 it's just that, you know, I am not one 06:53 to really get caught up into the beat or the rhythm 06:56 of the music, but I know, specifically for me, 06:59 it was the lyrics... there were specific songs 07:02 I would listen to, over and over again, 07:04 and they would tell you to count money 07:06 and to chase women and excel... 07:08 and to do what you've got to do... 07:10 and what it does is that it tends to brainwash us 07:13 and we're putting all these thoughts into our brain, 07:16 and what people don't recognize a lot of times, 07:18 is that... it's not our arms, it's not our chest, 07:21 or our back or our heart that connects with God, 07:24 it's our brain, it's our mind, 07:26 Come on, come on... ... And so... for years... 07:28 I was putting filth in my mind... 07:30 by what I watched on TV... Hmmmm 07:33 by some of the music I would listen to... 07:35 by some of the movies that I would watch, 07:37 the people I surrounded myself with 07:39 and who were speaking into my existence, 07:41 those negative things all had an impact 07:44 and I began to adopt the lifestyle 07:46 of what I saw on the videos, I began to chase... 07:48 and want and desire what they had 07:51 and that was slowly eating away at me... 07:53 You know, Jeremy, that is so true, 07:56 it is brainwashing... it absolutely is... 08:00 How do you brainwash somebody? 08:01 You can use rhythm and rhyme and so... 08:05 you got the rhythm going... so you got the cadence 08:09 that helps you to remember it... so that cadence is in there... 08:12 and then you have the rhyme which helps you to remember it 08:16 and it goes into your sub-conscious mind 08:19 and shapes your values... so if you're listening to 08:22 this stuff and I... one of the things that I notice 08:25 about young parents... is that... they don't realize... 08:28 they're playing this stuff around their infants... 08:31 and the infants are hearing it and it's getting into 08:34 their minds... it's brainwashing young children 08:38 so young children are, you know, repeating these rap songs and 08:42 the lyrics and stuff... it's in the brain... 08:45 and so... How do we change that? 08:49 How do we let young people know what's happening to them? 08:54 because I think that it's so hard because 08:58 it's such an intrinsic part of the culture... 09:02 How do we do that? That's one of the things 09:05 that we seek to do, here, at Dare to Dream 09:08 to kind of re-shape the values of young people, 09:11 because... not that every young person is brainwashed... 09:15 No... but if young people are listening to that 09:18 on a regular basis, you can believe 09:21 they're brainwashed. You can believe it. 09:23 So what are some of the things that you would recommend 09:27 to kind of lead young people away from that culture? 09:30 You know... it's going to be a 09:33 choice that they're going to have to make 09:35 you know... you can't start guiding them 09:37 and you can't serve God and Money 09:39 you have to decide, you know, which path you're going to be on 09:42 you know... what do you want out of life? 09:44 It's funny... because I've interviewed 09:46 so many young people and a lot of them 09:48 know the effects of the music... some of them 09:50 don't quite understand... how serious it is... 09:52 with the Spirits and the Demons and the possession... 09:55 and some of them do... and they just choose 09:57 to go on that way... but if I make a recommendation 10:00 I'll vote for one... ask for the umption 10:03 ask for the Spirit of God to speak to you. 10:05 The Word of God says... that if we ask.. He will give it 10:08 and so I will say to ask for the Spirit of God 10:10 to speak to our young people... they need to ask for that... 10:13 and then... they need to be obedient to it... OK... 10:16 We could ask... and God told me a year ago... 10:20 He said, "Son, you've been asking for my voice... 10:22 you've been asking for my Spirit and I've been giving it to you 10:24 but you're not obedient with everything... " 10:27 and Dr. Collette told me a few weeks ago... 10:29 we were talking... and he said 10:30 that partial obedience is complete disobedience... 10:36 Hmmmmm... Partial obedience 10:38 is complete disobedience it blew my mind... 10:41 and so when it comes to being faithful to God... 10:43 we really want to be committed to Him... 10:45 we really want a real relationship 10:46 we have to ask ourselves "If I want to have a 10:48 relationship with God... is there anything 10:50 getting in my way... is there anything 10:52 separating me from God... and if so... 10:54 how badly do I want that relationship 10:56 because if I truly want that relationship 10:58 I'll make the necessary sacrifices 11:01 to put some things in place, that would not separate 11:04 me from God. " The question is... 11:05 Are our young people willing enough to make those sacrifices? 11:10 That is a great... great point, if we're... 11:15 and you know what... this goes for our young people 11:18 and old alike... you know... 11:20 because whether you're entrenched in hip-hop culture 11:24 or whether you're entrenched in consumerism, 11:27 materialism... whatever it is... adultery... whatever it is... 11:31 if you are not making... if you are not choosing... Jesus 11:36 if you are not choosing to be obedient... 11:39 on... on... we don't have to do this alone 11:44 we can have the power of the Holy Spirit to help us 11:48 but we have to make a choice... and so what you're saying 11:51 is so, so, true... We have to choose... Jesus 11:55 and make decisions... another thing that you said, 11:58 early on in this conversation was... your decline happened 12:03 one choice at a time... basically 12:06 it happened with compromise, 12:09 so that's another thing 12:11 that we have to look at... if we hear the voice of God 12:14 and the Lord told you... "I'm speaking to you... 12:17 I'm talking to you... but you're not obeying... " 12:20 I've had that same thing... I've asked God, Jeremy, 12:24 for an answer to something, He gave me the answer 12:28 I knew it was Him... and I went and did 12:30 something else... and.. I reap the consequences... 12:34 when we're disobedient... we reap the consequences... 12:38 What were you going to say? And I believe that 12:42 disobedience breeds delayed success Oh come on now... 12:45 ...and a lot of times in our lives... 12:47 for whatever reason... we allow self 12:49 to kick in and you know what, Doc... 12:51 I'm so glad that Jesus got the victory over self, 12:55 Could you imagine when He was in the 12:56 Garden of Gethsemane if He said, 12:58 you know... "Lord can this cup pass from me" 13:01 and it ended right there... well, luckily... luckily... 13:04 Praise God... He had enough sense 13:06 and enough loyalty to God and enough love for us 13:09 to say, "It is not my will... but Thy will be done... " 13:12 Yes... so that's what we're battling here... 13:14 this is the battle of self, and we have to figure out... 13:17 how can we overcome this thing 13:19 so that we can move forward in God. 13:20 If not... we will continue to fight this battle, 13:23 and we will continue to fail. As long as we are putting 13:26 God's will over our will... Yvonne: Will continue to fail 13:30 as long as we are putting our will over God's will... 13:33 That's right... Right... right... absolutely 13:35 Tell us about... because you've written a book 13:38 called Self-Destruction... Hmmm... correct... 13:41 Tell us about the importance of self... 13:45 in this whole spiritual battle, what does "self" 13:50 have to do with anything? You know, it's funny... 13:53 people say that "Money is the root of all evil" 13:55 or they say, you know, of all the things you got to do 13:58 to get to Heaven... The reality is 14:00 if we look to look where sin came from 14:03 and if we look... and search the scriptures... 14:05 In Isaiah it says that 14:06 "Iniquity was found in the heart of Lucifer" 14:09 I mean... it didn't begin with Adam and Eve 14:11 he made the first sin... when he began to make 14:14 his existence about his "self" 14:16 he's like, "I'm beautiful... I'm bright... you know... 14:20 I can sing... you know... he was supposed to be 14:22 on the worship team... his existence was to 14:25 worship and lead others in worship to God... 14:27 but for whatever reason... iniquity was found 14:30 in the heart of Lucifer... and he began to make 14:32 his existence about "self" 14:34 so I really went through a series of emotions 14:37 and the phase that God took me to... to get my attention 14:41 and He cautioned me and He made me aware 14:43 that the Devil is not, all that he seems to be... 14:46 that the Devil can't stop you or I 14:48 from making it into the Kingdom of Heaven. 14:50 At the end of the day WE make the choice 14:52 whether or not we are going to do... our will 14:55 or whether or not we want to do God's will. 14:57 So God convicted me about a year ago this time 15:00 through a series of events... He just got my attention 15:02 and it's crazy, Doc... because I was asking God 15:05 I said, "Lord, I'm traveling the globe... 15:06 take me to that next level... " "Take me to new heights Lord... 15:09 like... I want a deeper, richer experience with you" 15:12 and He gave me that... He showed me... 15:15 Sometimes we have to be careful what we ask for, right? 15:16 You better believe it, you better believe it... 15:19 And so He showed me through several experiences 15:22 that our number one battle is not with Satan 15:25 not with the enemy... it's with "self" 15:27 and if we can get to the point where we destroy "self" 15:30 that's when we can get the victory... 15:31 Because Society... Society has this mind-set 15:34 you know... be a... "self-made millionaire" 15:37 "self-made entrepreneur" and to have a high self-esteem, 15:40 and it makes everything about us... the music... 15:43 the cars... the reality shows... the glamour... 15:45 we tend to... we're in a culture 15:48 that's really selfishly driven 15:51 and that's not the spirit of God and in Luke 9 verse 23 15:55 it simply says... 15:56 "If you want to be my disciples, if you want to be classified 15:59 as the real Christian... you have to do three things... 16:02 Deny yourself... Pick up your Cross... 16:04 and Follow Me... " and the number one thing 16:06 was the denial of self... and I believe that 16:08 Christ specifically mentioned that first... 16:10 because... you're not going to follow Christ 16:12 you are not going to pick up your cross 16:14 if you cannot get the victory... over "self" 16:16 And so, that's what led me to write the book... 16:18 "Self-Destruction" to show Christians... 16:20 how to die of "self" and live in the Spirit of God. 16:23 That's tremendous Jeremy, because that whole idea of 16:27 "self"... everybody battles with it on some level... 16:31 on some level... you know... 16:34 I just cannot receive... in my mind... 16:37 that people don't battle with self... 16:40 everybody... there has to be some level of 16:44 "selfishness" in most people... and Jesus has called us 16:49 to deny "self"... what kinds of steps... 16:53 do we take to do that? What do we do? 16:57 I think the first thing that we have to do is 16:59 to recognize who we are... to recognize why we were created 17:03 if we recognize... a lot of times... people don't 17:05 fulfill their purpose in life... because they don't know 17:07 what their purpose is... and so how can you fulfill something 17:10 how can you achieve something, how can you reach a goal... 17:13 if you don't even make the goal in the first place... 17:15 and so, I think, when we recognize 17:17 that we were called... we were made to... 17:20 created to bring glory to God... The Bible says that all things 17:23 were created to bring God glory... 17:25 that we were called to worship God... 17:26 I think... when we come... to that realization 17:29 and recognize that God wants to fellowship 17:31 He wants to partner... He wants to tabernacle with us 17:34 and He wants us to seek Him first... 17:36 I think that if we can grasp that knowledge first... 17:39 that's the first step... to "self-destruction" 17:41 and so throughout the book... I have 19 different chapters... 17:44 and each chapter is talking about something difficult... 17:47 self-esteem, self-worth, self-centered... 17:52 just different areas and aspects of our lives... 17:54 and the book is talking to... the average preacher... 17:57 to the average housewife... to the average 16-year old... 18:01 people from all walks of life, it gives them tips on how to 18:04 "self-destruct"... but we have to first 18:06 get to a point... where our whole existence... 18:09 is to please God... and so I have a real simple 18:12 formula that I do... daily... like... 18:14 God reminds me daily to do this... 18:16 and it's simply this... before I make a decision... 18:18 before I make a phone call, or if I'm talking to somebody, 18:20 before I'm making a decision or whatever is happening... 18:23 I have to ask myself... Is this my will 18:26 or is this God's will? Come on... 18:28 And then sometimes... the degree area... 18:30 because I really don't know... and I'd say, 18:32 "OK, from this action that I'm about to do, 18:34 is God going to be glorified 18:36 or is the enemy going to be laughing... " 18:38 "Is he going to be snickering at me?" 18:40 so when I talk to my wife... or if I deal with a client... 18:44 or if I'm talking to someone, or I'm going to decide 18:46 where am I going to go, what am I going to do, 18:47 I have to really ask God and say "God, is this your will?" 18:51 "Is this what you want me to do" because, for years, Doc... 18:54 I led life... trying to please Jeremy... 18:56 As long as Jeremy felt good... as long as Jeremy 18:59 enjoyed himself... It was all about me... 19:02 and so I'm making now... as a mature Christian... 19:05 I'm able to receive what Psalm 37:4 says... 19:07 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you 19:11 the desires of your heart... Yes... yes... 19:12 But the problem is... that we're not really 19:14 delighting ourselves in God... we're just kind of 19:17 floating along... and we give Him a little 19:18 devotion, here or there, 19:20 and then we wonder why we're not really, truly, growing 19:22 with Him... so daily... like... Paul says, 19:24 "I die daily... " and the beautiful thing about it 19:28 is that... if we ask God for it, if we ask God for it... 19:32 Simply say, "God, speak to me, God, give me clarity, 19:36 God, help me to die of self... " He will quicken you, 19:39 He will remind you... He will move upon your heart, 19:43 at that point... you have to decide 19:44 whether or not you're going to be 19:46 obedient to Him, or whether or not, 19:48 you're going to do what you want to do. 19:50 That's a beautiful thing... that's a beautiful, beautiful 19:54 thing... to... it not only acknowledges 19:58 God's sovereignty in your life, but it also... 20:03 maintains the intimacy... you know... so often, 20:06 when we're doing things, I read something... somewhere... 20:09 I don't remember the author but... it alluded to... 20:13 "Practical Atheism" you know.. where... we're not... 20:17 we might have an intellectual assent... you know, 20:20 where we believe in God, but we're not really 20:23 hanging with God we're not really, you know... 20:26 we're like... God is over here... 20:28 and I'm just going to do this, I got this Lord... I got this... 20:32 so I'm just going to do this and do that 20:34 and do this and do that... and in the meantime... 20:36 God wants... He wants us to ask Him... 20:39 we have, we have the omniscient, omnipotent God... 20:43 who wants to help us... and we're like... 20:46 "Oh, I got this... " What? it's like... 20:48 that's just crazy... But "self" gets in the way 20:52 and we think... we can handle it... 20:55 in this book... really... 20:57 I mean, our Pastoral Department really enjoyed this book as well 21:01 and said it is very practical... very well written... 21:04 So... I'm very thankful, that you've written this book... 21:09 What are you expecting... What outcome are you looking for 21:14 with this book? What are you looking to achieve? 21:18 You know... I asked myself about a year or so ago, 21:23 you know, what was my purpose in life... 21:26 what's my purpose in Ministry... you know, what's the passion 21:29 that God has put within me... and for a while... 21:32 I was about 50/50... half of me was strictly community related 21:35 reaching people, touching people that haven't heard the gospel, 21:39 like the Bible says, "Go ye, therefore, 21:41 and teach all Nations... " Street Ministry like... 21:43 out there... in the trenches... but I also have a passion 21:47 for the Lukewarm Church... Oh, come on... 21:50 I have a passion for our Church. 21:52 Yes... yes... 21:54 And this is my mentality, like, I'm on tour right now, 21:56 so I can travel all around... and preach to all these people 21:59 that haven't really met God, and the Spirit of God will move 22:03 and get them baptized... or, I can go to a Church 22:06 and sit in front of a 100 or 500 or 2,500 people and then 22:12 help them break out of their lukewarm mold... 22:14 and turn into real disciples for Christ... 22:17 Wooo... hooo... we can reach that many more people 22:20 and so... that's what my passion is... 22:22 it's shifting the way... I still have the Street Ministry 22:24 but I have a passion for our Church members... 22:26 those of us going to Church every single week... 22:28 and just going to go... 22:30 but they are not really getting fed... 22:32 or they're not really receiving the message 22:33 or they're not really... they don't really have a real, 22:36 true walk with God because... they're lukewarm... 22:39 they're neither hot nor cold... and we know what Revelation 3:16 22:43 says... the Word of God says... 22:44 I will spue you... spit you... vomit you out of my mouth... 22:47 Yes... Oh... ... and it just... 22:48 and I have a pure heart for that... 22:50 Like... all of us were at my 10-year reunion... homecoming 22:53 and I just saw friends from the East Coast to the West Coast, 22:56 and I know where some of them are... in their lives... 22:58 I'm like... "Man, you have so much potential 23:01 if we can just get radical... if we can just have this 23:03 "Jesus Thing" if we can be real 23:05 within our lives... if we can just turn the temperature up 23:08 God can do amazing things... and we can finish His work... 23:12 So that's what I'm hoping... to get accomplished 23:14 through this book... "Self-Destruction" 23:16 it's to really wake up the average Christian 23:19 to say... you know what... I am to die of "self" 23:21 so that I can live in the Spirit of God 23:23 and when we do that... God is truly operating 23:25 and working in our lives... That is tremendous, Jeremy, 23:28 that's tremendous... because that's one of the things 23:31 that I see... in our Churches... 23:33 that Lukewarm Thing... where... again... 23:37 that Practical Atheism... where we're just kind of 23:39 going through the motions... but not having that 23:42 passion for Christ... not having that passion 23:45 that we might have had 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 23:47 or whenever we first found Him... 23:49 And that's what you want to do, you want to turn up the fire, 23:53 I'm loving that... Praise God... you'd better stay 23:56 prayed up though Brother... Let me tell you something... 24:00 Let me tell you something... I told my wife, 24:02 at the beginning of this year, I said, "Honey, we cannot afford 24:05 to be disobedient to God... " you know... 24:07 So, we are all the way in... my mornings.. believe it or not 24:11 my evenings... in the night... 24:13 by 9:00 o'clock... I'm knocked out... 24:14 and I typically wake up around 3:00 o'clock in the morning... 24:17 just to get that fresh dew... I mean, like that... 24:20 you know... they say... the early bird gets the worm... 24:21 and I believe... the early Christian... 24:23 gets that extra dose of the Spirit... Amen 24:25 Come on... And so, I have to... 24:27 I love to rest... and I have a beautiful wife... 24:29 but I have to leave the comfort of my bed... 24:31 and really seek my Father... to get the next assignment... 24:34 for the next day... because I'm not naive 24:36 I'm still a knucklehead... and I know that 24:38 if I'm not in a 110% with God, I could easily revert back. 24:43 But there's a song that says, "I can't go back... " 24:45 Come on.. I can't go back to the 24:47 way I used to be... and so... 24:49 and so I spend my time... early in the morning... 24:52 with God and then I walk and talk with Him 24:54 throughout the day... and it's been 24:55 an amazing experience... and I really want people to 24:57 experience what I'm experiencing... 24:59 like... I've had a lot of money, I've worked from this luxury car 25:02 to that luxury car... like... I've experienced life 25:04 in the world... and it's nothing 25:06 compared to the peace and the joy 25:08 that our Savior is trying to give us... 25:09 Isn't that true though... isn't that true... 25:12 Like the world offers the bling and all of that stuff 25:17 all these... you know... temporary pleasures... 25:20 nobody is going to say it's not fun sometimes... 25:23 but that steady, peaceful, wonderful thing that you have 25:29 with God... you wouldn't trade for anything, 25:32 I would not go back to that whole worldly deal that I had 25:35 years ago... for anything... 25:37 there's no amount of money... there's nothing that 25:40 anybody could give me to turn my back on God... 25:43 and say, "You know what... I'm going to go back to my old life 25:46 No way... because this is the abundant life... 25:51 and you want everybody to know, it's so good... 25:53 you want everybody to know... By the grace of God... 25:57 if they order this book... how can they get this book 26:00 from you? You can go to my website... 26:04 jeremyanderson. org my first and last name dot org 26:08 and you can order copies from there... 26:10 you know... something else I did... 26:12 is I have a video series... so along with each 26:15 chapter of the book... I have the video series 26:18 that you can get from my App or YouTube or on the website... 26:21 where I shot the specific video that talks about 26:24 the details of each chapter... that kind of helps you go along 26:27 and that's been real productive for groups and small studies 26:30 as well... so when it comes to this Ministry 26:32 me and my wife are one hundred percent 26:34 committed and we're just moving forward in whatever direction 26:37 God takes us. Praise the Lord... 26:39 Wait a minute... wait a minute, wait a minute... 26:41 you said... your App... you have an App too? 26:42 Yeah.. let me tell you something Tell us about that... 26:45 God is amazing... I had this App where I had 26:48 daily devotionals and videos and the Bible 26:51 and parts of my book... and all sorts of things, 26:54 you can download... and it's for free, 26:56 I'm not trying to make any money... Amen 26:58 Jesus paid it all... Amen... You can go to your 27:02 Apples... you know... you get iTunes... 27:04 your Apple Store... you can go to Google 27:06 play it... via Android or a Smartphone 27:08 or a Tablet and type in Jeremy... my first name... 27:11 and then type in Daily... for daily devotionals 27:14 Jeremy Daily is the name of the App, 27:15 download it and I just put everything 27:18 that I have on my Ministry on that App 27:20 and it's... making it accessible and that's important 27:22 because we're dealing with a technical world here... 27:25 you know... everything has to be so fast-paced... 27:27 and so... you know... if the enemy has Apps 27:29 and I've seen some foolish Apps out there... 27:31 Why can't God's children have Apps... 27:33 God puts me to the limit... Absolutely... 27:35 Well, Jeremy, thank you so much, 27:38 for being with us today... I don't know where the time went 27:40 the time always flies... you know that idea... 27:44 time flies when you're having fun 27:45 Right... right... 27:47 Thank you so much... May God bless you... 27:49 and I want to have you back because you're doing 27:51 under the unction of the Holy Spirit 27:53 you're doing great things for God... 27:54 Thank you so much. God bless. 27:56 And thank you so much for joining us... 27:59 Tune in next time... 28:01 It just wouldn't be the same without you. |
Revised 2014-12-17