Urban Report

Drug Alternative Program

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Cliff & Freddie Harris


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000047

00:01 Can God repair a super-broken life and restore it
00:03 to a place of purpose? Stay tuned... to meet a man
00:06 whose life was broken and the dedicated woman
00:09 that God placed in his life. My name is Yvonne Lewis
00:12 and you're watching Urban Report...
00:36 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:38 Today our guests are Cliff and Freddie Harris
00:41 Co-Directors of the Drug Alternative Program
00:43 and hosts of Dare to Dream's program
00:46 "Drugs Close to Home" welcome to Urban Report
00:49 Cliff and Freddie... Yeah... Thank you... thank you...
00:51 I am so glad you guys are here. Yes, it's been quite a few years
00:55 since we've been here... Now when did you come to 3abn
00:58 first?... We first came to 3abn in the
01:00 early 90s... Wow!...
01:02 Yes, we came and Danny put us right on the program saying...
01:05 "We want you to do a TV program and we were on TV for about
01:09 eight years... That's tremendous...
01:11 That's tremendous... and now... you're doing
01:13 Drugs Close to Home... tell us a little bit
01:15 about that program. You know, Drugs Close to Home is
01:19 right in our backyard... Literally...
01:22 Literally in our backyard, right honey?
01:24 Yes... we do the programs right in our backyard...
01:28 Right... we just wanted to start this program again
01:32 because we had so many guys in our program with such great
01:35 testimonies... you know, and people crossing our paths...
01:38 and we just decided... Hey we're going to start a
01:40 Drugs Close to Home again... so this is our... what?
01:42 third year? Yeah.. third year... Third year...
01:44 That's tremendous and I know our viewers are blessed by
01:47 watching it... for those who don't know about
01:50 the program that you co-direct, tell us a little bit about that,
01:54 what is it? Well, it's an in-patient drug
01:57 program for men who have drug problems... because...
02:01 see... I'm an ex-drug addict... and I always wanted to help
02:05 somebody not go through what I went through in life,
02:08 you know, on drugs and in penitentiary... and
02:12 in and out of jails all my life lost the family home...
02:15 all those things behind drugs, so... my thing was...
02:20 I told Freddie... after we were married...
02:23 that I wanted to help
02:25 somebody not go through what I went through...
02:27 and so... then we moved from Denver to California...
02:32 and started the program and that was it...
02:36 And speaking of marriage... We have a love story.. you know,
02:39 I met Cliff on Sabbath at Church...
02:42 he proposed to me... Sunday... and 3 months later...
02:45 we were married... Wait a minute... wait a minute
02:47 wait... wait... wait... wait...
02:48 So you guys met on a Sabbath, he proposed on Sunday,
02:57 and three months later we were married...
02:59 my son introduced us in the lobby of the
03:02 Denver Park Hill Church... Right...
03:03 OK... let's go through this story... because this is
03:06 too good... this is too juicy...
03:07 I had been friends with his son for like two years...
03:10 I was like his second mother Okay...
03:12 and I had also spent a year with the Lord...
03:15 I decided that I wasn't going to date or do anything...
03:17 I wanted to spend a year with the Lord and really get to
03:20 know Him... I wasn't thinking about
03:21 a husband, I just wanted to get to know
03:23 Jesus and at the same time, Cliff was in prison...
03:27 and he was getting to know the Lord through the
03:30 book... "Desire of Ages" and reading...
03:32 and so when he got out of prison and came to Church...
03:35 I walked in the Church and there stood Cliff and Jeffrey
03:39 and I just normally hug Jeffrey and kiss him...
03:42 "Hi Son, how're you doing?" and I looked and I saw Cliff...
03:44 and you tell the rest of the story...
03:46 Well, I was like... you know... when I got out of
03:49 penitentiary... my whole thing was...
03:51 you know... because... previously in my life...
03:55 you know... I was a pimp, I had a woman on the streets,
03:58 I did all that... you know... dealt drugs and
04:01 was in and out of jail... So my thing was...
04:04 when I was in prison... I was like.. I've got to go back
04:09 to Church... You had spiritual roots?
04:13 Oh yeah... Because I want you to talk about
04:14 the whole experience, but you had spiritual roots?
04:17 Yes, yes... So you decided... while there
04:19 you were going to go back to Church...
04:21 Yeah... let me go back to Church let me go to Church...
04:24 And to make a long story short, when he saw me...
04:27 the Holy Spirit impressed him "She's the one... "
04:30 and we met and had a date that Saturday night...
04:33 and he brought me one red rose, and the Holy Spirit impressed
04:37 me... not knowing that it impressed him...
04:40 that he is the one... So we both knew...
04:42 we were for each other... My!...
04:44 And you know... the Church went wild...
04:46 Oh Freddie... this was my feeling
04:50 of when I saw her... you know... I looked in her face...
04:55 and all I saw was her face...
04:57 because, I was the kind of man.. you know... if I see a woman...
05:01 it's like "Hi... how are you?" you know,
05:03 and I am looking you up and down and all of that,
05:05 and my whole thing was... I didn't look at her in a
05:10 sexual manner... I just saw the face...
05:12 and in that face... I saw all this peace and joy
05:16 and happiness... and I said... something within me...
05:21 because when I got out of prison I wasn't going to get
05:24 involved with any female... in any kind of way...
05:27 Let me go to Church, sit down on the pew,
05:30 just go to Church... and sit down...
05:33 Look at this, look at this... because both of you decided
05:37 to seek God first... Right...
05:41 So seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and His righteousness
05:44 and all these things shall be added unto you...
05:46 So you weren't even thinking about it...
05:48 neither of you was thinking about,
05:49 "Let me go and find... the one" and yet when you saw each other
05:55 when you saw her... the Holy Spirit said,
05:57 "She's the one," and when he brought you that rose
05:59 the Holy Spirit said, "He's the one. "
06:02 Right... right... So, Sabbath... you meet...
06:06 Sunday... OK, wait... let's go to
06:09 Saturday night... OK, OK, so how did you
06:11 ask her out... when you saw her...
06:13 you thought she was the one... how did you...
06:15 where did you go from there? Well, see... the first time
06:19 that I saw her at Church, I had been going for about
06:23 maybe three months... but I never saw her...
06:25 so when I saw her... one time at Church...
06:29 I asked my son about her... and he said,
06:32 I don't know her... daddy, I don't know the phone number
06:35 I asked my sister... "Oh, you don't want to...
06:37 Were they trying to block... So I'm like,
06:39 OK, when I see her at Church I'll handle it myself...
06:43 but when she went to Church... she didn't come
06:46 that next Sabbath and I was more like...
06:52 "Hey... she's not here... " but she came that evening...
06:56 at that time, they called it AY, Right...
07:01 And when I saw her... she was standing there
07:05 talking to another guy... and she had her back to me,
07:08 and I was leaning up against the wall,
07:10 and I said to myself, said it kind of under my breath,
07:14 Yeah, you know... I know... I'm watching you
07:16 I'm going to keep on watching you.
07:18 And Yvonne, I really felt him watching me...
07:20 I got... I felt these eyes at the back
07:22 I mean, I turned around, I went up to him,
07:23 and I said, "Hi" and I said, "Hi"
07:26 and I said to her... I said... you know, "I'm looking for
07:28 a Christian friend... how would you like to be that friend?"
07:31 and I said, "I think I would like that"
07:33 I said, "But in order for us to be friends... "
07:35 I said, "We got to get to know each other"
07:38 I said, "What is your phone number?"
07:39 "Where do you live?" And we made a date
07:41 to see each other that Saturday night.
07:42 And so, I made a date, to see her that Saturday night,
07:46 I called her on the phone, because she gave me
07:48 her number in the Lobby, and I called her that night,
07:52 and I told her that I had something for her,
07:54 and she says, "You don't even me...
07:56 how do you have something for me?"
07:57 I said, "Oh yeah, I know you" And when he came that
08:00 Saturday night, he brought me one red rose...
08:02 And it was so beautiful... and the fragrance... like...
08:05 overwhelmed me... and at that time,
08:07 the Holy Spirit impressed me, "He is the one"
08:09 And we talked that night and he said,
08:12 "Well, I want you to come to my house... you know... Sunday
08:15 and I came to his house... and he sat down in
08:18 one end of couch, and I sat down in the other end
08:20 of the couch... and he told me...
08:21 Wait a minute Freddie, now wait a minute...
08:22 I got to tell you this though... See... she was the Bible Worker
08:27 at the Church... she worked for the Conference
08:30 All right... And here I was...
08:32 they all knew who I was... you know, Cliff Harris,
08:35 this drug addict, penitentiary boy, you know,
08:39 he ain't worth a dime... and so, here he is,
08:42 talking to our sweet Sister Freddie...
08:46 Oh... they felt like they needed to protect her from you..
08:49 That's it... OK, and they did try to do that,
08:54 But I had to let her know about me before she
08:58 would hear it from them... So, when I asked her to
09:02 come to my place, the next day, she sat on the couch,
09:06 and I told her that I'd been a drug addict all my life,
09:09 I'd stole, I'd lied, I'd cheated I'd done all these things,
09:13 And she looked at me and she said, "Is that all?"
09:16 And I said, "Is that all?" because the Holy Spirit
09:18 had already impressed... "He's the one... "
09:20 because being an Adventist all my life
09:21 never smoked or drank... I would have run out the door
09:24 but I knew... this was the guy that God had chosen for me
09:27 and God brought us together... not just for marriage,
09:29 but as you see now... the birth of Drug Alternative Program
09:33 Absolutely... God has, you know, we talk about this
09:36 on Urban Report all the time,
09:38 the Divine Plan... that God has for each of us...
09:42 Now, you would not have known, when you went to Church that day
09:45 that you were going to meet the love of your life...
09:49 That's just... But God knew...
09:51 He had the plan... and not only that...
09:54 When God does things... He doesn't just do things in one
09:57 He doesn't just accomplish one thing with one move,
10:00 He accomplishes several things with one move,
10:03 Right... right... So, He brought you together
10:05 He gave you... your partner for heaven...
10:08 because Ellen White lets us know too that...
10:11 that the person that we're with, our spouse,
10:14 can either help us go to Heaven or lead us away from Heaven,
10:19 Amen... And so, you were placed,
10:22 in his life as that rock... He was placed in your life
10:27 as that house band... and you guys... I mean...
10:30 And how many years has it been? Twenty eight years...
10:34 Wow... yes, yes... and nobody said it would last...
10:37 twenty eight years! Now, would you advise
10:42 other young people who.. let's say...
10:45 somebody just met this guy... a guy just met this girl...
10:49 would you advise them to do the same thing that you did?
10:52 No! because our was definitely providential... you know
10:56 because we had prepared ourselves...
10:58 not like... we just met each other...
10:59 but he had prepared himself for a year...
11:01 I had prepared myself for a year...
11:02 And I'd received this poem... because I'd joined the
11:05 Adventist Singles Club... and I'd received this poem
11:07 called, "Most Wonderful Love" and it said...
11:10 Freddie... I want you to stop looking around
11:12 for that perfect person, and I want you to
11:14 fall in love with me... Jesus Christ...
11:16 and that's when I decided... you know, I'm going to spend
11:18 one year with the Lord... I'm not going to look for anyone
11:20 I am just going to get to know Jesus...
11:22 then after that... then... that's when He brought
11:25 Cliff into my life... So we have an exception
11:26 to the rule... OK... All right...
11:28 You know what she said to me one time?
11:30 She said to me, "You're Number Two...
11:34 in our marriage" What do you mean...
11:38 I'm Number Two, I'm your husband you're husband...
11:42 I'm supposed to be Number One but one thing she said to me...
11:46 "Oh no, you might wake up one morning and tell me,
11:52 'I don't love you anymore... ' but if Jesus is Number One
11:57 in my life.. "... this is her... "He's not going to die on me,
12:01 He's not going to divorce me... He's not going to leave me...
12:06 He's going to always be there for you... "
12:09 and so... that made sense to me, and I'm like,
12:12 "Yeah OK, I can understand that" and so...
12:15 You'll take Number Two... Yeah... I'll take Number Two...
12:17 Yeah... and even in that process I got to learn...
12:24 and she told me... "I'm going to teach you
12:26 how to fall in love with Jesus" I'm like, "What do you mean?
12:30 I love Jesus... " "No, I'm going to teach you
12:32 how to fall in love with Him.. " OK, whip it on me...
12:35 because that's what I wanted... OK, so what are the steps?
12:37 I want to hear, what are the steps...
12:39 let's tell our viewers... what are the steps
12:42 to falling in with Jesus? Those steps, Yvonne,
12:44 is spending more time with Jesus you know, every day,
12:48 Cliff and I spend time... worship individually
12:51 and together... because we know that...
12:53 Hey, prayer is the answer, studying the Word of God,
12:56 because, you know, we work in this ministry,
12:58 24/7 and if we are not spending time with the Lord,
13:01 if we're not going to Church, if we're not going to
13:03 Prayer Meetings, we're not having that fellowship
13:06 with Him... what do we have
13:07 to give these guys? And you know, I read...
13:09 What is his name? ... Chambers
13:18 Oswald Chambers says "Activity is the unrecognized
13:23 symptom of spiritual weakness. " Activity?
13:27 ...is the unrecognized symptom...
13:29 we don't even recognize the symptom of spiritual weakness,
13:33 When I read that... it just like... hit me...
13:35 I said, "Lord, we have got to spend more time with you. "
13:39 That's the key... to having that relationship
13:42 with Him... You know Freddie,
13:43 that's so true because when you're in ministry...
13:46 your focus... all day... is ministry...
13:49 and if you don't have that private time...
13:53 with the Lord... it just will become a job...
13:57 because it's not going to be, you know, that purposeful,
14:02 passionate, ministry... it's going to be,
14:06 "Well, you know, I'm going to do this, this, this...
14:08 but without the underlying passion... for Jesus...
14:11 That's right... What are you smiling about?
14:12 I asked you the other day... you remember I asked you this?
14:17 What?... I asked you, I said,
14:19 Are you tired? You were at a booth,
14:21 you were at the booth, and I know what it's like
14:24 working at a booth... you're there on your feet...
14:27 all day... talking to people, and I asked you,
14:30 I said, "It's hard, isn't it, working at the booth?"
14:33 and you said, "No, it's not... I'm enjoying it. "
14:36 and that's what I saw in you,
14:39 I'll never forget you said that to me...
14:41 That told me a lot about you... and what your ministry
14:46 and what you're doing right here...
14:47 Praise the Lord... You enjoy it...
14:50 you get a satisfaction from it, and it's a challenge to you
14:56 every day because, yes... it might be hard...
14:59 we run through challenges and difficulties,
15:02 but for Jesus... all that wipes it out...
15:05 Yes... And that's what makes you so
15:08 special... Well, praise the Lord Brother...
15:11 Where's my check book? Just don't cash it...
15:14 I am in ministry so don't cash it...
15:16 But you know... and that's the same
15:17 with you guys... you love what you're doing...
15:20 it is... it is... again... part of the Divine Plan...
15:24 Right... And you know, Cliff,
15:26 your story is so compelling, many of our viewers know it,
15:31 many don't... share some of your testimony
15:33 with us... because God has just brought you...
15:36 Well, you know, I've been raised a Christian...
15:41 went to Pine Forge Academy, went to all Church Schools,
15:46 my father always took us to Prayer Meeting,
15:49 always took us to Sabbath School
15:51 we had prayer... every morning
15:54 before he went to work
15:55 We had worship as a family, we would have worship
15:57 together... as a family, in the evening...
16:00 you know, not that it was a boring...
16:03 I had a good childhood, so, I was raised that way,
16:09 but it got to be... at a point in my life...
16:12 After I was married... and I had three children...
16:14 and I started to run with this group of guys
16:18 and they started doing drugs and I was upset with them
16:22 when they first started smoking weed and
16:24 I was... but I wanted to be part
16:26 of what they were doing... How old were you
16:28 when you started moving away? Twenty one...
16:30 Oh.. so you weren't a teenager? Hmm, hmmm, because I used to get
16:35 upset with them... I wouldn't let you smoke
16:37 in my car... I wouldn't let you drink
16:39 in my car... But I ran with the wrong
16:41 group of guys... so if you're in that environment
16:44 you become... part of that... Come on, come on... that's right
16:49 And so, it took over and the next thing you know
16:53 Hey... I'm shooting up... next thing... you know...
16:56 first it was... whoosh, whoosh,
16:57 then... the weed.. then shhhh, shhhhhh
17:00 then shhhh, shhhh Is that something that you
17:03 thought... you'd never do? I thought I'd never do that
17:06 in my life... Things that I have done
17:10 in my life... I never thought that I would do,
17:12 you know, I buried my momma ten times...
17:15 What do you mean?
17:16 you know, when I say that line...
17:18 I got to go to my mother's funeral...
17:20 to get off work... you know...
17:21 my mother's passed away... and I got to go away...
17:24 and I'm gone from work for three or four days...
17:28 Selling my children's bicycle, my daughter's bicycle...
17:33 another thing that I know I did...
17:37 you know... I tried to sell the dog...
17:41 Oh... man... Can you imagine that?
17:45 It's like a family member right? yes... you're trying...
17:48 I put him in the car... trying to sell a little dog
17:52 to get the money so that I can get high...
17:55 and when I couldn't sell him... I threw him out the car
18:00 and when the kids came home... Where's the dog?
18:03 I don't know... Maybe he's run away...
18:08 you know.. these kinds of things you know...
18:10 that I did to my children... You know, Cliff,
18:14 one thing that I realize and I feel for, right now,
18:17 because... one thing that I realize
18:20 that the devil does... is... he starts us here...
18:24 he's patient... He starts us here...
18:26 and then... little by little...
18:28 he just spirals us downward... until he destroys
18:32 our characters... he destroys our integrity
18:35 he just... that's his goal...
18:37 and there's so many people who think...
18:40 "Man... if I'd just had money... or if I'd just had the bling...
18:44 or if I had just had... " It's such a big deception...
18:47 because once you start down that path,
18:50 it's like you're on a train... that you can't get off of...
18:54 Am I right? Right...
18:55 Did you feel... just compelled... like...
18:58 I just have to have that money...
19:00 I have to get these drugs... I have to...
19:03 Yes... and you do whatever... you will sell your momma...
19:07 you will sell your children... Do you understand what I mean?
19:11 I've heard stories about that... and I've done so many things...
19:16 There are some things I have done...
19:17 I can't even talk about on this program...
19:20 I am serious... that I've done to my ex-wife,
19:22 to my children... and, you know,
19:27 those are the kinds of things that you will carry with you
19:29 for the rest of your life... Yes... yes...
19:31 For the rest of your life... But Jesus is so good,
19:36 Yes, He is... You hear me...
19:38 Yes.. That he takes all this
19:39 stuff away... He says, "Bring them to me... "
19:42 "Put them on my shoulder" "I'll handle it"
19:44 Yes... And we take it to Him...
19:46 and put it on His shoulder... So you know what?
19:50 I don't have a lot of guilt for what I've done...
19:53 'cause God has taken all that away from me...
19:56 Because you are a new creature Cliff...
19:58 Yes... yes... He has forgiven me...
20:00 I don't care if you haven't... if you don't forgive me...
20:03 then that's your problem... but I know...
20:05 Jesus has forgiven me... you know,
20:08 I wouldn't get all these blessings that I have now
20:11 in my life... I know Satan is not doing it...
20:14 So, I know that it is the Lord. Absolutely...
20:18 Once you take all of these
20:22 burdens and lay them at the feet of Jesus,
20:25 it frees you... Because otherwise.. you would be
20:28 walking around under that load of guilt but Jesus said,
20:33 You know, that, "Come unto me all ye that are
20:36 that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest...
20:40 And you know what... let me tell you this...
20:42 Come on... tell me... I used to sit and think
20:44 my whole thing was... when I was in prison...
20:47 I want some peace of mind... PEACE...
20:50 because I remember... you know...
20:52 in the early days of my life, I'll put it like this...
20:56 Jesus would say, "Come unto me and I'll give you peace...
20:59 you'll have peace... " and I wanted peace
21:02 and I said, "You know what? I can get it... over here...
21:06 in Church... Let me go there... "
21:08 You see the seeds had been planted...
21:11 I want to tell all of you mothers,
21:14 because I have children too that have strayed from the Lord,
21:17 and I just want you to know that Jesus has a plan
21:21 for those children.. and that... all we have to do is
21:25 continue to be faithful to God and pray for those children,
21:30 pray for our children... plant those seeds
21:33 in the children when they are young
21:34 Right... Because... look at what happened
21:37 with you Cliff... you went away.. and came back...
21:41 His mother never knew that he got his life together...
21:44 Oh, she passed away before... Yes, she passed away before that
21:46 Let me just say this... what you said...
21:49 and I want to say the same thing
21:52 because I'm telling you, this is what happened to me,
21:54 My daddy... after my mother passed away...
21:59 My daddy... I kept him for 20... No, for six years of his life...
22:07 he came and stayed with me, I kept him,
22:11 and he said to me... one morning...
22:14 sitting at the breakfast table, my daddy said to me,
22:17 "Clifford, you're mother would be proud of you now...
22:20 to see... you have changed... and who would have thought
22:24 you... me... out of all my brothers and sisters
22:28 you'd be the one to take care of me...
22:31 and through her prayers... the Lord answered her prayer...
22:37 even though she was gone. That's another thing...
22:41 God honors the prayers of the saints...
22:44 even when they go to sleep... those prayers...
22:47 because my grandmothers... I know, both of them,
22:49 prayed me back into the Church, prayed me back into Jesus,
22:53 and my grandmother was... my maternal grandmother
22:56 was still living... when I came back to the Lord...
22:59 But my paternal... my father's mother,
23:03 had passed away... but... I know she prayed for me
23:07 and God honors those prayers, even though they've gone
23:10 to sleep... He still honors those prayers.
23:13 And when we go to Heaven, your mom is just overjoyed...
23:18 Hallelujah, Amen... Yes, yes...
23:19 She sees your face... she's going to rejoice...
23:22 Not only him... but all the others
23:23 that he has helped, you know. Yes... yes...
23:26 You know, my mother said to me, and I will never forget this,
23:32 on her deathbed... my mother had cancer...
23:35 she was dying from cancer... and I went to see her
23:40 I drove from California... I mean from Denver...
23:46 to Florida... to see my mother...
23:48 OK... Hmmmm...
23:50 I was still on drugs... I went there to see her
23:55 and I went to jail there... Wow...
24:00 OK? You gave yourself up?
24:02 No, I walked into a liquor store with a marijuana joint
24:07 in my mouth... ... and got arrested...
24:10 and the police was in the store, and he's like
24:15 "Are you nuts?" you know... and I was arrested
24:21 in Florida... so I took this problem
24:24 to my mom and dad...
24:25 I had my three children with me
24:28 to see my mother... and you know when I got back
24:31 my dad came and got me out of jail...
24:33 my mother said to me... I was sitting on her bed...
24:38 my mother... said to me...
24:41 Clifford... I wish you had never come to see me...
24:46 because you brought all the stuff and pain to me...
24:50 I don't want to see you...
24:53 Here's your momma... telling you...
24:54 "I don't want to see you" I had a good momma...
24:59 you know, she wasn't an evil person or
25:03 hard person... you know, I think you knew
25:06 my mother... I don't know if you did or not,
25:09 from family but... it was the pain that I brought
25:16 to them both, you know, and I had to go back
25:20 to Colorado... after that... I went to prison again...
25:23 the second time... but... that's OK...
25:27 I know, I am going to see my mother in Heaven...
25:29 you know what I mean? It's a great Getting-up-morning
25:33 it's a great Getting-up-morning... coming...
25:35 and the pain that she had... it will be like...
25:39 childbirth... you forget about it...
25:40 because when she sees your face there Cliff...
25:44 that's going to erase all the former pain...
25:47 all the former pain... What would you say,
25:50 in the last couple of minutes that we have,
25:53 from both of you... Freddie, what advice would
25:57 you give to a mother that has a wayward child,
26:02 that wants that child to know Jesus...
26:04 what would you say? You know I had a wayward son too
26:07 we have this ministry... and our son...
26:09 my son was on drugs... and I was Ms. Co-dependent
26:12 but I had to just... let go...
26:14 and let him feel the consequences of these
26:17 decisions that he made... and I kept praying...
26:19 I kept praying... and the Lord just impressed me
26:22 one day... Lennon is on drugs
26:24 go to Atlanta to see him... I went to see him...
26:27 we talked... I told him he was on drugs
26:29 he had been on drugs for five years,
26:31 and I didn't even know it, but he gave his heart
26:34 to the Lord... and I...
26:36 today, I can say, he's a Minister...
26:37 married with two children... but my advice would be
26:40 "Let go... and let God...
26:42 and don't be a co-dependent to them... just let them
26:45 feel the consequences... but be there,
26:47 let them know, you love them,
26:49 but don't be a co-dependent...
26:51 That's so true Freddie... you want to support
26:54 your children... but not enable them...
26:57 Right... So you don't want them to
26:59 you don't want it to foster the bad choices
27:04 that they've been making... because... once you do that...
27:07 you're in it with them... That's right...
27:09 and you just make it worse,
27:10 so... that's a major thing... plant the seeds,
27:15 when the children are young, just like what happened
27:18 with you Cliff... and God brought you back...
27:21 and He brought you back... with a sense of urgency...
27:25 for Him... Yes, yes...
27:27 What else... I mean... what else is there to say?
27:31 I can't believe our time is up...
27:32 Thank you guys... thank you so much for coming...
27:36 I'm so blessed... whenever I hear your testimony
27:40 Cliff... and you have a book... tell us the name of your book,
27:43 "Death Dance" Death Dance by Patti Conwell
27:47 Yes... As told to Patti Conwell...
27:49 I should say... well thank you so much
27:51 for being with us... and you're going to come again,
27:54 We... are... all right... promise...
27:55 Promise... you hear this...
27:57 Our time has slipped away... thanks so much
27:59 for tuning in... join us next time...
28:01 It just wouldn't be the same... without you...


Revised 2014-12-17