Urban Report

Veterans Advocacy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Esq., Anna Towns


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000046

00:01 Did you know that after veterans have served in the military,
00:04 have been honorably discharged, and file claims for injuries
00:08 sustained during active duty, it may take years
00:12 before they are awarded the compensation
00:14 to which they are entitled. If you are a veteran
00:17 or you know one, you won't want to miss today's program...
00:20 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:22 Urban Report...
00:45 Hello and welcome to Urban Report
00:47 Many, many veterans are homeless, unemployed,
00:51 and living with untreated disabilities
00:54 due to the backlog of more than 900 claims...
00:57 it currently takes more than a year for a veteran
01:01 to receive a response from the VA relative to their claim filed
01:05 and usually... the response is simply asking for additional
01:09 information... My guest today is Anna Towns,
01:12 a United States Veterans Administration accredited
01:16 attorney.. that's a long title. She's going to tell us more
01:20 about this disservice... Welcome to Urban Report Anna
01:24 Thank you... it's such a pleasure to be here... Yvonne...
01:27 AT... that's what I call you, AT... I have to tell our viewers
01:33 that you and I go way, way back, I met you, when I was an intern,
01:39 you were already a Social Worker and I was an
01:42 intern... getting my Master's in Social Work,
01:44 and I met you at my internship site...
01:47 Yes... And we became fast friends
01:51 I found out that you sang... AT has a lovely voice...
01:55 Are you still singing AT? Yes... of course, of course...
02:00 ...and then I was in this group The Futuristics...
02:04 and then... I left and I asked them to bring you into the group
02:10 then... you and I sang together with them for a while...
02:12 and then... I had to leave... That was a wonderful experience!
02:15 I know... I know... it's amazing we go back a long time...
02:19 We won't say how long ago... but... it's been a long time...
02:23 and now... you're an attorney... doing this wonderful work...
02:28 tell us about what you're doing. Well, Yvonne, what I'm doing now
02:32 is actually representing veterans in their
02:36 service-connected disabilities and their requests for
02:39 compensation for their disabilities...
02:42 and this is quite a challenging area as you indicated
02:45 in the opening... there is such a backlog of
02:49 VA cases that are pending now, in fact, I think,
02:53 the statistic is that as of this month is more than a million...
02:56 however, that does not even account for all of the veterans
03:00 who are suffering with disabilities and are not even
03:02 yet in the system... My... more than a million?
03:07 More than a million, pending, VA claim cases...
03:11 Yes... as of this month... So AT, when the veterans
03:16 come home... and they apply... they have to wait for almost a
03:22 year... even sometimes... to find out that they need
03:26 additional information sent... is that true?
03:28 Yes... when veterans come home, particularly those with
03:32 known disabilities... of course PTSD is one of the
03:35 main ones or many other disabilities that they may have,
03:39 that may have been determined or diagnosed while they were
03:42 in the military, thereafter, or even a couple years after that
03:46 when they come home and learn that they are
03:50 suffering from a disability... then, they go to their regional
03:53 office and make an application, and that's when the wait begins.
03:57 It could take a year... usually, upon your initial
04:01 application... the VA will immediately inform the veteran
04:06 that it will be within a year that that they will receive
04:09 a decision on their case... and sometimes,
04:12 it's longer than that as you indicated...
04:15 when they then receive their documentation from the VA
04:19 regarding that claim, after a year, it generally is asking for
04:24 additional information... My!...
04:27 And then the veteran is given a year to respond...
04:30 and again... when they submit the response,
04:32 the VA is again... so you can see that the whole
04:35 process could be years before the veteran actually
04:38 receives a decision on their claim.
04:41 And so, in the meantime, that veteran is without
04:45 assistance... correct? Yes! very definitely...
04:48 many of them are homeless, many of them, of course,
04:51 turn to drugs and of course you know,
04:52 with the veterans... there's a high rate of suicide..
04:56 so... it's such a critical area that, I think, has just not
05:00 gotten the focus that it needs, of course, you know,
05:02 I am glad to say that the President has really made this..
05:06 one of his top priorities... to make certain that veterans
05:09 receive the services that they need... but it seems that
05:12 there is something... in the system...
05:14 that is keeping it from running smoothly.. for veterans.
05:19 That's what I was going to ask, Why is.. we know the bureaucracy
05:24 tends to take longer and run less smoothly...
05:29 but why is it taking so long to be responsive to this
05:35 segment of society? Yes... well... it is quite a
05:38 process for the VA to make the determination as to
05:42 whether the disability is service-connected
05:45 and then... after that's decided they have to determine
05:49 whether... the seriousness of the disability
05:51 and so.. there's a rating system after that
05:54 however, what has happened... and they are acknowledging
05:58 now that because of having a paper system...
06:00 there are warehouses... that are full to the brim...
06:03 with cases that have not even been evaluated...
06:06 the VA has committed that they are going to address
06:09 the backlog and that by 2015... a veteran will, in fact,
06:13 receive information from the VA within a matter of
06:17 2 to 3 months... but right now, it can be years...
06:21 so that without actually representation...
06:24 it's kind of difficult for a veteran to get through
06:26 the system... to get what they are so
06:28 entitled to... My! my! so tell us what you do
06:33 for the veterans... OK, OK, what I do...
06:36 Number one as a VA Certified Attorney...
06:40 I am not authorized to actually represent a veteran
06:43 until the VA has made an initial determination
06:46 so, you see, where that puts me on the chain...
06:49 they have to get through that long process,
06:52 and then, contact an attorney if the decision that they
06:56 received from the VA is not favorable, however,
07:00 the focus of my work now is actually to find, educate,
07:05 advocate and get veterans into the system...
07:09 so most of my work is spent addressing veterans' groups at
07:14 churches and community organizations and sponsoring
07:19 workshops to educate veterans because... although there is...
07:23 I indicated... more than a million veterans
07:26 who have applied for services, that are waiting for an answer,
07:31 there are many more who are on the street... homeless,
07:35 perhaps in drug treatment facilities or perhaps not even
07:39 having the courage to apply for that benefit, so there are
07:43 many more, who are not even in the system...
07:46 and that is a focus of the work that I am called to doing...
07:51 to find, locate, educate, advocate and get as many
07:55 veterans as I can in the system. Now, for those veterans,
07:58 who I am certified to represent...
08:02 they are the veterans who have received a letter...
08:06 a decision letter from the VA indicating that either that
08:11 their claim has been denied... or, it may be that their claim
08:15 has been accepted but at a lower rating than the veteran feels is
08:20 appropriate for their disability so, those, we are legally
08:24 are required to represent... communicate on their behalf
08:28 with the VA.. take the necessary steps to have that decision
08:32 turned around and we've been quite successful with a number
08:36 of veterans in this process. That's wonderful, now let me
08:40 ask you... How do they find out about you?
08:43 How do they know... once they have been denied
08:46 how do they know that they can come to you
08:49 to actually... kind of... work with them as an advocate?
08:52 Yes, well in that letter of decision from the VA
08:57 they will inform them that they can seek legal representation
09:02 now that the initial decision has been made...
09:05 and many of them will go to the local veterans service
09:09 organizations, you know, Vietnam Vets of America,
09:13 Disabled Veterans of America, but another choice is to seek
09:18 legal representation through private attorneys
09:22 and that's when... we are able to get involved...
09:25 so they will find out about our firm through word of mouth or
09:30 I have a website or, you know, usually, it's by word of mouth
09:35 from the veterans that we have been able to be successful
09:39 in changing their situation around...
09:41 that makes a big difference and it's very difficult
09:45 to do this work without having the training and the experience
09:49 to do so. Absolutely... tell us about
09:51 some of the veterans that you've helped...
09:54 Well, a typical case is a veteran who actually
10:00 was from the Korean War... so any...
10:02 in order to receive benefits, a veteran must have been active
10:06 must have been... at least... one-day active
10:09 in a war time... so, one of the veterans
10:11 who was from the Korean War... had been fighting his case
10:16 since 1954... and he was fighting this case
10:20 in a way... that he was not able to win, because the VA
10:24 for disabilities... you must have a diagnosed case,
10:27 a diagnosis... in order to receive the benefits,
10:31 and he was complaining about how they treated him in the VA,
10:34 he was going to his Congress persons... I mean, he has
10:38 really literally been fighting it every day... every year,
10:42 we were able to help him to see that he needed a diagnosis...
10:46 which... in this case... the diagnosis was PTSD,
10:50 so I arranged for him to be evaluated by a psychiatrist
10:56 who determined that he did have a diagnosis of PTSD,
11:00 and the psychiatrist also suggested... that based on the
11:04 symptoms that we are seeing, determined that the rating
11:09 for this veteran was about 100% so this veteran, pretty much,
11:15 within a couple of months, went from receiving a 10%
11:19 for x-ray for asthma... a 10% rating for asthma...
11:23 we were able to put forth to the VA the diagnosis of PTSD
11:29 and he went from a $128 a month to $3,000 a month
11:34 for the rest of his life. So that is the kind of case,
11:37 that is the kind of work that we know... is so important
11:40 that veterans cannot... really... it is very difficult
11:42 for them to do that... without legal representation
11:45 where you have to know the law, you have to be familiar with
11:49 the VA process... which is unique only to the VA
11:52 and then you have to be prepared or able to
11:55 apply the law and the VA process particular to every single
12:00 veteran's case in a different manner.
12:02 That's tremendous AT... I mean... to go from a $128
12:07 to over $3,000 a month... for the rest of his life...
12:10 Yes, yes for the.. rest of his life,
12:12 you know, what is unfortunate
12:13 is that it is... for the rest of his life..
12:15 and, of course, he is in his 70s now but what happens
12:18 also is that once the VA determines that you are
12:22 eligible.. then you will receive a retroactive pay based to the
12:26 date that you originally applied well, unfortunately,
12:29 although he had been working on this case since 1954...
12:33 he really only legally applied after we assisted him
12:36 in getting his case with a diagnosis into the system...
12:40 My! so he didn't even realize the steps that were necessary
12:44 to actually accomplish his goals he needed that diagnosis...
12:48 and he didn't have that until ... was that.. he got that after
12:53 he started working with you or... you helped him?
12:57 After he started working with us That's amazing...
13:00 so... walk me through the steps, ok, so I'm a veteran...
13:06 I finally... I come back with PTSD and I contact you...
13:12 what happens then? OK, OK, all right...
13:15 the initial phase... as I indicated...
13:17 that is work that we do because that is my mission
13:20 to find and educate... what I would do with that
13:23 veteran... is number one if they have not applied
13:26 for the claim... for a claim...
13:28 I would assist them in getting the claim filed...
13:33 so after he has filed his claim, then we also assist him
13:38 in ordering his records... his complete records from the VA
13:43 which... that's available to any veteran who requests that
13:47 of the VA... and then... we take the step to...
13:51 assist him into filing... and then...
13:54 we have to wait for the VA to respond,
13:58 so he actually joins that number of a million who are waiting...
14:01 however, after we have worked with him
14:05 or after his case has been filed for a number of months,
14:09 then we take other steps to make sure that his case comes
14:12 to the top.. and one of those... is actually seeking the support
14:16 of his Congressional Law Office to ask them to enquire
14:20 about the status of his case, so... various methods we have
14:24 to try to bring the veterans case out from the million
14:29 to his getting a response
14:33 sooner than others,
14:35 but you can't do that without representation...
14:38 Yes, so you are able to kind of expedite the process a bit?
14:42 Yes... well through methods that we are able to use... Yes...
14:46 and of course it's different for each veteran's case...
14:49 So what are some of the disabilities that have a
14:53 high ranking with the VA... what are some of those
14:58 disabilities? All right... well the VA has...
15:00 OK... there must be over 250 disabilities that they have
15:07 ratings for... and each disability...
15:09 they would give you the symptoms for the level... from zero
15:13 or from 10% to a 100%... they would give you the
15:17 corresponding symptoms that a veteran would have...
15:22 I have a case of a veteran who has Leukemia...
15:27 and he was on active duty in the Gulf War...
15:32 and the VA had denied him based on the fact that his
15:38 Leukemia was not service-connected.
15:41 So there again... what we had to do... is to identify a
15:46 physician or actually... in this case...
15:48 it was his own physician... to ask him if he could state
15:52 that the Leukemia that he now is suffering from...
15:56 is as likely as not to have been service-connected.
16:01 That is the magic language that the VA doesn't necessarily
16:06 share this with veterans but as long as a physician can
16:12 determine that the diagnosis is as likely as not
16:16 to have been connected... with their military service
16:18 and because... this particular veteran... in the Gulf War was
16:21 exposed to so many fumes when he was over there,
16:24 then... his doctor did give that determination and the VA turned
16:29 the situation around and determined that he
16:31 was eligible for compensation... Ah... that is great...
16:37 what a blessing this is... this work must be for you...
16:42 how has this work impacted your life?
16:44 Well, you know my background, you know, I grew up in a home
16:52 where my father was a Minister and my mother...
16:55 and they always taught us that we had a responsibility
16:58 to determine... why we are here and what we are called to do...
17:02 and so that all of my career... I have basically had
17:06 the blessing of doing ministry along with my work...
17:09 so, I consider anything that I am doing as being
17:12 mission work that I am called to doing...
17:15 When I determined... I was called by several groups
17:19 to just do a presentation on VA benefits...
17:22 these groups have happened to be groups of men...
17:25 although we know that female veterans face the same problems,
17:29 so, in researching and determining...
17:31 what the steps veterans needed to do to receive their benefits
17:35 I just realized that it was an overwhelming process
17:39 and it was very difficult for the average veteran
17:42 to know that process... so in the process of kind of
17:46 preparing for that and then working with a number of the
17:49 veterans that came out of that, I just received a call that
17:53 this is such an area of disparity...
17:56 that this is what I am now called to doing...
17:59 You know, AT, God is so amazing...
18:02 Yes... He is... Because, you know,
18:05 OK... here you are... you've been able to...
18:09 this journey that you've been on has prepared you for this work,
18:14 Yes... it has... Yes... it has...
18:16 Your social work background, your law background,
18:20 culminating in this advocacy for the veterans...
18:24 that is so tremendous... Do you feel as though
18:27 you're walking now in your destiny that this is what
18:31 God has put you on the planet to do...
18:33 Without a question... this is where God has placed me
18:37 and I am doing my best to make good of what He has given me...
18:42 and as you indicated... my experience as a Social Worker
18:45 my experience working with families and children,
18:48 my experience working in Foster Care and Adoptions,
18:51 my experience working at HUD and Housing,
18:54 all of these have come together and is much needed
18:57 as I impact the lives of veterans...
19:00 who have been deprived of housing...
19:02 been deprived of their rightful served compensation.
19:07 That's tremendous, AT, and you seem so fulfilled...
19:12 you know, I tell our viewers on Urban Report all the time
19:15 that God has a plan for each of us...
19:18 that we have a divine destiny... and there's no fulfillment
19:23 like walking in that destiny... Yes...
19:26 But you first have to know, what it is...
19:29 and God will reveal it... and all of your experiences...
19:32 lead you on to that path of your destiny...
19:36 and I am just so thankful for what you are doing...
19:41 What would you tell a veteran today...
19:45 coming home from Afghanistan... what would you tell a veteran...
19:51 as to how... you know, somebody that's disabled...
19:54 the veteran is disabled... give us... just a capsule...
19:59 a brief capsule... of what you would tell that
20:02 veteran... on how to proceed... where to start...
20:05 OK... all right... the good thing is that the VA
20:08 is now having the process of educating the veterans...
20:12 prior to their discharge... which is good...
20:15 they are starting at a better place...
20:17 although I've got to tell you that only about 20% of veterans
20:20 really have the knowledge that they need
20:24 in order to pursue their claims but, what I tell veterans
20:28 is that the first step... Number one... is to really
20:32 determine whether you sincerely feel that you have a disability
20:35 that was connected with your service...
20:37 we know how difficult it is for veterans to reintegrate
20:40 into the community... so that there are many
20:42 disabilities that they may not have identified...
20:46 may be experiencing but have not identified...
20:49 so my first step is to recommend them to go to the VA
20:54 to have a complete Physical to determine if there are
20:58 any disabilities that may be connected with the VA.
21:02 That is the first step. Once they determine that there
21:05 is a disability... that there is something that's
21:08 not right or the doctor, perhaps, gave them a diagnosis
21:11 then they need to fill out... complete the claim...
21:14 and the claim... they can get assistance for
21:19 completing the claim... either through my office
21:21 but I usually refer them to the local veterans service
21:25 organizations or the local VA regional office...
21:29 they have people there who will assist them with the
21:32 initial claim... although, as I said, we don't
21:35 turn any veterans away... so whatever they need,
21:37 we're here to give them that... after they have completed
21:41 the claim... then, of course, there is the wait...
21:44 and we make sure... one of the major things that
21:46 will prevent a veteran from getting a timely response
21:50 is... that the application is not filled out completely...
21:56 so a completed claim... makes for a more speedy result
22:03 so, we try to oversee that process...
22:05 to make sure... give them assistance, if necessary,
22:07 in filling out the initial claim and just let them know that
22:10 when they receive a response from the VA
22:13 that they need to contact our office immediately because
22:17 it is at that point that we would be able to assist them.
22:20 Now, let me just ask you this, AT, where...
22:23 you are in the D.C. area but are you...
22:28 because you are a VA accredited attorney...
22:33 may you work with everybody... all around the country...
22:38 or does it have to be localized to your area?
22:41 No... because... VA Law is Federal Law...
22:45 then... I can represent veterans all over the country...
22:49 I have a number of veterans who are outside of the Maryland,
22:53 D.C. area... and that is not a problem at all...
22:56 to represent veterans and most of the work is
22:59 you know, they will send me copies of their reports or
23:02 send me copies of letters that they have received...
23:05 from the VA and I usually communicate with them
23:08 by phone or e-mail... That's tremendous...
23:12 Yes... so that is not a problem any VA certified attorney
23:15 can represent any veteran over the country...
23:18 And what is your website address? What is your website?
23:22 Yes... my website is www. annatowns. com
23:31 annatowns. com that is my website
23:37 and on my website, by the way, I do have a link for an
23:43 application for a disability compensation and pension
23:49 and I also have a phone number that they can call and speak
23:54 with one of the attorneys in the Firm...
23:56 That's wonderful... Give us your phone number
23:59 as well please... OK... that phone number is
24:01 202-681-7730 Give it one more time...
24:10 OK... that's 202-681-7730
24:19 and they will be able to talk with one of the attorneys here.
24:23 That's great... so they have to make sure that they
24:28 fill out the application completely...
24:31 that means... don't leave blank spaces
24:34 on the application... that's a very common problem...
24:37 Yes, yes, and then... because it might take a year
24:39 to get back to them to tell them that the
24:42 application was incomplete... correct?
24:44 That is typically what happens, that is typically what happens,
24:47 and the veteran, of course, is disappointed that, you know,
24:50 they are thinking that in a year in that letter...
24:52 there's going to be a check... and when the VA tells them
24:55 that they need additional information or that there
24:57 is a denial or they are not satisfied with the response,
25:00 usually the veteran will just stop the process,
25:04 but that, in fact, is the time that they are in a position
25:08 or they are authorized to contact our office or any
25:13 attorney and receive representation.
25:16 Now, we also, we have an e-mail address for you
25:20 and it's all right if our viewers e-mail you as well?
25:24 Oh yes, oh yes... well, let me just say that
25:27 on the website... there is a form for VA Evaluation
25:32 that is a VA Evaluation Form, and we will assess
25:36 any veteran's claim and let them know... steps that need to
25:41 be taken in order to, you know, move their
25:44 move their claim along... so they can give us information
25:48 on that claim form and submit it to us...
25:50 or, you are right, they can certainly e-mail us at
25:53 law@annatowns. com law@annatowns. com
26:00 great... thank you... So what is the cost for this
26:05 service... AT... What is the general cost
26:08 for this? Well, actually... there is no
26:11 cost to the veteran to receive our services,
26:15 if we are able to turn their situation around,
26:19 then the VA will pay the attorney
26:22 20% of the veteran's "back money"... in other words...
26:26 if the veteran has applied for a claim...
26:28 that starts the process for him, if, after he receives a denial,
26:33 for instance... and they come to our law firm...
26:36 and we are able to turn that around...
26:38 then the VA will typically, and this is common for all
26:42 lawyers... that the VA authorizes the
26:47 attorney to receive 20% of the veteran's back money...
26:51 but there is no charge... to the veteran...
26:55 That is tremendous! I am sure that our viewers
26:58 that are veterans or friends or family of veterans
27:02 that are hearing what you're saying...
27:04 are just going to be astounded that they don't even have to
27:07 pay for this service... We're here... we're here...
27:11 and we're here to help them and we don't anyone to feel
27:14 that they cannot retain... typically the veterans
27:18 or most people feel that in order to retain the services
27:20 of an attorney... that you've got to pay...
27:23 well, for us, it's different... we will reach out...
27:25 we will help them in any way possible...
27:27 money will not be a factor... and we will not be paid
27:31 unless the veteran's situation is turned around
27:34 and then... the VA will then pay us 20% of the veteran's
27:37 back money... That's tremendous...
27:40 AT our time is up... I can't believe it...
27:42 Thank you so much for being with us...
27:45 May God bless you in your work. Thank you Yvonne,
27:48 it was a pleasure to be here today...
27:50 Thank you... Well, once again,
27:52 our time has slipped away from us...
27:54 thank you so much for tuning in, join us next time...
27:56 you know... it just wouldn't be the same...
27:59 without you...


Revised 2014-12-17