Urban Report


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), John Casillas


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000045

00:01 Have you ever met a Corporate Executive Missionary that's on
00:03 fire for God? Well, stay tuned to do just that
00:07 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching Urban Report
00:32 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report...
00:34 My guest today is John Casillas, Senior Vice President of
00:38 HIMSS... listed by Treasury and Risk Magazine as one
00:42 of the top 100 Global Thought Leaders in Finance
00:46 and Fellow for the World Bank. Welcome to Urban Report... John
00:51 Thank you Yvonne, it's great to be here...
00:53 It's so great to have you here, you know,
00:55 in private... we've talked and I've told you,
00:58 You're a "Dare to Dream Walk-in"
01:00 I mean, really, the things that
01:03 God has blessed you to do, have been so incredible...
01:06 tell us a little bit about your background...
01:09 Where do you come from? I hail from Bucks County,
01:12 Pennsylvania... I have eight siblings... family of ten...
01:18 and we lived in Thompsonville, Pennsylvania.. not too far away
01:23 from the Amish country... Ah... OK, OK...
01:26 What was your childhood like? Well, when you have eight kids,
01:32 it's always trying to figure out where to sleep...
01:36 what to eat... So did you come from
01:39 impoverished situation... We actually, we waited in
01:44 Welfare lines... even at that time it was tough
01:49 for a long time for our family, my dad worked all the time,
01:54 my mom worked... even so we had a rough time...
01:57 I remember his take-home pay was like $86 a week at that time,
02:01 my mom would come out with this little budget book and she would
02:06 you know, make sure that we had all the expenses met.
02:10 That has to be so difficult, as you were growing up
02:15 did you know that you were poor or did you feel like you had
02:19 everything that you needed? I had no idea I was poor,
02:22 and I had no idea that I was Puerto Rican... and I was both,
02:28 But I just... it just didn't occur to me
02:35 and, you know, mom was very good at making sure that we had
02:40 everything... and we had a very supportive family structure
02:46 That's great... what was the spiritual environment like
02:50 as you were growing up? Dad was not a member of the
02:55 Church... and he was prone to stay out and do things like that
03:03 mom was our spiritual rock, and she was a praying woman,
03:11 I loved her dearly but she... she prayed a lot and she prayed
03:20 dad into the Church. Wow! after how many years?
03:24 Oh, that was... probably around 20 years of praying...
03:30 Isn't it interesting how... when we have an issue like that
03:36 to pray for, we should pray without ceasing.
03:40 Don't give up because that answer still can come
03:43 after 5 years, 10 years, twenty years,
03:46 so your mom hung in there... and prayed your dad...
03:51 into the Church... It's amazing how, when we talk
03:55 amongst the brothers and sisters how much of our memory
03:59 is locked into watching mom pray Tell us, tell me something
04:04 about that... Well, I mean, she would pray
04:09 a lot and I remember going past their bedroom... which
04:13 we never were permitted really to go into the bedroom,
04:18 but looking through the door and seeing mom pray,
04:22 she also got eight kids ready in the morning
04:31 and the way that she woke us up was that she would put
04:33 the King's Heralds on... in the morning...
04:37 Oh... So keep your eyes upon the
04:40 eastern skies... you know, and we are there listening to
04:43 this stuff, you know, when we were kids...
04:44 and we grew up that way. Every Sabbath morning, we'd hear
04:49 the record play... and we knew that it was time
04:56 to get up and go to Church... and she would drive us for
04:58 45 minutes... sometimes an hour, sometimes longer...
05:02 depending on the traffic... to get to the Bucks County
05:05 Seventh-day Adventist Church. She was very dedicated...
05:09 Was your dad supportive at that time of your religious
05:13 affiliation? Was he supportive even though he wasn't going?
05:17 I would say he was... he didn't really stop it
05:22 he didn't join it but it became a lot easier, of course,
05:27 when dad had his conversion experience.
05:30 Right... He lost his mother and I think
05:32 he began to think a little bit more... seriously about what
05:37 was happening and I remember...
05:40 I remember I broke the news to mom. I said,
05:43 "Mom, did you know that dad was reading the Bible?"
05:47 and she's like, "What?... " You knew before she did.
05:51 Oh yeah... I remember, you know, because I would walk past again
05:55 walking past the bedroom and dad... when he reads in English,
06:00 he lips it, you know, so tip,tip,tip,tip...
06:02 you know, he's doing that... and I was like,
06:05 "Well, that's really cool," and then I just, for some reason
06:08 I thought I'd tell mom about it and she was shocked...
06:13 Look at the example of your Godly mother that won your
06:17 father... not so much necessarily by what she said
06:21 but by what she did... as the Bible tells us... that
06:25 that, you know, converted spouse can actually win the other one.
06:31 Well, as a matter of fact, that's what happened.
06:37 More recently, we had a... it was September of 2009
06:42 and my mom went in for a routine gall bladder operation
06:48 and she never came back out of the hospital.
06:51 There was a surgical error, it's in the medical records,
06:55 as the cause of death, and
07:00 there are a lot of dimensions to that...
07:04 when you lose your mom it's a foundational cornerstone
07:10 and all of a sudden, for me, it was a loss of identity
07:15 and also a crisis of faith. I could not believe that God was
07:20 in that same operating room where the surgeon committed
07:26 that error for a woman who dedicated her life
07:30 so fearlessly towards the cause of God... in our family
07:34 and all over... she was well respected in the community
07:39 in Las Piedras, Puerto Rico, so, again, a lot of dimensions
07:44 to that but... to the point... dad goes to church
07:50 as fearlessly as prompted, you know, he's
07:56 he's at that Church all the time and that's where he gains
08:00 his strength and energy and he's totally...
08:03 So, you know, in the Bible it says,
08:06 "Blessed are those who die in the Spirit... at that time,
08:10 their works follow them," and you see the outworking of
08:13 her life all over... in witnesses, in Puerto Rico,
08:16 in America, in the family, We see it in you...
08:18 We see it in you... and what you are doing
08:22 for the cause of Christ. I want to go back for a second
08:25 because I think that we need to unpack this a little bit more.
08:30 When your mom died on that operating table,
08:35 and it became a crisis of faith for you,
08:40 so many people don't understand, we don't understand
08:44 why things happen, I lost my mom at 19 so I really
08:47 do understand the whole scenario of losing a parent,
08:52 and your mom was your spiritual foundation at that point
08:57 so, to lose her meant to lose some of your identity
09:02 where were you with God after that?
09:05 Because there are some people that are going through that
09:07 right now... where were you with God after you lost your mom?
09:11 This is where the spiritual rubber meets
09:16 the road of experience... in other words,
09:20 I was sorely tested... Hmm, hmm...
09:28 and you come to a point in life where you really...
09:35 you're forced to believe what you really think you believe...
09:41 Ah... OK... OK? You are raised with all
09:44 this information, you are raised with all those beliefs,
09:47 but when, you know, things like that happen,
09:51 it really tests whether or not you believe what you believe
09:56 and in that case, my mom and I were very
10:00 close we were very good friends, she would come up from
10:04 Puerto Rico and stay with me 5 or 6 months at a time,
10:07 and she used to chase me around the house
10:10 and we'd laugh, we went to Church together,
10:14 we did all kinds of things together... and she was a lovely
10:18 person so I had to really internalize
10:26 that notion that God would allow something like that to happen,
10:31 I think, and if I can turn to the Bible, because that's where
10:36 I always turn to... Please...
10:38 I read about John the Baptist, John the Baptist was blessed
10:44 among men, you know, he was considered by Christ,
10:46 he was called one of the greatest men, right?
10:48 Hmm, hmm... ... and he gave everything,
10:53 for the cause of the Lord, I mean, he lived in the desert
10:57 he didn't go into town to get a bite to eat,
11:01 ...he ate locust and honey... all right...
11:06 and he followed the will of God faithfully,
11:10 all the way to prison... and then from the prison
11:17 to some feast where the King said... you know..
11:21 "OK, you can put his head on a plate. "
11:24 You know, that was his fate... and you know,
11:29 for some people... and I've had that struggle
11:35 with that.. I've said, "Why did God allow that to happen?"
11:38 and I'm a big believer of Christianity...
11:42 and the writings of Ellen G. White...
11:43 I believe that she was a prophetess
11:45 and I read about that in The Desire of Ages,
11:48 and it impacts me even more so, now that I lost my mom
11:51 because for us, she was our John the Baptist.
11:54 hmmmmmmmmm... So how could God allow the
11:57 surgeon to cut her portal vein and have her essentially
12:00 bleed to death? Hmmmmmmm...
12:02 How could that happen to a servant of God?
12:07 and I came, you know, around... and, and,
12:13 I didn't revolt against God or anything like that,
12:16 It just... those questions haunt me...
12:18 and some of those things are still unresolved...
12:20 you know, but I know that with mom...
12:27 everything pointed to God... if mom were alive today...
12:32 if she... if I would have walked away from God,
12:34 that would have been the worst case scenario,
12:37 hmmmm, hmmmmm So that's one thing...
12:41 I want to honor my mom, Yes, yes, yes, yes...
12:45 But secondly, I want to bring honor to my God...
12:49 and if my God had to take my mom then, that's just the way,
12:57 that's just His will... that working of His will...
13:02 and, you know, we can't, we don't see the
13:09 beginning from the end, we just have to have faith,
13:13 and walk it... That is exactly what
13:17 this is about, isn't it? A faith walk... is it not,
13:22 you know, faith is not just believing that everything
13:26 is going to be OK... faith is holding on...
13:29 when things aren't OK... That's, that's...
13:34 Since I've given my life to the Lord, that has been
13:39 the story of my life... hmmm, hmmm, hmmm...
13:43 in fact, it's more so... that... there are times when you are
13:48 spiritually just rejuvenated... and you feel God in everything
13:54 you see Him... you know He's there...
13:57 but there are many times when it's dark...
14:00 and you have nothing to go on, except your belief
14:04 and your faith, and that...
14:07 that was one of those dark moments for me.
14:09 That... you know... I so appreciate your transparency
14:13 here because so many people are dealing with...
14:17 these are basic existential issues... you know, what do I do
14:22 when I am in the midst of my wilderness experience...
14:26 and I can't... I can't reason my way out of it,
14:30 I don't understand it, but I have to trust
14:35 in a sovereign God who did not cause this,
14:40 in His sovereignty, He allowed it to happen,
14:45 but I have to trust Him that whatever happened...
14:50 happened for a reason... and that's where your
14:54 faith comes in and the Bible says, "For without faith, it is
14:56 impossible to please Him... " so, you know, your desire
15:01 to hang in there with God... even in the midst of this
15:06 dark experience... is... it's a blessing...
15:10 it's a blessing for those who are going through that
15:14 same kind of experience right now...
15:16 What would you tell somebody who is...
15:19 look into that camera... this one right here...
15:22 and tell someone who is going through a dark time...
15:27 speak to that person... about what they should do
15:32 during that time... Well, first thing,
15:37 I've been there and I think we all have over here...
15:45 I would tell you this... that life is hard,
15:53 and I'm not telling you anything new... I want to identify with
16:01 what you're going through... life is hard,
16:04 and it's not fair... there are times when you just
16:12 want to give up... I felt that...
16:15 there were times when I just wanted to give up...
16:21 and somehow this God that we always talk about,
16:27 was able to reach me in my darkness and He was able
16:36 to, after 18 years of walking away from Him,
16:41 He was able to reach down and pick me up
16:44 and give me life again... I really... really was a
16:49 walking dead man... before I gave my life
16:53 back to Christ... I had left the Church for 18 years,
16:56 Was this after your mom died? This was before my mom died...
17:00 Okay... I know,
17:01 I'm mixing things a little bit, but, I realize that
17:09 all the things that the world was saying was success,
17:13 simply weren't... that, you know, the nice car,
17:18 the money in the bank, the nice house,
17:20 all those things that the world sort of pulls you towards
17:25 in all of their advertising and the magazines...
17:28 everything... is all geared towards this false reality...
17:34 and you have this "still small voice"
17:37 God saying, "You know, it's not about that"
17:41 it's about Him, it's about Him, it's about Jesus,
17:48 I remember when I realized that, I was lying on my couch,
17:54 and I basically said to the Lord ... at that time...
18:00 and I was not talking to the Lord... at that time,
18:02 actually I was talking to "three gods"... One was real...
18:08 the other two weren't... and I was being induced into
18:13 the spiritual realms... there are a lot...
18:15 there are some stories around that...
18:18 but I basically just said, "Lord, if you want this heap
18:22 of junk lying on this couch... you can have it... "
18:25 That was it... that's how I gave my life
18:30 to the Lord... then, right after I said that,
18:34 I had been having trouble breathing...
18:36 and I had to go to the hospital, but I was ignoring it,
18:39 because I knew it was bad... but I just didn't want to...
18:45 I just didn't care at that time, so, I basically said,
18:50 as an afterthought... but, if you are going to take me
18:55 heal me... and the next day I woke up
18:59 and I could breath... which didn't happen...
19:04 I mean, I had trouble breathing when I woke up in the morning,
19:07 Right... I breathed in deeply...
19:09 This morning was totally different from
19:11 the other mornings... It was completely different...
19:13 and I realized that the Lord heard me and then I
19:18 really got on my knees and I gave my life to God.
19:22 it's the best decision I ever made.
19:24 Absolutely... When was this? How long?
19:26 It was October of 1996. And you've never looked back?
19:30 Never looked back. Never looked back.
19:32 I'll tell you what though... Since that time,
19:36 it hasn't been rosy... I had to deal with things like
19:40 the loss of my sister, the loss of my mom,
19:43 I've had to deal with things like-what do I do for a living?
19:47 How do I make my next rent check?
19:50 you know... or my next mortgage payment...
19:53 all those things, you know. It has not been easy.
19:57 But look at where God has taken you from
20:01 to where you are now, you know, I mean, as one of the
20:06 top 100 Global Thinkers on Finance, you know, as the
20:11 Senior Vice President of HIMSS as a Fellow of the World Bank,
20:17 you know, and yet, what you're telling us is that..
20:21 your road has not been an easy one and yet God has led you
20:28 all the way... It's amazing...
20:32 How is it juggling your Christianity...
20:35 your Seventh-day Adventist Christianity with your career,
20:40 how do you do that? How do you negotiate that?
20:43 First of all, I am so,
20:46 so thankful, that I am a Seventh-day Adventist
20:49 Come on, come on... You know, I just...
20:52 I love the truths that we hold dear to our hearts...
20:58 I love that we're in the Movement that started in 1844...
21:02 that we are a part of... I love the three angels' messages
21:06 and I love that message... to give to the world...
21:09 I was just in Costa Rica at "It is Written" event...
21:12 I was one of 10 pastors and we had 20 baptisms in our Church
21:16 the Church that I was pastoring, there were about over a hundred
21:19 baptisms all together... So you're pastoring as well?
21:21 Yes... See, you know what?
21:23 I didn't even see that in your bio, I didn't even know,
21:26 I knew that you had attended seminary but I had no idea
21:28 that you were a pastor! So let's just add that to your
21:30 list of many accomplishments! There are "Professional Pastors"
21:34 and there are "Lay Pastors" I fit in the latter category,
21:36 OK... that's still, I mean, that's still awesome...
21:40 But I absolutely embrace our message and I love
21:43 to teach it and to preach it wherever I can.
21:47 But, you know, to the people that are out there
21:53 that are struggling, all I can say is,
21:55 those struggles are there for a reason,
21:58 Hmmm, they were there, for reasons,
22:00 that as I look back, and look at how I dealt with those struggles
22:05 I understand that God is working in me to develop love, joy,
22:10 peace, patience, humility, self-control, you know,
22:16 all those things, that really bring value,
22:20 and goodness and gentleness, to life... right?
22:23 hmmm, hmmmm ... all those things...
22:25 that's what God's doing, and what I do,
22:29 is almost irrelevant... you know I know it sounds impressive
22:37 Global Health IT Fellow for the World Bank,
22:40 and Senior, Vice President, HIMSS,
22:43 actually God gave me that, hmmm...
22:45 you know, it's nothing that I did,
22:48 hmmmm, God gave me an idea,
22:52 back in 1996...
22:55 with those ideas that He gives us, there are some
22:59 responsibilities... What was the idea?
23:01 Tell our viewers what the idea was...
23:04 The idea that crystallized in my mind, in my professional life,
23:11 was Medical Banking... What is that?
23:15 What is medical banking? So Medical Banking... and I
23:18 visited with 125 banks' CEOs, not necessarily trying to find
23:26 the idea but that's what happened as a result of it,
23:31 I began to identify much more with how a bank looks
23:35 at the community... and one of the key anchor points
23:39 in any community is the health care...
23:40 the health care side, the hospital... the doctors,
23:43 it is very important... in the community...
23:46 those relationships... and for a banker...
23:49 to finance those relationships...
23:51 it's just very important too... A lot of times you will see a
23:55 banker on the hospital board, you know, and that's why...
23:59 because the bank wants to maintain tight relationships
24:03 and really... to enhance the quality of the community,
24:07 so I started to look at that through the lens of a banker
24:10 and with my healthcare background... I began to see
24:15 how banks can use their resources to take healthcare
24:20 from where it's at today, to leapfrog many problems
24:26 and challenges that we have, for instance,
24:29 we spend between, depending on who you read,
24:32 10 to 30% of healthcare dollars on the paper-chasing healthcare
24:37 the administrative side of healthcare,
24:40 with banks... we are able to save at least 35 billion dollars
24:44 annually using their technology and their resources,
24:49 So, what I did was, I helped to bring together
24:53 the healthcare side and the banking side
24:56 and to bring those technologies together...
24:59 to create a whole new portfolio,
25:02 of medical banking services, that are offered by the largest
25:06 banks in the world today. That's tremendous...
25:09 that is tremendous... that's why... you're one of the
25:14 100 top guys... and globally... that's tremendous...
25:18 That think tank that was formed in Franklin, Tennessee was
25:22 eventually sold to a global Health-IT Association
25:26 called the HIMSS and the Health Information Management
25:30 System Society or HIMSS, and HIMSS now is...
25:38 when I came in, I was able to broker a relationship with the
25:42 World Bank that is spending money on Health Information
25:46 Technology... Hmmmm,...
25:47 I was thinking more like a banker, so my language...
25:51 they could understand... so I became the first Fellow
25:55 in the World Bank to help them with their policy
26:00 around investment and health information technology...
26:03 in developing countries around the world...
26:05 That's tremendous... and then you see...
26:07 when you go to these developing countries... like I got a couple
26:10 of e-mails from you... like you were over in Vietnam...
26:13 you got to preach or something, it's like you are taking
26:15 the gospel with you... on these trips...
26:18 Well, the coolest thing in the world is...
26:20 is that wherever you go... there's an Adventist Church
26:23 right around the corner... and if you do the
26:25 Sabbath School Quarterly, you don't have to
26:27 worry about going in cold... so... I love it, you know,
26:31 when I travel, I love going to our Churches...
26:34 I love to encourage people... I love praying with them...
26:36 I love our Socials... it's awesome...
26:39 and I do that in New Zealand, I was in New Zealand at a
26:43 Church there... the church in New Zealand is on fire...
26:47 Auckland, New Zealand... I love that place...
26:50 I was in Australia and visited Avondale College...
26:52 they were so kind and gracious to me...
26:54 they gave me a place to sleep, why wouldn't you love
26:58 this Church... I was able to see Sunnyside...
27:03 the Ellen G. White's estate there...
27:06 and then from there... I went to the Philippines...
27:08 I had been supporting a mission there...
27:12 Danny Hanson from Tennessee started a mission
27:15 in the Philippines... so we talked there...
27:18 and from there... I went to Vietnam...
27:20 Now in Vietnam... I just want to share a little story...
27:23 OK... we got 30 seconds... OK... we got 30 seconds...
27:27 So essentially, I went to Vietnam with the World Bank
27:30 to talk and I had a... there was a plenary session...
27:33 which means that everybody... 850 Health Care Executives...
27:36 were there... I gave that talk in 4 minutes...
27:39 I became the number one speaker of that entire event...
27:44 out of all 75 speakers... Wow!...
27:46 ...and I basically told the story of how my mom
27:48 lost her life... Yes...
27:50 I wish we had more time... I can't believe...
27:52 our time has slipped away... Thank you so much John...
27:55 will you come back again? Absolutely...
27:57 Because you are... Dare to Dream...
27:59 Join us next time... It just wouldn't be the same...
28:02 without you...


Revised 2014-12-17