Urban Report


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Benjamin Middleton, Ryan St. Hillaire


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000034

00:01 Do you want to meet some young men
00:02 that are doing great things for Christ in Media?
00:05 Well, stay tuned because they're right here
00:07 in the Studio with me today...
00:09 My name is Yvonne Lewis, and you're watching...
00:11 Urban Report...
00:33 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:35 Today our Program features two young men
00:38 that are using Media to reach the world for Jesus Christ
00:41 Ryan St. Hillaire and Benjamin Middleton
00:44 of UnScene Media Group, Inc. are here...
00:47 in the studio with us today...
00:49 Welcome to Urban Report Ryan and Ben... yeah...
00:52 Give me your hand Ben... good to have you here...
00:56 So, tell me... okay... first let's find out
01:00 a little bit about who you guys are...
01:02 Let's start with you Ryan, you're the Executive Director
01:05 of UnScene Media Group, where are you from originally
01:09 That's a good question, it really depends on what year
01:12 your asking me... I grew up in Canada
01:15 Okay... Toronto area...
01:17 and I went to School at Andrews University,
01:21 and since I graduated there well, basically,
01:25 since I graduated we've been involved
01:27 in full-time ministry.
01:28 Wow, that's wonderful... and we're going to find out
01:31 a lot about that ministry in a second
01:33 so you're originally from Canada
01:35 Yeah... but did you move away from there
01:38 did you move to the States or did you grow up there as well
01:40 Well, since I moved... when I went to School obviously
01:43 we moved down to Michigan, and I've been in the States
01:46 ever since... pretty much... and I've lived
01:49 in different places... I have lived in West Virginia
01:53 for a year... lived in basically
01:57 staying in Texas right now, Ah...
01:59 and so, I've been all over the place...
02:02 Okay, all right Ryan... and what about you Ben?
02:05 Well, I was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio
02:08 and then I spent a few years traveling...
02:11 I spent a year in West Virginia where we actually met,
02:14 I spent a couple of years in Michigan
02:16 and now I'm currently border-hopping between
02:19 here and Canada where my wife is...
02:21 Oh... okay... okay... and are you married
02:24 as well Ryan? No...
02:25 Okay, so we have one bachelor and one married...
02:28 You have any children, Ben? No, I just got married
02:30 about 7 months ago... Oh, you're a newlywed...
02:33 Oh, that's sweet... that's sweet...
02:35 so, have you guys always been involved in Media?
02:38 Tell us how you got involved in Media...
02:40 Yeah... it's for me... I mean, and we both have stories
02:44 but I've always been interested in Media...
02:48 Production...
02:49 that sort of thing from the time that I was little
02:51 I remember
02:53 getting together on Sabbaths
02:56 with my cousins... we'd be putting together
02:57 our little corny plays and we'd be giving out tickets
03:01 to all of our parents and getting them to come
03:04 and watch our plays and be making little movies
03:07 with the Legos... Lego Star wars and all sorts of things
03:11 and so I've always had an interest in Media
03:14 so I can't really say that it started at a particular time
03:18 Yeah... yeah... it sounds as though
03:21 that is part of God's divine plan for you
03:24 and it started really early...
03:25 What about you Ben? Well, it's kind of
03:27 the same story for me... as long as I can remember
03:30 we loved media
03:32 when I was a kid... we used to listen to
03:34 old-time Radio from the 1930s and 40s
03:36 and so we loved it so much that we tried to make our
03:39 own radio shows using cassette tapes...
03:40 do you remember cassette tapes?
03:42 Oh, wow, you're taking us back...
03:43 doing multi-track editing and
03:47 then we got into
03:48 making silent films... because that was the next best
03:51 thing... Charlie Chaplin was my hero
03:53 and after that... my brother and I
03:55 kind of got into making short films...
03:58 and then I said, "You know what...
04:00 if I have some desire to do something with media,
04:03 let me do it for God... and from there
04:05 until now... it's been total application to
04:08 Media Ministry... I love seeing young people
04:12 that are on fire for God...
04:14 because, with all of the things that the world has,
04:17 it just often sucks our young people in...
04:20 and with you guys being missionaries
04:24 for the Lord through Media
04:26 but you've actually gone to other countries
04:29 and done missionary work...
04:30 tell us a little bit about that...
04:31 Well, I actually always wanted to go on a mission trip
04:36 and to then record it and then bring it back...
04:39 because I remember, several years ago,
04:41 my sister went on a mission trip to Zambia
04:43 and she came back and she was telling all the
04:44 mission stories of how
04:46 they were working with the children
04:47 and all the appeals that were made
04:50 and the decisions that were made
04:51 the baptisms... and I thought to myself
04:53 "You know what? there's got to be something
04:55 even greater than the story...
04:57 if people could see it, instead of hearing it...
04:59 it would change people's lives...
05:00 and so, the next year
05:02 I had an opportunity to go to Zimbabwe...
05:04 and on that trip...
05:05 it changed my life completely...
05:08 How, how did it change your life?
05:10 Well, I realized that I really don't need much of anything
05:13 to exist... we were out there
05:15 and these people have... almost nothing...
05:17 you know, they live in their little huts,
05:19 and they eat their food everyday...
05:21 and they sleep on the ground...
05:23 and we were out there with them...
05:26 and we're out bathing... in the cold wind...
05:30 I remember soaping up the wind blows
05:33 20-miles-per-hour wind...
05:34 I don't care what the temperature is...
05:35 with 20-miles-per-hour winds, you get really cold...
05:37 and so we were out there and I recognized...
05:41 "You know what? this is a serious mission...
05:44 this isn't like building a church in Hawaii...
05:49 this is a really dirty mission" you know...
05:52 and as I was recognizing this is what
05:54 God is calling all of us to do...
05:56 to make sacrifices for the Kingdom of God...
05:58 I recognized, "Man, let me take
06:01 my relationship with God to the next level... "
06:03 and so, from there until now, I've decided that
06:06 full-time ministry is the way to go...
06:07 Oh, that is just wonderful...
06:09 Let me just say something about the trip...
06:11 yeah... I remember us talking about
06:12 a little bit before you went on the trip and
06:15 you know, I thought it was a good idea...
06:18 but I didn't really see the whole picture of
06:21 everything... but afterwards when you came
06:24 back with the footage, I mean, I was really amazed
06:26 at what you came back with...
06:28 Hmmm... but even then...
06:29 it didn't really hit me until afterwards
06:31 when we finished the production, hearing the stories
06:34 of people that had watched the DVD,
06:36 and it's just... it really had such a big impact
06:40 on their life... and they actually had
06:42 missionaries... that decided to become
06:45 missionaries because they had watched the film...
06:47 As a result of the film...
06:48 so that was really cool... Wow...
06:50 That's wonderful and is this the Docudrama...
06:54 Yes... Is it like a Documentary?
06:55 You want to hold it... Yeah... hold it up...
06:58 I think you're covering up
07:00 Zimbabwe... there we go...
07:03 This is a documentary "Zimbabwe"
07:05 I think it's... how long is it?
07:07 It's about an hour... It's about an hour...
07:10 and it covers 3 teams of missionaries...
07:12 in Zimbabwe who went...
07:14 I mean we were sometimes
07:16 hiking 8 hours a day... to give Bible Studies to people
07:19 people were upset because, "Oh you go to their house,
07:21 why didn't you come to our house?"
07:23 you know... sometimes 20 miles a day
07:25 on foot... it was extensive
07:28 but people were hungry for the gospel...
07:30 Yes... it was really life changing...
07:31 That's so wonderful, in fact, praise the Lord,
07:34 we're going to be showing this... hopefully
07:37 on Dare to Dream... Praise the Lord...
07:39 So, that will be wonderful, so Viewers...
07:41 watch out for it... it's...
07:43 "Zimbabwe... this soil also"
07:45 and we're going to be showing this DVD
07:47 on Dare to Dream... Lord willing...
07:52 So, again, it's unusual for me to meet
07:56 young missionaries, and I'm loving this...
08:00 because you can be a missionary
08:01 and go to a foreign country,
08:02 you can be a missionary right here...
08:05 and so, tell us about UnScene...
08:07 Where did that name come from...
08:09 where did UnScene Media Group come from?
08:12 Okay... that's an interesting story...
08:14 we often joke about it and say that,
08:17 "We're called UnScene because nobody has ever
08:20 seen our stuff... " That was before...
08:24 that was before... And often times we find
08:28 ourselves working with "unseen budgets" as well...
08:30 We understand that here as well...
08:35 More realistically though
08:37 the name, didn't come to us very... you know...
08:41 just off the top of our head... we were deliberating
08:44 over a name for weeks probably about a month, maybe...
08:49 Hmmm... hmmm... and just praying about it
08:51 because we wanted to find something
08:53 that was based on a Bible Verse...
08:56 Hmmm... you know, Scripturally based
08:58 but also... that was kind of fun though
09:01 we could... kind of... have a play on words...
09:02 Hmmm... and so, finally, we came up
09:05 with the name... well, we came up with
09:08 the idea of "Scene" because "Scene" could be spelled
09:10 either way... see on the T-Shirt
09:12 it's spelled "SCENE" Yes..
09:14 and when you're dealing with television...
09:17 a "Scene" is basically what you see...
09:20 Right... every time you turn on
09:22 your television... Right...
09:23 and so, we played with that and we found a verse
09:27 in 2 Corinthians 4:18 that basically says that
09:31 "We fix our eyes not on what is seen,
09:33 but on what is unseen" Come on now...
09:36 because what is "seen" is temporary...
09:38 but what is "unseen" is eternal
09:41 I think we can get ready to have a little Church
09:43 up in here now... I love it...
09:45 Preach now... I know... Preach... I love it...
09:48 That's beautiful... That's the mission of what we're
09:50 doing... basically is turning the eyes and the hearts
09:53 of people to "unseen realities" the things that are unseen...
09:57 Yes... but by using CDs...
09:59 Yes... and you've been able to
10:02 what I love about your work and what I have seen
10:05 "Scene" is that... it's fresh and it's new
10:12 and it's cutting edge... you know...
10:14 it's not just some boring presentation
10:16 in fact... we have a little clip of your "War Plans" trailer
10:21 that you've done... and we'll put it up in a second
10:25 but it's fresh and it's edgy, you know,
10:29 you guys bring this whole other deal...
10:33 you bring your youth, you bring the whole contemporary
10:37 mind-set to what you do, and so,
10:39 this is really a blessing...
10:41 Set up... our little clip for us if you would...
10:45 Okay... definitely... the "War Plans" Project
10:48 one of the elements of the "War Plans" Project
10:52 includes these videos which are basically
10:55 they're short... kind of devotional thoughts...
10:57 they're about 8 to 10 minutes each...
10:59 and the ideas we want to bring... to people
11:02 different topics of "Spiritual Warfare"
11:05 and make it... so practical...
11:06 that somebody can just pop in a DVD...
11:09 watch the presentation, go through... a Study Guide
11:12 each presentation comes with a Study Guide
11:14 and walk away with it... with things that they can do
11:18 right away... that day...
11:19 that moment to increase their effectiveness
11:22 in the spiritual battles that they face every day...
11:24 that's wonderful... now, and I'm glad you said
11:27 "Spiritual Battles" because there are some people
11:29 who are watching... who don't know
11:31 what "Spiritual Warfare" is... what is it?
11:36 Spiritual Warfare is basically you know,
11:41 Ephesians 6:12 says that "we wrestle not against
11:43 flesh and blood, but against principalities
11:45 against powers... against the rulers of darkness
11:48 in high places... "
11:49 Hmmm... hmmm... you know, every time that we
11:52 walk out of the door... the enemy is trying to
11:55 capture our hears and our minds...
11:57 Who is our enemy? The enemy is the Devil... Satan
11:59 Hmmm... hmmm... and he is basically...
12:03 we're in a great controversy, and if the enemy
12:06 can capture our hearts... have our affections...
12:09 have us pre-occupied with things
12:12 that will distract us from God, then... he is winning the battle
12:16 for our souls... so, even distraction...
12:19 then are issues... and the reason why I'm having
12:22 you say these things is because again...
12:24 many of our viewers might not be familiar with
12:27 some of our terms
12:29 that we just kind of use as we talk...
12:32 Hmmm... hmmm... so, you're saying then...
12:34 that every day... as we leave home...
12:38 the enemy has distractions for us...
12:41 the enemy has things that he wants to use
12:43 to pull us away from God... Hmmm... hmmm...
12:46 this gives us some tactics some strategies
12:50 that we can use... Actually, tactics is just one of
12:54 of the categories I don't know if you can
12:57 see inside of here... we have 4 Categories
13:00 that we put together... okay...
13:01 Tactics are basically how we engage the enemy
13:07 how we engage in the spiritual battles
13:10 that we have to face every day...
13:11 Hmmm... hmmm... we have another Category
13:13 that's called Munitions... Munitions are basically
13:15 the weapons of our warfare... what is it that we use
13:18 to engage in these spiritual battles
13:20 that we face everyday...
13:22 Hmmm... hmmm... We have Reconnaissance
13:26 Reconnaissance is about knowing the enemy...
13:28 knowing the arsenal of tools that he has
13:31 to capture our hearts and our minds...
13:33 to capture our affections basically
13:36 and then the last category is Terrain...
13:40 this is my favorite... That's why it is great to have
13:42 partners right, you guys can work with each other.
13:45 That's great! Terrain is... you can share your thoughts
13:47 Well "Terrain" is looking at where are the battles
13:51 being fought... because ultimately,
13:52 we have to recognize
13:54 we're in the middle of a war... the war between good and evil
13:56 right and wrong, heaven and hell,
13:58 God and the Devil... Hmmm...
14:00 and the battle is over us... Hmmm...
14:03 so, depending on who controls the terrain...
14:06 they gain advantages... you know...
14:08 just like in a war... if you get to high ground
14:10 and you have advantage over the person on the lower ground,
14:12 in the same way... the battlefield for us
14:15 is the mind... Hmmm...
14:16 and whoever maintains the possession of the mind,
14:19 gets all the benefits that that terrain has to offer
14:21 whether it's for good or for evil...
14:23 Ah... so then... what you're saying is that
14:27 there is a battle... over winning you...
14:31 Hmmm... hmmm... somebody is going to win you...
14:34 Absolutely... who is it going to be?
14:36 Right? Let's take a look at this clip
14:38 that you guys did, with "War Plans"
14:48 If any man be in Christ he is a New Creation
14:53 we've all heard this said before...
14:55 but what does it really mean to have a contest
14:59 between a police officer in a uniform
15:01 versus... a random dude on the street?
15:03 Our identity as Christians is sort of like...
15:06 the officer's uniform... only... what we wear...
15:09 is more than just a uniform
15:11 it didn't help these guys out either...
15:13 we are told that the demons
15:16 spoke through the man and said
15:18 there are 3 basic steps that we need
15:20 to put on our new identity they are...
15:24 Claim... Renounce... and Live...
15:33 Wow... that's a tease... right there...
15:35 because now... you want to see more...
15:37 like what are you going to talk about
15:39 and what more is there, and you do some as well...
15:43 don't you Ben? so you guys kind of
15:45 you do some... Ryan...
15:46 and then Ben does some and you put it all together
15:50 and it is... a devotional...
15:52 a kind of a video devotional... Hmmm... hmmm...
15:54 tell us... tell us more...
15:55 We have these... I didn't show these
15:57 but, as you can see we have 2 Study Guides here
16:03 the DVD actually comes with 4 presentations...
16:08 each one is 10 minutes each... but each presentation
16:12 has a study guide that you can go through
16:14 and, it will give you a Biblical foundation
16:16 for what we're talking about
16:18 and take you through the different steps
16:20 that we take you through in the video
16:23 and just really help you to really solidify
16:26 how to engage that particular Tactic
16:29 or to understand that particular Terrain
16:31 or whatever it is that we're talking about
16:34 in that particular video...
16:35 This is great... this is great for
16:37 young people's groups, AY-Adventist Youth,
16:41 Sabbath School... I mean...
16:42 this Study Groups with the Youth...
16:46 this is wonderful... really... I mean...
16:48 and to see you guys doing this...
16:50 it's such a wonderful blessing...
16:52 for us... as older folks it's really wonderful to see
16:59 men on fire for God... I'm loving it...
17:01 and we love that at Dare to Dream too...
17:04 Thank you... What is your vision for
17:06 Unscene Media
17:07 where do you think God... you already know
17:11 where he's brought you from,
17:12 we're going to talk about that in a minute...
17:13 What's your vision... what's your dream?
17:15 Well, we want to... we don't want to just "Produce"
17:19 because we find that ultimately
17:21 for us... we're just 2 guys...
17:23 and as much as we like to do... we can't do everything
17:27 and so our objective is to not just Produce...
17:31 but to train others how to Produce...
17:33 you know, they'll say, "You can give a man a fish...
17:36 and you can feed him for a day...
17:38 or you can teach him how to fish
17:40 and you can feed him for a lifetime... "
17:41 Hmmm... it's that same concept
17:43 except for... you can produce a video
17:46 and capture someone's mind for a day...
17:48 or you can teach them to produce videos
17:51 and they can capture
17:52 everyone else's minds for a lifetime...
17:54 Okay so now... so wait a minute now
17:55 now you're telling us... that the average person
18:00 can produce a video... Absolutely...
18:02 Okay... show me... show me...
18:05 I'm like "Thomas... "
18:07 With technology today it's actually
18:09 fairly easy... to record video...
18:11 I mean... anybody who even has something as simple
18:14 as say... an iPhone... Okay...
18:16 these days... your average iPhone
18:18 will record High Definition Video
18:21 all you need is some way to hold it still
18:23 while you're recording... so...
18:25 if you can get a little... you can even prop it up
18:27 with a book... Okay...
18:29 and this is going to record
18:30 High Definition Video... but the issue is
18:32 that you need to have some good lighting...
18:34 because it's a really small camera...
18:36 Okay... and you don't need a lot
18:38 of money for good lighting...
18:39 I remember I was on a mission in Newfoundland, Canada
18:42 and I needed to set up an interview
18:44 but I didn't have any lighting, so I went to
18:47 Wal-Mart and I bought 2 utility lights...
18:48 I spent $30... and I set them up
18:51 and then I took some tissue paper...
18:53 and covered it over to soften the light...
18:56 and then I started recording...
18:57 when I came back with the footage...
18:59 people thought I had been in a Studio...
19:01 the truth is... you don't need the greatest
19:04 technology... to do this... you can start off
19:07 with something small as even a Camera Phone
19:09 to do your recordings...
19:11 And you just need the skills... Right...
19:13 Absolutely... You just need the information
19:14 to know... how to do it...
19:16 and that's one of the things that we're trying to do...
19:17 I mean... the ultimate goal for our ministry is
19:20 we want to start a training program...
19:22 Okay... our young people can
19:24 come and they can learn the skills
19:26 that they need to be able to produce
19:28 stuff that we're producing... Yes...
19:31 and even right now... we do little workshops
19:33 here and there... in Churches that invite us out
19:36 to teach their youth... their young people...
19:39 how they can use...
19:40 just simple tools...
19:42 like iPhones... like we talked about...
19:44 how to light things with basic...
19:46 with shop lights... Yes...
19:48 you know... things that you can get at Wal-Mart...
19:51 and how to put together movies and short films...
19:54 This is wonderful... with that, we need to have your contact
19:56 information... up on the screen...
19:58 so that... people can go to your website
20:01 and can they invite you from the website
20:03 or they can contact you...
20:05 All the contact information is on the Website...
20:07 That would be great because I'm sure
20:10 that after hearing what you guys are doing...
20:13 people would want to invite you...
20:14 show us some of the things that you brought...
20:16 explain it...
20:17 Right here... I actually have everything
20:20 that I need to produce a video...
20:22 Do you have the camera? Wow...
20:24 Wow... So this is what we shoot...
20:27 we shoot DSLR... and we can get amazing
20:31 video with DSLR these days...
20:34 What's DSLR... for somebody like me
20:36 who has no clue... about that... what's DSLR?
20:38 Basically if you see a camera that looks like this...
20:41 Hmmm... hmmm... it's what they call a...
20:44 Digital... SLR Oh, it's a digital... okay...
20:47 and they get amazing video because of the Chip Size...
20:51 it has a very large Chip... which means...
20:54 that it can take in a lot of "Live information"
20:57 you obviously have some limitations
21:01 that you don't have with a traditional video camera,
21:04 Hmmm... hmmm... but, I'm not going to go into
21:06 technical... just the basics...
21:08 I know because our time is running out and I'm hating that.
21:11 Okay... so go ahead...
21:12 I can show you some of the stuff here...
21:15 Okay... this stuff I carry around
21:17 in my backpack... a roll of Gap Tape...
21:19 Gap Tape comes in handy...
21:21 What do you use it for?
21:23 We can use it for anything... for holding things up
21:26 for taping wires together... Okay...
21:29 the reason we use Gap Tape
21:30 is because it doesn't leave residue on your wires
21:33 like Duct Tape will... if you tape Duct Tape
21:37 down on something and it gets hot...
21:38 it will be like a Slime Monster attacked it...
21:41 Oh... when you're trying it off
21:43 so, we don't use Duct Tape...
21:45 Okay...
21:47 this is another really neat thing to have...
21:49 call it Cinefoil... it's basically just
21:51 black aluminum foil and you can wrap it around
21:54 any kind of light... if you have a shop light
21:57 you can use it to control the direction that your light
22:00 is going in... where do you get that from...
22:02 this... you can order it from a photography store...
22:06 Okay... I actually got this from
22:09 B and H Photo... Okay...
22:11 but yeah... any photography store
22:13 or videography store
22:15 will have stuff like this... Great...
22:17 and, of course, the most important part
22:20 is my Macbook Pro... we use this for editing and...
22:28 We can't leave home without it. Oh...
22:30 So, now, suppose... okay, so... you're telling us
22:34 that if anybody... watching... wants to do
22:38 a movie or a video... this is all that they need...
22:43 to do that... Yup... absolutely...
22:45 Well, they have to have ideas too...
22:47 that's the hard part...
22:48 this stuff is easy... but...
22:50 you know, if you have a good idea,
22:52 then you can make it a reality. Wow... and what's this?
22:57 This is called the Slate... and the number one reason
23:01 why I use this is... sometimes when we record...
23:04 like... for example... I just did a workshop
23:06 down in McAllen, Texas... Hmmm...
23:08 We were training some of the people there
23:10 to shoot with iPhones
23:12 and we did a shoot...
23:13 kind of like... what we're doing right here...
23:15 with 3 people... we had about 4 iPhones...
23:17 each iPhone was focused on a different person
23:20 we had one on a wide shot...
23:21 Will any Smartphone do?
23:24 Not every Smartphone will record full-quality,
23:30 High Definition Video...
23:31 So, you need to make sure that whatever Smartphone
23:34 you have... it records HD...
23:36 Right... Okay... okay...
23:37 And the iPhone is... just happens to be
23:40 a really good... it happens to have a really
23:42 good camera in it... Okay...
23:43 so the reason that I use this is because
23:47 we actually recorded our audio separately...
23:49 which is one thing that makes a big difference
23:53 in the final product... because iPhone is not
23:56 going to record the best audio...
23:57 Ah... but then you have to sync it up...
23:59 We have to sync it together... Yeah...
24:01 So, at the beginning... I mean... people have probably
24:03 seen these in movies... Yeah... Cut...
24:05 Lights... Camera... Action... Right...
24:07 Yeah... yeah... and...
24:09 Okay... and then we use that
24:12 afterwards in Post to sync everything together...
24:15 Wow... This is wonderful!
24:19 you guys have taken the whole idea of
24:22 little becomes much... you know...
24:25 when you place it in the hands of the Lord...
24:27 Amen... and so... that is just
24:29 a wonderful thing...
24:31 What do you want our viewers to take away
24:34 from this interview... each of you...
24:36 What do you want them to know
24:39 when they turn off their television,
24:43 after this interview... what do you them to know
24:45 about you and what you're doing?
24:47 Well, I think for
24:49 for people to walk away with
24:51 and also the mission of our ministry
24:53 is to help people realize that you can do something
24:58 if you feel... that God has impressed
25:01 on your heart that the reality of the spiritual
25:05 battle that we're in... Hmmm... hmmm...
25:08 you can use the tools that you have
25:10 Hmmm... to reach out to your own peers
25:12 to reach out to people around you...
25:15 Hmmm... hmmm... and that's essentially
25:18 what we're seeking to do... even with the "War Plans" series
25:21 we're not just producing a video
25:22 for somebody to sit down on their couch
25:25 with jammies... and have a nice video to watch
25:31 Right... we want to give them a tool
25:33 that they can use... to continue to reach out
25:36 to more people... That's wonderful...
25:39 that's basically what we want people to walk away with
25:43 Yeah... How about you Ben?
25:44 I would say that the thing that I want everyone
25:46 to remember is that... "Dreams can become Realities"
25:49 Hmmm... just about a year ago,
25:51 Ryan and I were first starting
25:54 this ministry and we had a lot of dreams
25:56 we thought... "Oh Man, we could produce DVDs
25:59 and we could do this... and we can train people...
26:01 we can do that... and all of that sounded so great
26:03 and wonderful... but the truth is that
26:06 we had no money... we had no time...
26:08 we had nothing... all we could do was tell people
26:10 that we had a dream... but here we are,
26:13 a year later, and because God has blessed,
26:15 we've been able to turn that dream
26:16 into a reality... Yes...
26:18 so even the name of the Network, the Dare to Dream Network,
26:20 is kind of what we're all about, Praise the Lord...
26:23 dreams can become reality through Christ...
26:25 Amen... amen... and we are thrilled that
26:28 you are going to be, Lord willing,
26:31 a part of our Dare to Dream team...
26:32 we want to thank you so much for all that
26:35 you're doing... for the cause of Christ...
26:39 God will... take us and mold us and use us
26:42 if we just are available...
26:44 if we're just available...
26:46 Well, today you've heard from two young men
26:49 that have been given a mission for the Lord...
26:53 they have, a sense of purpose and focus for God,
26:56 what are you doing for the cause of Christ
26:59 if you haven't figured it out yet,
27:01 then, ask God to show you and then get started
27:04 your life will never be the same again...
27:07 you've seen... how Ryan and Ben
27:10 have just taken all that God has given them
27:14 and they've turned it into a ministry
27:16 that God can use for His glory...
27:18 that's what he wants to do with you...
27:21 He has a plan for you, I know I say this all the time
27:24 but you need to remember
27:26 that God has a plan for you
27:27 a divine plan for you... ask him...
27:30 what does He want you to do...
27:32 and then walk in that plan...
27:34 Well... we've reached the end of another Program...
27:37 Thanks so much for tuning in...
27:40 We really want you to continue
27:42 to take a look at Dare to Dream...
27:43 we have some great things coming up
27:46 in the future and we want you to just
27:48 hang in there with us... know that
27:51 we are really, really trying to find programming
27:54 that works for you... and join us next time
27:58 it just wouldn't be the same without you...


Revised 2015-03-24