Urban Report

From Darkness To Light

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Dwayne Lemon, Lance Wilbur


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000032

00:01 One of today's guests choreographed routines
00:02 for some of the Music Industry's biggest stars
00:05 the other guest was on the verge of a lucrative music deal...
00:08 Stay tuned to find out why they are no longer buying
00:12 into the hype of the world...
00:13 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:16 Urban Report...
00:37 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:40 Today our guests are Dwayne Lemon and Lance Wilbur
00:43 Co-Directors of Tekoa Missions...
00:45 Welcome to Urban Report Dwayne and Lance... Yeah...
00:49 Thank you for having us... Glad to have you...
00:52 and you know what's great? I have you in the Studio...
00:55 because usually, I have to Skype in guests
00:56 because we are kind of in a remote area...
00:59 but you guys are here... live and in person...
01:02 Oh, so good to have you... Thank you...
01:05 You have such compelling testimonies...
01:07 and I know... our Viewers are... many times they...
01:11 you can just kind of get impressed by
01:14 what's going on out there...
01:16 without really knowing what's behind it...
01:18 I think... if people really knew what was behind everything,
01:21 they would be a little appalled by it...
01:24 Hmmm... hmmm... So tell us... tell us...
01:26 I'll start with you Dwayne
01:27 give us the basics of your testimony... like
01:31 where did you come from...
01:32 what were you doing before? let's just talk...
01:35 Yeah, basically, I was born in Queens, New York...
01:38 Yup, New York... we're going to give New York a shout-out...
01:41 I'm a New Yorker too... yeah... okay...
01:43 Specifically in an area called Hollis Queens
01:44 Okay, okay... and Hollis Queens was
01:46 very, very well-known for being one of the center areas
01:50 in Queens, New York for the hip hop culture
01:52 and a few Rap artists... one of them being Run DMC
01:55 there were from there... amongst several others...
01:58 Isn't 50 Cent from Queens too... and Jay Z...
02:01 weren't they from Queens? Well, Jay Z, I'm not really sure
02:04 I think Jay Z was from Brooklyn Okay... okay...
02:06 but nevertheless... you know... it was a central area
02:09 where a lot of concentration of the hip hop culture
02:11 could be seen... and, of course, a lot of people
02:14 of today... have come from Queens...
02:16 nevertheless, that's where I grew up...
02:18 and I grew up in a home that was not religious...
02:20 Hmmm...
02:21 there was no profession of any kind...
02:23 of any religions... my parents basically said,
02:25 "Don't kill anybody
02:27 and don't steal anything
02:28 and more-than-likely you'll be all right
02:29 and probably you'll even make it to heaven"
02:30 Hmmm... very simple rules...
02:32 nevertheless, you know,
02:34 growing up in a home where I'm the youngest of 8...
02:36 my... yeah... Oh...
02:38 my father... he was married to another woman
02:41 and they had 7 children... and then she died...
02:44 and then my father met my mother and then I was number 8...
02:46 Okay...
02:47 so there were 5 boys and then 3 girls...
02:50 Wow! so, I was the youngest of course
02:53 and, you know, we grew up in a home where
02:56 there was somewhat of a love one for another
02:58 as far as brothers and sisters were concerned...
03:00 we cared for each other...
03:02 we bothered each other... we made each other mad...
03:04 we did what a lot of families did
03:06 in those days... and nevertheless...
03:08 we grew up in a home
03:10 where dad was self-employed...
03:12 for the most part... yeah... he would do a lot of
03:14 side painting jobs... he did work for a blue-color
03:16 Organization but most of his income came from that...
03:19 so as a result of that... hustling a lot... to make money
03:23 dad was not home very often... mom was in the Corporate world
03:27 and she was working in the World Trade Center
03:28 and, you know, Mom was a Corporate Woman...
03:30 she is from the Virgin Islands, she was the daughter of a
03:33 Methodist Pastor... and dad, pretty much, as far as
03:36 I remember... people used to refer to dad as somebody who was
03:39 always... had street knowledge, street life...
03:41 Now, when you say "hustling" you don't mean,
03:43 "hustling... hustling"
03:44 No, no... "hustling" in this context...
03:46 was working really hard like over-working...
03:49 Okay, I just wanted to make sure Yeah...
03:51 Finer terms... Yeah, yeah, understood...
03:54 Okay... so, you know, so mom was there
03:56 as much as she could be... dad, again, hard worker...
03:59 very strong and discipled...
04:02 you did not cross dad or else... the wrath would come...
04:04 Hmmm... but nevertheless
04:05 they did their best of what they could offer
04:09 to give myself and my brothers and sisters a happy home...
04:11 all right... Yes...
04:13 now, in that, you know, we did not get a chance to
04:17 get the nurturing that would come from
04:20 what we understand today as a "Bible-believing household"
04:23 Hmmm... you know where there is
04:25 morning worship, evening worship,
04:26 Right... regular church attendance
04:28 prayer and things like that, we didn't get any of that...
04:30 There wasn't any prayer going on at home?
04:32 There was no prayer at all...
04:33 Okay... at all... we went to Church
04:34 pretty much once a year, that was around Easter time
04:36 and for me... that was the time to show off my new suit
04:39 because I didn't wear a suit any other time...
04:41 Okay... okay... you know, very, very vain...
04:43 just empty... no religion whatsoever
04:47 with that being said... I grew up watching television,
04:50 being trained and reared up by entertainment,
04:53 video games... all of these different things,
04:55 anything that just could stimulate me enough
04:57 as a young child to have a lot of fun...
04:59 so, in that environment... growing up...
05:02 my family, I discovered, was very musical...
05:04 my brother Michael... he sang, he tried to go ahead and sing...
05:09 he never made a career of it, of course,
05:11 but nevertheless, he tried... my brother Leslie was
05:13 very talented... he knew how to play the keyboard
05:15 he knew how to play several instruments,
05:19 my brother, Vernon, was excellent at the drums,
05:21 and my father was a drummer...
05:22 he used to play at the night clubs in Harlem...
05:24 So, you come from a musical family...
05:26 Correct... yeah... so there was a lot music going on
05:28 but I didn't have any of these musical talents...
05:31 we used to listen to Rhythm and Blues,
05:33 a little bit of gospel... very little gospel...
05:36 but then... we also listened to something called Funkadelic
05:38 it was like... what they call T-Funk...
05:40 Hmmm... hmmm...
05:41 and it was kind of... like a mixture
05:43 of a lot of different types of music... all into one...
05:46 nevertheless, that's what we grew up on... so...
05:49 listening to all this music in the house, it got to a point
05:52 where I wanted to find out "Well, what's my talent?"
05:54 so, I tried playing the drums, wasn't very good at it...
05:57 Hmmm... hmmm... touched the keyboard...
05:58 couldn't do it... my father always said I had
05:59 fingers made for the keyboard but it just never panned out...
06:02 Hmmm... hmmm... but what I did notice was that
06:04 that every time music would play...
06:06 my feet would just start naturally moving...
06:08 Hmmm... I mean, it was very, very
06:10 impulsive... it was like... as soon as you heard something,
06:13 it was like, "Oh, okay... " and I started moving around...
06:15 so I discovered at a very young age that
06:17 that I knew how to dance... Okay...
06:20 yeah, that was just something that I loved to do...
06:22 it was like... any time music would play...
06:24 and later on... I discovered that there are some people
06:28 who move to music...
06:29 and there are other people, who the music moves...
06:31 Hmmm... and the people who the
06:33 music moves... always made the best dancers
06:35 Okay, so explain that... explain that a little bit...
06:38 There are some people when they listen to music...
06:41 they are trying to process it in their mind,
06:46 and to keep their bodies and their motions coordinated
06:49 to the music so they can move at a certain pace and so on
06:52 I see... I see... there's a lot of this effort
06:54 that's being put out... and then there are other people
06:56 that when the music plays... it's moving you...
06:58 so it's almost like your body is naturally flowing with the music
07:01 Okay... those always made
07:03 the better caliber of dancers... Okay... okay...
07:05 yeah, and we discovered that later on
07:07 because the music was always moving me...
07:08 it was just moving me...
07:09 So, you went into dancing, I assume...
07:12 Oh yeah, definitely, definitely, it got to a point where
07:15 it first started just... being in my home and when we
07:18 were playing music in my backyard during a barbeque
07:20 then... Dwayne was "the entertainment"
07:23 Okay... so, you know, and I loved
07:24 getting attention... because I just didn't get
07:26 as much as I needed... from my parents...
07:29 Hmmm... hmmm... so there was still
07:30 somewhat of a love gap... so, for me, the love gap was
07:34 bridged... by me dancing...
07:36 and then receiving what I interpreted as love...
07:38 Okay... which was attention...
07:39 Okay, so, when did you take that into the professional realm?
07:43 what happened with that... there was a series of events
07:46 that took place with that... I went to High School,
07:48 and when I went to High School, I was pretty much a nobody...
07:51 no one recognized me for anything...
07:52 but, I knew how to dance... so I ended up participating
07:56 in the "Homecoming King - homecoming Queen Pageant"
07:59 Okay... Yeah, the talent shows...
08:01 so when I did that... I ended up winning...
08:04 and I danced...
08:06 Because the talent that you were displaying...
08:08 everybody had to do their talent and yours was dancing...
08:10 exactly... exactly... and you would win...
08:11 Yep... Okay...
08:12 and through the votes and everything...
08:13 they chose me as the Homecoming King for that year
08:15 1989... okay... okay...
08:17 so, when I became the Homecoming King...
08:19 I got a lot of attention... I mean... a lot of attention...
08:23 and then, there was a series of events,
08:25 kind of fast forwarding,
08:26 there was a series of events in High School that took place
08:30 where some guys came and they started dancing at the school,
08:32 and I really didn't appreciate the fact that
08:35 the crowd... the auditorium... was showing all these guys
08:37 the love that I felt belonged to me...
08:39 Right... right... right... right
08:40 so, therefore, I got jealous about that...
08:42 so I went up on stage and I wanted to battle with them
08:44 by dancing... Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... hmmm...
08:46 and the teachers thought
08:47 that a fight was getting ready to start up...
08:48 so the teachers broke it up
08:50 they said, "No, no, no, let's stop this"
08:52 and then we were left off the stage
08:53 and a fight broke out as a result of that...
08:58 somebody thought that one of these guys wanted to
09:00 start trouble with me so they want and started
09:02 to jump on the guys and beat them up
09:03 Hmmm... and it was terrible...
09:05 come to find out that the guys that they beat up
09:08 at the School... were part of a group in Brooklyn, New York,
09:11 called "The Decepticons" there was a cartoon
09:13 that used to be called "The Transformers"
09:15 and they had the Autobots and Decepticons
09:16 the Decepticons were the bad guys...
09:18 to make the long story short, they were the bad guys...
09:21 they were known for just beating people up
09:23 killing them... all these things...
09:24 Even the name, "Decepticons"
09:26 I mean... you know... sounds like... bad news...
09:29 Well, they basically interpreted
09:32 the Decepticon guys who got beaten up,
09:34 they figured I started this fight...
09:36 I sent the guys... so, they began to call my house
09:41 and tell my mother and my father "We're going to kill your son"
09:43 and so on... and my mother got very nervous
09:45 Wow...
09:47 and she said, "You can't go back to School"
09:48 and so I became a high school dropout...
09:49 Wow, and at what grade were you in at this point?
09:52 This was when I was in 11th Grade...
09:55 Okay... oh wow! so you were a Junior... one year left...
09:58 and you dropped out... Hmmm... hmmm...
10:00 Well, what happened after that is...
10:02 I ended up having to look for a job... had to work...
10:04 because I couldn't go back to School...
10:07 so, odd jobs were not working for me
10:09 I took a job at UPS... hated it...
10:11 tried to do another job in another location
10:14 hated it... so I told my mother and father
10:16 I said, "Listen, they always do auditions for videos
10:20 in New York... in Manhattan... so let me give it a try"
10:24 again, because my parents didn't have any
10:26 strong moral standards... they just said,
10:27 "Go for it... whatever you believe you can do... do it... "
10:30 Hmmm... hmmm... so I went from the house parties
10:32 and I started going to music auditions...
10:34 and that's how I started getting into the Entertainment Industry
10:37 I see... so you went to some of these auditions
10:40 and one of them clicked for you...
10:42 one of them clicked...
10:43 it's probably the one that clicked that really helped
10:46 launch my career... was with Queen Latifah...
10:48 Okay... Queen Latifah held an audition
10:51 and I was part of the group called "Quiet Stone"
10:54 and our concept was always "We walk soft but we hit hard"
10:57 Hmmm... Quiet Stone...
10:59 and we would just go in there
11:00 and just kind of look like nobody...
11:02 but when it was time for the dance...
11:03 and they would press play in that music...
11:05 the music took over... and, therefore,
11:08 I would demonstrate my talent and then, Latifah said,
11:11 "Oh yeah, we got to bring this guy in... "
11:12 Hmmm... and that's how I got in...
11:14 I went on the Apocalypse '91 World Tour
11:16 you know, with the Public Enemy
11:18 and there were several other artists
11:20 and that was kind of like the really kick-off...
11:22 Hmmm... of my being involved in the
11:23 Entertainment Industry as a dancer and choreographer...
11:26 One of the things that people might not know
11:28 about the Entertainment Industry is... it is about "who you know"
11:32 Oh yeah... because those doors open
11:34 as you get to know one person and they recommend you
11:38 to somebody else... that's how the doors open for you
11:41 Absolutely... it's kind of... from within
11:44 Yes, it is... and so, you're saying that
11:47 when you started out... you took these auditions
11:50 and stuff... did really well... one person saw you...
11:52 "We got to have him... " and then, the rest of the doors
11:55 started opening... Really, the rest is history...
11:57 Wow, so who else did you...
11:59 work with, some of the names?
12:02 I worked with Queen Latifah, I worked with Salt-N-Pepa
12:06 Hmmm... hmmm... worked with a Rap Artist
12:09 by the name of MC Lyte,
12:10 I started to work with Busta Rhymes
12:12 and then Leaders Of The New School
12:13 A Tribe Called Quest... Wu-Tang Clan
12:15 I ended up going more so to the singing side
12:18 so then I met a guy by the name of Tony Terry...
12:20 who was a great R and B Artist at that time...
12:23 really well known... then Cee Cee Peniston
12:25 and then, of course, Brandy... Hmmm... hmmm...
12:28 when I got a chance to work with Brandy,
12:29 and these were individuals
12:31 that we started doing music videos with and tours with,
12:34 and then it started to branch into other things like
12:37 Commercials... Sprite commercials,
12:39 Coco Cola, Nike and the list goes on...
12:41 Hmmm... hmmm... then eventually there was a
12:43 a Sitcom called "New York Under Cover"
12:46 Yeah... and they brought me in
12:48 to do some acting... that was my first time doing acting
12:50 Okay... you know, and,
12:51 that was incredible as well...
12:53 so, it was in a very short period of time
12:55 but before you know it, I was a dancer, a choreographer
12:58 an actor, you know, the list goes on...
13:00 and it was kind of like... you're going uphill...
13:02 Yes... you know... at that point...
13:03 What did you see... this is so important because
13:06 people think that the music industry
13:10 is just all glamour and glitz
13:11 and that people are just having a great time...
13:13 and all that... Hmmm... hmmm...
13:14 what did you see... behind the scenes
13:17 that would make you go, "Whoa... "
13:19 that would kind of take you aback
13:21 what did you see? Yes...
13:22 there is a lot that takes place when the lights go off...
13:28 and I realize that the Entertainment Industry
13:31 it's very trap-oriented... because what they do is...
13:34 when the lights are on... and you see the music videos,
13:37 and you see the "Bling... bling" all of the glamour,
13:40 the money... the women... the men...
13:41 and this that and the other... but when those lights go off...
13:45 it's a whole different world... I saw murder, I saw thievery,
13:48 I saw abuse...
13:50 I saw individuals who were wrongly done...
13:53 there were things that were done to them that were horrible
13:57 it's difficult to even mention specifically some of the things
14:00 that I've seen... I've seen a lot of crooked behavior,
14:02 a lot of crooked foul activities
14:03 you know, you see these things when the lights go off...
14:06 there are promises made but not fulfilled
14:08 Hmmm... hmmm... there's a lot of using and
14:10 abusing of individuals from the mental to the physical
14:13 and perhaps in certain ways even spiritual levels...
14:15 Yes... then there's a lot of bloodshed
14:18 there's a lot of fighting, there is murder, you know,
14:21 there are things that take place that I saw... that I said,
14:25 "Man, I didn't know that I was entering into this... "
14:27 Yes, see to me... that is the thing...
14:32 Satan is so conniving...
14:35 he presents this picture that everything is beautiful...
14:39 but when those lights go off
14:41 you see... all of this dirt... Corruption...
14:44 yes... all of these things that are going on
14:46 and just... it's just... you know that it's a trap
14:51 That's right... it is a trap...
14:52 and I want our Viewers to know that...
14:55 that's so important... because we get beguiled...
14:57 Yes... we're beguiled by the Serpent
15:00 we're really... get beguiled... and if we if we are not careful,
15:03 we think it's so great...
15:05 Now, I'm going to come to you Brother Lance...
15:08 because I want to hear what's been going on with you
15:11 and then we're going to talk about Tekoa...
15:12 I wish I had an hour... I need an hour with you guys...
15:17 see it's not fair... you're going to be doing
15:19 something on the Today Program,
15:21 and I didn't get you for an hour, ok, so I am going
15:23 to have to talk to them.
15:24 Okay, now Brother Lance... tell us about yourself...
15:26 Where did you come from?
15:28 I'm from Massachusetts originally...
15:31 I was born right on the outskirts of Boston...
15:34 and I lived in and out of Boston and around the area...
15:36 pretty much... growing up...
15:38 I kind of come in from a different angle...
15:41 similar background... I had a single-parent household
15:43 I was raised by my mother, bi-racial family...
15:45 and really no morals in the house...
15:50 I mean there was standards and values, I guess,
15:52 it wasn't complete chaos... Hmmm... hmmm...
15:54 but no religion... certainly no religion...
15:56 pretty much... try everything once...
15:58 you know, do whatever you want
15:59 as long as it doesn't hurt anybody
16:00 kind of values... Hmmm... hmmm...
16:02 so, I was exposed to a lot of things...
16:04 early on... you know...
16:07 domestic violence, drugs,
16:09 alcohol... all kinds of things at a young age...
16:13 so by ten-years-old... I was already
16:15 repeating those things...
16:17 and repeating the behaviors that I witnessed... so...
16:18 I was already getting involved in the streets
16:21 more heavily and smoking and drinking
16:23 and that just escalated By ten...
16:25 by ten... yeah... Wow!
16:26 so, pretty much, eleven, twelve, now it's everyday...
16:30 and I'm pretty much now getting sucked into that
16:33 street life... and it was just, at that time...
16:36 pervaded by hip hop culture... so, I became addicted to it
16:41 I mean... I was kind of anti-establishment
16:44 and I was just, I don't know,
16:48 people probably had all kinds of bad names for me,
16:50 but I was just on the streets... Yeah, yeah...
16:53 whatever you can imagine... that life would be...
16:55 that's what I did...
16:56 so, I had my mid-life crisis at 15...
16:59 because I had pretty much done everything, you know,
17:02 tried everything that I wanted to try...
17:06 just partying and you know money and
17:10 basically anything that came to mind, I did it...
17:14 if I wanted to do it... I did it
17:16 and there was nothing... there was no law or anything
17:18 that could stop me... so, a large group of friends
17:21 a large "crew" if you will...
17:23 that we used to be together everyday,
17:24 every day was like a party...
17:26 and eventually, I just got disgusted with that,
17:29 lifestyle... at 15... Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm...
17:32 it wasn't fun anymore... it was kind of maxed out...
17:34 Hmmm... hmmm... ran its limits...
17:36 so, I began asking questions, I literally remember
17:39 a conversation that I had "God" whoever I understood
17:43 was God at that time... because I remember
17:47 as a young child... having a conception of God
17:50 and Christ and the Bible... but, no real experience,
17:53 you know Church... and weddings and funerals and...
17:56 Right... Easter and Christmas
17:57 kind of thing... But no relationship...
17:59 no relationship... Yeah...
18:00 I just had peripheral knowledge,
18:02 so, I remember asking for things I understood,
18:06 "Oh, you pray for something and God
18:09 'is supposed to give it to you'" so, I remember asking for things
18:11 and if it didn't immediately manifest itself...
18:14 I would curse God out... and I would just have tirades at God
18:17 Wow! so, fast-forward at 15...
18:19 it was mid-life crisis... I'm disgusted with my life,
18:21 I'm not satisfied... and I asked the question,
18:25 "Why am I here... what is the purpose...
18:27 is there a God... is the universe... "
18:29 all these questions... these Proverbial questions
18:33 and an answer came into my head
18:35 a very clear voice came into my head
18:37 and the voice said, "If you want answers, go and read... "
18:39 Hmmm... and I hated reading...
18:42 to me reading was for certain kinds of people...
18:45 Nerds? exactly, exactly...
18:47 so I just wasn't in to it... I mean, I was never "dumb"
18:50 I mean, I was always an "intelligent kid"
18:53 and I could do what I wanted... but I didn't like School...
18:57 it just didn't appeal to me... so, I took it as a challenge
19:01 I was very competitive, I played sports...
19:03 I was a three-sport athlete, and so I said,
19:06 "All right, that's a challenge if you want answers, go read"
19:08 I took it like that... I literally got up
19:09 and left my house, and went to the High School I was attending
19:15 I went to the Library and took out some books...
19:17 I took out some books on philosophy,
19:18 I took out a book on Shamanism, I took out a book on Egyptology,
19:22 and I took out a book on Mars... the planet, the red planet...
19:27 Whoa... whoa... Egyptology and Shamanism...
19:29 Yes... yes Whoa, okay...
19:31 so I started my journey...
19:33 I literally now... 15, 16, 17, 18...
19:36 I'm still in the streets, I'm still doing all kinds of
19:39 Were you doing music at this point?
19:40 Yeah, pretty much by this time it was music and basketball...
19:45 or street and basketball... I had already received
19:48 some invitations... even in my sophomore year
19:51 I was receiving letters to play basketball
19:53 at various schools... but I hated school...
19:55 and so, street life and drugs and alcohol every day...
20:01 and late nights don't mix with high-level athletics...
20:07 and so, they were able to scrape me by...
20:10 and I received, you know, people offering to buy you shoes
20:14 and send you to camps and do all these things
20:17 and pass you through grades and classes...
20:19 that you don't even attend or don't do any homework for...
20:21 Wow! but I just... I got less
20:24 and less interested with School, I guess the whole idea was...
20:27 I'd wake up whenever I wanted, go into school...
20:29 just find out what's going on for the day and then leave...
20:31 So, how did you get into the pro-music...
20:36 I know that you were doing music and basketball...
20:39 how did music, then, take over?
20:40 Because, basically, with hip hop culture
20:43 when I was just completely engrafted into...
20:46 in running the streets and taking in the culture
20:50 through the music, and the entertainment
20:51 and the movies... and, you know, my surroundings
20:54 and the people that I was running with everyday...
20:56 that became an option... in other words...
20:59 I was always good with speaking, and just...
21:01 it was a natural talent that I had...
21:03 so, it's something that I heard...
21:05 and, you know, you go from memorizing people's songs,
21:07 to then... somebody saying,
21:09 "Hey why don't you make your own?"
21:10 Okay... and then you sit down...
21:12 and it's just automatic... you don't... it comes naturally
21:15 so, everyday becomes now...
21:16 I'm going to pursue this professionally...
21:18 so, I'm going to just... from writing rhymes and Emceeing
21:23 amongst your friends...
21:25 now you're going to different levels...
21:27 so, I connected with pretty much the most prominent
21:30 Deejay Producer in the Boston area
21:33 he was in... pretty much all the prominent magazines at the time
21:37 and Boston really didn't have a reputable hip-hop or music
21:40 scene for the hip hop culture so it was very, very isolated
21:44 groups that were identified with the city of Boston...
21:47 so there was an underground swelling that was happening
21:51 at the time... as hip-hop was starting to spread globally
21:54 where... we were just getting more and more opportunities
21:57 so, I started getting serious, I started putting together Sets
22:00 and putting together a demo... and recording...
22:03 and that kind of went from there...
22:06 So, you guys both... this is so deep...
22:09 you guys both... had invested yourselves
22:12 into that whole hip hop culture, into that whole music deal...
22:17 and yet, you were brought out from it...
22:20 I want to know... as quickly as you can
22:24 tell me, how you got out, because I want to hear about
22:27 Tekoa Mission... Yes...
22:29 how did you, first Dwayne, how did you find the Lord?
22:33 and then I want to hear about it from you...
22:35 Okay... even while I was in the Entertainment Industry,
22:38 traveling and everything,
22:39 even the partners that I brought in... to dance with me,
22:41 one of them, he actually decided
22:43 to no longer go in to work with me anymore,
22:45 and I asked him, "Why?"
22:46 and he said, "Because Christ and the world do not mix"
22:49 Hmmm... hmmm... now, that was a seed...
22:51 when you think about the Bible, in Isaiah 55 where it says,
22:54 "so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth:
22:56 it shall not return unto me void... "
22:57 Right... he planted a seed in my mind...
22:58 Right... so, I'm thinking,
23:00 "Christ and the world do not mix"
23:01 at first I was like, "Man, you're crazy...
23:03 all this money and everything... and you're telling me
23:06 that you're going to turn it away for Jesus?"
23:07 it didn't make any sense... but then...
23:09 a very traumatic experience happened...
23:11 my nephew got killed... Hmmm...
23:13 and when my nephew got killed, it was one of the first funerals
23:16 that I ever went to... and when I went to that funeral,
23:18 that's when... watching his casket go into
23:22 the ground... it felt like he was being pulled out of my life
23:24 and it was through that experience
23:27 that when we went back into the limousine...
23:29 all the voices in the limousine kind of drowned out...
23:31 I started to hear a voice asking me very clearly,
23:34 "Will you accept me now?" Wow!
23:36 "Will you accept me now?" Wow...
23:39 and it was like... that voice was clear as day
23:41 and in my mind, I knew that this must be God...
23:43 Yes... and that was the first time
23:45 that I ever said, "Yes" to the Lord...
23:47 Wow! that's awesome, what about you?
23:48 Yeah so, going back,
23:50 when I heard that voice
23:52 that said, "If you want answers go and read... "
23:54 so I did... and so the whole time
23:56 when I'm continuing to deal drugs and run the streets
24:00 and produce music... I'm studying... I'm reading...
24:03 heavily... Hmmm...
24:04 so, fast forward 5 years later and about 60 books,
24:08 of all kinds of religions, New Age,
24:11 and Buddhism and Islam... I pretty much decided
24:14 that I was going to join the 5 percent Nation...
24:17 it's an off-shoot of the NOl... the Nation of Islam in America
24:20 and so, through a providential series of events...
24:27 I found myself in a Barber Shop, I sat in this Barber Shop,
24:31 and I began to go into the Barber Shop
24:33 to get haircuts and just to hang out...
24:35 I was very close to the person I was working with...
24:36 and we used to get into religious matters...
24:38 and had virtual fist fights over religion
24:40 and I was 60 books in... and I felt that I knew everything
24:43 you couldn't tell me anything, and one day, the owner,
24:45 after months and months, the owner said,
24:46 "Hey, I have a Pastor coming in to give a Bible Study,
24:48 why don't you sit and wait... "
24:50 I said, "No problem... " I thought,
24:51 "Another challenge" Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...
24:53 "like the pastor is not going to be embarrassing you"
24:55 so, I sat in... closed the Barber Shop, after hours
24:57 there were about 25 of us in the Barber Shop...
25:00 we sat down for a Bible Study
25:01 and the Bible Study was on the Authority of God's Word
25:04 and the prophecies of Daniel chapter 2...
25:06 I had already read books that I had accepted as truth,
25:09 prior to, sitting down and seeing this in the Bible,
25:12 and when I saw it in the Bible, my mouth was stopped
25:16 Wow! and I asked for that set of
25:18 lessons... there were 31 lessons in the series
25:20 I took them home, I did all of them once, twice,
25:22 I was half way the third time,
25:23 and the Pastor asked me
25:24 if I had any questions... I said, "No, no questions"
25:26 my mind was made up...
25:27 Wow! you see how God had this
25:29 divine plan for the two of you!
25:32 All right, fast forward now and tell us about Tekoa...
25:35 What is it? Tekoa Missions is a ministry
25:39 we're located in New Hampshire,
25:41 over there over New England in the Northeast...
25:43 and our goal is to produce an army of young people
25:46 who are committed to soul-winning for life...
25:49 we started in 2008... we are two of the Directors
25:51 there's another Director, Brother Andre Waller
25:53 who also works with us very closely...
25:55 and we pretty much have an Evangelism Training School...
25:58 so we train young people how to learn...
26:01 how to win souls for Christ, how to work and add numbers
26:04 to God's Kingdom... we're also interested in
26:07 not just training young people to do missionary work
26:11 in the U.S. in the Northeast... predominantly
26:13 but also creating a Center, if you will,
26:17 like a refuge... a sanctuary...
26:19 to reach the cities...
26:20 you know, the urban areas... and the Communities...
26:23 the population centers that are desperately in need
26:25 of the truth... and the gospel...
26:27 and not just the gospel in the theoretical sense
26:30 in the preaching sense, but in a practical sense...
26:33 Yes... the day-to-day... The day-to-day...
26:35 so, learning how to offer solutions to people's issues
26:40 and ministering to people physically, mentally,
26:42 and spiritually... so, creating a network, if you will,
26:46 that workers can be trained to offer those services
26:49 and then offer something outside of the cities,
26:52 in the Country... to bring people from the cities
26:55 out there... and let them see the contrast
26:57 to see that there's a different way of life...
26:59 so we take a lot of young people from urban areas...
27:01 so, then they can go back into those urban areas...
27:04 not just after the education but we're working these centers
27:07 while they are being educated so they're getting a practical
27:10 education and the Biblical, theoretical training as well...
27:13 Wow! that is wonderful...
27:16 what a wonderful God-inspired plan!
27:19 Yeah... and I praise the Lord
27:21 for you guys... I love to see young men
27:23 that are on fire for God...
27:24 that have come out from the darkness...
27:26 Thank you so much... Thank you for having us...
27:28 you're in His marvelous light
27:30 and I'm just... I'm thrilled to have you
27:32 and I'm looking forward to you guys...
27:34 you guys are going to be hosting a Program on Dare to Dream
27:37 so, I'm really excited about that,
27:39 and we'll talk more about that
27:40 in December when you come back...
27:41 All right... All right...
27:42 Thanks for joining us...
27:44 and tuning in today...
27:45 you know, today you've heard from two young men
27:48 that are on fire for God...
27:50 that have come out from the darkness
27:52 into His marvelous light... there is nothing better
27:55 than that... there is nothing greater than that
27:57 join us next time...
27:59 it just wouldn't be the same without you...


Revised 2015-07-14