Urban Report

Spring Into Praise Music Conference

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Bruce Seawood


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000023

00:01 Do you love choirs?
00:02 Well tune in to see and hear the largest
00:05 Seventh-day Adventist Gospel Choir in the world!
00:07 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:10 Urban Report...
00:32 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:35 Today we're going to talk to Bruce Seawood,
00:38 Founder and Director of "Spring Into Praise Music
00:41 Conference" Hey Bruce...
00:44 Hey, Yvonne, how are you doing?
00:45 Thanks for having me on the show today...
00:47 Oh thanks... I'm doing great... I'm so glad you are here
00:50 thank you so much for being with us on Urban Report...
00:53 You are more than welcome...
00:54 So Bruce, before we get started talking about the
00:58 Spring Into Praise Music Conference,
01:00 tell us a little bit about you, who is Bruce Seawood?
01:05 You know, I like to characterize myself, Yvonne, as a
01:09 Musical Missionary for the Lord, I've lived in so many places,
01:13 from the East Coast to the South to the South Atlantic
01:17 Southwest Region where we met years ago...
01:20 and every place that I go, God always has a mission for me,
01:24 I mean, that's not my formal education...
01:27 I have an Engineering Degree and an MBA...
01:30 but I feel my greater calling... is the term I coined...
01:34 "To Be a Musical Missionary"
01:36 Wow, I love it... I love it... so, I know that
01:40 when we were in Dallas together...
01:42 you headed up the Music Department there...
01:45 so everywhere you go... and you are an Engineer and
01:48 an MBA... which is amazing... you use your gifts
01:51 for the Lord... and God has a purpose
01:54 and a plan for you everywhere you go...
01:56 Everywhere I go... from Indianapolis where my
02:00 humble beginning started... I worked with many of the choirs
02:04 there and was the Musician
02:05 alongside of a good friend of mine, Lamar Campbell,
02:07 for many years at the Capital City Church
02:09 out to the East Coast where I worked with Oscar Lane
02:12 I landed in Delaware working with Dupont
02:15 and ended up working with him to baptize 570 plus souls
02:20 into the Adventist Church...
02:22 Praise God... praise the Lord...
02:23 so, how did you get involved with music and
02:26 when did you start playing the piano and all that?
02:30 So, my mom started me and my siblings as well...
02:35 taking music lessons from a gentleman named John Oakley...
02:39 and I just really resounded with it and
02:41 and loved it... and we started this in the 3rd Grade
02:45 and I've been going... I guess you would say...
02:47 40 plus years since then...
02:49 and still going strong for the Lord...
02:50 Amen... in the 3rd Grade you started playing piano...
02:53 Do you sing too, Bruce?
02:55 Only when I have to...
02:58 of course, I can sing
03:00 to teach the choir members their parts
03:02 and that type of thing... and on occasion,
03:04 I have actually been known to do a lead part
03:07 but my wife actually, Shirlean, she advised me against it...
03:11 Well, listen to your wife...
03:14 You know what they say, "Happy wife... happy life... "
03:17 That's right... that's right, so tell us a bit about
03:21 the Spring into Praise Conference...
03:22 What is that about?
03:24 Okay, so this is a conference we started eight years ago...
03:28 actually, when I was living in Austin, Texas...
03:31 to get Adventist Choirs together and it's grown...
03:33 we've taken it from Texas to Indianapolis...
03:36 to Detroit... to Atlanta in 2010
03:41 where I might add we did the recording,
03:44 the DVD and CD of which we'll talk about more,
03:46 and this year we're taking it to Music City USA...
03:49 August 2 through 4... Nashville, Tennessee
03:52 at the Riverside Chapel Church,
03:53 and this is where we bring Choir Directors together
03:56 to collaborate, ministers in music,
03:58 we give out scholarships to our young people that are in Academy
04:02 and College-age as well... so we want to foster
04:06 investing in the students of tomorrow...
04:10 and we also give to a benefactor
04:13 in the local community as well, Yvonne...
04:15 How wonderful... how did this all start... Bruce?
04:19 This started when I was living in Austin, Texas...
04:24 and I used to play for the Church there in Austin
04:29 but I had been working with Bud Dean and Diane McNeil...
04:33 and those folks on the Tri-City Music Festival in Texas
04:36 for the youth... and it brought the youth
04:38 from the Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Austin... together
04:41 on a yearly basis... and I said, "Hey, this is great,
04:44 why can't we do something large-scale for the...
04:47 like this for the adults as well"
04:49 and so, that's really... where I got the idea
04:52 and I guess I owe them the credit for "Spring Into Praise"
04:54 Well, let's give them their props... for sure,
04:57 let's give them their props...
04:59 so, you started this... a few years ago...
05:04 and it started with a small group
05:06 and just evolved... or...
05:08 how small was it when you started... and where is it now?
05:11 We started out probably having a mass choir of about 60 people
05:16 and that was Austin, San Antonio, Houston and Dallas,
05:20 right... our friends from the Texas area...
05:23 it grew to probably
05:24 a 150 folks when we moved to Indianapolis
05:28 we had Cincinnati there... Louisville, Nashville, Detroit,
05:31 Flint... so it's grown over the years
05:34 and we've taken it to Detroit, and then we came to 2010
05:38 during the General Conference Session
05:40 and we had about 325 singers
05:43 in our mass choir for the recording...
05:45 it was quite incredible... God really blessed...
05:48 Amen... that's amazing... we have some... kind of...
05:51 behind the scenes footage that I'd like to show our viewers
05:55 just so that they can see just some of the things that
05:59 go into... pulling something like this together...
06:02 let's take a look...
06:04 Before we go to the clip, I also wanted to say
06:07 when we did this in 2010... we had an international presence
06:12 as well... we had a large choir
06:13 Owen Simons who is the Co-founder of Dynamic Praise
06:16 brought a large group from Bermuda
06:18 so we had Bermuda, we had California and Nashville,
06:22 Huntsville, we had Indianapolis, Detroit,
06:26 Flint and of course Atlanta... so, we brought Adventists
06:30 from all over the world... literally together
06:32 to do this project... and the clip we're going to show
06:35 my wife, Shirlean, actually
06:37 put that together... so, I have to give her credit
06:39 for that as well... sorry for getting you there...
06:41 Oh, no, no, that's fine, that's fine...
06:43 let's take a look at it... Okay...
06:44 Choir Singing...
08:12 Wow... all right... clapping... that's wonderful...
08:16 Wow! what a sound they have too...
08:18 Yes, it was...
08:19 So, Bruce, let's go back for a minute because
08:23 I'm not clear on... how did you get the word out
08:26 about the Choir so that people would know to come and join
08:30 and all that... how did you get the word out?
08:33 so, the word got out... in a couple of ways...
08:36 One... there's me... picking up the phone
08:38 calling friends... and I have to give a large shout-out
08:41 here to Dr. Carlton P. Byrd...
08:44 who is our Pastor at the Berean Church at the time...
08:48 he was such a wonderful supporter of this Project...
08:51 and we worked with some great people...
08:54 in putting this together behind the scenes...
08:56 Dr. Wayne Bucknor who is the
08:59 Chair of the Music Department at Oakwood University
09:02 Mr. Kelvin Wooten... they were our two Producers...
09:05 we got Dr. G. Ian Fisher-Curley from Berns Avenue in Detroit...
09:10 he was our Music Director as well...
09:13 and they brought together their folks as well...
09:17 as I mentioned... we had Owen Simons
09:20 who brought a large contingent from Bermuda,
09:22 we had Dr. Alan Woodson from the Mount Rubidoux Church
09:26 and I have to give a shout-out to Dad Evans for it
09:30 because they were finals in the House Week...
09:33 the Sound Competition... I'm sure you've heard of them
09:35 but Dr. Alan Woodson
09:37 was a great sponsor for bringing his folks from California...
09:40 we have other people as I mentioned from Indianapolis
09:43 Donna Harrison from Nashville...
09:46 other folks were Madison Mission that came to sing as well
09:50 so, working with a great group of people...
09:53 to put this together... by no means was it an individual act.
09:58 Wow! wow! that's incredible because what's happened is...
10:03 word has spread that this gathering is taking place
10:07 and to me... you're not just singing...
10:10 this really is... evangelism...
10:13 tell us a little bit about what your vision is
10:16 for the choir...
10:18 So, I actually believe that I'm going to hit on your
10:21 evangelism point with the Choir...
10:24 there have been times when I've been driving in my car
10:28 and people have actually called me from Virginia
10:31 and other places out of the blue...
10:33 saying how they are being blessed by "Under His Wings"
10:37 and other songs on the CD... so what you're hitting at
10:40 this is an evangelistic project it's being used in Crusades
10:45 in Atlanta... Dr. Byrd has used it
10:47 in Crusades as... most recently this Spring...
10:50 at the Oakwood University Church we baptized
10:52 over a 100 and some people there...
10:54 so, it is an evangelistic tool and I totally believe that
10:59 when we get to Heaven... there'll be people
11:00 that walk up to us and say,
11:02 "I am here... I found out about this great message
11:05 through your music... thank you so much
11:08 for putting that together... " so, that is what I believe
11:11 is going to happen... I believe that's taking place
11:14 we know people are listening to this music in China,
11:16 in the Netherlands... in London...
11:18 around the world, Yvonne...
11:20 Oh, Bruce that's wonderful... you know,
11:23 everything that we can use whether it's media,
11:27 music, print, everything that we can use to share this
11:31 beautiful gospel of Jesus Christ we have to do...
11:34 we have to use everything at our disposal
11:37 and what you're telling me is this Choir...
11:40 is a way to reach people with the gospel...
11:43 music just touches people in a place that
11:46 words just can't... words alone just can't...
11:49 music is a way to reach them...
11:52 Sometimes, it is the sermon that's not preached...
11:55 Yes, yes, that is very true, so, walk us through
11:59 a typical day at the Conference itself...
12:02 Let me see if I understand this, the Conference culminates
12:06 in the concert, is that correct?
12:08 Yes, and this year, is really the first year
12:11 that we're talking it to the next level...
12:14 we have individual educational sessions...
12:18 we have sessions during the day...
12:19 that will cover Voice, that will cover Choir Decorum,
12:25 that will cover the basics of understanding music theory
12:30 getting back to that... we have Jason Ferdinand...
12:33 coming in from the Aeolians Choir
12:35 to help us understand
12:36 how do you really sing those spirituals
12:38 how do you really use that... that voice
12:41 as the true instrument that it should be...
12:43 so we've got some great presenters...
12:46 Dr. Russell C coming in... to talk about
12:48 the marriage of the ministry between praise and worship
12:51 and the spoken word... so, we'll go through those
12:54 seminars... and then we'll have our concert
12:57 and we'll have our culmination on Sabbath
13:00 with the Preacher's word and the concert that evening...
13:02 My! my! so, you've put together this Conference
13:08 that is kind of a philosophical and theoretical underpinning
13:13 for the whole concept of Springing into Praise...
13:17 is that correct?
13:18 Yeah, we originally started out with that thing
13:22 because we had the Conference in the Spring of the year...
13:25 but what I want people to realize is that
13:27 in each of us... we've got energy
13:30 just as a spring has energy... you pull that spring
13:33 and then that spring can do work...
13:35 so, we need to use that energy that's within us
13:38 to spring into praise... be it through
13:41 whatever ministry the Lord has put on your heart
13:43 so, use the energy the Lord has given you...
13:46 let it be shut up in your bones...
13:48 and then go out and do the ministry
13:50 that God has called you to do...
13:51 Amen... do you have any
13:54 stories for us
13:56 about how someone's life has been changed
13:59 as a result of
14:01 the last Conference
14:02 or any of the Conferences that you've done?
14:04 I do know that there have been people
14:09 that have come to Berean
14:10 and have come to me personally just to testify about how
14:15 different songs on the CD... have touched their hearts
14:18 and I've even got co-workers that have gone through
14:21 several experiences and told me how they are listening
14:24 to some of the songs in the presence of the Lord...
14:27 and they're listening to it every morning
14:30 as they get up so they can be closer
14:32 in the presence of the Lord, so it is... reaching people
14:36 and as I see it... it is that evangelism tool...
14:40 Yes, yes... Pastor Byrd... what else has he...
14:44 what other role does he play in this
14:46 because I see that he plays a prominent role
14:49 in pulling this together...
14:51 what kind of support has he given?
14:54 So, Pastor Byrd was very instrumental
14:56 when we did the recording... as I mentioned
14:59 his influence along with allowing us
15:02 to tie into Dr. Bucknor and other people...
15:06 but also... getting the venue...
15:08 we recorded this at Morehouse...
15:10 and he worked with us to do... helped with the funding
15:14 for Morehouse and he just underpinned it...
15:17 in many, many ways... Pastor Byrd is a blessing...
15:20 He's a wonderful man for our Church isn't he?
15:24 Yes, yes... on a personal note, several years ago,
15:28 my son, had a ruptured appendix and my son lives in Atlanta,
15:33 Hmmm... hmmm... and... I didn't know Pastor Byrd
15:35 but I flew to Atlanta... from Dallas to check on my son
15:40 and I called and asked Pastor Carlton Byrd
15:44 who didn't know me from Adam,
15:45 would he come and pray with my son
15:47 because my son was very, very ill...
15:49 and he came over there, prayed with my son,
15:54 my son really was at death's door...
15:56 prayed for and with my son and praise God
16:00 that my son was raised up and...
16:02 so, I have a special place in my heart
16:04 for Pastor Carlton Byrd... because he didn't know me...
16:07 Yes, yes... and I do as well...
16:09 Yes, amen... amen... so, let's talk a little bit more
16:14 about what's coming up next week...
16:17 I mean... I know that this Program...
16:20 is going to tape next week...
16:22 but it's also going to tape in the future...
16:25 but we know that this Conference
16:28 is a yearly Conference
16:30 so, we have this
16:32 particular event coming up
16:34 in August but then... every year "Spring Into Praise" takes place
16:38 so, this Program will be relevant to people
16:41 who will want to join in... and be a part of it...
16:44 not just this year but in the years to come...
16:48 tell us, if you would, about the Concert itself...
16:52 and what we can expect... those that come...
16:55 give us the dates again for this year 2012...
16:58 and then... tell us what they can expect...
17:02 Okay, the Conference is August 2 through 4
17:05 at the Riverside Chapel Seventh-day Adventist Church
17:07 hosted by Pastor Furman Fordham II
17:11 and we will be meeting there on Thursday
17:14 starting our workshops... the workshops will go all day
17:18 Thursday and Friday we will have
17:21 mass choir rehearsals Thursday evening and Friday evening,
17:24 and Saturday, Sabbath afternoon,
17:26 then we have John Boston II who will be our Keynote Speaker
17:31 on Sabbath morning... he is an Assistant Pastor
17:33 at the Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church
17:35 in Atlanta... so, we look forward to having
17:37 Dr. Boston... now... that evening...
17:40 get ready... get ready... get ready...
17:42 there's going to be some Church in the house...
17:44 in the evening, Yvonne... All right...
17:46 we're going to have our mass choir
17:48 which the Churches in Atlanta
17:50 are going to be at the anchor for us... this year...
17:53 but we've got my group, Psalms 3, coming from
17:56 Huntsville, Alabama, if you've never seen them
18:00 they will just take you closer to Heaven...
18:03 then we're going to do some of the songs off the CD
18:05 we get requests for a Lamar Campbell song
18:09 it was actually playing on seven radio stations
18:13 around the Country... "I Command my Soul"
18:16 then the title track... with Grace Dorsey-Landy
18:19 "Under His Wings" written by Stephen Manders
18:22 a recent graduate of Oakwood University,
18:26 and we'll be doing that song as well...
18:29 and then... we also have a special guest this year
18:34 we tried to take it up a notch, we've got Stellar-Award winning
18:39 Grammy-Award winning... Lady Tramaine Hawkins
18:44 is going to be in the house with us
18:45 and she's going to be doing some of her largest
18:48 hits that have blessed people all over the world...
18:51 to culminate the concert this year, Yvonne...
18:54 Wow! sounds like you have some amazing events lined up
18:59 with this... let's take a look at...
19:01 we have some footage of the concert... the last concert...
19:05 that you did... Okay...
19:07 let's just take a look at some aspects of
19:10 what our viewers could be in store for... if they come...
19:14 All right...
19:15 My Brothers and Sisters get ready, get ready, get ready,
19:18 because it's time to Spring Into Praise...
19:21 It's my honor to introduce to the world...
19:23 my friends from St. Louis, Missouri...
19:25 Detroit and Flint, Michigan... Indianapolis, Indiana...
19:28 Riverside, California... Nashville, Tennessee...
19:31 Huntsville, Alabama... Atlanta, Georgia...
19:33 the Country of Bermuda...
19:35 "The Spring Into Praise Mass Choir"
19:37 come on let's give them some love...
19:40 We're going to clap our hands, stand on your feet,
19:46 do what you want to do... give God the praise
19:49 like you want to give Him some praise...
19:50 because you know... God's been good to you...
19:52 We serve an awesome God, Oh, He's able... He's able...
20:01 we serve an awesome God...
20:05 He's able... He's able...
20:10 Let me say it again... We serve an Awesome God...
20:19 Trust in the Lord... with all your heart...
20:31 Don't depend on your own understanding...
20:48 I Command my Soul... O bless your holy name...
20:55 Come on let's give God the glory...
21:24 In the Presence...
21:25 A place where I can find a rest the presence of the Lord...
21:32 hallelujah... a place where I can find thee...
21:40 a place to call... my home...
21:46 where I can lay before God's throne...
21:51 leaving my care behind...
22:01 Two Steps... Come on there's a Holy Ghost
22:02 party in here tonight... are you trying about Jesus...
22:05 Each step by faith... the rest of my way...
22:26 Trust and Obey... there's no other way...
22:46 to be happy in Jesus... but to trust and obey...
22:56 Trust and Obey reprise...
23:25 Under His Wings... I shall be in thy arms forever,
24:24 Wow! Under His Wings... that is where we want to be...
24:29 how beautiful was that... Yes...
24:32 and I could just sense how that could just transport you
24:36 into Heavenly places...
24:37 It does... it does... everywhere we sing that song,
24:41 it has a unique experience, because it's really an old hymn
24:47 of the Church... re-arranged...
24:49 so, it touches people... Yes... yes...
24:52 that's where we need to be, under His wings...
24:55 be protected and held there...
24:58 so, Bruce, give us one more time the dates of this year's event
25:02 the dates and the location so that our viewers can...
25:06 those that are in that area can come...
25:09 Yes, and we want everybody to come too...
25:11 it's August 2 through 4... Nashville, Tennessee...
25:16 Riverside Chapel Seventh-day Adventist Church
25:20 August 2 through 4...
25:21 Riverside Chapel Seventh-day Adventist Church
25:24 we look forward to meeting you there...
25:26 Is there any cost for coming?
25:30 No, there is a cost only for...
25:33 if you're going to the classes, Yvonne,
25:35 but to come and be part of the fellowship...
25:37 on Sabbath or Friday evening, at the Consecration Service...
25:42 there's no charge for that at all...
25:43 we just ask that you come with an open heart
25:46 and bring a freewill offering...
25:47 Thank you... do you have a closing thought
25:52 for our viewers, Bruce, as far as them participating
25:57 in this Conference and all... if you do..
25:58 share that with us as we close...
26:00 I just would like to tell all the folks that
26:04 this is something that is dear to my heart
26:07 that I really would like for people to understand
26:12 what we're trying to do... is to make our musicians
26:16 in our Churches more skillful...
26:18 I've been to some Churches where the musicians
26:20 are not as skillful as we would like for them to be...
26:23 and the Bible talks about our musicians
26:25 through the tribe of Levi...
26:27 should be skilled at what they do...
26:29 so this is a way... that we want to give back
26:32 to our Churches... through all of our Conferences
26:35 that help our musicians, our choir members...
26:38 our Praise and Worship Leaders to be more skillful
26:41 at what they do... and to serve locally
26:43 that we might have a global message
26:46 to go out... and save souls...
26:47 Thank you so much, Bruce, thank you so much
26:50 for being with us today on Urban Report...
26:53 may God bless you as you continue
26:55 to evangelize the world for Him... through music...
26:59 Thank you for having me, may God bless you
27:01 and your ministry... Thank you...
27:03 Music is so healing... it reaches a place in the spirit
27:08 that mere words just can't penetrate...
27:10 one of the ways to renew your relationship with God...
27:14 is to listen to music that draws you into His presence
27:18 every day...
27:19 several times a day...
27:21 you should be listening to music
27:23 that actually can re-kindle that flame
27:26 that flame... that passion that you had for God
27:29 you can use music to renew that
27:31 each person's renewing music is different...
27:35 find what transports you into the Heavenly courts...
27:38 and then meditatively play it...
27:42 well, we've come to the close of another
27:43 Urban Report Program...
27:45 we hope that you're blessed by these Programs...
27:48 we hope that it will reach you in that place
27:52 of need for you... tune in next time...
27:55 we really want you here, you know,
27:58 it just wouldn't be the same without you...


Revised 2015-07-06