Urban Report

Advent Home

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Aaron Penninger, Dr Blondell Senior


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000016

00:01 What effect has fatherlessness have on our children?
00:03 Stay tuned and find out just how damaging and pervasive it is.
00:07 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:10 Urban Report...
00:33 Hello and welcome to Urban Report...
00:36 let me share a few statistics with you...
00:39 according to the National Center for Fathering,
00:42 in 72.2 percent of the U.S. population
00:46 fatherlessness is the most significant family
00:50 or social problem facing America...
00:52 an estimated 24.35 million children...
00:57 that's 33.5 percent...
01:00 live absent... from their biological father...
01:04 Of students in Grades 1 through 12
01:07 39 percent... that's 17.7 million of them...
01:11 live in homes absent from their biological fathers...
01:14 63 percent of Black children, 34 percent of Hispanic children,
01:21 and 28 percent of White children are living in homes
01:25 absent from their biological fathers...
01:27 Today on Urban Report... we have some people...
01:32 some guests... that are familiar with this situation
01:35 Dr. Blondel Senior... the Founder and Director
01:38 of the Advent Home Learning Center
01:40 and Aaron Penninger... Aaron is a student and resident
01:44 of the Advent Home... Welcome to Urban Report...
01:47 Thank you... Thank you...
01:49 so nice to have you here... I'm going to start with you
01:51 Aaron... All right...
01:52 how long have you been at the Advent Home?
01:55 Far too long... I've been there about a year and three months
02:01 almost a year and four months...
02:02 Okay, and what brought you there?
02:04 Generally, it was disrespect towards my grandmother
02:10 who I live with... and disrespect towards authority
02:15 and basically the path I was going down...
02:19 Okay... so, you live with your grandma...
02:22 not your parents? Yes...
02:24 Where's your dad? My dad... I've never met...
02:27 as far as I know...
02:29 Okay... so... were you ever with your mom?
02:32 Yes... I lived off and on between my mom
02:36 and my grandmother... for up until I was about
02:39 3 years old... and then I basically just
02:41 lived with my grandmother for the rest...
02:44 Okay, okay... and how has it been not having a dad...
02:49 is your grandfather there as well... or...?
02:52 My grandfather was there until about 2005,
02:55 he passed away in 2005 of liver failure...
02:58 Oh, I'm sorry... That's all right...
02:59 what kind of relationship did you have
03:02 with your grandfather?
03:03 Me and my grandfather had a very good relationship
03:06 we would be together a lot
03:10 enjoy each other's company, he worked on the Naval Base
03:15 actually... on computers so, he would get home about
03:19 4 or 5 in the afternoon but up until that time
03:23 until bedtime... we would just be together a lot.
03:27 Awww... and what did that mean to you?
03:29 It meant a lot to me actually, my grandfather taught me
03:34 how to play the role of a father when I am a father...
03:39 Oh... what does a father do, what do you think...
03:42 if you think of a good father, what do you think about?
03:45 When I think of a good father, I think of a person
03:49 who is not there just because they have to be there,
03:54 or because they know it's their responsibility
03:56 or anything... but someone who is there
03:59 because even if it wasn't their responsibility
04:02 they care enough to be there...
04:03 Ah... oh... that is beautiful, the way you just put that
04:09 is beautiful... they care enough to be there...
04:12 that's so important... so, how do you think...
04:16 not having a dad now in the home
04:19 how did that affect you?
04:20 it affected me in multiple ways
04:24 it's made... I felt a lot of different
04:27 emotions... it's made me feel
04:28 anger towards my father
04:30 sadness... regret... wanting to meet him
04:35 sometimes wanting to meet him and not do some...
04:39 very nice things to him... Hmmm...
04:41 but... a lot of times it's made me
04:44 have to fight my own battles and a lot of the emotions
04:48 that I feel... get ended up... get trapped inside of me
04:52 and it's kind of hard to get them out sometimes...
04:56 Hmmm... that's a very insightful way to look at it, you know...
05:02 very insightful... how old are you again?
05:04 I'm sixteen... Sixteen...
05:06 what do you want to do with your life?
05:07 What I want to do with my life is go to college...
05:11 become a graphic designer... Oh... okay...
05:14 and, of course, get married... have a family...
05:18 nice home... nice car... all of the above...
05:21 and what kind of dad do you think that you'd be?
05:24 I do not really know what type of dad I'm going to be
05:29 it's yet to be decided although I'm going to be there
05:35 for my children... I'm not going to be
05:37 one of those people who have a child
05:38 then walk off... to have a child with another parent
05:42 Hmmm... so in other words
05:44 you're not planning to
05:46 have a baby over here and then a baby over there
05:49 and a baby over there and just not be a dad...
05:52 Yeah... even if I were to have a baby...
05:54 in all those places, I would try my hardest
05:57 to be there for all of them...
05:58 I see... hopefully you... hopefully you'll have
06:01 only one wife right?
06:04 this is a Christian Show
06:06 so we want to, you know, keep it that way...
06:08 Yeah... Yeah, yeah, so that's really
06:11 good... would you say that having your grandfather
06:18 in your life... what kind of difference
06:20 did it make for you... when you had him?
06:23 It's kind of harder to tell because
06:28 there really wasn't a time when I didn't have him
06:31 except for after he died... after he died...
06:35 I kind of prolonged on it... thought about it and everything
06:40 for 3 or so days... and I decided to go ahead
06:44 with my life... and when I decided
06:46 to go ahead with my life, I started turning more
06:49 rebellious towards my grandmother, towards authority,
06:52 whether it be Law or just authority in School and stuff...
06:57 Okay... now let's go back for a second...
06:59 so, you actually thought about not going on with your life
07:03 after your grandpa died?
07:05 I wouldn't exactly say not going on with my life,
07:09 but, I would say more as... since my
07:16 grandfather died...
07:17 just not trying in life... Oh, I see, kind of dropping out
07:23 of life... Yeah...
07:24 kind of dropping out not really putting forth effort
07:27 okay... okay... so you then...
07:31 instead of doing that...
07:33 you became rebellious... is that what you're saying?
07:37 Yes... and so, how did it
07:39 escalate up to the point
07:41 where you had to go to the Advent Home?
07:44 Well, as my grandmother would put it...
07:47 I was rebellious since the time I was born...
07:51 Hmmm... so, I was a hyper-active child
07:55 when I was born... when I came to live with my
07:58 grandmother... even at the little age I was...
08:01 I would go to... when I was hungry
08:03 I would go to the fridge open it up...
08:05 get whatever I wanted out... I pretty much fended for myself
08:10 but as I started getting older it sort of escalated
08:17 into wanting to become more independent
08:20 and the times I did rely on my grandmother
08:23 and grandfather... though I liked what I saw
08:27 and everything and I wish I would have kept
08:31 relying on them... Hmmm... so what did you do?
08:35 What I did is... I just started to drift away
08:39 from them... I started hanging out with
08:42 some wrong people, in School...
08:46 I started treating my friends I had... the wrong way...
08:49 so I'd gradually lose my friends Hmmm...
08:53 and since I was kind of abandoned from my father
08:57 at an early age, I've had abandonment issues
09:00 while I've been growing up...
09:02 What does that mean tell us what that means to you.
09:04 That means... is... I feel abandoned by a person
09:09 say I have a really close friend...
09:12 even if they are the closest friend I ever had
09:14 I'll end up pushing them away sometimes
09:17 without really intending to... Okay...
09:20 so it will be like... I got to push you away
09:23 before you push me away... I see, I see...
09:26 and did you learn all of these things
09:28 about yourself at the Advent Home?
09:30 I learned them before I got to the Advent Home
09:33 but Advent Home is the place where I became
09:37 more aware of them... Very interesting...
09:40 the Advent Home and learning Center... Dr. Senior...
09:44 and thank you so much, thank you so much...
09:46 I'm going to be talking back to you as well... Aaron...
09:48 The Advent Home and Learning Center...
09:52 how long has it been in existence Dr. Senior...
09:54 Yesterday was our 26th birthday...
09:57 Oh... My!
09:59 Yeah, so we're starting our 27th year...
10:01 Tell us about it... what is it exactly?
10:03 We started in 1985... at that time
10:07 children in conservative families were becoming
10:11 more rebellious... and so to prevent adjudicating
10:14 that is... going to Court... kids getting arrested
10:17 getting into drugs... we provided an alternative
10:20 for rebellion... so kids were now becoming
10:24 more rebellious at home and parents couldn't control them
10:26 and so we set up this Home, so parents could send
10:29 kids to us... so we provided an alternative
10:33 or it provides a minimum distraction...
10:36 minimum distraction... Hmmm... hmmm...
10:40 and that's what we set up... it is a residential facility
10:45 that provides counseling, schooling, and outdoor education
10:50 for children who do not adjust well at home or in School
10:56 or in the Community... and so the parents have to
10:59 more or less... send them to us...
11:00 get rid of these kids... because they're creating
11:03 problems... they were rebelling...
11:04 they were dropping out... they were hiding from School
11:07 they were breaking curfew, they were experimenting
11:09 with drugs, alcohol, sex,
11:11 and most parents
11:14 couldn't manage these kids and they say
11:16 they need an alternative they need an intervention...
11:18 they need help... and Dr. Yvonne, most of these
11:24 kids are from homes... with single parents...
11:26 Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... fatherless homes...
11:29 It's a huge issue... it is such a huge issue
11:32 I think that if the fathers knew
11:35 just how powerful their affect or absence would be
11:41 perhaps they would do better... Yeah...
11:44 because it's just... it's appalling to me
11:47 what's happening... with children...
11:50 they need their fathers... they need their fathers...
11:53 the problem... becomes compounded
11:56 for example... a mother who's a single parent
11:59 has to work longer... sometimes two jobs
12:02 so she goes to work at 6 o'clock in the morning
12:04 holds down a second job and maybe work until
12:07 8:00 p. m. and so the kids are left for long hours
12:10 unsupervised... Yes...
12:11 and then she comes home she's burnt out...
12:13 tired and she can't give the kids the attention they need
12:17 Yes... and so they become rebellious
12:19 because they didn't see mom all day...
12:20 she'd come home... she's tired, she's having a headache
12:23 she's miserable... or she has to do the third job
12:25 housework... you know, laundry, kitchen...
12:28 supervise the kids... Yes...
12:30 and this goes on... day in and day out...
12:32 week in and week out... and people get tired...
12:34 Yes... It's almost impossible...
12:36 It's such a complicated, complex situation
12:41 because it's not just one layer...
12:43 it's several layers... I mean the mom might be there
12:46 and bless her heart... she might be absent
12:49 even though she's physically there...
12:50 Yes... she can be emotionally absent
12:52 from the children... so, the children are
12:54 kind of left to fend for themselves...
12:56 Right... right... and in so doing...
12:58 they make poor choices, and that kind of thing
13:01 Aaron, when you went to the Advent Home,
13:05 was there something that had happened
13:08 just before you went that made your Grandma
13:11 decide that you needed to go there?
13:14 Right before I came to the Advent Home,
13:17 I had been living with another family
13:20 because she could, honestly, not physically take any more
13:25 physically and emotionally,
13:28 and so I was living with the other family,
13:32 I got into some things that I shouldn't have
13:35 not necessarily drugs but... some other things...
13:39 Okay... and that family...
13:41 I was so rebellious towards them...
13:44 that they couldn't start taking care of me...
13:47 that well either... since it was their first time
13:50 taking care of a child... I see... so you kind of
13:53 went into Foster Care... not really Foster Care
13:56 it was some family friends we've known for a while...
14:00 Maybe you can call it "Neighbor Care"
14:03 Okay... Neighbor Care... all right... so some neighbors
14:08 decided to take you in and have you as one of their own
14:13 and then you got into some trouble
14:15 and... Yeah, and then, I moved back
14:17 to live with my Grandmother, because they just
14:20 wouldn't take me anymore, after what I had done,
14:23 and since I had been living with my Grandmother,
14:27 she submitted a lot of reports to different Residential Care
14:30 Facilities... and she says that she did not
14:35 submit a report at all to Advent Home,
14:38 and yet she got a Letter of Acceptance to Advent Home...
14:41 Wow! isn't that... now that must be Providential
14:44 God stepped in on that one, what happened?
14:47 The Grandmother told me that she applied
14:50 to several other Community Agencies...
14:52 Residential Facilities... and they all turned her down...
14:55 she spoke to me on the phone, unknown to her, I'm taking notes
14:59 I'm going through a Checklist, but she doesn't know that
15:02 necessarily... but we talked and when I'm
15:05 through with that child, we know at least 60 to 80 things
15:09 about that child... you know, divorce, adoption,
15:13 behavior, depression, anger, school et cetera...
15:16 I'm talking using this schedule, and so I can make a decision
15:21 right then and there whether I'd take a child or not
15:23 Ah... so we sent her an
15:24 Acceptance Letter and she was so surprised... so glad...
15:28 because she had come to the end of her rope,
15:30 she said that she couldn't take it any more
15:32 she didn't know what she was going to do,
15:34 and so, she sent him to the Advent Home...
15:36 we take kids who are very serious...
15:38 very serious... emotional behavior problems
15:41 so you do have some children...
15:44 do you have any... for example that have
15:47 Childhood Schizophrenia
15:48 or anything that... or Bi-polar...
15:51 Yes... yes... We have Bi-polar,
15:54 we have Schizophrenia, we have Tourette's Syndrome
15:56 we have Asperger's...
15:57 we have ODD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder,
16:01 we have Conduct Disorder, ADHD... name it...
16:04 those kids come to us... we get the kids
16:07 who have exhausted the School System
16:10 the Church System... the Community System...
16:12 and now they don't know what to do
16:14 and they are about to drop out
16:16 or run away... or be abandoned,
16:18 or there's nothing in the Community...
16:21 they've exhausted their Psychiatrists...
16:23 they've exhausted their Social Worker
16:24 and they're seeing their Police Officer more often...
16:28 they are... might be very violent at home
16:31 parents are threatened... and they're not coming home
16:34 on weekends... and so it's the last resort...
16:39 So, so, this is a great thing... so walk me through
16:43 if you would... I bring my son to you...
16:48 and he's been disrespectful, he's been smoking weed,
16:55 he's been... not doing his school...
16:58 he's just... Defiant..
16:59 defiant... failing on all counts Hmmm... hmmm...
17:03 what do you do from the outset...
17:06 when I bring him to you and say, "I can't...
17:08 I can't do this anymore... " what do you do?
17:11 Well, he does not know... I don't talk with him
17:13 but I talk with the parents or the grandparents
17:15 or the guardian... he does not know... but I know
17:18 a lot about him...
17:19 When he first shows up...
17:21 the moment he walks in, I know a lot about him,
17:23 and so, I would say something like...
17:26 we're interviewing him, we're orienting the child
17:28 Right... takes about three hours
17:30 to orient him to the Program, and it's a very positive
17:32 experience... handshake, "thank you for coming to
17:35 the Advent Home, this is a good School...
17:37 I want you to know that we turned down 39 kids to take you"
17:41 so we get about 40 applications, and we take one...
17:45 Wow... for different reasons...
17:47 So he knows that he's wanted... Yes... he's special...
17:51 he's special, he's chosen, by the School...
17:54 Yes, and I'd say, the parents are sitting there
17:56 the parents are there... the child is there...
17:58 and the child is usually apprehensive...
18:01 or angry... because he was not told
18:05 that he was going to be brought there...
18:06 Right... so he's angry...
18:08 and then it's a surprise... but it's a very disarming
18:10 environment... and I would ask him,
18:13 "Tell me why did your parents make the decision
18:15 to send you to the Advent Home? and they would start out
18:19 by lying... "I don't know...
18:21 I don't have any problem etc. " so, I'd say then...
18:24 "What about stealing the car last week?"
18:26 "Oh, okay... okay yeah... "
18:29 Like "How did you know that?"
18:31 yes... how did I know... we'd talk about that
18:33 then I'd ask, "How are you doing in School?"
18:34 "I'm doing fine... " "Why did you make 2 Fs and a D
18:39 in Math?" so I begin to disarm him
18:42 that... I know a lot about you guys...
18:45 don't lie to me... so, they begin to change
18:47 and begin to be truthful and be upfront...
18:50 because it's not dangerous, it's okay to be truthful...
18:53 Hmmm... so, I'll walk him in...
18:55 and so they come to the Advent Home
18:56 and we take their things
18:58 after about an hour of Orientation
19:01 we tour the campus... and staff comes
19:04 and take the child to the Dormitory...
19:07 so, for the first time now, he's separated from his parents
19:10 and I tell him... "Your parents will come
19:12 in a few minutes... " and I will talk with the parents
19:16 or inquire about certain things, and the child has gone
19:19 to the Dorm... so now there is a separation
19:21 and he's now obeying other Staff...
19:24 we eventually get to the Dorm and we go through his things
19:27 searching for contrabands or things that are
19:30 inappropriate... even a Cell Phone...
19:32 he can't keep a Cell Phone... so we help him out
19:36 to develop what is called a Minimum Distraction Environment
19:41 no cigarette... no drugs... no knife... no cell phone...
19:47 no iPod... no technology... that will make him be distracted
19:52 okay... and we take him to the Advent Home
19:55 and we take away all those things in his presence...
19:56 and you must remember now... we take...
19:59 we have about 32 to 36 kids... we have approximately 35 staff
20:04 so we're not understaffed... in the least...
20:07 That's great... so the kid might be surrounded
20:09 by three guys who are all disarming...
20:12 very friendly... very helpful...
20:14 but you are not going to mess around them...
20:16 in terms of being physical... and it's rare
20:18 that the child will be physical, it's rare...
20:20 one in five years... Now, are they... in a Dormitory
20:25 situation... how many to a room...
20:27 how many? Four to a room...
20:28 four to a room... And the rooms are designed
20:30 where person one cannot see person three
20:32 or person four... the room is divided into cells
20:36 I see... but it's a room,
20:37 you have privacy they have your own light switch,
20:40 there's a bathroom in the room,
20:41 in the same room... so there are four kids and a bathroom
20:44 they have their own desk, they have their own cubby,
20:47 they have place to hang their clothes
20:49 it's four but it's very private, one of the kids in the room
20:54 is called a Junior Staff, or a Group Leader...
20:57 and a Group Leader is an older, more mature kid
21:00 he's there a longer time, he's more mature
21:03 and on the point system... he's climbing up
21:05 and he is in charge of the informality of the room
21:09 he will guide that kid, he will counsel him,
21:12 he'll teach him the ropes, Kind of mentoring...
21:14 Mentoring... yes... yes... mentoring...
21:16 we let him find his way around
21:18 because once they get there as soon as they get there,
21:21 they have to take on responsibility...
21:22 has shifted... you have to make up your bed
21:25 you have to pick up your clothes,
21:27 you have to take your clothes to the laundry...
21:29 you have to fold your clothes
21:30 and so forth... so the responsibility has shifted
21:33 now you may ask these kids or ask the parents,
21:35 "Does he keep his room clean?"
21:37 "Oh" the parents will say, "his room is so messy...
21:41 it has four inches of... you know"
21:43 I think that's a typical teen... Yeah... typical teenager...
21:46 but the Advent Home is... immaculately clean...
21:48 immaculately clean... because cleanliness and order...
21:51 Great, so now we're looking at discipline
21:53 I'm saying... we're looking at discipline now
21:55 and keeping things in order... Yes... neatness...
21:57 it's discipline... work is discipline...
21:59 Yes... yes... following instructions
22:01 is discipline... Hmmm... hmmm...
22:02 you know... listening to the other boys is discipline...
22:05 working as a group member is discipline...
22:07 working as a team is discipline...
22:09 and then... if he comes with an outlandish hairdo...
22:13 he gets it cut within a few hours...
22:16 Okay... and no weird colors like green and pink and blue
22:20 and all that... no T-shirts that has outlandish
22:23 pictures or artwork or anything like that...
22:25 Hmmm... hmmm...
22:27 we're asking him to dress for success...
22:28 and that's what he begins to... he begins dress for success...
22:32 behave for success... and conform to behaviors
22:35 that will pay back... make you successful...
22:37 That's great... now, where does spirituality come in...
22:41 how do you bring... how do you integrate
22:43 spirituality into your Program?
22:46 Throughout the whole Program there's spirituality
22:49 but let me say something... spirituality comes in
22:53 through health... we teach health first...
22:56 okay... before we shift...
22:57 because kids like to be healthy
22:59 so now the kid is taking a bath everyday...
23:01 and these kids tend not to take baths everyday...
23:04 and to be rebellious... Okay...
23:05 his hair is cut... he's nicely dressed...
23:08 and he's in uniform...
23:09 uniform is a Khaki pant and a polo shirt...
23:12 Wow, so they're in uniform...
23:13 Uniform... yes... but it's nice clothes
23:15 and he's nicely dressed... he lives in a very nice Dorm...
23:19 and we have morning worship,
23:21 short but to the point,
23:23 we have evening worship... short to the point...
23:25 we say grace at meal times, so the Program has an overtone
23:29 of Christian values... Hmmm... hmmm...
23:31 Okay... but health is very, very important...
23:33 if you can reach a child through health...
23:35 then it becomes the avenue for other things...
23:38 it's not unusual for a child if he's overweight
23:42 to lose a hundred pounds... Wow...
23:44 it's not unusual to lose 50 pounds... 40 pounds,
23:46 and what about those who are underweight?
23:48 How do they fare? They gain... because muscles...
23:51 how come? Because flabbiness becomes
23:52 muscles... All right...
23:54 so they gain weight... good... so they have a work
23:57 schedule as well... Yes... the day starts at 6 a. m.
24:00 and by 6:40 or 6:45...
24:03 it's breakfast... and you have a group of kids helping
24:06 by 7:45... 7:50... they need to clean up
24:11 what is called zones... there's a group of kids
24:13 in the kitchen for it...
24:14 there's a group of kids on the outside of the building,
24:17 there's a group of kids on the downstairs of the building
24:19 and there's a group of kids on the upstairs of the building
24:22 and then they have work like laundry...
24:24 you know... we might wash 16 loads of clothes a day
24:27 and those need to be collected need to be brought down
24:31 need to be folded... need to be distributed...
24:33 so it's like a large extended family...
24:36 and everyone is contributing... then during the right season
24:40 you have grass to cut... and the lawn to cut...
24:42 the building to be painted, dishes to be washed,
24:45 so forth... so they're in School by 8 o'clock
24:48 and worship is from 8:00 to 8:30
24:50 School is from 8:00 to 1:00
24:53 okay... so you have a little spirituality there... built in
24:56 and it's a regular school... we are a regular school
24:59 very beautiful building... one of our parents and
25:02 grandparents... built it for us...
25:03 because we helped her grandson, so they go to school
25:07 and then from 1 to 2... it's lunch...
25:11 and so they come over... and maybe 1 or 2 kids
25:16 were sent to the cafeteria to prep...
25:18 put the utensils out...
25:20 put the napkins out... Hmmm... hmmm...
25:22 and prepare for lunch...
25:24 so, lunch is 1 to 2...
25:25 from 2 to 5...
25:28 a student may participate in 3 things...
25:30 Outdoor Education... for example... gardening...
25:33 they learn to work in the garden we have some of the most
25:36 beautiful vegetables... you have ever seen...
25:38 Ah... and that also helps the health...
25:40 very therapeutic... yes...
25:42 So, let me just bring you down here...
25:45 toward the end here
25:47 because we're ending our Program the time has just flown by
25:50 I mean... there's so much more I could ask you...
25:53 Yes... but, in general,
25:55 how would you say, in one minute
25:59 fatherlessness has impacted the students at the Advent Home?
26:06 Well, the child does not know how to behave...
26:09 because he has not learned those types of behaviors...
26:12 Hmmm... hmmm... doesn't learn to be a man,
26:14 doesn't learn to be courageous,
26:16 we jokingly say,
26:18 "The kids come... and they are allergic to work. "
26:21 Wow... they don't know how to use
26:23 a broom... a dust pan... a shovel...
26:25 because they do not see that at home...
26:27 because they haven't had a role model...
26:28 never had a role model...
26:29 we need to put up your address so that people can know
26:33 how to contact you... or how to reach you...
26:35 because so many children really need
26:38 the services that you have, so many families...
26:41 let's put up your address right now...
26:43 the Advent Home and Learning Center...
26:46 AdventHome. org
27:32 Thank you so much for being with us today...
27:35 we really appreciate your participation on our Program
27:38 As you've heard... the problem of fatherlessness
27:41 has a profound affect on the family unit...
27:43 while we're grateful for the affects and efforts
27:46 of the Advent Home and Learning Center...
27:48 we must ask ourselves, "How can we stop the cycle?"
27:51 I believe that it's only with the help of God
27:54 the Ultimate Father that the situation can be
27:57 remedied... well, that's all for today's
27:59 Urban Report... thanks for joining us...
28:02 it just wouldn't be the same without you...


Revised 2015-06-03