Urban Report

Buyer Beware

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Cordell Thomas, Danny Shelton


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000005

00:02 In recent years, banks have sharply raised interest rates
00:04 and penalty fees on credit cards. What's behind it all
00:08 and who bears the brunt of this, and then, there are issues with
00:12 filing claims with insurance companies.. you've paid into a
00:15 plan and you don't know how to file your claim...
00:17 Stay tuned to Urban Report and find out what you can do
00:21 about it... music playing...
00:45 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report...
00:47 I've been hearing more and more about consumers
00:51 that have had their interest rates heightened for no
00:54 apparent reason. The other day while
00:56 talking with 3abn's founder, Danny Shelton and my co-host,
01:00 I found out that it happened to him, so I invited him to
01:04 share his story with our viewers Thanks so much Danny...
01:07 Dr. Lewis, it's a privilege to be here with you today...
01:10 Thanks, I am glad to have you. Well, it's very interesting,
01:13 and we were just happened to be on the conversation
01:17 talking about this and I said, you know, probably most of our
01:20 viewers have had some of the same experiences that we've had
01:23 Yes... And so, in order to protect
01:25 certain companies or, you know, to get names out there
01:29 to get distracted from the issue, the issue is...
01:31 that it seems like... and since we are dealing with the
01:35 urban audience, that sometimes, that people... that seems
01:39 like they like they are targeted...
01:40 Yes... and this could be,
01:42 it is not necessarily a race thing... it is more of a class
01:44 and your economic status to where you are...
01:47 but I think it's interesting that credit cards, now,
01:50 for an instance, I am going to give you a personal story okay..
01:52 Okay, sure... For instance, on a credit card,
01:55 I had applied for a loan, I am not sure what it was
01:58 maybe like a truck loan or something... and when I got
02:01 the interest rate, my credit rating, I thought, was pretty
02:04 good... I got the interest rate, it was up considerably higher
02:07 than I thought it should be... and so I said, "Well, why is
02:11 this interest rate up... because I've had this company
02:13 for years, you know, and I would deal, when I get a new truck or
02:17 new vehicle, sometimes, go through them, why is the
02:19 interest rate up?" What they told me was...
02:22 "Well, we've started this thing where we look through all of
02:25 your credit and we see... there was a medical bill...
02:28 that by mistake hadn't been"... it was supposed to be
02:32 an insurance that paid the hospital, it didn't get paid on
02:35 time so because of that... this credit card company
02:39 or actually the finance company, was raising my interest rates...
02:43 and I said, "Now, wait a minute, this doesn't make any sense...
02:45 I've had good credit with you for so many years...
02:48 how can you raise my rates because of something that
02:51 happened over here?" Well that kind of opened up
02:54 a whole new world... So, now, a couple of months
02:57 later, I get my bill... I have a credit card,
03:00 so I looked at the bill and just happened to look down,
03:03 and I had a 7 point... this was a couple of years ago,
03:06 7.99%... it was a fair price at that time... the going rate,
03:11 I should say, and so I looked at the bill, Yvonne, and it
03:16 said 14.99%... They had doubled...
03:19 They had almost doubled my interest rate...
03:21 So I said, "Well, I don't think I missed a payment"...
03:25 I understand, you know, if you miss a payment...
03:27 that what can happen to you, if you miss a payment,
03:30 well then, everything goes out.. you know, they offer you
03:33 zero percentage for six months and they offer you all these
03:36 things to get us there, then when we are there,
03:39 if we break one of those little rules... so it's important
03:41 that you read the fine print... though that's hard to do...
03:44 with page after page... but I understood this,
03:46 pay my bill on time-keep 7.99%. This credit card... I'd had for
03:51 twenty years with this company 14.99%... so I called...
03:56 and I get a man... he says his name was John and I can't
03:59 doubt it... I know it sounded like he was from, you know,
04:03 different areas of the world, and that's kind of normal,
04:06 now-a-days to get it... Yeah...
04:08 But he called himself John... I said, "John, I want to talk
04:11 to you about my interest rate".. "Yes, what can I do for you?"
04:14 I said, well it jumped from 7.99% to 14.99%
04:18 but I've paid my bill and I've been on time, there's no reason
04:23 why it should have jumped up. "Let me check," he said,
04:25 "Let me put you on hold Mr. Shelton," so he did
04:28 a few seconds later he came back and he said that,
04:31 "Oh, yes, I see it... it's 14.99%," he said,
04:34 "now do you have a problem with it?" and I said,
04:37 "Well, yes, I have a problem with that... that's why
04:39 that's why I am calling you" and he said "Well what is it
04:42 about this. " I said, "The interest rate was 7.99%
04:45 now it's 14.99%... I've paid my bill, I've kept my part of the
04:50 bargain, why did you do this overnight without even
04:53 letting me know?" I mean other than it just showing up on
04:56 my bill... 'cause I don't always go down and check it...
04:59 Right... You know what he said it me?
05:01 "Well, Mr. Shelton, I am sure you've heard of the big
05:04 bailout" and I said, "Yeah," and he said, "Well, that's it. "
05:08 Then I said, "Why?" He said, "Well, because of the
05:11 big bailout, we've had to raise our credit card...
05:14 our interest rates up to 14.99%" and I said, "Well, maybe I
05:18 didn't understand the bailout, I thought we the consumer,
05:22 we the people bailed out you all but now, I realize that you are
05:26 just a worker there and I am not blaming you for what's
05:29 going on but right now there's a little frustration in here
05:32 I thought we bailed you out, and so therefore, the Government
05:36 bailed you out... but we are bailing that out..
05:38 the grassroots we are paying for it all"...
05:41 Right... "So why does that give you a
05:42 right to raise and break our contract... our agreement...
05:45 and raise the interest rates?" So I said to him, "You know,
05:48 based on that, I think what we should do is, I am just going
05:51 to pay you 1.99% now"... and he said, "Oh, you can't do that"
05:54 and I said, "Well, why not?" "Well because," and I said,
05:58 "What?" "because we have a contract?" "Oh yeah, you have
06:01 an agreement," he said, "with us" and I said, "Exactly,
06:04 and you had an agreement with me, but now, because of the
06:07 bailout, you can raise the interest rates to 14.99%."
06:10 I said, "You know, this is not fair, what you are doing is
06:13 not right. " and you know what he said to me?
06:15 What?... "Oh, well you are not happy with
06:17 this 14.99%," again he said that to me... biting my tongue,
06:21 and I said, "No, that's why I called you, I am not happy
06:23 about it at all. " "Oh, would you like me to take
06:26 it back to the 7.99%?" and I said, "Absolutely,"
06:29 "That's fine Mr. Shelton, we'll bring it down to the 7.99%
06:34 You feel better?" I said, "Absolutely,"
06:35 he said, "but I do need to let you know, by the end of
06:38 this year, when this year expires, in like four more
06:41 months, that we will be... this company," I almost said the
06:45 name of it, "will be dropping you and closing down
06:49 your account" and I said, "If you read on the account it
06:53 says, I've had an account with you since 1989," he said,
06:57 "Yeah, I see that," and I said, "I've charged
06:59 thousands and thousands of dollars and you all made a
07:02 great deal of interest on me right?" and he said,
07:04 "Well, probably so," and I said "So why would you shut me down?
07:08 just totally cut off my credit card from me?"
07:11 After 20 years... after 20 years of paying well
07:14 and having, you know, the card with them and keeping it
07:17 maintained and he said, "Well, because you don't want to
07:20 do the 14.99% so if you don't do that, when the end of the
07:23 year comes, we are just going to shut your credit card down. "
07:25 and I said, "You know what? you won't even have to wait
07:28 that long," I said, "we won't have to wait with it because
07:30 I am going to close you down. " I said, "I am going to pay this
07:32 off and that way, we'll be through" and so that's what
07:35 happened, we paid it off. But it's amazing, what happens,
07:39 and you know, you wonder, how can these companies get
07:42 away with all of this? Exactly, exactly...
07:44 I hope you got an expert on today because I've got all these
07:47 frustrations and I got to have somebody help me with this...
07:49 We do, we do, we have Cordell Thomas who is our
07:52 financial literacy expert, he's on Skype. Cordell, join us now..
07:56 Hey Cordell... Hi, how are you?
07:58 Hi Cordell... It's good to see you all...
08:01 Cordell, tell us about this whole credit card deal...
08:05 you heard Danny's experience and his experience really isn't
08:08 unique... I mean there are so many other people... we were
08:11 talking to Pastor John Lomacang the other night, we were telling
08:15 him about this and he said, "That same thing happened
08:18 to me. " He said the exact same thing... "I called the company,
08:21 they'd upped me double my interest because of the big
08:25 bailout... " I mean, it's like, what do,
08:27 what recourse do we have as consumers when this
08:30 happens?... I think a couple of things we
08:34 should talk about right now... One specifically is what
08:39 Danny Shelton actually did is he questioned the Company...
08:44 Ahh... In questioning the Company,
08:46 he was able to take on the responsibility of asking the
08:50 questions that needed to be asked... um.. what the
08:53 Credit Card Act of 2009 actually did for us was
08:55 supposed to have actually kept the level of increases
08:59 from APR standpoint that we would have expected...
09:03 I am sorry, my earpiece is falling out... ah...
09:06 but the context is... it should have capped it...
09:09 it didn't do that... Consumer advocate groups have
09:12 come out saying that... that should have been the issue
09:14 here with this Credit Card Act.. that was not the case...
09:17 as a matter of fact, we take a look at... after this Act went
09:21 into effect in 2010, we still see the average interest rates
09:25 going up slightly on credit cards... so, for example,
09:29 um... the fine print is key for most individuals and I recommend
09:34 looking through what you are getting involved in...
09:36 Number two is... Do what Danny Shelton did...
09:38 that Credit Card Act basically said that if your interest rate
09:43 spikes, you have the right to contact your creditor and ask
09:47 them to put it back to what it was supposed to be...
09:49 and typically if you make your payments on an on-going basis,
09:52 for at least 6 months, they should be able to do that
09:55 without any kind of ramifications...
09:57 What he was playing with... and many of the times...
10:01 these credit card companies, these banks, are in business
10:05 to make money... and a lot of people don't
10:07 realize or think about it from that perspecitve,
10:09 but the case with credit is... I am paying for the use of
10:14 your money for a short amount of time... and in many situations,
10:18 ah... they use that as an out... and now, that if you miss a
10:23 payment, not after 30 days but 60 days is what the
10:26 Credit Card Act is pretty much stipulating is...
10:29 you miss a payment after 60 days, they can spike that
10:31 interest rate and they are not capped at what they can
10:34 spike it to... Okay, so, I am sorry Cordell,
10:36 let me just ask you, so, they can do it when your
10:40 payment is late, right, after, but after 60 days,
10:44 Yes, it's been extended to 60 days...
10:46 So the key then is, not just to, we have to read the fine print,
10:51 we have to do as Danny did, call and question them,
10:54 but you also have to make your payments on time...
10:57 now, Danny was making his payments on time,
10:59 so his interest rate sky rocketed...
11:03 but you're saying, you also... those three things have to be
11:07 in place as well... correct me, okay, okay, go ahead
11:10 I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure I was getting...
11:13 I wanted to summarize what you were saying, as you went.
11:16 It's really key to what Mr. Shelton has actually said
11:19 to this bailout issue of the 2006, 2007, 2008,
11:23 the banking crisis has everything to do with what you
11:26 had asked me to talk about actually in Securitization
11:29 - these bonds, this financial practice that involves pooling
11:34 the various types of resources. This all came by this
11:38 contractual mortgage debt that was sold to investors...
11:42 and these investors bought this, um.. and... and... it's a
11:45 certificate of debt, a security is a certificate of debt
11:48 Corporate Security Certificate which basically says,
11:53 that these investors, are investing in this type of
11:56 lending... Mortgage Lending... in that case, it was sub-prime
11:59 lending... and this bailout came because these investors
12:04 bought into this sub-prime lending mortgage debacle
12:07 and actually hedged that it would fail... they got paid...
12:12 and we had this foreclosure crisis that required a bailout,
12:16 and now, everyone is paying for it because a lot of banks
12:20 went out of business during that timeframe...
12:23 between 2008 and 2010, so now, these same banks,
12:27 because they had been weakened by the recession, are coming
12:31 back and finding different loopholes... it is key, now,
12:35 I might ask a question of Mr. Shelton that,
12:37 was this a business account or was it a personal account...
12:41 credit account? It was a personal account...
12:44 Okay, now there are other things to note when you look at
12:51 the different types of accounts, because The Credit Card Act,
12:54 actually protects those that have these personal accounts...
12:57 whatever that protection is... because they can still write,
13:00 in the small print, specific loopholes that can get through
13:04 but you are going to find also, that banks are now investing
13:09 their efforts into a riskier market of individuals that don't
13:13 necessarily have the credit that Mr. Shelton may have had because
13:17 they want to increase their share... going after a riskier
13:21 market that they would hope would increase their
13:26 market share, but remember, the same thing that happened back in
13:29 2008 with that recession- that crisis was because of
13:33 sub-prime lending, the same thing is going on
13:35 right now in credit card lending and it's going to sub-prime
13:39 type of candidates because they are going after Share...
13:42 and believe me, with securitization happening
13:46 with that same thing, they are taking the pooling of this
13:49 various credit card assets and selling them as bonds
13:54 to these investors they are hedging... again...
13:58 that these credit card owners, or these credit cards that they
14:06 get this credit... credit from these banks...
14:08 will not pay back on that debt.. and of course, the same thing
14:12 we see it happening back in 2008, I think, is a precursor
14:17 to what may happen in the near future with the same
14:20 issue in credit... And I was reading that, you know
14:24 that as of September, revolving debt has topped
14:27 over 970 billion dollars and the average household has
14:32 over 10,678 dollars worth of debt... ah.. credit card debt...
14:37 so there are a lot of folks that are using credit cards
14:41 and they really can't afford it. In fact, they are using their
14:44 credit cards and not paying their mortgages because
14:47 they are using their credit cards just to stay afloat.
14:50 So we have a really critical economic situation and
14:54 I hear what you are saying Cordell, it's actually, many of
14:58 these banks are preying upon the poor, in a sense,
15:00 they are really banking, so to speak, on them not being
15:04 able to pay... and then, as soon as they don't pay, the penalties
15:08 go up, the interest rates go up, the penalties go up,
15:12 and who suffers? So, what is the main key to avoiding this
15:19 kind of deal Cordell? How would you summarize this?
15:22 What is the key to avoiding this hike in interest rates...
15:26 and this preying upon the poor? Two things, be as Mr. Shelton is
15:35 staying in touch with... and being on top of your finances,
15:39 Number two, have a budget... understand where your money is
15:42 coming from... understand where your money is going...
15:46 understand that, any type of debt that you take on is a
15:50 cost to that debt... and these banks are business owners
15:54 that are looking to make profits that's why you see the increase
15:58 in the bounced check fees... the increase in so many
16:02 different fees that are available now that the banks
16:05 are using to make up for losses they had several years back.
16:10 Those are the two basic issues and I would say,
16:13 number three, I would add a third one is...
16:15 avoid debt... if you can save, get into the habit of saving...
16:20 and, of course, you know, as a business owner,
16:23 as Mr. Shelton is, you are going to use credit and you can choose
16:26 you can pick and choose what type of organizations you
16:29 go after to access credit, but for the majority of us,
16:33 and for myself, I would... I use American Express
16:36 because I know I got to pay that off at the end of the month...
16:39 I use it for the use I need it for and then I try to pay it off
16:42 as quickly as I possibly can... because you have to pay
16:44 the complete debt... there are several other issues that come
16:48 into play when you are talking about credit, and we can go into
16:51 those if you would like to... but the major issue is...
16:56 have a budget, stay out of debt, and if you do incur debt,
17:01 pay it off as quickly as possible...
17:03 Great, now that's great. Thank you. Well, we also have
17:07 another issue, and that is, when you file an insurance claim
17:11 sometimes, well, sometimes something happens to you...
17:14 and you don't even know what to do, and again, see, look,
17:18 you are just a wealth of stories here... because you were
17:22 sharing this with us, the other day, what happened
17:25 to you when filing an insurance claim?...
17:28 When you live to be as old as me you'll have lots of experiences
17:31 that you can share... ... 1982, my wife, Kay,
17:36 my daughter, Melody's mother... they were going into town
17:39 from our house, about two blocks and was involved in an
17:42 automobile accident, and, and, Kay was killed in that accident,
17:46 and I didn't know what to do, we had a van... and it was our
17:49 main driving vehicle and the van was totaled, and so,
17:52 in the same day, of course, you lose... I lost my wife,
17:55 my daughter was thrown through the windshield, broken arm,
17:58 cuts and bruises, and I had to be with her, go to the hospital,
18:02 take care of funeral arrangements, you are doing all
18:05 of these things... and I had insurance with my insurance
18:08 company, so, within a day or two I said, "Well, I need a vehicle,
18:11 so I've got to go to my insurance company, so they'll
18:15 pay me"... because as far as I knew, I had a contract with them
18:18 that if you total your car, you do whatever,
18:20 we'll replace it... we'll do whatever,
18:21 so, I go to my insurance agent, and he says to me,
18:25 "Well, you know, it wasn't really your wife's fault,
18:29 because a young guy ran a stop sign and actually hit her
18:34 and killed her... and he has State Farm Insurance down in
18:38 in his-out of Marion, Illinois, State Farm,
18:43 so why don't you go talk to them
18:46 and let them know what predicament you are in...
18:48 and that, you know, they need to pay you for this vehicle
18:52 because that was his fault... so, I mean, you know,
18:55 maybe, had I really had time to think of this Cordell,
18:58 and look this situation over, you know, but I didn't, because
19:02 I am still... all of this stuff is overwhelming...
19:05 so I drive down to Marion, I get an appointment with
19:07 the State Farm guy and he was very nice and
19:10 he said, "Well Danny, if I can call you Danny," I said, "Sure"
19:13 he said, "I am really, what can I do for you?" and I said,
19:15 "Well, as you know.. my wife was killed in an automobile accident
19:18 by someone insured by you, your company, they ran through
19:22 a stop sign and then she was killed and so I went to see my
19:25 agent, but he said, that I need to come and talk to you...
19:29 since it's your person's fault, that you should pay me because
19:32 I need a vehicle to drive... I don't have anything to drive
19:35 and he said to me, "Well, you know, I really
19:38 feel badly... " and he was a really nice guy...
19:40 "... I really feel badly for you but, let me ask you a simple
19:43 question... who do you have insurance with?" and I gave
19:46 him the name of my company... he said, "Who do you pay your
19:49 premiums to?" and I gave him the name of my company...
19:52 and he said, "Much as I'd like to help you... your company has
19:55 agreed to do that, now you need to go back to your company
19:58 in West Frankfort... you are in a very, a time of bereavement,
20:02 you don't need to be dealt with like this, go back and demand
20:06 that they pay you because you have an agreement that says
20:09 that if this happens, they'll pay you and you can buy
20:12 another car or replace it, right?" I said, "Yes,"
20:16 I went back to my company, very upset, I said,
20:19 "Well, I went down to State Farm and the guy said, much as he'd
20:23 like to help me, come back here and you need to pay me. "
20:26 "Oh, well you want me to pay you, well then, we'll take care
20:30 of your vehicle for you... " and I was just so amazed by that
20:33 I thought, you know, and here I went out... he'd sent me...
20:35 in what I call in these terms... he'd sent me on a wild goose
20:38 chase... you know, because, you don't know, and I am young,
20:40 I, I, haven't had this kind of experience before...
20:43 and to me that's just so unnecessary... and so wrong
20:46 that people would do this, but these insurance companies
20:49 do not... they do not want to turn loose of that money...
20:52 even though they agree... if the shoe is on the other foot
20:55 and you owed the insurance company, your credit will
20:57 go down the tubes and you wouldn't not be able to do
20:59 anything... they can owe you money for long periods of time,
21:03 you even have to sue them to get what's rightfully yours,
21:06 and nothing happens to them... there seems to be...
21:08 so you see... I am out on a... I don't want to go too far here,
21:12 Cordell, but you'd asked me to share about that... you know,
21:16 I felt like the predicament that I was in, and that I really
21:20 needed the help right then.. not someone trying to keep their
21:23 money for a few days longer... Exactly... and over and over,
21:26 I mean, repeatedly I've heard stories about... how you know...
21:29 you pay your premium on time and then when it's
21:31 time to file that claim, you get the run-around or you
21:35 get disqualified, or... What do we do, Cordell,
21:38 in a situation like that, when you are trying to file a claim
21:42 an insurance claim, what's the first thing you really...
21:45 what are the things that you need to do in considering that?
21:49 There are several things, .. in this specific issue...
21:53 I'll throw a word out there... that's indemnify...
21:56 indemnification... it's words that you see in reference to
21:59 certain insurances... that is basically telling you...
22:01 it's to make you as whole as possible... bringing you back
22:04 to a certain sense of wholeness, there is no way it can be done,
22:07 but monetary... provision helps us get back
22:12 to... as close as we can... whether it be home...
22:17 whether it be car, whether it be life...
22:19 I... you don't know exactly what to say except
22:23 trying to figure that these insurance companies would be as
22:27 ethical as they possibly can be. There are five things
22:29 I'd probably look at... and I'd... you know...
22:33 evaluate whether or not this is something that you should
22:35 file a claim on... is it necessary to file a claim on it?
22:38 In this case, of course, yes... There are two specific issues
22:40 which is the transportation, and most importantly, the life...
22:44 ah... and then of course, number two is... as soon as
22:47 possible... fill out a worksheet an accident worksheet...
22:50 that you can take with all the details that include, now,
22:53 witnesses and those types of things to your insurance company
22:56 and, of course, do exactly what that insurance company told
22:59 you to do... is to go and tell your insurance company that
23:02 these things have happened, the quick police report has been
23:05 written, these things have been done, your worksheet has been
23:08 filled out... you have witnesses in place..., we would like
23:12 to get it taken care of and indemnified or made as whole
23:16 as possible, as quickly as you possibly can... now, in our
23:19 urban markets we are finding that there are some
23:21 major issues in reference to insurance, there is either a
23:23 fear of getting insurance because... why am I paying
23:26 all these premiums, and, I don't ever really see the need
23:30 to use it... well hopefully that's the case...
23:32 we are trying to protect ourselves against some type of
23:36 major, major, hurt, whether your house gets destroyed
23:39 or you are in a car accident, or you lose a loved one...
23:43 many times you see in these urban areas, people who have
23:46 lost a young one or a wage earner and they have to have
23:50 car washes and fund raisers to bury the dead and in some
23:54 situations they don't even, don't even go and acquire the
23:58 bodies from the morgues because they don't even have the money
23:59 to take care of any of those things... you have people
24:02 that just stay there... the context is, insurance is
24:05 worthwhile, it's a one-trillion- dollar-a-year business and you
24:10 have many different things that go on in business...
24:13 that's that big... and you have many people who may not be
24:16 qualified to deal with these specific issues or know how
24:19 to work with individuals in their time of need...
24:22 but the best thing you can do is have your ducks in a row...
24:26 have your in files place, have your account numbers and all
24:29 of those things at... at... in a place that you can access
24:33 them very quickly, in a safe place, and then know that you
24:36 have the right to demand this of the insurance,
24:41 insurance companies... That's good information, hmm,
24:45 hmm, that's really good information...
24:47 It really is and I appreciate that so much too, because,
24:50 again, at the time when you are in a situation like this,
24:53 you need all the help you can get... now one last thing that I
24:57 did, I dropped that insurance company right after we got
25:00 settled and I've never been back to them again... it probably is
25:03 a matter of a principle, under that scar they left me...
25:06 no matter what they'd say or do, I am gone.. probably had nothing
25:10 to do with the entire, you know, the general management
25:14 in the insurance company but it sure burned me from the
25:17 local area, so I don't know, you know, what their mode of
25:21 operation is... modus of operation, but from now on...
25:25 You are not dealing with them ever again...
25:27 No, I am done... I am scarred on that one... yeah...
25:29 Well that's understandable because you were in a
25:31 period of bereavement and they were taking advantage of that,
25:35 and one of the things that I liked about what Cordell was
25:39 saying, is that, you know, you have your information, you go
25:42 there with your information, and that kind of equips you even
25:45 better because when you are in that state of mind, you can't
25:48 even think... Right...
25:50 I mean, they had to be just so difficult...
25:52 So we thank you so much Cordell, you've been really,
25:56 really helpful and you are our financial literacy expert
26:00 for Dare to Dream, so we thank you so much for this info.
26:04 Well, I can tell you this, I can sit and learn from
26:07 Danny Shelton, I really appreciate his candor
26:09 and what he is saying in opening up... these are real
26:12 world perspectives, real life experiences that we are going
26:15 to deal with, and unless we are prepared, we'll go
26:19 into life, in the unknown, that we don't know how to
26:22 really deal with specific issues that are as important as
26:26 insurance can be in the life of someone that knows...
26:28 Thank you... Thank you...
26:30 You have any closing thoughts, Danny, about this?
26:32 Well, I don't, you know, while I am like everybody else,
26:35 I can get frustrated, but still, when you are dealing with
26:37 people, you want to deal in a Christian atmosphere,
26:40 you want to deal in a certain way, and I still try to do that
26:43 but I think what he is saying is that we don't have to,
26:46 you know, just sit back and say "Why is this happening to me,"
26:50 go directly, get the answers, call the company, yes,
26:53 they'll be on hold, and then you'll go to this one and...
26:55 I must have walked through several people, on numerous
26:58 times, I've done that and you have too, before you get there..
27:01 but if you have patience, and wait it out long enough,
27:03 you usually can get somewhere and maybe can get something
27:06 accomplished, but it's kind of a no-win thing... we just have
27:09 to do the best we can with what we got to work with,
27:12 and education and knowledge would help us in how to deal
27:15 with these types of experiences, Absolutely, thank you so much...
27:19 we really appreciate all that you do and all that you shared
27:23 with us today... These experiences are important.
27:26 The Bible says, that we are to be wise as serpents and
27:30 harmless as doves... so we really need to take these
27:33 experiences, take this information that Cordell gave
27:37 and really apply it to our own lives... you know,
27:40 I think there are a lot of people that are dealing with,
27:42 the questions about how to deal with these big companies,
27:47 but it doesn't have to be daunting, you just have to
27:50 come from an informed place. We want to thank you for being
27:55 with us and join us next time on Urban Report...
27:58 We need your prayers, we need your financial support,
28:01 join us, it wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2014-12-17