Urban Report

The New Journey - Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Aaron Chancy


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000002

00:21 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report. Today, we have
00:25 a two-part interview with Aaron Chancy, the host of
00:28 "The New Journey" Dare to Dream's program for
00:31 ex-offenders. I first saw Aaron about a year ago on
00:34 Cheri Peters' program "Celebrating life in Recovery"
00:38 and while watching him, I just felt impressed that Aaron would
00:41 make a great host for "The New Journey" so listen up
00:45 as Aaron shares HIS journey.
00:49 Today, our guest is Aaron Chancy and we are on the set of
00:54 Aaron Chancy's program, "The New Journey. " Hi Aaron,
00:58 I am so excited about "The New Journey" because it
01:02 really gives us an opportunity to see how God transforms a life
01:07 He can take you through all these different phases and
01:11 stages, and then once you are ready to come back, He just
01:15 brings you to Him. Yes. That's right...
01:17 Tell me about your life.. tell me about your early childhood.
01:20 Okay. My early childhood, Dr. Lewis, was pretty
01:24 interesting. You know... It's not the typical childhood,
01:26 I guess you would say.. for most young people that gravitate
01:29 to the crime lifestyle that I gravitated to. I had a mother
01:32 and a father in the home. When I was younger, my mother and
01:36 father realized that, you know, we were poor and we needed a
01:39 way to make the finances. So both my mother and father went
01:43 into the military. My father as enlisted and my mother as
01:46 an officer and that gave us another... the whole new lease
01:50 on life where, you know-with the military, they take you around
01:53 the world, and show you all these nice things... different
01:56 countries and things like that. So when I was young, I had the
01:59 opportunity to live in Germany for 3 years, I lived in Hawaii
02:02 for 3 years. Now was your Dad a
02:04 disciplinarian because a lot of times, guys in the military
02:08 are very disciplined and organized, was he like that?
02:11 Well no, he wasn't necessarily so much of a disciplinarian
02:15 but, he was, I would say stricter than my mother was.
02:18 My mother, she wasn't as strict, for instance, when...
02:21 I have a brother, my brother is Adam Chancy... when me and my
02:24 brother would want something we knew not to go to Dad
02:27 because Dad would say "no" or "you need to work for it" or
02:30 something like that. But my mother... she was the sensitive
02:32 one... so we knew we could get it from my mother. So we would
02:35 go ask mother for a few dollars or something like that. She
02:37 would say, "Okay, here you go. " Moms, you need to listen to
02:40 this. Aaron: Yes, indeed, yes, indeed, but father he would
02:43 always say, "You need to go work for it" or put us to
02:46 some kind of work to make the money, things like that
02:49 trying to instill the values in us while we were young
02:52 and you know, so we had opportunities as young people
02:54 to live in different countries, we lived in Germany,
02:57 like I said, I lived in Hawaii for 3 years and to most people,
03:03 this is enjoyable-moving around, you see, one thing
03:05 about the military is... you know... they will have you
03:08 somewhere for a couple of years, and then somebody in the
03:11 family gets a change of duty somewhere else and then you
03:13 are uprooted and you are taken to a whole 'nother place
03:17 across planet earth... somewhere else. You know, for me,
03:20 it wasn't as fun as it may seem like for my brother, it was kind
03:23 kind of like a fairy-tale life.. military life is always so
03:26 much of fun... you get to go see all these places, but for me
03:30 it became an issue of losing my identity... Who am I?
03:34 Who do I associate with? Because in the military you meet
03:38 people from so many different backgrounds and it's kind of
03:41 like you are in a place for maybe a couple of years...
03:44 and make real good friends, you know, get real close to
03:46 people, and then, automatically, 3 years later or whatever it
03:50 may be, you are uprooted, taken somewhere else, and these
03:54 friendships that you established when you were younger, you no
03:57 longer see them anymore, you no longer hear from them, things
04:01 like that, so you end up going somewhere else, you have to
04:04 adjust to a whole new different country, different state,
04:07 whatever it may be, yeah, and make whole brand new friends,
04:09 so I can name friends probably from several different places
04:14 all over the world, because for me, I never really stayed
04:18 in one place long enough, like most people that are raised
04:22 in one place, they stay there for 20 years, 30 years,
04:24 pretty much their whole life. But for me it was more so...
04:27 here 3 years... here 3 years, here 2 years, here's 1 year,
04:30 so it's kind of bouncing around, and in that
04:32 because you meet so many different nationalities,
04:34 you kind of lose your own identity. Like, who am I?
04:36 Who can I best associate with? You know, it becomes like that..
04:42 So when you got into your adolescent years, where was
04:46 your head during the adolescence?...
04:48 Okay, well, my adolescent years you know, first of all, I grew
04:50 up in the church, grew up in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
04:53 my mother and father tried to instill in us-read the Bible,
04:56 go to Sabbath School, go to Wednesday night prayer meeting,
04:59 involved in the Pathfinders... I think, just about every
05:01 Adventist young person growing up was involved in Pathfinders..
05:04 So, we were involved in all these things... the Church
05:07 activities, trying to give the foundation with the Lord...
05:09 but as I started reaching about 13 years old, I kind of started
05:14 getting tired of the Church. I hadn't really developed my own
05:18 personal relationship with God and you can spend years and
05:21 years in church, but you know, just because you are in church
05:24 doesn't mean you are going to be saved because there are many
05:27 people that are in church that have no one-on-one personal
05:30 relationship with God.. Even adults, that are going to
05:33 church are just kind of going through the motions.. they don't
05:36 have that relationship... Yeah, that's exactly what it was
05:39 for me and then at 13 years old, you know, you are starting to
05:42 get a little older, and starting to look around at different
05:46 things, you see different friends doing this and doing
05:48 that... they make the life outside of church look
05:51 so glorious... so much of fun... and then coming up in the
05:54 church I went to a mixture of Church Schools and
05:56 Public Schools... can't go to any of the Friday night dances,
05:59 can't play any of the sports games, because they are always
06:02 on Friday nights or Sabbaths.. things like that...
06:04 So it's kind of like what you want to do, your passion,
06:07 what you want to do, like my passion was sports...
06:08 basketball and football but I never really had the push to it
06:12 nobody in the family was pushing it because most of my dad's side
06:14 of the family are... Seventh-day Adventist.
06:16 No push for it,... I wouldn't go, I guess, to the right
06:19 schools for it and things like that because I would be in
06:22 Church School and when I was in Public School, I just
06:24 couldn't play in any of the games, couldn't do anything
06:26 like that. So I started to drift away from the church...
06:29 Did you resent the church? did you resent the rules?
06:33 You know, so often for us, especially as young people
06:36 when we don't understand God, when we don't understand the
06:38 Word of God... a lot of times, it does become like that...
06:42 I resented, why is it that my friends that are Baptists and
06:45 Methodists and all these other denominations, they can have fun
06:48 and still go to church on Sunday or whatever it may be, but here
06:51 we are, with a bunch of strict rules that seem like... and it
06:54 just becomes like a big old rule book... the whole Bible...
06:57 all 66 books become like a rule book with a bunch of
07:00 YOU CANNOT DOs. Especially, when you don't have
07:02 a relationship because rules without relationship are so
07:05 cumbersome. You know, when you have a relationship,
07:08 you kind of understand the rules and if you don't...
07:12 That's what John 14:15 says, If you love me, keep my
07:15 commandments... If you love me.. because the whole basis of
07:18 serving God is love... You see, as a young person, a lot of
07:22 times, we don't develop our own love relationship with God...
07:25 we just want along with it because mommy or daddy or
07:27 whoever it may be said.. we need to go to church, you can't do
07:30 this, you can't do that.. and it becomes that... it becomes
07:32 a set of rules instead a love foundation for God... as it is
07:35 with many young people... even today. So, you know, about
07:39 13 years old, I started mentally basically to kind of explore
07:43 other things, look at other things, TV, stuff like that...
07:47 Ah... about 15 years old, physically, I was kind of just
07:51 through with the church... just completely through with it.
07:53 Had you begun to to experiment with drugs and alcohol?
07:56 Well, actually, I was 15 when I experimented with drugs...
07:59 actually, me and my brother, we had snuck out of our house
08:02 one night while my mother and father were asleep and went to a
08:04 house party around the corner... from us and, you know,
08:07 I was just itching to try... to try some of these narcotics
08:10 I hear it, I see it on the music videos... and things like that.
08:12 So this was like prime opportunity to get involved
08:15 with it and you know, that was my first time, when I was
08:18 15 years old... got involved with the drinking, got involved
08:21 with the smoking, one of my cousins found out the next day..
08:24 and he was a big marijuana smoker... he smoked some weed
08:26 with me and after that... it was pretty much... just straight
08:29 downhill. Yvonne: This is so important, because so many of
08:32 our young people are caught up in marijuana! and marijuana..
08:35 is to me... it is just such a gateway to everything else...
08:39 talk about the effects of marijuana on the body and
08:42 on the spirit... Okay, well, you know, some
08:46 things about marijuana... you know, one main thing about
08:48 it is, for a lot of people, you may smoke it and get this
08:51 paranoid feeling within, for some, it leads to...
08:56 leads to.. for instance... my brother... he tried some of
08:58 these different drugs... but it never had that pull...
09:00 it never had that effect to him like that. But for others...
09:03 Yvonne: it doesn't effect everybody in the same way...
09:05 Because some may try the drinking, the smoking, these
09:07 things like that... but it just doesn't... the body kind rejects
09:10 it... it doesn't really like it. Because there is a foreign
09:13 substance entering the human body... It's not supposed to be
09:17 there... but for me, it was.. I took it... I was drinking the
09:21 first night, I had a hangover from the alcohol... but I knew
09:24 immediately, even though I had the hangover, even though
09:27 you know, I had the high... and the high wore off a couple
09:30 of hours later. Even after all of that, I knew, that this is
09:32 the life that I want... this is what I want to be involved in.
09:35 I liked the feeling of smoking, and it's kind of like
09:40 you get this whole careless attitude... like you
09:42 really don't care about a lot of things. Ah, you wake up any time
09:45 of day, and any time of the night you do whatever, basically
09:48 and that type of lifestyle... you know, I just kind of started
09:50 gravitating to... and those gateways were the smoking,
09:55 the drinking, smoking the marijuana, drinking the alcohol,
09:58 smoking cigarettes which just led to, you know, other things.
10:01 When... and I want to kind of stay a little bit on the
10:05 marijuana, just for a minute because this is such an
10:08 important thing... I found so many of the young people
10:11 that listened to hip hop, and I want to talk a little bit
10:14 about hip hop too... that listened to hip hop.. are into
10:17 marijuana too... it's kind of like it all goes together.
10:20 So, you know, you are looking at a situation where the enemy-
10:24 the devil is giving kids, feeding them this music
10:29 feeding them these drugs... and they are just getting off
10:33 the beaten path... How did marijuana and hip hop impact..
10:38 how did they work together to impact you?
10:40 Well, these things kind of pretty much go hand in hand.
10:42 You know... you do have some people that can listen to the
10:45 music and they say... well they are not really affected by it.
10:48 But if you noticed people that listened to the hip hop...
10:53 The Bible says, "By beholding, we become changed. " Bottom line
10:55 So if we are constantly listening to rap music, if we
10:59 are constantly looking at different things... we are going
11:01 to become like that... and see, music has the power to enter
11:04 into your sub-conscious without you even knowing it. So what
11:07 happens is, you begin... your style of dress begins to change
11:10 and you don't even realize it... you start talking in a different
11:12 way... using a lot of profanity you don't even realize it...
11:15 you start smoking, drinking, it all kind of just goes
11:18 hand in hand with this lifestyle. The music... because
11:21 you look at the music videos of a lot of the hip hop artists,
11:23 and you know... the pants are sagging, the hair is in any old
11:26 type of way... the shirt is just way too big and you know...
11:28 there's always something hanging out of the mouth or they are
11:30 holding some kind of bottle in their hand, something like that.
11:33 So it is almost like all these things go together in the life
11:36 and tattoos... is another thing.. you know... I meet so
11:40 many young people today that are, you know, so interested in
11:43 getting tattoos on them because their favorite music artist has
11:46 gotten these tattoos and you know, we see what we see on TV
11:49 and we are so drawn into it because of what they are doing,
11:52 they are glorifying it... making it look good... you know... I
11:55 remember one music video where they just had money... like
11:58 raining down from the sky.. it was money just falling... and a
12:02 young person, looking at this is saying... wow I want that... I
12:05 want that money I want that car, I want that alcohol, I want
12:07 that... because it is like a carefree lifestyle where you are
12:10 just doing whatever... It is, again, a deception...
12:13 because it all looks so good it's an illusion, it's a
12:17 delusion and an illusion. Because, you know, you see
12:21 all of this bling.. look at all the values that are put forth in
12:27 hip hop... you've got the bling, you've got sex, you know
12:30 you've got violence, and these are some of the main issues
12:33 that are confronting people in the inner cities...
12:36 So Satan is using hip hop which has, you know, rhythm and rhyme
12:40 to get into the sub-conscious mind... just as God, when you
12:44 listen to some beautiful music, you know, music from the Lord..
12:48 it gets into your spirit-so does music that is from the enemy.
12:53 So, you know, he uses it as a tool, obviously, you got into
12:59 that and it kind of propelled you deeper and deeper into that.
13:03 Yeah, it's like a tumbleweed effect. You get involved in
13:07 one thing and then the enemy unbeknownst to you almost is
13:10 introducing something else, and introducing something else
13:12 and things that you said you weren't going to do, now you
13:14 find yourself doing. It's like a tumbleweed effect... you can't
13:17 play with the devil, bottom line. We know from the Bible,
13:21 from Genesis chapter 1, I am sorry, Genesis chapter 3, that
13:24 when Satan went into that serpent and tricked Eve, it was
13:27 through the senses. Bottom line. Through the senses. You see,
13:29 Satan works upon the senses, the emotions, the feelings,
13:33 things like that and he did it in the beginning and he's
13:35 still doing it now. Deception. And the next thing you know,
13:39 you are involved in all types of things that you had no clue
13:42 you were actually going to get involved in. You hear so many
13:44 people that say, "Well, when I am going out there, I am not
13:48 going to do this, I am not going to do that, but you know,
13:49 if you are going to play on the Devil's playground,
13:51 the Devil is going to make sure that you do and try a whole
13:53 lot of things that you said you were planning on not doing.
13:56 Things that you thought you'd never do. But you end up just
14:01 sliding down. It's incredible. Okay, so we just have about
14:05 a minute or so left. Just give us a basic synopsis of when you
14:10 hit rock bottom. We're going to tease our folks now.
14:13 When did you hit rock bottom. Well, when I hit rock bottom was
14:16 in 2008. It was actually April the 9th, 2008.
14:19 For a while, I was just running from the Lord... He was trying
14:22 to get me, and you know, this particular night, it was a
14:25 Wednesday, April the 9th, 2008, and you know, I was involved in
14:29 several drugs throughout these last couple of days...
14:32 from Sunday to Wednesday, I was on several different types
14:34 of narcotics... Cocaine, Marijuana, Ecstasy, drinking
14:38 alcohol... several different things were in my system,
14:41 at that time, and what happened was that night, I came into my
14:44 room and at about 11:30 that night, and as I walked in
14:48 the room, I opened up the door- a fear came upon me, like never
14:51 before, like something is in this room that does not belong
14:54 in this room... either I don't belong there or something is
14:57 in there that does not belong there...
15:00 Ooooh, spooky, something was in the room. Okay, so, you know
15:07 I am not going to leave you hanging. Here's part 2
15:09 of my interview with Aaron Chancy...
15:12 Where I left off at is at- I had actually moved to
15:15 Louisiana, a few months prior to me changing my life...
15:18 about 6 months prior to that, this was... around the time when
15:21 I started changing was April of 2008 and, you know, for about
15:25 the last 6 months, well, for years, I had been running from
15:30 the Lord, and for about the last 6 months, I was on a...
15:34 just an extreme run from the Lord, really trying to fry the
15:38 Holy Spirit out of my mind... you know...
15:39 Were you incarcerated at this time at all?...
15:42 Well, yeah, at this point, I wasn't incarcerated at this
15:45 time but I had spent time incarcerated before, ah, my
15:48 first time being incarcerated was when I was 16 years old
15:51 as a juvenile, I spent a week incarcerated in a facility,
15:54 I was taken out-this was at East Texas, I was released from
15:58 there, I was sent to see a psychiatrist. They were trying
16:02 to figure out... why did the transition go to me being a
16:05 coming from a good family, and things like that into why
16:08 am I getting involved in criminal activities. So I had
16:12 to go see this psychologist, they, you know, finally said
16:14 "Nothing's wrong with him," I kept trying to tell them
16:17 that nothing was wrong with me, they kept trying not to
16:20 believe me... anyhow, I went through that. I was placed on
16:22 one year's probation... and, you know, the thing about it is,
16:26 you know, being incarcerated can make a person come to their
16:29 senses. You know, you read about the prodigal son in
16:31 Luke chapter 15 and verse 13 says: and when he came to his
16:34 senses, he went back home. Well, I wasn't at the point of
16:37 coming to my senses. You know, when I was released... I still
16:40 had that passion for fast money, I still wanted to try to get it
16:43 and it and it was years from then, when I would change my
16:46 life and a year later or so, I found myself back incarcerated.
16:51 Ah... back in jail, ended up being sentenced to 3 months
16:54 prison boot camp, I was 17 years old, from there I went
16:58 to a halfway house for 30 days, and from there, I did 3 months
17:01 on house arrest-which house arrest can seem worse than jail-
17:05 because you are so close to freedom but you are stuck
17:07 in the house with a little thing on your ankle.
17:10 Yvonne: I would have thought that house arrest wouldn't
17:12 have been that bad because you are in your home
17:13 environment... Aaron: No, it's worse...
17:14 Yvonne surprised: Is it?... Aaron: it's worse...
17:15 and actually, you find out really even more so who your
17:18 real friends are... because what happens and..
17:20 I didn't even see that at that time, because what
17:22 happens is you are so much closer to being free, because
17:25 you are back at home, but even still, because you are stuck
17:27 in the house and you can't hang out with your friends.
17:30 You know, a lot of them stay away... things like that...
17:32 because you are confined to the house pretty much 24 hours
17:34 a day... Yvonne: because you can't do at
17:36 home, what you would have done.. Aaron: Yeah, up can't do it...
17:39 so, I did have a few of them come over periodically and
17:41 play dominoes with me, and things like that...
17:43 But, you know, for the most part, at 3 months, it's pretty
17:46 much me by myself, you know, it could be worse than doing time.
17:50 Ah... so I was released from all of that, and went back to Texas
17:53 I was at Michigan at this time, I went back to Texas,
17:56 and it would be a few years later, a couple of years later,
17:59 actually, at 19 years old when I ended up catching another
18:01 charge, you see, I still wasn't done with the criminal lifestyle
18:04 and this time, I caught a charge, which you know,
18:07 I already had an adult felony, I had a juvenile felony,
18:10 this is my second adult felony, at 19 years old, and they sent
18:14 me to prison... sentenced me to prison, actually I was going
18:18 to be sentenced for 10 years, and my lawyer said, well,
18:21 we got it down to 5 years... so I said, "OK, I can do 5 years
18:23 I'll take 5 years, so I sat there and started calculating
18:26 So I am 19 OK, 20, 21, 23, 24 OK I'll be out when I am 24...
18:29 that's fine... you know, if I have to max out on the whole
18:32 sentence... Yvonne: You weren't afraid?
18:33 Aaron: Yeah, I was afraid, I was afraid, you know,
18:36 but one thing about being incarcerated is, you can't show
18:40 any emotion, any feeling, you know, the sadness, the hurt,
18:43 and the pain, you really can't show these types of emotions,
18:45 because you got so many people that have done time for
18:48 years and years and are almost like predators, and if
18:51 you show fear, you become like prey. So it's kind of like,
18:55 you have to Quote, unquote "man up" and just take it,
18:57 if you are going to cry, you'd best do it when nobody is
19:00 looking things like that... I remember, one time a gentleman
19:02 came back after being sentenced, and he got sentenced to 99 years
19:05 he didn't cry, but I went into my little bunk area and shed a
19:08 tear for him.. oh wow! 99 years! that's a lot of time...
19:11 So I was sentenced to 5 years, and I was taken to prison in
19:15 Texas... I was taken to Huntsville, Huntsville in Texas,
19:18 you have about 6 to 7 prisons there... I went to a
19:21 Diagnostics Unit there. There they do different tests
19:24 on you to see where you are at. Your IQ, things like that-before
19:26 they send you to your permanent prison. So I was there for
19:29 about a week-got processed, sent out to Beaumont, Texas,
19:32 I was there for a few months, it was a prison of State inmates
19:35 and Fed inmates combined together...
19:37 Yvonne: Texas doesn't play... Aaron: Yeah, that's why as you
19:39 drive down the highway, there are signs,
19:40 Don't mess with Texas... They are not playing...
19:42 They are serious, they are serious.. Don't mess with Texas.
19:45 So, you know from there, the State side of the prison was
19:48 closing down and they were just keeping the Feds, so I got
19:50 shipped out to another prison in East Texas. So I finished up..
19:53 I didn't do my whole 5 years of the sentence. The Lord blessed.
19:57 I did a year and one month... I did a total of 13 months on
20:00 that five-year sentence. Made my first parole for good
20:03 behavior.. things like that and when I went into prison, I went
20:07 in mainly for stealing things, jacking things and stuff like
20:11 that... but you are in there with so many people, so many
20:13 different crimes, and you know, I went in there, not really
20:17 knowing the drug game much. I didn't use drugs, but I didn't
20:20 know how to sell, the weights of it and things like that...
20:23 But when I came out, learned all that stuff, and I know
20:26 Texas is very strict on parolees so I said, well, my mother and
20:29 father had moved to North Carolina, and you know,
20:32 I had made some connections with people, I said well I am going
20:34 back to North Carolina also, one because Texas is very strict
20:37 on parolees, and I wasn't done living that kind of life style..
20:40 And you know, I saw a prime opportunity, I know in
20:43 North Carolina, the prices on drugs were a lot higher than
20:46 in Texas... Yvonne: So you went in,
20:48 not knowing really about drugs.. and you went to the university..
20:52 Aaron: Yeah, basically, it's like a university... Juvenile is
20:55 like elementary school, then you hit Jail... that's like
20:57 Middle School and... Prison is like college.
20:59 You know, that's how it kind of progresses... High School,
21:02 College, whatever you want to call it. It's just like a
21:04 progressing step... and see I had been through the system..
21:07 I had been in the system already since I was 15, 16 years old...
21:10 so I kind of already knew what the system was like...
21:13 been on probation a couple of times, been on house arrest,
21:17 been in jail, been, you know, I kind of already knew how the
21:20 system went... so I got out, went to North Carolina,
21:24 a few months after I got there I started transporting drugs,
21:27 pounds of marijuana from Texas to North Carolina.
21:30 You know, still running from the Lord... I had an incident
21:33 where I was robbed for 71/2 ounces of marijuana
21:36 and even at that point, I still didn't wake up, you know,
21:39 I still didn't get my attention, first thought in my head was
21:42 go retaliate, then, I talked to some people later on that night
21:45 and, you know, they said look I talked to not some street
21:49 folks, I had to talk to like my brother, he's not really in the
21:52 streets, he gave me some good advice. I also talked to one
21:54 of my friends that's on death row, and he told me,
21:58 you know, you don't want to be where I am at. Either two things
22:00 are going to happen. Either he is going to kill you,
22:01 or you are going to kill him. My brother was like, this isn't
22:05 a movie, this is real life here, that what happens, if you get
22:08 killed down here, you don't have a starring role in the next
22:11 movie, that's it. So I took that advice, and you know, within the
22:15 next couple of days, I moved off the block, I left, and an
22:18 interesting thing about it was the supposed to be "friends"
22:21 on the block, you know, they weren't telling me, you need to
22:24 stay away... don't do it, they were coming knocking on my door
22:26 saying, "Look I got an AK-47, I got a bullet proof vest, I got
22:29 I got this, I know where he hangs out, you know,
22:30 go get him," and things like that... you know... all this
22:32 bad advice is just hitting you.. and you are trying to keep a
22:35 reputation... Yvonne: I was going to say...
22:37 It's all about the manhood and respect and all about that
22:40 Aaron: Yeah, you are trying to keep that reputation, but at the
22:42 same time, you know, you are trying to think and say...
22:45 "You know, I am really not a murderer, I am not a killer,"
22:47 but you have many people I hear who would say
22:49 when I go out in the world, I am not going to do this, this,
22:52 and this, so many situations present themselves, where you
22:55 almost have to make split second decisions, and before you know
22:57 it, you are doing something you said to yourself, 10 years ago,
22:59 I wasn't going to do it, so it very well can happen...
23:02 Yes, and don't you find that the street value.. the whole idea of
23:05 respect, if somebody steps on your foot, you have to shoot
23:10 somebody... Aaron: Yeah, you have to do
23:11 something about it... Yvonne: It's so bizarre...
23:15 Aaron: Yeah... Yvonne: and I think its just
23:17 that people get so sidetracked with the street values,
23:20 that's why the Bible, and the value set forth by the Bible
23:24 and the Word, are just so much richer, because you find
23:28 yourself being forced into this situation, where you could lose
23:32 your life over foolishness... Aaron: Over foolishness...
23:35 Over foolishness. You know, one interesting thing,
23:37 is that I had got robbed one night... that night before,
23:40 and I was actually set up for 71/2 ounces of marijuana,
23:44 and not even a month later, a young person gets killed
23:47 in the same project area I was hustling over 5 dollars
23:50 of marijuana. So I sat there and scratched my head
23:52 for a while... and I said, "How is it Lord that you let me
23:55 live and this other gentleman... his mother was Seventh-day
23:58 Adventist, how is it that he didn't make it?" you know...
24:02 and you sit there and that boggles your mind almost,
24:05 and even after all that, I still didn't change...
24:08 I still didn't my life... all I did was just revamp things
24:10 you know, I tried to do it a different way...
24:12 You know, I can stay here with for hours, your story is so
24:15 important and it is so interesting. Let's kind of fast
24:18 forward now to what happened in Louisiana and when you hit rock
24:22 bottom and you found the Lord. Okay, all right so, you know
24:25 I was in Louisiana running from the Lord, once again,
24:28 staying with one of my good friends and this particular
24:31 night, it was April the 9th,2008 I was involved in several
24:35 different types of drugs and this particular night,
24:37 I had walked into my room high on several drugs already,
24:41 I walked into the room and it was like a fear came upon me,
24:45 that had never come upon me before... now I was used to
24:48 snorting cocaine, so you get these cocaine spooks,
24:50 but this was not like a cocaine spook, this was like something
24:54 is in this room that doesn't belong in this room...
24:56 Yvonne: a presence... Aaron: A presence is in here,
24:58 something is in here... Either I don't belong here or
24:59 it doesn't belong here... So I go in the room, I close the
25:02 blinds, 11:30 at night and I lay down on my mattress on the
25:05 floor... and when I lay down I look up towards the ceiling
25:08 and as I look up on the ceiling I see demons literally just
25:12 floating around, like things are just floating around on the
25:14 ceiling, it's kind of like something off a movie where you
25:16 you just see things moving about... and they were moving
25:19 on the ceiling... so me I got scared, didn't know what else to
25:22 to do, so I took the cover you know, cover my head,
25:24 I am thinking, this cover is going to protect me from
25:26 whatever presence is in here, and at that point, I heard the
25:29 Holy Spirit tell me something at that very moment, I heard the
25:33 Holy spirit say my name clear as day. Now He had been calling me
25:36 for a while, but I was trying to fry Him out of my mind...
25:39 At this point, I head Him say something very clear and very
25:42 distinct... He said, "Aaron, either you get your life
25:44 together now or that's it... either you get your life
25:47 together now, or that's it... I knew that I was on the brink
25:50 of making a big, big mistake in my life, a very big mistake..
25:54 in my life, so I, at that point, grabbed my cell phone and I was
25:57 looking at it and I needed to throw out a lifeline to somebody
26:00 somebody... somebody needs to hear this, that you know,
26:03 I am sinking here, I am falling throwing out a lifeline,
26:06 the only person I could think of was my dad... interesting thing,
26:08 mother and father had always been there even when I was doing
26:10 time, they would come and visit me, so many times, we bumped
26:13 heads, got into it, I sent him out a lifeline, 12:30 where he
26:16 was, 11:30 where I was and the only thing I could think of in
26:19 this message was, I feel lost and friendless, I am lost and
26:22 friendless, the only thing I could send out, press send on it
26:25 the interesting thing about it is my father normally does not
26:27 have text messaging on his phone, this particular time,
26:30 he happened to have text messaging on his phone,
26:34 so that's a blessing in itself, so I send out this message,
26:36 just throwing out a lifeline, hoping that somebody grabs
26:38 this thing, I know my dad is asleep, he doesn't stay up late
26:41 like that, so anyhow, I throw it out and his side of the story
26:44 to tell you is, he saw the phone light up, got up, went to
26:47 the bathroom got on his knees and prayed, and said,
26:49 "Lord, what do I say to him, what do I say to him?"
26:51 see the interesting about it is many mothers and fathers would
26:54 call immediately when they see that text and say,
26:56 "Boy, where are you at? Boy, what are you doing?
26:58 Boy, why this, boy, why that.. " now, if my father wouldn't have
27:00 had that connection with the Lord, he probably would have
27:03 did something like that too... and at that point, I probably
27:05 would have said, "You know what, forget it," and just hung up the
27:08 phone.. But he got on his knees, he prayed, he had that
27:10 connection with God, he is singing back there these very
27:13 words, "What a friend we have in Jesus!" after the song
27:15 "What a friend we have in Jesus" my world just lit up at that
27:18 point... lit up at that point... and I called him on the phone,
27:21 we talked and I was just pouring out my heart to him for about
27:24 15 minutes, we prayed, but I tell you, Dr. Lewis,
27:26 it's nothing like praying for yourself... you see, I had to
27:29 get on my knees, I had to pray for myself. I got on my knees,
27:32 I prayed for myself, and as I was praying for myself,
27:35 I could feel like the weight of world just rising off of my back
27:37 it was like, Satan was like- in the name of Jesus-
27:40 you are getting up off my back and that's what was happening..
27:43 and you know, at that point, I made a decision, to start
27:45 changing my life, now it wasn't easy, but I tell you the thing
27:48 about it is, as I began to come to the cross, I saw the
27:51 cocaine stop, the ecstasy stop, the marijuana stop
27:54 everything just started stopping as I came to Jesus,
27:57 as I came to the cross... Come to the cross...
27:58 Come to the cross, Come to the cross,
28:00 Yvonne: Amen, Amen, That is beautiful...
28:02 So now, here we are, on this set of "The New Journey"
28:06 which is the program that you are hosting for "Dare to Dream"
28:09 Aaron: Yes indeed Yvonne: and we have a quick
28:11 roll-in for you.. behind-the- scenes.. This is really a behind
28:18 the-scenes roll-in of, no.. some footage on what we did to make
28:24 the opening... and it is so funny, because we used some
28:27 folks that true don't have any criminal background
28:31 don't have any school back yet it's so interesting... watch it.
28:37 There's Ben coming in with the gun, and Bo that came in...
28:44 When they said, "Shut down," when they said, "Get down,
28:49 Get down, get down... Bo couldn't think of what to say
28:54 He had the gun, he said, "Stay in school... "
28:57 Aaron: For the youth out there, stay in school.. stay in school.
29:01 Yvonne: That's right, that's right... so what do you
29:02 say to parents, as we close what would you say to parents,
29:05 that have a son or daughter incarcerated?...
29:08 Look into the camera and just give them a few seconds of
29:12 encouragement... Aaron: Real quick, I would say
29:14 to the mothers and the fathers out there... I would say,
29:16 "As long as there is breath, there is hope. " People used to
29:17 tell my parents that... "As long as there is breath,
29:19 there is hope. You see, the son, the daughter may be going
29:23 through so many things but make it very important in the
29:26 child's life to give them that foundation. Just like the
29:28 prodigal son... and see, that prodigal son, when he came
29:31 to his senses, where did he go? he came back home...
29:34 because he had that foundation in his life. So it is very key,
29:37 parents, to have that foundation Young people, stay away from
29:39 the streets... Yvonne: Wow, Aaron Chancy's
29:44 story is so profound to me because, it just shows the
29:48 transforming power of the Holy Spirit...
29:50 that God can take a life that is headed down one road, and put us
29:56 on a different path, and that's what is so amazing
29:59 about God that He can take our lives when we are headed in the
30:04 on a path of self-destruction and take us to a whole new life
30:09 an abundant life... I guess you can see from that
30:11 interview, why the Lord had me to invite Aaron to be the host
30:16 of "The New Journey. " Well, two things really
30:21 impacted me about what Aaron said, one was that you have to
30:27 make a decision, you have to choose the cross...
30:30 and that's one of the things that we need to know...
30:34 that we can decide to make Jesus Christ our savior...
30:38 We can decide that we want a better life, we don't have to be
30:42 in the same position that we have been in. You know, the
30:47 Bible says,... "Today, when you hear His voice,
30:49 harden not your heart. Don't turn away...
30:52 If you feel that you want a new life, if you feel that you know,
30:57 you just can't continue to go on the way you've been going,
31:01 then make a decision, make a choice, Aaron Chancy did it,
31:05 believers who know and love the Lord made a choice and made a
31:10 decision for the abundant life.. you can have a better life and
31:14 your current circumstances do not have to dictate your future
31:18 "The New Journey" hosted by Aaron Chancy can be seen
31:21 regularly on "Dare to Dream. " Check our website
31:25 d2dnetwork. TV for your local listing. Well that's all for
31:29 this episode of "Urban Report. " Join us next time.


Revised 2014-12-17