Urban Report

Dare To Dream Preview

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Danny Shelton


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000001

00:23 Hello, and welcome to 3abn's new network-Dare to Dream and
00:28 to Urban Report. My name is Yvonne Lewis and I am your host
00:31 for Urban Report and today we have a really special program
00:35 for you. I am honored to have as my guest and co-host,
00:41 hopefully, Danny Shelton-the Founder and Special Consultant
00:47 for Three Angels' Broadcasting Network. Dr. Lewis, this is a
00:51 very exciting moment for not only for you and Dare to Dream
00:56 3abn but even me personally and to see this network become a
01:00 reality and that's what we are going to be talking about today
01:04 on this Urban Report is Dare to Dream. Absolutely.
01:07 Tell me because you are such a visionary and I think many of
01:10 viewers-they know you better than they know me and then some
01:14 have never seen you before. Tell us briefly if you would,
01:18 just how did the urban network come to be. It came to our
01:21 Board a number of years ago. We actually considered it-
01:25 and actually started it, made preparations for it, and then
01:29 somehow it just got sidetracked and then about a year or two ago
01:33 a young lady by the name- Dr. Yvonne Lewis came to 3abn
01:37 by invitation of C.A. Murray and you and I, I interviewed you
01:42 and we began to talk about the needs of the inner cities and I
01:46 saw that you had the vision and you were willing to make some
01:50 sacrifices and literally changes in your life and moves and
01:53 whatever it took, -there is a song, "Whatever it takes for
01:57 for my will to break, that's what I'll be willing to do and
02:00 then-it says, take my houses and lands, change my dreams and
02:03 my plans for I'm placing my whole life in your hands.
02:05 Dr. Lewis was willing to do that and thank you so much for your
02:09 your accepting the invitation because of you, we now have a
02:13 network-Dare to Dream has already been on the computer
02:16 but now we are on satellite literally going to be seen in
02:19 many places around the world and so thank you for allowing me to
02:23 be here with you today and you're going to be introducing
02:25 a lot of the different new programs right? Yeah. In fact we
02:27 are going to do-like a little tease today and just let the
02:31 viewers know what's to come on Dare to Dream so that they can
02:33 tune in. The first thing that we are going to look at is
02:38 "Did you know?" spot and actually what that is is we're
02:42 going to look at various contributions that have been
02:45 made by different people to society that a lot of people
02:49 don't know about. So let's take a look at it. "Did you know?"
02:52 Music playing...
02:53 When you plug your printer into your PC, think of Mark Dean.
03:04 He was born on March 2, 1957 in
03:08 Jeffersen City, Tennessee. Growing up, he was a straight A
03:12 student and an outstanding athlete. In College, he
03:15 graduated at the top of his class and went on to earn a PhD
03:19 in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. In 1997,
03:23 Dr. Dean received the Black Engineer of the year President's
03:27 Award, was inducted into the National Inventors' Hall of Fame
03:30 and was named an IBM Fellow-the highest technical honor awarded
03:34 by the company. He devised the Color Graphics Adapter which
03:38 allows color to be displayed on the PC. He holds more than
03:41 20 patents. Did you know that Mark Dean and Dennis Moller
03:45 developed a component that allowed multiple peripheral
03:48 devices such as printers and modems to be connected to a PC?
03:52 Did you know that Dr. Mark Dean dared to dream and owns 3 of the
03:55 9 patents that all PCs are based upon? Well, now you know.
04:00 I love this spot. The thing that I love is that we want
04:04 our children to be able to look and see other minorities that
04:08 have made contributions and they might not have been taught what
04:12 they've contributed. So this is really good-and I am excited
04:16 about the "Did you Know" spot. That's great and I love it and
04:19 you have a lot of those coming up and it is true that a lot of
04:21 times, we have no idea, the contributions that have been
04:25 made by people and somebody said to me, "Well, is this just a
04:28 minority thing or what?" and I said, "Well, kind of yes," you
04:31 know. What's wrong with that?" We want to let everybody to see
04:35 what everybody is doing. In this society and what we are doing as
04:39 Christians, to reach the world. This is such a great opportunity
04:43 let's include everybody in this and that's why, we want to go
04:46 into the inner cities. Who is mostly in the inner cities? and
04:49 if we are reaching areas and cities around the world-millions
04:53 of people-many of those have a lot of things in common-not only
04:56 minorities as far as culture, but how about economically?
04:59 The status and people and how they live-and we want to reach
05:03 everybody because the gospel is for everyone.
05:06 Absolutely, and we know that we have so many issues in the inner
05:10 cities. One of them is crime and so we have a program for
05:14 ex-offenders hosted by an ex-offender. Aaron Chancy is
05:19 the host and he is on fire for the Lord-a young man. Let's take
05:23 a look at Aaron. Music playing
05:52 We'd like to welcome the viewers back to this New Journey
05:54 Program. Today, our guest is Pastor Don L. Morgan.
05:58 Welcome, Pastor Morgan. Thank you.
06:00 Now we want to focus on your amazing testimony of God's
06:03 amazing saving grace. We want to focus on 4 areas of your life
06:08 your early childhood, how you got involved in crime, changing
06:11 your life and your battle with even learning how to read, and
06:15 we want to talk about your work as an ordained minister for God.
06:18 But before we get into those four aspects of your life,
06:20 you have a book that's been written and I want you to talk
06:23 a little bit about what prompted you-what motivated you to
06:27 want to write this book. You know Danny, Aaron Chancy,
06:30 he's on fire for the Lord and he was on Cheri Peters program
06:36 "Celebrating Life in Recovery. " He has an amazing testimony and
06:41 the Lord is just leading me to the right people to host each
06:45 program. He will lay it on my heart. "Ask this one are they
06:49 interested and when they are, it's just amazing how God has
06:53 been bringing everything together.
06:54 God is in it because I have been in production for over 25 years
06:59 and I have never seen so much production being done and new
07:03 programs coming out of nowhere with the right host, with the
07:07 guest. It's definitely God's blessings Yvonne because I know
07:11 though you have some television, much singing in the industry for
07:14 many, many years, and music industry professionally, some
07:18 television, but not having a production background as you do
07:21 to have God to have brought this thing and put it together in
07:24 in less than a year and developed all these new
07:26 programming meeting these needs- it's nothing short of a miracle.
07:28 It's true, you know, I've been listening to the 3abn miracles
07:32 all this time and it's just amazing and now I am seeing God
07:36 do this with "Dare to Dream" and I am just, it just takes me
07:40 aback. God is so incredible. When you are available to do
07:44 the work, He makes Himself responsible for it. So we are
07:48 just watching how everybody is coming together, it's really
07:52 amazing, it really is. It really is.
07:54 One of the things that is the bain of the inner city is
07:57 poverty and we needed a money- management program. So we have
08:02 "Take it to the Bank" with Cordell Thomas. Check it out!
08:06 Simple ways to save... Buying or selling a home?
08:13 and many more financial matters on "Take it to the Bank. "
08:18 Hi, my name is Cordell Thomas and I welcome you to
08:22 "Take it to the Bank" Today, we're going to talk about
08:25 something that's kind of interesting to me and it really
08:28 is interesting because it takes me back to a time in my life
08:32 that I had to leave home. I stayed and lived at home
08:35 until I was well into my 20s but when it is time to leave home,
08:38 it was an intriguing perspective on understanding the real
08:44 expense of living on your own. It's kind of intriguing because
08:48 we do financial literacy courses as part of our Organization and
08:52 teach young people about what financial literacy is all about.
08:56 Money management is just critical-and not just for young
09:01 people, but for all of us older folk too. Absolutely!
09:05 "I am going to be watching this program. "
09:07 "Me too, I am going to be watching and taking notes. "
09:10 Another thing that we've been dealing with again - in the
09:15 inner city, but really in the African-American community as
09:19 a whole, is really poor health. We are the front-runners in
09:23 mortality for many of the chronic diseases-hypertension,
09:27 cancer, diabetes, so we are really looking at, "what to do?
09:32 how do we make a difference? in health status?" So we have
09:36 to have a health program, right? This one is "A Taste of
09:40 Paradise" and the interesting thing about this to me is that
09:43 it's structured uniquely. The first half is on raw-food
09:48 preparation and that's with Evita Tezeno and Brenda Camp,
09:51 and the 2nd half is with Nyse Collins. I think Nyse is
09:54 going to introduce the program but it's really good
09:57 and Nice does cooked food, and he does health tips,
10:00 it's really a nice blend. So let's look at them -
10:04 "Taste of Paradise" music playing
10:14 Do you want to see that again because I would love to show
10:16 you. All right, I heard somebody somebody say, "Yes" so we'll go
10:18 ahead. oh my! This is dangerously good for me.
10:24 Let's get started cooking... or shall I say-uncooking. Yes,
10:27 Nori Sushi rolls and mock tuna. What is the best thing?
10:32 Apple pie! Yes! and guess what? you don't have to give up
10:36 apple pie when you become raw. A raw apple pie!
10:40 Cholesterol is normally manufactured in the liver. Okay
10:43 so if something has a liver- maybe it is related to something
10:47 that has a liver-if it even has a face or a momma or something
10:52 of that nature then it will always have cholesterol.
10:54 So let me ask you a quick question. Does this have a
10:56 liver? Not quite. Does it have a face? Well I guess you can
10:59 draw it in or something like that but does it? It doesn't
11:01 have any of those so this in general-you can look at the
11:04 signs. It has how much Cholesterol? Absolutely no
11:07 cholesterol. But what it does have is - it has a lot of fat-
11:11 Actually, good fat. Does it have a face or a mother.
11:17 That's right. I know. I know. I just love the way they all
11:21 interact and it's just really, really a good program and the
11:25 recipes! The crew and I -we were just loving this program-
11:29 because we got to eat the samples - oh it was good!
11:33 It was good! Well, what I am loving about it too is now
11:36 these are all 3abn Dare to Dream programs produced here-I mean
11:40 in our own studios. Yes. Besides of all the other
11:43 programming that we have been producing all year long- the
11:46 lives and then the actual new programs, and somehow the Lord
11:50 has blessed and thanks to Jim Gilley and Molly and
11:52 C.A. Murray and all the rest of them putting Shelly Quinn -
11:55 helping with all of this, you know, this is amazing
11:59 because I sat and watched all of this and I say this is new
12:03 programs by new people and literally hitting topics that
12:08 are a must for inner cities. For sure, for sure, and I think
12:12 so many people can really benefit, I mean, even people who
12:15 don't live in the inner cities- when they watch these programs
12:17 it is going to be information, that they can use and apply to
12:20 their lives. It's just- I am so excited Danny because
12:24 I see God working and I see that this is information that
12:27 is so necessary. One of the things that's going on too
12:30 across the board, not just in the inner city but across the
12:33 board is the erosion of the family and we need
12:37 relationship-focused programming - and we have one
12:42 this one is externally produced by a Brother Rayford Young in
12:47 Quiet Time Ministries. Okay. And this is out of Detroit with
12:49 Dr. Kim Nowlin and her husband, Arthur Nowlin, and
12:54 they are psychotherapists and they are hosting this
12:58 program, "Making it Work. " Let's take a look.
13:01 Hi, I am Dr. Kim Logan Nowlin and I am Dr. Arthur Nowlin
13:05 and welcome to, "Making it Work"
13:25 Music playing
13:38 Our Topic for today, "The do's and don'ts of a
13:45 healthy relationship. The making of a good marriage. "
13:48 Arthur, what are some of the- - what should I say-the good
13:52 points of making a good marriage? Well, we have to
13:55 start out with good communication.
13:57 You got to have good communication.
13:58 That's very essential when we talk about good points.
14:01 Then the second thing is, we are talking about finances-making
14:06 sure that the finances are- we can work it out, we can work
14:10 together and establish some type of a good working relationship
14:15 for finances. The third thing Kim-you are not really
14:18 going to want to believe this What is it?
14:20 We are talking about responsibilities and chores.
14:22 Okay, Arthur, what's your favorite chore not to do?
14:26 Well, I don't do windows Kim
14:28 I know... when we got married that was in the wedding vows!
14:33 He said, in our wedding vows, I shall not dust and do windows-
14:37 and to this day, he has kept those vows. All right.
14:41 But listen, we want to welcome our guests today-
14:44 Brandon and Alison. Welcome to "Making it work"
14:46 How are you doing today? We're doing great.
14:49 You know one of the things I like about them is their own
14:53 personal interaction. They are married and I like seeing how
14:57 they interact with each other and how they interact with their
15:00 guests as well. And of course, one of the
15:03 producers there-Ray Young- a great guy. I know him and
15:06 and his wife, Debbie from ASI. I have known him for years.
15:09 Great Christians and they love Jesus-you know.
15:11 He has been such a blessing. Really. I mean, this is
15:15 another thing Danny-because you know we have so much going on
15:18 here and "Dare to Dream" is the new baby for 3abn. So we've had
15:22 to do some things externally and Brother Ray stepped up to the
15:26 plate and then we had the hosts that were available and so again
15:30 God has just been opening doors for us-amazing doors and
15:34 I am really thankful. I had heard about this next little
15:39 segment. The host of this next segment-I heard about him
15:42 from some other folks and I checked him out on You Tube
15:45 In fact, no, I was looking up some things on You Tube, and
15:48 saw him and thought, wow! this guy sounds like he's
15:52 Seventh-day Adventist. Sure enough, I found out that
15:56 Chris Hudson, Christopher Hudson is a Seventh-day Adventist
15:59 and he has "The Forerunner Chronicles"
16:02 and it is cutting edge. Take a look. music playing
16:05 Music playing...
16:16 Hi and you are now with "The Forerunner Chronicles"
16:19 All right everybody, I have a question for you. How important
16:24 is entertainment in your personal life? Now, the reason
16:28 why I ask YOU this particular questions is because over the
16:33 course of the last few months, I have received this very same
16:37 question from thousands of individuals -all throughout
16:41 the world and I am talking about thousands of text messages
16:45 and E-Mails, even phone calls in the very middle of the night.
16:49 It's obvious to me, people are truly concerned about what
16:53 role of importance, entertainment should play within
16:56 their personal lives as well as in the lives of their
16:59 family members and they want to know whether or not
17:01 entertainment should hold any role or significance whatsoever
17:07 within their households. When we look out into society, and
17:10 I am not just speaking of here in the United States of America.
17:14 I am talking about world-wide! It can be seen clearly that
17:18 the younger generation-the great majority, are devoting
17:23 an overwhelming amount of time and attention to being
17:27 engrossed within some form of entertainment-and this whole
17:31 phenomena of being wrapped up in entertainment-it's not
17:35 solely isolated to the younger generation. Let's be honest
17:40 everyone, the older generation as well have been overtaken
17:44 with this craze of entertainment. The love of
17:49 entertainment, the very presence of entertainment.
17:51 It is pervading every aspect of our society and especially
17:58 we see this within our inner cities and now, with the
18:02 technological explosion that is taking place-giving us
18:06 devices like iPads and iPods, laptop computers and smartphones
18:11 which pretty much have the same capability that our laptops
18:15 have. We now have readily at our disposal, gadgets that we
18:20 can wear on our wrists, place within our pockets or ladies
18:24 you can just drop them right inside of your handbags.
18:29 He is cutting edge. You know, for me, in my generation,
18:33 I won't include you because... Danny: you should,
18:38 we are the same age. There's a lot of visual
18:43 stimulation there and young people are used to that kind of
18:46 stimulation. You know, for me, just give me a book somewhere,
18:49 or a program, you know, television program, with just
18:53 one thing going on. But one thing I love about him is
18:56 that-he has a lot going on, he's very scriptural,
19:00 very Biblically sound, got great information...
19:03 Danny: He's got the high tech stuff that's going on that
19:05 grabs people's attention. Yvonne: It does. It does.
19:07 Danny: Rightfully so. Yvonne: Yeah, it does.
19:09 Well, another issue that we have going on in the African-American
19:15 community is that issue again of the erosion of the family
19:19 and a lot of promiscuity happening which is a problem-
19:26 not just in the African-American community, really,
19:28 I mean, it's across the board. So I don't want any of our
19:31 viewers to think, oh, we are just picking on the
19:33 African-American community or the inner city. No... We know
19:36 that this is a problem across the board -that sexual purity
19:40 is an issue that has to be dealt with and so, guess what?
19:44 We have a program for sexual purity and it is called
19:47 "Pure Choices" Danny, I am so excited about
19:51 this program too because- I had gone to Oakwood
19:54 to hear... what was I there for? Danny: Oakwood University
19:58 Yvonne: Oakwood University Thank you. They were
20:00 Oakwood College and now they are Oakwood University...
20:04 It was a campmeeting and their featured speaker for
20:07 that evening, for Friday evening was our host, Pr. Seth Yulorda
20:12 and so, as he was talking about his journey, the Lord laid it
20:17 on my heart. Ask him about "Pure Choices" and sure enough
20:21 he said that he would do it, he consented to do it
20:25 and he has done an outstanding job. He brought in some
20:28 panelists - take a look watch this...
20:31 Yeah, I do, because were made- the Bible makes it very clear
20:35 that we were made to create- there's a desire in us to do
20:38 that and what they are doing to me is that... I think they
20:41 play off of that, and, let's not... I don't think we should
20:44 kid ourselves and think that they don't look at those things
20:47 and say you know what believe in that. Maybe even some
20:50 of them do understand that we are created this way
20:53 and so if we can just keep pushing and pushing and
20:54 pushing it, it no longer becomes something that we should
20:57 wait for- I've got to get it right now. Because for me
21:00 it's all about fast- it's all about being fast.
21:02 I was just going to add on to that. You know, it's just
21:07 that everyone is searching for fulfillment, and it's
21:10 just kind of a short cut, and so I can actually get fulfillment
21:13 instantly by just engaging in this type of activity...
21:18 as opposed to... just the time just putting in the effort,
21:22 making all the necessary deposits, so that I can actually
21:26 have to choose from... Let's just say,
21:28 let's skip everything, let's skip all of the necessary
21:32 time it takes to really build a relationship and to actually
21:35 have a commitment and just... you can just have it right now..
21:41 Their interaction... it's just it's so, it's so
21:44 there's a synergy there that they have...
21:46 Danny: Yeah. There's so much going on the host really
21:49 didn't get the time to say anything... and that makes a
21:51 good program, really, when you got that much interaction
21:54 going on. I love it. They just blend really, really
21:58 well. Again, God just brought the right people into this
22:02 whole deal and I am just extremely excited about it.
22:04 Well you know, "Dare to Dream" could not be
22:07 "Dare to Dream" and not have a music program.
22:09 You know, we have to have a music program and the
22:13 hosts for this program are Duane Starling and yours truly
22:17 and so, you got to hear Duane sing. I am hoping that
22:20 that we have a clip of him... But let's take a look at who
22:23 we have. Danny: Okay.
22:25 Be stronger, cry no longer and I'll never wander, from your
22:40 love, no more, and I'll be wiser now, not like before, if I only
22:58 take your hand, and don't let go. I can be the one I intended
23:13 The one that you need Lord and I can go beyond the circumstance
23:28 Down on my knees, when I am down on my knees, I see my way now,
23:45 Now that I found, one who knows how, and He cares to show, and
24:01 He'll protect me from all that I don't know, if I only take
24:15 His hand, to believe that I can stand, if I only take His hand
24:30 I can be a better man, Lord I'll simply take, I'll take your hand
24:44 Please don't, don't let go. Don't let go.
25:00 I'm Counting on you.
25:14 Danny: Amen Yvonne: Amen. Magnify Him.
25:19 That's our music program and the whole idea is to just lift
25:22 up the Lord. To show the music ministries and to lift up the
25:26 Lord. And what a lot of people may not know about
25:28 Dr. Yvonne Lewis -she is not only a Naturopathic doctor,
25:33 but you have a history and for many, many years-sang out
25:37 in the secular music and in 1985, you gave your heart back
25:42 to the Lord and really got serious for the Lord and you've
25:46 been singing for Him ever since, but Yvonne-Dr. Lewis has I think
25:51 8 platinum records with people like Luther Vandross,
25:53 Roberta Flack, Whitney Houston, and a number of those and she
25:58 sang jingles for Coco Cola and Pizza Hut and Charmin and a lot
26:04 of different commercials, and so, you have a tremendous
26:06 background and I am so thankful that Yvonne Lewis
26:09 is using her talents- her gifts and her abilities. and by the
26:12 way, we want to hear you singing more. I notice what you are
26:15 doing-you are putting everybody else up there in these
26:17 in these program-singing and you are not doing much
26:19 but you are a blessing not only because of the great
26:22 gift of the instrument that you have but because of your
26:25 sincerity and your love for Jesus shines through so what is
26:29 commonly known as an anointing it's all over you when you sing
26:33 so you ministered to me and 1000's and multi-1000s of others
26:37 others around the world-so we want to keep using that talent.
26:43 Praise the Lord. Thank you. God has been so good in just
26:47 bringing this whole thing together. I praise him and I am
26:52 so thankful for 3abn and for you and your vision-you know to
26:56 get this thing started and for the crew, everybody here, has
27:00 just been an amazing blessing. So we want you to make sure that
27:05 you tune in and watch "Dare to Dream. " "Dare to Dream"
27:09 is going to be an amazing network, by the grace of God,
27:12 because God is bringing this to you. Danny: And call your
27:16 cable stations and request "Dare to Dream" and they will
27:19 be able to find us. Say, 3abn's "Dare to Dream" for those of you
27:22 people who don't have satellite or regular television, you go in
27:26 your computer, type in 3abn, and go to the link, "Dare to
27:30 Dream" watch it there 24/7 what we are encouraging you to
27:33 do is call your cable companies and request 3abn. This should be
27:38 in every major city, not only in America but around the world.
27:42 Absolutely, Danny, you know I am so excited about what God
27:47 is doing and you are part of this. We need you to really
27:51 link arms with us in prayer, in financial support, and tell
27:55 your friends about "Dare to Dream" - you know, word of mouth
27:59 is a powerful, powerful way to spread the word. May God bless
28:03 and keep you as you honor Him and magnify Him. Tune in to
28:07 "Dare to Dream" music
28:12 music playing


Revised 2014-12-17