We are Tiny Tots around the 00:00:05.77\00:00:07.82 world we're God's girls and boys. 00:00:07.83\00:00:10.66 We live for him around the world, 00:00:10.98\00:00:13.32 we spread love and joy, 00:00:13.33\00:00:15.79 we're cloudy stars of rainbow, 00:00:16.18\00:00:18.46 we're shining like the rainbow. 00:00:18.93\00:00:21.07 We're Tiny Tots around the 00:00:21.51\00:00:23.52 world we're God's girls and boys. 00:00:23.53\00:00:27.12 Hi, I'm Auntie Linda, I'm so glad that you're here, 00:00:29.76\00:00:32.93 Georgie is glad that you are here too. 00:00:33.44\00:00:35.41 Wave to the boys and girls Georgie, 00:00:35.75\00:00:37.12 yes, kitty cat is glad that you are here too. 00:00:38.06\00:00:40.77 And you know Jesus is so 00:00:41.99\00:00:44.13 happy that you've come today. 00:00:44.14\00:00:46.06 You made Jesus happy just because you came 00:00:47.09\00:00:51.72 Jesus wants the children everyone the same 00:00:52.20\00:00:56.84 Welcome, welcome, you are welcome 00:00:57.39\00:00:59.86 Jesus knows your name 00:00:59.87\00:01:02.18 You made Jesus happy just because you came. 00:01:02.66\00:01:08.04 Jesus is happy, oh that's Freddy, 00:01:08.48\00:01:12.38 did you hear that he was splashing 00:01:12.39\00:01:14.36 around in his fishy house. He knows that when you 00:01:14.37\00:01:17.16 come he gets some good fishy food to eat. 00:01:17.17\00:01:19.65 Okay Freddy, it's time to eat, 00:01:20.28\00:01:22.32 the boys and girls are here. 00:01:22.33\00:01:23.51 I'm so glad God give us pets. 00:01:24.06\00:01:26.29 I'm glad today, I'm glad today 00:01:27.21\00:01:30.48 For dear Freddy I'm glad today 00:01:31.00\00:01:34.37 Thank you, God in heaven. 00:01:34.83\00:01:39.54 Freddy is happy isn't he, he got his food. 00:01:40.43\00:01:43.09 Oh! We're getting a phone call. 00:01:43.71\00:01:45.79 Georgie, that's exciting, I wonder who it can be. 00:01:46.22\00:01:49.33 Hello, this is Auntie Linda, oh hi Rodiana, 00:01:51.11\00:01:55.06 oh that is really special. Yes, oh! Well I have two 00:01:57.21\00:02:06.63 big brothers too. Yes, okay well Jesus 00:02:06.64\00:02:12.23 loves you, have a happy day, bye-bye. 00:02:12.24\00:02:15.34 That was Rodiana Washington and she said 00:02:17.60\00:02:22.04 that when her mommy is busy that her big brother 00:02:22.54\00:02:26.68 takes care of her and that he is so good to her and 00:02:26.69\00:02:30.46 he helps her, and he's just really, 00:02:30.47\00:02:33.86 really sweet to her. And she said that she 00:02:33.87\00:02:36.02 loves her big brother a lot. 00:02:36.03\00:02:38.06 Do you have brothers and sisters? 00:02:38.50\00:02:40.27 Yes, that is really special and I have 00:02:40.28\00:02:43.32 brothers too and they help take good care of me too. 00:02:43.33\00:02:46.30 Well, Jesus loves us doesn't he Georgie? 00:02:46.89\00:02:49.21 Yes, oh kitty cat thank you so much for 00:02:49.75\00:02:53.02 reminding me. It's time to ring our worship bell. 00:02:53.03\00:02:56.06 Do you wanna ring it today Georgie, okay. 00:02:56.92\00:02:59.91 Worship bells are sweet, calling us to meet with our 00:03:00.83\00:03:06.58 best friend Jesus. Come and worship here, 00:03:06.59\00:03:12.25 Jesus will be near smiling when he sees us. 00:03:12.77\00:03:20.02 Thank you Georgie, well this is a fun time. 00:03:20.40\00:03:23.84 Are you wondering what's in our worship 00:03:24.31\00:03:26.17 present box today? Georgie and kitty cat 00:03:26.18\00:03:29.62 are wondering too. I wanna see too, 00:03:29.63\00:03:32.18 you can sit right there okay. 00:03:32.78\00:03:34.26 Let's see what's in our box, 00:03:35.26\00:03:36.94 oh! It's so pretty isn't it? 00:03:37.13\00:03:39.20 Oh! That's really special, we have some 00:03:40.59\00:03:46.44 water, we're gonna pretend that it's water. 00:03:46.45\00:03:49.28 Oh! I like to go swimming don't you. 00:03:50.02\00:03:52.61 Do you like to take a boat ride? 00:03:52.86\00:03:54.48 I do too, I love boat rides, we're gonna stick 00:03:54.99\00:03:58.64 this under here and then oh what else do we have? 00:03:58.65\00:04:03.52 Oh! We have a sailboat, 00:04:04.19\00:04:06.43 that's really special isn't it? 00:04:07.18\00:04:09.87 Oh! That's a nice sailboat and out in the 00:04:10.46\00:04:13.72 water, oh how much fun, I have fun when 00:04:13.73\00:04:16.30 I get to go in boats. Well, you know 00:04:16.31\00:04:19.29 there are some boats that are like fishing 00:04:20.55\00:04:22.91 boats and they have nets like this, 00:04:22.92\00:04:26.90 and they through their net out, now shut your 00:04:27.30\00:04:30.08 eyes and don't peek, I'm gonna put something in 00:04:30.09\00:04:32.09 the net, do you have your eyes shut, 00:04:32.10\00:04:34.44 okay you can open your eyes. 00:04:35.15\00:04:37.66 And when they throw the net out there is fish 00:04:38.60\00:04:41.96 in it, isn't that special? That Jesus made so 00:04:41.97\00:04:46.75 many neat fish, and fishermen have fun 00:04:46.76\00:04:50.10 catching all those fish. Can you sing a little 00:04:50.11\00:04:53.66 song with me? Make a little boat 00:04:53.67\00:04:56.49 like this okay, just take your hands together and 00:04:56.50\00:04:59.26 go like this and we are gonna sing a song about 00:04:59.27\00:05:02.75 Peter, James and John they were three special 00:05:02.76\00:05:05.72 friends of Jesus. And they went fishing 00:05:05.73\00:05:08.46 in a boat like this, okay make it rock. 00:05:08.47\00:05:11.69 Peter, James and John had a little sailboat, 00:05:12.35\00:05:15.45 Peter, James and John had a little sailboat, 00:05:15.81\00:05:18.90 Peter, James and John had a little sailboat, 00:05:19.26\00:05:22.47 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:05:22.82\00:05:25.44 We are gonna fish. 00:05:25.45\00:05:26.42 Fished all night caught no fishes, 00:05:26.76\00:05:30.45 Fished all night caught no fishes, 00:05:30.80\00:05:34.29 Fished all night caught no fishes, 00:05:34.54\00:05:37.95 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:05:38.29\00:05:40.61 Jesus said fish on the other side, 00:05:41.29\00:05:45.01 Jesus said fish on the other side, 00:05:45.02\00:05:48.65 Jesus said fish on the other side, 00:05:48.66\00:05:52.52 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:05:52.53\00:05:55.11 Then something happened, don't peek 00:05:55.25\00:05:57.63 I'm gonna show you, okay, got your little boats. 00:05:57.64\00:06:00.41 Then their boats were full of fishes, 00:06:00.88\00:06:02.97 Then their boats were full of fishes, 00:06:02.98\00:06:05.25 Then their boats were full of fishes, 00:06:05.26\00:06:07.64 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:06:08.23\00:06:11.34 Wasn't that fun? We'll have to sing that 00:06:11.93\00:06:14.24 song again sometime. We'll put the fishes 00:06:14.25\00:06:16.34 back in the net, right now let's just thank 00:06:16.35\00:06:19.80 Jesus for taking such good care of us, okay. 00:06:19.81\00:06:23.04 Let's bend our knees, I will bend my knees. 00:06:24.25\00:06:29.16 Fold your hands, I will fold my hands. 00:06:29.55\00:06:33.75 Take your little heads and bow them okay like 00:06:34.01\00:06:36.05 this, I will bow my head. Close your eyes tight, 00:06:36.06\00:06:41.29 I will close my eyes and very, 00:06:41.87\00:06:46.01 very quiet be while the prayer is said. 00:06:46.02\00:06:51.28 Dear Jesus, thank you so much for you loving 00:06:52.44\00:06:57.55 us and taking good care of us Lord. 00:06:57.56\00:07:00.34 Thank you for Rodiana's brother who 00:07:00.79\00:07:02.98 takes good care of her. And thank you Lord for 00:07:02.99\00:07:06.02 giving the fishermen fish. We love you Jesus 00:07:06.03\00:07:10.37 in your name amen. I love Jesus don't you? 00:07:10.38\00:07:15.64 Well today, we've got some other fun things 00:07:17.07\00:07:19.72 planned for you, oh there are 00:07:19.73\00:07:21.34 so many neat things to do. 00:07:21.35\00:07:22.87 But, right now Farmer Mike is waiting for us 00:07:23.40\00:07:26.52 at the barn, come on, let's go to the barn. 00:07:26.53\00:07:29.93 Hey kids let's go to the barn. 00:07:31.98\00:07:34.32 Auntie Linda and my best friends 00:07:38.17\00:07:40.86 this is little John, well that's neat, 00:07:40.87\00:07:44.26 do you know what he is don't you? 00:07:44.27\00:07:45.24 He is a donkey. You got a little bit bleed. 00:07:45.25\00:07:49.12 Oh! Yeah, I scratch my hand on the barn a 00:07:49.86\00:07:51.57 while ago over there, see it right there. 00:07:51.58\00:07:53.06 But, this donkey's named Little John 00:07:53.69\00:07:55.57 and he is a, if I remember that, 00:07:56.09\00:07:58.12 he is a mini donkey. And he is about two 00:07:58.13\00:08:01.79 years old, two years old, two years old. 00:08:01.80\00:08:05.72 Does he like to be brushed? I'm three. You're three. 00:08:05.73\00:08:08.03 He likes to be brushed, you guys wanna 00:08:08.04\00:08:09.72 brush the donkey? I want this, okay. 00:08:09.73\00:08:11.78 You wanna brush the donkey, 00:08:11.79\00:08:13.05 you can brush him right here, yeah. 00:08:13.06\00:08:14.93 I brush him right there. 00:08:14.94\00:08:16.81 You know how many colors donkeys come in? 00:08:16.82\00:08:18.83 What color is this color? A black, yeah there's 00:08:18.84\00:08:22.07 some black there and brown. 00:08:22.08\00:08:23.54 Mostly brown with a little black that's right, 00:08:23.55\00:08:25.42 and sometimes they're spotted. 00:08:25.76\00:08:26.98 And sometimes their color is tan, 00:08:28.13\00:08:30.40 he is teddy, he is teddy, yeah. 00:08:30.41\00:08:32.48 Now there is something really, really wonderful 00:08:33.02\00:08:34.92 about the donkey. Do you remember 00:08:34.93\00:08:37.65 in the Bible, the donkey is dirty. 00:08:37.66\00:08:40.20 Jesus rode a donkey one time. 00:08:40.21\00:08:42.07 And the donkey is dirty, yeah and you're helping 00:08:42.26\00:08:45.11 him get clean and he rode a donkey, 00:08:45.12\00:08:46.65 Jesus rode a donkey and there's 00:08:46.66\00:08:49.04 something about donkey. They will have a white 00:08:49.05\00:08:52.12 streak here, and a white streak 00:08:52.73\00:08:54.64 across their shoulder. n shape of a cross. 00:08:54.65\00:08:58.20 Well, that is really neat, I can see the cross there. 00:08:58.21\00:09:01.58 Yeah, isn't that something, yeah. 00:09:01.59\00:09:02.92 This one's markings are black and they 00:09:03.83\00:09:06.27 sometimes are white, different marks, 00:09:06.28\00:09:07.94 buts they're always a cross. 00:09:07.95\00:09:09.14 Do you wanna brush his head down there? 00:09:09.29\00:09:10.77 That's kind of amazing isn't it, and it makes me, 00:09:10.78\00:09:12.90 can you help it down, no, okay, it makes me 00:09:12.91\00:09:14.84 wonder if Jesus is trying to tell us 00:09:14.85\00:09:16.55 something to remember the cross. 00:09:16.56\00:09:17.89 Yeah, okay let's him eat some corn in there and 00:09:19.38\00:09:22.15 some other stuff. Oh! I know something I need 00:09:22.16\00:09:24.96 to tell you guys, they're not very big but they 00:09:24.97\00:09:26.82 can carry a lot of weight, somebody 00:09:26.83\00:09:29.61 really big can ride on them without hurting him. 00:09:29.62\00:09:31.56 They're not very big but they're strong. 00:09:32.35\00:09:33.90 They use them donkeys and mules in the Grand 00:09:34.65\00:09:36.62 Canyon to go down those canyon trails that 00:09:36.63\00:09:38.73 are real tricky and they don't stumble and fall 00:09:38.74\00:09:41.78 off in a canyon. And they use donkeys 00:09:41.79\00:09:43.85 because they are, they walk real 00:09:43.86\00:09:45.70 careful and real safe. I wanna ride a donkey. 00:09:45.71\00:09:49.65 If I'm gonna ride down the Grand Canyon 00:09:49.66\00:09:51.52 brother, I'm gonna. You ride a donkey too? 00:09:51.53\00:09:53.48 And there is something else people 00:09:57.66\00:09:58.76 say things like well he's stubborn as a mule. 00:09:58.77\00:10:01.83 But, they got their own mind and their own 00:10:02.56\00:10:05.03 determination and sometimes it's not always bad. 00:10:05.04\00:10:07.54 I tell who used to like him, and who use to 00:10:07.83\00:10:09.56 ride him all the time. Kings would ride them. 00:10:09.57\00:10:13.01 Wow! Do you know that? Kings would, that's right. 00:10:14.34\00:10:17.44 Well serious hungry isn't he? 00:10:17.86\00:10:19.37 He is, he just Little John, his name is 00:10:20.01\00:10:23.11 Little John and Little John just eating like, 00:10:23.12\00:10:25.16 Well, God made Little John really special. 00:10:26.42\00:10:29.06 He sure did, and that's what God's is done. 00:10:29.07\00:10:31.62 So many times with all over the animals we got 00:10:31.63\00:10:33.79 here on farm, and even other animals, 00:10:33.80\00:10:35.58 that we don't have, he makes each one kind a 00:10:35.59\00:10:38.07 like unique they are like, got their own 00:10:38.08\00:10:42.15 identity, you know what I'm trying to say. 00:10:42.16\00:10:44.38 Each one is like this is what I'm. 00:10:44.91\00:10:47.21 Yes, yeah you guys still brushing the donkey? 00:10:49.91\00:10:52.06 Well, it's about time for us go 'cause we're 00:10:52.07\00:10:54.68 gonna do something really fun. 00:10:54.69\00:10:56.28 But, before we go we wanna sing a song for you. 00:10:56.55\00:10:58.99 I was hoping we wouldn't forget to sing, 00:10:59.00\00:11:00.60 I love to sing that song. 00:11:00.61\00:11:01.69 Can you help me sing Noah? 00:11:01.70\00:11:02.67 Come here Noah and sing that song, 00:11:02.68\00:11:04.03 come over here and sing will 00:11:04.04\00:11:05.01 help me sing, come here. 00:11:05.02\00:11:05.99 Come over here and stand right 00:11:06.00\00:11:06.97 here and help me sing. I will sit right here. 00:11:06.98\00:11:10.13 Okay, sit right there but sing 00:11:10.14\00:11:11.71 with me okay here we go. 00:11:11.72\00:11:12.91 I like to go to the farm where the cows moo, moo, 00:11:13.44\00:11:17.54 I like to go to the farm 00:11:17.98\00:11:19.57 where the ducks quack, quack, 00:11:19.58\00:11:21.73 I like to go to the farm, I like to go to the farm, 00:11:22.22\00:11:25.87 I like to go to the farm, And learn of Jesus. 00:11:26.42\00:11:31.51 Alright, well thank you for the fun day. 00:11:31.52\00:11:34.20 Can you tell Little John goodbye? 00:11:34.50\00:11:36.08 Goodbye, goodbye Little John. 00:11:36.39\00:11:37.81 Tell Farmer Mike goodbye, 00:11:37.82\00:11:38.79 okay goodbye. We got to go, 00:11:38.80\00:11:40.80 Little John said bye too. Did you hear him? 00:11:41.94\00:11:44.59 He said bye. Here is the brushes, okay bye-bye, 00:11:44.60\00:11:47.14 bye-bye see you later. Bye-bye, we'll see you, 00:11:47.69\00:11:50.83 we are gonna go do some more fun things, 00:11:50.84\00:11:52.82 bye-bye, bye-bye Little John. 00:11:53.57\00:11:56.45 Time for our nature walk. 00:11:57.97\00:11:59.51 I'm excited, my nephew Michael is here today. 00:12:04.54\00:12:08.26 I'm also excited that you are here. 00:12:08.53\00:12:10.28 We're getting ready to go for a walk. 00:12:10.51\00:12:12.01 Shall we go for a walk today, 00:12:12.71\00:12:15.77 a walk today, a walk today, Shall we go for a walk 00:12:16.18\00:12:22.20 today, to see what God has given. 00:12:22.21\00:12:27.69 Michael, look at the tomatoes, 00:12:28.50\00:12:30.40 do you like my garden? You do, do you like 00:12:30.41\00:12:33.53 the watermelon? And look how the cabbage 00:12:33.54\00:12:37.96 and the cantaloupe all grow on top. 00:12:37.97\00:12:39.98 Yes, maybe there is and I have some things in 00:12:41.37\00:12:43.79 my garden that grow under the ground. 00:12:43.80\00:12:46.05 Can you find him? What do we have here? 00:12:46.38\00:12:50.39 Oh! Look at do you like potatoes? 00:12:51.89\00:12:56.46 Can you put potato in my hand? 00:12:57.70\00:12:59.39 Okay, okay, they're dirty, that's okay you 00:13:00.31\00:13:03.60 wanna put in my hand? Okay just do it. 00:13:03.61\00:13:06.82 You want me to do it 'cause it's dirty okay. 00:13:07.13\00:13:09.81 Do you to eat mash potatoes? 00:13:10.69\00:13:12.67 Yuck, you don't like mash potatoes? 00:13:12.68\00:13:15.38 Yucky, I love mash potatoes and I like 00:13:15.39\00:13:18.15 baked potatoes. Can you see if there is some 00:13:18.16\00:13:20.74 more in there. Yes God made so many 00:13:20.75\00:13:24.24 wonderful things in our garden. 00:13:24.25\00:13:26.11 God made the beautiful potatoes, 00:13:27.85\00:13:31.94 I know, I know, 00:13:32.25\00:13:35.87 God made the beautiful potatoes, 00:13:36.21\00:13:40.08 because he loves me so. 00:13:40.43\00:13:44.89 Another one, yes. 00:13:46.18\00:13:49.90 Story time. 00:13:51.22\00:13:52.33 It's story time boys and girls, come and join 00:13:56.60\00:13:59.69 Noah and Sylvia and I. We've got a good story 00:13:59.70\00:14:02.88 today, our story is about Jesus and the storm. 00:14:02.89\00:14:06.70 It's a boat isn't it? What is this? 00:14:09.13\00:14:11.35 Water, lots water and who is this? 00:14:13.52\00:14:15.71 Jesus, Jesus. He'd been preaching and teaching 00:14:16.23\00:14:18.57 all day long and he was tired. 00:14:18.58\00:14:20.93 So, he told his disciples to get in the boat and 00:14:21.50\00:14:24.51 they were gonna take a ride. 00:14:24.52\00:14:25.71 Do you like to take a boat ride? 00:14:25.72\00:14:27.08 Yeah, me too, do you, I do too. 00:14:27.54\00:14:29.85 And they all got in the boat and they went out 00:14:30.94\00:14:33.43 and look at, it become night, a moon. 00:14:33.74\00:14:36.99 That's a moon and what are these? 00:14:37.00\00:14:39.07 Stars and Jesus was so tired he went 00:14:40.24\00:14:44.25 asleep didn't he? He is sleeping, sleeping, 00:14:44.26\00:14:47.06 do you take a nap? Yeah, yes I do too. 00:14:47.07\00:14:50.16 I take a nap, I do too. And while Jesus was 00:14:50.17\00:14:54.06 taking a nap something happened, 00:14:54.07\00:14:55.48 all of a sudden there was lighting and thunder. 00:14:56.07\00:14:58.81 Oh! Sylvia, look at this, that's water and it came 00:14:59.36\00:15:03.23 splashing into their boat, and they got wet. 00:15:03.24\00:15:06.27 Its a splash, it splashed and they went splashing 00:15:06.28\00:15:11.08 in the boat and they were trying to get the 00:15:11.09\00:15:12.82 water out of the boat. And they said, 00:15:12.83\00:15:15.25 Jesus save us didn't they say that. 00:15:16.84\00:15:18.85 Jesus save us, and Jesus woke up, he woke and 00:15:21.18\00:15:26.94 Sylvia, look at the angry winds. 00:15:26.95\00:15:30.91 Jesus stood up and he said, the moon came out 00:15:31.36\00:15:36.58 and he said peace be still. 00:15:36.59\00:15:39.89 and the moon came out and the waves are gone, 00:15:41.66\00:15:43.63 the angry waves aren't there. 00:15:43.64\00:15:45.12 And the rain is gone, and Jesus said, 00:15:45.72\00:15:48.54 why were you afraid? You don't have to be 00:15:49.08\00:15:52.23 afraid when I'm with you. Do we have to be afraid 00:15:52.24\00:15:55.35 when Jesus is with us? I'm not afraid, yeah we 00:15:55.36\00:15:58.69 don't have to afraid. I'm not afraid either, 00:15:58.70\00:16:03.26 I'm not afraid either, I'm not afraid either. 00:16:04.14\00:16:08.23 That's right and you know the disciples 00:16:08.24\00:16:10.03 weren't afraid either. I'm not afraid either, 00:16:10.04\00:16:13.87 that's right, and you know boys 00:16:13.88\00:16:15.41 and girls we don't have to be afraid either, 00:16:15.42\00:16:18.48 because we always have Jesus with us. 00:16:18.49\00:16:21.81 Fun in the kitchen. 00:16:23.72\00:16:25.40 Today we're gonna make peanut butter cookies. 00:16:28.90\00:16:32.88 I love peanut butter cookies. 00:16:32.89\00:16:35.07 Yeah I love them too. Well I'm gonna put this 00:16:35.08\00:16:39.89 bowl right here in the middle so all you can help. 00:16:39.90\00:16:43.08 Let me move you over just a little bit Ashley, 00:16:43.65\00:16:46.10 okay, what are these for? Oh! That's for measuring, 00:16:46.11\00:16:49.13 that's called a measuring spoon. 00:16:49.72\00:16:51.39 And each measuring spoon has different 00:16:52.11\00:16:54.21 sizes and that's when you read a recipe and 00:16:54.22\00:16:57.25 you can tell what how much to put in a recipe. 00:16:57.26\00:17:00.73 I can't reach it either. Oh! You will get to 00:17:01.00\00:17:02.89 reach it, okay Hannah, can you reach this? 00:17:02.90\00:17:05.09 Tyler, can you put this in? 00:17:05.59\00:17:07.21 Ashley, can you put this in? 00:17:08.13\00:17:09.62 Okay. I've already measure this for us, 00:17:09.86\00:17:11.89 so all you have to do is put it in okay. 00:17:12.25\00:17:14.46 You can put all of it in, and you can just put all 00:17:14.54\00:17:18.84 of it in if you like. Good deal Hannah, 00:17:18.85\00:17:22.02 you can take the whole bowl, I mess this. 00:17:23.05\00:17:24.29 Its okay, remember Miss Cinda doesn't 00:17:24.30\00:17:26.80 mind messes does she? So, you know you 00:17:26.81\00:17:29.71 should have fun in kitchen, I'm already done. 00:17:29.72\00:17:31.08 Oh! You're already done. Well, let's give you 00:17:31.88\00:17:33.45 something else. You can put in the 00:17:33.46\00:17:35.81 salt and you can just put it all, you can dump all 00:17:35.82\00:17:39.63 that in and then I can give you more to put in. 00:17:39.64\00:17:41.58 It's fun to help in the kitchen isn't 00:17:44.24\00:17:46.11 it boys and girls? Hey Auntie Linda 00:17:46.12\00:17:48.09 shared with me. Jesus is happy when 00:17:48.10\00:17:51.34 we share isn't he? He loves us to share. 00:17:51.35\00:17:54.39 Do your mommies and daddies takes care of 00:17:55.29\00:17:56.93 you and give you special treats. 00:17:56.94\00:17:58.56 Okay, how about putting in our maple 00:17:59.03\00:18:00.87 syrup for us? I made a mess again, oh! That's okay. 00:18:00.88\00:18:04.84 We got to see Farmer Mike and he was taking 00:18:04.85\00:18:07.03 care of a miniature donkey. 00:18:07.04\00:18:08.59 Oh! I like donkeys, they make 00:18:09.25\00:18:13.12 funny noises don't they? Yeah, hee-haw, hee-haw. 00:18:13.13\00:18:16.32 That's right, okay. Now, what else can we do? 00:18:16.50\00:18:24.28 What else can you do? Well, let me you know 00:18:24.60\00:18:26.74 what sure, you can dump the whole bowl 00:18:26.75\00:18:29.58 in, can, and I'll put the peanut butter in. 00:18:29.59\00:18:32.34 And Ashley you wanna help me start stirring 00:18:33.09\00:18:35.47 this up? Sure, oh way to go Tyler. 00:18:35.48\00:18:38.10 You want me to dump it in? Tyler you wanna take 00:18:38.65\00:18:40.41 your spoon, and you can put the margarine in 00:18:40.42\00:18:43.10 for me. Can I stir? Can you stir just one second, 00:18:43.11\00:18:46.79 we'll let Ashley stir first. 00:18:46.80\00:18:48.52 Oh! This is fun boys and girls, I'll bet you, 00:18:49.57\00:18:51.79 you would like to help your mommies. 00:18:51.80\00:18:53.06 Oh! Ashley thank you are helping me stir, 00:18:53.07\00:18:55.91 oh my goodness. Ashley told me her 00:18:56.56\00:18:59.19 mommy was a good cook. 00:18:59.20\00:19:00.89 She is, is she a good cook? 00:19:01.57\00:19:02.72 What does she cook that you like? 00:19:02.73\00:19:04.44 Oh! Well, let me move it little bit? 00:19:04.45\00:19:05.86 I like broccoli, broccoli, that's good for you, 00:19:05.87\00:19:09.99 strawberries. Oh! Wow, okay Tyler can we get 00:19:11.14\00:19:15.30 all that margarine in there, I'm ready for it, 00:19:15.31\00:19:17.34 okay I'll move over a little Hannah. 00:19:17.79\00:19:19.63 Good job Tyler. Auntie Linda can you 00:19:21.09\00:19:23.14 hold that? And we'll get that in. 00:19:23.15\00:19:24.59 And you get some more Tyler? 00:19:26.13\00:19:27.10 Isn't it fun when we all work together? 00:19:27.39\00:19:29.53 And we can make something, 00:19:30.53\00:19:31.59 Tyler, you're getting butter on me. 00:19:32.30\00:19:34.18 She is getting butter on my finger too. 00:19:35.20\00:19:37.65 She is getting butter on me. 00:19:38.28\00:19:39.25 Shall I butter your nose Tyler? 00:19:39.26\00:19:41.00 What do you think? There is a little bit 00:19:42.36\00:19:46.10 more, oh I don't know Tyler you're getting 00:19:46.11\00:19:48.52 butter all over me, oh there we go. 00:19:48.53\00:19:52.01 This looks good enough to eat doesn't it? 00:19:52.38\00:19:54.31 And you know that these are healthier 00:19:54.68\00:19:56.93 peanut butter cooking because we're not 00:19:56.94\00:19:58.29 putting any eggs in it and 00:19:58.30\00:20:01.47 so they are better for you. 00:20:01.48\00:20:02.58 Well, Hannah I got butter all over me. 00:20:04.72\00:20:06.94 Okay, okay Tyler let's take this and we'll get 00:20:08.34\00:20:11.16 the last little bit out. Now you know what, 00:20:11.17\00:20:12.73 we'll move the tray over here and I'm gonna let 00:20:13.43\00:20:15.46 you guys each spoon some right on the 00:20:15.47\00:20:17.78 cookie sheet. Hey, what else do we need to do? 00:20:17.79\00:20:22.34 What else do you need to do? 00:20:22.35\00:20:23.49 Okay know we're gonna get our spoons, 00:20:24.29\00:20:25.80 and we're gonna get to put some on there. 00:20:25.81\00:20:27.11 And we are gonna get to put, oh it's good? 00:20:27.58\00:20:28.98 Do you want to taste it Tyler? 00:20:31.47\00:20:32.44 There is no eggs in this, so you can 00:20:33.35\00:20:34.89 taste it if you want. You wanna taste it Hannah? 00:20:34.90\00:20:37.27 No I can't, make me this stir. 00:20:37.82\00:20:40.05 Oh! Well, you got a stir, okay I tell Hannah is a 00:20:40.06\00:20:44.27 big helper, I bet you help your mommy a lot. 00:20:44.28\00:20:47.01 There you go, now we're gonna leave this 00:20:48.03\00:20:49.68 down here like this, okay can you take a 00:20:49.69\00:20:52.44 spoonful now. Oh! That good stuff isn't it? 00:20:52.45\00:20:56.62 I hope you boys and girls like to help in the 00:21:00.75\00:21:02.97 kitchen like Hannah and Tyler and Ashley do. 00:21:02.98\00:21:06.52 Because we have a lot of fun, 00:21:06.70\00:21:08.68 Miss Cinda, what is that what the cookies gonna 00:21:09.16\00:21:11.35 like over there. Is Auntie Linda peeking 00:21:11.36\00:21:14.39 again, she is always peaking, what are we 00:21:14.40\00:21:17.40 gonna do with Auntie Linda? 00:21:17.41\00:21:18.76 Do you think put some peanut butter on her nose? 00:21:19.87\00:21:21.94 No, you think we should put peanut butter 00:21:22.69\00:21:24.23 on her nose? No, no, well you go ahead 00:21:24.24\00:21:26.28 Tyler, you put peanut butter on Miss Auntie 00:21:26.29\00:21:28.06 Linda's nose. Hannah protects me. 00:21:28.07\00:21:30.31 'Cause see we're dressed alike, 00:21:31.73\00:21:33.19 oh! So you are twins, we are twins. 00:21:33.64\00:21:36.15 Look what I got kids, would you like to taste this? 00:21:36.16\00:21:38.29 Would you like a peanut, okay. 00:21:39.59\00:21:40.94 Would you like to taste a peanut butter cookie? 00:21:41.18\00:21:42.87 Auntie Linda, oh! And Auntie Linda okay let's 00:21:44.51\00:21:47.04 tell everybody are they good? 00:21:47.05\00:21:48.80 Thank you, you think they are good? 00:21:48.81\00:21:49.78 Let's all taste them ready? Let's tell all our kids out 00:21:49.79\00:21:52.45 there if they like, if we like our 00:21:52.46\00:21:53.98 peanut butter cookies. 00:21:53.99\00:21:54.96 These peanut butter cookies are good. 00:21:58.82\00:22:01.31 Oh! They are, boys and girls, get your 00:22:01.87\00:22:04.52 mommies to help you make peanut butter 00:22:04.53\00:22:06.65 cookies, or maybe your grandmas, they're good. 00:22:06.66\00:22:10.63 It's singing time boys and girls. 00:22:13.48\00:22:16.07 It's singing time kids, yeah. 00:22:19.04\00:22:23.53 Now we're gonna sing a song about Peter, 00:22:24.21\00:22:26.08 James and John, oh good. So, make your little 00:22:26.09\00:22:28.41 sailboats like this and walk them on the water. 00:22:28.42\00:22:30.98 Peter, James and John had a little sailboat, 00:22:32.17\00:22:36.46 Peter, James and John had a little sailboat, 00:22:36.87\00:22:40.78 Peter, James and John had a little sailboat, 00:22:41.15\00:22:44.90 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:22:45.36\00:22:48.66 Fished all night caught no fishes, 00:22:49.83\00:22:54.02 Fished all night caught no fishes, 00:22:54.03\00:22:58.57 Fished all night caught no fishes, 00:22:58.58\00:23:03.09 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:23:03.10\00:23:06.49 Jesus said fish on the other side, 00:23:07.76\00:23:11.82 Jesus said fish on the other side, 00:23:11.83\00:23:16.27 Jesus said fish on the other side, 00:23:16.28\00:23:20.41 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:23:20.42\00:23:24.17 Then their boats was filled with fishes, 00:23:24.97\00:23:26.40 Then their boats was filled with fishes, 00:23:26.41\00:23:27.88 Then their boats was filled with fishes, 00:23:27.89\00:23:29.52 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:23:29.53\00:23:33.55 Can we do that one more time? 00:23:34.36\00:23:35.37 That was fun, let's try that again, but faster. 00:23:35.68\00:23:39.43 Oh! Yeah faster okay we will try. 00:23:39.44\00:23:42.55 Can you guys do it faster, okay. 00:23:42.56\00:23:45.11 Peter, James and John had a little sailboat, 00:23:45.91\00:23:49.56 Peter, James and John had a little sailboat, 00:23:49.57\00:23:53.44 Peter, James and John had a little sailboat, 00:23:53.45\00:23:57.22 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:23:57.66\00:24:00.89 Fished all night caught no fishes, 00:24:01.33\00:24:05.24 Fished all night caught no fishes, 00:24:05.25\00:24:09.33 Fished all night caught no fishes, 00:24:09.34\00:24:13.45 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:24:13.46\00:24:16.72 Jesus said fish on the other side, 00:24:17.23\00:24:20.86 Jesus said fish on the other side, 00:24:20.87\00:24:24.73 Jesus said fish on the other side, 00:24:24.74\00:24:28.64 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:24:28.65\00:24:32.10 Then their boats was filled with fishes, 00:24:32.73\00:24:34.09 Then their boats was filled with fishes, 00:24:34.10\00:24:35.41 Then their boats was filled with fishes, 00:24:35.42\00:24:37.04 Out on the deep blue sea. 00:24:37.54\00:24:40.97 I fastest, you're fastest. I think so. 00:24:40.98\00:24:46.72 Well, we are gonna sing another song about a fishy. 00:24:50.83\00:24:53.05 Can you make fishes like this? 00:24:53.49\00:24:55.22 Put your two hands together and let your 00:24:55.63\00:24:57.53 thumbs go like this, Auntie Linda like that? 00:24:57.54\00:24:59.54 Yes like this, okay can you do that? 00:24:59.55\00:25:01.77 We are gonna sing a song about the fishy 00:25:01.78\00:25:03.02 swimming in the water, okay here we go. 00:25:03.03\00:25:05.54 Fishy, fishy, swim in the water 00:25:05.55\00:25:09.62 fishy, fishy, swishy, swish 00:25:10.03\00:25:13.87 God made fishy swim in the water 00:25:14.69\00:25:18.71 fishy, fishy, swishy, swish 00:25:19.15\00:25:23.44 Let's try that one again. 00:25:23.45\00:25:25.03 Fishy, fishy, swim in the water 00:25:26.34\00:25:30.50 fishy, fishy, swishy, swish 00:25:30.98\00:25:34.90 God made fishy swim in the water 00:25:35.85\00:25:39.95 fishy, fishy, swishy, swish. 00:25:40.43\00:25:44.73 I got wet, I think I got water on me, 00:25:45.60\00:25:47.73 we got water splashed on me. 00:25:48.63\00:25:50.33 That fishy splashed water on me. 00:25:51.12\00:25:52.91 Rebecca things that's funny. 00:25:52.92\00:25:54.09 Are you got another song we can sing, this is fun. 00:25:54.10\00:25:57.01 We are gonna sing a song about who Jesus 00:25:57.19\00:25:59.42 is, okay here we go Rebecca. 00:25:59.43\00:26:01.77 Who is Jesus who is Jesus 00:26:02.99\00:26:06.62 He is God's son, He is God's son 00:26:07.02\00:26:10.28 born to be our Savior born to be our Savior 00:26:10.93\00:26:14.67 worship Him, worship Him. 00:26:15.09\00:26:18.68 Let's try it one more time and when we say 00:26:19.06\00:26:20.76 worship you can hold your hands like this 00:26:20.77\00:26:22.74 okay, show them how to do it Hannah, alright. 00:26:22.76\00:26:24.88 Who is Jesus, who is Jesus 00:26:25.73\00:26:29.32 He is God's son, He is God's son 00:26:29.74\00:26:33.23 born to be our Savior born to be our Savior 00:26:33.84\00:26:37.47 worship Him, worship Him. 00:26:37.87\00:26:41.59 Farmer Mike, would you have a special 00:26:44.17\00:26:46.13 prayer for us today? I will be glad to pray, 00:26:46.14\00:26:48.69 let's fold your hands, oh I got wet. 00:26:48.70\00:26:51.57 You got wet too. Okay fold your hands 00:26:51.58\00:26:54.91 and close your eyes. Well, dear Jesus, thank 00:26:54.92\00:26:57.66 you for the fishes that you put in the sea, 00:26:57.67\00:27:00.50 we love to watch them swim and play. 00:27:01.22\00:27:03.26 And You let us play too Lord and thank you that 00:27:04.01\00:27:06.74 You died for us and that You love us today. 00:27:06.75\00:27:09.70 Amen, amen. Alright, that was fun day that 00:27:10.29\00:27:16.46 we had today on the farm. 00:27:16.47\00:27:18.18 I feel like I've been fishing or something. 00:27:18.19\00:27:19.76 Oh! That's Mr. Rooster, and he says that's all the 00:27:21.95\00:27:25.83 time we have for today boys and girls, 00:27:25.84\00:27:27.49 but you come back and see us again okay. 00:27:27.50\00:27:29.58 Our time together is over, so we will have to go. 00:27:37.52\00:27:43.82 Goodbye, goodbye. Remember God loves you. 00:27:44.39\00:27:50.98 Goodbye, goodbye. 00:27:51.38\00:27:54.62 Remember God loves you. Goodbye. 00:27:54.63\00:28:00.60 We are Tiny Tots around the world 00:28:06.35\00:28:08.74 we're God's girls and boys. 00:28:08.75\00:28:11.19 we live for him around the world, 00:28:11.60\00:28:13.85 we spread love and joy, 00:28:14.25\00:28:16.40 like clouds starts the rainbow, 00:28:16.78\00:28:18.98 we're shining like the rainbow. 00:28:19.39\00:28:21.74 We are Tiny Tots around the world 00:28:22.14\00:28:24.47 we're God's girls and boys. 00:28:24.48\00:28:27.64