Three Elijahs, The

The Apocalyptic Elijah

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: TTE

Program Code: TTE000004

00:34 Shall we pray?
00:37 Father in Heaven,
00:39 as we study about the final the apocalyptic Elijah,
00:45 we ask for the guidance of your Holy Spirit.
00:48 We are gonna speak about solemn things.
00:51 Things that are too great for our finite minds,
00:56 so we implore special guidance by Your Holy Spirit.
01:00 I ask Lord that those who will listen to this presentation
01:05 will have open minds
01:06 and hearts to receive the seat of truth
01:09 and that they will take their stand
01:11 with God's people in the end time.
01:15 We thank You, Father, for hearing our prayer
01:17 and for answering for we ask it
01:19 in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:23 Please turn with me in your Bibles
01:25 to the Book of Malachi 4:5-6.
01:30 Malachi 4:5-6.
01:35 Here God promises that before the great
01:37 and terrible day of the Lord,
01:39 He is going to send Elijah to planet earth.
01:43 It says there,
01:45 "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
01:49 before the coming of the great
01:51 and dreadful day of the Lord.
01:54 And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,
01:57 and the hearts of the children to their fathers,
02:00 lest I come and strike the earth with a curse."
02:05 Notice that God promised us to send
02:07 Elijah immediately preceding
02:10 the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
02:14 Now the question is what is meant by the great
02:17 and dreadful day of the Lord?
02:19 What great event is being described with this terminology?
02:24 Let's go to the pervious verses.
02:26 Verse 1 to 3, also of Malachi 4.
02:32 And we are gonna discover
02:33 what day is being spoken of here in Malachi 4:5-6.
02:39 It says there, "For, behold, the day is coming,
02:43 burning like an oven, and all the proud,
02:46 yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble.
02:50 And the day which is coming shall burn them up,"
02:53 says the Lord of hosts.
02:55 "That will leave them neither root nor branch.
02:59 But to you who fear My name
03:02 the Sun of Righteousness shall arise
03:04 with healing in His wings,
03:06 and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.
03:12 You shall trample the wicked,
03:14 for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet
03:18 on the day that I do this," Says the Lord of hosts."
03:23 This is the great and terrible day of the Lord.
03:27 It is a day of the coming of Jesus in power
03:30 and glory to save the righteous and to destroy the wicked.
03:36 And so God promises to send to this world Elijah
03:41 before the second coming of Jesus
03:44 to turn the hearts of fathers to the children
03:47 and the children to the fathers.
03:50 Now we need to understand that
03:52 when the Bible promises to send Elijah
03:55 before the second coming of Jesus,
03:58 this Elijah is not a literal person.
04:02 What was literal with the historical Elijah
04:06 and what was literal with the New Testament Elijah.
04:09 John the Baptist is to be understood
04:12 in a symbolic spiritual way when we get to the Middle Ages
04:18 and also to the final apocalyptic Elijah.
04:22 And so before we continue in our study,
04:24 I need to share with you certain principles
04:28 that will guide us in our understanding
04:31 of the end time apocalyptic Elijah.
04:35 And I want to share with you this very important principle.
04:40 In the Old Testament, literal Elijah was sent
04:46 with a message to literal Israel.
04:49 His enemy was a literal harlot
04:53 who committed literal fornication
04:56 with a literal king who had above--
05:01 The harlot had literal false prophets
05:04 who promoted literal worship to the literal Sun God Baal.
05:10 Now at the end of time, the geographical, personal
05:15 and ethnic limitations are removed
05:19 when we study about Elijah.
05:22 That means that the individuals
05:25 in this story now come to represent worldwide
05:31 and spiritual systems that cover the whole earth.
05:36 In other words, Elijah, Israel, Jezebel, Ahab, Baal
05:42 and his prophets all are symbolic of spiritual systems
05:47 that are found on a worldwide scale.
05:51 So we need to understand that that which was literal
05:53 and local in the Old Testament and with John the Baptist
05:58 is to be understood in a worldwide
06:01 and spiritual sense at the end of time.
06:05 Now let's talk first of all about
06:08 the three enemies of Elijah in the Book of Revelation.
06:13 And of course, if you are gonna talk about the final Elijah,
06:17 you need to go to the final book of the Bible
06:20 that would be the best place
06:21 to find the final Elijah in the Book of Revelation.
06:26 Go with me to Revelation 16:19.
06:31 Revelation 16:19.
06:34 I want you to notice that
06:35 end time Babylon has three parts.
06:40 The enemies of God's end time Elijah are three.
06:44 Just like with the New Testament Elijah
06:47 which was Herod, Herodias, and her daughter Salome.
06:51 In the Old Testament, you have Ahab,
06:54 Jezebel and the Prophets of Baal.
06:57 In Revelation, you also have three.
06:59 Revelation 16:19,
07:01 "Now the great city was divided into three parts."
07:05 How many parts does Babylon have? Three.
07:09 "And the cities of the nations fell.
07:11 And great Babylon was remembered before God,
07:14 to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath."
07:18 So notice that in the end time,
07:20 Babylon is composed of three parts.
07:24 Now the question is,
07:25 what are the three parts of Babylon?
07:28 Let's go to verse 13 of that same chapter.
07:32 Revelation 16:13.
07:36 It says there,
07:37 "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs
07:41 coming out of the mouth of the dragon,
07:44 and out of the mouth of the beast,
07:47 and out of the mouth of the false prophet."
07:51 How many enemies are mentioned in this verse?
07:54 Three.
07:56 The dragon, the beast and the false prophet.
08:00 Do you think it's a coincidence that you have three
08:03 in the Book of Revelation speaking about the end time?
08:06 Absolutely not.
08:08 Because in the Old Testament Elijah story,
08:11 in the New Testament Elijah story,
08:14 in the Middle Ages Elijah story.
08:16 You have three enemies of Elijah.
08:22 Now we need to ask the question.
08:24 What does the dragon represent?
08:27 What I want to suggest is that
08:29 the dragon in Revelation
08:31 represents the kings of the world.
08:34 It represents the civil powers of the world.
08:38 Notice Revelation 12,
08:40 and I want to read the last part of verse 4.
08:45 Revelation 12 and the last part of verse 4.
08:50 Notice, "And the dragon stood before the woman
08:55 who was ready to give birth,
08:58 to devour her Child as soon as it was born."
09:02 Who is this child? Jesus.
09:05 Who stood next to Jesus to devour Him
09:08 as soon as He was born?
09:10 It was Herod, and Herod was a king
09:14 in which kingdom? Rome.
09:18 So, was the civil power of Rome
09:21 which attempted to kill Jesus Christ?
09:25 So what does the dragon represent?
09:27 It represents Rome in this case.
09:29 Of course, the devil using Rome.
09:33 Notice also, Ezekiel 29:3.
09:36 And I'm going to read this from the King James Version
09:39 because it is more accurate than the New King James.
09:42 It's speaking about Pharaoh, the King of Egypt.
09:45 And we find this.
09:47 "Speak, and say, 'Thus says the Lord God.
09:51 Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh King of Egypt,
09:56 the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers,
10:01 which hath said, my river is mine own,
10:04 and I have made it for myself.'"
10:07 What is Pharaoh called in Ezekiel 29:3?
10:11 He is called the great dragon.
10:15 The very term that is used to describe Rome
10:18 in the Book of Revelation.
10:20 Now, was Egypt a civil power,
10:22 was Pharaoh the civil ruler of Egypt?
10:24 Of course.
10:25 So once again, we find the great dragon
10:27 representing the kings of the earth.
10:31 Represents the civil power, in other words.
10:34 Ahab in the Old Testament
10:36 was the civil ruler, he was the king.
10:40 Incidentally, there is a very interesting quotation
10:42 that we find in Testimonies to Ministers, page 39.
10:47 Here Ellen White explains the following,
10:51 "Kings and rulers and governors
10:56 have placed upon themselves the brand of antichrist."
11:01 Notice, "Kings and rulers and governors
11:04 have placed upon themselves the brand of antichrist
11:08 and are represented as the dragon
11:12 who goes to make war with the saints
11:15 with those who keep the commandments of God
11:18 and who have the faith of Jesus."
11:21 So according to Testimonies to Ministers,
11:23 what is represented by the dragon?
11:25 Kings and rulers and governors are all of those civil rulers.
11:32 They most certainly are.
11:33 So the dragon would be equivalent to Ahab.
11:37 It represents the civil power. Now, what about the beast?
11:42 In our last lecture, we studied about the beast
11:44 which ruled for 42 months.
11:47 The same as the little horn.
11:49 Time, times and the dividing of time.
11:52 The period of the Church of Thyatira,
11:54 the fourth church of the Book of Revelation.
11:56 The time that God gave this church to repent,
11:59 chronological time.
12:01 We already studied this.
12:03 Now I want you to notice, what this beast represents.
12:07 Even though, we studied it last time,
12:09 we need to review it. Notice Revelation 13:1-2.
12:15 "Then I stood on the sand of the sea.
12:17 And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea,
12:23 having seven heads and ten horns,
12:25 and on his horns ten crowns,
12:27 and on his heads a blasphemous name.
12:30 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard,
12:32 his feet were like the feet of a bear,
12:34 his mouth like the mouth of a lion."
12:37 And now notice this,
12:38 "The dragon gave him that is gave the beast his power,
12:42 his throne, and great authority."
12:46 Now, what does the dragon represent?
12:48 We already notice that the dragon represents Rome.
12:51 The power that tried to kill whom? Jesus.
12:55 So it says that the dragon gave to the beast.
12:58 According to this verse, he gave his power,
13:02 his throne and great authority.
13:04 Now here's my question,
13:06 to whom did pagan Rome give its power,
13:11 its throne and its authority?
13:15 There is no doubt whatsoever as you look at history
13:18 that a power succeeded the Roman Empire
13:21 and this power was ecclesiastical Rome.
13:25 In other words, it was the Church of Rome
13:27 which continued Rome.
13:28 It's received, it's authority from pagan Rome.
13:33 And so the beast that has mentioned here
13:35 in Revelation 13 represents the Church of the Middle Ages,
13:40 it represents the people church.
13:43 It represents that church who has called Jezebel,
13:47 who instituted idolatry in the church,
13:50 who also fornicated with the kings of the earth
13:54 as we have studied
13:55 and thought that it could change the law of God
13:59 and perverted the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
14:03 Now in Revelation 17,
14:05 we find this same power that is called the beast,
14:10 is called the harlot.
14:14 Notice Revelation 17:1-5.
14:19 Revelation 17, and we will read verse 1
14:21 and then we will jump down to verse 5.
14:24 "Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls
14:28 came and talked with me, saying to me,
14:30 'Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot
14:34 who sits on many waters.'
14:36 So you have this harlot just like Jezebel
14:40 and she sits on many waters.
14:43 And then notice verse 5.
14:44 "And on her forehead a name was written,
14:48 mystery, Babylon the Great."
14:51 The what?
14:52 "The mother of harlots
14:54 and of the abominations of the earth."
14:56 And so you have in Revelation 17,
14:59 this system is called the mother
15:02 and the mother has daughters
15:04 because she is a mother according to scripture.
15:07 Now we are told that she sits on many waters.
15:10 What do the many waters represent?
15:12 Notice Revelation 17:15.
15:15 The same chapter explains what the waters represent.
15:19 It says there in verse 15.
15:21 "Then he said to me, 'The waters which you saw,
15:25 where the harlot sits,
15:28 are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues.'"
15:33 Question.
15:34 Is this harlot a worldwide global system?
15:38 Absolutely.
15:39 Are we talking about a literal harlot here
15:42 that sits upon literal waters? No.
15:46 The harlot represents an apostate church
15:50 and the waters upon which she sits represents multitudes,
15:53 nations, tongues and peoples.
15:55 That means that this harlot,
15:57 this end time Jezebel is a global worldwide system,
16:03 not one person.
16:05 And the dragon as we study doesn't represent one king,
16:08 it represents the kings of the earth
16:11 and of the whole world.
16:12 Are you following me?
16:13 In other words, what happened in Elijah's day
16:16 and in the New Testament is spiritualized
16:19 and is globalize, it has made worldwide in its fulfillment.
16:24 But now we need to talk about that third power.
16:28 We have noticed that the dragon represents
16:29 the kings of the earth like, Ahab and Herod.
16:32 We have notice that the beast
16:34 or the harlot is representing an Apostate Church.
16:39 The fourth church of Revelation
16:41 and that is equivalent to Herodias
16:44 and to Jezebel in the Old Testament.
16:46 But then there is the false prophets of the Old Testament,
16:49 and there is Salome,
16:50 the daughter of the harlot in the New Testament.
16:53 Now, what could we find in Revelation
16:56 that is represented by the false prophets of Baal
17:00 and by the daughter of Herodias?
17:04 Notice Revelation 13:11.
17:07 We have another beast that rises,
17:10 not from the waters, but he rises from the earth.
17:14 It says there in Revelation 13:11.
17:17 "Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth,
17:23 and he had two horns like a lamb
17:26 and he spake what, he spake like a dragon."
17:31 Now let me ask you.
17:33 This second beast of Revelation 13
17:36 whose bidding does it do?
17:40 A priest-- Well, the devil, yes.
17:43 But he does everything the beast asked him to do.
17:46 He makes an image to the beast,
17:49 he imposes the mark of the beast,
17:53 he commands everybody to worship the beast.
17:56 Everything he does is with reference to the beast.
18:00 Do you see the picture here of the Old Testament?
18:03 What did the false prophets do?
18:05 Everything Jezebel wanted. What did Salome do?
18:10 What her mother wanted?
18:11 And in the end time, this beast
18:13 will make an image to the first beast.
18:16 In other words, it will be just like the first beast.
18:20 It will do the biddings of the first beast.
18:23 And by the way, in Revelation 13
18:26 this power is called the beast that makes the image
18:30 or he is called the false prophet in Revelation 16,
18:33 but in Revelation 17
18:35 the name is the daughters of the harlot
18:38 because the harlot is a mother
18:40 which means that the mother must have what,
18:43 must have daughters that sometime in the Middle Ages
18:47 or close to the end of the Middle Ages
18:49 were born from her.
18:51 And in many ways,
18:53 they practice the same things that she practices.
18:56 They keep perhaps the same day of worship, for example.
19:01 Now, who are the daughters of the harlot?
19:04 You know, I say this respectfully,
19:07 but read for example,
19:09 the writings of Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI.
19:14 The two popes that presided during Vatican Council II
19:19 from 1962 and 1965.
19:21 Constantly in their writings
19:23 they call the protestant denominations
19:25 that were born from Roman Catholicism
19:28 are separated by daughters
19:32 and they call their church the mother church
19:35 and they invite the separated daughters
19:38 to come back to the mother church.
19:41 Very interesting the terminology that is used.
19:45 You see, during the time
19:47 that Jezebel governed during the Middle Ages
19:49 that the beast govern that the little horn governed
19:52 are basically the church use the state,
19:55 like Jezebel used King Ahab.
19:58 Like Herodias eventually used the king by using her daughter.
20:03 But in 1998, something happened to this mother system.
20:06 Something happened to this beasts system.
20:09 What occurred the beast
20:12 or the harlot received a what?
20:14 Received a deadly wound.
20:16 And therefore, she no longer can influence
20:19 the kings to do her biddings.
20:21 Do you remember the story of the New Testament Elijah
20:23 that Herodias wanted to kill
20:26 John the Baptist, but she could not?
20:29 Who did she need in order to kill John the Baptist?
20:34 She needed her daughter.
20:36 And in the same way in the end time,
20:39 this system no longer has influence
20:41 over the kings of the earth
20:43 because she has a deadly wound,
20:45 but we find that the second beast,
20:47 the daughters are going to eat,
20:50 they are going to intervene to allow this woman
20:54 once again to use the kings of the earth
20:57 to accomplish her purposes.
21:00 Interestingly enough,
21:02 in the story of the New Testament Elijah,
21:04 you have these three terms that are used.
21:08 King, mother and daughter.
21:15 And then you have John the Baptist
21:16 who was called Elijah.
21:19 In Revelation, you have also kings,
21:24 the harlot mother who fornicates with the kings
21:27 and the daughters of the harlot.
21:30 So in Revelation 17,
21:31 we find the fulfillment of this story.
21:34 Now, do you remember that the Old Testament Jezebel
21:37 was involved in the occult?
21:40 Notice what we find in Revelation 18:23.
21:45 Revelation 18:23.
21:49 This is talking about end time Babylon.
21:50 I'm not gonna read all of the text
21:52 from the Old Testament
21:53 because we have already studied these
21:55 when we dealt with the historical Elijah.
21:56 We noticed in 2 Kings 9:22,
22:01 that Jezebel was a witch.
22:04 In other words, she was involved in the occult
22:06 in communicating with the dead.
22:08 By the way, in order to do that,
22:10 you have to believe that the dead are not dead.
22:12 Isn't that right?
22:13 You have to believe in the immortality of the soul.
22:16 Notice Revelation 18:23.
22:18 "The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore,
22:22 and the voice of bridegroom
22:23 and bride shall not be heard in you anymore.
22:27 For your merchants
22:28 were the great men of the earth."
22:30 Notice this.
22:32 "For by your, what,
22:34 sorcery other version same witchcraft.
22:37 By your sorcery all the nations were what, were deceived."
22:43 Question.
22:44 Is this system which received the deadly wound
22:47 whose deadly wound is gonna be healed,
22:49 Is it going to try and slay the saints of the most high
22:53 just like it did there in the Middle Ages?
22:55 Is it going to pick up where it left off
22:57 once that uses the daughter
22:59 to influence the kings of the world? Absolutely.
23:02 Notice Revelation 17:6,
23:04 speaking about the career of this system.
23:09 John marvels.
23:10 He says, "I saw the woman,
23:11 drunk with the blood of the saints
23:14 and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
23:16 And when I saw her,
23:18 I marveled with great amazement."
23:21 So the same as Jezebel,
23:22 the same as Herodias wanted to slay God's people.
23:26 Once again, this characteristic will come to the fore
23:30 when this power receives its throne once again.
23:34 Notice, Revelation 18:24. Revelation 18:24.
23:40 Speaking about this system, Babylon, this harlot system.
23:43 It says, "And in her was found
23:46 the blood of prophets and saints,
23:49 and of all who were slain on the earth."
23:54 So we find three enemies of the end time Elijah.
23:59 The kings of the earth allied
24:02 with the great harlot who controls nation's tongues,
24:06 multitudes and peoples and her daughters
24:10 who do the biddings of the mother to use the kings
24:13 to persecute God's people.
24:16 Do you think that God in the end
24:19 is going to raise up on Elijah
24:21 to warn the world about this threefold system
24:25 like, the Old Testament Elijah arose to preach
24:28 and like John the Baptist rebuked
24:30 this union between Herodias and King Herod
24:34 or do you think God is just gonna be quiet
24:36 and He is not gonna say anything about it.
24:38 We already read in Malachi 4:5-6,
24:42 that before the great and terrible day of the Lord,
24:45 God is going to send what, Elijah.
24:49 Now, is he gonna send Elijah in person? No.
24:52 Remember our principle?
24:54 Is Jezebel a person in the end time, the harlot?
24:57 No, it's an Apostate Church.
25:00 Are the daughters literal daughters? No.
25:03 They are the spiritual children
25:05 churches that were born from her.
25:08 Are we-- To expect one literal king? No.
25:12 It represents the kings of the earth
25:13 and of the whole world.
25:15 It's globalize.
25:17 So let me ask you,
25:18 what must Elijah be in the last days?
25:20 Elijah must also be a worldwide global system,
25:26 just like the harlot, the kings and the daughters
25:30 are systems at the end of time.
25:32 In other words, what was literal in the Old Testament
25:34 in local now becomes spiritual and global or worldwide.
25:41 Now, what will be the message of the end time Elijah?
25:44 It's found in the Book of Revelation, by the way.
25:47 And do you know who that message is targeted to?
25:51 To the unchurched, right?
25:54 It's a message that supposed to go to
25:57 primarily to people who are atheists
26:00 who don't believe in the existence of God.
26:02 No.
26:04 To whom did Elijah in the Old Testament
26:06 primarily focus his message?
26:09 Israel. God's chosen people.
26:11 How about the New Testament Elijah?
26:13 The focus was those who profess to serve God
26:16 upon whom will the final Elijah focus his message.
26:19 It must Christendom who claims to serve God,
26:24 but is really in apostasy.
26:27 In fact, do you know that most of God's people
26:29 are in Babylon
26:30 and those are the once that God is going to call out?
26:32 Notice, Revelation 18:4. Revelation 18:4.
26:38 "And I heard another voice from heaven saying,
26:42 speaking about Babylon, 'Come out of her, my people.'"
26:48 So is the message that is given to Babylon
26:50 targeted to God's people, yes.
26:53 "Come out of her my people lest you share in her sins,
26:58 and lest you receive her plagues." Question.
27:03 Is this end time Elijah going to preach
27:06 the everlasting gospel that Jesus is the one
27:09 who saves from the guilt of sin
27:12 as well as from the power of sin?
27:15 The first angel's message,
27:17 the Elijah message is found in the Three Angels' Messages.
27:20 The first angel's message says, what I saw another angel
27:24 fly in the midst of heaven having, what?
27:27 The everlasting gospel.
27:30 Is that what John the Baptist preached?
27:33 "Be hold, the Lamb of God
27:34 who takes away the sin of the world."
27:36 Is that what the Old Testament Elijah preached?
27:38 The true sacrifice of the lamb,
27:40 the rebuilding of the alter, the true gospel.
27:43 And it says here that this first angel,
27:46 this Elijah angel, if you please comes
27:49 and preaches the everlasting gospel.
27:51 It says there in Revelation 14:6.
27:53 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
27:56 having the everlasting gospel to preach
27:59 to those who dwell on the earth,
28:00 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people."
28:02 Those upon whom the harlot sits,
28:05 God targets with the message of the first angel.
28:08 Now let me ask you.
28:09 Was the message of Elijah a message for God's people
28:12 to come back and worship the creator?
28:15 Practice true worship? Absolutely.
28:17 Is that also in the first angel's message?
28:20 Notice Revelation 14:7.
28:23 It says, speaking about this first angel.
28:26 "Saying with a loud voice, 'Fear God and give glory to Him,
28:31 for the hour of His judgment has come.'"
28:33 And now notice.
28:34 "And worship Him who made heaven and earth,
28:38 the sea and springs of water."
28:41 Does the first angel's message call people
28:43 to worship the true God?
28:45 Yes, it does.
28:47 By the way, does the first angel's message
28:49 also rebuke those who are practicing
28:51 false worship like, Elijah did?
28:54 Yes, the third angel's message says,
28:56 "Beware to those who worship the beast
28:59 or his image or receive his mark."
29:02 Now as I mentioned in the previous lecture,
29:04 it is impossible to talk about worship
29:07 without talking about the creator.
29:10 We worship God because God is the creator.
29:14 And the sign which God has given
29:17 that He is the creator is what?
29:20 The Sabbath.
29:21 So it's impossible to talk about the first angel's message
29:24 which calls us to worship the creator
29:26 without talking about the Sabbath.
29:28 In fact, the first angel's message
29:30 makes a direct allusion to the fourth commandment
29:33 of the Holy law of God.
29:35 In other words, it's a call for God's people
29:37 to return to the observance of the Sabbath.
29:41 Let me ask you, which day of the week
29:43 do most Christians keep today?
29:46 They keep Sunday.
29:49 You see, at the end it's not the literal Sun
29:51 that they are going to worship there
29:52 to sophisticate it for that,
29:55 but they worship on the Sunday.
29:57 By the way, let me ask you.
29:59 Where did Israel get sun--
30:03 The worship of the sun God from?
30:05 Paganism.
30:07 Where did the Christian Church get worship on Sunday from?
30:11 Paganism. Is there any difference?
30:13 Not really.
30:16 Anything that man establishes for worship
30:18 which God has not established for worship is idolatry.
30:23 And I have done this before
30:24 and I'll ask you once again.
30:25 Who created the sun? God did.
30:29 Did He create it for worship? No.
30:31 So what happens if you covert it
30:32 into an object of worship?
30:34 What is that called?
30:36 Idolatry. Let me ask you.
30:38 Who created the first day of the week? God.
30:42 Did He create it for worship? No.
30:44 So what if you convert it into a day of worship?
30:46 What is that called? Idolatry.
30:48 It doesn't matter if it's an object or if it's a day.
30:52 If you make for worship
30:54 that which God did not make for worship, that is idolatry.
30:58 So in other words, the Christian world
30:59 is limping between two opinions.
31:02 They are claiming to serve the Lord,
31:04 but at the same time,
31:05 they are keeping the day of the sun
31:07 which is a direct legacy from paganism.
31:11 And it's no coincidence that when God makes
31:12 a new heavens and a new earth.
31:14 The Bible tells us in Isaiah 66:22-23,
31:18 "That we will go from month to month
31:21 or new moon to new moon
31:22 and from Sabbath to Sabbath
31:24 and we will worship before the Lord."
31:26 The Sabbath will be once again,
31:28 the sign of recognizing the creator in worship.
31:33 By the way, does this end time
31:34 Elijah also restore the commandments of God,
31:37 besides true worship and rebuking false worship?
31:40 Absolutely. Revelation 14:12.
31:43 which is the concluding verse of the Three Angels' Message.
31:47 It says there, "Here is the patience of the saints.
31:51 Here are those who, what?
31:53 Who keep the commandments of God
31:56 and have the faith of Jesus?"
31:58 So God's people are going to restore
32:00 the commandments of God like, Elijah did
32:02 and like John the Baptist did. Absolutely.
32:05 Are God's people in the end time
32:07 also going to rebuke the fornication
32:10 of the church with the kings of the earth?
32:13 Absolutely.
32:15 Just like John the Baptist rebuke the fornication
32:17 between the king and Herodias
32:22 just like, Elijah rebuke the union of Ahab
32:25 with Jezebel at the end of time.
32:27 This union of church and state will be rebuked.
32:31 In fact, notice what the second angels' message says.
32:34 Revelation 14:8,
32:36 "And another angel followed, saying,
32:39 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city,
32:43 because she has made all nations drink
32:46 of the wine of the wrath
32:48 of her, what, fornication.'"
32:50 And who is she fornicating with?
32:52 Revelation 17:1-2,
32:54 tells us what her fornication is,
32:55 what the fornication of this harlot church is?
32:58 It says, "Then one of the seven angels
33:01 who had the seven bowls
33:02 came and talked with me, saying to me,
33:05 'Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot
33:08 who sits on many waters,
33:10 with whom the kings of the earth
33:13 committed fornication.'"
33:16 So how does she fornicate with what?
33:18 The kings. Same as in the past.
33:21 "And the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk
33:24 with the wine of her fornication."
33:26 Do you have wine involved
33:27 in the story of John the Baptist?
33:29 We studied this.
33:31 Yeah. Herod was drunk.
33:33 Do you have wine involved
33:34 in the story of Jezebel in the Old Testament? Yes.
33:37 You remember the Naboth's Vineyard?
33:39 Absolutely. Now let me ask you.
33:43 Do the Three Angels' Message--
33:45 Messages speak about a separation, final separation
33:49 between the righteous and the unrighteous,
33:51 between those who have the seal of God
33:53 and those who receive the mark of the beast.
33:56 Is there gonna be a judgment separation
33:58 where there will be only two groups
34:00 like, in the days of Elijah.
34:01 If the Lord is God, worship Him.
34:03 If Baal is God, worship him.
34:06 Make your choice.
34:07 You cannot be on the fence.
34:10 In Revelation, do we find the same idea?
34:12 Absolutely.
34:13 Because Revelation presents two groups.
34:16 One group has the seal of God
34:18 and the other group has what?
34:20 The other group has the mark of the beast.
34:23 In other words, as in the days of Elijah,
34:25 there was a separation and a judgment.
34:28 Revelation also speaks about a separation
34:31 and a judgment. Now let me ask you.
34:33 How much effect has the message
34:35 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
34:36 really had upon the world?
34:39 You know, maybe we are 15 or 16 million,
34:42 out of the world that has close to 7 billion.
34:47 Very little effect.
34:48 Do you remember the days of Elijah
34:50 when he preached the message?
34:52 Even on Mount Carmel.
34:53 The Bible says that they answered him not a word.
34:56 Let me ask you.
34:57 Is the day coming when that's gonna change?
35:00 When the whole earth is going to be illumined
35:03 with the glory of God
35:04 like, Mount Carmel was illumine by the glory of God?
35:07 Absolutely. Let's read about it.
35:09 In Revelation 18:1-5.
35:12 This is a global Mount Carmel.
35:15 The glory of God will fall from heaven once again,
35:18 the whole Christian world will hear the message about
35:21 the fall of Babylon, false worship,
35:23 trampling on the commandments of God,
35:25 keeping the wrong day,
35:27 and then many of them will do like Israel said,
35:30 "The Lord, he has got. The Lord, he has got."
35:34 Notice, "And after these things
35:36 I saw another angel coming down from heaven,
35:38 having great authority,
35:40 and the earth was illuminated with his glory."
35:45 Was the Mount Carmel illuminated with the glory of God?
35:48 Oh, absolutely.
35:49 But this is a global illumination on planet earth.
35:53 Notice verse 2.
35:55 "And he cried mightily with a loud voice,
35:58 saying, Babylon the great is fallen."
36:00 How many parts does Babylon have?
36:03 Three, right? It's rebuking the three.
36:06 Kings of the earth,
36:08 the harlot, and the harlot's daughters.
36:11 The dragon, the beast and the false prophets.
36:14 Verse 2, "And he cried mightily with a loud voice,
36:17 saying, 'Babylon the great is fallen,
36:20 is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons,
36:23 a prison for every false spirit
36:26 and a cage for every unclean and hated bird.
36:29 For all the nations have drunk
36:31 of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
36:34 the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her,
36:38 and the merchants of the earth have become rich
36:40 through the abundance of her luxury."
36:42 And now, notice what this call contemplates.
36:46 '"And I heard another voice from heaven,
36:48 saying, 'Come out of her, the atheistic.'"
36:52 No. That's not what it says.
36:54 It says, I heard another voice from heaven,
36:55 saying, "Come out of her, my people,
37:01 lest you share in her sins,
37:03 and lest you receive of her plagues,
37:06 for her sins have reached to heaven,
37:09 and God has remembered her iniquities.'"
37:13 Is there going to be a battle once again between Elijah
37:17 and this threefold union? Absolutely.
37:21 In fact, let's read Revelation 12:17.
37:25 Revelation 12:17.
37:29 It says, "And the dragon was enraged with the woman,
37:34 and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring,
37:38 or with the remnant of her seed.
37:40 Who keep the commandments of God
37:43 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
37:46 Question.
37:47 Are God's people gonna have to flee?
37:51 You think?
37:54 Is there going to be a lack of rain on planet earth?
37:57 Spiritually speaking?
37:59 Is there going to be a drought? Absolutely.
38:02 Who is gonna be blamed? God's people.
38:06 Are they gonna have to flee? Where?
38:10 To the desolate places of the earth.
38:12 In fact, let's read it in the Gospel of Matthew.
38:14 By the way, the Gospel of Matthew
38:15 is speaking about the same time period,
38:18 if we look at the sequence of events in Matthew 24.
38:21 Notice Matthew 24:6-9.
38:26 "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.
38:29 See that you are not troubled
38:31 for all these things must come to pass,
38:33 but the end is not yet.
38:35 For nation will rise against nation,
38:37 and kingdom against kingdom.
38:38 And there will be famines, pestilences,
38:40 and earthquakes in various places."
38:44 Are there going to be calamities in society,
38:46 just like in the days of Elijah?
38:48 Absolutely. Verse 8.
38:51 "All these are the beginning of sorrows."
38:53 And then who is gonna be blamed for all these things?
38:56 Notice verse 9.
38:58 "Then hey will deliver you up to tribulation
39:03 and, what, and kill you,
39:05 and you will be hated by all nations
39:08 for My name's sake."
39:10 Why are they gonna be hated?
39:12 Because the wicked think that they are causing what,
39:17 all of these problems in society,
39:19 famines and pestilences and earth quakes
39:21 and wars and rumors of wars.
39:23 Nation rising against nation, kingdom against kingdom.
39:26 It says, "Then they will deliver you up to tribulation
39:30 and kill you, and you will be hated
39:32 by all nations for My name's sake."
39:36 Will God have to flee? Absolutely.
39:38 God's people have to flee? Yes.
39:39 Matthew 24, beginning with verse 15.
39:42 This is describing this very same
39:44 time period of the tribulation.
39:46 It says in Matthew 24:15.
39:48 "Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,'
39:51 spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
39:53 standing in the holy place
39:55 whoever reads, let him understand.
39:57 Then let those who are in Judea,
40:00 what, flee to the mountains."
40:03 Let him who is on the housetop
40:06 not go down to take anything out of his house.
40:09 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.
40:13 But woe to those who are pregnant
40:15 and to those who are nursing babies in those days."
40:17 And now notice this.
40:19 "And pray that your flight
40:21 may not be in winter or on the Sabbath."
40:24 What days are gonna be kept when God's people are fleeing?
40:27 The Sabbath.
40:29 And later on, we are going to do a series on Matthew 24.
40:31 I'm gonna show you that Matthew 24
40:33 has two fulfillments
40:34 and as the fulfillment was literal Jerusalem,
40:37 but it also has a fulfillment with spiritual Jerusalem
40:39 at the end of time. Notice verse 21.
40:43 "For then there will be great tribulation,
40:45 such as has not been since the beginning of the world
40:49 until this time. No, nor ever shall be."
40:53 So are God's people gonna have to flee?
40:56 They are gonna have to flee.
40:58 Because the world is gonna believe
40:59 that all of the calamities that are taking place
41:01 are due to God's remnant.
41:04 And therefore, they will want to slay God's people.
41:06 You say, this is ridiculous,
41:07 this could never happen.
41:09 Folks, it's happened.
41:11 It's happened during the Middle Ages.
41:13 It's happened more recently.
41:14 I could tell you stories of when we moved down to Columbia.
41:18 In the early 1950s,
41:22 there was religious persecution which was incredible
41:26 and we are talking the 20th century here.
41:31 Will God's people be sustained
41:32 miraculously by God when they flee?
41:35 The Great Controversy, page 629.
41:37 Notice this remarkable statement.
41:40 "The people of God will not be free from suffering."
41:42 During this time when they have to flee like, Elijah.
41:46 Those are my words. I quote again.
41:48 "But while persecuted and distressed,
41:51 while they endure privation
41:53 and suffer for want of food they will not be left to perish.
41:59 That God who cared for Elijah will not pass
42:04 by one of His self sacrificing children.
42:08 He who numbers the hairs of their head
42:10 will take care for them,
42:14 and in time of famine they shall be satisfied.
42:18 While the wicked are dying from hunger and pestilence,
42:22 angels will shield the righteous and supply their wants."
42:28 Just like in the days of Elijah,
42:30 God's people will be provided for.
42:34 Is there going to be a death decree
42:35 ordered against God's people?
42:38 Revelation 13:15,
42:40 was there a death decree order against Elijah?
42:43 Most certainly.
42:45 Did God protect him from the death decree?
42:47 Of course. Notice Revelation 13:15.
42:51 "He was granted power to give
42:53 breath to the image of the beast."
42:56 That the image of the beast, the beast and his image,
42:59 the mother and the daughters.
43:01 "That the image of the beast should both speak
43:04 and cause as many as would not worship
43:07 the image of the beast to be, what, to be killed."
43:14 So God's end time people are going to go through
43:16 the same experience as Elijah.
43:18 As both Elijah's
43:19 because they are preaching the Three Angels' Messages.
43:23 Strengthen by the message of the fourth angel
43:26 of Revelation chapter 18.
43:27 When the fire of God falls from heaven,
43:30 multitudes in all of the churches out there
43:33 are going to join God's remnant people.
43:38 Now I need to talk to you about the end of Jezebel,
43:43 the end time Jezebel,
43:45 the end of the false prophets and the end of Ahab.
43:49 Do you remember what happened in the Old Testament story?
43:53 How did the prophets of Baal end up?
43:56 The very people who admire the most arose to slay them.
44:02 What happened to Ahab?
44:04 He was killed and the dogs licked up his blood.
44:08 What happened to Jezebel?
44:11 She was thrown down from up stairs, right?
44:15 She was thrown down
44:18 and when she fell, a chariot ran over her.
44:22 And the Bible says that her blood spattered on the horses.
44:26 It's terrible.
44:28 And then when they came to look for her,
44:31 almost her whole body has been devoured by wild beasts.
44:35 Is that the scenario of what's gonna happen
44:36 to those who fight against God's people in the end time?
44:41 Listen to this statement that we find
44:43 in the book Great Controversy.
44:44 If I had time, I would look at Revelation 16:12,
44:48 the drying up of the Euphrates.
44:49 See the harlot sits on many waters,
44:52 she controls the multitudes of the worlds,
44:54 of the world, but the Bible says
44:56 that the waters are gonna be what?
44:58 Dried up.
45:01 That means that the waters are going to withdraw their, what?
45:04 Their support and then they are going to arise
45:06 to destroy the system that deceived them.
45:09 Notice this remarkable comment
45:12 in Great Controversy 655and 656.
45:16 "The people see that they have been deluded."
45:19 This is at the moment of the sixth plagued.
45:21 "They accuse one another of having
45:23 led them to destruction,
45:24 but all unite in heaping their bitterest condemnation
45:28 upon the ministers.
45:31 Unfaithful pastors have prophesied smooth things.
45:35 They have led their hearers to make void the law of God
45:38 and to persecute those who would keep it holy.
45:41 Now, in their despair,
45:45 these teachers confess before the world
45:47 their work of deception.
45:49 The multitudes are filled with fury."
45:52 Read what happened in Mount Carmel
45:54 after the fire fell from heaven.
45:55 How the people felt towards those who had deseed them.
45:58 She continues saying this,
46:00 "The multitudes are filled with fury.
46:02 We are lost!
46:03 They cry, and you are the cause of our ruin
46:07 and they turn upon the false shepherds.
46:10 The very ones that once admired them most
46:13 will pronounce the most dreadful curses upon them.
46:16 The very hands that once crowned them with laurels
46:19 will be raised for their destruction.
46:21 The swords which were to slay God's people
46:24 are now employed to destroy their enemies.
46:27 Everywhere there is strife and bloodshed."
46:32 Do you remember the end of Jezebel?
46:35 The king came in his chariot and Jezebel said,
46:37 "Hey, here is another king Jehu,
46:40 I'm gonna use him the way I used Ahab."
46:43 And so she talks to him from the window.
46:46 She says, "Hello, how are you, Jehu?"
46:51 And Jehu says, "Who is on the Lord's side? Who?"
46:55 And two of the servants that were up there what did they do?
46:58 They pushed her out the window.
47:02 In other words, the king no longer was going to be used
47:05 he turned against the harlot.
47:08 Notice Revelation 17:16-17.
47:11 What's gonna happen with this harlot.
47:14 It says, "And the 10 horns."
47:16 By the way the 10 horns are king, 10 kings,
47:18 the number 10 represents the kings of the earth
47:21 and of the whole world.
47:22 "And the 10 horns which you saw on the beast these were, what?
47:28 Will hate the harlot."
47:32 Just like Jehu.
47:34 "And make her desolate and naked,
47:37 eat her flesh and burn her with fire."
47:42 And by the way, are the wicked going to be trampled
47:45 upon by horses symbolically speaking?
47:49 Notice Revelation 14.
47:51 See, the Book of Revelation picks up all of this terminology
47:54 from the Old Testament and it's speaking about
47:56 a global universal fulfillment of it.
47:58 See, it's not one king
48:02 who was gonna turn against a literal harlot queen.
48:05 It is all of the kings of the world
48:06 that are gonna turn against this harlot system
48:09 which has deceived them and use them.
48:11 It's not only literal Israel taking 450 prophets
48:18 and slaying them, it's gonna be all of the ministers
48:21 of the world that are gonna be sort out
48:24 by all of those who have been deceived by them.
48:28 Now notice Revelation 14:19-20. Revelation 14:19-20.
48:32 It's a serious thing to be a preacher.
48:36 Hello.
48:40 Because if I'm teaching you falsely, you say,
48:43 "Oh, he preaches so nice. Hallelujah.
48:46 Wow!"
48:47 And I deceive you?
48:49 Someday you are gonna look for me,
48:52 not to pat me on the back, but to want to destroy me
48:57 because I deceived you.
49:00 It's a serious thing to be a spiritual leader.
49:03 It's a serious thing to be a teacher of the word of God.
49:06 We have to be faithful to the word.
49:08 Revelation 14:19-20.
49:10 "So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth
49:14 and gathered the vine of the earth,
49:16 and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God."
49:20 By the way, the grapes and the winepress
49:21 represent the wicked.
49:23 And now notice verse 20,
49:25 "And the winepress was trampled outside the city"
49:29 This means that the wicked now are destroyed.
49:32 The winepress represents the place where the wicked are.
49:34 You are not dealing with literal grapes.
49:37 "And the winepress was trampled outside the city
49:39 and blood came out of the winepress."
49:42 And now notice this.
49:44 "Up to, what, the horses' bridles."
49:49 Does the blood splatter on the horses' bridles?
49:51 Yes.
49:53 By the way, do you know who is riding these horses?
49:56 Revelation 19 identifies those who are riding these horses
50:01 as Jesus Christ riding on a white horse
50:04 and the armies in heaven followed Him on white horses
50:08 and they are coming to destroy the wicked
50:11 who have persecuted the people of God.
50:14 Now, what about the birds and the beasts
50:16 eating Jezebel and licking up the blood of Ahab?
50:19 You know, this is terrible terminology saying, "Wow!
50:22 How can this even be in the Bible?"
50:23 Let me tell you, God uses graphic terminology
50:26 because He doesn't want us to be in these groups.
50:29 He wants us to escape. This is the message of love.
50:32 Oh, don't talk about, about the beast and the false prophets
50:35 and the mark of the beast, that's scary stuff.
50:39 Let's talk about love.
50:40 Well, this is the message of love.
50:42 The reason why God talks to you this way
50:44 is because He doesn't want you to be in these groups.
50:48 Is that a message or would you rather have God say,
50:50 "Everything is fine. Just love."
50:54 And then you are lost you say, "Lord, why don't You tell me?"
50:56 Well, you wanted a message of love.
51:01 Notice Revelation 19:17-18.
51:03 What's gonna happen with the wicked?
51:05 The terminology that's used.
51:06 You are picking up the ideas
51:07 from the Old Testament Elijah story.
51:09 It says there in verse 17.
51:11 "Then I saw an angel standing in the sun,
51:14 and he cried with a loud voice,
51:16 saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven,
51:20 'Come and gather together for the supper of the great God,
51:23 that you may eat the flesh of kings,
51:26 the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men,
51:30 the flesh of horses, and of those who sit on them,
51:33 and the flesh of all people, free and slave,
51:37 both small and great.'
51:39 " Do you remember that in the Old Testament after
51:42 all of these apostate systems were destroyed?
51:45 We found that verse in 2 Kings 9:7 where it says
51:48 that God had avenged the blood
51:50 of his prophets and his servants.
51:53 Notice Revelation 19:1-2. Revelation 19:1-2.
51:57 See, the Book of Revelation picks up on this,
51:59 story of the Old Testament and universalizes it.
52:02 Revelation 19:1-2.
52:04 "After these things I heard a loud voice
52:07 of a great multitude in heaven, saying, 'Alleluia!
52:11 Salvation and glory and honor and power
52:13 belong to the Lord our God.
52:15 For true and righteous are His judgments,
52:18 because He has, what, judged the great harlot
52:21 who corrupted the earth with her fornication,
52:24 and He has, what, avenged on her
52:26 the blood of His servants shed by her.'
52:29 " Revelation 18:20, used as the same terminology.
52:33 "Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you holy apostles
52:38 and prophets, for God has avenged you on her
52:44 " The Book of Revelation is speaking up
52:45 on the Old Testament story, but it is universalizing this.
52:50 And after these systems, come to their end or at the time
52:55 that they come to their end then you will see that cloud.
53:03 Remember the cloud that Elijah saw there was a delay.
53:04 He had to go seven times, the servant to see,
53:07 there was no cloud.
53:08 Finally, he sees that cloud about the size of a man's hand.
53:11 Listen to Great Controversy, 640, 641."
53:15 Soon there appears in the east a small black cloud,
53:19 about half the size of a man's hand.
53:22 It is the cloud which surrounds the Savior
53:24 and which seems in the distance to be shrouded in darkness.
53:28 The people of God know this to be the sign of the Son of man.
53:31 In solemn silence they gaze upon it
53:34 as it draws nearer the earth,
53:36 becoming lighter and more glorious,
53:38 until it is a great white cloud,
53:41 its base a glory like consuming fire,
53:43 and above it the rainbow of the covenant.
53:45 Jesus rides forth as a mighty conqueror."
53:52 Allow me to read another statement of Ellen White
53:54 about when Jesus actually is near the earth
53:57 and he can be seen.
53:58 This is Great Controversy, page 645.
54:00 And then I'm gonna show you
54:01 where she is coming from in the Bible.
54:03 She says, speaking about when the angels come.
54:06 She says, "On each side of the cloudy chariot are wings."
54:10 So God is--- Jesus is gonna come
54:12 in a chariot according to this.
54:15 "On each side of the cloudy chariot are wings,
54:18 and beneath it are living wheels."
54:21 What's this a chariot with wheels?
54:23 What was it that came to pick up Elijah?
54:26 Hello, a chariot with wheels.
54:30 "And as the chariot rolls upward."
54:34 She continues saying, "The wheels cry, "Holy."
54:37 Are the wheels are angels?
54:39 "And the wings, as they move, cry, "Holy,
54:42 "and the retinue of angels cry,
54:45 "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty."
54:48 And the redeemed shout, "Alleluia!"
54:50 as the chariot moves onward toward the New Jerusalem."
54:56 This is speaking about the ascension to heaven,
54:58 but in order to go up it has to, what?
55:01 It has to come down.
55:02 You see now I thought
55:03 Jesus was gonna come with clouds of angels.
55:05 What's this upon a chariot?
55:07 Well, do you know what the Bible speaks
55:09 about God's angels being his chariots?
55:13 Notice, Psalms 68:17. Psalms 68:17.
55:18 "The chariots of God are twenty-thousand,
55:23 even thousands of thousands.
55:26 The Lord is among them as in Sinai in the Holy Place."
55:31 What are God's chariots? His what?
55:33 His angels.
55:35 By the way do you remember
55:36 that when they wanted to kidnap Elijah
55:39 because God was showing him always
55:41 what the King of Syria was doing?
55:43 So he said, "We need to kidnap this guy
55:44 so that he doesn't give away,
55:46 you know, our position and so on."
55:48 Notice 2 Kings 6:17. Interesting.
55:54 And Elisha prayed, and said,
55:55 "Because they came surrounded the city
55:57 and they look-- It looked like
55:59 Elisha was going to be taken away,
56:01 and Elisha prayed and said,
56:02 'Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.'
56:07 "That is of his servant.
56:08 "Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw.
56:12 And behold, the mountain was full of horses
56:16 and chariots of fire all around Elisha."
56:21 What were those chariots of fire?
56:23 Angels.
56:26 What came to rescue Elijah at the end of his ministry?
56:30 A chariot of fire.
56:33 What will come to rescue God's people
56:35 at the very end of time?
56:39 A chariot of God.
56:41 The chariot of Ezekiel Chapter 1,
56:44 Lord speaks about wheels and God sitting on his throne,
56:48 surrounded by all of the heavenly horse.
56:51 The Apostle Paul describes this in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17.
56:56 "For this, we say to you by the word of the Lord,
56:58 that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord
57:01 will by no means precede those who are asleep.
57:03 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven
57:05 with a shout, with the voice of an archangel,
57:08 and with the trumpet of God.
57:09 And the dead in Christ will rise first.
57:12 Then we who are alive
57:13 and remain shall be caught up together with them
57:15 in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
57:17 And thus, we shall always be with the Lord."
57:22 Are you looking forward to that day?
57:24 I am.
57:25 I can hardly wait homesick for heaven


Revised 2014-12-17